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        검색결과 2,295

        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sediment basin that is typical facility installed for development business to prevent soil erosion has low removal efficiency and therefore, it causes complaints from the residents and has a bad effect on ecosystem.Thus there is a limit to control soil erosion using the existing design methods of sediment basin, so the purposes of this study is providing suitable design factors for sediment basin with regarding soil characteristic of development areas and analysing sedimentation characteristic by inflow concentration changes.The results, for analyzing the sedimentation characteristic by soil concentrations within approximately 2,000 ~ 20,000 mg/L of initial SS concentration, indicated similar sedimentation trends for same soil in the supernatant regardless of initial concentrations. However, for different soil characteristic (percent finer), there are different results in sedimentation rate and concentrations of the supernatant.Thus it is recommended that sediment basin to prevent soil erosion during construction should be designed based on retention time derived from soil sedimentation experiments regardless of inlet concentration. In addition, installing the soil erosion prevention facility at the back to satisfy effluent water quality should be considered to minimize soil erosion effectively.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the effectiveness of speed limit change that is defined as the amount of increased travel speed. METHODS: A ordered logit model was adopted to analyze the relationship between the change in travel speed and contributing factors. A stretch of Kyungbu freeway was selected for the analysis because the Korea expressway corporation has raised speed limit from 100km/h to 110km/h since September 1st in 2010. RESULTS: The results showed that geometric design elements, speeding cameras, and section length were identified as factors contributing the effectiveness. Contributing geometric design elements include the number of horizontal curves and vertical curves that do not meet the design requirement with 110km/h speed limit. CONCLUSIONS: The outcome of this study will be used for establishing various traffic operations and control strategies for freeway speed management.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Source criticism is very important on the research of architectural history as well as general history. In this point this research studied on the original form and change of Dokrak-dang that is very important building in architectural history of Korea. The result is as in the following. Dokrak-dang that Whoijae built at first was three by two kans size that had daecheong of four kans and ondol-bang of two kans. Gye-jeong that Whoijae built was three kans size that had daecheong of two kans and ondol-bang of one kan. After Whoijae died, Dokrak-dang’s ondol-bang was changed to maru between 1555 and 1556 and ondol-bang in west side and stack room was added in 1630. Gye-jeong was changed to ㄱ-shaped floor plan that was added up two kans from three kan’s ‘一’-shaped one.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insects reflect climate change dramatically because insects are poikilotherm and have huge biodiversity. Also, the prediction of insect distribution is very significant due to the position of this group giving diverse ecological services including their extraordinary economic importance. Accurate modeling of geographic distributions of insect species is crucial to various applications in ecology and conservation. The best performing techniques often require some parameter tuning, which may be prohibitively time-consuming to do separately for each species, or unreliable for small or biased data sets. The purpose of this study is to introduce and compare several models to predict insect distribution under climate change in Korea. This work would be helpful to researchers or decision makers by giving practical advice, for example, kinds of input/output data, applicability to GIS, to select appropriate model to predict insect distribution.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Model systems, if applied appropriately, give useful and rapid predictions of the potential distribution and population dynamics of the target species. Insect populations are poikilothermal animal and readily applied to model systems in several ways. Classical insect population models are focused on management purposes, for example, prediction of first occurrence period after cold weather season. Insect populations are distributed neither uniformly nor at random, or they are aggregated in patches, or they form gradients of other kinds of spatial structures which are closely related to their natural resources. Thus, developing insect population models should be considered not only with their physiological development and/or occurrence but also with their spatial distributions including their hosts. In this study, we discuss spatial distribution model of insect population with their host in order to future climate change scenario in Korea.