The following results were obtained by conducting a flow experiment. The experiment with air volume showed that the ducts with 3 shapes in the same cross-sectional area were large in the order of circular duct, square duct, and flexible duct. As a result of measuring the pressure value by duct shape to determine the cause of the difference between the flow rate and the air volume value by duct, the negative pressure was large in the order of circular duct, square duct, and flexible duct. in the countercurrent test, In the case of circular ducts, the deviation was high, In the case of Flexible ducts, the mild increase in the countercurrent is judged to be the difference in pressure and friction received by shape.
In this study, we compare and analyze stress and vertical deflectional displacement according to cross sectional shape changes of the beam using finite element analysis. The 11,000mm long horizontal beam showed stress differences depending on the cross-sectional variation, with stress differences of up to 200MPa and at least 149MPa. The deflection at the end of the beam also differed by up to 586 mm and at least 208mm. The weight change applied according to the cross-sectional shape of the steel horizontal beam was up to 235kgf, at least 144kgf, and showed the best stress and deflection characteristics in the cross sectional shape with a weight of 185kgf. This allowed us to improve structural safety through sectional shape optimization despite the weight increase.
조선시대 어보는 종묘의 사직을 이어간다는 상징적인 인장으로 왕 실의 끊임없는 영속성과 번영 발전을 기원하고, 조선왕실의 신성한 비장품의 가치를 지닌 존숭의 대상이다. 이러한 어보 보문의 서사인 (書寫人)은 전문서사관(篆文書寫官)이나 당시의 종친이나 문화인이 맡았다. 인문의 새김과 주조장인(鑄造匠人)은 관영 수공업에 종사하던 인장(印匠)·옥장(玉匠)·숙피장(熟皮匠)·주장(鑄匠)·조각장(雕刻匠) 등의 장인이 참여하였음을 알 수 있었다. 상당히 완비되어 있는 인문(印文)은 연구자의 시야로 볼 때, 그 제 작과정에 아래와 같은 문화적 추형(雛形)이 있다고 말 할 수 있다. 첫째, 인문의 자형(字形)은 기본적으로 네모꼴이다. 둘째, 인면(印面) 이 대칭(對稱)이다. 셋째, 인문은 일종의 혼성(混成)된 미감을 갖고 있다. 보문(寶文) 자형의 변천과 특징을 살펴보면, 세종비소헌왕후금보 (110)에서 순조5년(1805) 영조비정순왕후금보(200)까지의 ‘소(昭)’자는 대체로 인면 장법에 따른 구첩전이거나 무전(繆篆)으로 새겨졌다. 그 러나 철종13년(1862) 순조금보(67)부터는 구첩전에서 벗어나 인전(印 篆)의 형태를 띠고 있다. 그리고 ‘헌(憲)’자는 세종비소헌왕후금보 (110)을 제외한 대부분이 구첩전(九疊篆)에서 벗어났다. 또한 ‘지(之)’ 자의 경우 숙종비인경왕후옥보(154)에서 선조비의인왕후금보(132)까 지는 구첩전 형태가 농후하다. 그러나 이후에는 서서히 구첩전에서 인전으로 바뀌었다. 또한 같은 년도에 제작된 동일한 글자인 ‘왕(王)’, ‘후(后)’, ‘지(之)’, ‘보(寶)’, ‘성(聖)’, ‘효(孝)’, ‘현(顯)’자를 보면, 동일한 글자라도 인면 장법상의 균형과 통일을 기하기 위하여 인면에 가득 차게 하는 구첩전이 주로 사용되었음을 알 수 있다. 어보의 인문은 이체자가 대다수이다. 숙종9년(1683)과 고종9년 (1872)에 제작된 태조금보(5와 6)의 ‘강(康)’자, ‘헌(獻)’자, ‘성(聖)’자의 위 오른쪽 ‘입구(口)’ 등이다. 또한 숙종 7년(1681) 같은 해에 제작된 정종금보(7)와 정종비정안왕후금보(109)의 ‘의(懿)’, ‘온(溫)’, ‘왕(王)’, ‘지(之)’, ‘보(寶)’ 등도 이체자의 본보기이다. 더욱 이체자를 넘어 정종 비정안왕후금보의 ‘의(懿, )’자와 예종금조(10)의 <예종흠문성무의 인소효대왕지보> 의 지(之, )자는 오자가 아닌가 생각된다. 결론적으로 어보는 전서에서도 도식적인 구첩전을 쓰고 있다. 그러 나 고종(高宗), 순종(純宗) 이후부터 인문 자체가 서서히 구첩전에서 탈피하고 있음도 알 수 있었다.
