
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 34

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a finite element analysis was used to analyze the stress state and vibration characteristics generated by continuous contact between wheels and rails when driving urban railway vehicles. The rails applied to the analysis were divided into straight and curved shapes, and three-dimensional modeling was performed to analyze the changes in structural characteristics of wheels and rails when driving on straight and curved rails. As a result of the analysis, the stress characteristics were up to 6.5 MPa on a straight rail and 9.81 MPa on a curved rail, and it is believed that this increase in stress will increase noise due to an increase in friction at the interface. The vibration characteristics of the wheels and rails showed similar behavior from the 3rd mode to the 9th mode of the rail to the intrinsic vibration characteristics from the 4th mode to the 6th mode of the wheel.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Subway trains with air cleaners have been newly deployed in the Seoul Metro system. The purpose of this study was to determine differences regarding in-cabin particulate matter with respect to concentrations less than 10 um (PM10) and 2.5 um (PM2.5) through the operation of air cleaners in subway trains. One subway train newly installed with in-cabin air cleaners on Seoul Metro Line number 2 was chosen monitoring in 2020. In-cabin air cleaners were turned-on at both front and back areas while those in the middle area were turned-off while the train was running. In-cabin PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were measured in each area using a real-time aerosol monitor. Average in-cabin PM10 concentrations were statistically significantly lower (by 15%) in areas with air cleaners turned-on (43.8±12.1 μg/m3) compared to those areas where the air cleaners were turned-off (51.4±15.0 μg/m3). Average incabin PM2.5 concentrations were significantly lower (by 14%) in areas with air cleaners turned on (33.7±12.2 μg/m3) compared to those areas where air cleaners were turned-off (39.2± 14.4 μg/m3). In-cabin PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations ratios were similar regardless of area with air cleaners turned-on or turned-off. The in-cabin PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were not associated with commute time. Use of air cleaners in subway trains effected reductions in in-cabin PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since 1974, the urban subway has been used as a major form of public transportation in Seoul, Korea. The air quality in the subway environment depends on the introduction of air pollutants from roadway air and its generation is caused by subway operation in the tunnel. In the subway tunnel, PM10 concentration was monitored from March 8 to 15, 2018 and from March 26 to 28, 2018, and compared with concentrations that are routinely monitored at the subway concourse and the nearest roadside air quality monitoring station (RAQMS). Overall PM10 concentration at the concourse was similar to that of the RAQMS. However, PM10 concentration in the tunnel was significantly higher than those of the subway concourse and RAQMS, and showed distinct diurnal variation caused by train operation. The dominant peak concentrations were highly correlated with the number of train operations per hour. The minimum PM10 concentration was observed between 2 am to 5 am when the train was not operated. This was similar to that of the RAQMS. Although the diurnal variation of the PM10 concentration at the concourse is not significant, the overall trend is similar to that in the tunnel.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Considering the situation in the early 20th century when the existing urban system centered on urban areas began to change, the biggest factors causing urban structural changes in urban areas are construction of railroad and urban dismantling. The change process of Eupseong, in the microscopic viewpoint, can be understood as a process of change in the course of dismantlement of town's demarcation, improvement of accessibility and urban expansion due to the construction of railroads, process of urban expansion following the crumbling boundaries and structural changes. This study aimed to look at the transformation process of the Eupseong in the early 20th century, focusing on the demolition of the castle and the railway construction from a microscopic point of view of city.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study conducted finite element analysis in advance to understand the natural frequency, con-ducted static structural analysis and analyzed stress behavior occurring on the boundary of wheel and rail when passing the straight line and curve line. According to the FEA, the wheel had natural frequency of 1st mode 238.4Hz to 10th mode 1,320Hz, and the rail had natural frequency of 457.4Hz to 619.7Hz. When looking at the correlated frequency range, the natural frequency of 4th~6th mode of wheel and 3rd~9th mode of rail track were correlated. As for the result of stress behavior translation occurring on the boundary of wheel and track, it was 53.4MPa when passing the curve line, which was 16MPa higher than when passing the straight line.