
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 31

        2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, thirty-eight lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains were isolated from Kimchi (Korean traditional fermented food) and screened for probiotic characterization in a series of in vitro tests, including resistance to low pH, tolerance to bile salts, hydrophobicity, antibiotic resistance and antioxidant activity. Firstly, twenty-two strains displayed survival in acid and bile passage conditions. Secondly, the strains KCCP 11349 and KCCP 11356 were observed to have high cell surface hydrophobicity with 63.9 and 98.8 %, respectively. Functionality of these potential probiotic isolates was supported by their antioxidant activity. Altogether, the strain KCCP 11349 showed characteristics similar to or even better than reference strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. Finally, 16S rRNA gene sequencing was conducted to identify potential probiotic strains and KCCP 11349 was identified as Lactobacillus plantarum subsp. plantarum.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        배추나비고치벌(Cotesia glomerata L.)은 배추흰나비(Artogeia rapae L.)와 배추좀나방(Plutella xylostella L.) 유충을 공격하는 내부기생 천적으로, 여름배추를 주로 생산하는 고랭지 채소밭에서 배추흰나비와 배추좀나방을 동시에 생물적 방제하기 위한 천적자원으로서 활용 가능성이 높다. 배추나비고치벌에 대한 온도별 생육반응과 성비, 먹이에 따른 수명을 실험실내에서 조사한 결과, 배추나비고치벌의 알-유충 기간 및 번데기 기간은 20℃에서 각각 12.1 ± 2.1일, 6.4 ± 1.8일이었으며, 생육온도가 높아질수록 짧아지는 경향을 보였다. 이를 바탕으로 산출한 알-유충 및 번데기 시기의 발육영점온도는 각각 7.7℃, 8.5℃였다. 여러 상이한 온도에서 사육한 배추나비고치벌 우화성충의 암수를 조사한 결과, 15℃에 서 61.0 ± 4.5%, 20℃에서 44.2 ± 1.0%, 25℃에서 39.0 ± 2.3%의 성비를 보여 온도가 낮아질수록 암컷의 발생률이 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 배추나비고치벌 성충에 10% 설탕액을 급여한 결과 수명은 20.4 ± 0.2일이었으며, 아무것도 급여하지 않은 경우는 3.6 ± 0.1일이었다. 실내 대량 사육을 통해 확보한 배추나비고치벌 성충을 2007년부터 2018년까지 매년 8월 초에 고랭지 배추밭에 방사하고 노지 기생률을 조사하였다. 그 결과 햇수가 지날수록 노지 기생률이 증가하는 것을 확인하였다(Y=0.2696X+2.8633, R2=0.3994). 가장 높은 기생률을 보인 연도는 2013년의 7.6%이었고, 가장 최근인 2018년에는 6.5%의 기생률을 나타내었다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 식품섭취량 데이터를 활용하여, 한국인의 식습관을 분석하고 관리방향을 제안하였다. 국민건강영양 조사의 원시자료를 활용하고, 국내 대표적 식품 분류체계인 식품공전을 반영해서 품목수 839개(세부품목수 1,419개)를 대상으로 실시하였다. 일일 총 식품섭취량은 1,585.77 g/day 이고, 그 중 원재료식품은 858.96 g/day(54.2%), 가공식품은 726.81 g/day(45.8%)로 산출되었다. 식품군별 식품섭취량은, 곡류가 가장 높은 비율을 차지했고, 식품섭취량 상위15위 식품군 중 90% 이상의 대상자가 섭취하는 목록으로는 곡 류(99.06%), 근채류(95.80%)로 나타났다. 품목별 분석에 의하면 주요 다소비(일일식품섭취량 1%이상 섭취, 158.6 g/ day) 및 다빈도(일일평균 국민 25% 이상 섭취, 5,168명) 품목은 쌀, 배추김치, 사과, 무, 달걀, 고추, 양파, 밀, 두부, 감자, 오이, 돼지고기로 산출되었다. 섭취빈도 중심의 상위순위 목록은 주로 한식양념 재료들이 포함되었다. 김치류는 배추김치(64.89 g/day)의 섭취량 비율이 67%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 주류의 경우 섭취량 및 섭취빈도 모두 상위 5위 안에 포함되어 있으며, 세부적인 섭취량은 맥주 (63.53 g/day), 소주(39.11 g/day), 막걸리(19.70 g/day) 순으로 높았고, 섭취빈도는 소주(11.3%), 맥주(7.2%), 청주(6.6%) 순으로 높게 산출되었다. 2010년부터 2015년도 식품섭취 량 추이에서 곡류는 꾸준하게 감소하고, 음료류는 다소 증가하는 추세였다. 주류의 섭취빈도에서는 일부 종류인 막걸리, 와인, 청주, 복분자주에서 년도별로 감소하는 경향 이었고, 김치류도 감소하는 추세였다. 식품 섭취패턴은 체내노출과 직접적인 영향이 있으며, 식품섭취량이 높은 식품과 섭취빈도가 높은 식품 모두 관리가 중요하지만, 우 리나라 섭취 특성을 고려하여 국내에 적합한 안전관리 방안 마련이 필요하다. 식품 섭취로 인한 유해오염물질의 노출량 관리를 위해서 다소비 식품은 섭취용량과 관련이 높으므로 식품의 오염도 관리 중심으로 다빈도 식품은 섭취 기간과 관련이 높으므로 섭취시 장기노출로 인한 체내축적 중심으로 접근하는 것을 권장한다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study investigated the dietary patterns associated with Korean food and the level of proper eating habits according to recognition of the Kimchi cooking method, and aimed to suggest the necessity of dietary education of traditional foods such as Kimchi. Methods: Based on the results of the national dietary survey conducted in 2014 by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs of Korea, a total of 1200 subjects were classified into two groups, one that knew how to make Kimchi (53.8%) and another that did not (46.2%). Results: The group that knew