As the number of households with pets has increased worldwide, there is a growing trend of accepting pets as family members. Consequently, the pet food market has seen the emergence of concepts such as “human-grade,” “raw (PMR and BARF),” and “no synthetic additives” pet food. These concepts not only fulfill essential nutrients but also consider the health and habits of pets, a crucial aspect that should be at the forefront of our work. However, these types of pet food are prone to microbial contamination and component alterations caused by heat. Current studies and products have recently been developed overseas to apply non-thermal sterilization technologies to pet food commonly used in the food industry. In contrast, the domestic standards for non-thermal sterilization in pet food are insufficient. Therefore, a comprehensive review of non-thermal sterilization technologies, such as high-pressure processing (HPP), radiation, and plasma predominantly applied in the international pet food market, is deemed necessary. This review is expected to provide guidelines for non-thermal sterilization standards in domestic pet food, thereby laying the foundation for the safe production of raw pet food.
This study aimed to develop virtual reality (VR)-based content on surgical aseptic techniques for nursing students and evaluate its effectiveness. Methods: The content was developed following the system development life cycle, involving analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation. Experts and fourth-year nursing students validated the content for its validity and usability of the content. The study was conducted from December 2022 to April 2023. Results: The VR content was developed using Keller's ARCS motivational design model (attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) as the fundamental strategy. Upon applying the VR content developed in this study, the research participants confirmed the values of the following sub-factors: confidence (3.86 out of 5), relevance (3.74 out of 5), attention (3.68 out of 5), and satisfaction (3.65 out of 5). Conclusion: VR-based surgical content on aseptic techniques demonstrates potential benefits for nursing students. Therefore, through systematic development and utilizing of diverse nursing skill content, we can enhance the core competencies of nursing students, providing them with high-quality practical education.
This study aimed to develop virtual reality (VR)-based content on surgical aseptic techniques for nursing students and evaluate its effectiveness. Methods: The content was developed following the system development life cycle, involving analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation. Experts and fourth-year nursing students validated the content for its validity and usability of the content. The study was conducted from December 2022 to April 2023. Results: The VR content was developed using Keller's ARCS motivational design model (attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction) as the fundamental strategy. Upon applying the VR content developed in this study, the research participants confirmed the values of the following sub-factors: confidence (3.86 out of 5), relevance (3.74 out of 5), attention (3.68 out of 5), and satisfaction (3.65 out of 5). Conclusion: VR-based surgical content on aseptic techniques demonstrates potential benefits for nursing students. Therefore, through systematic development and utilizing of diverse nursing skill content, we can enhance the core competencies of nursing students, providing them with high-quality practical education.
This study evaluated a potential sterilization process that uses calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) as a disinfectant and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a neutralizing agent for monoculture processes of microalgae (Nannochloropsis oculata). The results showed that no contaminants (prokaryote) were present when the Ca(ClO)2 concentration was greater than 0.010%. The use of an equivalent amount of H2O2 completely neutralized Ca(ClO)2 and had an additional bactericidal effect because of the formation of singlet oxygen. No substantial difference was observed in the biomass accumulation and chlorophyll contents compared to those in cultures sterilized using conventional physical methods such as autoclaving. Therefore, chemical sterilization using Ca(ClO)2 and H2O2 has an excellent economic advantage, and we expect the proposed ecofriendly chemical sterilization method to become a critical culture technology for microalgae-related industrialization.
The purpose of this study was to determine the conditions necessary for the total eradication of mite pests in indoor environments. The study involved the construction of a sterilization experimental setup. For this setup, various sterilization techniques, such as UV-C, ozone, ultrasound, and heat were applied, based on previous research. The experimental procedure consisted of placing mite pests in a chamber and subjecting them to different sterilization techniques. Observations were conducted immediately after the experiment and repeated five days later to assess the extent of eradication. The results showed that UVC, ozone, and ultrasound methods were not successful in completely eradicating the mite pests. In contrast, heat sterilization demonstrated effectiveness depending on the specific temperature and exposure time. To achieve the eradication of mite pests in indoor environments, it is necessary to maintain conditions of short-term high-temperature sterilization above 65°C or sustain temperatures above 50°C for a minimum duration of 90 minutes.
