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      검색결과 17

      2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The objective of this study was to categorize consumers' food-related lifestyles into various types and discern the differences in consumer preferences for locally sourced ingredients in Home Meal Replacement (HMR) based on food-related lifestyles. The online survey was conducted from December, 2020, involving 474 adults who registered with Macro Mill Embrain. Statistical analyses, including frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, K-means cluster analysis, and one-way ANOVA were applied to the collected data. The findings revealed the ‘convenience-seeking group,’ the 'high interest in food-related lifestyle group,' and the ‘health and taste-seeking group.’ The ‘convenience-seeking group’ showed a high proportion of respondents (65%) didn’t check the origin, whereas the ’high interest in food-related lifestyle group’ (57.5%) and the ‘health and taste-seeking group’ (66.7) had higher proportions of respondents who checked the origin. Regarding the reasons for preferring locally sourced HMR, all three clusters emphasized safety, hygiene, and fresh ingredients as the most critical factors. This study represented the first exploration into consumer preferences for HMR using locally sourced ingredients, segmented by their food-related lifestyles. The findings provided valuable foundational information for the development of HMR using locally sourced ingredients and could be applied to decisions in the food industry and related policy-making.
      2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study analyzed the determinants that affect the purchase of ready-to-cook seafood products using the “Consumer Attitude Survey on Processed Foods” from 2018 to 2021. Dietary lifestyle, food awareness and preference survey questions were categorized, and factors affecting the purchase probability of ready-to-cook seafood were identified through a binomial logit model. The main research findings are as follows. First, consumers had higher preference for quality, safety, and new taste factors than health and price factors when purchasing HMR (Home Meal Replacement). Second, through binomial logit model analysis, the probability of purchasing ready-to-cook seafood products was low in the group pursuing taste and economy. On the other hand, the purchase probability was high in the group seeking convenience. Third, the purchase probability of ready-to-cook seafood products was higher in households with two or more persons than in single-person households. These results suggest that differentiated product development and marketing strategies should be needed for each consumer groups in the seafood convenience food market
      2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study was performed to provide fundamental data on the convenience foods purchase according to the food-related lifestyle. This study was conducted on 398 Chinese international students residing in Gyeonggi area between October and December 2019. Among the total 373 survey subjects, gender was 183 male students (49.1%) and 190 female students (50.9%). This study was conducted by questionnaire method with reference to previous studies. There are significant differences in economic pursuit and taste pursuit for delivery food use, economic pursuit and taste pursuit for delivery food information, health pursuit and taste pursuit in delivery food ordering method, and economic pursuit and convenience pursuit for delivery food use (p<0.05). Delivery food usage time was significantly different in convenience pursuit, health pursuit, eating out pursuit, and taste pursuit (p<0.05), and the delivery food preference menu was significantly different in economic pursuit, health pursuit, eating out pursuit, and taste pursuit (p<0.05). The menu positive factors among satisfaction factors showed statistically significant differences in economic pursuit (β=0.188, t=3.531) and health pursuit (β=0.160, t=3.099) among food related lifestyle factors. In conclusion, this study presented the desirable direction of delivery food usage in Chinese students.
