
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 60

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This work involves the development of a novel waste-derived carbon dots (CDs) conjugated with silver (Ag) nanohybrid system-based Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) sensor for the detection of melamine. CDs and Ag nanoparticles served as energy donors and energy acceptors, respectively. CDs were synthesized from orange peel waste through a combined hydrothermal and ultra-sonication route. The synthesized CDs had hydroxyl, amino, and carboxyl groups on their surface, explaining that waste-derived CDs can act as reducing and stabilizing agents and showed strong absorption and fluorescence emission at 305 and 460 nm, respectively. The bandgap, linear refractive index, conduction band, and valance band potential of CDs were observed to be 2.86, 1.849, 1.14, and 4.002 eV, respectively. No significant difference was observed in the fluorescence properties at different pH (acid and alkaline) and ionic concentrations. Given their fluorescent nature, the synthesized CDs were used for the detection of melamine. The fluorescence of CDs was found to be quenched by Ag+ due to the FRET energy transfer between CDs to Ag. Notably, the zeta potential of Ag@CDs was changed from − 28.7 mV to − 30.6 mV after the incorporation of Ag+. Ag@CDs showed excellent selectivity and sensitivity toward the sensing of melamine in the aqueous solutions with the limit of detection ~ 0.85 μM. Increasing the melamine level also raises the FL intensity of Ag@CDs. The substrate was effectively used in the detection of melamine in milk as a real application and the recovery percentage was found to be 98.03%. Moreover, other adulterants such as urea and formaldehyde can be detected selectively by Ag@CDs. Overall, the synthesized Ag@CDs can be used as an efficient material for sensing applications involving such food adulterants.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop a high-moisture food waste dryer that uses steam as a direct heat source to improve the drying speed. Another objective was to verify its performance through experiments. A dryer with a drying capacity of 10,000 kg/hr, which uses steam from an incineration plant as a drying heat source, was fabricated. The performance and applicability of the dryer were verified through drying experiments, in which the food waste collected from large restaurants near the incineration plant was used as the experimental material. The drying experiment results showed that the input steam temperature increased by 21℃ from approximately 145℃ to 166℃ compared to the case in which drying was performed by converting steam into heated air. The drying speed increased by 1.5 times from approximately 0.63 to 0.94 %/hr, and drying up to approximately 20%(wb) moisture content was possible. The drying energy rate, which represents the ratio of the energy consumed for drying to the input energy, increased by approximately ten times from 7.17% to 70.87%. The total drying time still remained approximately 100 hr due to the re-condensation of moisture. When steam was directly used as a drying heat source to improve the drying speed of food waste containing high moisture, the drying speed, water content after drying, and drying energy rate were clearly improved compared to the case in which steam was converted into heated air for use. Therefore, it was deemed necessary to develop a dryer that directly uses steam from an incineration plant for drying. To shorten the total drying time, it is necessary to develop a device that solves the problem of moisture condensation in the dryer.