how to make Kimchi (FG) showed significantly higher scores in knowledge of how to cook most types of Korean foods and traditional fermented foods than the other group (NG). Moreover, FG showed significantly higher scores in regularity in meals and a higher frequency of Korean foods such as rice, Kimchi, and grilled or stewed food, while it showed significantly lower scores in dietary risk factors than NG. In addition, FG showed significantly higher scores in dietary education interest and number of meals with family during the week than NG. Finally, FG had significantly higher scores in the degrees of practice of all eight items related to proper eating habits. Conclusion: Since recognition of Kimchi cooking has a great influence on maintenance of dietary life, dietary education to improve the cooking ability of traditional foods should be further strengthened.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze average kimchi intake, general characteristics, frequency of daily meal intake, intakes of vegetables and fruits, and nutrient intakes in four serving size groups based on data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010~2012. The results showed an average amount of kimchi intake in subjects of 115.6 g, ranging from 0 g to 605.94 g. For daily meal intake except snacking according to kimchi serving size, all daily meal intakes increased significantly with increasing kimchi serving size (p<0.0001), and tendency of kimchi intake increased with more eating-out. As kimchi serving size increased, total intakes of vegetables and salted vegetables increased significantly (p<0.0001). However, unsalted vegetables intake did not show significant difference. Intake of fruits also increased with increasing kimchi serving size. As the serving size of kimchi increased, intakes of energy, carbohydrates, protein, fat, sodium, and potassium increased significantly (p<0.0001). For intake of sodium, intakes of all groups exceeded 2,000 mg, which is the recommended level for Koreans. Moreover, the fourth serving size group consumed three times (6,546.35 mg) more sodium than the recommended level.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the awareness, eating experience, and preference of kimchi, and the sensory evaluation of kimchi from Chinese and Korean students residing in Korea. General information (including age, sex, duration of staying, living status) was collected. A questionnaire was used to collect the information on awareness, eating experience, and preference of kimchi and dishes made with kimchi. Sensory evaluations were carried out on a 10 point scale. All subjects (37 Koreans, 43 Chinese) were aware of kimchi, with 98% of the Chinese subjects recognizing kimchi as a Korean traditional food and 65% having eaten kimchi at least once a day. The types of kimchi preferred by Chinese subjects were generally sweet and not over-bearing in seasoning, hotness, or ripeness. The more frequently eaten foods made with kimchi were jjigae, bokkeumbap, bibimbap and kimbap. However, the more preferred dishes made with kimchi were bossam, jeongol, bokkeum, jeon, and ramyeon. The Chinese subjects were especially sensitive to spicy odors (4.6±2.2/10), salted seafood odors (4.6±2.3/10), offodors (4.4±2.3/10) and aftertaste (5.9±2.1/10) compared to Korean subjects. Taken all together, the perception as well as sensory characteristic of kimchi needs to be improved for the globalization of kimchi.