거미류는 생물종 다양성의 위치뿐 아니라 포식성을 이용한 생태계 균형 유지와 천연 농약으로서의 기능, 거미줄과 독 등을 이용한 공업이나 의약품 재료 개발 그리고 기후와 환경의 변화를 감지할 수 있는 환경 지표종으로서의 기능도 가지고 있다. 본 조사는 절지동물 중 번성한 동물군의 하나인 거미류의 치악산 국립공원 내 주요 지역에서의 분포현황을 조사하였다. 치악산 국립공원은 강원도 원주시의 동부 지역인 소초면, 행구동, 반곡ㆍ관설동, 판부면, 신림면과 횡성군의 우천면, 안흥면, 강림면에 남북으로 걸쳐 있으며 조사 기간은 4월부터 9월까지 6개월간 총 8회에 걸쳐 68개 지점에서 실시하였다. 채집방법으로는 Sweeping, Beating, Sieving 등을 실시하였다. 채집된 개체들은 현장 기록 후 96% Ethanol에 넣어 보관하였고, 실험실에서 현미경을 통해 생물의 동정을 실시하였다. 조사결과 치악산 국립공원에서 서식하는 거미류는 모두 29과 109속 169종이 확인되었다. 치악산 국립공원에서 서식하는 거미류 중 종 구성이 풍부한 과 우점순위는 접시거미과 27종(15.9%), 꼬마거미과 21종(12.4%), 왕거미과 20종(11.8%)의 순으로 나타났다. 생태적 분포로는 구북계(Palearctic spp.)가 13종(7.7%), 전북계(Holarctic spp.)가 6종(3.6%), 범세계종(Cosmopolitan spp.)이 3종(1.8%)이었다.
The genus Cephimallota Bruand, 1851 belongs to the subfamily Myrmecozelinae, comprises 11 described species with a Palaearctic distribution. Adult are usually small to large in size (wingspan, 10-30 mm). In this study, we dealt with the genus Cephimallota is newly recorded from Korea for the first time, with one species. Adult and genitalia of male is described, with illustrations.
Pigmentation or melanization is an important physiological event in insects and is involved in cuticle tanning, wound healing and encapsulation as a defensive response. Dopachrome-conversion enzyme (DCE, Yellow) significantly accelerates the melanization of the chorion in mosquito eggs. In this study, we demonstrated functional importance of two ovary-specific yellow genes, AalY-g and AalY-g2, in the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. The transcripts of both genes were detected in the ovary of adult females only 48-72 h after blood feeding. RNAi for AalY-g or AalY-g2 had no effect on fecundity. However, the outermost colorless exochorion of the eggs was fragile and partially peeled off, and initial melanization of the endochorion was significantly delayed. Eggs from control females exhibited high desiccation resistance, whereas those from dsAalY-g- or dsAalY-g2-treated females were collapsed (50-80%) under the air-dry condition. Ultrastructural analysis revealed abnormal morphology of the endochorion and vitelline membrane in the AalY-g and AalY-g2-deficient eggshell. These results indicate that AalY-g and AalY-g2 are critical for integrity and desiccation resistance of the Ae. albopictus eggs. This work was supported by NRFs (NRF-2015R1A6A3A04060323).
The Gelechioidea is the second most species-rich group of Lepidoptera, but only limited number of mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequences is available. Thus, we sequenced the complete mitogenome of a gelechioid Hieromantis kurokoi (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae) to use the data for future study for the higher phylogeny of Ditrysia in Lepidoptera. The arrangement of the genome was identical to typical one found in Ditrysia (trnM-trnI-trnQ) (underline for inverted gene). The COI began with CGA, which has been designated as the start codon for majority of lepidopteran species, whereas other protein-coding genes (PCGs) began with the typical ATN codon. The 360-bp long A+T-rich region harbored the conserved sequence blocks Phylogenetic analysis using the 13 PCGs both by Bayesian inference (BI) and Maximum-likelihood (ML) methods indicated that H. kurokoi belonging to the family Stathmopodidae grouped together with within-familial species Atrijuglans hetaohei with the highest nodal support (BI, 1.0; ML, 100%).