To suppress mold generation of yujacheong, Penicillium chrysogenum LB31 was cultured, and spores were harvested and put into yujacheong. Antioxidant activity, useful ingredients, mold size and incidence were investigated while storing yujacheong for 30 days, after sterilization with different methods (nontreatment, ozone gas emission, heating after ozone gas emission and heating). The results showed that the content of narirutin, naringin, hesperidin, or neohesperidin, which are functional components of yuzu, increased as the storage period increased in all the treatment units. In addition, mold generation was not observed until the 15th day in the heat treatment group after ozone gas emission. As the treatment group emitted ozone gas. molds of 34.8 and 112 mm2 in size were observed on the 30th day. These results suggested that ozone sterilization can prevent microbial contamination, further extending the shelf life of yuzacheong and maintaining a fresh state.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sterilization, storage period and washing yuzu, according to the washing method, during the storage period. The results showed that the fungus size increased as the storage period increased, and no mold occurred in the yuzu washed with ozone water until 20 days. After 30 days of storage, a mold of 124.1±13.9 mm2 was observed. The no-treatment sample had a fungus of 814.5±72.8 mm2 in size on day 0 and the fungus the largest fungus was 6,362±636.7 mm2 on day 30. In the case of water treatment, the fungus was 286.4±31.5~4,836.4±484.6 mm2 in size. The results of the study confirmed that washing yuzu with ozone water has a sterilizing effect.
Low alcohol (6%) wines were manufactured using Campbell Early. To develop the sterilization process of low alcohol wines, red wines were heat sterilized, and rose wines were nonthermal sterilized by concentration using potassium metasulfite and potassium sorbate. Samples were stored at 25℃ and quality characteristics were investigated by period. Results of this study revealed the pH of the samples after sterilization ranged from 3.15 to 3.19, and the total acidity of wines ranged from 0.011 to 0.024%. The free SO2 contents of wines ranged from 13.00 to 29.678 mg/L, and the total SO2 contents of wines ranged from 47.50 to 121.00 mg/L. L (lightness) of wines decreased whereas a (redness) and b(yellowness) increased. The hue value of wines ranged from 0.52 to 1.03, and decreased significantly(not including rose sweet wines). The color intensity of red and rose dry wines after sterilization increased, whereas red and rose sweet wines decreased. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of red wines and rose wines ranged between 75.50 to 89.23%, and 36.60 to 56.54%, respectively. The total polyphenol contents were 57.51~182.63 mg%. Results of this study provide scientific information to establish the sterilization process of low alcohol wines.
In this study, we compared the microbial reduction effects of drying, hot water, and microwave sterilization in scourers and dishcloths to suggest a most suitable sterilization method. Three scourer types (silver, copper, and mesh) were used, and three dishcloth types (silver, bamboo, and cotton) were used. Drying time dependent reduction in Escherichia coli was high in silver and copper scourers, but minimal bacterial reduction was obtained against Bacillus cereus in all scourers and dishcloths. In scourers, E. coli was not detected after ≥30 s of hot water sterilization at 77oC, and B. cereus was not detected after ≥60 s of hot water sterilization at 100oC. In dishcloths, E. coli was not detected after hot water sterilization at 77oC for ≥30 s, but B. cereus was detected after hot water sterilization at 100oC for ≥60 s. In scourers, E. coli was not detected after microwave sterilization at 700 W for 3 min, but B. cereus was detected. In dishcloths, E. coli was not detected after microwave sterilization with 700 W for ≥1 min, but B. cereus was detected in the cotton dishcloth even after sterilization for 3 min. In conclusion, the use of antimicrobial scourers (silver and copper) and dishcloths (silver and bamboo) are not sufficient to reduce the microbial contamination. The guideline provided by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety suggesting dishcloth sterilization via hot water at 100oC for 30 s was also found to be insufficient. Based on our research, we suggest that the most effective methods of microbial management are submerging scourers in hot water at 100oC for ≥1 min, and sterilizing dishcloths for ≥3 min using a 700 W microwave.
