Through sample-size-based rarefaction analyses, we tried to suggest the appropriate degree of sample concentration and sub-sample extraction, as a way to estimate more accurate zooplankton species diversity when assessing biodiversity. When we collected zooplankton from three reservoirs with different environmental characteristics, the estimated species richness (S) and Shannon’s Hʹ values showed different changing patterns according to the amount of sub-sample extracted from the whole sample by reservoir. However, consequently, their zooplankton diversity indices were estimated the highest values when analyzed by extracting the largest amount of sub-sample. As a result of rarefaction analysis about sample coverage, in the case of deep eutrophic reservoir (Juam) with high zooplankton species and individual numbers, it was analyzed that 99.8% of the whole samples were represented by only 1 mL of sub-sample based on 100 mL of concentrated samples. On the other hand, in Soyang reservoir, which showed very small species and individual numbers, a relatively low representation at 97% when 10 mL of sub-sample was extracted from the same amount of concentrated sample. As such, the representation of sub-sample for the whole zooplankton sample varies depending on the individual density in the sample collected from the field. If the degree of concentration of samples and the amount of subsample extraction are adjusted according to the collected individual density, it is believed that errors that occur when comparing the number of species and diversity indices among different water bodies can be minimized.
To enumerate Staphylococcus aureus in food, Baird-Parker Agar (BPA) is usually used in the conventional method, However it requires time and space for the preparation and plating, and incubation. Thus, use of the 3MTM PetrifilmTM Staph Express Count Plate (STX Petrifilm) might be appropriate to solve these challenging problems. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency of STX Petrifilm with BPA for enumeration of S. aureus in various foods. A mixture of S. aureus strains ATCC29213, ATCC25923, and ATCC13565 was inoculated on marinated pork chop, beef (chuck tender), dried filefish, semi-dried squid, rice cake, and Japchae (stir-fried glass noodles) at 2, 3, 5, and 7 Log CFU/g. S. aureus cell counts were enumerated by spread-plating on STX Petrifilm and BPA after 0 and 24 hours at 4oC (marinated pork chop, beef, semi-dried squid, and stir-fried glass noodles) and 25oC (dried filefish and rice cake). Recovery of STX Petrifilm for S. aureus from various food samples was compared with BPA, and the results showed that there were no significant differences between two selective media in all cases. The results indicated that STX Petrifilm had enough efficiency to recover S. aureus from various foods as well as saving time and space.
본 연구는 자동화 MPN 분석 장비인 TEMPO (TEMPO BC)와 MYP 배지법을 이용한 바실러스 정량 시험 결과에 대한 상관관계와 유의성을 연구하였다. 자연적으로 오염 되어 있는 B. cereus 다빈도 검출 식품을 선별하여(N = 384) 두 시험법으로 정량 시험한 결과값의 차가 1 log CFU/g 미 만이 95.3%였으며, B. cereus가 검출된 시료에서는 92.5% 였다. 통계학적으로 TEMPO BC 시험법과 MYP 배지법은 유의적 차이가 없었다(p < 0.05). 국내 정량 규격이 있는 식품에 인위적으로 B. cereus를 접종하고 두 시험법을 비교 하였다. R2값은 소스류(0.98), 조림식품류(0.98), 젓갈류(0.96) 에서 유의적인 차이가 없었으나, 생식류(0.94), 청국장류 (0.86), 된장류(0.71)는 시험법 간의 유의적인 차이가 있었다. 콩, 메밀 등의 곡류 제품은 TEMPO BC 결과값의 오류가 날 수 있는 재료로 명시되어 있으므로 선식류와 청국 장류, 된장류는 자동화 시험법인 TEMPO BC로 사용하기 위해서는 시험법을 추가적으로 검증 할 필요성이 있다고 생각된다. 자연적으로 오염되어 있는 식품 시료와 인위적 으로 접종한 시료에 대한 선형 방정식은 log(TEMPO BC) = 0.8453 × log (MYP배지) + 0.1642이며 paired t-test를 이용 하여 검증한 결과 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 최근 식품의 안전성에 대한 소비자의 관심이 증가하여 식품공전 및 국제 기준에 정량기준이 강화되고 있는 추세이므로 TEMPO BC의 수요증가가 예상된다. 따라서 본 연구는 이에 대비 하여 식품의 안전성 평가에 사용되는 기존의 실험법과의 비교 및 타당성 연구 기초 자료로 쓰일 것이라 생각된다.
