Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Tp) as a storage mite inhabitats in stored grains, hay, and straw at agricultural areas. T. putrescentiae stimulates an immune response and triggers inflammatory cytokines release, and thus it is a source of allergen that sensitize and induce allergic reactions. Also, T. putrescentiae has been reported to cause asthma and atopic disease by cross-reactivity with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp). The study on T. putrescentiae in human monocytic THP-1 cells is not enough to understand cytokine expression and pathological mechanisms. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of T. putrescentiae extract (TpE) on production of inflammatory cytokines and expression of mRNA level in THP-1 cells. THP-1 cells are treated with TpE and supernatants were analyzed for the production of cytokines using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). mRNA level in the culture cells was measured by a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). As a result of this study, TpE significantly induced secretion of interleukin-6, interleukin-8, and monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) in THP-1 cells in time- and dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that TpE may play a role in contributing to inflammatory disease through stimulation of immune cell. Further research of T. putrescentiae is needed to understand the elucidation of the pathogenic mechanism.
Haemaphysalis longicornis (Hl) as members of the ixodid tick inhabits lots of grass thicket of field and mountain. Ticks are blood-feeding ectoparasites that can mediate a variety of diseases to human and animals, causing Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and human monocytic ehrlichiosis. Particularly, ticks can trigger an inflammatory response representing symptoms about swelling and itching in human. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of H. longicornis extract (HlE) on production of inflammatory cytokines and their mRNA in human monocytic THP-1 cells. In a time- and dose-dependent manner, human monocytic THP-1 cells was treated with HlE. Supernatants were analyzed for the production of cytokines using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). mRNA level in the culture cells was measured by a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). As a result of this study, HlE significantly induced secretion of IL-6, IL-8, and MCP-1 in THP-1 cells. These results suggest that HlE increase the release of proteins and mRNAs level of inflammatory cytokines in THP-1 cells. HlE may play a role in contributing to inflammatory diseases through stimulation of immune cells. Further research of H. longicornis is needed to better understand the elucidation of the pathogenic mechanism.
Phytoncides are volatile substances diffused largely from trees to protect themselves against harmful factors. Many people are attracted to forest bathing and the effects of forest bathing involve the effect of protecting human dermal cell against reactive oxygen species (ROS), the activation of immune function and the reduction of stress hormones. Since phytoncides are released to prevent plants from rotting or being eaten by animals, we expect that phytoncides have negative effects on insects. However, there is almost no study to show the effects of phytoncides of Chamaecyparis obtusa on insects so far. Therefore, we examined the effects of phytoncides on insects using fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Our results showed that the exposure to phytoncides scents reduced the lifespan of Drosophila in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, development rate, locomotion and fecundity of fruit flies were also decreased with phytoncides exposure. In food preference test, fruit flies and house flies showed strong avoidance behavior to the food containing phytoncides in a dose dependent manner. Overall, these results suggest the possibility of phytoncides as human-friendly insect repellent.
Insect cuticle/exoskeleton is a first physical barrier to protect their body from multifarious environments such as desiccation, natural enemies and entomopathogenic microorganisms. Cuticle tanning (sclerotization and pigmentation) is a vital procedure for generating suitable cuticle depending on body region by sclerotization and pigmentation in insects.
Insect cuticle tanning is a complex process involves hydroxylation of tyrosine to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA), decarboxylation of DOPA to dopamine, N-acylation of dopamine to N-acetyldopamine (NADA) or N-β-alanyldopamine (NBAD), oxidation of NADA and NBAD to their corresponding quinones, and reactions between the quinones or quinone derivatives with cuticle protein (CP) side chains resulting in protein cross-linking. One type of pigmentation (quinone tanning) is associated with the covalent linkage of CPs to the ring component of NBAD. In contrast, linkage of CPs to the side chain of NADA (b-sclerotization) is correlated with colorless cuticle. N-acetyltransferase (NAT) catalyzes the conversion of dopamine to N-acetyl dopamine (NADA) in cuticle tanning pathway. In this study, we studied function of TcNAT1 on adult cuticle tanning by double stranded-RNA (dsRNA) mediated gene silencing. Injection of dsTcNAT1 had no affect on animal development, growth and molting such as larva to larva, larva to pupa and pupa to adult. However, some of the resulting adults (~70%) showed split elytra that could not cover their abdomen, resulting in improper folding of their hindwings. Interestingly, body color of the mature adults (older than 3 days) was darker than that of control dsTcVer treated adults because probably due to the buildup of abnormally high levels of dopamine, which is used for dopamine eumelanin pigment synthesis (black pigment) and dopamine quinone-mediated protein crosslinking. On elytra and hindwings of these adults, darker pigments were observed around the sensory bristles that are located in the intervein regions, suggesting that NADA mediated b-sclerotization is occurred at these regions. Similarly, darker pigment was evident at veins of the hindwings of the dsTcNAT1-mature adults. These results suggest that TcNAT1 have important roles in sclerotization and pigmentation of adult body and wings (elytron and hindwing). This work was supported by NRF (NRF-2012R1A2A1A01006467).