The present study examined changes in surface shape and pore size observed in carbon black particles isothermally oxidized in an air atmosphere according to their burn-off ratio. Carbon black materials were fed into a horizontal tubular furnace in an air atmosphere when the inside temperature reached 600 °C. Subsequently, while changing the isothermal oxidation time, carbon black samples with different burn-off ratios were obtained, i.e., 10.5, 20.0, 30.4, 41.0, 49.9, 59.8, 71.1, and 81.0%. The scanning electron microscope analysis revealed that the observed carbon black particles were in the form of aggregated primary particles, and that there was no change in the particle size of these primary particles as the burn-off process proceeded. The latter observation supported the observation that pores were formed in the carbon black samples during the burn-off process. Notably, the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller analysis exhibited hysteresis curves, indicating that the corresponding adsorption isotherms were of IV-type. It was also found that the area of the hysteresis curves increased as the burn-off process proceeded. The specific surface area of the raw carbon black sample was 58.00 m2/g, while that of the 81.0% sample was about 4.1 times the figure at 240.27 m2/g. The total pore volume VT was 0.17 cm3/g for the raw sample, and it was much higher for the 81.0% sample at 0.58 cm3/g. The transmission electron microscope analysis showed that the raw carbon black particles had a spherical shape with a smooth surface, but inner pores were not observed. In the 49.9% sample, pores with a size of about 5 nm were observed inside carbon black particles. Notably, the size of the pores observed in the 81.0% sample was about 20 nm and the large pores were created by the collapsing and merging of the smaller pores by oxidation.
In this study, the temperature, the absolute humidity, and the turbulent flow characteristics of exhaust air and supply air in the mixer were studied while changing the shape of the mixer of the white smoke reducing heat exchange system. Using Solidworks, the mixer of the white smoke reduction heat exchange system was created by 3-D model. Also, the mixed flow of supply air and exhaust air inside the mixer under the uniform inlet conditions was computed, using the solidworks flow simulation. Two types of improvement models were selected by using a perforated plate and a guide vane as a turbulent mixing flow control method of the mixer. The mean temperature and mean absolute humidity of the mixture were greatly decreased according to the internal shapes of Case 1, 2, and 3. The temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the mixer Case 3 was 26℃. The exit temperature and absolute humidity reduction rates of Case 3 were 26.2% and 48.1%, respectively, compared with Case 1.
In the present study, the structural and fatigue analysis on the shape change of an automatic press are investigated for prediction of operation safety and reliability of the automatic press along the thickness(t) and length(L) of head, and corner shapes(case 1, 2, 3). The equivalent stress and deformation characteristics of the automatic press were studied by computerized analysis method for the bushing production of the seat frame. An external stress of 14.0 MPa was applied to predict the operation stability and the fatigue limit of the structure. As the thickness of the header increased and the length of the header decreased, the load stability applied by the piston improved and the maximum stress and deformation were reduced. In addition, due to the change in shape of the corners, the load applied at the cross-sectional area of the corners decreases, and then the maximum stress and deformation appearing in the header are reduced. That is, the change of corner shapes affects the equivalent stress and deformation. That is the change of corner shapes affects the equivalent stress and deformation. From the fatigue and vibration analysis, fatigue failure does not occur even when the number of alternating operation of the automatic press increases, and the natural frequency is predicted for dynamic characteristics.
