
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 31

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The domestic swine industry is currently facing a threat due to the recent increase in pork imports. This study aims to determine what factors influence consumers' intention to consume imported pork and suggest measures to support the domestic pork industry. To achieve this, we analyzed data from the Korea Rural Economic Institute's Food Consumption Behavior Survey using a binary logistic regression model. The results revealed that a higher intention to consume imported pork is linked to a higher intention to consume imported rice, purchasing meat online, frequent purchases of HMR, and procuring U.S. beef, especially among urban residents. On the other hand, a lower intention to consume imported pork is associated with a higher awareness of animal welfare certification, frequently dining out, and older age. Based on these findings, we propose the following response measures for the domestic swine industry: implementing educational programs, marketing, and advertising specifically targeting urban residents to improve their perception of domestic agricultural products; enhancing price competitiveness through distribution optimization; and developing policies to promote the use of domestic pork as an ingredient in processed foods.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate whether there were differences in eco-friendly food, home meal replacement (HMR) purchases, and eating-out behavior according to the level of agri-food consumer competence. The data for the study were extracted from main food consumers (n=3,321) in the 2022 Food Consumption Behavior Survey. The competence index was divided into awareness-attitude-practice items, and three groups were classified by competence level. The results showed an agri-food consumer competency score of 70.62, with the highest score for awareness (73.96), followed by practice (69.28) and attitude (66.18). The frequency of purchasing eco-friendly food was higher in the excellent group compared to other groups, and quality and price satisfaction was higher with higher competency (p<0.001). Regarding HMR, the results showed that the shortage group had the lowest HMR consumption rate, and satisfaction decreased as competence decreased (p<0.001). The main reason for eating-out was to enjoy food in all groups (59.0%), followed by a lack of cooking time in the excellent group (15.7%) and hassle with food preparation in the moderate and shortage groups (17.3%, 16.6%) (p<0.001). In short, agri-food consumption competency showed differences by contents and components, and differences in food purchases and eating-out behavior by competency level were found.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the determinants of healthy food purchases before and after COVID-19 in Korea. Binomial and multinomial logistic regression models were applied to Korea Rural Economic Institute's Food Consumer Behavior Survey data from 2019 to 2021. The analysis revealed a significant decrease in the non-intake of healthy food in 2021 compared to 2019, suggesting the impact of COVID-19 on healthy food consumption. Consumption patterns also changed, with a decrease in direct purchases and an increase in gift-based purchases. Several variables showed significant effects on healthy food intake. Single-person households exhibited a higher probability of eating healthy food after COVID-19. The group perceiving themselves as healthy had a lower likelihood of consuming healthy food pre-COVID-19, but this changed after the pandemic. Online food purchases, eco-friendly food purchases, and nut consumption showed a gradual decrease in the probability of non-intake over time. Gender and age also influenced healthy food intake. The probability of eating healthy food increased in the older age group compared to the younger group, and the probability increased significantly after COVID-19. The probability of buying gifts was significantly higher in those in their 60s, indicating that the path to obtaining healthy food differed by age.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, we examined the shifts in determinants influencing the frequency of eco-friendly food purchases pre- and post-COVID-19. Our analysis utilized filtered 2019-2021 Consumption Behavior Survey data from the Korea Rural Economic Institute Food, excluding any irrational responses. Given the nature of the dependent variable, a multinomial logistic regression model was employed with demographic factors, variables pertaining to food consumption behavior, and variables concerning food consumption awareness as predictors. Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, an individual's level of education was observed to positively influence the frequency of eco-friendly food purchases. In contrast, income level and fluctuations in food consumption expenditure did not appear to have a discernible impact on the purchasing frequency of such eco-friendly products. Irrespective of the advent of COVID-19, variables such as the frequency of online food purchases, the utilization of early morning delivery services, dining out frequency, and the intake of health-functional foods consistently demonstrated a positive correlation with the propensity to purchase eco-friendly foods. Overall, consumers prioritizing safety, quality, and nutrition over price, taste, and convenience in their procurement decisions for rice, vegetables, meat, and processed foods exhibit an increased inclination toward the acquisition of eco-friendly food products.