
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 제비동자꽃의 대량번식을 위한 효과적인 발아 조건을 선발하고자 수행되었다. 제비동자꽃 종자는 저온습윤 처리(5°C, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16주), GA3 처리(0, 500, 1000mg・L-1), 프라이밍 처리(0.1M, 0.2M의 NH4NO3, K2HPO4, KCl, KNO3)를 하였다. 모든 종자는 25°C, 12시간 광조건(40μmol・m-2 ・s-1)에 서 발아 실험이 진행되었으며, GA3 처리구는 비닐온실(평균 23.4°C)에서도 비교실험이 진행되었다. 저온습윤 8주 처리구 에서 20.4%로 가장 높은 발아율을 나타냈으며, 12주 이상의 저온습윤 처리는 오히려 제비동자꽃의 발아율을 감소시켰다. GA3 0, 500, 1000mg・L-1 처리된 종자는 25°C에서 각각 3.3, 44.0, 62.0%, 비닐온실에서 각각 5.3, 16.7, 42% 발아하였다. 제비동자꽃 종자는 GA3 농도가 높아질수록 발아율이 증가하였다. 또한 제비동자꽃 종자는 0.2M KNO3-프라이밍 처리구에서 가장 높은 발아율(54.7%)을 나타냈으며, 평균발아소요일수는 처리 간 유의성을 보이지 않았다. 이상의 결과로 효과적인 제비종자꽃 종자 번식을 위한 전처리 조건으로 24시간 GA3 1000mg・L-1 침지 처리 또는 0.2M-KNO3 프라이밍 처리를 추천한다.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        While Ardisia crenata Sims. recently has been used increasingly as an ornamental plant, It is endangered in natural forest. The optimum treatments of the various concentrations priming agents to improve seed viability and germination of A. crenata (ornamental plant) were also estimated. Germinability was significantly when the seeds of A. crenata was soaked in PEG solution at 15oC for 4 days, the optimum treatment for improving germination of A. crenata was observed when the tested seeds was soaked in −0.5 MPa of PEG solution in 92%. Overall results would be useful means for propagation and production of A. crenata.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Young Su Kwon. 2017. Gender Semantic Priming Effects on the Lexical Meaning. Studies in Modern Grammar 96, 129-148. Regarding the role of automatic processes in human thoughts and behavior in social psychology, a number of studies have demonstrated that automatic priming effects of ‘gender’ can occur even when the primary meaning for the words does not include the direct gender-related meaning. The purpose of this research has three aspects: (1) to examine whether automatic priming effects on the ‘male’ and ‘female’ social categories will occur with Korean EFL university students, (2) to find out if there are any differences of the priming effects between gender stereotype words and gender suffix words, and (3) to investigate how Korean EFL university students show the rating of the gender typicality of the prime words. As a result, the significant priming effects were observed on the ‘gender’ social category, which were more saliant with the suffix type than the stereotype primes. Also, the rating of the gender typicality showed some attributes related to the sociocultural factors.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to improve the postharvest storage techniques of managing and storing seeds, totest qualities and viabilities of the seeds and to examine the germination rate and the protein expression of Achyranthesjaponica Nakai. The seeds collected from different areas of Je-Cheon and Gwang-Ju were stored with different temperaturesand durations. Two plant growth regulators and two seed priming were treated to investigate their effect on the germinationrates and the days required for germination. The weight of one hundred seed collected in Gwang-Ju was heavier than thosein Je-Cheon. Seed length collected in Gwang-Ju was also longer about 5.12㎜ than those in Je-Cheon about 4.90㎜ andseed width was longer in Gwang-Ju than those in Je-Cheon. The rates of seed germination in two different collection areaswere higher about 2.9 to 13.0% in Gwang-Ju compared to those in Je-Cheon. Comparing its rates with the storing tempera-tures and durations, they were not clearly different in between 4℃ and 25℃ and they also were gradually decreased withgetting longer storing durations. The germination rates treated by plant growth regulators were higher with GA3 than thosewith Kinetin. The highest seed germination rate was appeared at 50 ppm of GA3. Comparing its rates with different seedpriming, they were relatively higher with KNO3 than those with PEG6000. In protein expression patterns between before thegerminating and after the germinating of seeds, more and clear bands were appeared in the seed after the germination com-pared to those before the germination of seeds, especially 10~20kDa. These results showing more and clear bands weremore clearly appeared in Gwang-Ju compared to Je-Cheon. Comparing the protein expression with plant growth regulatorsand seed primings, GA3 was better expression than those with Kinetin and KNO3 was better than those with PEG6000. Moreand clear bands were closely related to the germination rates of seeds and more detailed studies would be required.