The fishing industry is globally recognized as a high-risk sector with substantial safety challenges. This study analyzes Norway's fishing vessel safety management legislation and risk management practices. The goal is to derive insights that can enhance South Korea's safety management for fishing vessels. Norway has established a culture of safety through regular inspections, mandatory safety training, the implementation of safety management systems, and active involvement of fishermen in risk assessments. These measures have significantly reduced maritime accidents. This study suggests incorporating effective elements of Norway’s safety management into the South Korean context, emphasizing a participatory approach that actively involves fishers.
This study analyzes the impact of occupational health risk assessments on the safety and health levels and the safety behaviors of workers in manufacturing workplaces. An online survey was conducted among 3,172 companies, yielding 637 responses. The statistical analysis on the collected responses revealed three key findings. First, the safety and health levels (safety importance, safety comprehension, safety awareness) positively influence the outcomes of occupational health risk assessments(safety practice, safety management, safety improvement) and safety behaviors (activity change, safety check). Second, the effectiveness of occupational health risk assessments has a positive impact on safety behaviors. Lastly, the effectiveness of occupational health risk assessments partially mediate the relationship between safety and health levels and safety behaviors. These findings are expected to contribute to the promotion of risk assessments in the field of industrial health and to enhancing safety performance by improving workplace safety, health levels, and safety behavior.
The purpose of this study is to analyze effect of Army Risk Assessment System(ARAS) which is used to prevent safety accident in ROK army. Based on prior research, we select 4 indicators which are related to accident prevention effect and analyze the differences before and after ARAS operation for each indicators by using Paired-Samples T-Test. Also, we analyze the correlation between degree of ARAS operation and status of safety accidents of 112 ROK Army units. We conduct an evaluation of each function within the system using IPA method. The results of this study are as follows; All 4 indicators are improved compared to before ARAS operation, and the differences are statistically significant. Also, there is negative correlation between the degree of ARAS operation and the occurrence of safety accidents. So, the operation of ARAS has a positive effect on preventing safety accidents. Finally among the 15 functions of ARAS, 4 functions require improvement. The findings of this study have implications for proposing necessity of computerized system in enforcing Risk Assessment. Also, whether or not operating ARAS is important, but it is also important to operate it well. Lastly, We propose improvement plans for each function to operate it well.
This study aimed to quantitatively analyze the risk using data from 329 safety accidents that occurred in aquaculture fisheries management vessels over the recent five years (2018-2022). For quantitative risk analysis, the Bayesian network proposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) was used to analyze the risk level according to the fishing process and cause of safety accidents. Among the work processes, the fishing process was analyzed to have the highest risk, being 12.5 times that of the navigation, 2.7 times that of the maintenance, and 8.8 times that of the loading and unloading. Among the causes of accidents, the hull and working environment showed the highest risk, being 1.7 times that of fishing gear and equipment, 4.7 times that of machinery and equipment, and 9.4 times that of external environment. By quantitatively analyzing the safety accident risks for 64 combinations of these four work processes and four accident causes, this study provided fundamental data to reduce safety accidents occurring in aquaculture fisheries management vessels.
This study analyzed the factors affecting the effectiveness of the Chemical Hazard Risk Management (CHARM). A survey was conducted on 104 learners who participated in the Risk Assessment training course at Occupational Safety and Health Training Institute. Through a self-administered questionnaire, the effect of personal characteristics, corporate characteristics, and safety and health level of the company on the effectiveness of chemical risk assessment was investigated. As a result of statistical analysis, the safety and health level of the company had a positive (+) effect on the effectiveness of Chemical Hazard Risk Management(CHARM), but personal characteristics and corporate characteristics had no relation to it. This study can be used as basic data for further research related to chemical risk assessment in workplaces.
국제해상충돌예방규칙은 선박이 다른 선박이나 해저 등 어떠한 물체에도 충돌하지 아니하도록 제정된 국제협약이다. 선박의 충돌예방을 위한 규칙은 19세기 중반부터 성문화되고 다듬어져 현재에 이르고 있다. 따라서 COLREGs에서 사용된 용어와 문장 또한 뚜렷 한 학문적, 법률적 의미를 갖고 있다. 그러나 COLREGs를 국내법으로 반영한 해사안전법에서는 ‘충돌의 위험성’과 ‘충돌의 위험’을 구분하 지 않은 채 혼용하고 있다. 이에 ‘위험성’의 정의에 대하여 국제연합 산하의 권위 있는 국제기구인 국제해사기구 및 널리 알려진 비정부 간 기구인 국제표준화기구에서 정의한 내용을 살펴봄으로써 ‘위험’과 ‘위험성’의 차이를 분석하였으며, COLREGs에서 관련 문장을 살펴봄 으로써 이를 구분해야할 근거를 제시하였다. 안전한 항해라는 측면에서 볼 때 향후 해사안전법에 ‘위험’과 ‘위험성’의 구분이 명확해 짐으 로써 이를 준수해야 하는 해기사들의 해상충돌예방을 위한 노력이 한층 체계화되기를 기대하였다.