Hemerobius contumax Tjeder, 1932 is a well known species of Hemerobiidae (Neuroptera) in Europe and Middle East countries, but has never been found in Asia. In Korea, a total of eight hemerobiid species have been recorded including the genus Hemerobius. So far only two species, Hemerobius humulinus and Hemerobius harmandinus are reported. Recently we collected another species of which the specific identity is in question: morphologically very similar to Hemerobius contumax but with c.a. 5% difference in COI barcode sequences. With 5% genetic difference, it may be easily considered as a different species from H. contumax. However, the adult image from the specimen sequenced for H. contumax found in the BOLD site is morphologically slightly off from the usual H. contumax, and there is still an investigation needed to confirm its specific identity. In any case, here we provide a brief description, photos of adult and male genitalia and DNA barcode sequence based the specimen examined.
Chitin deacetylases (CDAs) are chitin-modifying enzymes that deacetylate chitin to form chitosan. In insects, this modification may contribute to the affinity and/or cross-linking of chitin/chitosan-like polysaccharides for a variety of structural proteins that may lead to diverse mechanical properties of the cuticle. DmCDA1 (serpentine) and DmCDA2 (vermiform) from Drosophila melanogaster play roles in development and morphology of embryonic tracheal tubes. We previously reported the functional importance of TcCDA1 and TcCDA2 orthologs to DmCDA1 and DmCDA2 from Tribolium castaneum, in molting, morphology of cuticle, and movement of legs. In this study, we further analyze ultrastructural defects of the cuticles and leg joints in TcCDA1- and TcCDA2-deficient insects. Loss of function of TcCDA1 and TcCDA2 causes disorganized chitinous horizontal laminae and vertical pore canals of rigid adult cuticle (e.g. elytron). Both proteins are also required for laminal organization in soft cuticle (e.g. hindwing). Morphological analysis of TcCDA1- and TcCDA2A-deficient adult revealed that ruptured tendons between femur and tibia cause the defects in movement of the leg joint. This work was supported by NRF (NRF-2015R1A2A2A01006614).
최근 지구 환경의 변화와 무역의 자유화에 따라 해충의 유입 가능성이 높아지며 농·수출산업, 생태계파괴 등의 피해가 더욱 커질 것으로 예상된다. 이에 따라 검역현장에서의 신속한 해충의 동정 기술 개발의 중요성이 높아지고 있다. 본연구에서는 신속하고 간단한 고분자 물질의 질량분석방법인 MALDI-TOF (Matric Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy)를 이용하여 해충의 신속 정확한 동정방법을 개발하였다. 기존에 곤충의 유충 동정방법은 형태적 동정과 분자생물학적 방법으로 시간이 오래걸리거나 동정 단계가 복잡하다. 하지만 MALDI-TOF MS 의 동정방법은 다른 동정방법에 비해 15분 내외로 시간이 매우 절약되며, 개발된 프로토콜의 이용으로 편리함, 단순함 등에서 현장 활용성이 매우 높을 뿐만아니라 최근에 널리 활용되고 있는 DNA barcode 방법과 비교할 때 중요한 검역해충 및 유사종인 복숭아순나방, 복숭아순나방붙이, 복숭아심식나방에대한 종 판별 해상도가 유사한 수준으로 확인되어 현장 적용에 쉽게 적용이 가능한 새로운 기술로 사료된다.
The genus Labdia is belong to the family Cosmopterigidae, comprising 5 described species in South Korea (Park, 1994). In this study, Labdia citracma Meyrick is reported for the first time from Korea. In Japan, this species appears on July to August (Kuroko, 2013). In this study, adult and genitalia are examined and illustrated. As a result, total 6 species has been recorded in Korea up to date.
