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        검색결과 3,028

        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 뇌줄기 확산강조영상검사 시 뒤틀림을 줄이기 위한 SS-TSE 기법의 신호대잡음비 감소를 수치 적으로 정량화하여, 낮은 신호대잡음비로 인한 SS-TSE 기법의 문제점을 지적하고자 하였다. 연구방법은 20 15년 7월부터 10월까지 뇌줄기 확산강조영상검사를 검사한 35명을 대상으로 하였으며, 기존의 SS-EPI 기법 과 SS-TSE 기법을 적용하여 기법별 숨뇌의 신호대잡음비을 비교하였다. 연구결과 b=0 영상의 신호대잡음 비는 새로운 SS-TSE 기법(314.41±42.96) 적용 시 SS-EPI 기법(514.84±48.97) 보다 38.9% 감소하였으며, b=1,0 00 영상의 경우도 SS-TSE 기법(117.33±14.04) 적용 시 SS-EPI 기법(208.65±25.70) 보다 43.8% 감소하였다. 결론적으로, 미세 병변을 진단하기 위한 뇌줄기의 확산강조 자기공명영상 검사 시 뒤틀림을 줄이기 위해 SS-TSE 기법을 적용할 경우 신호대잡음비가 저하됨으로 기존의 SS-EPI 기법이나 MS-EPI 기법을 병행하여 검사하는 것이 진단의 정확성을 높일 수 있으리라 사료된다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        김선신의 『두류전지』 현전하는 유일의 지리산 지리서이다. 지리산권 문화 를 연구하기 위한 일환으로 『두류전지』를 중심에 둔 지리·불교·문학 등 다양한 분과별 연구가 기획되었는데, 이 글은 그 중 문학 분과의 연구 성과로, 『두류전지』 제11편 「貼山詩話」 속 한시를 중심으로 고찰하였다. 「첩산시화」에는 모두 100여 개 항목의 한시가 수록되어 있으며, 그중 온전한 체재를 갖춘 작품은 대략 80수이다. 이들 작품은 김선신이 집필에 활용한 『동국여지승람』 과 지리산권역 10개 지역의 읍지에서 선별한 것이다. 모두 50여 명 작가의 작품이고, 시기적으로는 삼국시대부터 조선중기까지이다. ‘첩산’이라는 말은 ‘지리산에 기대어 있는, 지리산의 주변이나 가장자리’를 뜻 한다. 이는 「첩산시화」에 수록된 작품이 ‘지리산’ 그 자체가 아니라 그 주변 사 람의 이야기를 담은 한시라는 의미이다. 「첩산시화」 속 한시 가운데 9할 이상이 지리산의 주변을 노래하고 있다. 「첩산시화」에 드러나는 김선신의 이러한 선별 의식은 여느 山誌의 체재와 비교해 보아도 매우 독특하다. 예컨대 『주왕산지』 나 』청량산지』에는 ‘題詠 또는 記錄’ 등의 제목 아래에 해당 산을 유람한 유람록과 유람시가 수록되어 있다. 그런데 『두류전지』에는 지리산유람록을 한 편도 실지 않았고, 유람시 또한 극히 일부에 불과하다. 이처럼 김선신이 ‘지리산’이 아니라 ‘지리산 권역’을 읊은 것은 그 속에서 지 리산과 함께 살아가는 인간의 삶과 문화를 드러내고, 그들과 함께 지리산이 지 닌 온전한 덕을 후세에 전하고 싶었던 의도라 판단된다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Water management information system used by KRC(Korea Rural Community Corporation) operates widely including RIMS, RAWRIS and etc. Other systems are operated by each government department, for example, K-water(Korea Water Resources Corporation)’s WAMIS. Even though small scale reservoirs managed by city/country is just about 12% of total water resource, the reservoirs are important for controlling and securing water resource as the reservoirs, including about 14,700 reservoirs nationwide, are located at main subwater shed. So, it is necessary for KRC to execute integrated informatization. In this research, system analysis was performed to comprise the integrated water management information system including the reservoirs controlled by city and country at first. And then, improvement plan for informatization of the reservoirs controlled by city and country was proposed. This study proposed the improvement plan for informatization of the reservoirs managed by the city and country, which was systematically proposed through systemic analysis including from reservoir site to the integrated water management information system. The objects includes 1. Reservoir (basin, facilities, water depth-area curve, benefiter area), 2. Field supervision organization for the reservoir 3. Local government administrative organization, 4. Center organization 5. Network for information transfer, 6. integrated water management information system. As the reservoirs controlled by city and country are important considering managing water and facilities, operated by local government with minimum budget due to budget problem, securing sufficient budget is necessary to form an specialized organization controlling facilities and the water management system in terms of drought and flood control.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to the enlargement and high-rise of reinforced concrete structure, the application of high functional material is required. However, high-strength bar is recently introduced to the country and the material is insufficient to measure the variation of quantity of rebar quantitatively when using high-strength bar. For these reasons, this study is to provide useful data in cost decision making when applying high-strength bar at a stage of architectural project planning. For residence-commerce complex buildings, we set up six types of conditions such as in case of using only rebar, in case of using only high-strength bar, in case of using rebar mixed with high-strength bar and so on. With the standard of study model 1 that applies only SD400 regardless of rebar diameter, the analyzed result of rebar variation and the cost change of construction in other study model is as follows. When the rebar amount and cost in study model I was 100%, each ratio was 88.3% and 90.5% in study model II, 80.2% and 83.4% in study model III, 91.9% and 93.5% in study model IV, 88.9% and 87.7% in study model V and 82.4% and 85.5% in study model VI. Therefore, in case of rebar amount and construction cost, study model III was evaluated as the best that was applied only SD600.