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        검색결과 2,104

        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) develops through multistep process, that is, from normal mucosa to hyperplastic area and progressed to dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, and finally to invasive carcinoma. The purpose of this study is to investigate the histological types of the transitional area from normal oral mucosa to invasive carcinoma for the baseline data to search intermediate end point markers for early detection of OSCC. For this purpose, we reviewed the 85 patients who were diagnosed as OSCC in the Department of Oral Pathology, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, from 2002 to 2008. We classified these histopathologic findings by light-microscopy, according to the histologic pattern of transitional areas. As results, stepwise transformation from normal oral mucosa, to dysplasia and to OSCC was shown in 47 patients. Intermittent lesions were seen in 16 patients, in which normal oral mucosa, dysplasia, and OSCC were alternately arranged. Twenty two patients showed abruptly transformed to OSCC from normal oral mucosa. These preliminary data will be used for searching biomarkers for early detection of OSCC.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cruciferous vegetables including diindolylmethane (DIM) have been shown to have anticancer activity. Especially, DIM-pPhBr and DIM-pPhF used in this study was reported to have more effective and less toxic effects than DIM. However, there is no report presenting their anti-tumorigenic activity in oral cancer. In the present study, we examined the effects of DIM-pPhBr and DIM-pPhF on the cell proliferation and apoptosis in KB human oral cancer cells. DIM-pPhBr and DIM-pPhF decreased cell proliferation and induced apoptosis evidenced by western blot analysis, DAPI staining and sub-G1 population. This provides the first evidence that DIM-pPhBr and DIM-pPhF originating from cruciferous vegetables induce apoptotic cell death in human oral cancer cells to inhibit cancer cell proliferation.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recurrence-metastasis status of squamous cell carcinoma of tongue is a challenging oncologic problem. This study examined the expression of E-cadherin/β-catenin cell adhesion complex in squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue through an immunohistochemical study. Twenty samples from 15 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, who were treated at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, consisted of primary or recurrent tumors along with matched metastatic lymph nodes were retrieved for immunohistochemical staining and grouped based on recurrence-metastasis status.Differences in stain localization were noted in E-cadherin, β–catenin and phospho β–catenin staining between different tumor groups based on the recurrence-metastasis status. The number of phospho β-catenin stain positive cells was found to have a significant role in survival. E-cadherin confirms its role as a powerful individual differentiation indicator and the role of β-catenin specially the phospho type elicts interest
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Urokinase-type plasminogen activator(uPA) bound to urokinase plasminogen activator receptor(uPAR) expression is strongly correlated with the metastatic potential of various tumors by enhancing ECM degradation through plasminogen and matrix metallopreotease activation. But expression of uPA/uPAR in human malignant salivary gland tumors has been rarely reported. The purpose of this study were to investigate mRNA expression and cytologic concentration of uPAR in SGT cell line compared to various cancer cell lines by RT-PCR and ELISA method, and to study migration and adhesion assay. These results would be to apply the pathogenesis and prognosis of malignant salivary gland tumors. All the cell lines(SGT, HN 4, SCC 25, and HeLA) were cultured under DMEM with 10% FBS at 37℃ in a 5% CO2 incubator. We studied a possible association between mRNA expression and cytosolic concentrations of uPAR in SGT