Tuna purse seine fishery (TPF) constitute more than 60% of distant water fishery production in Korea based on a statistic of 2018, and 28 ships from four different companies were under operation at the western and central Pacific Ocean. On this research, common risk factors during TPF were investigated via enumeration of five years Korean fisherman’s insurance payment statement, followed by some counterplans to diminish the accident rate. The accident rate of TPF on the Pacific Ocean peaked by 43.0% in 2014 and constantly decreased to 23.0% until 2018, presenting an average of 33.6%. Meanwhile, the accident rate on the Indian Ocean reached the highest point 55.1% in 2014 and declined to 11.6% in 2016, having an average of 24.7%. The average accident rate of the Indian Ocean scored 8.9% lower than the rate of the Pacific Ocean, but no statistic significance was observed. Depending on the process of operation, ‘casting or hauling of net’ was the most frequent part that people received an injury (40.4%). When the accidents were classified by their types, ‘falling down’ was the most recurrent cause of the injuries (28.5%). At the point of severity, the worst injuries were induced by crush hazard. Considering aforementioned accident frequency and severity, all the factors on the accident type list were divided into three different groups including high risk, moderate risk, and common risk. This study is expected to contribute to the reduction of occupational accidents during the work of fishermen and establishment of a safety management system for distance water fishing vessels.
정부(해양수산부) 및 관계기관에서는 안전관리 취약선박의 해양안전 증진을 위한 많은 정책을 시행하고 있으나, 선박의 안전관리에 대한 위험성평가 부재로 각 제도의 효과성에 다소 아쉬움이 확인되었다. 선박의 위험성평가에 대한 국내 선행연구는 대부분 개별적 해양사고 위험성에 대한 단편적 위험성만을 취급하고 있어 포괄적 해양사고 위험성평가를 위한 새로운 방식이 필요하다. 선박의 안전관 리에 대한 포괄적 위험성평가 적용사례로 항만국통제와 노르웨이 해사국의 점검대상 선정방법이 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내 해양사고 및 등록현황의 높은 비중을 차지하고 있는 연근해어선을 대상으로 포괄적 선박안전관리 위험성평가를 위한 지표를 개발하고 적용하였다. 그 결과, 각 선박별 위험성을 계량적 수치로 확인하였고, 개별적 안전관리 취약요소의 순위를 식별하였다.
본 연구는 충돌 사고 중에서 정박지에서 대기하고 있는 선박과 이 정박지를 통항하는 선박 간 충돌사고가 자주 발생함에 따라, 정박선 사이를 통항하는 선박의 충돌위험을 예측할 수 있는 모델을 개발하기 위한 기초 연구로 통항 선박의 안전 영역을 도출하는 것이 목적이다. 이를 위해 우리나라 최대 항만인 부산항 남외항 정박지를 대상 해역으로 선정하고 정박선이 가장 많이 대기한 기간 VTS(Vessel Traffic Service) 항적 자료를 추출하여 분석하였다. 정박선 사이를 통항하는 선박의 길이(L)를 기준으로 정박선과 어느 정도의 안전한 거리 (D)를 두고 통과하는지를 알기 위하여 통항 선박의 방위별 D/L 비를 구하였다. D/L 비 분포의 평균 domain을 기준으로 기존 선박 domain 범위 안으로 정박선이 존재할 비율을 분석하여 VTS 관제사의 위험 정도를 반영한 domain을 도출하였다. 추후 연구로는 정박선 사이의 최소 안전거리인 Domain-watch와 정박지 통항 선박의 안전 domain을 활용한 정박지 통항 선박의 충돌위험도 평가 및 분석을 하고, 이를 통해 VTS가 정박지를 좀 더 효율적이고 안전하게 관리하기 위한 모델을 개발하고자 한다.
In general, companies operate systematically in response to financial risks such as exchange rates and liquidity, while they are vulnerable to risks in the manufacturing and sales processes. In particular, logistics refers to the activities for planning, managing and implementing efficient flows from the starting point of goods and products to the point of consumption, The purpose of this study was to develop key risks and key risk management indicators (KRIs) for risks that undermine logistics efficiency so that logistics risks can be effectively prevented and managed. As a result, 40 risk management indicators (KRIs) were developed in a total of six categories in the logistics sector, and the definition, calculation method and early warning grade of each KRI were presented so that companies could prevent risks in advance in logistics activities and contribute to enhancing efficiency of their work.
