In this study, chemical information on a total of 20 individual compounds was constructed to identify isoflavones from the previous reports related with used parts(seeds, leaves, stems, pods) and products of soybean(Glycine max L.). Through constructed library and UPLC-DAD-QToF/MS analysis, a total of 19 individual isoflavones including aglycones, glucosides, acetylglucosides and malonylglucosides as major compounds was identified and quantified from 14 selected soybean seeds. Among them, genistein 7-O-(2"-O-apiosyl)glucoside and genistein 7-O-(6"-O-apiosyl)glucoside(ambocin) were identified tentatively as novel compounds in soybean seeds. Besides, among malonylglucosides, glycitein 4'-O-(6''-O-malonyl)glucoside was estimated for the first time. Total isoflavone contents were distributed from 240.21 to 445.21(mg/100 g, dry matter) and 7-O-6''-O-malonylglucosides were composed of 77.8% on total isoflavone as well as genistein derivatives were confirmed as major class. It was considered importantly that the development of isoflavone-rich varieties was necessary to strengthen their effects such as anti-inflammation, anti-cancer and menopause mitigation. The qualitative and quantitative data presented precisely in this study could be help to select and breed isoflavone-rich varieties. Furthermore, their basic isoflavone profile is expected to be applied to estimate the change of isoflavone conjugates on bioavailability after soy food supplements.
This study was performed to select the high-yield soybean cultivar suitable for the mid part of Korea and to provide as a basic data for improving productivity of the farmhouse. To this, Daewon as a control and four soybean cultivars such as Uram, Taeseon, Saegeum and Seonpung soybean seeds known that high-yield varieties developed after 2010 were selected. Growth characteristics and functional isoflavone contents of five soybeans were field tested at the field in Goesan, Chungbuk during 2014 and 2015. In comparison with Daewon, maturity date was recorded the earliest at Taesun with 15th Oct. Height of the first pod for the mechanical harvesting have a benefit to Uram (16.8 cm) and Taeseon (14.6 cm), however; shattering percentage of Taeseon were showed the high value of 11.2%. Productivity of Uram, Seonpung and Taesun were increased with 20, 9, and 5 %, respectively, compare to that of Daewon. Total isoflavones contents (μg/g) of five soybeans were ordered as Saegeum (1222.2) > Uram (1111.9) > Seonpung (897.2) > Daewon (885.8) > Taesun (829.5). Total isoflavones contents when soil mulching compare to the non-mulching were increased 206.6 μg/g at Daewon and 460.8 μg/g at Uram soybean.
Glycoproteins isolated from fruit bodies and mycelial cultures of mushrooms exhibit anti-carcinogenic actions in human cancer cells and animal tumor cells by induction of apoptosis. Here, we report that isoflavone-conjugated glycoproteins (designate Gluvone), exhibit strong anti-carcinogenic effects on human breast cancer MCF-7 cells by induction of apoptosis. Gluvone with 9.4 kDa of molecular weight was isolated from submerged-liquid culture of Agaricus blazei mycelia (ABM) in soy flake-containing liquid medium. MCF-7 cells were incubated with various amounts of Gluvone (0~250 μM) for a period of 6 days. Gluvone exhibited anti-proliferative actions in a dose-dependent manner and 62% growth inhibition at 200 μM for 4 days relative to control. Hoechst 33258 staining analysis revealed that Gluvone induced formation of apoptotic bodies. Gluvone was associated with down-regulation of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein expression as well as up-regulation of pro-apoptotic Bax protein expression. Gluvone treatment induced proteolytic activation of caspase-9 and caspase-3 through cytochrome c release from mitochondria to cytosol as well as concomitant degradation of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). In addition, Gluvone induced activation of caspase-8. Taken all together, these results indicate that the anti-proliferative effect of Gluvone is associated with induction of apoptotic cell death through the mitochondrial dysfunction pathway mediated by enhancement of Bax protein expression and suppression of Bcl-2 protein expression.
This research was conducted to investigate changes in isoflavone contents and sprouting characteristics of germinated soybeans [Glycine max.] under light condition. The relative wet weight of soybeans increased as germination progressed, and it reached 291.1±14.3% at 60 h after beginning of sprouting. On the other hand, relative dry weight slowly decreased as germination progressed. The length of sprouting rapidly increased as germination progressed. The sprouting rate sharply increased from 12 h to 48 h and reached 96.4±2.5% at 60 h after sprouting. In terms of color, L value did not change until 24 h after the beginning of germination, but it rapidly increased from 24 h to 36 h and did not change thereafter. The a value rapidly increased at 24 h after the beginning of germination and decreased thereafter. The b value rapidly increased at early and last stages and reached 9.0±0.7 at 60 h after the beginning of sprouting. Total isoflavone reached a maximum level at 12 h after the beginning of germination and consistently decreased thereafter. Among isoflavone compounds, m-genistin had the highest content followed by daidzin and m-daidzin.
