iRAP(international Road Assessment Program)에서는 최근 다양한 유형의 도로 정밀자료를 바탕으로 한 AiRAP(Accelerated intelligent Road Assessment Program)을 개발하여 여러 국가별 RAP에 확대 적용해나가고 있는 단계에 있다. 2023년부터 국내 도로 여건을 고려한 한국형 도로안전도 평가 프로그램 개발 연구가 진행 중에 있으며, 개발되는 평가항목 및 기준, 평가기술 등에 적합한 도로안전도 평가 기초데이터 역시 유형 및 범위에 변화가 필요해짐에 따라 이를 충족하는 기초데이터 수집이 가능한 도로안전도 조사장비 개발이 기획 되었다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 고사양의 360도 도로영상 촬영장치와 360도 128채널 LiDAR 센서, 정밀 GPS 시스템, 휴대용 운영장 치 등을 갖춘 도로안전도 조사장비를 일반 차량에 탈부착이 가능한 형태로 개발하고자 하였다. 본 개발 장비로 취득 가능한 도로영상 및 점군데이터를 활용하여 AiRAP 자동분석을 통한 도로안전도 평가가 가능한데, 이를 통해 객관적이고 신뢰성 높은 평가가 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
유통 중인 생분해성 합성수지로 만들어진 식품용 기구 및 위생용품 50건을 대상으로 ‘식품용 기구 및 용기·포장 공전’의 기준·규격을 검사하였다. PLA 재질의 유아식기 1 건에서 ‘과망간산칼륨소비량’이 20mg/L으로 기준치(10 mg/ L 이하)를 초과하였고, 그 외 모든 시료에서는 포름알데히 드, 납, 비소 등이 기준·규격 이하로 안전한 수준이었다. 또한 가정에서 유아식기를 소독하는 방법의 안전성을 조 사하기 위해, PLA 재질의 유아식기(n=21)에서 반복적인 열탕소독과 자외선 조사에 따른 이행량의 변화를 조사하였다. 반복적인 열탕소독이 자외선 조사에 비해 포름알데 히드와 비소의 이행량이 많았으나, 이행량은 매우 낮은 수 준이었다. 그리고 유아(만 1-3세) 기준으로 계산한 포름알 데히드와 비소의 일일추정섭취량(EDI)은 최대 6.0×10-4mg/ kg b.w./day 및 1.3×10-1 μg/kg b.w./day였으며, 이는 일일섭 취한계량(TDI, 0.15 mg/kg b.w./day) 및 잠정주간섭취허용 량(PTWI, 9.0 μg/kg b.w./week)의 0.40% 및 10.42%로 낮 은 수준임을 확인하였다. 따라서 현 국내에서 유통되고 있 는 식품용 생분해성 합성수지제는 안전한 수준임을 확인 하였다.
PURPOSES : This study aimed to analyze the primary maintenance procedures and safety inspection checklist characteristics for suspension bridges. The study referred to the current suspension bridge safety management manual and conducted an on-site safety inspection. By comparing and analyzing any missing or inadequate inspection and management procedures, the study identified major inspection and management areas requiring improvement, and proposed potential solutions. METHODS : The study referred to the current suspension bridge safety management manual and conducted on-site safety inspections. By comparing and analyzing any missing or inadequate inspection and management procedures, the study identified major inspection and management areas requiring improvement, and proposed potential solutions. RESULTS : The study found that suspension bridges are currently inefficiently managed compared to other facilities subject to more rigorous maintenance and safety inspection. Therefore, maintenance and safety inspection procedures require improvement. CONCLUSIONS : For effective safety management and to reduce potential accident risk factors arising from negligent management, major improvements were suggested. Scientific maintenance and safety management could be achieved by incorporating enhancements into statutory requirements and improving management and inspection procedures. This long-term approach is likely to be more economical than the current methods, which lead to higher maintenance and repair costs and increased social costs from traffic accidents.