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent theory in L2 motivation has proposed viewing motivation as possible selves such as ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and L2 learning experiences to complement the limitation of traditional socio-educational model. The purpose of the study was to test the traditional integrativeness and L2 motivational self system in Korean EFL college contexts and how those motivations have developed over time through a cross-sectional study. A total of five hundred fifty five college students taking English as elective in Korea completed the motivation questionnaires. The results showed that both traditional integrative motivations and L2 motivational self system have increased positively over time at college. The post-hoc test revealed that the senior students developed significantly higher motivations than the freshmen in integrative orientation, attitudes towards learning English, and criterion measures. L2 motivational self system such as ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and L2 learning experiences better predicted motivated behaviors than integrative motivations even though both had significant correlations. Theoretic discussions were made for L2 motivations.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This studies were conducted to develop cultivation methods on three Asclepiadaceae fami-lies(Cynanchum wilfordii Hemsley, C. auriculatum Royle ex Wight and Metaplexis japonica Makino) ofwhich products are conventionally used as medicinal materials by analyzing plant growth. The variationof leaf weight of Asclepiadaceae families showed culmination point at August 15, and the stem showedhighest growth on August 30. The root weight increased linearly during the growth. The days for sprout-ing was most shortened in the Cynanchum wilfordii as 18 days, and C. auriculatum, Metaplexis japonicafollowed after. The seed harvesting dates was Oct. 8 in the Cynanchum wilfordii, Oct. 23 in the Metaplexisjaponica, and Nov. 1 in the C. auriculatum, respectively.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 교과서 관련 정책의 변화와 그에 따른 한문 교과서 개발 방향에 탐색해 보는 데 목적이 있다. 교과서는 오랜 기간 학교 교육의 중심적인 교육 자료로 활용되어 오면서, 내용 체제와 외형 체제에 있어 많은 변화와 발전을 거듭하였다. 교과서 관련 정책도 교수요목기부터 2009 개정 교육과정기인 현재까지 끊임없이 변화되어 왔다. 현재 정부는 ‘꿈과 끼를 키우는 행복교육으로 전환’이라는 목표 하에 ‘참고서가 필요없는 교과서 완결 학습 체제’란 교과서 관련 정책을 추진하고 있다. 이 정책은 ‘현행 교육과정을 토대로 핵심역량을 개발하고 자기 주도적 학습 등을 유도하기 위해 교과서 개선 및 지원 강화’와 ‘서책형 교과서와 연계한 디지털교과서의 개발로 언제, 어디서나, 자기 주도적 학습이 가능한 교과서 중심 학습 환경 구축’이 주요 내용이다. 따라서 2015년에 개정될 교육과정에 따른 한문교과서는 교과서의 분량을 통해 학습량을 경감하는 물리적 방식이 아니라 핵심적이고 필수적인 내용을 중심으로 교과서 내용을 구성하여 학생들의 학습 부담을 경감해야 하며, 학습 안내 및 참고자료 등을 다양하게 제시하여 자기 주도적 학습을 지원하도록 하는 방향으로 개발되어야 할 것으로 보인다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In online game, Game-bot is a kind of AI based software which performs laborious tasks for a game-player to accumulate resources such as experience, in-game items. The game-bot causes serious problems of balancing and other game-players’ play in the game. So, detecting and avoiding game-bot’s behaviors in online game is one of the important issues in live game management. This paper proposes a study on a player reaction in MMORPG environment focused on two games of 「TERA」 and 「Knight Online」. We first characterize core game-elements to affect a player’s reaction in game environment change and finally propose a template of a player’s reaction in the game environment change. The paper will contribute to detect a behavior of a game-bot in online-game, effectively.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        흑마늘을 이용하여 와인을 제조해보고 숙성 칩의 종류에 따른 향기 성분의 변화를 조사하였다. 흑마늘 와인을 제조한 후, 저장 조건으로 미국산 칩과 프랑스산 칩을 이용하여 3개월간 10oC에서 숙성하여 흑마늘 와인을 완성하였다. 향기 성분을 분석을 위하여 GC/MS를 이용하였다. 미국산 칩을 사용한 경우 주요 향기성분으로 2-methyl-1- propanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-butanol, acetaldehyde, butanoic acid, octanoic acid, 1,1-diethoxyethane, allyl methyl sulfide가 검출되었다. 프랑스산 칩을 사용한 경우 에는 1-propanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, propanoic acid, butanoic acid, octanoic acid, 2-heptanone, 1,1-diethoxyethane, N-amino32- hydroxypropanamidate, n-butylamine, chloroacetonitrile, allyl methyl sulfide가 주요성분으로 검출되었다. 미국산 칩을 사용한 와인에서 과일향성분인 n-propylacetate, butanoic acid, octanoic acid가 상대적으로 높게 검출되었고, 흑마늘에서 기인된 allyl methyl sulfide는 미국산 칩을 사용한 경우에서만 검출이 되었다. Acetic acid는 프랑스산 칩을이 용한 경우에만 검출되었다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently the rapid changes of the social environment make both university and every each department should have to renovate and adjust all of the educational components. The most dominant and issuable change of business administration education is the Business Education Accreditation which was certified by the KABEA(Korean Association of Business Education Accreditation). And the only two department of fisheries business administration which in Gyeongsang National University and Pukyong National University has been accredited recently. Though The