This investigation aims to identify the roles of the discourse marker ja in home shopping discourse. In 12 excerpts of home s hopping d iscourse, ja h as been f ound 8 6 times, u sed as a marker o f adding more information, changing a subject, starting a new topic, focusing and suggesting. The analysis showed that the adding more information function, which is the most frequently used one (35 times), and the suggesting one were newly found in this type of discourse and directly related to the characteristic of the discourse: show hosts tend to provide as much information about the product as possible and to justify the consumption by suggesting various reasons. In addition, cases in which ja was used more than two times by one speaker were often found, which is connected to the fact that it is necessary to keep consumers' attention for the purpose of selling products. Also, guests who occasionally appear to help the hosts never used ja, which is because only show hosts have the power to control the discourse. In the process of switching the topic (e.g. price, composition, product features, or rushing comments), ja was used as a subject-changing marker second most frequently (29 times), especially when making rushing comments. These findings turn out to be closely related to the distinctive features of home shopping discourse, demonstrating the importance of studying discourse markers within the context of institutional discourse.
San-ja is one of the main members consisting of the roof of traditional wooden buildings in Korea. In this study, the regional characteristics of the materials used in San-ja and changes of the materials over time were examined. To this end, 123 documents on the repair of wooden architectural heritage recorded since the 1950s were reviewed. It was found that there was a difference in the San-ja material by region because of the diversity in the conditions of material supply. For instance, bamboo was the most frequently used material in Jeollanam-do province because it was readily available. However, with the development of transportation and vehicle, the regional characteristics have disappeared. As a result, the material has been unified with bamboo now. This is because bamboo is specified as a representative material in the specification or the convenience of construction is prioritized. In addition, the social and economic conditions at the time of repair had an influence on the selection of the San-ja materials.
본 고에서는 주자 변점법(變占法)의 체계와 구조적 특징을 살펴보았다. 주자의 변점법은 ‘효난동’의 문제로 귀결되고, 체계를 세우는 과정에서 변점법은 대칭구조를 이루게 되었다. 주자는 역사적 점례를 토대로 자신의 변점법을 체계화하였는데 그 구조적 특징은 대칭성이라 할 수 있다. 이렇게 대칭적 구조 로 자신의 점법을 체계화하면서 그 이전에 내려오던 점례에 관한 다양한 해석가능성과 충돌하게 된다. 주자는 자신이 만든 체계로 쉽게 풀리지 않는 점의 기록에 대해 고민하고 비판하면서 이전과 해석을 달리하는 모습을 보인다. 그러므로 나중에는 자신이 체계화한 구조 속에서 전형적으로 해석하려는 모습을 보이면서 언급에 모순도 보이게 되는데 ‘간지팔’에 관한 논의가 그것이 다. 그러므로 주자의 변점법이 해석의 다양성을 포용하기 힘들다. 그러나 주자가 구조적 특징인 대칭성을 일관되게 유지하려는 의도를 품고 있음을 ‘간지 팔’ 논의를 통해 짐작할 수 있었다. 지금까지 주자의 변점법이 일정한 전통성을 지닌다는 것은 대다수의 학자가 그의 점법을 따르거나 변용과 비판을 통해 발전시키고 있다는 점에서 인정될 수 있을 것이다.
Chinese characters used in the ancient Korean peninsula continued to occupy a leading position in the information processing process. Many literatures used Chinese characters as a means of recording. The main examples include Samguk-sagi (literally meaning the Historical Records of the Three Kingdoms) of the Goryeo Dynasty and the rest are listed as the Memory of the World: Joseonwangjo-sillok (literally meaning the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty), Joseonwangjo-uigue (literally meaning the Royal Protocols of the Joseon Dynasty), a well-known medical book of Joseon Dynasty, Dongui-bogam (literally meaning A Priceless Book about Medicines of an Eastern Country), and Printing Woodblocks of the Tripitaka Koreana and miscellaneous Buddhist scriptures (2007) of the Haeinsa Temple that amounts to about 87,000 pieces of woodblocks. However, only 9 books about Chinese characters in the Joseon Dynasty have been preserved up to date as the genealogy and dictionary of Chinese characters. These genealogies and dictionaries provide valuable data for studying common-use Chinese characters in the Joseon Dynasty. This study was intended to investigate the purpose of making Chinese characters and the frequency of common-use Chinese characters at that time through computerized data of Genealogy and Dictionary of Sillok-ja Types and the statistics of the frequency of Chinese characters.