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of plant number per hill (PNH) on growth and yield of foxtail millet in drained paddy fields. Crop growth, development, and yield in the field were examined for 2 years to assess the efficiency of proposed cropping system. The greatest culm length of 138 and 148 cm in the first and the second year, respectively, at the harvest stage was observed in plots with one plant per hill. The greatest culm diameter of 7.79 and 7.67 mm in the first and second year, respectively, was measured in plots with one plant per hill. The greatest tiller number of foxtail millet in plots with one plant per hill was 2.9 and 2.7 in the first and the second year, respectively. However, there was no significant difference between plots with four and five plant per hill. Among the measured yield components, the spike length and seed number per spike were one plant per hill in both years. The highest grain yield of foxtail millet (324 kg ․ 10a -1 and 333 kg ․ 10a -1 in the first and second year, respectively) was obtained from plots with two plants por hill, followed by plots one, three, four, and five plants per hill.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Most of countries are trying to increase the supply of renewable energy as the substitute of the fossil energy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, renewable energy sources account for only about 3.86% of the total Korea primary energy supply. To increase the rate of renewable energy in Korea’s energy consumption, various policies for expanding the use of renewable energy should be applied. Also these policies should be consider renewable energy resources distribution and regional inequality. In this study, the potentials of photovoltaic, wind power and bioenergy from rice straw, livestock waste and food waste are calculated and the distribution characteristic and regional inequalities are analyzed using Gini’s coefficient and Gini decomposition method. As the results, technical potentials of photovoltaic and wind power of city region(Gu) has more potential rate than theoretical potentials. Livestock waste has the most unequal distribution (Gini’s coefficient: 0.617) among renewable resources.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ninety ducks (one-day-old Pekins, 45 males and 45 females) were used to evaluate the effects of supplementing diets with Houttuynia cordata powder on the fatty acid profiles of duck breast meat. The ducks were allotted to one of the three treatment diets using a completely randomized design, each treatment-group containing three replicate pens with ten birds each (five of each gender). The experimental diets were: 1) Control (basal diet), 2) T1 (Control+ 1% Houttuynia cordata) and 3) T2 (Control+2% Houttuynia cordata). In spite of significant difference, the addition of Houttuynia cordata resulted in higher unsaturated fatty acid and lower saturated fatty acid contents than in the Control group. However, no remarkable difference was observed between 1% and 2 % Houttuynia cordata groups for fatty acid profiles.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Every year, Damping-off is repeated in the germination time of ginseng on April to May. This study was carried out to find out the cause of damping-off and the optimum eco-friendly product for suppression of damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani on Panax ginseng. Methods and Results : Bikona (Bioagent), Lime-Sulfur Mixture, Lime-Bordeux Mixture, NaOcl, and Fludioxonil were tested in farmer's field located in Youngju and Bonghwa, Gyeongbuk. Experimental plots (20m×0.9m) of 4-year-old ginseng fields were artificially infested with 2kg and 3kg in fresh weight of inoculum in Youngju and Bonghwa, respectively. Growth characteristics in all the plots of eco-friendly product were similar and had no difference significantly. Damping-off incidences were 0.8% at the polt of NaOcl in Bonghwa, which showed the lowest in all the plots. Ginseng yield in the plot of NaOcl and Fludioxonil were 1.75 kg and 1.71 kg per 1.62 ㎡, which increased 10∼12% compared to the control plot. Conclusion : Sodium hypochlorite as eco-friendly materials for control of damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani in ginseng represented a similar performance with Fludioxonil and seems to be utilized in the farm.