Nuclear safety, security, and safeguards (nuclear 3S) are essential components for establishing robust nuclear environments. Nuclear safety is to protect public and environments from radioactive contamination, which can be caused in accidents. Nuclear security is to protect nuclear facilities from terrorism or sabotage, which related to physical a ttacks or insider threats. And nuclear safeguards is to protect nuclear materials from extortion by a state with a purpose of weaponizing activities. When a new nuclear facility is introduced, it is possible to save abundant amount of resources by considering nuclear 3S in an early stage (design phases). Initially, the international atomic energy agency (IAEA) recommended safeguards-by-design (SBD) approach. The concept of SBD gradually expands to nuclear 3S-by-design (3SBD). Though there are differences in purpose and target subject, each nuclear ‘S’ is closely related with others. When introducing a certain technology or equipment in order to enhance one ‘S’, another ‘S’ also get affected. The effect can be synergies or conflicts. For instance, confidential information in nuclear security is required for a safeguards activity. On the contrary, inspection equipment for safeguards can be used for security. Pyroprocessing is a technology for managing used nuclear fuels. As pyroprocessing is a backend fuel cycle technology, a sensitive nuclear technology, safeguards has taken a large portion of nuclear 3S research in an effort to achieve international credibility and nuclear transparency. As mentioned, there are both synergies and conflicts in integrating nuclear 3S. In this study, we investigate potential challenges in applying nuclear 3S integration to pyroprocessing by addressing synergies and conflicts. This approach will suggest required supplementary methods to build the reliable pyroprocessing environment.
Uranium inventory in Boeun aquifer is facing the artificial reservoir that intended for supplying water to nearby cities (40-70 m apart) where, toxic radionuclides might mobile and enter the reservoir. In order to understand U mobility in the system, groundwater and fracture filling materials (FFMs) were analyzed for microbial signatures, C, O, Fe, S and U-series isotopes. The δ18O-H2O and 14C signatures suggested groundwater was originated from upland recharges dominantly and not affected by mixing with the surface water. However, the 234U/238U activity ratios (ARs) and 230Th/234U ARs in FFMs ranged from 0.93 to 1.67 and from 0.22 to 1.97, respectively, indicating that U was mobile along the fractures. In shallow FFMs, the U accumulations (~157 mg/kg) were found with Fe enrichments (~226798 mg/kg) and anomalies of δ56Fe and δ57Fe, implied U mobility in shallow depths was associated with Fe-rich environment. Also, in the shallow depths, Fe-oxidizers, Gallionella was prevailing in groundwater while Acidovorax was abundant near U ore depth. The Fe-rich environment in shallow depths was formed by pyrite dissolution, demonstrated using δ34S-SO4 and δ18O-SO4 distribution. Conclusively, the Fe-rich aquifer was capable of immobilizing the dissolved U through biotic and abiotic processes, without significant discharge into the nearby reservoir.
In order to provide basic data for preparing management standards and to verify the safety of the Chinese oak mushroom-derived moisturizing medium—which is synthesized and imported in large quantities—the presence of 321 residual pesticides, 7 heavy metals, and 3 radioactive materials was analyzed in the moisturizer samples. Examination of residual pesticides in seven moisturizing medium samples prepared using the Chinese oak mushroom and three domestic sawdust samples used for mushroom culture revealed the presence of cypermethrin and iprodione in three moisturizer samples, but the contents of these pesticides were below the standard limits. Zn was detected in ten samples, Cu was detected in nine samples, and Ni was detected in four samples, but their contents were below the standard limits. Pb, Cd, Cr, and Hg were not detected in any sample. No radioactive materials were detected in the samples. In addition, fruiting bodies of the oak mushroom were observed in each medium. Examination did not reveal the presence of any residual pesticides or harmful compounds. In this study, the use of the moisturizing medium prepared using the Chinese oak mushroom was found to be safe. As residual pesticides, heavy metals, and radioactivity—even in trace amounts—remain concentrated in the human body, continuous verification of the safety of hazardous substances and pollutants during the systematic cultivation and management of these mushrooms is required.
The purpose of this study is to investigated occupational accidents of child care worker. We surveyed 392 childcare worker to investigate their experience of occupational accidents. Fifteen percent of the respondents from occupational accdients survey for child care workers reported that they had experienced more than one occupational accident, but mostly did not claim Occupational Safety and Health Insurance. We suggested policy tasks to improve system for protecting child care workers.