cell line compared to various cancer cell lines using RT-PCR and an enzyme-linked immunoassay( ELISA) method. And also cell adhesion and migration assay were done in all the cell lines. In migration assay SGT cell line was about 2.5-4 folds higher than another cell lines. In adhesion assay SGT cell line was about 1.1-2 folds higher than another cell lines. uPAR cytosolic concentrations of SGT cell line was about 3.4-10 folds by ELISA, while mRNA expression was about 2.5-5 folds by RT-PCR. Oral Scc cell lines showed the lowest value. uPAR protein and mRNA expression were correlated with migration and adhesion assay. From the aboving results, high cytosolic concentrations and mRNA expression of uPAR were correlated with migration and adhesion assay. It suggested that this might be a specific marker for malignant potential of SGT cell line and would be contributed to pathogenesis and prognosis of human salivary gland adenocarcinoma
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Human umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cell(uMSC) has been known as one of major component to regenerate connective tissues such as bone, cartilage, fat and others. The effect of low(5%), normotensive(20%) oxygen and freezing-thawing damage on proliferation of uMSC were investigated. low oxygen concentration culture of uMSC resulted in enhanced proliferation significantly(p<0.05) than 20% of oxygen culture. After the freezing-thawing injury to uMSC, 5% oxygen culture showed marked proliferation of uMSC than that of 20% oxygen(p<0.05) in the 5th passage of uMSC. Expression of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide anion 1 and glutathione peroxidase 1 appeared marked in 20% oxygen cultured uMSC, which suggest oxidative stress could induce less proliferation of uMSC. Above findings would suggest prolferation of uMSC in 5% of oxygen will give more yields.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Previous studies suggest that polyunsaturated fatty acids with long carbon chains such as eicosapentaenoic acid(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid(DHA) have several health benefits. However metabolic consequences of these fatty acids themselves and their regulation of transcriptional activity involving glucose utilization are not well established. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate how EPA influx affects cellular lipid accumulation and gene expressions involving de novo lipogenesis in hepatocyte cultures. Compared to oleic acid treatment, EPA treatment showed remarkably decreased cellular TG conversion and accumulation, along with phospholipids at a lower extent. As expected, EPA increased mRNA expression involving fatty acid influx and lipid droplet formation, but did not affect mRNA expression involving glucose utilization. EPA increased transcriptional activity of PPAR-α and glucose responsive transcription factor when transcription factor binding protein was activated. Taken together, these data suggest that EPA decreases lipid accumulation through increases of the β-oxidation pathway without interruption of glucose utilization.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 효모에서 과 발현하는 Bax inhibior와 관련된 유전자를 동정하여 특성화 하였다. Yeast functional screening이라는 방법을 이용하여, 일반적은 환경에서 재배된 벼의 cDNA를 QX95001에 형질전 환하여 SD-galactose-Leu--Ura-배지에서 생성된 8개의 클론을 선발하였다. 그 중 AtBI-1과 같은 domain이 있는 D2-234를 포함하여 5개의 클론을 선발하였다. D2-243는 741bp의 염기서열과 247개의 아미노산으로 구성되었고 5 membrane-spanning 단편으로 되어 있음을 확인하였다. D2-234는 SD-galactose--배지에서 세포성장이 왕성하였다. 본 실험에서 얻어진 결과는 벼 식물에서 나타나는 세포예정사와 관련된 단백질을 선발하는데 유용하게 이용될 것으로 생각된다.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A rare case of primary intraosseous squamous cell carcinoma(PISCC) arising from lining epithelium of a dentigerous cyst is described. The case occurred at the left mandibular 3rd molar region in a 56-year-old Japanese woman. Clinical observation revealed cyst formation with an impacted 3rd molar, a common finding in dentigerous cyst, in the left mandible. Histopathologically, the lining epithelium of the cyst demonstrated transition from epithelial dysplasia to invasive squamous cell carcinoma(SCC). This case was diagnosed as PISCC arising from lining epithelium of a dentigerous cyst.