Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) trigger various metabolic diseases and accumulate in the organs during the onset of metabolic diseases. The AGE-receptor for AGE (RAGE) interactions are strongly associated with the onset of chronic renal disease and diabetic nephropathy. This study evaluated the effects of glyoxal-lysine dimer (GOLD) and methylglyoxal-lysine dimer (MOLD) accumulation on various mechanisms in SV40 MES 13 kidney cells, which are currently unclear. GOLD and MOLD showed different effects on oxidative stress, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, autophagy, and apoptosis. GOLD did not induce cytotoxicity or interact with RAGE. By contrast, MOLD significantly reduced the cell viability and interacted with RAGE. This study tested whether the RAGE interaction could cause differences in the effects of GOLD and MOLD on the mechanisms studied. GOLD did not generate oxidative stress or interact with RAGE and did not show toxicity through other mechanisms. Nevertheless, MOLD caused oxidative stress, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and apoptosis, which are representative glucotoxicity mechanisms of AGE-RAGE interactions, and autophagy. Overall, these findings suggest that AGEs may show different toxicities in various organs. GOLD accumulation in the kidneys might not affect disease occurrence, but MOLD accumulation can promote disease.
본 연구팀은 피아노제조산업에서 대표적인 기업인 ㈜야마하가 국제화 과정에서 제품 전략과 시장 전략을 동시에 적용하는 사례를 통해서 국제경영에 관한 새로운 모델인 국제경영의 4가지 본원적 메커니즘(4 Generic Mechanisms in Global Management: 4GMGM)의 현실적용가능성을 다루었다. 야마하 피아노가 초기에 현으로 소리를 내는 전통적인 건반악기인 피아노를 일본이라는 현지 시장에서 개발 판매하는 현지화(Localization) 전략에서 출발했다가, 디지털 피아노를 개발 하면서 현세화(Loc-balization) 전략으로 나아갔고, 최상위 품질을 갖춘 그랜드피아노를 개발하 면서 세계화(Globalization) 전략의 정점을 찍었다가, 현지 음악 소리를 내는 맞춤형 피아노를 일 렉트릭 파이노의 한 영역으로 개발하면서 세현화(Glocalization) 전략으로 변신한 과정을 검토했 다. 이 연구를 통해 기업이 국제화하는 과정에서 제품전략과 시장전략을 동시에 개발해야 한다는 논리를 제시한 4GMGM이 현실을 설명하는데 적절하다는 검토 의견을 도출했다.
This study investigated the operating principles of colorimetric freshness indicators, particularly those for relative humidity (RH) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and evaluated the applicability of commercially available indicators for food use. The findings not only provide a deeper understanding of how these indicators respond to substances, such as carbon dioxide, volatile basic nitrogen, sulfides, water activity, and ethylene gas, which are produced during quality changes in food, but also pave the way for the development of new food safety technologies. The RH indicator functions by utilizing a dye that undergoes a chemical structural change when reacting with moisture. The H2S indicator uses a dye that changes color upon detecting H2S or volatile basic nitrogen produced when food spoils. Commercial RH indicators effectively indicated changes in the water activity of almonds, pastries, and red pepper powder; however, their ability to predict them diminished during storage. Commercial H2S indicators exhibited a stronger correlation between color change and volatile basic nitrogen levels in exposure to light than without light, as demonstrated when applied to mackerel and clam. Additionally, at the point of spoilage, the degree of color change in the H2S indicators was more distinct in clam than mackerel. Although commercial RH and H2S indicators are available, they must be sensitive, accurate, and irreversibly developed in response to changes in the target food for effective application.
