Lots of educational and medical facilities were actively built along with foreign missionary activities under Korean Empire era. Paiwha Girls’ High School is one of the educational facilities and at that time dormitory house was essential for recruiting girl students. Especially Paiwha’s dormitory was traditional hanok style, but now an auditorium has built in its place. This study carried on to restore its hanok dormitory house based on the plan sketch which drawn Paiwha Girls’ High School magazine. Through the analysis and investigation, we found some results as follows. Paiwha’s Hanok Dormitory had composed of 23 dormitories rooms, management space, sanitary space, dining space, etc. In living rooms division, there are three types of rooms, and it’s room was 4∼5 pyung(坪) in size and using area per person was 1pyung. Besides all rooms were connected by a corridor. The structure was 5-ryang(樑) type without high column or with one high column. Looking at structure and the shape of the roof on the historic photos, it seems to be a lower roof slope than other traditional house because of reducing its weight. But its span between two columns was wider relatively.
This study aimed to investigate the association between interest in beauty care and dietary behaviors of 581 (analysis rate 96.0%) high school girls in Incheon using a survey done in May 2019. Based on the degree of interest in beauty care, subjects were classified as “Beauty care group (n=346)”, and "Non-beauty care group (n=235)”. The mean age of the subjects was 16.5 years old. The beauty care group had significantly lower BMI than the non-beauty care group (p<0.01). The beauty care group showed a significantly higher interest in weight control than the non-beauty care group (p<0.001). The most time-consuming preschool morning activity in the beauty care group was beauty care, while that of the non-beauty care group was eating breakfast (p<0.001). The beauty care group had significantly higher frequency of exercise than the non-beauty care group (p<0.05). The number of individuals who skipped breakfast was significantly higher in the beauty care group. In addition, the beauty care group had a significantly higher frequency of taking morning snack, convenience food (p<0.01), sweet snacks (p<0.05), and processed beverages (p<0.05) than the non-beauty care group. Our result findings provide important information on the priority groups for nutrition education based on beauty care interest.
연구의 목적은 여자 중학생의 대인관계문제가 섭식문제에 영향을 미치는 과정의 이면기 제를 밝히고자 대인관계문제와 섭식문제의 관계에서 긍정반응경향의 매개효과를 검증하는데 있다. 대전 및 충청권에 거주하는 여자 중학생 712명으로부터 자기보고식 질문지 자료를 수집 하고 구조방정식모형(structural equation modeling) 분석을 실행하였다. 긍정반응경향이 대인 관계문제와 섭식문제의 관계를 매개하는 관계모형의 적합도를 검증하고, Sobel 검증을 사용하 여 긍정반응경향의 매개효과를 검증하였다. 첫째, 연구모형(부분매개모형)에 비해 경합모형 (완전매개모형)의 적합도가 더 양호하였다. 둘째, 대인관계문제와 섭식문제의 관계에서 긍정 반응경향의 매개효과가 유의하였다. 긍정반응경향이 매개변인으로 설정되면, 대인관계문제가 섭식문제에 직접 영향을 주기보다는 긍정반응경향을 통해서 간접적으로 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 대인관계문제의 수준이 높을수록 긍정반응경향의 수준이 낮고, 긍정반응경향 의 수준이 낮을수록 섭식문제의 수준이 높았다. 이러한 결과는 여자 중학생의 대인관계문제가 긍정반응경향의 감소라는 매개과정을 통해 섭식문제를 증가시킬 가능성을 시사한다. 마지막으로, 이 연구가 이미 섭식문제를 겪고 있거나 섭식문제를 겪을 위험에 놓인 여자 중학생들을 위한 개입과 예방 및 코칭 프로그램 개발에 가지는 시사점, 연구의 제한점, 후속연구를 위한 제언을 논의하였다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate students’ satisfaction with, perceived ease of movement of, and perceived fit of high school girls’ uniforms according to the uniform design. “P” high school, with a one-piece dress-type uniform, and “H” high school, with a two-piece type uniform, were selected for this study. Sixty-five female students from each school participated in the study. The questionnaire was composed of 21 questions about the school uniforms’ purchase behavior, design, fit, ease of movement, and modification and participants’ demographic information. Students from both schools were generally satisfied with the uniform design. However, in the open-ended response section, many “P” high school students responded that the fact that the one-piece dress pulled up when sitting or raising the hand made it uncomfortable. On the other hand, “H” high school students responded that the skirt was uncomfortable, because it left the body or underwear exposed when the wind blew due to the many pleats in the skirt. In the assessment of the ease of movement, “P” high school students were more likely to describe the uniform as uncomfortable than “H” high school students. Many students responded that they modified their school uniforms, and the length of the skirt and one-piece dress was the main part that was modified. This study suggests that growing female high school students are unsatisfied with the school uniforms’ design and fit. Additionally, the perceived fit and satisfaction levels depend on the uniform design.