Insect chitinases (CHTs), which belong to family 18 glycosylhydrolases (GH-18), have been detected in molting fluid and gut tissues and are predicted to mediate the digestion of chitin present in the exoskeleton and peritrophic matrix (PM) in the gut. Based on amino acid sequence similarity and phylogenetic analysis, insect CHT family proteins have been classified into eight groups (group I to VIII). The CHTs belonging to different groups have distinctly different developmental patterns of expression and tissue specificity, suggestive of distinct biological functions.
CHT7s belong to Group III chitinase contain two catalytic domains and one chitin binding domain (CBD). The catalytic domain 1 of this group of chitinases exhibits greater sequence similarity to one another than to the catalytic domain 2 in the same protein(s), suggesting distinct functions and/or evolutionary origins for each of these two catalytic domains. This group of chitinases, unlike most insect CHTs, possesses a predicted transmembrane segment at the N-terminal region. The recombinant T. castaneum CHT7 that was expressed in Hi-5 insect cells was bound to the cell membrane. Apparently, the catalytic domains of this CHT face the extracellular space as revealed by its ability to hydrolyze an artificial chitin substrate added to the medium.
DsRNA-based functional studies (RNAi) for several CHT genes in Tribolium castaneum indicated that CHTs belong to groups I (TcCHT5) and II (TcCHT10) are critical for molting and turnover of chitin in the old cuticle. In other hand, RNAi for TcCHT7 did not affect any types of molting such as larval-larval, larval-pupal and pupal-adult. The resulting pupae or adults, however, failed to wing-expansion and abdominal contraction. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that TcCHT7 protein is localized in newly synthesized procuticle, suggesting that TcCHT7 could be released form the plasma membrane of epidermal cells by proteolysis. Chitin seems to accumulate within the assembly zone of the elytral and body wall cuticle in dsTcCHT7-treated animals. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that down-regulation of TcCHT7 transcripts resulted in disorganization of chitin laminar and vertical canals in the procuticle. These results suggest that TcCHT7 may have critical roles in the laminar assembly and synthesis and/or deposition of cuticular chitin.
This work was supported by NRF (NRF-2012R1A2A1A01006467).
Cuticular proteins (CPs) and the polysaccharide chitin are the major components of the exo- and endocuticular layers or procuticle. CPs contain a conserved sequence known as the Rebers & Riddiford (R&R) motif, which may function as a chitin-binding domain that helps to coordinate the interaction between chitin fibers and the protein network. We identified two highly abundant RR-2 CPs, TcCPR18 and TcCPR27, in protein samples extracted from elytra (rigid cuticle) of Tribolium castaneum adults and determined that these two CPs are required for rigid cuticle morphology. In this study, we identified the third most abundant protein (TcCP30) extracted from the elytra, and cloned a full-length cDNA. It encodes a very unusual 171 amino acid residue protein of which 36% of the residues of the mature protein are Glu, 21% are His, 19% are Arg, and 16% are Gly, organized in a regular pattern but not R&R consensus motif. TcCPR18 and TcCPR27 genes are expressed at 4 d-old pupae, while TcCP30 is highly expressed at 5 d-old pupae (last pupal stage) and 0 d-old adults. Immunohistochemical studies revealed the presence of TcCP30 in rigid adult cuticle (e.g. elytron, pronotum and ventral abdomen) but not soft cuticle (e.g. hindwing and dorsal abdomen). Injection of dsRNA for TcCP30 into late instar larvae had no affect on larval and pupal growth and development. The subsequent pupal-adult molt, however, more than 50% adults were unable to shed their exuvium and died. In addition, the resulting adults exhibited wrinkled, warped and split elytra. TcCP30-deficient adults could not fold their hindwings properly. These results indicate that TcCP30 may play critical roles in rigid adult cuticle formation, development and insect growth and survival. This work was supported by NRF (NRF-2012R1A2A1A01006467).