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate American's perception and preference for Korean kimchi. A questionnaire was used to examine the perceptions of 126 males (40.4%) and 186 females (59.6%) residing in Illinois and California. Approximately 68% of the respondents had eaten Korean food. The perception of kimchi was the highest with a mean of 3.62. The respondents felt that the "Kimchi is a good side dish with cooked rice", "Kimchi (with garlic) prevents SARS", which was significantly different (M=3.06, p< .001), and "Kimchi prevents adult diseases" (M=3.24, p< .01). When evaluating the different kinds of kimchi, onion juice kimchi had the most preferred taste and also the highest overall acceptability (M=5.50, p< .05) of the second days. In the sensory evaluation by kimchi use, the best taste (p< .001) was in the order of kimchi pizza (M=6.58), kimchi dumplings (M=6.40), and kimchi chicken a'laking (M=6.33). The order for overall acceptability (p< .001) was kimchi dumplings (M=6.30), kimchi pizza (M=6.25), kimchi bacon roll, kimchi fried rice, and kimchi chicken a'laking (M=6.17).
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Radish kimchi is a typical side-dish in Korean traditional food and is a way of keeping vegetables for a extended period using fermentation. This study examined the classification, usage, eating history, variety, and recipes of Korean radish kimchi through ancient and modern era literature. The Korean radish kimchi were categorized into six groups: kkakttugi, seokbakji (or nabakkimchi), dongchimi, jjanji, jangachi, and jangkwa. According to the record, the eating history of radish kimchi comes from before the age of the Three Kingdom period. Radish was preserved in salt, vinegar, soybean paste or lees of fermented liquor in the early times. This pickled radish was not supposed to be watery. Radish kimchi was divided into watery kimchi (dongchimi) during the period of United Silla and the Koryo Dynasty. Kimchi was mixed with Chinese cabbage to make seokbakji or nabakkimchi. Up to the early Chosun Dynasty, the key ingredient of kimchi was radish. After the middle of the Chosun Dynasty, kimchi was mixed with red pepper powder, salted fish, soybean sauce, and various ingredients. There were many kinds of radish kimchi during the late Chosun Dynasty. In the 11 Korean recipe books published within the past 100 years, there are nine kinds of kkakttugi, three kinds of seokbakji, four kinds of dongchimi, three kinds of jjanji, nine kinds of jangachi, and five kinds of jangkwa. Kkakttugi (cubed, sliced or julienne radish) was pickled with salt, red pepper powder, garlic, green onion, oyster, sugar, salted fish, and more. Seokbakji and nabakkimchi were not as salty, so they could not be preserved as long. Dongchimi (watery radish kimchi without red pepper powder) was made of radish, water, salt, 18 side ingredients, 13 condiments, and seven garnishes. Jjanji was pickled to be very salty and was eaten during summer. Jangachi can be used as a regular side dish and is made of radish or dried radish slices pickled or seasoned with salt, soy sauce, vinegar, soybean paste, lees of fermented liquor, and spices. Jangkwa is used as a stir-fry method and has been segregated from jangachi relatively recently.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the preference for Korean Kimchi by Chinese people in Shandong Province was evaluated. Specifically, this study was conducted to aid in the introduction of Kimchi to China by providing information and developing local types designed to meet regional taste preferences. The subjects were comprised of 298 Chinese (male 108, female 190) residents of Weihai, Yantai and Qingdao, in Shandong province, China. The subjects were provided with a self administered questionnaire form designed to evaluate their views on Korean Kimchi. The collected data were then analyzed using the SAS software package. The results revealed that 95.3% of the respondents were aware of Korean Kimchi. In addition, 100% of the respondents who had visited Korea and 98.1% of the respondents who had an interest in Korea were aware of Kimchi. With