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this study were to determine in vitro dry matter and energy utilization of hatchery waste products and to confirm whether in vivo energy digestibility of hatchery waste products could be estimated using in vitro data. Two in vitro assays were conducted for infertile eggs, unhatched eggs, culled chicks, and a mixture(20% dried infertile eggs, 20% dried unhatched eggs, and 60% dried culled chicks). In Exp.1, in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD) of hatchery waste products was determined. In Exp.2, in vitro energy disappearance (IVED) was determined using undigested residues from Exp.1. The IVDMD of infertile eggs, unhatched eggs, culled chicks, and the mixture were 81.7, 88.7, 83.9, and 85.4%, respectively. The IVED of the test ingredients were 74.4, 85.1, 77.6, and 79.8%, respectively. Both IVDMD and IVED were greater in unhatched eggs compared with infertile eggs and culled chicks (p<0.05). In vivo energy digestibility was estimated well using prediction equations for hatchery waste products developed in the present study: In vivo energy digestibility(%) = 2.52 × IVDMD (%) – 133.95 with r2 = 0.70 and in vivo energy digestibility(%) = 1.63 × IVED(%) – 50.03 with r2 = 0.67. In conclusion, energy utilization of unhatched eggs was the greatest among test ingredients and energy utilization of hatchery waste products can be estimated using data from in vitro procedures.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Energy is a major input for overall socio-economic development. With fossil fuels expected to get exhausted in another 40 years or so, renewable sources of energy have emerged as an alternative to fossil fuels. India with an area of almost 328 million hectares is the 7th largest country in the world producing 450-500 million tonnes of biomass per year as per EAI. As per a recent report almost 200 million tonnes of household and agro processing waste annually generated in India are disposed-off in a dispersed manner. Also, there are about 63 million ha waste land in the country, out of which about 40 million ha area can be developed for use. Additionally Urban, municipal and industrial wastes alone have a roughly 1700 MW potential of cheap and affordable power generation. The research work illustrates a specific case for North East India as to how this can be achieved through an innovative entrepreneurial approach for generation of green energy from biomass waste.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is analyzed combustion phenomena based on the environmental energy facility incinerator. It is assumed that combustible components of waste are composed of carbon and hydrogen, and the combustion process of fuel is by setting as multi-component / multistage reaction. As the combustion chamber is burned, the high temperature environment is achieved, also the heat transfer accompanied by the turbulent flow and the generation of NOx, a pollutant, are interpreted to predict the thermal and fluid characteristics and pollution emissions of the grate incinerator. As the result of internal flow analysis, the slow flow around the ash chute and the mixing effect due to the complicated turbulence around the combustion chamber were predicted to show excellent performance. It is shown to the internal average temperature was about 1024°C, around the about 1000°C homogeneous temperature distribution. Due to the sudden temperature decrease in the boiler, the flue gas temperature at the outlet was estimated to be about 220 ℃.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        폐식용유를 원료로 한 바이오 디젤의 제조 과정에 초음파 에너지를 조사하여 폐식용유의 전이에스테르 화반응 특성을 조사하였다. 초음파 조사는 두 가지 효과가 있는데 촉매의 대체역할과 공동현상이다. 실험의 매개 변수는 메탄올의 몰비, 반응온도, 촉매량이며 이를 변수로 최적공정조건을 구명한 결과 최적의 공정조건은 몰비가 1:7, 온도가 55 ℃, 촉매량은 1 wt%로 나타났다. 또한 초음파 에너지를 조사하는 실험의 매개변수는 초음파에너지 조사시간과 초음파에너지의 세기로서 이를 변수로 하여 초음파에너지조사가 바이오디젤 성능에 미치는 영향을 비교 하였다. 그 결과 최적의 초음파에너지 조사시간은 30분, 초음파에너지의 세기는 500 W로 나타났다. 