이 논문은 뮤지컬 『라이온 킹』에서 그루브(Groove)가 캐릭터 형성, 감정 전달 및 스 토리 전개에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 연구의 필요성 및 목적은 그루브가 단순한 리듬 적 요소를 넘어 서사의 긴장감 조성과 정서적 몰입에 기여하는 핵심적 역할을 규명하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 연구 방법으로는 주요 장면 <Circle of Life>, <Hakuna Matata>, <He Lives in You>, <Be Prepared>를 대상으로 악보 분석 및 연출 관찰을 통해 그루브의 리듬적 특성과 서사적 기여를 심층적으로 탐구하였으며, 특히 리듬 구조, 악 기 구성, 음악적 동선 등을 분석하여 각 장면에서 그루브가 어떻게 구현되고, 캐릭터와 서사에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 실증적으로 검토하였다. 연구 결과는 그루브가 캐릭 터의 내면적 변화와 감정을 구체화하며, 주요 서사의 전환점에서 극적 긴장감을 조성하 는 중요한 역할을 수행하는 것으로 나타났다. 이 논문은 뮤지컬에서 그루브의 학문적· 실용적 의의를 강조하며, 뮤지컬 창작과 분석 과정에 기초 자료를 제공하였다.
음악사회학자 아도르노는 거슈윈이 경음악 창작에서 재능 있는 개조자 에 불과하다고 생각하지만, 거슈윈이 창작한 '랩소디 인 블루'는 재즈 심 포니 스타일을 개척하여 민족 음악과 미국 정신의 상징이 되었다. 이 연 구는 랩소디가 어떻게 한 국가의 시대정신의 상징이 될 수 있는지를 분 석하는 것을 목적으로 하며, 역사 분석법과 곡식 분석법을 결합하여 발 견한 바는 첫째, 랩소디의 창작은 미국 민족 음악의 탄생을 상징하며, 완 전히 새로운 음악 스타일은 혁신적이고 자유로운 미국의 이미지를 보여 준다. 둘째, 뛰어난 음악 융합 능력으로 미국 사회의 다양한 집단의 환영 을 받았으며, 래그타임, 블루스 등의 음악의 특징을 과도하게 변경하지 않고 자신의 작품에 융합함으로써 클래식 음악 애호가와 팝 음악 애호가 사이의 고정관념을 깨뜨리고 사회의 다양한 인종의 사람들이 음악에서 소속감을 찾을 수 있게 했다. 종합하면, 거슈윈의 작품은 당시 미국 음악 의 민족 대용광로의 현황을 진실하게 반영하고 다민족적이며, 다원화되 고 혁신적인 미국 정신을 드러내어 지금까지도 공감을 불러일으킬 수 있 는 시대정신의 상징이 되었다.
오늘날 교육 분야에서 인공지능 기술이 빠르게 발전하면서 AI 한국어 학습 앱은 혁신적인 학습 도구로 많은 주목을 받고 있다. 본 연구는 AI 한국어 학습 앱의 사용자를 연구 대상으로 삼아 기술준비도(TRI), 기술수 용모델(TAM), 정보기술성공 모형을 기반으로 양적 데이터를 분석했다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 향후 한국어 학습 앱의 개발과 한국어 해외 교 육 연구를 위한 이론적 근거와 활용 방안을 제공하고 해외 한국어 교육 의 발전을 촉진하길 바란다. 연구 결과에 따르면 낙관성, 혁신성, 시스템 품질, 학습 내용, 지각된 유용성, 지각된 용이성이 사용자의 사용 태도와 사용의도에 정(+)적인 영향을 미친다. 반면에 불편함과 불확신은 사용자 의 지각된 용이성과 유용성에 부(-)적인 영향을 미친다. 특히, 사용자의 사용의도는 지각된 유용성으로부터 가장 큰 영향을 받았다. 이상의 연구 결론을 바탕으로 AI 한국어 학습 앱의 개선 대책 및 제언을 제시했다.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an interdisciplinary subject based on computer science and has a history of more than 70 years. With the development of social industries, various service needs are developing rapidly, and AI is also playing a huge role in the application field of big data. This paper focuses on the analysis and application of AI in the subject classification system for high school students. The subject classification system adopts the characterization of subjects that a country have; and the amount of information data is huge. Different countries set up different subject systems according to the needs of social structure. In 2013, Qingdao Warwick International Education College (Warwick College) and Korean wisemento Co., Ltd. (Wisemento company) spent 4 years jointly researching and completing an analysis and assessment system suitable for Chinese subject classification system. Follow the subject and professional scoring method, the assessment system scientifically calculates trend scores and interacts with potential and career models to find the subject development direction, professional trend, future potential development direction, subject and career direction that are suitable for students. It provides trend data suitable for students’ subject development, provides scientific basis for students’ course selection, helps students understand themselves, and provides students with targeted career education development directions for subjects and careers. The education resources can be utilized effectively; student individual data also provides a basis for the management of education and teaching.