This study was designed to investigate changes in germination characteristics and color as well as the content of isoflavones of Eunhakong germinated under dark conditions. The wet weight of Enhakong was increased as germination progressed. It reached 299.7±15.0% at 60 h after the beginning of sprouting. The relative dry weight was consistently decreased as germination progressed, and it reached 65.8±8.2% at 60 h after the beginning of sprouting. The length of sprout was rapidly increased at the latter stage compared to the beginning of germination. Most soybean seeds were successfully germinated at 60 h after beginning of sprouting. The L value was considerably increased at the early stage of germination and it reached 63.4±0.7 at 60 h. The a value was rapidly increased at the beginning of germination and decreased thereafter. The b value was increased at the beginning of germination and did not changed thereafter. It was confirmed that the total isoflavone content, in which the m-genistin was highest followed by daidzin, and than slightly decreased.
Effects of Vegemil® containing soybean proteins and isoflavones on the growth and bone density of broiler chickens were investigated. One-week-old male and female Arbor Acres broiler chickens were fed on Vegemil® A containing 3% soybean proteins and 162 ppm isoflavones, instead of water, for 30 days and their growth indices (body weight, leg weight and femur length) and bone density were analyzed. The body weight gains in male and female chickens were increased by 15.6% and 31.7%, respectively, following feeding Vegemil® A compared to normal water. Vegemil® A increased leg weight as well as femur length of females by 22.9% and 15.0%, respectively. In addition, Vegemil® A feeding enhanced femoral bone density by 21.3% in comparison with water feeding. Therefore, it is suggested that Vegemil® A not only facilitates body growth, but also strengthens bone density of normal chickens, and that it could be a promising candidate for the improvement of infant growth and for the prevention of menopausal osteoporosis.
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] is one of the world’s most major crops as not only an important source of oil and protein, but also secondary metabolites. Intake of soybean is associated with decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis, as well as cancer, including breast and colon cancers. Seventy soybeans germplasms collected from 4 different countries, America (6 varieties), China (15 varieties), Japan (16 varieties), and Korea (33 varieties), were distributed by Chungbuk National University (Cheongju, Chungbuk, Korea) and cultivated in Konkuk University farm. This study investigated the isoflavones in seventy soybeans according to 4 different origins (America, China, Japan and Korea). Between 4 different origins, Korea showed highest concentrations of total isoflavones (1292.6 ± 438.6 ㎍ g-1) and China showed the lowest concentrations of total isoflavones (843.8 ± 365.7 ㎍ g-1). The total isoflavone contents in soybean of America and China ranged from 572.3 ㎍ g-1 to 2001.9 ㎍ g-1 and from 275.8 ㎍ g-1 to 1521.8 ㎍ g-1, respectively. And the isoflavone contents of Japan and Korea ranged from 473.3 ㎍ g-1 to 2314.6 ㎍ g-1 and from 419.0 ㎍ g-1 to 3010.7 ㎍ g-1, respectively. Malonylgenistin (356.9 ± 158.8 ㎍ g-1) was the major isoflavones among 12 isoflavones. Specially, glycoside and malonylglycosides constituted 49.2 % and 45.3 % of total isoflavones in soybeans, respectively.
Soybean isoflavones include daidzein, genistein and glycitein with their glycosides, and their malonated derivatives are the main polyphenolic compounds that are helpful for human health. Our research objective was to investigate the differentitation of soybean isoflavones contents of breeding populations between yellow and black soybean. Isoflavones contents in soybean are a wide range from 500 to 7000 ㎍/g. In this study, we used Ilmi (Isoflavones content, 3.612 ㎍/g) as male parent and 04GAYT-4 (Isoflavones content, 1,648 ㎍/g) as female parent. From these varieties, we obtained 94 breeding lines (yellow, 48 lines; black, 25 lines; brown, 21 lines) which have isoflavones content range from 1000 to 6000 ㎍/g. Highest isflavone contents of three different breeding lines was yellow seed coated lines (average isoflavone content, yellow 3,046 ㎍/g, brown 2,935 ㎍/g, black 2,813 ㎍/g).