Diabetes, a chronic hyperglycemic condition, is caused by insufficient insulin secretion or functional impairment. Long-term inadequate regulation of blood glucose levels or hyperglycemia can lead to various complications, such as retinopathy, nephropathy, and cardiovascular disease. Recent studies have explored the molecular mechanisms linking diabetes to bone loss and an increased susceptibility to fractures. This study reviews the characteristics and molecular mechanisms of diabetes-induced bone disease. Depending on the type of diabetes, changes in bone tissue vary. The molecular mechanisms responsible for bone loss in diabetes include the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), upregulation of inflammatory cytokines, induction of oxidative stress, and deficiencies in insulin/IGF-1. In diabetes, alveolar bone loss results from complex interactions involving oral bacterial infections, host responses, and hyperglycemic stress in periodontal tissues. Therapeutic strategies for diabetes-induced bone loss may include blocking the AGEs signaling pathway, decreasing inflammatory cytokine activity, inhibiting reactive oxygen species generation and activity, and controlling glucose levels; however, further research is warranted.
Spodoptera frugiperda, commonly known as the fall armyworm (FAW), is a major pest across the globe due to its broad host range and distribution worldwide. We investigated the function of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the detoxification of insecticides, with a specific focus on its susceptibility to chlorantraniliprole which is widely utilized insecticide for its management. miRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules, crucial for post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. This study aims to elucidate the impact of these miRNAs on the expression of cytochrome P450 genes, which play a significant role in conferring insecticide resistance. We identified notable changes in the abundance of two specific miRNAs, sfr-miR-10465-5p and sfr-miR- 10476-5p through RNA sequencing, after chlorantraniliprole exposure. These miRNAs exhibited significantly high expression in the fat body tissue, while showing relatively lower expression in the head, midgut, and malpighian tubules. Further analysis suggested that these miRNAs might target specific cytochrome P450 genes, like CYP4C1 and CYP4C21, which are known to play a role in insecticide resistance development. Experimentation with miRNA mimics through microinjection revealed a notable increase in the survival rates of S. frugiperda larvae when subjected to chlorantraniliprole exposure, with a significant reduction in CYP4C1 and CYP4C21 gene expression levels. This suggests a direct connection between the miRNAs and the increased tolerance of Spodoptera larvae to the insecticide. Our research presents the complex function of miRNAs in gene expression regulation related to insecticide resistance, offering valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms of chlorantraniliprole resistance in S. frugiperda. These findings pave the way for further investigations into miRNA roles and their potential in managing pesticide resistance in agricultural pests.
전 세계적으로 농업해충의 약제 저항성 발달에 따른 방제 효율 저하는 농약의 과다 사용을 초래하여 농업의 생산성 저하 및 환경 파괴 문제 등을 야기하고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 위생해충의 경우에도 약제 저항성 발달이 심각한 수준으로 나타남에 따라 인류 보건에 큰 위협이 되고 있다. 해충의 약제 저항성은 자연계에 존재하는 극히 낮은 빈도의 저항성 형질이 반복적인 약제 사용에 따라 선발되는 과정을 통해 발달 되는데, 해충 약제 저항성의 효과적 관리를 위해서는 저항성 발달 기작의 규명과 신속·정확한 진단법의 확립이 필수적이다. 현재까지의 저항성 관리 는 저항성 발달 후 대응적(reactive)으로 이루어져 왔으나, 미래에는 보다 다양한 분자 마커를 활용하여 저항성 형질 빈도를 관리 가능한 수준에서 유지하는 선제적(proactive) 저항성 관리도 가능할 것으로 예상하고 있다. 본 발표에서는 해충 약제 저항성 연구의 현재 상황과 미래 전망에 대해 소개하고자 한다.