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to estimate the influence of the determinants for home meal replacement (HMR) purchase frequency before and after COVID-19. Multinomial logistic regression was applied to the 2018~2020 Consumer Behavior Survey for Food data from the Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI). Gender, age, number of households, monthly income, use of eating out, delivery and takeout order service, HMR food safety concern, the frequency of cooking at home, grocery shopping, and eating alone were applied as the explanatory variables to explain HMR purchase frequency. The results are as below. Compared to the previous year, the growth rate of HMR purchase frequency in 2020 was relatively high, indicating that the COVID-19 outbreak acted as a catalyst. Unlike in 2018 and 2019, there was no statistical difference in the HMR purchase frequency between single- and multi-person households in 2020, with indicating multi-person households began to emerge as one of the major HMR consumption groups. Unlike 2018, the 2020 HMR purchase frequency showed a statistically positive relationship with those of grocery shopping and eating alone. There was a positive relationship between the frequency of eating out/food delivery orders and HMR purchases. The more often cooking at home occurred, the less HMR food was purchased.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        관상어는 최근 전 세계를 비롯하여 우리나라 관상어의 산업적, 사회적 가치가 재인식됨 으로써, 우리나라의 관상어 시장은 지속적으로 성장을 하고 있지만, 상품으로서는 일부 품종에만 한정되어있어 경쟁이 가능한 품종이 부족한 상태이다. 따라서 우리나라는 관상 어의 경쟁력을 확보해야 하고 뿐만 아니라 지속적인 홍보 전략 마련이 필요한 상황이다. 그리하여 본 연구는 한국 토종 담수 관상어의 대중화를 위해 일반인 10대부터 50대까지 의 다양한 연령대를 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문 결과, 한국 토종 담수어의 관심도는 ‘예’ 32%, ‘아니오’ 68%로 관심이 비교적 적 은 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 한국 담수 관상어의 개발현황 파악 인지도는 ‘예’ 18%, ‘아니 오’ 82%로 일반인 소비자 대부분이 개발현황 파악 인지를 하지 못 하고 있음을 알 수 있 었다. 또한, 우리나라의 소비자가 바라본 한국 담수 관상어의 개선방안은 ‘수입어종보다 아름다운 어종’ 88%, ‘홍보’ 76%, ‘사육난이도’ 43%, ‘분양비용’ 39%로 외관적인 개선과 홍보 전략이 높게 나타났다. 따라서 우리나라는 관상어의 대중화를 위해 한국 담수 관상 어의 외관적인 개선과 지속적인 홍보 전략 방안을 모색하여야 한다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many countries have been reducing trade barriers to enhance movements of products across borders. This moderation of trade policies combined with the enormous growth in cross-border e-commerce has provided consumers with more foreign product choices than ever before. Accordingly, the attitudes toward foreign products have been of great interest to international business and consumer behaviour scholars in the last few years. Previous studies on the effect of country of origin (COO) on product evaluations show that consumers in developed countries prefer domestic over foreign goods for several reasons, ranging from a risk-reducing prejudice to a nationalistic bias against foreign products (Bilkey & Nes, 1982; Wang & Chen, 2004). However, the rising role of emerging markets as valuable demand markets calls for more insights into the psychological, socio-economic and cultural factors that may determine differences in attitudes toward foreign products (Batra, 1997). The study examines the impact of bandwagon luxury consumption behaviour on cultural dimensions - related to consumer ethnocentrism and materialism - and, at the same, verifies the influences exerted by their interactions on attitudes toward luxury goods (brand consciousness, product beliefs, intentions to buy online). It develops and empirically tests a conceptual model of bandwagon luxury consumption on a sample of Chinese consumers.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Over the past few years, companies have started moving into specific niches in plus-size fashion. The purpose of this study was to verify the marketability of young plus-size clothes in the USA. Data were collected from female consumers aged from 20 to 39 who have experience of purchasing plus-size items. A total of 282 responses were used for statistical analysis. The research result is as follows. First, the obesity stress is affected more by the subjective obesity level than by the objective obesity level and by how people recognize their body types. Second, from an analysis of the factors affecting the shopping orientation of plus-size consumers, style consciousness, pursuing reasonable, emphasizing comfort, and body consciousness are found to be important factors. Third, even if responders are aware of their exact body size, they actively look for the correct size. Fourth, fit evaluation of plus-size products is based on the factors of size fit and movement fit. The respondents were unsatisfied with chest and arm measurements, which deviate widely by body type for tops. Fifth, the overall dissatisfaction with the plus-size market is attributed to the fact that the product assortment range from which to select styles is narrow, and trend reflection is low. Sixth, the respondents tended to avoid fabrics that make their body type more obvious, textures that give the impression of a larger body size, or stiff textures. These results show that the psychological and physical characteristics of obese consumers should be considered to develop products for the young plus-size market.