regard to the origins of their interest in Kimchi, 26.8% of the subjects answered 'through mass media', while 23.9% reported that they learned about Kimchi 'through friends'. Most subjects recognized Kimchi as a 'Korean traditional food' (92.6%), a 'delicious food' (53.2%), and a 'fermented food' (38.0%). Baechu Kimchi was found to be the most well-known Kimchi, followed by Kkakdugi, Oi Kimchi, Yoelmu Kimchi and Nabak Kimchi. Additionally, 69.1% of the subjects knew how it was prepared, most of whom reported that they learned how Kimchi was prepared through 'Korean movie and/or drama'. Moreover, 88.9% of the subjects had eaten Kimchi. Overall, 43.8% of the subjects reported that they ate Kimchi 1~2 times per month, while 32.1% reported that they ate Kimchi 1~2 time per year. The most common places that Kimchi was eaten were a 'Korean restaurant' (67.6%) or with a 'colleague' (32.8%). The primary reasons for not having eaten Kimchi were 'no knowledge or dislike of Kimchi by family' (30.3%), 'difficulty purchasing Kimchi' (21.2%), 'high priced Kimchi' (21.2%), and 'dislike the smell and shape of Kimchi' (12.1%).
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated elementary school students' perception, preferences, and intake of Korean traditional foods, focusing specifically on kimchi, tteok (rice cake), and eumcheong (beverage) varieties; and compared them by gender, living with grandparents, mother's occupation, and meal preparation by the grandmother. The subjects were 287 6th grade elementary school students in Busan. The results were as follows: 80% of children were interested in Korean traditional foods. 40% believed that their intake of Korean traditional foods was decreasing because these foods were not palatable to them. The majority of them, however, said they would continue to eat Korean traditional foods as they had done (54.7%) or eat more than before (36.6%) in the future. The children thought that Korean traditional foods were rich in nutrition and good for their health. The children had the highest preference for Baechu-kimchi among varieties of kimchi, and they had high preferences for Songpyeon, Galaitteok, and Injulmi. They had high preferences for Sikhye, citron tea, and adlai tea. Over 80% reported consuming Baechu-kimchi and Kkakdugi three to four times per week. They had eaten Injulmi the most frequently among the tteoks, while over 80% had eaten the other types of tteok only once or twice per month. Adlai tea, citron tea, and Sikhye were drunk more than once per week. In general, we noted no significant differences in the children's perceptions, preferences, and intake of Korean traditional foods by gender, living with grandparents, mother's occupation, and meal preparation by grandmother, with the exception of several items. The students had a very positive perception of Korean traditional foods. They had higher preferences for and had more frequently consumed the more familiar Korean traditional foods. It is therefore suggested that if the children had opportunities to experience Korean traditional foods more frequently and variously at home or in restaurants, they would appreciate Korean traditional foods even more, and develop higher preferences for these foods.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aimed to Kimchi to be well known in the World, which to be international food on the each nation and each people, each religion cultural area, with having done Kimchi adaptation plan for localization. Among the plan, Kimchi utilization ways with the localization strategy in Turkish dietary life were investigated to the Kimchi preference, improvement points on Turkish view, for the Turkey person it would be able to apply in Turkish food culture, and the results are as follows. 