또한 초음파에너지의 촉매 대체 가능성을 알아보기 위해 최적공정조건에서 촉매를 넣지 않고 초음파에너지를 30분간 조사하였을 때는 초음파에너지를 조사하지 않은 일반공정보다 바이오디젤의 성능은 BD(BioDiesel)수율이 2.4 %, FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester)함량이 1.3 % 증가한 것으로 나타나, 초음파에너지가 촉매를 대체 할 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, the indium dissolution properties of the waste LCD panel powders were investigated as a function of milling time fabricated by high-energy ball milling (HEBM) process. The particle morphology of waste LCD panel powders changed from sharp and irregular shape of initial cullet to spherical shape with an increase in milling time. The particle size quickly decreased to 15 until the first minute, then decreased gradually about 6 with presence of agglomerated particles after 5 minutes, which increased gradually reaching a uniform size of 13 consist of agglomerated particles after 30 minutes. The glass recovery, after dissolution, was over 99% at initial cullet, which decreased to 90.1 and 78.6% with increasing milling time of 1 and 30 minute respectively, due to a loss in remaining powder of the surface ball and jar, as well as the filter paper. The dissolution amount of indium out of the initial cullet was 208 ppm before milling, turning into 223 ppm for the mechanically milled powder after 1 minute, and nearly 146~125 ppm with further increase in milling time because of the reaction surface decrease of powders due to agglomeration. With this process, maximum dissolving indium amount (223 ppm) could be achieved at a particle size of 15 with 1 minute of milling.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study measured the energy recovery rate of each municipal waste incineration facility according to the revised energy recovery rate estimation method, which targeted four municipal waste incineration facilities (Unit No. 7). The results calculated by the measuring instruments were used for each factor to estimate the recovery rate, and the available potential of available energy was examined by analyzing the energy production and valid consumption. As a result of the low heating value, 2,540 kcal/kg was calculated on average when the LHVw formula was applied, which is approximately 116 kcal/kg higher than the average design standard of 2,424 kcal/kg. The energy recovery rate was calculated as 96.9% on average based on production and 67.5% based on effective consumption, and the analysis shows that approximately 29.4% energy can be used.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to examine the improvement plan by analyzing the characteristics of imported wastes, operation rate, and benefits of energy recovery for incineration facilities with a treatment capacity greater than 50 ton/ day. The incineration facility capacity increased by 3,280 tons over 15 years, and the actual incineration rate increased to 2,783 ton/day. The operation rate dropped to 76% in 2010 and then rose again to 81% in 2016. The actual calorific value compared to the design calorific value increased by 33.8% from 94.6% in 2002 to 128.4% in 2016. The recovery efficiency decreased by 29% over 16 years from 110.7% to 81.7% in 2002. Recovery and sales of thermal energy from the incinerator (capacity 200 ton/day) dominated the operation cost, and operating income was generated by energy sales (such as power generation and steam). The treatment capacity increased by 11% to 18% after the recalculation of the incineration capacity and has remained consistently above 90% in most facilities to date. In order to solve the problem of high calorific value waste, wastewater, leachate, and clean water should be mixed and incinerated, and heat recovery should be performed through a water-cooled grate and water cooling wall installation. Twenty-five of the 38 incineration facilities (about 70%) are due for a major repair. After the main repair of the facility, the operation rate is expected to increase and the operating cost is expected to decline due to energy recovery. Inspection and repair should be carried out in a timely manner to increase incineration and heat energy recovery efficiencies.