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nutrition labeling can provide information in order for people to select products suitable for their own health, and sodium content labeling for processed foods is important since sodium is one of the main causes of cardiac diseases. This study had carried out to propose the desirable sodium content labeling by conducting surveys on the awareness of sodium content in processed foods, understanding of sodium content labeling, and requirements for new sodium comparative claims. The survey period was from 12th of September, 2016 through the 24th, during which a self-administered questionnaire survey was given to 1,003 persons through demographic quota sampling by age and region. As a result of the survey, 66.0% of respondents assuring nutrition labeling answered they check sodium content labeling, whereas 83.2% were aware of excessive intake of sodium having a negative effect on health. Exactly 49.9% of respondents answered that the current system for nutrition labeling on processed foods does not help one to understand the content of sodium, whereas 72.9% answered they wanted to compare sodium contents with those of other products when buying or taking processed foods. As 92.5% cited the importance of sodium comparative claims made by processed foods, preparation of a new system for food labeling should be considered by which consumers can easily compare sodium contents with those of other similar products.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is derived from a survey research project investigating consumer attitudes towards organic food as the farm animal welfare. Presents focus group results on consumer perceptions, attitudes and recognition about farm animal welfare. We are aimed to conduct the survey research to evaluate the consumer's perception and demands of the farm animal welfare. We deals with the findings obtained from extensive interviews with a representative samples. The objectives of interviews included 20~60 year-old ages lived in Yongin, Anyang, Gunpo, Ansan, Seosan, Dangjin, Iksan and Jeonju city. Questions focused on how people were recognized the need and policies of farm animal welfare. Questionnaire and technical data are analysed and summarized. As the results of the survey research, the objectives of interviews had poorly understood about the policies of farm animal welfare. Conclusionally, the promotions of farm animal welfare policies were need. The development of farm animal welfare policies were desirable for the establishment of animal welfare.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study was performed on the consumption of prepackaged meals (Dosirak) sold by food service providers through Importance-Satisfaction Analysis (ISA) to determine the factors that consumers seek in quality Dosirak. According to the analysis, food service providers need to concentrate on food freshness and temperature while maintaining food taste. As for food packaging, consumers were found to prefer microwaveable plastic containers the most (29.3%). Nonetheless, they found that packaging needed improvements in securing food content during transportation and in food labeling, especially for expiration dates. The study also investigated which factors, including menu selection and advertising, affected the sales of food service provider Dosirak the most. The most important factor was determined to be price. Regarding menu selection, the quality of food seasoning and ingredients, daily specials and the variety of combination sets were found to be important. Availability of delivery (3.83/5.00), advance ordering (3.82/5.00) and discounts (3.75/5.00) were important factors in advertising. The conclusions of the study point to a consumer base that recognizes the ease and benefits of Dosirak but desires high quality food items at low cost. To expand the consumer base, food service providers must continually develop new menu items that satisfy consumer tastes and trends, maintain sanitary conditions and improve food labelling.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This current survey was conducted to examine consumer attitudes toward factors determining beef purchasing and improving distribution systems. The frequency of beef purchasing was shown to reflect social and economic status, where inhabitants in large cities, such as Seoul, with higher salaries showed a higher frequency. In addition, consumers that were in their forties bought beef more frequently than consumers that were in their twenties. Consumers in Seoul and the megalopolis with a monthly income of higher than 200 million won preferred to purchase meat from department stores and discount markets. In contrast, people in small cities with lower incomes tended to buy meat from butcher shops and brand shops. In a question regarding unsatisfaction factors of retail beef, individuals that were in their thirties with a high income had concerns associated with packaging problems. For people under thirty with low income, the consistency of quality and price were the prime concerns. In regards to the beef grading system, consumer response varied between inhabitants, monthly income and age group, where consumers from small cities that were in their twenties and forties with a low income had a negative viewpoint. For the differential beef distribution system, housewives between the ages of 30 and 40 from a small city with an income higher than 200 million won had a positive response; however, a large number of consumers were not familiar with this system. The most demanding beef cuts were in the following order: loin, flank and rib. In addition, the most important factors determining purchasing beef were as follows: price, breed and portion.