Climate change has made outbreaks of insect-transmitted plant viruses increasingly unpredictable. Understanding spatio-temporal dynamics of insect vector migration can help forecast virus outbreaks, but the relationship is often poorly characterized. The incidence of Beet curly top virus (BCTV) was examined in 2,196 tomato fields in California from 2013-2022. In addition, we experimentally showed dispersal of the beet leafhopper, the only known vector of BCTV is negatively correlated with plant greenness, and we estimated spring migration timing using a vegetation greenness-based model. Potential environmental factors and spring migration time of beet leafhoppers were associated with BCTV incidence. We found BCTV incidence is strongly associated with spring migration timing rather than environmental factors themselves. In addition, the vegetation greenness-based model was able to accurately predict the severe BCTV outbreaks in 2013 and 2021 in California. The predictive model for spring migration time was implemented into a web-based mapping system, serving as a decision support tool for management purposes.
본 연구에서는 충청남도 대둔산도립공원을 대상으로 도립공원 관리 개선을 위해 탐방객과 지역주민 조사연구를 수행하였다. 중앙정부의 지원을 받는 국립공원과 달리 재정적 지원이 적고 사유지를 많이 포함하고 있는 도립공원은 관리 개선을 위해 탐방객과 지역주민의 의견이 중요하다. 본 연구는 2022년 탐방객 543명을 대상으로 방문목적, 재방문이유, 공원만족도, 체험 프로그램 참여의사 등을 조사하였 다. 또한, 지역주민 105명을 대상으로 도립공원 제도에 대한 동의정도, 생활만족도, 생활 불편사항, 지 가 차이 및 행위규제 인식, 개선 요구사항, 주민참여 프로그램 참여의사에 관하여 조사하였다. 조사결 과 탐방객은 가족, 친지와 방문하고 등산, 휴식을 위해 방문하며, 음식‧환경‧전통문화에 관한 체험 프로 그램에 참여하고 싶다고 조사되었다. 현재 지역주민들은 규제와 더불어 지가 하락 등으로 불편과 불이 익을 받고 있다. 이에 대한 대책으로 수익 증대 프로그램에 참여하기를 요구하였다. 따라서 도립공원 관리 개선방안으로 탐방객과 지역주민의 만족을 위한 체험 프로그램 도입이 필요하다. 본 연구는 탐방 객과 지역주민 두 집단을 조사한 것에 의미가 있고 도립공원 관리에 있어 현장별 맞춤 정책을 개발하는 데 도움이 될 것으로 판단된다.
본고에서는 K-POP 가사의 인도네시아어 팬번역 실태와 품질을 분석 하였다. K-POP 아이돌 그룹인 방탄소년단의 노래 가사가 팬들을 통해 인도네시 아어로 어떻게 번역이 되고 있는지 그 번역물의 품질은 어떠한지에 대해 살펴보았 다. 본고의 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 팬번역물의 품질이 높다고 할 수는 없지만 전문 번역과는 차별화되는 부분이 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 두 번째, 팬번역의 번역 품질이 높지 않은 요인으로 팬들이 팬번역에 대해 요구하는 수준이 높지 않다는 것과 일반적인 번역물과는 생산 및 소비되는 속도가 빠르다는 것을 꼽 을 수 있다. 세 번째로는 팬번역의 완성도를 높이고 발전 및 활성화를 위한 방안의 필요성을 제시하였다.