The 1/5 scale–down model of the Bycatch Reduction Device (BRD) from an Argentinean demersal trawl was tested in a circulating water channel. The BRD is designed to help small Hake (merluza, merluccius hubbsi) to escape from a trawl. It is settled in front of a trawl codend, and is equipped with selection grids that help small fish to escape from the gear and guiding panels that help fish to meet with the grids. Bars of the grids are wires covered by the PVC and other parts of the BRD are made of net. When the velocity was less than 0.65 m/sec (2.81 Kont when translated to real towing speed) which is slow speed compared with real towing speed, position between an upper guiding panel and an upper selection grid were good to help small fish to escape. When the velocity was more than 0.8 m/sec (3.41 Knot when translated to real towing speed) which is similar to and faster than real towing speed, it was considered that small fish may have difficulties in escaping because the gap was not enough between an upper guiding panel and an upper selection grid. The lower selection grid was sat on the bottom of the tank without an angle due to the weight that it carries. Improvements were proposed to position the panels and the grids better.
본 연구에서는 하부박스형상을 변화시킨 단일 박스거더단면에 대하여 변장비 1:51:10의 범위에서 풍동실험을 통하여 동적응답특성을 고찰하였다. 거더의 단면형상변화는 직사각형 1종류와 사다리꼴 단면 2종류를 선정하였다. 실험결과를 정리하면, 와류진동의 경우, 변장비 1:5에서는 전반적으로 직사각형거더에 비하여 사다리꼴 거더단면의 연직 및 비틀림 최대진폭이 감소하는 경향을 알 수 있으며 1:7.5의 경우는 미소하나마 직사각형단면의 와류진동응답이 사다리꼴 단면에 비하여 안정적인 응답을 보였다. 갤로핑은 변장비 1:5단면중에서 사다리꼴 단면(B050-1단면)의 (+)영각 범위에서만 발생하였고 그 이외의 모든 단면에서는 발생하지 않았다. 비틀림 플러터는 1:5 및 1:10단면 의 (+)영각범위에서 발생하였고 단면형상변화에 따른 한계풍속의 변화는 두드러지지 않았다. 또, 변장비 증가에 따라 와류진동의 발생은 (+)영각범위로 제한되고 최대진폭도 감소하는 추세를 보였으며 발산진동의 한계풍속도 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 하부박스거더의 형상변화에 따른 응답변화는 변장비가 증가할수록 그 차이가 작아지는 경향을 보였다.
표면조도에 의해 발생하는 난류유동은 공학적, 물리적 분야에서 매우 중요하게 다루어지고 있다. 표면조도는 선박에서도 설계, 용접, 도장 등 각각의 단계에서 다양한 측면으로 고려되어야 할 중요한 요소이다. 본 연구는 표면조도 형상을 일반화하여 PIV기법을 적용하여 수조실험을 수행하였다. 표면조도 조건은 거칠기 형상의 간격에 대해 변화를 주었으며, 실험유속은 Re = 1.1×104, Re = 2.0×104, Re = 2.9×104 에서 시간평균에 대한 난류강도를 알아보았다. 거칠기 계수 증가에 따라 표면 거칠기 형상 근처에서 발생한 난류성분에 의해 난류강도는 강하게 나타났으며, 자유흐름 영역으로 갈수록 유동 방향의 변동이 전혀 없는 흐름이 나타났다. 실험유속 조건 변화에 대한 난류강도의 편차는 크게 영향을 받지 않았다.