그녀의 남편이 죽었다는 객관사실에 대해 중국어는 ‘她的丈夫死了’, ‘她死了丈夫’, ‘她把个丈夫死了’라는 3가지 서로 다른 통사형식으로 표현이 가능하다. 이 중 ‘她死了 丈夫’와 ‘她把个丈夫死了’는 자동사 ‘死’가 각각 SVO 구조, ‘把’字句에 사용되었다는 점에서 독특하다. 특히 ‘她把个丈夫死了’는 주어가 행위자가 아니라 경험자라는 점, 전치사 ‘把’의 목적어가 ‘个+N’ 구조라는 점에서 비전형적인 ‘把’字句이며, 이를 ‘把个’ 句라고 부른다. ‘把个’句는 구문내적 생성기제와 구문외적 생성기제가 있다. ‘把个’句 는 ‘把’字句의 발전과정에서 구문내적으로 주관성의 강화에 의해 출현되었다. 구문외 적으로는 소유자-대상 구문의 영향을 받았다. 소유자-대상 구문의 영향으로 인해 ‘死 了+NP’와 같은 ‘Vi+NP’ 구조의 사용이 자연스러워졌고, 그 결과 타동성이 강한 ‘把’ 字句에서 ‘她把个丈夫死了’와 같은 문장이 출현할 수 있게 되었다. ‘她的丈夫死了’는 그녀의 남편이 죽었다는 객관적 사실을 서술한다. ‘她死了丈夫’는 그녀의 남편이 죽 었다는 사실 외에 부정적, 손해, 안타까움이라는 주관적 감정이 이입되어 있다. 마지막으로 ‘她把个丈夫死了’는 그녀의 남편이 죽었다는 사실과 더불어 의외성, 원하지 않았던 일의 발생이라는 주관적 감정이 이입되어 있다. 이처럼 이 세 문장은 동일한 객관사실에 대해 각기 상이한 의미·화용적 기능을 담당하고 있다고 할 수 있다.
In this paper, as there are many cases of fires occurring due to the failure or inoperability of the thermostat of electronic products, the purpose is to test and analyze the risks and probabilities through fire cases and reproduction experiments, and suggest countermeasures. Among electronic products, water purifiers are composed of a refrigerant system with a compressor to make cold water, a heating device to make hot water, and an electric device used as an energy source. Due to the nature of the water purifier manufacturing, these devices are subject to a lot of moisture and dust. etc. exist in large quantities and use electrical energy, so there is a possibility of fire due to short circuit in the wire, electrical abnormal overheating (tracking phenomenon) in the thermostat, electronic board, starting relay, etc., and overheating of the heating device (Band Heater). there is. Therefore, in order to prevent fires from these devices, a system to remove foreign substances inside the water purifier is necessary, the use of heat-resistant (fire-resistant) wires for electrical devices is essential, and the use of non-combustible materials (semi-combustible materials) for each part is necessary to prevent fire. The risk must be eliminated through prevention and combustion expansion prevention devices.
Copper, mainly used as a material for outer canister, generates various corrosion products under aerobic and anaerobic conditions in the operational and/or post-closure phases of the deep geological repository. These products could affect performance of engineering barrier system (EBS) through interaction with surrounding bentonite that makes up the buffer and backfill materials. Accordingly, in this study, we suggested research items to be conducted to minimize degradation of EBS due to copper corrosion products, based on the phenomenological review results for copper corrosion mechanisms and interaction between resultant product and bentonite in the deep geological disposal environment. During the post-closure phase, condition in the disposal facility changes form aerobic to anaerobic over time, and thereby, causes and products of copper corrosion vary. Under aerobic condition, copper corrosion is mainly induced by oxygen (O2) in the repository, chloride (Cl-) and carbonate (CO3 2-) ions from groundwater flowing into the facility, resulting in corrosion products such as cuprite (Cu2O), tenorite (CuO), atacamite (CuCl2·3Cu(OH)2) and malachite (Cu2CO3(OH)2). And, copper corrosion under anaerobic condition is primarily due to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and sulfate (SO4 2-) in groundwater flowing into the facility, leading to formation of chalcocite (Cu2S) and covellite (CuS) as corrosion products. Depending on environment of the disposal facility, copper corrosion products are dissolved and ionized to Cu2+ in groundwater, and subsequently adsorbed on the nearby smectite. Then, it causes a cation exchange reaction with exchangeable cations in the interlayer of smectite. As a result of reviewing the previous experiments, it was confirmed that Cu2+-exchanged bentonite has a slightly reduced basal spacing and swelling capacity. From the results as above, there is a possibility that performance of EBS may be degraded due to copper corrosion products. To minimize its effect of degradation in the domestic facility, items to be further studied are as follows: (a) Method for reducing copper corrosion such as selection of appropriate material and structure for the canister, and (b) How to control dissolution of copper canister product into groundwater through predicting type and ionization process. The results of this study could be directly used to developing design concept of EBS for the domestic disposal facility and to establishing roadmap of future R&D programs.