This study deeply discusses the development status of e-learning in basic music education in China, and summarizes the characteristics and development of music education course content, resources, evaluation and certification in the three countries through comparative analysis with e-learning platforms in South Korea and the United States, revealing the development trends and differences of global online music teaching. In the strategic analysis part, it is pointed out that, firstly, the development of basic music online teaching needs to be combined with online and offline hybrid teaching to promote the development of music education. Secondly, while learning from the advanced experience of e-learning in other countries, we should pay attention to innovative education methods、 expand the subject content. Finally, we should pay attention to the cultivation of students' learning ability to facilitate the establishment of an efficient learning model. The innovation of this paper lies in the comprehensive and in-depth research and comparison of the characteristics and case analysis of e-learning in music education in China, and at the same time, combined with the experience of South Korea and the United States, the implementation conditions and strategies for the situation in China are proposed, which provides strong theoretical support and practical guidance for the development of e-learning in music education in China based on the practical experience of different countries, and provides specific suggestions for further optimizing the practice of online music teaching.
Jing Hao, a famous theorist and painter in the late Tang and five dynasties, put forward the concept of “truth” in his Bi Fa Ji (筆法記, Notes On the Techniques of the Brush). “Truth” originated from Laozi and was developed by Zhuangzi and others. Although “truth” is an important category in Chinese aesthetics, the aesthetic connotation was not explained until the Tang Dynasty, and it was not explained and defined theoretically until Jing Hao’s Bi Fa Ji in the Five Dynasties, and “truth” was also clearly put forward in painting theory for the first time. “truth” is the artistic ideal pursued by Jing Hao, and the practice of “truth” is also confirmed everywhere in his works “Kuanglu Tu”. So what is the “truth” proposed by Jing Hao? How does his “truth” translate into his paintings? Is there a specific way or method for him to realize his “true” artistic ideal? This article mainly analyzes Jing Hao’s “truth” from the perspective of the Taoist “the unity of nature and man”(天人合一), and combines the stones, trees, and point characters in the Kuanglu Tu to analyze it specifically. Jing Hao’s “truth” is more about pursuing the realm of mutual birth between the heaven and earth spirit of man and nature, and the life of the universe. The main purpose of this article is to implement this mysterious concept and mysterious metaphysical category into concrete and perceptible painting patterns, so as to appreciate that the way to realize Jing Hao’s “truth” is “the unity of nature and man”.
This article takes the four handed down Chu Gong Jia bells and the Chu Gong Jia bell unearthed in Zhouyuan as the research objects, and combines the existing research results to conduct a comparative study of the two from the perspective of inscription glyphs, word relationships, style, and decorative patterns. It is pointed out that the inscriptions, style, and word relationships of Chu Gong Jia bells in the late western Zhou dynasty all show the regional characteristics of the Chu characters. The inscriptions, style, and relationship between words of the Chu Gong Jia bell unearthed in the Zhou dynasty also reflect the regional characteristics of the western Zhou dynasty. This article also conducts a comparative study of the bird patterns on the bells of the western Zhou dynasty, and points out that the bird patterns on the Chu Gong Jia bell unearthed in Zhouyuan are not common in the southern region during the western Zhou dynasty, but are more closely related to the Baoji Phoenix bird pattern with a fleshy crown common in the Baoji region during the western Zhou dynasty. Its stiff demeanor and forked upturned tail may be due to improper imitation of southern bird patterns. The regional characteristics and bird pattern on the right drum of the Chu Gong Jia bell inscription unearthed in Zhouyuan indicate that its origin or locality is in Zhouyuan. The research in this article has a promoting effect on the understanding of the regional characteristics of bronze inscriptions in the western Zhou dynasty, and is beneficial for us to further understand the early Chu characters and Chu culture. The conclusions of this study can provide some reference for the formation and development of the character system in the Zhou dynasty and the study of the casting and circulation patterns of bronze.