The purpose of this study is to develop precast concrete modules that can be used as a booth and a single-story building with a large space. This precast concrete module is originally designed to have a hexagonal facade when the upper and lower parts, which are symmetrical about horizontal connection line, are combined. A structural design was conducted to ensure structural safety of these precast concrete modules and to extend the slope of the inclined members as far as possible. Then the finite element analysis was performed to estimate the lateral and vertical deflection of complete precast concrete modular structures. And to verify the structural safety of these precast concrete modules, weight loading tests were conducted on the upper and lower modules respectively.
본 연구의 목적은 대학생들의 식품 안전과 관련된 인식도와 지식, 행동 등을 파악함으로써 식품의 안전성 인식도를 높일 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하기 위하여 경기도에 있는 대학에 재학 중인 252명을 대상으로 연구를 수행하였다.
식품의 안전성에 대한 관심도는 5점 만점에 3.48로 응답하여 전체적으로 높은 관심도를 보였다. 식품위생 교육 을 경험한 대상자들이 교육 경험이 없는 대상자와 비교하여 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보이며 높은 관심도를 보였다. 유통되고 있는 식품의 안전성 인식도는 2.55로 매우 불안하게 생각하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 식품이 불안하다고 생각하는 이유는 62.3%가 식품의 생산과정에서 위생을 신뢰할 수 없기 때문이라고 응답하였다. 식품의 안전성에 불안을 느끼게하는 위해요인은 식품첨가물이 2.35로 가장 높았고, 중금속과 내분비계 장애물질이 각각 2.38로 나타났다. 식품의 위해요인들이 서로 어떤 관련성이 있는지 분석하기 위하여 상관분석을 한 결과, 통계적으로 유의하게 모든 위해요인들이 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 중금속과 잔류농약이 0.674로 가장 높았으며, 중금속과 내분비계 장애물질이 0.672로 나타났다. 유전자변형 식품과 방사 선조사 식품이 0.644로 역시 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 식품위생의 관심도 및 안전성 인식도가 식품위생 교육 참여 의사에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 다중회귀분석 결과 식품위생의 관심도는 식품위생 교육 참여 의사에 유의적으로 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 식품위생의 지식에서는 평균 63.5%의 정답률을 보였다. 정답률이 가장 낮은 항목은 채소류의 뿌리에 중금속 함량이 높다는 내용으로 38.1% 나타냈으며 식품위생 교육 경험자의 정답률이 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 손을 씻는 행동이 3.85로 잘 지켜지고 있었으며 역시 식품위생 교육 경험자가 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 냉동식품을 실온에서 녹이는 행동이 3.23으로 잘 지켜지지 않는 것으로 나타났다.
본 연구결과는 대학생들이 식품을 안전하지 못한 것으로 인식하고 있으며 식품위생의 관심도가 교육의 참여 의사에 영향을 미치는 것을 알수 있었다. 또한 식품위생의 교육 경험자가 식품위생의 지식이 높고 손 씻기 및 위생 상태를 확인하는 행동을 잘 지키는 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 식품의 안전성에 대한 불안한 인식을 감소시키기 위하여 올바르고 객관적인 자료를 활용하여 체계적인 교육이 이루어져야 할 것으로 사료된다.
본 연구에서는 양봉농가에서 대량 생산이 가능하고 영양이 풍부한 꿀벌 수벌번데기를 새로운 식품원료로 사용 하기 위하여 유해 미생물과 곰팡이독소에 대한 안전성 시험을 수행하였다. 검사 시료는 국내 3지역의 양봉농가에서 직접 생산한 수벌번데기를 채취 후 곧바로 냉동 운반 하여 동결건조하여 사용하였다. 식품공전 시험법에 따라 대장균군(Coliforms), 살모넬라(Salmonella spp.), 황색포도 상구균(Staphylococcus aureus) 및 장출혈성대장균(Enterohemorrhage Escherichia coli)에 대한 검출 여부를 조사한 결과 280개의 벌통에서 채취한 수벌번데기 전부에서 전혀 검출되지 않았다. 또한 곰팡이 독소인 아플라톡신 B1 (aflatoxin), 오크라톡신 A (ochratoxin), 데옥시니발레놀 (deoxynivalenol) 그리고 제랄레논(zearalenone)이 수벌번데기에서 전혀 검출되지 않았다. 따라서 벌통 내 소비에서 채취하여 곧 바로 냉동보관 한 수벌번데기는 유해 미생물과 곰팡이 독소로부터 안전한 것으로 확인되어 식품원료 로 사용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.