In this study, a genus Bruandella Tutt with B. niphonica (Hori, 1926) is reported for the first time from Korea. This study is aimed to report a newly recorded genus and species. All available information for the species including the distributional ranges and host plants were presented in this study. Also the larval characteristics and DNA barcode analysis for the species are provided.
사슴벌레붙이과(Passalidae)는 분류학적으로 딱정벌레목(Coleoptera) 풍뎅이상과(Scarabaeoidea)에 속하며, 전 세계적으로 약 500여종이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다 (Schuster, 2001). 대부분 열대 지역에 분포하고 주로 극상림에서 고사목을 섭취하는 분해자 역할을 하며, 우리나라에서는 Leptaulax koreanus Nomura, Kon, Johki & Lee 1종이 알려져 있다. 이들은 고사목 수피 아래의 변재부를 주로 섭식하며, 성충이 유충과 알을 돌보는 반사회적 행동 특징을 보인다. 본 연구는 L. koreanus의 실내 발육특성을 조사하기 위해 수행되었으며 경기도 포천시 광릉숲에서 2015년 6월, 10월, 11월, 12월 네차례 채집을 실시하였고, 참나무발효톱밥을 먹이로 실내(25℃, 70% RH, 16L:8D)의 조건에서 발육특성을 조사하였다. 그 결과 성충은 알을 3일 간격으로 최대 18개를 산란하며, 알둥지를 만들어 한 장소에 산란하는 경향을 보였다. 알은 산란 직후 적갈색을 띠나 시간이 지나면서 초록색을 띠며, 길이는 2.2±0.3mm, 폭은 1.76±0.28mm으로 나타났다. 1령 유충은 부화하자마자 활발한 활동성을 보인다. 유충의 각 령기의 두폭 크기는 1령 1.91±0.06mm, 2령 2.55±0.08mm, 3령 3.86±0.07mm이 다. 난기간은 10.5±3.5일, 유충기간은 1령기 9.8±2일, 2령기 8.6±3일, 3령기 15.6±3일, 전용기간은 3±0.5일로 나타났다.
Exposure to several common acting through oxidation stress environmental toxins has been shown to be associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD). One recently identified inherited Parkinson’s disease (PD) gene, DJ-1, may have a role in protection from oxidative stress, thus potentially linking a genetic cause with critical environmental risk factors [1]. In the present study, initially we assessed the antioxidant activity of Silk Worm Powder (SWP) in selected chemical systems and further explored the efficacy of SWP in Drosophila lacking DJ-1 function (This work was carried out with the support of the Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project title: Elucidation the health improvement effects of boiled silk worm larvae, Project No: PJ01082801) Rural Development Administration).
This study was conducted to investigate the seasonal occurrence of Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Citrus leafminer; CLM) and parasitoids in Jeju region, where the damage of CLM to the citrus farm has been recently increased. For this study, annual CLM mornitoring using sex pheromone traps were conducted in the citrus farm of Jeju from 2011 to 2015. The mean annual occurrence of CLS was 477,389 and appeared to increase along the temperature.