To evaluate the safeguards system or performance in a facility, it is crucial to analyze the diversion path for nuclear materials. However, diversion paths can range from the extremely simplified to the complicated depending on the level of knowledge and the specific person conducting the analysis. This study developed the diversion path analysis tools using an event tree and fault tree method to generating diversion paths systematically. The essential components of the diversion path were reviewed, and a logical flow was developed for systematically creating the diversion path. An algorithm was created based on the facility design components and logical flow, as well as the initial information of the nuclear materials and material flows. The event tree and fault tree analysis tools were used to test the path generation algorithm. The usage and limitations of these two logic methods are discussed, and ideas to incorporate the logic algorithm into practical program tools are suggested. The tests were analyzed on a typical light water reactor as an example, including automatic generation of dedicated pathways, configuration of safeguards measures, and analyzing paths with strategies for avoiding safeguard systems. The results led to the development of a draft pathway analyzer program that can be applied to general nuclear systems. The results of this study will be used to develop a program module that can systematically generate diversion paths using the event tree and fault tree method. It can help to guide and provide practical tools for implementing SBD.
본 연구는 네팔의 지체 및 시각장애인의 직업재활(축산창업지원)사업을 통해 축산에 대한 지식과 소득에 얼마나 영향을 미쳤는지 분석하고 OECD DAC 평가기준을 적용하여 분석함으로써, 장애인의 빈곤퇴치에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 현지 관계자 및 대상자와의 설문자료와 모니터링 자료를 활용하여 축산창업지원이 어떠 한 결과로 나타났는가를 세 가지 측면에서 분석하였다. 먼저 훈련 및 가 축 지원에 대한 만족도를 분석하였고, 두 번째로 2018년과 2020년 시행 했던 사업의 후속 모니터링을 분석하였으며, 마지막으로 OECD DAC 평 가기준을 적용하여 분석하였다. 결과를 살펴보면, 장애인지원사업이 효과 적으로 개발도상국 장애인의 소득증대에 도움이 되었음을 확인하였고, 전문적 지식 습득 및 가축 사육으로 인해 경제적으로 빈곤에서 벗어날 수 있는 기회가 제공되었으며, 인식의 긍정적 전환까지 나타나는 모범사 례로 적합한 사업이었음을 보여주었다. 이는 개발도상국의 빈곤퇴치를 위해서 선진화된 ODA 사업인 장애인지원사업이 필요함을 시사하며, 이 를 위한 사회적 관심과 정책적 가이드라인에 대한 적극적인 방안을 고려 할 필요가 있다.
국제 중국어 교재에 초과 한자와 초과 어휘가 존재한다는 것은 객관적인 사실이다. 이는 학생 이 텍스트를 이해하는데 영향을 주며, 교사가 수업을 진행하는데 있어서도 피하기 힘든 문제이 다. 본고는 《국제 중국어 교육 중국어 수준 등급 표준》를 기준으로, 『發展漢語』 고급 종합 교재에 포함되어 있는 초과 한자와 초과 어휘를 연구 대상으로 삼았다. 코퍼스 기술을 바탕으로 빠른 식별과 태깅을 진행하여, 『發展漢語』 고급 종합 단계 교재에 나타난 초과 한자와 초과 어휘 현황을 분석하였다. 또한, 초과 한자를 기준으로 真性과 假性으로 구분하고 글자 단위의 의미와 어휘 단위의 의미의 연관성을 근거로 교육 방법을 제안하였다. 한자와 연결되는 동사를 함께 가르치고, 한자와 어휘를 연결하여 학습시키는 방안은 학생의 중국어 학습 능력을 향상시킬 것이다.