Stow net fishery is one of the fishery with high fishing work accidents in southwestern sea of Korea. We conducted to serve as basic data for improving the healthy and safe working environment of fisher using risk assessment process (ISO45001) with fishermen’s occupational accidents of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative (NFFC) from 2016 to 2018. The average occurrence rate of victim in this fishery was 9.04%, 16.7 times more than such rate in all industries. In addition, the average fatality rate was found to have a very serious level management to 31.06‱, 27.7 times more than such rate in all industries. The safety hazards of stow net fishery was more likely to occur by other general industrial groups, with more severe consequences after the accident. According to 4M analysis, 58.6% of all accidents were caused by human factors, 24.0% by environmental factors, 16.0% by mechanical factors, and 1.5% by managerial factors, respectively. The occurrence frequency by accident type was the highest in 187 cases (32.2%) for struck by object, 158 cases (27.2%) for slipping, and 94 cases (16.2%) for being in contact with machinery. Severity is the highest for others such as diseases etc., in the order of being struck by object, being in contact with machinery, falling from above slipping, collapsing, bumping, and burning. Being struck by object, being in contact with machinery, and slipping are high-risk groups, falling from above others, bumping, and burning are medium-risk groups based on the risk assessment using the occurrence frequency and severity of accident. The obtained results are expected to contribute to the safe operation environment subsidy for fishing crews on the stow net fishing vessel.
When the foundation work of the underground part of the building structure or the excavation work of the civil engineering structure is carried out, there is the earthwork work by the inevitable process. As the economic situation continues to develop, construction in urban areas is becoming bigger and higher in scale due to the expansion of infrastructure and the rescue of urban dwellings in urban areas, and excavation of underground roads is inevitable. Excavation of the underground part may cause problems in the process difficulty and safety of the earthworks due to the complexity and various characteristics of the ground selected without consideration of the ground characteristics and site conditions. In order to complete the required facilities, it is necessary to secure the design and construction of the retaining walls. In order to complete the required construction, It is an important factor satisfying construction period and economical efficiency.
One of the most effective methods to consistently ensure the safety of a tap water supply can be achieved by application of a comprehensive risk assessment and risk management approach for drinking water supply systems. This approach can be termed water safety plans(WSP) which recommended by WHO(world health organization) and IWA(international water association). For the introduction of WSP into Korea, 150 hazards were identified all steps in drinking water supply from catchment to consumer and risk assessment tool based on frequency and consequence of hazards were developed. Then, developed risk assessment tool by this research was implemented at a water treatment plant(Q=25,000 m3/d) to verify its applicability, and several amendments were recommended; classification of water source should be changed from groundwater to stream to strengthen water quality monitoring contaminants and frequencies; installation of aquarium to monitor intrusion of toxic substances into raw water; relocation or new installation on-line water quality analyzers for efficient water quality monitoring; change of chlorination chemical from solid phase(Ca(OCl)2) to liquid phase(NaOCl) to improve soundness of chlorination. It was also meaningful to propose hazards and risk assessment tool appropriate for Korea drinking water supply systems through this research which has been inconsistent among water treatment authorities. Key words: Hazard, Reliability, Risk management, Water safety plan, Tap water
The coastal composite fishery has the highest rate of around 30.0% in registered fishing vessels of Korea for the last three years. The risk analysis for the fisher’s safety of coastal composite fishing vessels was conducted to serve as a basic data for improving the healthy and safe working environment of fisher using fisher’s occupational accidents of the national federation of fisheries cooperatives (NFFC) from 2016 to 2018 (n = 1,105). As a result, the occupational accident occurrence rate of coastal composite fishery was 3.76% in all industries, 7.8 times the rate of that. In addition, death and missing rate was found to have a serious level management to 10.10‱. Among the accidents, 76.0% occurred at sea. The slipping, others and contact with machinery or fishing gear occurred more frequently in order in the frequency of accident occurrence pattern. In the risk assessment using frequency and severity, slipping, contact with machinery and others showed high risk during fishing. The results are expected to contribute to identification and assessment of safety hazard occurred in coastal composite fishing vessels.
The seismic safety of nuclear power plants has always been emphasized by the effects of accidents. In general, the seismic safety evaluation of nuclear power plants carries out a seismic probabilistic safety assessment. The current probabilistic safety assessment assumes that damage to the structure, system, and components (SSCs) occurs independently to each other or perfect dependently to each other. In case of earthquake events, the failure event occurs with the correlation due to the correlation between the seismic response of the SSCs and the seismic performance of the SSCs. In this study, the EEMS (External Event Mensuration System) code is developed which can perform the seismic probabilistic safety assessment considering correlation. The developed code is verified by comparing with the multiplier n, which is for calculating the joint probability of failure, which is proposed by Mankamo. It is analyzed the changes in seismic fragility curves and seismic risks with correlation. As a result, it was confirmed that the seismic fragility curves and seismic risk change according to the failure correlation coefficient. This means that it is important to select an appropriate failure correlation coefficient in order to perform a seismic probabilistic safety assessment. And also, it was confirmed that carrying out the seismic probabilistic safety assessment in consideration of the seismic correlation provides more realistic results, rather than providing conservative or non-conservative results comparing with that damage to the SSCs occurs independently.