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        플라워샵의 활성화에 대한 기초 자료 확보 측면에서 소비자 남성 58명과 여성 155명을 대상으로 플라워샵 상품의 가격, 포장, 선물용 및 판매자의 태도에 대한 만족 도와 재구매 의사에 대해 조사를 하였다. 플라워샵의 상품에 대한 만족도에 대해 ‘만족한다’는 응답은 남성과 여성 각각 8.62% 및 14.21%를 나타냈다. 그리고 꽃 상 품의 포장에 대해 ‘만족한다’는 응답은 남성과 여성각각 6.88% 및 12.91%를 나타냈다. 꽃상품에 대해 선물 로서 ‘만족한다’는 응답은 남성과 여성 각각 8.61% 및 1.95%를 나타냈다. 플라워샵의 상품 판매자의 태도에 ‘만족한다’는 응답은 남성과 여성 각각 6.89% 및 6.46% 를 나타냈으며, 플라워샵 상품의 재구매 의사가 있다고 응답은 남성과 여성은 각각 5.16% 및 9.05%에 불과 하였다. 이와 같이 플라워샵에 대한 소비자들의 만족도 가 낮게 나타난 만큼 플라워샵 경영주의 적극적인 대 처가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated consumers’ recognition on shelf life of health functional foods to set up their rational expiration date. For this study 107 male and female adults aged 20 to 59 years were randomly selected as major consumers of health functional foods. And their data were analyzed with SPSS 17.0. The questionnaire included questions asking a consumer's recognition on the shelf life of health functional foods and how to treat health function food passing its shelf life. In this study, the consumers were found to pay attentions considerably to the shelf life. But most of them did not know an accurate meaning of the shelf life of health functional food and mistook it for expiry date. In addition, the consumers doubted safety of health functional foods passing the shelf life. Therefore, education for consumers about an accurate meaning of the shelf life was needed. The results of this study were considered to be helpful to set up a reasonable expiration date for health functional food.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the consumption inclinations of consumers for environmentally-friendly agricultural products (EFAP) for better production and distribution of EFAP. Consumer inclinations in large supermarkets from April 7th to 30th, 2008 were surveyed. Data were analyzed using the SPSSWIN 12.0 program. Results showed that 90.4% of consumers recognized EFAP and 76.4% of those who recognized the products had actually bought the products. Members of the "have purchased group" bought EFAP once a week because they believed these products were safe from hazards, such as pesticide. The amount spent on EFAP was less than 20% of the total food budget and the major consumed items were green vegetables and fruits. The sale location was mainly large supermarkets and agricultural cooperation outlets. Although many people were satisfied with EFAP from the viewpoint of nutritional and sensory qualities and safety compared with general agricultural products, they were notsatisfied with the price. Many consumers trusted that EFAP were safe and nutritional. Members of the "not purchased group" also trusted the nutritional and sensory qualities of EFAP and recognized the safety issue, but they were not satisfied with the price, compared with general agricultural products. Consequently, to succeed in the market, EFAP should maintain the confidence of the consumer while decreasing in price.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 농산물인터넷 쇼핑몰을 이용하는 소비자들의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 조사분석하고, 그 만족요인과 구전(추천)의도와의 관계를 규명하는데 목적을 두었다. 실증적 분석결과를 요약하면 인터넷 쇼핑몰 구매동기는 신뢰성보다 편리성이 가장 큰 요인으로 나타났다. 고객만족요인은 신뢰성, 상품의 다양성, 배송 및 고객지원, 보안성 등으로 조사되었으며, 이에 대한 만족도는 배송 및 고객지원이 가장 높고, 상품의 다양성은 다소 낮았다. 인터넷 쇼핑몰 활성화를 위한 개선과제는 반품, 환불 및 고객불만 사항의 신속한 처리가 가장 요구되고 있으며, 안전하고 다양한 결제시스템의 구축, 다양한 이벤트 및 고객서비스, 물량조달체계의 구축 등이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 특히 서비스품질에 있어서 신뢰성과 보안성에 대한 소비자만족이 구전의도에 크게 영향을 미치며, 시스템 품질에 대한 만족도 구전의도에 비교적 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타남으로써 이에 대한 개선이 시급한 것으로 판단된다.
        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to nut a survey on the seasonal menu and consumer's acceptance test of free meals for the elderly facility in Sungnam Region. The elderly meals of the free lunch meal service were mainly composed of staple food, hot soup, and three kinds of side dishes. Questionare for accentance test was developed based on the seasonal menu including 13 kinds of cooked rices, 43 kinds of soups and 94 kinds of side dishes. The test was run for 104 elderly living and receving the service in the area. Average age of the subjects was 75.9 and 43% was male 57% was female. The 81% and 88% of the subject answered 'yes' on the intake of breakfast and dinner respectively representing high percentages of regular meal habits of the elderly. The cooked rice with black beans had significantly the highest acceptance score among the rice group and soups prepared with chunggukjang and cabbage had higher accentance scores(P<0.05). In the side dish groups, broiled eed, croakers, and various kinds of namuls had relatively higher scores than the others with significant difference at P<0.05.
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