We investigated unknown in vivo functions of Torsin by using Drosophila as a model. Downregulation of Drosophila Torsin (DTor) by DTor specific inhibitory double-stranded RNA (RNAi) induced abnormal locomotor behavior and increased susceptibility to H2O2. In addition, altered expression of DTor significantly increased the numbers of synaptic boutons. One of important biochemical consequence of DTor-RNAi expression in fly brains was up-regulation of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). Altered expression of ADH has also been reported in Drosophila Fragile-X mental retardation protein (DFMRP) mutant flies. Interestingly, expression of DFMRP was altered in DTor mutant flies, and DTor and DFMRP were present in the same protein complexes. In addition, DTor and DFMRP immunoreactivities were partially colocalized in several cellular organelles in larval muscles. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between synaptic morphologies of dfmrp null mutants and dfmrp mutants expressing DTor-RNAi. Taken together, our evidences suggested that DTor and DFMRP might be present in the same signaling pathway regulating synaptic plasticity. (This work was supported bythe basic science research program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (No. 2015R1D1A3A01018497)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disease characterized by extensive loss of synaptic connections, neuronal death, and the presence of extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (iNFTs). The extracellular amlyoid plaques are mainly composed of the amyloid beta (Aβ) peptide which formed by proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Aβ42peptide oligomerizes, is neurotoxic and readily forms aggregates that accumulate in the brain to form plaques. These oligomers are thought to cause inflammation, oxidative stress and apoptosis, thereby resulting in synaptic and neuronal loss. Although AD is neurodegenerative disorder, current therapies designed to treat it still demonstrate limited efficacy. Silkworm (Bombyx mori) has long been used as food and medicine in Asian countries which is reputed for the treatment of numerous neurological disorders including AD. In this study, we use Drosophila melanogaster which is expressed the human AD-associated protein APP695, BACE and MAPT as the model and initially investigate whether silkworm powder food has positive effect on flies expressing Alzheimer’s status as well as makes the improvement in disease condition by using this AD fly model (This work was carried out with the support of the Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science & Technology Development (Project title: Elucidation the health improvement effects of boiled silk worm larvae, Project No: PJ01082801) Rural Development Administration)
Repetitive applications of drugs to tumor tissues and animals induced resistance and/or tolerances which caused severe problem in agriculture and medicine. However, we still do not clearly understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying development of resistance and tolerance to chemicals. Drosophila is one of the most widely used model for studying fundamental phenomena in sciences using its available genetic and genomic resources. To investigate unknown molecular and cellular basis of drug resistance development, we applied Drosophila with two different concentrations of a chemical after treating them with Ethyl methanesulfonate mutatgenesis. We found that flies treating with two different concentration of chemicals showed different susceptibility to a chemical. We have established two different lines showing different susceptibility to a chemical. We will use these lines to compare any differences in mRNA expression profiling and enzyme activities. (This work was supported by project title: Investigation on cross drug resistance mechanisms using Drosophila as a model (PJ010821032016) from Rural Development Administration).
The lesser paper wasp, Parapolybia varia, belongs to large subfamily Polistinae and is distributed in Middle East, the Indo-Papuan region and East Asia. P. varia is known to become aggressive when disturbed for defending their colonies, resulting in fatal envenomation. Vespid chemotactic peptide (VCP) and vespakinin have recently been determined to be the top two genes most abundantly transcribed in venom glands of P. varia. To investigate the pharmacological and toxicological properties of VCP and vespakinin, their antitumor, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic activities were evaluated. VCP exhibited a significantly high antitumor activity against ovarian tumor cell SK-OV-3 at 100 M. VCP also showed higher hemolytic activity than vespakinin. Antimicrobial activity was only observed with VCP against yeast Candida albicans at 1 mM. Since VCP showed a relatively low hemolytic activity but a considerable level of antitumor activity, it has further merits to be exploited as a potential antitumor agent with reduced side effects on normal cells.
The Red-spotted Apollo Butterfly (Parnassius bremeri ) is member of Snow Apollo Butterfly in Genus Parnassius which has been designated as the most endangered insect around the world and recorded in IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals and Appendix II in CITES. The lack of distributional information of Parnassius bremeri is one of the main problems when trying to assess the threats to and planning conservation strategies for this endangered species. The pheromone method made it easier to detect local populations of the species, not to disturb the habitat and can be used by providing a useful tool for conservation research. Sampling by breeding captivity in Holoce Ecosystem Conservation Research Institution (HECRI) was used. Each of 3 individuals male, mated and unmated female, end of the abdomen tissue and abdominal tissue containing the sphragis were cut. The pheromone was extracted as method presented by Hernández-Roldán et al. (2014). Among pheromone fatty alcohol to the (Z, Z, Z) -9,12,15-octadecatrien-1-ol and Eicosane classified as hydrocarbon of unmated female was detected higher rate than mated female. Two pheromone can be helpful to attract males in potential population.