The purpose of this study is to investigate 5th grade elementary school girls’ effort to recognize and use nutritional labels on processed foods and restaurant meals to encourage dietary behavior. The subjects (n=976) were divided into three groups (effort group, n=711; normal group, n=193; and no-effort group, n=72) depending on level of effort for the healthy dietary behavior such as eating balanced meals, eating three meals regularly, and eating meals slowly. In the effort group, the frequency of food intake for breads, ramen, noodles and fast foods was significantly lower, while frequency of food intake for fruits and vegetables and salad was significantly higher than in the other two groups. In the effort group, the ratio of the respondents that perception of nutrition labeling on processed foods and restaurant meals was 80.5% and 31.4% and the ratio of girls who checked the nutrition labeling at their point of purchase was 71.1% and 24.7%, respectively. Reasons given for not reading nutrition labeling for restaurant meals were ‘not interested’ for 34.6% of the effort group, and 52.2% of the no-effort group. Therefore, it is necessary to create an educational program on healthy dietary behavior, including how to read nutrition labeling and establishment of proper body image perception for elementary school girls.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the sensation seeking tendency and knitwear purchase behaviors of high school girls. The data were obtained from 475 high school girls at 6 high schools located in Daejeon. The method of study is a survey consisted of sensation seeking tendency items, knitwear purchase behavior items and demographic attribution. Data were analyzed by frequency, variance, crosstabs, and correlation analysis using SPSS WIN 17.0 program. The results of study are as follows. First, high school girls generally liked knitwears by reason of comfort and activity. Most girls purchased the knitwears to wear ordinary casual wear(81.5%). They usually thought sweater and cardigan to be representative of knitwears. Also, they mostly purchased the knitwears of simple and active design, achromatic color, 100% cotton, and solid or simple stripe pattern. The design and price were considered as important evaluation criteria in knitwear purchase. The information sources used by them were store display, friends, and internet. Second, the knitwear purchase behaviors of high school girls showed the difference between groups with high- and low-sensation seeking tendency. The most important factor of knitwear purchase was an unique and characteristic design in high group and a simple and active design in low group. In conclusion, high school girls liked knitwears and had different knitwear purchase behaviors according to the sensation seeking tendency.
This study is to present a female high school summer blouse with high movement functionality and satisfying appearance, surveyed the students for their understanding of summer blouse. Experimental study’s research method was questionnaire survey. By using questionnaires, the satisfaction and comfort of each region of the current worn summer blouse was analyzed. The results of this research are as follows. After surveying 371 high school students in the Daejeon region on the currently worn summer blouse comfort levels, 48.4% showed dissatisfaction about the width of the sleeves and the armpits and over 93% wanted the use of elastic materials as an alternative. After investigating the summer blouses’ mending state, 41% of students that mending their clothes chose the alternation of reducing the overall silhouette of the blouse in all areas. This reflects the female high school students’ mentality that thin body shape is the ideal.
The growth of the middle school girls show big difference among the individuals and the development of each area of the body is not uniformed but diverse which could be understood as the period that the problems on the fit of the clothes occur extensively. Therefore, in this study, the somatotype of the middle school girls are intended to be categorized for the highly applicable clothes design. For this, the 3 middle schools in Jeonju were selected for anthropometric measurement of 324 middle schools. The items of measurement are related to the somatotype of middle school girls, clothes design which is consisted of total of 50 items. For the basic data of clothes was judged that the classification of somatotype related to the tops and bottoms would be rational; hence, it is classified into the upper part and lower part of the body to extract the body shape consistent factor. As a result of analyzing the factors, the upper body consistent was extracted as the 4 items: upper body circumference, upper body length, breast growth and arm length. It was displayed as 75.26% explicability. The lower body consistent factors are extracted as lower body height, lower body circumference, hip length, and rear shape with 78.62% explicability. To classify the somatotype of upper body and lower body, each factor score is made into the independent viable for group analysis. As a result, the upper body was classified into the 'upper body with small breast and long' and 'upper body with big breast'. The lower body was categorized as 'lower body with long hip length' and 'standard lower body'.
Recently, the desire for low body weight, which is an abnormal weight construct along with obesity, has become an evident and serious problem in teenagers. In Korea, the desire for low weight is not perceived as an important problem, but it is rapidly expanding relative to the physical changes and developmental issues teenagers experience. The social atmosphere presented through mass media is the key influencer for the increasing low weight occurrence in teenagers. Because thoughts about beauty have changed among people, and since there is apparent blind interest in slim body shape and appearance, already low-weight individuals are attempting to lose weight along with obese persons. Thus, we consider it necessary to guide teenagers toward having correct perceptions with regard to weight and their own body shape, and that a healthy and appropriate weight is beautiful. Therefore, for this study, we investigated body perception, abnormal weight, attitude toward weight control, and factors related to eating behavior among teenage girls, who are considered the at risk group for overt body weight control behavior. Based on this, we have attempted to set in motion a systematic and active nutrition education program that will allow us to increase body satisfaction by educating on nutritional issues related to development, and ultimately, implant healthy body shape perceptions.