In South Korea, ants are predicted to shift their distributions northwards and upwards. It was predicted that ant fauna will be changed dramatically in highlands due to the range shifts. The Mymica ants which are most abundant in high altitudinal areas in South Korea will be nearly disappeared there in 2050s, and replaced by Aphaenogaster japonica which is abundant in lowlands. It was recently found that A. japonica shifted upwards in Mt. Hanla in Jeju island, South Korea. Interestingly, A. japonica is similar in shape and size with the Myrmica species, which indicate niche overlap and resulting intensive competition. To find elevational change of competitions between two specie, we investigated ants during two ant foraging periods (2010 and 2011) in a high mountain (Mt. Gaebang) using pitfall traps and bait traps along elevational gradients. Ten ant species were collected from a.s.l. 800 m to a.s.l. 1577 m. Myrmica sp. 1 was most abundant (35% of total ants) and collected at all elevations. Myrmica sp. 2 (19.7%) occurred from 1000 m to 1577 m. Meanwhile, A. japonica occurred up to 1200 m. Fights between ants were observed 22 times; fights between these two species were most frequently found. Although, competitive hierarchy was not recognized due to a low frequency of interspecific encounters, A. japonica is likely to be superior over Myrmica species in food competition when considering the slower and more timid behavior of Myrmica species compared with A. japonica. Therefore, it is likely that A. japonica would replace easily Myrmica species in Korean highlands when thermal barrier (i.e., cold climate in high elevations) will be removed due to climate warming.
산불 후 산림이 복원됨에 따라 산불지의 개미군집은 점차 산림의 그것과 비슷하 게 변해 갈 것이 예상된다. 이러한 예측을 검정하기 위해 동해안 산불피해지역 12 개 조사지(인공복원지 4개소, 자연복원지 4개소, 소나무숲 4개소)에서 2005년부 터 8년간 조사한 결과를 분석하였다. 지표종 분석법(Indicator Species Analysis)을 이용하여 복원방법별(인공복원, 자연복원, 대조구)로 종별 해당 복원방법의 지표 값을 산정하였다. 이를 토대로 각 조사지에서 채집된 개미들의 지표값의 평균을 구 하였고 이를 조사지 개미군집의 숲 지표 값으로 가정하였다. 산불지에서는 개미군 집의 숲 지표 값은 식생이 자람에 따라 점차 증가하여 정상적인 숲의 개미군집의 값 과 비슷하게 수렴할 것이 예상되어, 각 조사지별로 개미군집의 숲 지표 값의 변화를 검토한 결과 2개 조사지(고성의 인공복원지, 울진의 자연복원지)에서 증가추세가 유의한(p < 0.05) 것으로 나타났다. 숲 지표값은 복원방법 간에 유의한 차이가 나타 났는데 인공복원지가 가장 낮았고, 소나무숲이 가장 높았으며, 자연복원지가 중간 이었다. 개미군집의 숲 지표 값은 산림교란을 판정하는 지수로서의 가능성이 있는 것으로 판단된다.
우리나라에서 산불은 산림생태계에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 산림교란이다. 최근 식 생변화와 기후변화의 영향으로 1990년 중반이후 대형 산불이 자주 발생하고 있다. 이러한 대형 산불들은 대부분 동해안의 소나무림에서 발생하는데 산불지에서 산 림의 복원은 대부분 벌채 후 조림하는 인공복원법에 의해 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 지형과 식생조건에 따라서는 인공복원을 하지 않아도 저절로 산림의 복원이 이루 어지기도 한다. 이런 곳은 구태여 조림을 하기 보다는 자연에 맡겨두는 것이 보다 친환경적이며 경제적인 복원일 것이다. 본 연구는 복원방법에 따라 개미군집이 달 라지는 지를 밝히기 위해 수행되었다. 조사지는 대형산불이 발생한 고성, 삼척, 강 릉, 울진의 4개 피해지역에서 인공복원지, 자연복원지, 대조구(소나무림)의 3개의 조사지를 선정하여 2005년부터 2012년까지 8년간 조사를 하였다. 개미의 조사는 함정트랩법으로 하였고, 조사는 5월말부터 6월초순에 실시하였다. 조사시 토양을 수집하여 이화학적 분석을 실시하였다. 다차원척도법(NMDS)과 다수응답순열절 차(MRPP)를 이용하여 분석한 결과 복원방법에 따라 개미군집은 달라지는 것으로 나타났다. 인공복원지의 개미군집은 자연복원지의 개미군집 보다 대조구의 개미 군집과 더욱 차이가 많아, 인공복원시 개미군집은 더 큰 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났 다. 그리고 장소 및 연도도 개미군집에 유의한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.