콩 관련 제품을 생산하는 과정에서 발생되는 부산물은 가축의 사료 및 퇴비 등에 이용되고 있으나 일부는 폐기물로처리되어 추가 비용 및 각종 환경오염을 유발하는 등 사회적인 문제점으로 지적되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 가공 부산물로 다량 발생되는 콩 배아를 활용하여 생리활성물질인 isoflavone과 soyasaponin을 동시에 분리하는 방법을개발하고자 실시하였다.1. 콩 배아 methanol 추출물을 preparative C18 column에 주입하고, 210 nm의 파장에서 0.5% 초산 용액 30%로부터100% acetonitrile까지 분당 15mL의 유속으로 53분간흘려주어 isoflavone과 soyasaponin 분획을 동시에 분리하였다.2. Preparative C18 column으로 분리된 isoflavone 및 soyasaponin분획은 동결건조시켜 isoflavone 분말 ISF-1과 soyasaponinSAP-1, SAP-2, SAP-3 및 SAP-4의 분말을 얻었다.3. Isoflavone 분획 ISF-1의 재분리는 젤투과 컬럼에서100% acetonitrile을 분당 5 mL가 되도록 흘려주면서254nm 파장에서 관찰하여 2종의 분획 ISF-1-1 및ISF-1-2을 분리하였다.4. 분리된 2종의 isoflavone 중 ISF-1-1은 그 조성이daidzin, glycitin 및 genistin 이고, ISF-1-2는 genistin 단일물질이 주성분인 것으로 나타났다.5. 분리된 4종의 soyasaponin 중 SP-1은 soyasaponin A계열인 Aa(MW: 1364), Ab(MW: 1436), Ac(MW: 1420),Ae(MW: 1202), Af(MW: 1274), SAP-2는 B계열인 Ba(MW: 958), Bb(MW: 942), Bc(MW: 912)와 E계열인Bd(MW: 956), Be(MW: 940), SAP-3는 B계열인 Ba,Bb, Bc, E계열인 Bd, Be와 DDMP계열인 βg(MW:1068), SAP-4는 B계열인 Ba, Bb, Bc, E계열인 Bd, Be와 DDMP계열인 βg, βa(MW: 1038)가 주성분임을 알 수 있었다.
The present study is designed to know the effect of cultivative environment and conditions, locational genetic variation on the content and components of seed isoflavones soybean genotype. The concentration of isoflavones showed difference between three different seeding time. Specially, Somyung of normal seeding (6. 21) revealed the highest concentrations (7657.0 ㎍ g-1) than other soybean seeds. On the other hand, Cheongjakong and Taekwangkong of early seeding (5. 25) showed the lower concentrations (1518.6 ㎍ g-1, 2524.0 ㎍ g-1) than other soybeans. For different regions, Taekwangkong of Yeoju region had the highest total isoflavone concentrations (3227.5㎍ g-1) than other cultivation regions. While, Taekwangkong of Miryang region (619.5 ㎍ g-1) revealed lower concentrations than other regions. And, Cheongjakong of Yeoju regions also revealed higher concentrations (3140.1 ㎍ g-1) than other regions. On the other hand, Cheongjakong of Miryang (1619.4 ㎍ g-1) showed lower concentrations of total isoflavone concentrations. In our present study, the isoflavone concentration of soybean was influenced by seeding and cultivation regions.
Soybean isoflavones include daidzein, genistein and glycitein with their glycosides, and their malonated derivatives are the main polyphenolic compounds that are helpful for human health. Our research objective was to investigate the differentitation of soybean isoflavones contents of breeding populations between high and low isoflavones contained soybean. Isoflavones contents in soybean are a wide range from 500 to 7000 ㎍/g. In this study, we used Ilmi (Isoflavones content, 3.108 ㎍/g) as male parent and Dajin (Isoflavones content, 578 ㎍/g) as female parent. From these varieties, we got 165 breeding lines which have isoflavones content range from 472 to 2973 ㎍/g. Isflavone contents in breeding lines showed normal distribution.
Soybean(Glycine max(L.) Merill) is a good source of vegetable oil and high-quality protein. Soy foods have became popular food worldly because of its ingredients. Recently, as the well-being trends, the demand for soybean has increased in the West as well as in Asian countries. It contains valuable source of dietary isoflavones and phenolic compounds which are important secondary metabolites.
The 33 germplasm cultivated in Yeoju, Gyeonggi-do region. The obtained results showed that isoflavones and phenolic compounds were significantly various. The highest compounds is malonyl genistin (230.89㎍𝑔-1), the lowest is genistin(0.70㎍𝑔-1) and the highest germplasm is Dunggeunseolitaekong (2222.60㎍𝑔-1) in isoflavone. In phenolic compounds, the highest compounds is myricetin (155.59㎍𝑔-1) and the lowest is vanillin (1.89㎍𝑔-1). Total containment of phenolic compounds is the highest in Dunggeunseolitaekong (803.76㎍𝑔-1) germplasm.