If we may practice the nutrition education planned on the basis which carefully grasped the inappropriate behavioral determinants of middle-school students, it might be an effective method achieving the change in perception and behavior improving the distorted perception about the ideal body shape, so we are to suggest the 8 week program of body shape perception improvement for successful nutrition education as follows. The body shape perception improvement program is a step-by-step group consulting program. At the introduction stage, we let them understand the meaning of true beauty and body change of teenage period and forming of sexual identity. At the stage of perception conversion, we let them have the opportunity to observe the status of body perception of the teenager and self-observation. At the stage of correction, we let them criticize the distorted body image in the society with mass media at the same time with the self-reflection. At the stage of maintenance and evaluation, we suggested the behavior guidance while preparing it. Setting this as the basis, we applied the contents such as the evaluations through cultural sharing events making somethings while directly participating. As the target groups to practice education were middle school students, we considered the learning level and behavioral features of the middle school students, and composed the programs including the methods such as role play, watching real things, media production, discussions and experiences. If the program of body shape perception improvement developed at this study could be utilized at the field of schools, the teenagers can change their ways of thought naturally avoiding the view about unified appearance rightly perceiving negative self-image that the teenagers can have and if the group consulting can be practiced regularly at each school, many students may experience the change in perception, so it might solicit the improvement of health of the families and local societies as well as that of the individual student.
There are two parts(middle and southern) according to dividing line of district in Korea. Middle part contains Kang Won, Chung Chung, Gyeong Gi, Seoul, In Cheon and Dae Jeon. Southern part contains Gyeong Sang, Jeol La, Je Ju, Bu San, Dae Gu, Ul San, and Gwang Ju. It is known that there are some differences between middle and southern part on weather. The climatic differences might affect human body. Thus, the mall objective of this study is to analyze effects of climatic differences which influence somatotype characteristics on residents in two regions. In order to compare and analyze data, Rohrer index and drop-value were used. Also, this paper provides typical ratios according to dividing line of district.
In general, it is fact that most educational institutions have lots of problems about shift of education facility and equipment because of insufficient budget. However, most high school girls live a lot of period in the school and most of them wear student uniform. Thus, it is necessary that educational environment has to be improved by actual body size of high school girls. The main objective of this study is to provide numerical guideline for the improvement of educational environment about high school girls (17~19 years) through comparison and analysis on physical standard of nation (report published in 1997). The sample for this work chosen from data which were collected and measured by Size Korea during two years (2003~2004). In order to analyze feature of the somatotype of high school girls, analysis was performed about 734 subjects on 25 body parts such as height (7 parts), width (4 parts), thickness (4 parts), circumference (5 parts), length (4 parts) and body weight. For the specific comparison on somatotype, Rohrer index and Mollison's comparison graph were used. The result of this study can be utilized in various fields such as design of classroom, student uniforms, facilities and equipments for education, etc.
본 연구는 김제시 1개 중학교 2학년 여학생 5개 반을 대상으로, 중학교 과학 '지각 변동' 단원을 중심으로 협동학습을 실시하여 협동 학습이 여학생들의 과학 선호도에 효과가 있는지 조사하였다. 협동 학습 모둠은 학습 능력이 이질적으로 되도록 4명을 한 모둠으로 구성하여 약 10주간의 협동 학습을 실시하였다. 협동 학습 실시 전 후 동일한 검사지로 과학 선호도에 대한 사전 검사와 사후 검사를 실시하였다. 협동 학습 실시 후 여중생들의 과학 선호도에 긍정적인 효과가 나타났다. 과학 수업에 대한 인식과 과학 수업에 대한 참여도가 협동 학습 전과 달리 긍정적인 변화를 보였다. 그러나 과학자들에 대한 인식이나 과학적으로 사고하거나 행동하는 습관을 나타내는 과학적 태도는 유의미한 차이가 없었다. 이는 10주 동안의 기간은 협동 학습 전략을 효과적으로 시행하는데 충분하지 못한 것으로 생각된다. 협동학습에 대한 학생들의 의견 조사에서 중위 수준 학생들은 상-하위 수준 학생들과 달리 협동 학습에 대해 강한 긍정을 나타냈다. 협동 학습을 통해 상위 수준 학생들에게 배우고, 하위 수준 학생들에게 나누는 모둠 활동에서 자신감을 얻고 흥미를 느낀 것으로 보인다. 다른 의견으로는 협동 학습이 과학 수업에 대한 흥미 유발과 공부에 더 도움이 되고, 학생의 참여도를 높이며, 학생들에게 협동심을 길러주는 등의 좋은 점이 있으나, 학생의 언어적 상호작용으로 인한 소란스러움을 유발시키고, 모둠 내 협동하는데 의견 충돌이 있는 단점이 있었다.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference of the change in six physical fitness factors and physical fitness grade according to every year for each grade of middle and high school girls and to identify how these physical fitness factors and p