1. According to sex of Chinese cabbage Kimchi preference, men (M=3.75 ± 0.89) appeared higher than women (M=3.62 ± 0.88). Color or appearance preference after Chinese cabbage Kimchi taste was investigated in order that red 〉 burnish felt 〉 transparent 〉 yellow, and the smell preference which was hot(M=4.64 ± 1.37) appeared highest. A hot taste felt most intensely, and it was investigated in order that aftertaste〉 salty taste 〉 sourness 〉 off flavor taste 〉 fermented fish source taste 〉 sweetness〉 carbonic acid by the followings. For the feeling of texture of Kimchi, the crunch was higher than durable tough(it was visible the consider difference of the sex 2. That the Korean Kimchi hit to a palatable taste, against 109 people (72.2%) answered suitable appetite to this taste, and the reason which was in order of that hot tasty 〉 appearance 〉 chewing texture 〉 red 〉 fermented flavor was investigated. Did not hit to a taste 42 people (27.8%) answer back, with the reason that was investigated in order of hot tasty 〉 appearance 〉 red 〉 fermented flavor 〉 chewing texture. The hot tasty of Kimchi was commonly presented that hit and did not hit to appetite taste against people. 3. Among the Turkish food, similar foods for Kimchi were answered in order of Lahana Tursu (44.2 %) 〉 Kapuska (25.9 %) 〉 Lahana Prasa (11.1%), and similar food category were that Chinese cabbage or various vegetables to be pickling food and to be dressing salad with salt and vinegar. The accompanied or garnished Turkich food category for Kimchi were answered in order of cooking meat (34.1%)〉 steamed cooking rice (22.7%)〉 cooking fish (17.0%)〉 cooking soybean (14.2%). This result was same tendency with steamed cooking rice accompaniment for Kimchi in Korea and Turkey, and could be applied a new main menu like meat cooking and fish cooking dish which matched and accompanied with Kimchi.
        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research entailed collecting domestic and overseas research papers on technologies for fermentation of Kimchi, which is widely considered the national dish of Korea, creating a technology classification structure and conducting quantitative analysis on each technology component and schematization. Five research papers were published in domestic journals in 1990. Afterwards, the number increased by six to nine papers a year. There was no clear increase after the year 2000, but an average of around 20 papers have been Published every year, indicating that Kimchi research is now becoming widespread. An analysis on researchers entailed determining the percentage of research papers published by the top ten authors. The percentage was 76% in the early-1990s; 63% in the late-1990s; and 52% in the 2000s, indicating that Kimchi has been more and more widely researched and Kimchi research has become professionalized. Universities were found to be leading the research as 52% of researchers belonged to universities. Another 9% were at research institutions. Analysis of technologies showed that domestic research mainly focused on the Kimchi fermentation process and an additive for the development of new Kimchi ingredients and types, preservation and quality improvements. Most of the research papers published overseas dealt with the functions of bacteria strains isolated from Kimchi; and improvements in the Kimchi fermentation and ripening processes. And most of the research papers have been published in a field of microorganism and biotechnology.