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The Ginseng has been one of the crops that represents Korea, and the main export items in the 1960s, Now it occupies the first exports of agricultural products. The Eco-friendly cultivation of Ginseng was difficult for various reasons. But the cultivation in Green House can be suppressed disease occurrence, when utilizing an environmentally friendly materials has the advantage that can dramatically increase the income by possible organic production. For other crops, it made up a lot of studies on water management, But the studies on water management of ginseng is somewhat lacking. Therefore, this study was conducted to establish appropriate soil- moisture-management-systems within the house of ginseng cultivation. Methods and Results : The type of house is a double steel structure. The first layer was PE film, the second layer was the blue shading net and 75% black shading net. The Soil texture was silt loam and the Soil Series was YEONGOK Series. Install the house on the adjacent paddy soil and upland soil, and planting on April 30, 2011 which was cultivated by the straw mulching. The irrigation start point was the 40, 30, 20kpa, and the end point was treated with 15, 10kpa. Soil moisture measurements were determined by tension meter(Jet Fill) depth 20cm in soil. Growth and Yield Survey was conducted in accordance with the Rural Development Administration (RDA) standard research. Statistical analysis of the results were analyzed using the Microsoft's Excel 2003. Conclusion : In a survey due to differences in soil traits and Irrigation point, from 2 years to 4years of root weight and yield of Ginseng were heavier in the upland, especially 30kpa irrigation point treatment was heaviest than the other treatments. From 5year to 6 Years of ginseng has showed heavier in paddy soil, the most treatment was 30kpa- 15kpa irrigation point. This trend was the same in upland soil. Soil moisture management in the case of silt loam, the humid-state-control was more advantageous than dry-state control in upland and paddy soil.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Acreage of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse to prevent anthrax is being gradually increased according to growing importance of safe Boxthorn production. But When Boxthorn is grown in the hot season in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse, quantity of Boxthorn decreases. therefore the research was carried out to investigate Fertilization mode. Methods and Results : Chungwoon was very strong self-incompatibility. Chengyangjaerae, Chengyang18 and CBP11542-206 was self-compatibility. Artificial fertilization rate was slightly higher in roof and side vents than in side vents of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse in hot season. Pollen sterility due to high temperature is not critical because artificial fertilization rate was high in side vents of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse in hot season. Airborne fertilization rate was significantly lower in all varieties. Open fertilization rate was higher in roof and side vents than in side vents of rain-shelter plastic greenhouse Conclusion : Roof and side vents was good in compared to side vents in rain-shelter plastic greenhouse of Boxthorn because of high Airborne and open fertilization rate. Self-compatibility varieties were better than self-incompatibility varieties in rain- shelter plastic greenhouse because of high open fertilization rate.