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For investigate intracellular function and role of genes in the biological processes, various gene delivery methods into cell have been developed. Many studies performed to construct optimum conditions of gene delivery into cells and tissues. In this study, we examined efficiency of gene delivery-complexed with cationic lipid vector in human cancer cell lines. GFP plasmids were complexed with cationic lipid and transfected into human cancer cell lines at different concentrations. And then, expression of GFP was analysed with fluorescent microscope and FACS. To determine efficiency of gene delivery, we investigated GFP expression level in various cancer cell lines. GFP expression cells were not shown in hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2 and lung carcimona cell line A549 after 24hr transfection, while, GFP expression cells were observed at 500ng concentration after 48hr transfection. In colorectal carcinoma cell line HCT116, GFP expression cells were observed at 100ng and 500ng concentrations after 24hr transfection and slightly increased at 48hr. After transfection into ovary adenocarcinoma cell line SKOV3, we could found that many cells expressed GFP at 500ng concentration after 24hr and highly elevated GFP expression cells after 48hr. For further evaluate gene expression level, we confirmed GFP expression level by using FACS analysis after 48hr transfection. As a result, HepG2 was expressed GFP in very low level at 10ng, 100ng, and 500ng concentrations. We also identified that GFP was expressed low level at 10ng and 100ng in HCT116 and A549, but highly increased at 500ng concentration to 14.19% and 16.57%, respectively. In case of SKOV3, GFP expression was highly elevated to 13.14% at 100ng and 58.10% at 500ng compared with 10ng transfection. By Comparing efficiency of gene expression among cancer cell lines, GFP expression was similar with cell lines at 10ng transfection, but significantly differed from cell lines at 500ng higher concentration. Additionally, GFP expression level of SKOV3 was showed about 10 fold higher than HepG2, and about 4 fold higher than HCT116 and A549 at 500ng. These results demonstrated that efficiency of gene delivery-complexed with cationic lipid vector was the highest in SKOV3, while HepG2 was showed the lowest efficiency. Taken together, we could determined that efficiency of gene delivery into cells differed from each human cancer cell lines. Our study suggest that cellular properties should be considered in gene delivery-complexed with cationic lipid vector to improve cellular expression efficiency of gene.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Plasminogen activator(PA) system such as urokinase plasminogen activator(uPA), urokinase PA Receptor(uPAR), tissue, tissue PA, and PA inhibitor-1&2(PAI-1&2) play a role in tumor invasion, metastasis, and proliferation. It is interested that these factors in patients with primary oral squamous cell carcinoma(Oral SCC) will be evaluated and correlated with clinicopathologic variables. Recently, these expression of primary oral SCC has been restricted to clinical or immunohistochemical study such in vivo study. The purpose of this study were to investigate the mRNA expression and cytologic concentration of uPA, uPAr, tPA, and PAI-1,2 in oral SCC cell lines compared to NHOK and to apply these results to evaluate early detection biomarkers of oral SCC in future. All the cell lines(NHOK, HN 4 and SCC 25) were cultured under KBM bullet kit at 37℃ in a 5% CO2 incubator. We studied a possible association between mRNA expression and cytosolic concentrations of uPA, uPAR, tPA, and PAI-1,2 in oral SCC cell lines compared to NHOK using RT-PCR and an enzyme-linked immunoassay(ELISA) method. uPA mRNA expression was about 5-6 folds, while uPAR was a bout 3 f olds, and PAI-1 was about 1 .5-1.6 f olds. PAI-2 was a bout1.2 -1.3 f olds t han that o f NHOK, w hile t PA w as l ower t han that of NHOK. uPA cytosolic concentrations was about 15-19 folds, while uPAR was about 8 folds, and PAI-1 was about 3-4.5 folds. PAI-2 was about 2 folds than that of NHOK, while tPA was lower than that of NHOK. Both uPA, uPAR, and PAI-1,2 cytologic concentrations were correlated with mRNA expression of oral SCC cell lines. From the aboving results, high cytosolic concentrations of uPA, uPAR, and PAI-1 & 2 were correlated with mRNA expression. It suggested that these might be specific markers for oral SCC cell lines and these results would be contributed to evaluate early detection biomarkers for human oral squamous cell carcinoma.