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese university students' in Beijing perception for Korean Kimchi. The results were as follows: A questionnaire was examined on male 145 (45.7%) and female 172 (54.3%) college students of residing in Beijing. Nationality of Kimchi answered Korea 83.3% of all the participants, and have eaten Kimchi was 59.0%. Male purchased commercial Kimchi 39.7%, and female restaurant 44.9% (p< .05). The first answered 'it was taste' 52.1% when commercial Kimchi purchased, and packing size of commercial Kimchi was 50g 50.0%. Among the intake experience have eaten Kimchi was the highest Baechu Kimchi 79.1%, Mu Kimchi 68.4% and Oi Kimchi 63.6%, also preference of Kimchi was Baechu Kimchi 44.3%, Mu Kimchi 29.3% and Oi Kimchi 19.2% in order. After have eaten Kimchi answered good 64.6% (p< .05), Kimchi liked reason were the highest 'refreshing taste' 42.4%, unliked were 'oder (of garlic, ginger and anchovy juice, etc)' and 'too spicy' 33.3%, respectively. Improvement on consumption extention of Kimchi answered 'not too salty' 30.2%, 'not too hot' 28.5% and 'not too strong seasoning' 22.7%. Perception for Kimchi answered the highest mean (3.95) 'Kimchi is a good side dish with cooked rice'.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate Chinese in Beijing and Shanghai perception and preference for Korean Kimchi. The results were as follows: A questionnaire was examined on male 145(45.7%) and female 172(54.3%) of residing in Beijing, and on male 139(49.5%) and female 142(50.5%) of residing in Shanghai. In foods of eating with Kimchi resulted the highest Chinese foods 40.3% on male, and Korean. Chinese foods 25.3% on female in Beijing(p< .05), Korean, Chinese foods 26.7% and 25.3% on male respectively, and Korean foods 50.7% on female in Shanghai. In Kimchi used dishes Beijing resulted high Kimchi Ramyon 61.5%, Kimchi Kuk 51.3%, and Kimchi Chigae 44.9%, and Shanghai were Kimchi Ramyon 51.2%, Kimchi Kuk 41.3%, and Kimchi Fried Rice 22.4% in order. In evaluation by kinds of Kimchi, the taste resulted high onion juice Kimchi(M=6.55) of the third days, and overall acceptability resulted high onion juice Kimchi(M=6.18) of the third days, similary in Beijing, and Kimchi added in shrimp(M=5.70) of two days, and overall acceptability resulted high Kimchi added in shrimp(M=5.70) of the third days, similary in Shanghai. In Sensory evaluation by used Kimchi, the taste resulted high in the order of Kimchi Fried Rice and Chinese style Kimchi Fried Pork(M=6.27), and overall acceptability resulted Kimchi Fried Udong(M=6.40), Chinese style Kimchi Fried Pork(M=6.27), Kimchi Dumpling(M=6.20) in Beijing, and Kimchi Chige(M=6.70), Kimchi Fried Rice(M=6.67) and Kimchi Pancake(M=6.44), and overall acceptability resulted Kimchi Fried Udong, Kimchi Chige(M=6.50), Kimchi Fried Rice and Kimchi Pancake(M=6.44) in Shanghai.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese university students' in Shanghai perception for Korean Kimchi. The results were as follows : A questionaire was examined on male 139(49.5%) and female 142(50.5%) college students of residing in Shanghai. Nationality of Kimchi answered Korea 75% of ail the participants, and have eaten Kimchi was 60.9%. Male purchsed commercial Kimchi 42.2% and female restaurant 46.3a(p< .01). The first answered 'it was taste' 51.6% when commercial Kimchi purchsed, and packing size of commercial Kimchi was 200g 56.9%. Among the intake experience have eaten Kimchi was the highest Baechu Kimchi 77.8%, Mu Kimchi 58.5% and Oi Kimchi 35.7%, also preference of Kimchi was Baechu Kimchi 49.7%, Mu Kimchi 26.9% and Oi Kimchi 13.8% in order. After have eaten Kimchi answered good 54.5%(p< .01), Kimchi liked reason were the highest 'refreshing taste' 39.7%, unliked were odor(of garlic, ginger and anchovy juice, etc) and too spicy in order Improvement on consumption extention of Kimchi answered 'not too hot' 30.4%, 'not too salty' 28.6% and 'not over-riped' 21.7%. Perception for Kimchi answered the highest mean 3.51'Kimchi can be preserved for a long time' (p< .05) and 'Kimchi is a good side dish with cooked rice'.