Soybean quality is determined based on protein content, lipid content and fatty acid composition, and several functional components including isoflavones, anthocyanins and functional activity. Because the level of each component changes during seed development, it is necessary to know the concentration of quality-related components in developing seeds. Little is known of the pattern of changes in quality-related components. Seeds from field-grown soybean was harvest from the R6 stage to the R8 stage in 2004. Seed characteristics and the level of nutritional components were examined. Seed moisture content was dropped rapidly after the R7 stage in the tested varieties. Seed growth rate was the highest from the beginning of the R6 stage to the mid-R6 stage. Chlorophyll content was decreased rapidly in pods and seeds. However, seed growth period from the R6~;to~;R8 was 35 days. The crude protein content was. increased dramatically between 63 DAF and 70 DAF and then increased slightly. The pattern of isoflavone accumulation was nearly similar to that of seed weight increase. From the late R6 stage to the R7 , the accumulation rate was higher as compared to other stages. The angiotensin inhibitory activity was increased according to seed development from 63 (R6 ) to 84 DAF (R8 ). The difference of inhibitory activity in heated soybean powder, however, was not great among stages. The inhibitory activity was affected by heating treatment. The most effective heating time was 10 min. Excessive heating longer than 30 min resulted in a lowered inhibitory activity of soybean on ACE
Naturally occurring soybean isoflavones are known to be influenced by various genetic and environmental conditions. Growth, yield, and isoflavone content were determined in four different cultivars of soybean grown under drained paddy and upland fields. Most of growth characteristics and yield components of four different soybean cultivars harvested in drained paddy field were greater than those in upland field, regardless of cultivar. By means of high performance liquid chromatography, total daidzein and genistein contents of soybean in drained paddy field were increased up to 40 and 35%, respectively, compared with those in drained paddy field. Besides isoflavone contents, the growth and yield of soybean were significantly affected by cultivar and field conditions, indicating the necessity of genetic program for soybean cultivars appropriate to drained paddy field conditions. In conclusion, converting paddy field into upland may effectively improve soybean cropping system, especially in terms of isoflavone increment under paddy field conditions.
본 연구는 녹색조광으로 인한 녹색콩나물의 일반성분 분석과 isoflavones의 분석을 통해 녹색콩나물의 우수함과 이 자료를 이용한 식품개발에 대해 기초 자료를 제공하고자 시험을 실시하였다. 1. 황색콩나물에 비해 녹색콩나물은 조단백 함량은 2배, 아스파라긴산 함량은 5배 정도 많았고, 특히 비타민 B1 함량은 37.9배, 비타민 B2 함량은 28.8배, 비타민 C 함량은 22.4배, 비타민 I 함량은 23.8배나 높았다. 2. 건물중 1 g당 함량을 비교해보면 콩 종실에 비해 녹색콩나물의 total daidzein의 함량은 약 26.5배, total genistein의 함량은 약 5.6배가 증가된 것으로 나타났다
발아 녹두에 세 가지 스트레스 관련 화합물 salicylic acid, methyl jasmonic acid, acetyl salicylic acid를 처리하여 isoflavone의 생합성양상을 관찰한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 숙주나물의 자엽에서는 isoflavone총량이 건조중 1g당 832.5ug 인 무처리구와 비교하여 10mM salicylic acid를 처리한 경우 169~% , 12mM acetyl salicylic acid로 처리한 경우 165~% 의 isoflavone 총량이 증가한 반면 0.5~% methyl jasmonic acid를 처리한 경우는 오히려 무처리구보다 47~% 수준으로 감소하였다. 2. 숙주나물의 자엽하부(hypocotyl and root)의 isoflavone 생성량에서는 1g당 284.8ug 이 생성된 무처리구와 비교하여 세 가지 처리 모두에서 유의성이 있는 차이를 보였다. 10mM salicylic acid 처리구의 경우 419~% , 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 처리구의 경우 401~% 의 isoflavone 총량의 증가를 보였고, 0.5~% methyl jasmonic acid처리구의 경우에는 121~% 증가하였다. 3.숙주나물의 자엽부위와 자엽하부에서 검출된 isoflavone의 합을 각 처리별 isoflavone생산총량으로 하여 무처리구의 건조중 1g당 1117.3ug 을 기준으로 비교하여보면 건조중 1g당 10mM salicylic acid 처리구에서는 2601.02ug 으로 233~% 증가하였고, 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 2514.4ug 으로 225~% 증가한 반면, 0.5~% methyl jasmonic acid 처리구에서는 738.8ug 으로 66~% 수준으로 감소하였다. 4. 숙주나물 자엽부위의 경우 무처리구와 비교하여 증가를 보였던 10mM salicylic acid처리구와 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 처리구에서는 malonyldaidzine과 malonylglycitin이 증가가 두드러지게 나타났다. 5. 숙주나물 자엽하부의 경우 무처리구와 비교하여 증가를 보였던 10mM salicylic acid 처리구와 12mM acetyl salicylic acid 처리구에서는 malonylglycitin의 증가가 두드러지게 나타났다