Objective of this study was to investigate the residual levels of heavy metals in rice contract farming complex for exporting to China. Paddy soil, irrigation water and rice grain were taken from 20 fie1ds located in Icheon city, Cheorwon-gun, Cheongju city, Seocheon-gun, Gunsan city and Haenamgun. The elements of samples were analyzed using ion chromatography, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS after acid digestion. The arsenic (As) contents of paddy soil were ranged from 2.9 to 18.2 mg/kg, which were lower than 25 mg/kg as concern level of environmental pollution in Korea. Cadmium (Cd) was below the limit of quantitation (0.006 mg/kg) in all samples. The highest contents of copper (Cu) was detected to be 25.6 mg/kg in Seocheon-gun sample, but it was below 1/10 fold of the threshold levels 250 mg/kg for soil pollution. Also, the average contents of nikel (Ni), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), and hexavalent chrome (Cr6+) were found to be lower than the criterion of soil pollution concern, and it was considered to be safe. The residual levels of arsenic in agricultural waters were relatively high, up to 24.3 ug/L in river water, but was detected as 1~2 ug/L level in the ground water. These levels are lower than the water quality standard, 0.05 mg/kg of agricultural water. The concentrations of mercury (Hg) and total chromium (Cr) in the white rice and brown rice were less than the limit of quantitation, and the levels of cadmium in the range of 0.004 to 0.068 mg/kg were less than safety criteria 0.2 mg/kg in Korea and China. In addition, the contents of lead (Pb) in white rice ranged from 0.002 to 0.136 mg/kg, which was safe to be 0.2 mg/kg for Korean white rice and 0.2 mg/kg for China brown rice. As a whole, the residual levels of heavy metals such as arsenic in rice was safely maintained as 1/10 to 1/20 of the residual limits of Korea and China. In conclusion, the heavy metals levels should not be worried in rice contract farming complex for exporting to China.
This study aims to investigate laws and standards(including technical guidelines) related to safety criteria for 22 kitchen machines frequently used in commercial kitchens. The study was based on literature survey, interviews with charge persons in kitchen machines manufacturing companies, cafeteria providing group meals and relevant association, and web surfing. The results showed that there are two types of safety criteria such as legally forced ones by laws and optional ones by national industrial standards or technical guidelines. High pressure safety control act, safety control and business of liquefied petroleum gas act and city gas business act prescribed gas use apparatus safety criteria, rational energy utilization act did those of pressure vessel such large rotary caldron, industrial health and safety act did those of food processing machinery, and electrical appliances safety control act did those of electrical kitchen appliances. Compulsory or optional standards or guidelines related to safety criteria for kitchen machines were presented by 22 kitchen machines. Safety devices shown in the laws, standards and guidelines were also summarized by kitchen machines and their risk factors.
The purpose of this study is to investigate EU, UK and USA’s laws and standards related to safety criteria for commercial kitchen machines. The study was based on literature survey and web surfing. The results revealed that EU has relevant directives by kitchen machines and harmonized standards according to the directives. The directives and harmonized standards are translated into the laws and standards of EU member countries, respectively. The kitchen facility relevant legal systems of UK and USA do not prescribe the safety devices or measures, but only the basic health and safety requirements. The requirements were forcefully implemented through the certificate systems such as CE(Confommite European), UL(Underwriters Laboratories), etc. Only products with CE, UL or NRTL(ationally Recognized Testing Laboratory) certificate marking can be placed on the market of EU and USA, or put into service. For achieving the certificates, all requirements regulated in the relevant standards should be met. The standards of UK and USA were presented by kitchen machines or by standards themselves, respectively. Safety devices required by the standards were also summarized by kitchen machines and their risk factors.