        1995.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The history of vegetable preservation technology by salting and fermentation in Korea was reviewed from the Three Nations Era to the end of Chosun Kingdom, and the development of present day's Kimchi processing technology was traced back by using the classic books as well as recent review papers published in Korea. Although the written record on salting and fermentation of vegetables first appears in a 12th century literature (Dongkukisangkukjib, Gyu-Bo Lee 1168~1241), the use of salted/fermented vegetables could be dated back to the Three Nations Era (B.C. 37~A.D. 668) and even earlier period. The present type of Kimchi was gradually evolved after the introduction of red pepper into Korea in the 17th century. The descriptions on Kimchi fermention appeared in the literatures written in the period of 16th~19th centuries in Korea, Suunjapbang (1500~), Domundaijak (1611), Sasichanyocho (1656), Eumsikdimibang (1670), Chubangmun (1600~), Saekgyung (1676), Yorok (1600~), Sanlimkyungje (1715), Cheungbosanlimkyungje (1766), Kyuhapchongsoe (1800~), Imwonsipyukji (1827), Dongkuksesiki (1849) and Buinpylji (1855~) were reviewed.
        1994.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to determine the optimum conditions for the preparation of traditional Korean whole cabbage Kimchi with salted shrimp. Sensory, physical and chemical characteristics of Kimchi with various salted shrimp level(1.8, 3.6%), fermentation time(12, 24, 36 hrs) and storage period(1, 4, 7 days) were measured. As the fermentation time and storage day were extended, pH of Kimchis decreased but titratable acidity of Kimchis increased. The more salted shrimp in Kimchi resulted in the higher titratable acidity. The longer fermentation time and the longer storage resulted in the more citric, malic and succinic acid, and the less lactic and acetic acid in Kimchi. The optimum conditions for the preparation of Korean whole cabbage Kimchi were 3.6% salted shrimp level, 12 hours fermentation time and 84 hours(3.5 days) storage period.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국의 김치와 일본의 지물(漬物), 그리고 한일양국의 젓갈류는 공통(共通)의 전통식품이다. 이들 식품을 식품학적 관점에서 비교, 검토하는 것은 한일양국간의 식문화의 공통성과 상위성 그리고 독자성을 파악하는데 중요하다고 보아 금번 이들 전통식품의 무기질을 분석, 비교 검토했다. 1. 한국의 김치 중의 식염농도는 1.8%이고 일본지물(日本漬物)는 1.8~5.3%(저농도 조미지물(漬物) : 2.8%, 일본산김치 : 1.8%, 간장지물(漬物) : 5.3%)이다. 2. 김치의 Na/K치는 1.7이고 지물(漬物)의 Na/K치는 2.6~27.3(저조미농도지물(漬物) : 4.6, 일본산김치 : 2.6, 간장지물(漬物) : 27.3)이다. 3. 김치는 지물(漬物)보다 식염이 적고 Na/K치가 낮으므로 고혈압의 원인이 되는 식품으로 볼 수 없는 것으로 사려된다. 4. 김치 중의 K, Ca, Mg는 지물(漬物)보다 현저하게 높다. 5. 김치 중에는 어개류를 통해 들어온 Ca량(量)이 높고 지물(漬物)에는 식물성식품에 의한 Ca이 들어 있다. 6. 한국의 젓갈은 일본에 비해 식염과 Na양이 많고 Na/K치도 높다. 이상의 결과에서 양국간에 유사성이 보이는 김치와 지물(漬物)에서 그 재료와 식습관상의 차이점이 나타났고 김치는 다양한 식품이 혼합되어 복합적인 맛을 내나 일본은 단순, 단백한 맛을 기호하는 각각(各各)의 특징이 보이고 있다.
        1986.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 김치 종류에 대한 문헌적 고찰들을 종합하고 지난 200년 사이에 일어난 김치제조기술의 변화를 조사하였다. 또한 최근의 과학적 방법에 의한 김치 연구결과 중에서 김치의 품질에 영향을 미치는 요소들, 특히 맛, 영양, 안전성, 저장성에 관한 재검토를 시도하였다.
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