The Axes and Adzes are the oldest tools since the beginning of human history which is used to cut the tree and make part of architecture such as boards, square timber etc. Nowadays, these old woodworking tools especially "Jagui(자귀)" (adze) has been almost disappeared at the working site of residential and cultural properties. It is necessary to study Korean traditional woodworking tools to keep Korean traditional skill and technology. It has been reviewed the change of shape of "Jagui(자귀)" (adze) from before Samhan (삼한) period to Joseon Dynasty through excavated relics and paintings and summarize as follows: Based on excavation relics of Dahori, both plate type blade and pocket type blade are used for "Tokki(도끼)" (axe) and "Jagui(자귀)" (adze). The excavated "Jagui(자귀)" (adze) from Jeongbaikri 356 tomb, near Pyongyang is prototype of "Jagui(자귀)" (adze) used nowdays which has almost same shape as well as the insert method of blade and handle. The auxiliary handle is inserted to blade and the main handle is inserted to the auxiliary handle which is different from the method of Chinese and Japanese "Jagui(자귀)" (adze). The length of handle of "Jagui(자귀)" (adze) until late Joseon Dynasty is short by which we assume it is used for a sitting position as hand held Jagui and from that time long handle has been introduced for a standing position which is called "Sunjagui(선자귀)". "Jagui(자귀)" (adze) has been used since the beginning of human history but it is almost disappeared at the most of woodworking site which is the crisis of Korean traditional architecture and we have to do something to keep it.
안질환이 없는 일산 거주 학생 163명 325안(초등학생 90명, 중학생 73명, 10.99± 2.08세, 2004년 기준)을 대상으로 조절마비하 자동굴절검사와 각막지형도 검사를 실시하여, 1년 동안의 변화도를 연령별(초등학생군과 중학생군) 및 굴절이상도별(근시군과 비근시군)로 분석하여 한국인에 적합한 콘택트렌즈의 설계와 제조 및 임상에서 콘택트렌즈를 피팅하는데 참고할만한 자료를 얻고자 하였다. 1년 동안 등가구면 굴절이상도는 -0.368±0.413D 근시 쪽으로 변화하였고(t=16.068, p=0.000), 1차 및 2차 측정에서 초등학생군과 중학생군의 평균 차이는 모두 유의하였으며(1차 측정: t=-3.696, p=0.000, 2차 측정: t=-3.016, p=0.003), 평균 변화도는 초등학생군에서 더 컸다(t=2.698, p=0.007). 근시군과 비근시군의 평균 변화도는 근시군에서 더 컸고(t=2.703, p=0.007), 초등학생군에서도 근시군에서 더 변화하였으며(t=3.002, p=0.003), 중학생군에서는 근시군의 변화도가 더 컸으나 유의성이 없었다(t=1.586, p=0.115). 30°반경의 비구면계수는 1차 및 2차 측정 모두 초등학생군과 중학생군 사이에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 평균 변화도는 중학생군에서 음(-)의 방향으로 좀 더 컸지만 유의성은 없었다(t=-1.711, p=0.088). 전체 대상에서 근시군의 변화도가 비근시군보다 더 컸고(t=1.873, p=0.062), 초등학생군에서도 근시군의 변화도가 더 컸으며(t=2.273, p=0.024), 중학생군에서는 비근시군에서 좀 더 변화하였지만 유의성은 없었다(t=-0.508, p=0.613). 전체 대상자의 각막 형상은 대부분 prolate 형상이었고, 비구면계수(Q)가 -0.4≤Q <-0.2의 범위에 해당하는 대상자의 분포가 가장 많았고, 중학생의 근시군에서 분포가 더 많은 것으로 조사되었다. 비구면계수는 근시군보다 비근시군에서 좀 더 양(+)의 방향인 값을 가졌으며, 비구면계수와 등가구면 굴절이상도의 변화는 상관성이 없었다(r=-0.035, p= 0.526).