Foodborne disease outbreaks associated with produces have been increasing in occurrence worldwide. This study investigated microbial contamination levels on thirteen kinds of agricultural products from farms stage to evaluate potential hazards associated with foodborne illness. A total of 1,820 samples were collected in major cultivating area from 2013 through 2015, and analyzed to enumerate aerobic bacterial counts, coliforms/E. coli, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus. In addition, the prevalence study for four kinds of microorganisms (Escherichia coli, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes) was performed on each sample. Aerobic bacterial counts ranged from 0.01 to 7.18 log CFU/g, with the highest bacterial cell counts recorded for watermelon. Coliforms were detected in 651 samples (35.8%) with a minimum of 0.01 log CFU/g and a maximum of more than 5 log CFU/g. B. cereus was detected in 169 samples (9.3%) ranging from < 0.01 to 2.48 log CFU/g among total samples analyzed. S. aureus was detected in 14 samples (0.7%) with a minimum of 0.01 log CFU/g and a maximum of 1.69 log CFU/g. E. coli was detected in 101 samples (5.5%) among 1,820 samples. E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes were not detected in any of the samples. The microbial contamination levels of several agricultural products determined in this study may be used as the fundamental data for microbiological risk assessment (MRA).
This study was performed to investigate the ingredients and subsidiary feed production policies, actual condition, and understanding. The survey was conducted by e-mail about 60 feed companies in Korea. The results of the analysis on the production status and perception of the ingredients and subsidiary feed production facilities were summarized as follows. First, the most urgent problem to be solved for the development of a sustainable feed industry and development and stable supply of domestic and international feed resources. Second, the quality of feeds maintained a considerable level in comparison with the developed countries. Third, the production equipment for the introduction of the feed safety management system was after set conditon of introduction. Therefore, to develop a sustainable feed industry, we should proceed to secure reliable sources about fodder resources. In order to maintain a food quality, the role of feed safety inspection for imported feeds materials are more important. The government's various efforts are more necessary for the imported feeds test agencies to improve the reliability, satisfaction and a feed management system.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the problem on safety and health training system in Occupational Safety and Health Act(OSHA) and to find countermeasures to improve it in the construction industry. The questionary survey was done on aiming at tracing the legal drawbacks of safety and health training system. The questionary was prepared to target on site workers, management supervisors, and safety supervisors in various construction sites. After analyzing the answers from the survey, realistic and optimal countermeasures on derived problems were proposed. These should be included on the next revision of OSHA.
In this paper, we survey and analyze the characteristics of the special health and safety education in the construction industry, and provides a few solutions. In particular, the implementation of special safety and health education conducted a study to target the construction site of heavy chemical plant many domestic. If you look at the results of research and analysis, problems of special health and safety education that are currently being conducted in many cases, the proportion of respondents who do not know the special safety and health education is very high, workers of the scene, this education it is possible to know that the proportion of respondents answered to have the experience that are submitted to the work while not subject to are operated poorly in the field of special health and safety education high. Finally, improve the quality of the most important education has to be done on a priority basis that fixing the safety education system systematically in line with the actual situation in the field and the use of specialized external agency.
The acid value of the oil extracted from the three kinds of 15 fried foods ranged from 0.89 to 3.92, the peroxide value ranged 10.0~57.14 meg/㎏. Among the samples, popcorn chicken contained the highest crude fat content, showing 6.64± 0.26(%), while the french-fries showed 2.87±0.31(%), which was the lowest. The content of the trans fatty acid per 100 g of the foods were; the fried foods: 0.02~0.06 g. The french-fries contained the lowest saturated fatty acid per 100 g of the foods, showing 0.41~1.55 g, while the popcorn chicken showed the highest content, 1.16~3.43 g. The fried foods contained the highest linoleic acid content. Further, fried foods exhibited safe levels of trans fat content. The “School Zone”, which sells snacks, candies, chocolates flow, was not detected in the saccharin. Cookies, candies, chocolate was not detected in the tar colors. Aerobic plate count were ranged from 0∼4, 700 cfu/g in cookies, Salmonella test came out negative.