여말선초 관음보살상 중에는 전륜성왕(轉輪聖王)이 취하는 좌법으로 알려진 윤왕좌(輪 王坐, Maharaja-lila 또는 Rājalilāsana)를 취하고 있는 조각이 다수 확인된다. 기존의 불교조각사에서 제작된 바 없는 작례로서 활발한 대외교섭을 통해 유입된 것으로 보이며, 고려 시대 관음신앙을 통해 안정적으로 정착할 수 있었다. 윤왕좌를 취하고 있는 관음보살상의 도 상을 살펴보면 보타락가산(補陀洛迦山)에 상주하고 있는 모습을 묘사하고자 했음을 알 수 있는데, 중국 송대 제작된 수월관음보살의 모습에서 그 원류를 확인할 수 있다. 윤왕좌를 취하고 있는 관음보살상의 양식적 특징은 여말선초 불교조각의 양식사적 흐름위에서 크게 벗어 나지 않는다. 통일신라 양식을 기반으로 외래양식을 적절히 수용한 전통양식과 원․명대의 독특한 티베트계 양식을 모두 확인할 수 있다. 제작경향을 살펴보면 소형의 호지불상(護持 佛象)이나 경상(鏡像)과 같은 휴대용 불교용구에 집중적으로 제작되어 독특하다. 이들은 제난구제(諸難救濟)나 안산(安産) 등 현세이익적인 원(願)이나 정토로 향하고 싶은 내세에 관 한 염원을 담을 수 있는 대상으로서 이를 성취하고자 하는 강한 마음의 발로라고 볼 수 있다.
This study investigates the relationship of two architectures ‘Kim Sa-haeng’ and ‘Park Ja-cheong.’ They were the architects whose architecture were established and well known however they were not acknowledged by the people. Because they were not revealed under the large-scale national construction in complicated circumstances at home and abroad. The results were as follows; First, Kim Sa-haeng who was an overseas architect in Yuan dynasty stood out in all areas of architecture. Particularly in making royal tombs; His works were recognized as the most beautiful royal tombs ever existed and was later on followed by the Joseon dynasty. Second, Park completed the construction of Joseon's by faithfully reflecting on the discussed process of Neo-Confucian while coming after the time of the construction of Kim Sa-haeng. Third, although Kim Sa-haeng was a vassal of the Buddhist nation in Goryeo, he built the Moon-myo, a Confucian inspired temple of Joseon. Park Ja-cheong, who continued to build Kim Sa-haeng's architecture, reproduced Kim Sa-haeng's confucian's temple of Joseon dynasty while modifying it according to the situation in Joseon dynasty. The constructions of the two architects' monuments continues unabatedly. Their architecture has continued without massive changes.
본 연구에서는 유색감자 자영을 건조한 뒤 분쇄하여 분말을 제조하고 자영 분말을 전체 분말 기준으로 0, 30, 50,100% 첨가하여 쿠키를 제조한 후 쿠키의 총 페놀 함량,색도, 경도를 측정하고 관능 평가를 실시하였다. 쿠키의 총페놀 함량은 쿠키를 굽는 시간과 자영 분말 첨가량이 증가함에 따라 증가하였다. 쿠키의 색도는 색도차와 Browningindex로 나타내었다. 대조군인 밀가루 쿠키와의 색도차는자영 분말의 첨가량이 많을수록 컸으며, 쿠키를 굽는 시간이 증가할수록 감소하였다. Browning index의 경우 쿠키를굽는 시간이 증가할수록 전체적으로 증가하였다. 그 결과,logistic 모델이 유색감자 자영의 함량이 증가하였을 때 굽는 시간에 따른 갈변 현상을 나타내는 데 가장 적합함을알 수 있었다. 쿠키의 경도를 측정한 결과 6분 동안 구웠을 때 자영 분말의 함량이 증가할수록 경도가 증가하는 것을 확인하였으나 쿠키를 굽는 시간이 증가함에 따라 자영분말 첨가군 간의 유의차는 나타나지 않았다. 또한 쿠키를15분 이상 구웠을 때에는 대조군과 자영 분말 첨가 쿠키의 경도에 차이가 없었다. 관능 검사 결과는 자영 분말을30%와 50% 첨가한 쿠키를 11분간 구웠을 때 가장 높은 점수를 보이며 밀가루 쿠키와 유사한 기호도를 나타내었다.따라서 쿠키에 자영 분말을 첨가하여 11분에서 13분간 구웠을 때 시중에 유통되고 있는 높은 기호도의 밀가루 쿠키와 유사한 식감과 색도를 가지며, 항산화활성이 우수한 기능성 쿠키의 제조가 가능함을 확인하였다.
The enzyme invertase contributes to sugar unloading, pathogen defense, differentiation and development in plants. We cloned the complete cDNA of a soluble acid invertase from pea seedlings (Pisum sativum) via RT-PCR and the rapid amplification of the cDNA
Fishes were caught by a bottom trawl in the Yeo-ja bay of Korea by every three month(March, June, September and December) and seasonal variation of abundance and species composition were studied in 2005. The catches were 1,187kg and were composed of 115 species with 20 hauls by 5 stations. The dominant species caught were Charybdis bimcaulata, Crangon hakodatei, Parapenaeus fissurus, Oratosguilla oratoria, and Thryssa purava. One hundred fifty species were identified as fish(38%), crustacea(20%), mollusca(4%) and others(38%) which including of Asterias amurensis. The amount of species was high in June and September and low in March and December. The diversity index(H') was about 1.2-2.5 and station similarity of fishes caught among the community was 0.009-0.230.