      2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The study subjects were 302 adult males and females aged more than 20 years living in the metropolitan area of South Korea. This study was conducted to obtain baseline data to establish proper development and marketing strategies by examining the effects of food-related lifestyles on the importance of diet, purchasing behavior towards diet lunch boxes, and their selected attributes such as menu, packaging, and services. With respect to food-related lifestyle, a cluster analysis was performed by using five factors such as convenience factor, health factor, safety factor, taste factor, and economy factor obtained from factor analysis to derive the economy type, the taste and economy type, the convenience type, the safety type, and the health type. As a result, the respondents regarded 'food hygiene (4.59)', 'freshness (4.47)', 'taste (4.28)', and 'nutrient balance (4.19)' as the selected attributes of diet lunch box menus. Moreover, the importance of diet lunch box menus (β=0.179) was increased with increasing safety orientation. 'Shelf life label (4.42)' was the most important selected attribute of diet lunch boxes, followed by 'ingredient label (4.19)', 'nutrition facts label (4.16)', and 'indication of origin (4.15)'. In particular, the importance of packaging for diet lunch boxes (β=0.203) was increased with increasing safety orientation. With respect to the selected attributes of services in purchasing diet lunch boxes, 'provision of personalized menus (4.07)' was the most important, and the importance of services for diet lunch box (β=0.160) was increased with increasing taste and economy orientation. Based on the above results, the respondents gave importance to the selected attributes related to food safety and health such as hygiene and, freshness. In addition, they also placed emphasis on hygiene and safe factors such as shelf life, ingredients, and nutrition facts labels. Therefore, it is considered necessary to develop diet lunch boxes by taking these factors into account. Furthermore, in services for diet lunch boxes, it is considered necessary to establish a service system capable of providing consumers with specialized menu or nutrition counseling according to the food-related lifestyle for their proper health management. Particularly, because consumers place emphasis on both food hygiene and safety, and health, it is considered necessary to thoroughly manage hygiene, safety, and nutrition in menu or packaging so that it is possible to enhance customer satisfaction by considering these selected attributes in greater detail.
      2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study was performed to provide fundamental data on the convenience foods purchase according to the food-related lifestyle. The subject was 250 Chinese students in South Korea region through a self-administered questionnaire. A factor analysis extracted five comprising food-related lifestyle, which we named health seeking (factor 1), taste seeking (factor 2), easy seeking (factor 3), popularity seeking (factor 4) and safety seeking (factor 5). According to the results of the reliability analysis, the food-related lifestyle showed an average of 3.16 and 0.813 for Cronbach's alpha coefficient. There were significant differences for the selection of convenience foods according to health seeking (p<0.05). Also, the popularity seeking and easy seeking lifestyle factors showed significant differences for the reason the purchase criteria of convenience food (p<0.05). There was not significant differences in convenience foods of selection criteria according to health seeking, taste seeking, easy seeking, popularity seeking and safety seeking types (p<0.05). A significant positive result of the internal characteristics of convenience foods purchase (p<0.05) was shown for the health seeking and taste seeking. A significant positive result of the external characteristics of convenience food purchase (p<0.05) was shown for the health seeking, taste seeking and safety seeking. In the correlation between convenience food purchase factors, the correlation coefficient of nutrition and ingredients are highest with 0.46, 0.445 in cooking and price, 0.441 in ingredients and expiry date, 0.383 in brand and price, 0.361 in taste and easy. In conclusion, this study presented the desirable direction of convenience food consumption in Chinese students.
      2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study aimed to analyze the beverage usage behavior according to the food-related lifestyle in Seoul, Gyeonggi province area. Group 1, named ‘health & safety seeking’ group, consists of high percentage of women in their 40s, as well as a high percentage of high income and highly educated. Group 2, was group of ‘high interest in dietary life’, consists of a high percentage of women in their 30s, highly educated, earned 3~5 million won. Group 3, named ‘convenience seeking’ group, had a high percentage of men and of those in their 20s who earned less than 2 million won. In verifying the difference between food-related lifestyle groups in terms of their behaviors and attitudes towards the usage of beverage specialty shop, group 1 showed significantly high score in the number of visit beverage specialty shops, the intention to spend higher average expenditure per visit per person, importance of selection attributes of beverage specialty sho
      2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The purpose of this study was to examine the difference in nutritional knowledge and food preferences according to foodrelated lifestyle among 400 married women. Using the K-average clustering method, food-related lifestyles of subjects were categorized into three clusters: rational and diversity-oriented group, convenience-oriented group, and health-oriented group. The nutritional knowledge level and food preferences among three clusters were compared to each other using ANOVA test. The findings were summarized as follows: For the nutritional knowledge level, health-oriented group showed the highest mean score, whereas the lowest score was detected in the convenience-oriented group. The convenienceoriented group showed higher preferences for fish, meat, eggs, fruits, milk/dairy products, seaweed, grains, etc. among natural food than the other groups. Meanwhile, the rational and diversity-oriented group preferred legumes, and green vegetables, whereas the health-oriented group showed preferences for other vegetables. However, the convenience-oriented group reported more preferences for breads, noodles, pancakes, fried/stir-fried food, and processed food such as sausage, ham, and fast food, This study found that nutritional knowledge level and food preferences were significantly different according to food-related lifestyles of married women living in Seoul and Gyonggie areas. Thus, it is suggested that nutritional education targeting married women needs to be carefully designed by considering their food-related lifestyle.