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was performed to know the effect of organic fertilizers on the growth and root characteristics of Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix. Methods and Results : As basal fertilizer were treated before transplanting Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix with chemical fertilizer(Super21, 21-17-17, Namhae Chemical), mixed organic fertilizer, bacterial cultures and fermented oil cake, manure in each trial of nitrogen based on 3 ㎏/10a criteria. To measure the fresh weight and length, thickness and the number of fine root of the Platycodin grandiflorum Ridix roots harvested in October. Root length appeared in the mixed organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer were 25.3 and 24.0 ㎝ longest, oil cake was the shortest 15.3㎝. Diameter at the thickest showed 26.6 ㎜ in chemical fertilizer, the following phrase appeared bacterial cultures and mixed organic fertilizer application. The number of fine-root was investigated in mixed organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer most pieces 20.0 and 17.0. Fresh weight, which is directly related to yield were mixed organic fertilizer to 55.7 g the highest in the number of fine-root and the longest root length. Conclusion : For the increasing the yield that Pharmacological effect, organic fertilizer is effective to increase the number of fine-root high which high contented with saponins.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        An insulating brick was developed and evaluated as a potential recycling Waste Limestone (WL) with Melting Slag (MS). We aimed at analyzing the parameters affecting the insulating brick manufacture to enhance the recyclability of WL. In this study, The thermal conductivity, compressive strength and apparent porosity of prepared brick were measured with the addition of aluminum dross and the molar ratio of the alkali activator. The thermal conductivity, compressive strength and apparent porosity were 0.28 W/mK, 2.41 MPa and 44.72% respectively at a mixing ratio of 9.5 : 0.5wt%, 1.5 M SiO2/Na2O, 3wt% aluminum dross. Thus, it met the standards of insulating fire bricks (KS L 3301).
        2016.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study focus on Perimeter Concrete Wall Dampers (PCWD). PCWD can achieve required large mass ratio without additional mass. This system also can control multimode vibration. Suitable location for the installation of PCWD and their tuning frequencies are selected based on modal parameters of the uncontrolled structure respectively. In addition to the numerical simulation, an eleven story is modeled using SAP2000. The proposed system is greatly reducing seismic response of main structure.
        2016.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, an analytical study on the effect of the support structure deflection on the impact test result was carried out to set up the accurate impact test method. Various impact analyses of the CEDM(control element drive mechanisms) impact test were performed using LS-DYNA commercial FE program. Finally, the effect of the boundary condition of the support structure and impact loading duration were investigated.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We analyzed the micro-meteorological characteristics during typical steam fog over the Gumi Reservoir of Nakdong river with the field observation data for recent 2 year(1 April 2013~31 March 2015) collected by the national institute of meteorological research, KMA. Steam fog occur when the cold drainage flows over the warm water surface. As the sensible and latent heat from water are provided to the air, the instability of lower atmosphere is increased. The resultant vertical mixing of warm, moist air near water surface and cold air aloft causes the formation of status cloud. The convection strengthened by radiative cooling of the upper part of the stratus causes the fog to propagate downward. Also, the temperature at the lowest atmosphere is increased rapidly and the inversion near surface disappear by these processes when the fog forms. The increase of wind speed is observed because the downward transportation of momentum is caused by vertical mixing.