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        β-phenylethyl isothiocyanate(PEITC) is a component derived from cruciferous vegetables and has been demonstrated to fight many types of cancers through various molecular pathways. In the present study, we focused on its effect on the induction of apoptotic cell death to inhibit cell growth and its molecular mechanism in HSC-4 human oral cancer cells. A colorimetric MTS assay was used to examine cell viability. The apoptotic effect and was investigated using DAPI staining and the molecular target and mechanism of PEITC-mediated apoptosis were determined by Western blotting. The result showed that PEITC inhibited oral cancer cell growth and induced apoptosis via extrinsic signaling pathway evidenced by the activation of caspase 8, truncation of bid protein and induction of death receptor(DR) 5. DR5 protein level was increased through the activation of p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase(JNK). These results from this study strongly suggest that DR5 is a potential molecular target for PEITC-induced apoptosis in oral cancer via p38 and JNK.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sialic acid는 9탄당의 단당류로 당단백질이나 당지질의 당사슬 말단에 존재한다. Sialyltransferase의 활성에 따른 sialic acid의 함량의 변화는 세포의 생존, 분화, 증식등 다양한 방면으로 영향을 미치며 대표적인 당단백질 의약품인 EPO의 경우 말단 sialic acid의 함량은 체내활성이나 반감기와 밀접한 관련이 있다. 따라서 sialytransferase는 다 양한 방면의 연구에서 중요한 효소 중 하나이다. 하지만 돼지에서는 당사슬 관련 연구가 미흡하며 관련 효소들도 아직까지 그 염기서열이나 세포내 기능이 명확하게 알려지지 않 았다. 따라서 이번 연구에서는 기존에 클로닝 된 ST6Gal1을 돼지유래 세포주 PK-15세포 를 이용하여 세포내 기능을 분석하였고, ST6Gal1 단백질의 발현량을 각 조직별로 비교분 석하였다. N-terminal 구역에 Flag-tagging된 pig ST6Gal1을 pcDNA3.1(+) vector에 cloning하여 PK-15 cell에 trasfection하였다. Rea-time PCR과 Western blot을 이용해 효소의 발현을 확인한 후, α2-6 sialic acid를 특이적으로 인지하는 Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA)을 사용하여 immunofluoresescence microscopy analysis를 수행하였다. 그 결과, ST6Gal1-transfected cell에서 α2-6 sialic acid의 증가를 간접적으로 확인할 수 있었다. 또 한, adhesion assay를 통해 ECM 기질의 일종인 fibronectin에 대한 부착력이 증가함을 알 수 있었다. 이는 PK-15 cell의 β-integrin에 존재하는 당사슬의 α2-6 sialic acid 함량의 증가와 연관이 있는 것으로 생각되어 진다. 조직별 발현량 분석을 통해서는 간에서 특이 적으로 높은 발현을 보였으며 이는 human, mouse 등의 다른 종들에서의 결과와도 일치 한다. 또한, 자돈(5일)보다는 성돈(24개월령)에서 ST6Gal1의 발현량이 전체적으로 높게 관찰되었다.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목표는 일반적으로 사람들이 일상에서의 추위 노출 시간을 고려하여 단기간 추위노출과 지속적인 장기간의 추위 노출이 인지기능과 뇌의 신경세포생성과 신경전달물질에 미치는 영향을 규명하고자 하였다. 실험 방법으로 인지행동검사(Behavior test)와 면역조직화학법(Immunohistochemistry Method)을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 7주령(평균체중 250±10g) Sprague-Dawley 계열의 수컷 흰쥐(n=40)를 사용하여, 무선배치 방식으로 상온 대조군(n=10), 저온 3일군(n=10), 저온 5주군(n=10)으로 분류 하였다. 22℃(상대습도 40%)의 온도는 상온으로 설정 하였고, 4℃(상대습도 40%)는 추위 스트레스 환경으로 설정 하였다. 수동회피실험의 결과에 의하면, 추위 스트레스는 기억력의 감소를 가져왔다. 그러나 추위 스트레스에 의한 기억력 감소의 보상작용으로 신경전달 물질인 5-HT와 TPH의 증가가 나타나는 것을 면역조직화학법을 통해 해부시경학적으로 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 보상작용에 의한 새로운 신경세포생성 증가가 기억력을 정상상태로 회복시키지는 못하였다.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is ATPase-directed molecular chaperon and affects survival of several cells. In our previous study, inhibitory effect of Hsp90 by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in the pig embryonic and primary cells was reported. However, its role during early bovine embryonic development is not sufficient. In this study, we traced the effects of Hsp90 inhibitor, 17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin (17-AAG), on early bovine embryonic development. We also investigated several indicators of developmental potential, including structural integrity, gene expression (apoptosis-related genes), and apoptosis, which are affected by 17-AAG. Bovine embryos were cultured in the CR1-aa medium with or without 17-AAG for 7 days. In result, significant differences in developmental potential were detected between the embryos that were cultured with or without 17-AAG (33.1±9.6 vs 21.7± 8.3%). The structural integrity of the blastocysts was examined by differential staining. Blastocysts from the dbcAMP- treated group had higher numbers of ICM, TE, and total cells than those from the untreated group. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) showed that the number of containing fragmented DNA at the blastocyst stage increased in the 17-AAG treated group compared with control (11.2 vs 3.9, respectively). Blastocysts that developed in the 17-AAG treated group had low structural integrity and high apoptotic nuclei than those of the untreated control, resulting in decrease the embryonic qualities of preimplantation bovine blastocysts. The m-RNA expression of the pro-apoptotic gene (Bax) increased in 17-AAG treated group, whereas expression of the antiapoptotic gene (Bcl-XL) decreased. In conclusion, Hsp90 also appears to play a direct role in bovine early embryo developmental competence including structural integrity of blastocysts. Also, these results indicate that Hsp90 is closely associated with apoptosis-related genes expression in developing bovine embryos.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수은이 DNA 수복에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 E. fetida를 염화수은(II)과 이온화 방사선에 순차적으로 노출시킨 후, 단세포 겔 전기영동 기법을 이용하여 DNA의 손상 수준과 방사선 조사 후 시간 경과에 따른 수복 양상을 관찰하였다. 염화수은(II)의 농도를 40 mg kg-1으로 하여 48시간 동안 in vivo 노출 시험을 수행한 뒤 20Gy의 감마선을 조사한 결과, 시간이 지날수록 대체로 DNA 손상의 수준이 감소했다. 이온화
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of donor cell treatments on the production of transgenic cloned piglets. Ear fibroblast cell obtained from NIH MHC Inbred minipig was used as control. The GalT knock-out/CD46 knock-in (GalT/CD46) transgenic cell lines were established and used as donor cells. The reconstructed GalT/CD46 embryos were surgically transferred into oviduct of naturally cycling surrogate sows (Landrace × Yorkshire) on the second day of standing estrus. Unlike control (1.2 kV/cm,, 75.4%), the fusion rate of the GalT/CD46 donor cells was significantly higher in 1.5 kV/cm, (84.5%) than that of 1.25 kV/cm, (20.2%) (p<0.01). When the number of the transferred embryos were more than 129, the pregnancy and delivery rates were increased to 13/20 (65%) and 5/20 (25%) compared to less than 100 group [1/6 (16.7%) and 0/6 (0%)], respectively. To analyze the effect of donor cell culture condition on pregnancy and delivery rates, the GalT/CD46 donor cells were cultured with DMEM or serum reduced medium. In serum reduced medium group, the pregnancy and delivery rates were improved to 8/12 (66.7%) and 5/12 (41.7%) compared to DMEM group [3/7 (42.9%) and 0/7 (0%)], respectively. In conclusion, it can be postulated that an appropriate fusion condition and culture system is essential factors to increase the efficiency of the production of transgenic cloned piglets.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was investigated the antibacterial effect of several sodium salts and the sodium salt mixture composed with sodium chlorate, sodium azide and sodium cyanide on Salmonella gallinarum (S. gallinarum) infection in murine derived macrophage RAW 264.7 cells. In the infection assay of S. gallinarum in macrophage cells pretreated with 15 mM sodium chlorate, 0.3 mM sodium cyanide, 0.3 mM sodium azide and the sodium salt mixture (15 mM sodium chlorate, 0.3 mM sodium cyanide, 0.3 mM sodium azide), respectively, the numbers of S. gallinarum in all treated-groups tended to decrease in the process of time after treatment, but the group treated with sodium cyanide was no significant difference compared with control. After 24 hours of treatment, the number of S. gallinarum in sodium azide (p<0.05), sodium chlorate (p<0.001) and the sodium salt mixture (p<0.001) treated-group was significantly decreased compared with control, and that in the sodium salt mixture treated-group was decreased the higher than all groups. The results of this study demonstrated that the sodium salt mixture composed with sodium chlorate, sodium azide and sodium cyanide, has the antimicrobial activity for S. gallinarum and may be beneficial on the control of intracellular pathogens.