표준 평판배지 정량검출법과 TEMPO STA를 이용한 황색포도상구균 정량 분석에 대한 상관성과 유의성을 평가 하기 위해 복합조리식품에 황색포도상구균을 인위적으로 접종하여 결과값을 통계 처리하여 유의성을 조사한 결과 두 실험방법간에는 유의적 차이가 없었다(p < 0.05). 상관 계수(r2)는 0.9672로 두 실험간에는 높은 연관성을 보였다. TEMPO STA를 466개의 시료에 적용한 결과 454개 (97.4%)의 시료는 문제가 없었으나 이중 12개의 시료에서는 error가 발생하였다. 그러나 TEMPO법은 실험 단계 간편하고 사용이 쉬우며 신속한 결과를 얻을 수 있으며 자동화된 장비로 실험 과정에 의한 오류를 최소화 할 수 있는 장점이 있으며 표준시험법인 표준 평판 배지법과도 유의적인 차이가 없어 정확한 정량검출이 가능할 것으로 생각된다. 최근 식품의 안전성확보를 위해 검사 품목이 다양해지며 수도 증가하는 추세이기 때문에 황색포도상구균의 정량 검사가 정확하고 신속해야 할 필요가 있으므로 TEMPO STA법의 필요성은 앞으로 크게 늘어날 것으로 보인다.
LIVE/DEAD® BacLight™ and alamarBlue® are fluorescent materials used for the enumeration of live and dead bacteria. LIVE/DEAD® BacLight™ is generally used for confocal microscopy applications to differentiate live from dead bacteria in a biofilm or planktonic state. AlamarBlue® has also been used widely to assay live and dead bacteria in a planktonic state. Whilst these materials are successfully utilized in experiments to discriminate live from dead bacteria for several species of bacteria, the application of these techniques to oral bacteria is limited to the use of LIVE/DEAD® BacLight™ in biofilm studies. In our present study, we assessed whether these two methods could enumerate live and dead oral bacterial species in a planktonic state. We tested the reagents on Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sobrinus, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Enterococcus faecalis and found that only LIVE/DEAD® BacLight™ could differentiate live from dead cells for all five of these oral strains. AlamarBlue® was not effective in this regard for P. gingivalis or A. actinomycetemcomitans. In addition, the differentiation of live and dead bacterial cells by alamarBlue® could not be performed for concentrations lower than 2 × 106 cells/ml. Our data thus indicate that LIVE/DEAD® BacLight™ is a more effective reagent for this analysis.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the TEMPOⓇ STA automated most probable number (MPN) system for the enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in comparison with a standard culture method. Artificially inoculated food products with S. aureus - triangle kimbap, sliced spring onion, dried filefish fillet, danpatjuk (sweet red-bean porridge with small rice dumplings)- were tested in this study. Twenty-five grams of each of food samples were added into 225 ㎖ of sterilized phosphate buffered saline in a TEMPOⓇ stomacher bag followed by stomaching for 2 min. One milliliter of the stomached sample was added to a bottle of culture medium. Cards were filled and sealed in the automated filler and then were incubated for 24 h at 37℃. After incubation, the cards were placed in the automated TEMPOⓇ reader and MPN results were generated. For comparison with a culture method, decimal dilutions were prepared from the same homogenized samples described above, transferred onto Baird Parker and Baird Parker-Rabbit Plasma Fibrinogen (BP-RPF) agar plates, and then incubated at 37℃ for 24 h. The performance of TEMPOⓇ STA method is equivalent to the culture method using Baird Parker or BP-RPF agar count plate for the enumeration of S. aureus in foods, eliminating a time-consuming and laborious process.