department of fisheries business administration in Korea has been influenced by that Accreditation, there is few research and analysis on educational change. So it is very important that research on the curricular constitution and change of the curriculum for considering the its own effect and influence. This paper aims to explore the curricular constitution, change and course fulfillment of fisheries business administration after the business education accreditation based on the case of the department of fisheries business administration in Gyeongsang National University. The analysis of fisheries business administration change will help develop sustainable curriculum and give more guideline for identifying the core of fisheries business administration. The method of analysing that in this research has adopt the social network analysis(SNA) and automated software tool which is the most dominant technique in contents analysis including the Krkwics and Pajek. The SNA is evaluated that most popular, rigorous and firm methodology for analyzing, examining and revising some concepts or objects in the context of semantics. The result of this study shows that the ratio of fisheries business administration class has been decreased but still the most fulfilled course. And English mediated class has been avoided though that sort of the class has been increased. In the view point of course fulfillment, it has been potential and inefficient problems that some classes that including financial related and accounting related class would not been accomplished appropriately. The findings of a graduate depth interview which has been done about 4 years for understanding that student show that there’s some recognition gap of fisheries business administration in staffs of human resource management. And the level of job satisfaction in fisheries business still somewhat low and even worse the chance of recruitment also unsteady.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to analyse the timing of the structural change of price volatility and the asymmetry of price volatility during the period before and after the timing of the structural change of price volatility using Jeju Farming Olive Flounder’s production area market price data from January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2013. The analysis methods of Quandt-Andrews break point test and Threshold GARCH model are employed. The empirical results of this study are summarized as follows: First, the result of Quandt-Andrews break point test shows that a single structural change in price volatility occurred on May 4, 2010 over the sample period. Second, during the period before structural change, daily price change rate has averagely positive value which means price increase, but during the period after structural change daily price change rate has averagely negative value which means price decrease. Also, daily volatility of price change rate during the period before structural change is higher than during the period after structural change. This indicates that price volatility decreases after structural change. Third, the estimation results of Threshold GARCH Model show that the volatility response against price increase is larger during the period after structural change than during the period before structural change. Also the result shows the volatility response against price decrease is larger during the period after structural change than during the period before structural change. And, irrespective of the timing of structural change, price increase has an larger effect on volatility than price decrease. This means volatility is asymmetric at price increase.
        2014.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global climate change has become a major issue which affects the humanity and nature around the world. Caused primarily by human actions of unabated greenhouse gas emission and deforestation, the destructive effects of climate change have become more frequent and intense during the past decades. As climate change is a global problem, addressing its causes and consequences also requires global responses. While climate change is caused by people from various parts of the world, its impacts disproportionately affect people in coastal regions and islands around the world, and marginalized poor communities in developing countries. Everyone in the planet has a role in addressing climate change, but governments, non governmental organizations (NGOs,), and corporations have broader roles and responsibilities. Due to their mission alignments to protect the environment and conserve nature, environmental NGOs play several vital roles in the fightagainst climate change. Environmental NGOs and international NGOs are in a unique position to respond, and to facilitate the involvement of other sectors in mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change. This article discusses some of the roles and responsibilities of NGOs in addressing climate change.