먹이를 매개로 한 생물 간의 상호작용은 먹이관계(포식 또는 피식) 또는 경쟁관 계로 크게 나눌 수 있다. 그러므로 경쟁은 생태학의 가장 오래되고 연구가 많이 된 정통적인 연구테마이다. 개미의 경우 먹이경쟁의 연구가 매우 쉽기 때문에 많은 연 구들이 이루어졌다. 야외에서 개미들의 먹이경쟁은 종간 또는 종내 경쟁이 동시에 이루어지지만 거의 모든 연구들이 이 두 가지 경쟁을 별개로 취급하였고 동시에 다 룬 예는 거의 없다. 우리나라와 같이 남북간의 기온차가 큰 지역에서는 개미들 간의 경쟁은 기온에 따라 차이가 날 것이 예상된다. 즉 기온이 높은 곳에서는 개미들이 많아지기 때문에 먹이 경쟁이 심하나 기온이 낮은 곳에서는 개미들이 줄어들기 때 문에 경쟁은 감소할 것이다. 이러한 가설들을 검정하기 위해 기온에 따라 6개 숲을 조사지로 선정하여 유인트랩을 이용하여 개미들의 종내 및 종간 경쟁을 조사하였 다. 개미의 경쟁은 중간 기온의 조사지에서 가장 높은 종형의 패턴을 보였고, 전체 경쟁 중에서 종내경쟁이 약 30%를 점하였다. 사망률을 조사한 결과 종내 경쟁시 사 망률이 종간 경쟁 때 보다 높았다. 개미들은 종간에 서열이 있는 것이 확인되었고, 서열이 낮은 종일수록 먹이를 찾는 속도가 빨랐다.
기후변화에 의한 태풍의 영향이 증가하고 있다. 한국의 경우 1990년대 이후 대 형태풍이 증가하고 있으며, 2002년에 루사, 2003년에 매미, 2010년에는 곤파스가 많은 피해를 주었다. 2010년도 발생한 곤파스는 광릉숲에 많은 나무를 쓰러트려 숲 틈(forest gap)을 만들었다. 본 연구는 태풍이 산림에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해 서 광릉숲에서 딱정벌레군집을 조사하면서 식생와 낙엽층, 유기물층, 토양성분의 분석을 통하여 산림내의 환경변화가 딱정벌레에게 어떤 영향을 주는지에 관하여 연구했다. 딱정벌레는 2011년 4월부터 10월까지 월 2회 함정트랩법을 이용하여 채 집되었다. 조사결과, 총 32종 1,035개체의 딱정벌레가 채집되었다. 종수와 개체수 는 숲틈(29종 618개체)이 비피해지(13종 417개체)보다 모두 많았다. 그러나, 종수 와 개체수는 숲틈과 비피해지 간에 유의한 차이를 나타내지 않았다(P < 0.05). 다차 원척도법(NMDS)와 다수응답순열절차(MRPP)를 이용한 분석에서도 유의한 차 이를 보이지 않았다. 딱정벌레군집이 숲틈과 비피해지 간에 차이가 보이지 않는 것 은 숲틈이 형성된 이후에 주변의 미피해지에서 딱정벌레가 활발히 이입되었기 때 문이라고 생각된다.
The diverse color pattern of insects are products of natural/sexual selection and affect their survival and reproductive success. Therefore understanding the function of the color patterns is critical to understand their life-history traits such as defensive/territorial behavior or mating strategies. However how we (humans) see and perceive their colors does not reflect the true nature of the insect colors because the insect colors have evolved to work best for the appropriate receiver. For example, defensive coloration have evolved to deceive predators’ eyes, and sexual traits of males have evolved to attract the eyes of the conspecific females. The visual system (therefore the perception of color, too) substantially differ between species and it is important to consider the appropriate receiver’s point of view (visual system) to properly understand the functional aspect of insect color pattern. Here I introduce the concepts of visual modelling of animals’ point of view to study insect coloration and present a case study research on camouflage of moths.