COVID-19 대유행으로 인해 병원, 진료소, 검역소 및 의료 연구 기관을 포함한 의료 시설에서 매일 수많은 의료 폐기물이 발생함에 따라 의료폐기물 처리가 심각한 문제가 되고 있다. 이전에는 전통적인 소각방법이 사용되었지만 매립지 부족 및 관련 환경 문제로 인 해 공중 보건이 위험에 처해 있다. 이런 문제를 극복하기 위해 멸균분쇄용 파쇄기를 개발하였다. 본 연구에서는 유해 및 감염성 의료폐 기물에 대한 작동 성능을 결정하기 위해 분쇄용 파쇄 시스템의 설계 및 수치해석을 수행하였다. 파쇄기의 부품은 CAD 소프트웨어를 이용하여 모델링하였으며, ABAQUS를 사용하여 유한요소해석을 수행하였다. 정적, 동적 및 피로하중 조건 하에서 파쇄기 절단 날의 해석을 수행하였으며, 의료 폐기물을 분쇄하는데 필요한 절단력을 기반으로 절단 날의 형상이 효과적임을 입증하였다. 모달 해석을 통해 구조물의 동적 안정성을 검증하였다. 또한, 절단 날의 수명을 예측하기 위해 고주기 피로해석을 통해 S-N 선도를 생성하였다. 이 를 통해 적절한 분쇄용 파쇄 시스템이 멸균 장치와 통합되도록 설계하여 의료 폐기물의 양과 처리 시간을 줄임으로써 환경 문제와 잠 재적인 건강 위험을 극복하는 방안을 제시하였다.
팽이버섯 재배사의 Listera속 미생물 살균을 위하여 공기 살균 장치가 부착된 파일럿 버섯 재배사를 개발하여 물리적, 화학적 살균처리에 대한 살균 효과 검증실험을 수행하였다. 파일럿 버섯 재배사의 내부 온도는 상부 6.62˚C±0.30, 중간 6.46˚C±0.24, 하부 6.48˚C±0.25, 습도 는 79.97%±4.42, 79.43%±4.06, 79.94±4.30%로 설정 온도 6.5˚C, 상대습도 75%에 근사하게 제어되었다. 공기 살균 장치 적용에 적합한 팽이버섯 재배단계는 생육단계 조건인 온도 6.5~8.5˚C, 습도 70~80% 범위였고 유사 조건에서 이온 클러스터 발생기의 오존 발생농도는 160 ppb 수준으로 나타났다. 물리적 살균처리 후 Listeria innocua 의 생존율은 이온클러스터 살균의 경우 0.1~0.9%, UV공 기 살균은 9.3~10.6%로 나타났고, 화학적 살균처리인 75% 에탄올과 3% 유기산 수용액 처리구에서는 모두 사멸하는 것으로 나타났다. 소재에 대한 Listeria innocua 생존율은 금속시편의 경우 9.3~10.6%, 플라스틱 권지 9.9~16.2%로 나타났는데, 특히 권지의 거친면에서 생존율이 높게 나타났다. 본 연구 결과에 따르면 버섯 재배사의 Listeria균 발생을 억제하기 위해서 금속 소재로 구성된 재배사 벽면과 재배 선반에 대해서는 이온클러스터 공기 살균처리가 노동력을 절감하면서 살균 가능한 방법이며, 플라스틱 재질의 권지의 경우 화학적 살균처리가 효과적 인 것으로 나타났다.
The purpose of this study was to confirm changes in flavor and taste characteristics of black pepper by combining nonthermal sterilization treatment methods, namely intense pulsed light, cold plasma, and ultraviolet. After treatment, lightness value and hue angle of black pepper were decreased. The difference in chromaticity between samples before and after treatment showed a significant difference of 6.11. The piperine contents before and after the combined nonthermal sterilization treatment were reduced from 28.4±0.25 mg/g to 20.4±1.06 mg/g. The results of an intensity test showed that the color and flavor of the sample became darker and weaker, but hot and pungent were not distinguished after nonthermal treatment. The flavor profile showed that the intensity of cool flavor was decreased, the intensity of nutty taste was increased, and other sensory languages did not show any difference. Although differences in flavor and taste were distinguished in a cooking application, the differences were not significant.