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Runt-related transcription factor (RUNX) 3 is well known as a developmental regulators, as well as candidate tumor suppressor gene in human breast cancer, gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, and so on. The present study was aimed to analyze the expression of RUNX3 protein in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) from Korean patients. The immunohistochemical stain was performed with 14 normal oral mucosa (NOM) and 25 OSCCs, and statistical analysis was carried out to find out the correlation between the expression of RUNX and clinicopathological parameters of OSCC patients. In OSCC, the expression of RUNX3 protein was found to increase more than in NOM. Moreover, in the univariate correlation analysis, the gender, regional lymph node metastasis, and histopathologic differentiation of OSCC patients were positively correlated with the expression of RUNX3 (p<0.05). These results indicate that RUNX3 can play a role as an oncogene in OSCC, in contrast to some reports on RUNX3 in other human cancers. In addition, RUNX3 may be considered as new malignant biomarker of OSCC.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Glutamate-induced oxidative injury contributes to neuronal degeneration in many central nervous system (CNS) diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and ischemia. Inducible heme oxygenase (HO)-1 acts against oxidants that are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of these diseases. The EtOH extracts of Viola mandshurica (NNMBS274), Viola patrinii (NNMBS275) and Viola papilionacea Pursh (NNMBS276), origin plants of Violae Herba, showed the potent neuroprotective effects on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. Among them, NNMBS275, the extract of V. patrinii possessed the protective effects against glutamate toxicity by inducing the expression of heme oxygenase (HO)-1 in the mouse hippocampal HT22 cells. These results suggest that extracts of V. patrinii could be the effective candidates for the treatment of ROS-related neurological diseases. Furthermore, it is suggested that the protective effects of V. patrinii extract due to inducing the expression of HO-1 as an antioxidant/cytoprotective target
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Plasminogen activators(PA) such as urokinase(uPA) and tissue type plasminogen activators(tPA), physiologically catalyze the conversion of the plasminogen to the wide spectrum proteinase plasmin. Because uPA and tPA are involved in cell growth, differentiation and migration of oral cancer, oral epithelial carcinogenesis including transformation of precancerous lesion into oral squamous cell carcinoma with PA is very interesting. It is important to prevent precancerous condition from transfoming into oral squamous cell carcinoma by the inhibitory effect of various drug. It is well known that cyclosporine A(CsA) as immunosuppressive properties exerts anti-cancer effects. Recently it is widely accepted that cultured immortalized oral keratinocyte (IHOK) is considered as an intermediate stage of oral carcinogenesis and used as precancerous condition in vitro. Thus it was thought that it might be interesting to investigate CsA effect on PA expression of IHOK. IHOK was cultured under KBM bullet kit at 37℃ under 95% CO2 incubator. Subconfluent IHOK cells was treated at different CsA concentration. uPA and tPA protein expression from cultured IHOK cell line has been detected by ELISA analysis in the CsA-treated samples. uPA expression of IHOK was higher than that of NHOK, while tPA was similar to that of NHOK. After CsA treatment, CsA might not effect the expression of uPA of IHOK, while showed a little effect on tPA of IHOK. It suggested that CsA had no effect in uPA expression of IHOK although uPA could be used as a marker for precancerous lesion.