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The urban railway system is a convenient public transportation system, as it carries many people without increasing traffic congestion. However, air quality in urban railway environments is worse than ambient air quality due to the internal location of the source of air pollutants and the isolated space. In this paper, characteristics of particulate matter (PM) pollution in urban railway environments are described from the perspective of diurnal variation, chemical composition and source apportionment of PM. PM concentrations in concourse, platform, passenger cabin, and tunnel are summarized through an analysis of 34 journal articles published in Korea and overseas. This information will be helpful in developing effective policies to reduce PM pollution in urban railway environments.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 자연지명 및 인문지명과 관련된 도시철도 역명의 부적합성을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 역과 명명 유연 대상의 도상(圖上) 직선거리를 주요 기준으로 삼았으나, 산·천의 고유 특성, 인접역 관련성, 포섭 여부 등도 고려하였다. 분석 결과 자연지명 관련 역명은 50개 중 28개(56.0%)가 부적합하였는데, 산과 하천 관련 역명이 대부분이었다. 인문지명 관련 역명은 341개 중 83개 (24.3%)가 부적합하였다. 인문지명 관련 부적합 비율을 세부적으로 보면, 유물·유적 관련 역명의 21.7%, 교육·연구 시설 관련 역명의 47.9%, 문화·체육·관광 시설 관련 역명의 15.8%, 교통 관련 역명의 10.2%, 관공서 관련 역명의 9.1%, 공공시설 중 기타 시설 관련 역명의 29.4%, 민간시설 관련 역명의 35.9%가 부적합하였다. 도시철도 역명의 제·개정 시 본고에서 밝힌 문제점들을 충분히 고려하여 부적합 역명의 비율을 감소시켜 나가야 할 것이다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라의 도시철도 역사는 44년이나 되지만, 도시철도 역명에 관한 연구는 매우 빈약하다. 선행 연구 검토 결과 도시철도 역명에 관한 기본 특성 연구는 이미 수행된 바 있다. 그래서 본고에서는 우리나라 도시철도 전체 역명(1,033개)에 관한 심층 연구의 일환으로 역명의 부적합성을 분석하였다. 하지만 역명이 워낙 많고 특성이 서로 상이하여, 본고에서는 행정구역 관련 역명 630개에 대해서만 부적합 여부를 판단하였다. 역명 부적합성은 포섭 여부나 거리만으로 판단하는 것은 곤란하므로, 지역 대표성, 행정구역 변천 등 여러 측면을 종합적으로 고려하였다. 그 결과 시·군·구명 관련 역명은 부적합 비율이 8.33%로 매우 낮았고, 읍·면·동명 관련 역명은 39.01%로 매우 높았다. 유사 행정구역명 관련 역명은 45.45%로 매우 높았고, 리·마을명 관련 역명은 9.09%로 매우 낮았으며, ‘옛 지명’ 관련 역명은 19.51%로 상당히 높았다. 도시철도 역명 제정이나 개정 시 이런 문제점을 충분히 고려하여 부적합 역명의 비율을 감소시켜 나가야 할 것이다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라에 도시철도가 처음 도입된 지 44년이나 지났지만, 도시철도 역명에 대한 체계적, 종합적 연구는 매우 빈약하다. 선행 연구 검토 결과 수도권 도시철도 역명 특성에 관한 연구는 이미 수행된 바 있으므로, 본고에서는 수도권을 제외한 대도시(부산, 대구, 광주, 대전)에 건설되어 운영되고 있는 도시철도 11개 노선 282개 역을 대상으로 역명의 특성을 분석하였다. 그 결과 음절 특성을 보면 2음절이 65.2%로 가장 많았고, 전체적으로는 지수(指數) 분포를 보였다. 어종별 특성은 한자어가 89.0%로 압도적이었으며, 고유어(5.0%), 혼종(4.3%), 구미어(1.8%) 순이었고, 숫자 역명은 없었다. 명명 유연성 특성은 유형 분류가 애매한 경우가 있지만, 행정구역명과 관련된 역명이 58.9%로 압도적이었고, 이어 인문지명(35.5%), 자연지명(4.6%) 관련 역명 순이었다. 행정구역 명 중에서는 읍·면·동 관련 지명이 77.1%(전체의 45.4%)로 압도적이었으며, 인문지명 중에서는 ‘사회(공공)’ 중분류에 해당하는 지명이 78.0%(전체의 27.7%)로 가장 비중이 높았다. 도시철도 역명은 시민들의 일상생활에 심대한 영향을 미치기 때문에 공공성, 대표성, 사용편의성 등을 고려하여 역명 제정 및 개정에 신중을 기해야 한다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study highlights the theme of safety leadership in railway organization, conducting empirical analysis on the relationship between safety climates, safety leadership, safety behavior, and accident. The empirical test results based on questionnaires received from 223 train drivers working at A subway firm indicated that relationship between CEO's safety philosophy, and safety communication showed a significant positive effect on boss's safety leadership. And boss's safety leadership showed a positive influence on observation belonging to safety behavior, which in turn showed a significant negative relationship with mistake. However, mistake, observation and violation were shown that there are no relationship with accidents.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Damage potential has been investigated for a domestic metropolitan railway bridge subjected to 2016 Gyeongju earthquake which has been reported as the strongest earthquake in Korea. For this purpose, nonlinear static pushover analyses for the bridge piers have been carried out to evaluate ductility capacities. Then, the capacities have been compared with those suggested by Railway Design Standards of Korea. This comparison shows that all piers possess enough safety margins. Nonlinear dynamic time-history analysis has also been conducted to estimate both displacement and shear force demands for the bridge subjected to ground motions recorded at stations in near of Gyeongju. Maximum demands reveal that response under the ground motions remains essentially in elastic. In addition, for a further assessment of the bridge under the Gyeongju earthquake, fragility analyses have been performed using those ground motions. The fragility results indicate that the recorded earthquakes do not significantly affect the damage exceedance probability of the bridge piers.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, interior noise that is brought into inside of coach when it passes by straight line track, railway turnout section, curved track, and rail lubricator section with test coach was measured in accordance of track characteristic of urban railway vehicle. It was evaluated with 60km/h of constant speed in the motorized trailer, no.3 car T1 motorized trailer of urban railway vehicle. Interior noise characteristic value is higher in order of curve, rail lubricator, railway turnout, and straight track as a result of the test. The highest characteristic value is 86.7dB in the curved track. And, the lowest characteristics value is 75.5dB(A) in the straight track. For accurate result comparison, it is transformed into sound pressure distribution by time domain, sound pressure level by time domain, sound pressure level for frequency domain and completed analysis.