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examined the potentials for greenhouse gas reduction by material recovery and energy recovery from municipal solid waste between 2017 and 2026 in Daejeon Metropolitan City (DMC), which is trying to establish a material-cycle society by constructing a waste-to-energy town by 2018. The town consists of energy recovery facilities such as a mechanical treatment facility for fluff-type solid refuse fuel (SRF) with a power generation plant and anaerobic digestion of food waste for biogas recovery. Such recycling and waste-to-energy facilities will not only reduce GHGs, but will also substitute raw materials for energy consumption. The emissions and reduction rate of GHGs from MSW management options were calculated by the IPCC guideline and EU Prognos method. This study found that in DMC, the decrease of the amount of MSW landfilled and the increase of recycling and waste-to-energy flow reduced GHGs emissions from 167,332 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2017 to 123,123 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2026. Material recycling had the highest rate of GHG reduction (-228,561 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2026), followed by the solid refuse fuels (-29,146 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2026) and biogas treatment of food waste (-3,421 tonCO2 eq/yr in 2026). This study also shows that net GHG emission was found to be -30,505 tonCO2 eq in 2017 and -105,428 tonCO2 eq, indicating a great and positive impact on future CO2 emission. Improved MSW management with increased recycling and energy recovery of material waste streams can positively contribute to GHGs reduction and energy savings. The results of this study would help waste management decision-makers clarify the effectiveness of recycling MSW, and their corresponding energy recovery potentials, as well as to understand GHG reduction by the conversion.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        우리나라는 인구의 증가 및 도시의 산업화, 소비에 따른 축산업의 발달로 인해 하수처리 및 음식물류와 가축 분뇨폐기물인 유기성폐자원의 처리규모와 발생량이 매년 증가하는 추세이다. 유기성폐기물의 육상처리와 신재생 에너지원으로서 효과적 활용에 대한 정책 추진과 연구가 진행되어왔다. 매립, 소각을 포함한 육상처리 방법 중, 바이오가스화는 혐기소화 과정에서 신재생 에너지원인 메탄가스를 생산하는 시설로 현 상황에 대응하는 새로운 방안으로 각광받고 있다. 국내 유기성폐자원의 바이오가스화 시설은 신규설치가 많이 이루어지는 반면, 시설의 메탄가스 생산량이 아직 미흡하거나 생산된 바이오가스를 이용하지 못하는 경우가 많은 실정이며, 15년도 유기성폐자원 바이오가스화 시설 중 하수슬러지를 이용한 바이오가스 발생량은 10.99 m3/ton이며, 음식물 72 m3/ton, 가축분뇨 14.84 m3/ton, 병합처리 14.51 m3/ton을 생산하고 있어, 혐기소화효율이 미국 등 선진국대비 약 54.2%에 불과한 실정이다. 전국 8개 시설에 대해서 다양한 유기성폐자원의 원료유입에서 기원하는 유입에너지와 바이오가스화 설비 운전을 위한 전력 소비에너지를 유입에너지로 설정하고, 혐기소화를 통한 바이오메탄의 잠재에너지와 미분해 유기물의 잠재에너지를 유출에너지로 산정하여 에너지수지분석을 진행하였다. 음식물/음폐수 시설의 바이오가스 에너지전환율은 80.1%이며, 가축분뇨 86.5%, 하수슬러지 22.8~57.7%로 분석되었다. 유입원료의 생산효율로는 음식물/음폐수 시설이 72.2% 이상으로 분석되었고 일부 유입에너지의 과소평가 및 바이오가스 생산량 과다측정으로 이론적으로 불가능한 수치로도 분석되었다. 따라서 에너지수지분석은 에너지전환효율과 시설 효율과 시설 효율을 평가할 수 있는 중요한 수단이지만 정확한 측정을 위한 유량계측 표준화 및 설비 별 전력사용량을 확인할 수 있는 전력계측 표준화작업이 요구되어진다.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        생활계에서 배출되는 폐기물은 주로 소각처리 또는 소각처리 후 매립 등의 방법이 주로 사용되고 있으며, 소각 또는 매립처리의 경우 2차 환경오염을 유발하는 등의 환경영향을 주는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 생활계에서 발생하는 폐기물의 소각 및 매립처리 등으로 인하여 발생하는 2차 환경오염 문제를 해결하기 위하여 다양한 방법의 적정처리 기술에 대한 연구가 진행되어 왔으며, 국내의 경우 10여년 전부터 생활계 폐기물 중 다량으로 함유되어 있는 가연성 폐기물을 최대한 선별/회수하여 재활용하기 위한 생활계 폐기물 전처리 기술이 도입되어 현재 국내에서 약 20여기가 가동 중에 있다. 대부분의 생활계 폐기물 전처리 설비는 가연성 폐기물을 기계적 선별, 건조 공정 및 성형공정을 통하여 에너지를 생산하고 있으며, 반입되는 폐기물의 성상 특히, 수분함량의 영향으로 일부 시설의 경우 운영상에 문제점을 야기시키는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 국내에서 운영되고 있는 생활계 폐기물 전처리 시설 중 성형 고형연료(SRF)를 생산하는 대표적인 폐기물 종합처리시설을 선정하여 운영 현황 등을 분석하였다. 폐기물 종합처리시설의 운영 현황 등의 분석을 통하여 성형 고형연료(SRF) 생산시설에서 발생할 수 있는 문제점 등을 파악하고, 보다 효율적인 처리시설의 운영 및 고형연료(SRF)의 생산을 위한 개선 방향을 모색하여 향후 생활계 폐기물 종합처리시설의 설치 및 운영 등에 자료로 활용하고자 한다.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        폐기물은 발생원을 기준으로 생활폐기물, 사업장폐기물 및 건설폐기물로 구분된다. 폐기물 처리는 재활용을 우선적으로 정책이 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 폐기물을 재활용하기 위해서는 기술적인 한계성과 경제성 등이 해결되어야 하며 이러한 이슈가 극복되지 않으면 재활용에는 한계가 따른다. 국내에서 도입된 네가티브 재활용 제도가 다양한 기술을 재활용로서 적용될 수 있도록 하였으며, 그 중 폐기물 에너지화 기술로써만 인식되어온 폐기물 가스화 기술은 에너지회수 기술 뿐 만 아니라 원료를 대체할 수 있는 재활용 기술로도 적용될 수 있게 되었다. 폐기물의 재활용은 물질재활용 기술로서 3R기술 위주로 재활용되어 왔으나 화학전환 기술에 의한 재활용을 위해서는 가스화 기술이 많은 기여를 할 것으로 기대된다. 또한 폐기물의 에너지 회수기술은 소각에 의한 에너지회수 또는 고형연료를 생산하여 연소보일러에 의한 에너지회수 방법이 주로 이용되어 왔으며 이러한 기술은 열에너지를 회수하는 기술에 국한되어 있다. 