      2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study was designed to provide the basic data of an effective nutrition education for desirable lifestyle and dietary habits to improve the nutritional status for the elderly by investigating health-related lifestyle, dietary habits, nutritional knowledge, and food intake of the elderly. The subjects included 58 elderly men and 146 elderly women. 35.8% had no more than an elementary school education. Most subjects (54.4%) were widows/widowers. Most subjects (71.0%) made over 150,000 won. 52.5% of subjects lived in houses. Smoking, drinking, exercise, the average sleeping time were significantly difference between the gender (p<0.05). In terms of dietary habits, our results showed that 80.9% of respondent eat regularly meals, including breakfast (83.5%). Both sexes prefer soft and salty food. Women enjoys more spicy and salty food compared with men and then shows meaningful difference (p<0.05). Their favorite meals are soup, stew, salad and boiled vegetables. Compared to women, men have a higher rate of correct answers about questions related to nutrition knowledge as showing significantly difference (p<0.05). In a study of dietary habits, they take in carbohydrates with the highest percentage and following by vegetables and fruits. The amount of meat, first and egg they eat is more than the previously. Eating meat is higher men as showing significant difference (p<0.05). In summary, nutritional status for the elderly shows healthy lifestyle and diet about half of those and most them try to live healthy life in future. It is hope that the elderly may need to learn proper nutrition knowledge for healthy lifestyle and nutrition education and counseling for building up healthy lifestyle and desirable dietary habits. Furthermore, it is necessary to start work to establish a baseline nutritious evaluation for the elderly and at a time to study the development of standard eating tool proven reliability and validity, consequently to provide a basic framework for the evaluation of nutritional status.
      2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study was analyzed to provide fundamental data on the relationship between fast food consumption behaviors and food-related lifestyle types. Data was collected from 268 middle students in the Incheon region through a self-administered questionnaire. A factor analysis extracted five comprising food-related lifestyle, which we named health seeking (factor 1), taste seeking (factor 2), easy seeking (factor 3), popularity seeking (factor 4) and safety seeking (factor 5). According to the results of the factor analysis, the food-related lifestyle showed that the average consumption was more than 2.95 and, 0.792 in Cronbach alpha coefficient. There were significant differences in the influence factor for the selection of fast food according to taste seeking and, popularity seeking types (p<0.05). Also, the easy seeking and safety seeking lifestyle types showed a significant differences for the reason the choosing criteria of fast food (p<0.05). Especially, the nutrition problem was of the highest importance for the health and safety seeking but an advertisement effect trend appealed more to the taste seeking, easy seeking and popularity seeking lifestyles. There were significant differences in fast food of intake frequency according to health seeking, easy seeking, popularity seeking and safety seeking types (p<0.05). A significant positive result of the internal characteristics of fast food consumption (p<0.05) was shown for the health seeking and safety seeking types. A significant positive result of the external characteristics of fast food consumption (p<0.05) was shown for the popularity seeking and safety seeking types.