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Shenyang was one of the representative transportation hub of Northeast China during the modern period. The formation and development of the railway network gave great influence on Shenyang’s city development. In order to understand the relationship between railway and city development, first, we classified Shenyang’s city development period by the railway network’s formation and expansion process. Then, we analyzed the relationship between railway and city space by five categories. The results of this study are as follows. First, before railway was constructed, Shenyang was a castle city, which also was the economic center of Northeast China. This was the main reason Shenyang was chosen as a railway zone. During the modern period, the castle structure became an obstacle to city transportation and environment, therefore, it was disposed. During the period of railways’ expansion, South Manchuria, Jingfeng and Shenhai railway line was constructed in Shenyang. Since each line had different operation organizations, city sites along the railways were planned separately. However, these operation organizations had one common purpose, which was to use railway as an accelerator for economic development. During the period of railway’s military usage, railway was reorganized as military supply transport for the Japanese, which also was used as a tool for the expansion of colonialism. Second, after Shenyang’s city space was reconstructed along the railway, it created a close connection with city structure, city facilities, landscape and city transportation system. Hence, the railway system played a key role in modern city planning.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper reviews the one of problems that may occure for the tram operating in Korea, it's a free-riding problem, I analyzed the feasibility of combining the introduction of world-class technology solution "IT". It is under review the introduction of tram in Su-won city, Chang-won city, Wi-Rye new town. Free-riding is one of the biggest issues of any agency that operates the public transportation system. It has been acting as the main factors threatening the financial integrity of the operating agency, and the ratio of free-riding is further increased. In this paper, I want to build a foundation for the development of the system by analyzing the economic feasibility for the introduction of free-riding prevention system.
        2015.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        도시철도 기관사는 일상적 교번근무의 제도적 틀에 따른 심리적, 신체적 피로와 긴 장감을 경험하는 한편, 사고 및 장애발생의 가능성을 늘 염려하면서 주어진 과업을 수 행해나가고 있다. 즉, 이들은 항상 이례상황의 발생가능성을 염려하면서 과도한 스트 레스를 느끼게 되는데, 이는 공포불안과 분노혐오라는 부정적 정서를 유발시키는 원인 이 된다. 이 같은 부정적 정서는 기관사의 일과 삶의 균형에 상당한 손상을 주는 요인 이 된다. 본 연구는 도시철도 기관사의 이례상황 스트레스가 기관사의 정서와 일과 삶의 균 형에 미치는 부정적 영향을 살펴보고 이 같은 일련의 관계에서 기관사의 이례상황 스 트레스를 완화하고 일과 삶의 균형을 제고할 수 있는 제도적 방안이 무엇인지를 살펴 보는데 주된 목적을 두었다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study intended to investigate exploratorily the precedent factors affecting two types of perceived balances between work and life(family/leisure) and the antecedent ones affected by them, focusing on the metro train drivers. To attain this purpose, literature survey on the precedent factors, work-life balance, and antecedent factors was performed, and the study model was designed based on this survey, and then this model was analyzed empirically using Multiple-Regression. The results on the precedent factors showed that Job Demand, Self-Efficacy, and Age have significant effects on the negative transfer of work. On the other hand, it was shown that Affiliative Culture, Self-Efficacy, and Internal Locus of Control have significant effects on the family centered balance. And the results on the antecedent factors showed that family centered balance has significant effects on Job Satisfaction, Psychological Depression and Fatigue, Safety Behavior, and accident, and the negative transfer of work has significant effects on Physical and Psychological Depression and Fatigue, Emergency Stress, and Safety Behavior.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Universal Design involves designing products and spaces so that they can be used by the widest range of people possible. Universal Design evolved from Accessible Design, a design process that addresses the needs of people with disabilities. This paper introduces the universal design concept through analysis of causes of railway accident within the urban railway station. Railway accident analysis was performed by the internal facilities. We analyzed the standard of accident type, accident cause and accident subject such as elevator, escalator, stairs etc.
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