Egg SCP ( –47.2 ±1.0℃) of Red-spotted Apollo butterfly, Parnassius bremeri, was lower than larva(–35.0 ±0.9℃). The difference (12℃) between egg and larva was revealed by chorion through scanning electron microscope (COXEM EM-30, Korea). But considering of about 6 months’ pharate 1st instar in egg from June to November, function of egg seems not to be overwintering mechanism but rather estivation. In order to identify estivation function of chorion heat stress was carried out. Experiment was conducted on the 4 conditions such as high temperatures of 25, 35, 45 and 55 °C for 2 hour, then allowed them to recover at 25 °C for 1 hour. Total 65 samples 0f 31 eggs and 34 pharate 1st instar out of an egg were used and replicated 3 times. All pharate 1st instar in egg and pharate 1st instar out of egg survived at 25℃ and 35℃. In case of 45℃ survival rate of pharate 1st instar in an egg (91.6±3.5%) was significantly higher than those (37.8±9.4%) of pharate 1st instar out of an egg. All was dead at 55℃.
해충 예찰조사를 위해서 끈끈이 트랩을 활용하고 있으며, 끈끈이트랩은 가격도 저렴하면서 해충을 포획하여 밀도를 낮춰줄 수 있어 농작물 재배지에서 활용범위가 넓다. 검역본부에서도 외래해충의 예찰을 위하여 끈끈이트랩을 조사대상 포장에 설치하여 조사하고 있으나, 끈끈이 트랩에 부착된 해충은 강력한 접착제 성분 때문에 정확한 종동정하기 쉽지 않으며, 끈끈이 제거에 아세톤 등의 유해용매를 사용하여 해충을 분리하여야 한다. 그럼에도 끈끈한 접착성분이 완전이 제거되지 않으며, 표본의 손상이 심해 종동정에 이용하기 어렵다. 이번에 사용된 용액은 청소용으로 이용되는 용매를 끈끈이 트랩에서 해충을 떼어내어 해충 표본을 활용하기 위한 실험을 실시하였다. 용매에 해충이 부착된 끈끈이트랩을 넣고 상온(약25℃)에서 3-4시간이 지나면, 끈끈이가 완전히 제거되며 떨어진 곤충은 알콜에 넣어 다시 액침으로 만들거나 좀더 탈수 시켜 건조표본으로 활용할 수 있다. 용매에 담궈진 곤충은 완전 탈수되어 취급시 주의가 필요하며, 용매를 제거하고 나면 깨끗한 건조표본을 얻을 수 있다.
병해충방제용 친환경유기농자재로 목록공시된 10종 품목을 대상으로 조명나방 유충에 대한 살충력을 실내에서 검정하였 다. 목록공시된 각 유기농자재를 추천농도로 희석하여 옥수수 잎에 방사한 조명나방 2령 유충에 수동 분무기를 이용하여 분사하였다. 24시간 후, 살충력을 조사한 결과 고삼추출물, 백부근추출물, 멀구슬추출물, 개박하추출물 등이 혼합된 제제가 100% 살충력을 나타냈고, 고삼추출물 60%를 함유한 제제에서도 100% 살충력을 보였다. 그 외 님추출물, 피마자추출물, 유채추출물을 혼합 함유한 혼합제와 고삼, 양명아주, 멀구슬나무를 혼합 함유한 혼합제에서 약 50%의 살충력을 나타냈고, 미생물배양액을 유효성분으로 함유한 제제와 씨트로넬라오일과 데리스추출물을 혼합 함유한 혼합제, 고삼추출물 만을 함유한 제제에서는 30% 미만의 낮은 살충력을 나타냈다. 나머지 3종의 유기농자재에서는 10% 미만의 낮은 살충력으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 효과가 우수한 제제에 대해서는 풋옥수수, 조, 수수 등 유기농 야외 포장에서 포장관리용 자재로서 활용성에 대한 검토가 이뤄질 것이다.