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The temple Hoeamsa(檜巖寺) was repaired by Naong(懶翁), and with this the power of the temple became far greater to be the greatest Buddhist temple during late Goryeo and early Joseon. Naong’s reconstruction of Hoeamsa was originated from Jigong(指空)’s teaching ‘Samsan Yangsu(三山兩水).’ But it is not clear whether Samsan Yangsu really meant Hoeamsa. By the way, after 14 years, Naong suddenly remembered this word and began to repair Hoeamsa in a large scale. From this, we can guess that Naong tried to give the contemporary Buddhism some change through the repair of Hoeamsa. But, as King Gongmin(恭愍王) the greatest supporter of Naong was suddenly assassinated, the political situation changed a lot and Naong also died unexpectedly. Naong’s death brought out the critical sense to Hoeamsa and, in the process to resolve the crisis, the repair of Hoeamsa began to be justified through diverse religious factors. As these were expanded and developed on and one, Hoeamsa came to be honored as the most divine temple in Korea during the early Joseon dynasty. Furthermore, into the cause structure for the Naong’s repair of Hoeamsa, the influence of Jajang was added through Odaesan Buddhism. As we can well understand, late Silla situation of Jajang and the late Goryeo of Naong were very similar and the both Buddhist leaders should have derived out some religious solution for them. In other words, both of them had a similar recognition in finding the religious solution for the contemporary crises. It becomes a way to understand the Hoeamsa repairing structure taken by Naong and his disciples. Therefore, by comparing the similar religious solution structures given by Jajang and Naong and by clearer understanding on Samsan Yangsu spirit, we can see the repair of Hoeamsa and the related aspects more accurately.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : To operate more efficient traffic management system, it is utmost important to detect the change in congestion level on a freeway segment rapidly and reliably. This study aims to develop classification method of congestion change type. METHODS: This research proposes two classification methods to capture the change of the congestion level on freeway segments using the dedicated short range communication (DSRC) data and the vehicle detection system (VDS) data. For developing the classification methods, the decision tree models were employed in which the independent variable is the change in congestion level and the covariates are the DSRC and VDS data collected from the freeway segments in Korea. RESULTS : The comparison results show that the decision tree model with DSRC data are better than the decision tree model with VDS data. Specifically, the decision tree model using DSRC data with better fits show approximately 95% accuracies. CONCLUSIONS : It is expected that the congestion change type classified using the decision tree models could play an important role in future freeway traffic management strategy.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper integrates scholarly work and industry practices in fashion design, marketing, and consumer behavior as the basis for presenting six principles of fashion design and marketing for sustainability and social change. Criteria for effective marketing strategies are offered.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Market potential for a line of retail trade within a geographic market has been defined as the difference between (i) actual sales of the line of trade in the geographic market and (ii) potential sales based on the marketing environment, current retailers’ marketing efforts, and competition from related lines of trade and nearby geographic markets (Ingene and Takahashi 2012). In this current research we examine the rate of change of retail market potential in Japan over a sixteen year span (1991-2007).We theoretically address, and empirically estimate, key factors that affect the rate of change of retail sales per household in four major lines of retail trade: frequently purchased consumables (food and drink), less frequently bought non-durables (apparel, shoes and dry goods), and infrequently acquired durable goods that range from moderately costly (furniture) to truly expensive (autos). Information on these lines is drawn from the Japanese Retail Trade Censuses of 1991 and 2007 at the Industrial Classification (IC) level. We examine Dry Goods, Apparel and Accessory stores (largely clothing, shoe, linen and accessories (IC 56; Share of retail trade in 2007: 8%)); Food and Beverage stores (primarily grocery, liquor, and specialty food stores (IC 57; Share of retail trade: 30%)); Furniture, Household Utensils, and Appliances (IC 59; Share of retail trade: 9%); and Motor Vehicles and Bicycle stores (IC 58; Share of retail trade: 12%). Note that because our measure is sales, autos dominate in the IC 58 category. These four lines of trade collectively comprise about 60% (1991: 62%, 2007: 58%) of all retail sales. We previously explored determinants of the absolute value of retail sales per household in these lines of retail trade (Ingene and