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the quality of seeds, the germination rates and the days required for germination, to examine the patterns of protein expressions during the germination and to improve the techniques of managing and storing seeds and viability of the seeds of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. et Zucc. After collecting and harvesting seeds, they were classified to white and brown colors of seed coat through testing their seed size, weight, and quality. The germination rates, the days required for germination, and the protein expressions were examined with different colors of seed coats, storing temperatures and durations by treating the different plant growth regulators and primings. One hundred seed weight of white color was heavier about 1.17 g than those of brown one about 0.81 g. The germination rates in white color of seed coat was higher, 3.05 ~ 5.75%, than those in brown one. Its rates were decreased with getting longer in storage durations. There was no big differences on germination rates between storage temperatures. The plant growth regulator of GA3 and Kinetin was affected to improve the seed germination. GA3 increased the seed germination clearly at 25 ppm level, while kinetin increased it gradually from 25 to 100 ppm levels. In germination by seed primings, PEG6000 made higher germination rate with increasing their levels, whereas KNO3 increased the germination until 100 mM level and then decreased it with 200 mM unlike PEG6000. The protein expressed during the seed germination were appeared more and clearer bands in the seed after germination, especially 20 ~ 30 kDa, compared to those in the seed before germination. These results showing more and clearer bands were positively related to the germination rates which were different by seed colors, storage temperatures and durations, and plant growth regulators and primings.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to select new pelleting binder and material for seeds from Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance and Alnus sibirica Fisch. ex Turcz. The optimum treatments of the various concentrations and species of priming agents to improve seed germination of both woody medicinal plants were also estimated. Germinability was increased when the seeds of Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance was soaked in -1.0 MPa of PEG6000 solution at 15℃ for 4 days significantly, the optimum treatment for improving germination of Alnus sibirica Fisch. ex Turcz was observed when the tested seeds was soaked in 100 mM of KCl at 15℃ for 4 days. The influence of physical and chemical properties of pelleting solid materials, the mixture of gypsum, diatomaceous earth, dalma ceramic and vermicuolite (6:1:1:1 ratio) were found as the best pelleting materials for Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance and Alnus sibirica Fisch. ex Turcz. seeds. To satisfy the requirements of absorption and compatibility for multi-layer seed pelleting, SGPA (Starch-grafted cross-linked polyacrylates) hydrogel was prepared using starch, acrylonitrile, ceric ammonium nitrate, nitric acid, methyl alcohol and potassium hydroxide. The resulting SGPA hydrogel showed high water absorption but not plant compatibility. It suggested that seed pelleting using pelleting materials and SGPA hydrogel (multi-layer coating) after priming agent treatment is to increase germinability and seedling growth and it can reduced irrigation labours and can also save seed.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        자연상태에서 발아율이 불량하고 발아기간이 오래 걸리는 둥굴레의 종자번식을 위해 저장기간을 달리한 종자를 이용하여 종자수명 및 발아적온을 알아보았다. 또한 발아율을 높이기 위해 여러 생장조절제 및 무기염류를 프라이밍처리하였다. 저장기간별 둥굴레 종자의 발아실험의 결과 1~2년까지는 발아율이 떨어지지 않았으나, 4년간 저장하는 경우에는 발아율이 현저히 떨어졌다. 둥굴레 종자의 발아는 고온보다는 22~25℃의 온도에서 양호하였으며, 발아속도도 빨랐다. 특히 1~2년 저장한 종자를 25℃에서 발아시키는 경우 70~71.2% 정도의 비교적 높은 발아율을 보였다. 둥굴레 종자의 발아를 촉진시키기 위하여 여러 종류의 생장조절제와 무기염류를 사용하여 프라이밍처리를 한 결과, BA를 제외한 모든 처리구(GA3, IAA, NAA, kinetin, KNO3, KH2PO4, Ca(NO3)2)에서 무처리보다 높은 발아율을 보여 프라이밍처리 효과가 인정되었다. 특히 1년 저장종자에서 GA3 0.5mM 처리는 96%, IAA 1mM 처리는 93%의 높은 발아율을 보여 가장 발아율을 높였으며, 발아소요기간 또한 단축시켰다.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        노동력의 절약은 물론 농기계의 효율을 증진시키고 생산비를 절약하여 취약한 보리재배의 국제 경쟁력을 제고하기 위한 일환으로 보리종자에 종자처리를 하여 발아시기와 유묘생장을 조정함으로서 벼·보리수확 동시파종재배를 실용화하기 위하여 보리종자에 프라이밍 처리하였던 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 평균발아율은 대조구보다 PEG 처리구에서 더 높았는데 처 리 기간이 길어질수록 점차 감소하였다. 2. 평균발아율은 PEG 처리한 다음 수세하여 PEG를 제거한 종자가 수세하지 않은 종자에 비해, PEG처리 후 재건조 종자의 발아율은 건조하지 않은 종자보다 저조하였다. 3. 발아소요시간은 PEG 처리에 의해 크게 단축되었는데 처리기간이 길면 길수록 길었다. 4. 포장 출아율은 PEG 처리 종자가 대조구에 비해 훨씬 높았는데 처리기간이 지 연될수록, 처리 농도가 높아질수록 저조하였다. 6. 출아소요시간은 PEG처리한 다음 수세 하여 PEG를 제거한 종자가 수세하지 않은 종자에 비해 단축되었으며, PEG 처리 후 재건조 종자는 재 건조하지 않은 종자보다 지연되었다. 7. PEG 처리 종자의 포장 출아율은 모든 토양수분 함량에서 대조구 보다 훨씬 높았으며, 포장 용수량의 50%에서 70과 90%보다 높았다. 8. 토양수분함량별 출아소요시 간은 포장용수량의 50%토양수분함량에서 가장 단축되었으며, 이보다 높으면 지연되었다 9. PEG 처 종자의 유묘장은 D.W 프라이밍 종자가 대조구보다 컸으며, PEG처리 종자는 오히려 대조구보다 작았다. 유근장도 이와 비슷하였다.