본 연구는 진사회성(eusocial)곤충이며 우리나라 고유종인 참땅벌(Korean yellowjacket, Vespula koreensis)의 둥지(nest)입구 유리관 내로 진입 속도와 나오는 속도에 대한 측정치를 제시한다. 각 포식 재료(foraging material)인 nectar(에너지원), prey(유 충먹이), pulp(둥지 재료)에 속하는 3가지의 포식 재료를 가져 오는 forager의 유리 관 속 행동을 영상을 곤충 행동 관찰 장치(Noldus, EthoVision XT 8)를 사용하여 각 포식 재료를 들고 나는 속도를 측정 하였다. 측정은 각 포식 재료 별로 44개체씩 측 정하였으며, nectar forager의 속도 평균(4.655±0.556cm/s), prey forager (5.238± 0.601cm/s), pulp forager(5.200±0.631cm/s)이며, 전체 속도 평균(5.028±0.595cm/s) 로 측정 되었다. 속도는 prey forager가 가장 빠른 속도를 보이며, nectar forager가 가장 느린 속도를 보였다. 이 외에 개체의 나오는 속도와 개체의 무게와 길이 나이 등이 비교분석 되었다. 이 자료를 바탕으로 각 개체들의 속도의 차이와 개체의 나이 의 변수, 각 포식 재료의 비용들을 추정하고 비교 토의 하였다.
Post-maternal social organisation of Amaurobius ferox (Araneae, Amaurobiidae) provides an opportunity to investigate the mechanisms of social behaviour in spiderlings while controlling for potential effects of maternal presence. Development and characteristics of locomotory behaviours in young individuals of the subsocial Amaurobius ferox were examined. Young collectively show a very rapid and linear locomotion in a short distance in response to an intruder in the natal nest. Such a locomotory behaviour of the spiderlings resembles the successive synchronised stepping towards prey of the permanently social spider, Anelosimus eximius. We observed the development of different types of locomotion relative to the age of young, collective tendency (i.e., proportion of individuals within the clutch engaging in the behaviour), and directional properties of the locomotion. Locomotory behaviours of spiderlings fell into two categories: ‘abrupt locomotion’ (AL), involving fast and linear movement over a short distance; and ‘ordinary locomotion’ (OL), involving slower movement over longer distances and times. The frequency of AL (abrupt locomotion) did not vary much throughout the days post-matriphagy, occurring for a limited period of time. On the other hand, the frequency of OL (ordinary locomotion) varied over the days post-matriphagy and increased during the maternal social period.
Monochamus saltuarius, which mediates Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is one of the important vector of pine wilt disease recently. M. saltuarius showed difference with weight, growth, and oviposition according to species of trees. The most feeding amount and feeding area were determined in P. koraiensis. However, M. saltuarius almost did not feed and longevity was observed very short time only for 10 day in Sciadopitys verticillata. Weight, length and head width were measured the highest growth of M. saltuarius in P. koraiensis. Female of M. saltuarius was determined more growing than male of M. saltuarius in all species of trees. Tree preference for oviposition of M. saltuarius was the highest choice in P. densiflora. However, lots of scar for oviposition have observed but M. saltuarius laid less eggs in P. rigida. This result is related to bark thickness of trees. Ovipositional frequency has been consistently maintained to P. densiflora and P. koraiensis at 20 day intervals.
In this study, physiological and ecological characteristic of M. saltuarius to preference of trees were researched could be helpful for managing of M. saltuarius.
Habitats for migratory birds provide good blood source for blood sucking insects including mosquitoes, which may lead to high population mosquito species. This study was intended to know mosquito fauna in habitats for migratory birds that have preference for bird’s blood. We selected 7 locations for migratory birds (Ansan: a great reedy marsh in lake of Shihwa; Cheonan, Gyeongju, and Pyeongtaek: pine forest; Seosan: a reclaimed land near bay of Cheonsu ; Ulsan: great bamboo forest around Teahwa river) and subdivided each location with four habitats (forest, swamp, cow shed and downtown area) as mosquito collecting site. We used two types of trap for mosquito collection such as CDC black light trap and BG Sentinel trap. Additionally, we use black light and dry ice as an attractive source, respectively. A total of 27,615 mosquitoes representing 9 genera and 18 species were collected. In Ansan, 9 genera and 17 species were collected and in the other locations only 11 to 12 species. Representing by habitats shows this; in forest 9 genera and 17 species, in swamp 8 genera and 16 species, in cow shed 6 genera and 12 species, in downtown 8 genera and 17 species. The dominant species was Culex pipiens (60%) followed by Aedes vexans (11%), Anopheles spp. (8%), Aedes albopictus (7%), and Armigeres subalbatus (5%).