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To investigate the effect of soluble silicate zeolite dressing of the rice against bakanae disease, field trial in reclaimed land and in vitro were carried out. The coated rice seeds (SCS) which were dressed with the mixture of 25% silicic acids (binder), and the zeolite (coating powder). In wet direct seeding, uniform scattering of rice seeds on the soil surface and the better seedling establishment were shown in SCS treatment plots. The incidence of bakanae disease began from the mid tillering stage toward the heading stage. Around heading stage, the ratio of infected tillers reached its highest point by 9.9% in non-SCS treatment plots. While, in SCS treatment plots, the ratio of infected tillers was no more than 0.01%. The vitality of the pathogenic fungi of bakanae disease in the SCS and non-SCS samples were assessed. Samples were incubated for one week keeping proper humidity at 30°C after inoculated with panicles of infected rice plants from experimental field plots. In non-SCS treatment, pinkish colonies were formed on the grain surface of panicle of infected plants, and mycelium, macro-conidia and micro-conidia were developed actively inside part of infected grain inoculated. While in SCS treatment, micro-conidia and mycelium were not survived and the growth of macro-conidia, mycelia were greatly inhibited and withered. Based on the results, it is concluded that the environmental friendly control of bakanae disease by use of SCS is possible and soluble silicate can be applied as agents for replacement of seed disinfection.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to analyze region-specific trends in changing greenhouse gas emissions in incineration plants of local government where waste heat generated during incineration are reused for the recent five years (2009 to 2013). The greenhouse gas generated from the incineration plants is largely CO2 with a small amount of CH4 and N2O. Most of the incineration plants operated by local government produce steam with waste heat generated from incineration to produce electricity or reuse it for hot water/heating and resident convenience. And steam in some industrial complexes is supplied to companies who require it for obtaining resources for local government or incineration plants. All incineration plants, research targets of this study, are using LNG or diesel fuel as auxiliary fuel for incinerating wastes and some of the facilities are using LFG(Landfill Gas). The calculation of greenhouse gas generated during waste incineration was according to the Local Government's Greenhouse Emissions Calculation Guideline. As a result of calculation, the total amount of greenhouse gas released from all incineration plants for five years was about 3,174,000 tCO2eq. To look at it by year, the biggest amount was about 877,000 tCO2eq in 2013. To look at it by region, Gyeonggido showed the biggest amount (about 163,000 tCO2eq annually) and the greenhouse gas emissions per capita was the highest in Ulsan Metropolitan City(about 154 kCO2eq annually). As a result of greenhouse gas emissions calculation, some incineration plants showed more emissions by heat recovery than by incineration, which rather reduced the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions. For more accurate calculation of greenhouse gas emissions in the future, input data management system needs to be improved.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        방사선치료는 의료용 선형가속기를 이용하는 방식이 가장 많이 적용되고 있으며 사용되는 광자선도 고 에너지화 되고 있다. 최근에 도입되는 선형가속기에는 선속평탄 여과판을 사용하지 않는 3F 방식과 조사중 에 조사야에 맞춰 jaw가 움직이는 tracking jaw 기술이 적용되어 임상에 보급되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 선 형가속기를 이용한 고에너지 X선 조사 시 선속평탄 여과판 사용 유무에 따른 광중성자 발생과, tracking ja w 사용에 따른 광중성자 발생을 측정하여 비교분석하였다. 그 결과 3F 방식이 선속평탄 여과판의 적용에 비하여 광중성자의 검출이 약 70% 낮게 나타났으며, tracking jaw 방식은 static jaw에 비하여 약 83% 높게 광중성자가 발생하는 것으로 나타났다.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 전립선암의 치료방법 중 근접치료 시 환자 주변의 공간에 대한 선량을 평가한 것으로 환자, 시술자 그리고 보호자에 대한 선량을 예측함으로서 피폭을 최소한으로 예방하고자 수행하였다. 실험방법 은 몬테칼로법을 기반으로 한 MCNPX를 사용하여 가상의 공간에서 모의피폭체를 만들어 실험하였으며, 선원은 192Ir, 125I, 103Pd를 seed 형태로 이식하였다. 환자를 중심으로 전방 30, 50, 100, 200 ㎝ 거리에 관심영 역을 설정하여 공간 선량을 평가하였다. 그 결과 거리에 관계없이 192Ir에서 가장 높은 선량을 나타내었다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 Fuzzy-AHP를 이용하여 한ㆍ중 카페리 피견인 트레일러 상호주행 시 장애요인의 가중치 분석을 연구의 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 문헌연구를 통해 1차적으로 요인을 선정한 후, 현 카페리업체에 종사 중인 화물 전문가집단과의 Indepth-Interview를 수행하여 요인을 최종 선정하였다. 선정된 상위 장애 요인은 불안정적 서비스 제공, 제한적 정책 지원, 추가 비용 발 생이며, 이중 불안정적 서비스 제공이 가장 큰 장애요인으로 분석되었다. 선정된 측정변수 11가지 항목은 화물 장치장 공급 부족, 트레일러 보험 및 관리 문제, 특수장비 부족, 전문화된 인력부족, 투입 서비스 항로의 제한, 마케팅 홍보 전략의 부족, 수속 비용 증가 등이며, 이중 불균형 화물 집화에 따른 장비 회송 비용 증가가 가장 큰 장애 요인으로 분석되었으며, 서비스 항로의 제한, 특수장비 부족, 수속의 지연 및 추가 절차 발생이 그 뒤를 이었다.