To evaluate the performance of a new automated coliform enumeration system (TEMPO® CC) for the quantitative test of coliform bacteria contaminated in domestic livestock processed foods, a total of 507 samples of livestock foods were tested by the TEMPO® CC method, the most probable number (MPN) method, and Petrifilm method, respectively. The results of those three methods were compared to each other. Of 507 samples of livestock processed foods used in this study, 217 samples were contaminated artificially with coliform bacteria and the rest (n=290) were contaminated naturally. The results of the TEMPO® CC method for all samples were equivalent to those obtained from the MPN method, except 8 samples. In addition, 496 (97.8%) out of 507 samples made agreement between the TEMPO® CC method and the Petrifilm method. The correlation coefficients between TEMPO® CC and MPN methods as well as between TEMPO® CC method and Petrifilm method were above 0.9, and the slope and intercept of the linear regression model was different in less than 1 value. In conclusion, there were statistically equivalent levels of performance between the TEMPO® CC and the reference and alternative methods for the enumeration of coliform bacteria in livestock processed foods in this study.
This work was intended for the identification of markers that are found only in the spoiled red pepper powder. When analyzed by GC/MASS, the spoiled red pepper powder contains characteristic naphthalene derivatives, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8α-octahydro-1, 8α-dimethyl-7-(1-methylethenyl)-naphthalene and 2-isopropenyl-4α,8-dimethyl- 1, 2, 3, 4, 4α, 5, 6, 8α-octahydronaphthalene,which have not found in the normal red pepper powder. In addition, microscopic observation and microbial enumeration of the red pepper powder had been performed. Images by scanning electron microscopy showed that the surfaces of spoiled pepper powder were rough with many kinds of microbes, compared with those of normal red pepper powder. A good correlation between the bacterial and fungal counts in the same sample was observed and could be clearly classified into two groups, the normal and the spoiled group, by difference in the microbial counts. These results suggest that the spoiled red pepper powder can be identified by a combination of GC/MASS, microbial counts, and scanning electron microscopy.
우리나라 전통식품인 김치, 된장, 고추장, 간장, 탁주, 식혜, 수정과에 있는 미생물 분석을 위하여 건조필름법과 전통적인 미생물 분석법을 비교하였다. 일반세균 분석에는 plate count agar 법과 Petrifilm^(TM) aerobic count plate 법을 비교하였고, 대장균군과 대장균의 분석에는 most probable number (MPN) 법과 Petrifilm^(TM) coliform count plate및 Petrifilm^(TM) E. colilcoliform count plate 법을 각각 비교하였으며, 효모와 곰팡이의 분석에는 potato dextrose agar 법과 Petrifilm^(TM) yeast and mold count plate 법을 비교하였다. 황색포도상구균의 분석에는 coagulase 시험법과 Petrifilm^(TM) staph express count plate법을 비교하였다 두 방법간의 상관계수는 일반세균이 0.974-0.998, 대장균군이 0.955-0.978, 대장균이 0.968-0.986, 효모와 곰팡이가 0.913-0.995, 황색포도상구균이 0.998-0.999로 두 방법간의 상관성이 매우 높았으며, 평균 미생물수에 있어서도 유의적인 차이가 없었다(p>0.05). 이러한 결과로부터 건조필름법이기존의 전통적인 방법을 대체할 수 있는 미생물 분석법임이 확인되었다.
This study was designed to compare the effectiveness and applicability of the HApS (Hazard Analysis process System; HUKO, Seoul, Korea) based on Petrifilm^(TM)(3M, St. Paul, MN, USA) with the AOAC (the Association of Official Analytical Chemists) standard total aerobic count (TAC) method and coliform count (CC) method for meat products. The comparisons were carried out using 230 meat samples collected from various retailers: 80 pork samples, 80 chicken samples, and 70 beef samples. In the comparison of the correlation coefficient (r) between conventional method and HApS^(TM) method by a linear regression analysis, the correlation coefficients in total microorganism were 0.97767, 0.90712, and 0.95594 in pork, beef, and chicken samples, respectively. The correlation coefficients in coliform count were 0.82062, 0.94833, and 0.96839 in pork, beef and chicken samples, respectively. All the independent t-test on measun:ment values between conventional method and HApS^(TM) method represented no significant differences in the means between two methods at the 0.05 of significance level(α=0.05). Based on the high correlation between HApS^(TM) and the AOAC standard methods in the TAC and CC, it might be compatible to employ the HApS method to measure the microbial contamination in livestock products. HApS^(TM) method was simpler and less time-consuming in sample preparation and procedures faster than the conventional method. These results suggested that the HApS method could be substitute for the conventional methods in the analysis of microbial contamination measurement in meat products.