The blueberry gall midge, Dasineura oxycoccana (Johnson), which has been recently introduced into Korea, is a notorious pest on blueberries. This invasive insect has rapidly spread throughout Korea including Jeju island. So far, we have no epidemic information, such as invasion routes and subsequent dispersal rates in Korea. To understand population genetics of D. oxycoccana, we have developed 12 novel microsatellite loci. To obtain its sequence data, the next generation sequencing was performed using mixed individuals collected from Korea and USA. The developed loci were polymorphic, with 6 to 16 alleles in 35 individuals from a single population of Hwaseong. The analyses revealed that all 35 individuals had different multilocus genotypes with heterozygosity ranging from 0.568 to 0.790. These markers will facilitate population genetic studies of D. oxycoccana.
To compare genetic characteristic and differentiation between Dasineura oxycoccana populations, we collected 20 local samples from Korea and USA between 2012 and 2013. We established population genetics from Principal component analysis (PCA) and STRUCTURE using newly developed 12 microsatellites for 362 individuals. PCA results showed that Korean populations were divided into three genetically different groups. Correspondingly, STRUCTURE results indicated that Korean populations had at least three different genetic origins, which was totally different from USA populations. Among them, two populations occurring in Heongseong and Cheonan seemed to have species-level difference when matching with previous DNA barcoding result.
Geometrid moths are well known for their camouflage. Their wing color patterns resemble tree bark which is their preferential resting place. After landing on tree bark, many of them show the re-positioning behavior which makes the moths more cryptic effectively. Previous study revealed that moths perceive structural cues from tree bark to position their bodies. However, to date, it is not clear which sensory organ is used during re-positioning behavior. We performed a series of experiments to find out how (i.e. by using which sensory organs) moths seek out an appropriate position and body orientation. We used a geometrid moth, Jankowskia fuscaria, to test our hypothesis. We hypothesized that one of four sensory organs (eyes, antennae, front legs, and wings) may be responsible for their ability to find more cryptic position and body orientation. We amputated one of these organs and observed whether they are still able to find a cryptic position. The results indicates that visual cue is essential for their cryptic-positioning searching behavior, but antennae or front legs are not. Tactile cues from their wings seem to have a role in their behavior, but the evidence is flimsy. Therefore we cautiously conclude that moths mainly rely on visual cues (most likely through eyes) to orient their bodies on resting place, but additional tactile cues from their wings seem to play an additional role.
GMO(Genetically Modified Organism)의 개발 및 이용확대와 관련하여, GMO 대량 생산을 위한 재배 과정에서 GM작물이 환경(농업 환경)으로 방출되는 단계가 필수적으로 동반된다. 특히 GM작물과 종자의 낮은 수준 혼입(Low Level Presence, LLP)은 장기적으로 대상 농생태계를 서서히 변화시키는 바, 대단히 큰 위협이 되고 있다. 그러므로 환경 방출과정에서 일어나는 위해성을 생태적 측면에 서 평가하고 이에 대한 대책을 마련하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 Hygoromycin저항 성 유전자(제초제 저항성) GM벼와 비변형 일반 재배벼의 곤충상 변동 양상을 비교 하였다. 본 연구는 2013년 7월부터 2013년 9월 현재까지 진행 중이며 Sweeping Net, Light trap, Sticky trap을 이용하여 곤충상을 각각의 대상포장(경상대 GM벼 격리포장, 일반벼 포장 4곳)에서 조사하였다. 현재까지 Light trap에서 채집한 곤충 종의 분류와 개체 수 조사를 완료하였고 나머지 자료는 분류 중이다. Light trap 조 사결과, GM벼 격리포장에서 채집된 곤충은 7월 총 28종 1114개체, 8월 총 13종 3757개체, 사천시 두량 포장 1에서 채집된 곤충은 7월 총 24종 5427개체, 8월 총 13 종 2530개체, 사천시 두량 포장 2에서 채집된 곤충은 7월 총 10종 1867개체, 8월 총 12종 2100개체 그리고 진주시 대곡 포장에서 채집된 곤충은 7월 총 19종 2935개체, 8월 총 20종 1211개체로 나타났다. 현재까지 Light trap 에서 채집된 곤충개체수는 GM벼와 비변형 재배벼와 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이 결과는 현재 지속적으로 이루 어지는 다른 채집방법 결과를 이용한 분류 작업 후 군집분석을 통한 비교에 사용될 것이다.