      2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The purpose of this study was to analyze middle students' carbonated beverages selection and consumption behaviors depending on their food-related lifestyle. Data was collected from 307 middle students in Incheon region through a self-administered questionnaire. According to the results of the factor analysis, food-related lifestyle showed that the average is more than 3.0, 0.800 in Cronbach alpha coefficient. There were significant differences in carbonated beverages preference according to health seeking, easy seeking, popularity seeking, and safety seeking type (p<0.05). Also easy seeking and popularity seeking type lifestyle showed significant differences in the reason to drink carbonated drinks (p<0.05), especially school canteen amenities tended to pursue the highest fashion. A significant significance positive result of the consumption of carbonated beverages (p<0.01) was shown for the easy seeking type. A significant positive result of the consumption of carbonated beverages (p<0.01) was shown for the taste seeking and safety seeking type. Analysis of the relationship between carbonated beverage consumption, and form factor showed a high correlation coefficient of 0.617 and with brand design, while the taste and the price were (p<0.05) 0.446, and 0.437 in order to design and calories, respectively.
      2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study attempted to identify differences in Korean food consumption behaviors between groups of Japanese consumers segmented in accordance to their food-related lifestyles. This study was performed to provide Korean food service companies basic information to implement a strategy for the globalization of Korean food. As a result of the empirical analysis, the food-related lifestyles of Japanese consumers were deduced to the following four factors: "health and safetyoriented lifestyle", "palate and safety-oriented lifestyle", "economic efficiency-oriented lifestyle", and "simplicity-oriented lifestyle". Further, as a result of the cluster analysis, food-related lifestyles were classified into the following three groups: "a group highly interested in food-related life", "an economic efficiency-oriented group", and "a simplicity-oriented group". Second, there were significant differences in demographic characteristics and the characteristics of Korean food consumption behaviors between the groups. Third, also in a comparison of satisfaction with and loyalty to Korean restaurants with crucial attributes during the selection of Korean food, there were significant differences between the groups. Therefore, it is necessary to develop various Korean food products that will cater to Japanese consumers in accordance with each segmented group.
      2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The aim of this study was to classify Korean consumers based on their food-related lifestyle type, and to investigate the relationship between sushi consumption and food-related lifestyle type. Self-reported questionnaires were completed by 300 Korean adults. The SPSS 18.0 program was used to analyze the samples. Data was analyzed by frequency, descriptive factor, reliability, cluster analysis, ANOVA, and chi-square test. A factor analysis extracted four factors comprising foodrelated lifestyle, which we named Health-seeking (factor 1), Taste-seeking (factor 2), Convenience-seeking (factor 3), and Economy-seeking (factor 4). According to a cluster analysis based on those four factors, consumers were classified into three clusters. Cluster 1 was the Taste and Health-seeking cluster, Cluster 2 was the Convenience-seeking cluster, and Cluster 3 was the Passive Eating Habits cluster. The results also indicated that the selection attributes of each cluster were significantly different in terms of perception, the global state of sushi, sushi preference, frequency, companions, place of sushi consumption, and preference for different sushi sub-ingredients. Based on these results, consumer characteristics in the sushi market are discussed.
      2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      The purpose of this study was to elicit types of food-related lifestyle of undergraduates and to examine the relationship between each ape of food-related lifestyle and an attribute of selecting a restaurant. Self-administrated questionnaires were completed by 368 students and data were analysed by frequency, factor, reliability and canonical correlation. Five factors were obtained from factor analysis of food-related lifestyle ; Factor1 'health seeking type', Factor2 'taste seeking type', Factor3 'Popularity seeking type', Factor4 'safety seeking type', Factor5 'mood seeking type'. Restaurant selection attribute were extracted into six factors, Factor1 'taste and service', Factor2 'interior‘, Factor3 'convenient for approach', Factor4 'marketing strategy', Factor5 'food quality', Factor6 ’menu and price‘ Canonical correlation analysis showed two significant functions. Canonical function1 showed that food-related lifestyles of taste seeking type and safety seeking type were indicated to have significant positive relationships with the food qualify, taste and service in the restaurant selection attributes. Canonical function2 also showed that a significant positive relationships between health seeking type and accessibility, and a significant negative relationships between health seeking type and taste & service and between health seeking type and menu & price. Finally the result of the study provide some insight into the types of marketing stratagem that can be effectively used by operator who manage restaurant.