李資玄이 활동하던 12세기는 벼슬하여 가문을 번창시키는 것을 중요시하는 家門意識과 現實主義的인 世界觀이 유행하던 시기였다. 그런데 이러한 풍토의 한가운데 위치하고 있던 그는 당시와는 상반된 삶을 살았으며 시세계에도 그의 특성이 나타나고 있다. 이자현 시세계의 특성을 고찰하기 위해 먼저, 그가 젊은 시절 벼슬을 버리고 은거하게 되는 이유 즉 상처, 타락한 현실에 대한 염증, 병, 사상적 경향 등을 살펴보았다. 그 중 그의 사상체계는 儒學으로 출발하여 道敎와 佛敎가 융합된 형태를 보이고 있는데, 벼슬을 버린 후에는 禪에 대한 관심이 지배적인 것으로 나타난다. 12세기에는 자연에 은둔하거나, 그러한 지향을 보여준 인물들이 적지 않게 출현했다. 흔히 이자현을 정지상․곽여 등과 같은 시세계를 지닌 것으로 파악을 하고 있지만 변별점을 찾을 수 있다. 정지상은 결국 현실로 회귀하고, 곽여는 자연으로 귀의를 꿈꾸지만 실행하지 못하고 있었다. 그런데 이자현만 자연에 귀의를 실천하여 자연과 합일을 도모함으로써 그만의 특징적인 면모를 갖게 되었다. 이자현의 시에서 자연은 현실 세계와 완전히 단절된 공간이다. 자연은 현실세계의 탐욕과 고통에서 벗어난 순수하고 청정한 사물들이고, 이자현의 天性을 보존시켜주는 요소들이다. 그리고 그의 현실적 가치에 대한 부정적인 시각은 결국 동시대에 고통스런 현실을 비판하거나 가슴아파하는 시가 다수 창작되었음에도 불구하고 그러한 시를 창작하지 못한 요인으로 작용한다.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the historical and environmental background of the straight-line-shaped plan emerged in northeast region of China during the Qing dynasty. This raper is mainly based on the writings in Yeon-haeng-rok. The results are summarized as follows: First the necessity of a lot of sunshine due to the cold climate in that region made the people select the plan that rooms to be added side by side. Second, it was not necessary to build the house with non-straight-line-shaped plan due to the reason that the northeast region of China is so vast and the size of the house lot was not limited. Third, the condition of family income somewhat affect the shape of plan to be straight-line-shaped, which is much economical to construct a house than other shape of plan. Fourth, the way of living of the people in that region during the Qing dynasty made the house plan straight-line-shaped which is convenient to sit either on the floor or on the chair within a room. Fifth, straight-line-shaped plan became an adequate means to represent the hierarchy of the use of inner space of a house and eventually became an architectural norm of this region.
This fasciale, a remainder of So Moon(素問) with Bon Byung Ron(本病論), is a part of the theory of the Five Circuit Phases and the Six Atmospheric Influences(五運六氣學) that studied and discussed the rules of the weather change in ancient oriental medicine. The change in weather is one of the most important factors which influence man's health therefore the theory is worth while to study further. This fascicle explains the cause of diseases occured by irregular and exceptional change of weather and acupunctural treatment methods to prevent and cure those kinds of disease as its title -Ja Bup Ron(刺法論)-suggests. During Tang Dynasty(唐) when Wang Ping(王氷) commentated the So Moon(素問) only the title of this fascicle was kept but the contents of it was lost differing from Seven volumes of the Five Circuit Phases and the Six Atmospheric Influences(運氣七篇). However in the times of the North Song Dynasty(北宋) when Kao Pao-Heng(高保衡), Lin I(林億) and the other scholars studied and compared medical books this fasciale and another lost fasciale-Bon Byung Ron(本病論) appeared with theirs notes. So these two fascicles called Lost Volumes of So Moon(素問遺篇). But we can infer these two fascicles were written by a certain Taoist during the ninth and tenth century A.D. - the former times of Kao Pao-Heng(高保衡), Lin I(林億) and the other scholars studied and compared medical books during the North Song Dynasty(北宋) since Wang Ping(王氷) because this fascicle connots the Taoism training methods such as Pe Gi(閉氣), Jon Sang Bup(存想法) and Oi Dan Bup(外丹法) and so on. This thesis runs as follows; Chapter 1 deals with acupuncture treatment to prevent and cure Ul(鬱) disease occuerd by Sung Gi Bu Jun(升之不前) of the Six Atmospheric Influence(六氣). Chapter 2 deals with acupuncture treatment to prevent and cure diseases due to Bul Chun Jung(不遷正) and Bul Toi Wui(不退位) of the Six Atmospheric Influence(六氣). Chapter 3 deals with acupuncture treatment of an epidermic(疫癘) due to the deviation of the Five Ciecuit Phases from the regularity(五運失守). Chapter 4 deals with the symptomes of an epidemi and the preventive treatments such as Jon Sang Bup(存想法), Vomitory treatment(吐法), respiratory treatment(汗法) and So Kum Dan Bang(小金丹方). Chapter 5 deals with the interaction among the five viscera and the six bowels as well as the principle of the acupuncture.