본 연구는 수산양식분야에서 용수를 살균하기 위해 제품화되어 있는 UV 및 플라즈마 장치를 100 ℓ 수조에 적용하고 처리수를 1 ℓ씩 채수, 농축하여 시료 내 세균 수의 변화를 확인하여 두 가지 처리 방식에 따른 효과를 비교하였다. 각 장치를 6시간 동안 작동시키면서 일반 해 수 내 세균을 MA, TCBS, SS 배지에 배양하여 세균 수 변화를 확인하였고, 살균처리된 해수 내 Edwardsiella piscicida를 인위 접종한 후 처리수 내 E. piscicida 세균 수 변화를 확인한 결과 UV 장치와 플라즈마 장치 간의 세균 저감 효율은 99.5~99.9% 수준으로 거의 유사한 수준으로 확 인되었다. 2가지 장치를 적용하여 100 ℓ의 수량을 동일한 시간 동안 처리하였을 때, 플라즈마 방식의 경우 UV 장치와 비교하여 더 짧은 시간 안에 세균을 사멸하는 것으로 나타났다. 하지 만 본 연구에서는 단기적(6시간)으로만 세균 수 변화를 확인한 것으로, 사료찌꺼기, 배설물, 연 안 오염 등에 따라 수질의 변동이 크고 biofilm과 유기물이 많이 존재하는 실제 양식환경을 고려할 때, 탁도와 유기물의 존재에 따라 한계가 있는 UV 처리 방식보다는 지속적이고 일정 한 효과를 유지할 수 있는 플라즈마 처리 방식이 보다 효율적일 것으로 사료된다.
본 연구는 이산화염소 가스를 생성하는 앰플을 이용하여 6.5 L 용기에서 살균효과와 소취효과를 확인하였고, 소독장 에서 이산화염소 가스 농도의 변화 및 S. aureus KCTC 1916 와 E. coli KCTC 1682에 대한 살균 효과를 확인하였고, 소독장안에서 작업화 내부의 살균 효과 또한 확인하였다. 앰플은 6.5 L 용기에서 S. aureus KCTC 1916와 E. coli KCTC 1682에 대해 살균 효과가 있었다. 또한 포름알데히드에 대 해서는 소취효과가 없었지만 암모니아와 페놀에는 효과가 있었다. 이산화염소 가스의 최대 농도는 앰플의 수가 많아 질수록 높아지는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 앰플 4개는 최대 2.8 ppm, 6개일 때는 최대 4.6 ppm이었으며, 앰플 12개를 이 용하였을 때는 이산화염소 가스 농도를 측정할 수 없었지만 앰플 수와 농도가 비례적으로 상승하는 것을 고려하여 최대 8.5~9.0 ppm 으로 추정할 수 있었다. 또한 순환팬을 가동하게 되면 5배 이상의 농도 감소가 발생하였다. S. aureus KCTC 1916는 24시간 처리하였을 때 앰플 4개는 0.49 log CFU/plate, 6개는 1.2 log CFU/plate 그리고 12개는 2.98 log CFU/plate 감소되었다. E. coli KCTC 1682는 24시간을 처리하였을 때 4개, 6개, 12개 순서로 0.16 log CFU/plate, 2.68 log CFU/plate, 6.06 log CFU/plate 감소하였다. 작업화 내부에 대해 24시간 동안 처리하였을 때 앰플 6개를 사용한 경우 S. aureus KCTC 1916와 E. coli KCTC 1682 는 각각 1.22 log CFU/plate, 2.10 log CFU/plate 감소하였고 12개로 처리한 것은 2.69 log CFU/ plate, 4.41 log CFU/plate 감소하였다.