DEA(data envelopment analysis) is a technique for evaluation of relative efficiency of decision making units (DMUs) that have multiple input and output. A DEA model measures the efficiency of a DMU by the relative position of the DMU’s input and output in the production possibility set defined by the input and output of the DMUs being compared. In this paper, we proposed several DEA models measuring the multi-period efficiency of a DMU. First, we defined the input and output data that make a production possibility set as the spanning set. We proposed several spanning sets containing input and output of entire periods for measuring the multi-period efficiency of a DMU. We defined the production possibility sets with the proposed spanning sets and gave DEA models under the production possibility sets. Some models measure the efficiency score of each period of a DMU and others measure the integrated efficiency score of the DMU over the entire period. For the test, we applied the models to the sample data set from a long term university student training project. The results show that the suggested models may have the better discrimination power than CCR based results while the ranking of DMUs is not different.
It has been more than 40 years since Yunmeng Qin bamboo slips were unearthed. As the first batch of Qin bamboo slips unearthed, it is close to the truth of the Qing dynasty. Because the unearthed bamboo slips are clear and easily to recognize, most of them are complete, which provides favorable conditions for the in-depth study of Yunmeng Qin bamboo slips. To start with, the aim of this paper is to explore the special words used in the development period of modal particles, to clarify the development context of the evolution of modal particles, and to sort out the internal differences of the evolution of modal particles in Yunmeng Qin bamboo slips. We give a possibility for Yi (殹) and Ye (也), which seems to alternate between Yunmeng Qin bamboo slips. Secondly, we found the factors to these change: dialect, country, written forms and customs. Also, we set many examples to prove Yi (殹) and Ye (也) in Yunmeng Qin bamboo slips truly alternative. The time of Yunmeng Qin bamboo slips was written at about the end of the Warring States period to the early Qin Dynasty, which was the time when the words were not solidified. In this period, the use of words was chaotic, and modal particles showed different use of words because of their distinctive regional characteristics, that is, the diversification of writing forms. Especially, Yi (殹) and Ye (也) were two modal particles in Yunmeng Qin bamboo slips. As a Qin character, commonly seen in Yunmeng Qin bamboo slips, Yi (殹) is often used as a modal particle in the slips of Qing dynasty, which has been discussed by senior scholars such as Li Xueqin and Chen Zhaorong. Mr. Li talked about Yi (殹) and “habitually seen in Qin Bamboo Slips” in his article “an Investigation of Ancient Philology of Qin Bamboo Slips”; When discussing the evolution of Qin characters, Mr Chen interpreted Yi (殹) as a mood auxiliary word with both regional and contemporary characteristics.
The study of Chinese vulgar characters is one of the important contents in the study of modern Chinese characters, and it is also one of the important contents in the study of the dissemination of Chinese characters. Based on the 81 poems and more than 300 folk characters in the Vietnamese Chinese document “Giới Hiên Collected Poems”, this paper explores the nature of Chinese vulgar characters and related issues. The nature of Chinese vulgar characters can be characterized from the perspective of Chinese character shape, structure and function: Vulgar characters are used by the civil community, with different forms of different forms, different components of the composition of the word, often used to record and correspond to the orthography of the Chinese character. Clarifying the nature of “vulgar characters” is of great significance to its ontology research, modern Chinese research, and Chinese character dissemination research.
This was written to introduce the case of establishment and implementation of the Disclosure procedure related to patient safety accidents at Hospital A. The process of establishing the Disclosure procedure of Hospital A consisted of a survey of professors in charge of Clinical Performance Improvement, the formation of consensus within the management, the establishment of procedures through discussion in the relevant departments and committees, and the enactment and implementation of regulations. In addition, in order to apply the regulations to the field, various education and public relations strategies for employees, as well as management procedures for cases of violation of the patient safety culture. And now, psychological support programs are being explored to protect the employees who are the second victims. Continuous efforts to improve “communication know-how” should be made by collecting data and analyzing cost effects. Therefore, legal support such as the Apology Act is also needed to activate and protect patient safety communication.