Takahashi 2013). However, this research deals with the rate of change of retail sales per household. Thus, we explain differences in change of retail market potential among 528 Japanese cities, in all 47 prefectures, that are home to over 75% of Japan’s people. According to our previous study (Ingene and Takahashi 2013), retail sales are determined by three fundamental factors: the Market Environment (which is beyond the control of retail managers), Intertype Competition (which is influenced, but not controlled, by managers in the line of trade), and the Marketing Mix in each line of trade (which is set by managers). The essence of our argument is that the Market Environment determines a base level of rate of change in sales per household. Intertype Competition takes sales away from the focal lines of trade. Finally, the Marketing Mix in each line of trade augments sales (a) by appealing to customers and (b) by countering the negative impact of Intertype Competition.Turning to our empirical model (Figure 1), we include seven variables in the Market Environment that are measured by their rate of change between 1991 and 2007: per capita income, home size in square meters (a proxy for household wealth), population growth, daytime population relative to residential population, auto ownership per capita (a proxy for mobility), distance to the prefecture’s capital city (a proxy for out-shopping), and newspapers per capita. We expect each of these independent variables to increase our dependent variable: retail sales per household.For the Marketing Mix we measure three variables in terms of their rate of change in the same time period: average square meters of selling space per store (a proxy for assortment), employees per square meter of selling space (a proxy for service), and number of stores per 1000 people (a proxy for locational convenience); each of them should increase retail sales per household in its line of trade, but not in other lines (e.g., the marketing mix for Food stores should only affect food sales per household).For Intertype Competition we use General Merchandise Stores (largely department stores and supercenters (IC55; Share of retail trade in 2007: 12%)) that, in Japan, directly compete with Clothing, Furniture and Food stores. We focus on the same three variables (assortment, service, and access); they are expected to be inversely related to the rate of change in sales per household in the lines with which they compete. There is no intertype competition in our Motor Vehicle regressions. In the first stage of our analysis we use the change of the Market Environment to explain the variation in the rate of change in retail sales per household and four lines of trade (i.e., four regressions). The Market Environment generates adjusted R2’s of 2% (Clothing) to 25% (Autos).In our second-stage analysis our dependent variable is the residuals from the first-stage regressions. Here we include the Marketing Mix and Intertype Competition variables as explanatory; they account for 2% (Autos) to 43% (Clothing) of the variation in the first-stage residuals. Taking the two stages together, we are able to explain26% (Autos) to 54% (Food) of the variation in retail sales per capita across the four lines of trade. We make four contributions with our empirical research. First, we investigate data from two censuses that span a sixteen year period; few previous studies have examined changes in retail structure over time (e.g., Hall, et al. 1961). Second, we demonstrate the time-variant stability of the Marketing Mix variables. Third, we show the importance of intertype competition – although in our data it appears that only the Food and Beverage category experiences significant intertype competition. Fourth, we examine retailing in Japan; the world’s third largest economy has rarely been the focus of retail trade studies.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the change of growth characters by over-expressing OsPT6 (OsPT6-OX) under phosphorus (Pi) deficient condition in rice. In analyzing the change of growth rate according to Pitreatment for two weeks, shoot growth rate of OsPT6-OX was increased in Pi deficient condition than in Pi sufficient condition. Therefore, the chlorophyll content of leaf in OsPT6-OXs did not increase even decreased in the youngest leaf. However growth rate of wild type plant in Pi deficient condition showed significant reduction with increment of chlorophyll content. In analyzing agronomic characters, the tiller number of OsPT6-OX less decreased than those of wild type plant in Pi deficient condition. Panicle number and ripening rate of wild type plant were changed according to Pi treatment. However those of OsPT6-OX did not change in such conditions. Resulting of changes in agronomic characters, yield of wild type plant decreased about 10 % in Pi deficient condition. That of OsPT6-OX did not show significant difference in Pi deficient condition. The results obtained this study demonstrated that over-expression of OsPT6 could increase phosphorus deficient stress resistance in rice.