본 연구에서는 중층트롤의 해상실험에서 Scanmar시스템으로 여러가지 요소를 측정한 자료에, 줄에관해 신장을 포함하여 간이 해석적(semi-analytic)으로 푼 3차원 해석을 중층트롤 어구시스템의 끌줄에 적용시키고, 전개판 뒤쪽의 줄들의 형상을 임의의 지수함수(Yr = Aχr B ) 곡선으로 대응시켜, 중층트롤의 어구(날개 및 자루그물)의 형상을 타원추대의 일부분으로서 (equation omitted)형태로 가정하여 구하는 새로운 방법을 나타냈었다. 실제의 전개판은 예망중 진동한다고 알려져 있으며, 어느 각도 내에서는 안정성이 있기 때문에 양.항력계수는 기존의 종만곡 V형 전개판의 모형실험으로부터 영각이 15˚ 부터 최대값인 22˚ 까지의 값을 평균하여 사용하였다. 본 연구에서는 끌줄의 길이가 300m인 경우에 대한 결과를 나타내었는데, 망입구의 형상(be /a/seb e/)은 예망속도가 빨라점에 따라 수직으로 긴 타원형에서 수평으로 커져가는 타원형이 됨을 알 수 있다 이때, 망고(즉 옆망이 망고 형성에 기여한 높이와 삼각망 및 천장망이 기여한 높이)는 낮아졌는데, 옆망이 낮아지는 것보다 천장망의 높이가 더 작아짐을 알 수 있다. 뜸줄이 수평과 이룬 경사각(a)은 이 예의 경우에서 약 9˚~11˚ 사이였으며, 예망속도가 빨라질수록 경사각이 작아졌다.
The ethanol extract from the root bark of Mores alba showed the strongest antimicrobial activity on the growth of almost all the tested microorganisms which were foodborne pathogens d food-related microorganiama. Therefore, fatty acid composition, amino acid composition and shape change of microorganisms treated with the ethanol extract from the root bark of Mores alba were examined. In effects of treatment with the ethanol extract on the fatty acid compositions of B. aubtilis, S. aureus and E. coli, fatty aicd compositions such as hexadecanoic acid (16:0) and octadecanoic acid (18:0)/octadecadienoic acid (18:2) of the tested strains were increased but pentadecanoic acid (15:0), heptadecanoic acid (17:0) and octadecenoic acid (18:1) of E. subtilis, pentadecanoic acid (15:0) of S. ctureus and hexadecenoic acid (16:1) and octadecenoic acid (18:1) of E. coli were decreased. The ethanol extract did not significantly affect the amino acid composition of the tested strains. Tranamisaion electron micrographa of microorganisms treated with the ethanol extract exhibited morphological changes that irregularly contracted cell surface in S. aureus and destructed cell walls in B. subtilis and E. coli.
This study was conducted to know the visual preference and emotional change for the cut-flower decoration at public indoor space by using vertical, horizontal, and round type which are generally used. The investigation was done with 173 participants of National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science in 3 indoor areas designed with cut-flower decoration and 1 area of public place without it, respectively. Psychological evaluation was analyzed with the visual preference of cut flower shape and Semantic Differential method. In addition, the general awareness, loyalty and importance for cut-flower decoration were investigated. Statistical analysis was carried out with paired t-test, one-way ANOVA, cross correlation analysis, and analysis of frequency. As the result of evaluating the emotion of subjects with Semantic Differential, the feeling of comfort, nature and calm were significantly high in the public indoor space with cut-flower decoration. When we surveyed the feeling for the 3 type of cut-flower decoration with 14 pairs of emotional vocabulary, the participants felt ‘tranquil’ and ‘comfortable’ in the public indoor space with horizontal and round shaped decoration while they felt ‘strong’ and ‘anxious’ in the space with vertical shaped decoration. The preference of decoration forms was significantly high with round > horizontal > vertical type in order and vertical shape was highly preferred in twenties and sixties groups compared to other types significantly. In conclusion, we could recommend that round type decoration can be used in indoor place where comfort and calm are required and vertical form will be appropriate for challenging and vibrant twenties and depressed sixties with ageing. This customized cut-flower decoration will improve the environment quality of employment.
오미자 에탄올 추출물 처리에 의한 균체의 지방산과 단백질 분석 및 형태 변화에 미치는 영향을 비교하였다. 오미자 처리에 의한 L. monocytogenes를 전자 현미경으로 관찰한 결과 오미자 추출물을 처리하지 않은 대조구는 smooth한 모양을 나타내었으나, 오미자 추출물을 첨가한 처리구는 전체적인 균체 표면이 불규칙한 모양을 나타내었고, 세포벽과 세포막의 파괴, 균체의 팽윤현상을 나타내었다. 단백질 변화를 살펴본 결과 오미자 처리에 의한 L.