그러나 폐기물 가스화 기술은 열에너지와 화학에너지의 생산이 가능하므로 다양한 에너지로의 회수 기술과 고효율 에너지 이용기술의 적용이 가능한 기술이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 폐기물 가스화를 통한 에너지회수 기술과 화학전환 기술로서 원료대체를 통한 재활용 기술로서의 특성을 고찰하였다. 폐기물 가스화 기술은 가연성물질이 함유된 폐기물의 대부분을 대상으로 적용이 가능하지만 합성가스를 이용하는 기술에 따라서 합성가스의 생산품질을 만족하기 위해서는 폐기물의 적정 발열량이 확보되어야 된다. 폐기물의 종류에 따라 기준은 달리 적용되겠지만 저위발열량 기준으로 3,200 kcal/kg이상인 경우 안정적인 합성가스를 생산할 수 있다고 판단되며, 폐기물종류 및 이용기술에 따라서는 3,000 kcal/kg이상인 경우 합성가스 생산품질을 유지할 수 있다. 폐기물 가스화를 통해 생산된 합성가스를 에너지회수 기술로서는 스팀터빈, 가스터빈, 가스엔진, 연료전지 등의 기술을 적용할 수 있고, LNG, 경우, 석탄, LPG 등 화석연료를 대체하는 가스연료로 적용할 수도 있다. 또한 합성가스의 주요성분인 일산화탄소와 수소는 고순도 수소 및 고순도 일산화탄소 자체로도 원료대체가 가능하며, 화학촉매 또는 미생물촉매 전환 공정을 통해 다양한 화학원료로 대체하는 재활용기술로서의 적용이 가능한 특성을 가지고 있다.
        2018.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Environmental pollution is the major problem associated with rapid industrialization, urbanization and rise in living standards of people. In order to reduce environmental pollution, therefore, shielding materials using industrial waste resources were developed and the radiation shielding performance was evaluated.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Based on a survey of Korean waste-to-energy (WTE) firms, this article analyzes the R&D effectiveness of the WTE industry, which accounts for the largest proportion of new and renewable energy power generation in Korea, using multiple and logistic regression. A company’s R&D can be considered effective if its R&D inputs (e.g., R&D expenditure/sales, R&D manpower/employees, education/training, and reward systems) or R&D outputs (e.g., patent applications and approvals, the introduction of new products and services, and the redesign of products and processes) contribute to an increase in R&D outcomes (e.g., decrease in production costs, the creation of employment, and market entry). It was found that market entry is not affected by R&D inputs but is positively influenced by R&D outputs, indicating that Korean WTE firms have focused on market entry via the technology transfer of new products and services and/or the redesign of products and processes. In the WTE industry, the creation of employment does not have a statistically significant relationship with R&D expenditure/sales, R&D manpower/employees, or the redesign of products, but it does exhibit a positive relationship with education/training, reward systems, patent applications and approvals, and the introduction of new products and services. Finally, the decrease in production costs is not influenced by R&D expenditure/sales, R&D manpower/employees, reward systems, or patent applications and approvals, but is positively affected by education/training, the introduction of new products and services, and the redesign of products and processes. A policy implication of these results is that market entry show the virtual cycle on expanding R&D expenditure/sales and/or R&D manpower/employees.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the past, the role of incineration facilities was mainly to reduce waste and stabilize disposed material. However, as a key aspect of waste management policy, the concept of “waste Minimization and sustainable resource circulation society” has become an issue, and the effective use of waste has been emphasized. As a result, to promote the recycling of wastes from January 1, 2018, the Framework Act on Resource Circulation has been implemented. In this study, estimation factors that can affect the increase of energy recovery are selected by reviewing the estimation method of industrial waste incineration facilities having a separate boiler; moreover, the effect of calculation factors on energy recovery was quantitatively evaluated. According to this study, when the heat loss, condensate temperature, and power consumption decrease by 10%, the energy recovery of the target facilities increase by 0.4% (0.22 ~ 0.63%), 1.09% (0.57 ~ 1.32%), and 1.16% (0.52 ~ 2.13%) on an average.
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