Metaverse is a virtual world where users can engage in various activities, and its market is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years (Hwang, 2021). Generation Z, also known as digital natives, are heavily involved in social media and often share selfies, making them more sensitive to body image concerns (Ameen, 2022). In the metaverse, users can create customized avatars, allowing them to experience an ideal body image. This study applies the “extraordinary self” theory to avatar creation, a concept that explains how people create an ideal, fantastic, or transcendent self by consuming experiences that set them apart from their mundane real self (Procter, 2021). Based on the theory, this study examines how dissatisfaction with body image of Generation Z can lead to the creation of avatars that manifest an ideal body image, which in turn, can influence self-congruence with the avatar and self-esteem in the metaverse. This study also looks into the possible effects of enhanced self-esteem on user’s intention to purchase virtual products and their loyalty to a specific metaverse platform. Therefore, the following hypotheses are developed.
Electronic waste (E-waste) has become a long-standing global concern. People are purchasing new affordable and improved technologies long before the end-of-life (EOL)’s of their old devices, which is leading to overconsumption and growing volumes of e-waste. At present, official data indicates that 80% of the volume of e-waste is not formally treated globally. The complex nature of e-waste recycling processes is a significant challenge.
Previous studies do not provide information on which channel governance exporters should use in combination. Moreover, they neglect the role of multiple channel system and psychic distance in the implementation of channel governance. Accordingly, this study investigates the combined effects of channel governance, multiple channels, and psychic distance on export performance. The methodology used in this study is a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), which is a powerful method for analyzing whether combinations of conditions (i.e., configurations) lead to certain outcomes. The results show that which channel governance combination leads to higher export performance depends on multichannel use and on psychic distance. This study contributes to the advancement of international marketing channel research by identifying patterns in superior combinations of governance mechanisms.
Maintaining fuel sheath integrity during dry storage is important. Intact sheath acts as the primary containment barrier for both fuel pellets and fission products over the dry storage periods and during subsequent fuel handling operations. In KNF, in-house fuel performance code was developed to predict the overall behavior of a fuel rod under normal operating conditions. It includes the analysis modules to predict temperature, pellet cracking and deformation, sheath stress and strain at the mid-plane of the pellet and pellet-pellet interfaces, fission gas release and internal gas pressure. The main focus of the code is to provide information on initial conditions prior to dry storage, such as fission gas inventory and its distribution within the fuel pellet, initial volumes of storage spaces and their locations, radial profile of heat generation within the pellet, etc. To upgrade the developed code that address all the damage mechanisms, the first step was a review of the available technical information on phenomena relevant to fuel integrity. Potential degradation mechanisms that may affect sheath integrity of CANDU spent fuel during dry storage are: creep rupture under internal gas pressure, sheath oxidation in air environment, stress corrosion cracking (SCC), delayed hydride cracking (DHC), and sheath splitting due to UO2 oxidation for a defective fuel. The failure by creep rupture, SCC or DHC is in the form of small cracks or punctures. The failure by sheath oxidation or sheath splitting due to UO2 oxidation results in a gross sheath rupture. The second step was to examine the technical bases of all modules of the in-house code, identify and extend the ranges of all modules to required operating ranges. This step assessed the degradation mechanisms for the fuel integrity. The objective of this assessment is to predict the probability of sheath through-wall failure by a degradation mechanisms as a function of the sheath temperature during dry storage. Further improvements being considered include upgrades of the analysis module to achieve sufficient accuracy in key output parameters. The emphasis in the near future will be on validation of the inhouse code according to a rigorous and formal methodology. The developed models provide a platform for research and industrial applications, including the design of fuel behavior experiments and prediction of safe operating margins for CANDU spent fuel.