
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 585

        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to determine the anti-diabetic effect of the water extract of Neolentinus lepideus in a diabetic mouse model. Seven-week-old C57BL/KsJ-db/db mice were fed either a control diet (CD) or diet supplemented with 1% or 5% of N. lepideus water extract (NLWE1 or NLWE5) for 10 weeks. Oral administration of NLWE significantly decreased the body weight gain compared to that of CD-fed group. Mice in the NLWE group had significantly lower levels of fasting serum glucose, fatty acids, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol compared to those in the control group. These effects were accompanied by reduced fatty liver and improved glucose tolerance in the NLWE group. Taken together, these results suggest that N. lepideus might have potential as a dietary supplement to control diabetes.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate effects of feeding fermented milk on growth, intestinal microorganisms and fecal noxious gas emission in suckling pigs. A total of a hundred birth piglets (Landrace×Yorkshire×Duroc) were randomly assigned into feeding group and control group during suckling period that ten pigs per sow. Fermented milk contained 3.0×108/g of Bacillus and 3.5×108/g of Lactobacillus, and was supplied by top dressing method. Fermented milk fed to the sulking pigs indicated tendency to increase weaning body weight (p=0.052) and average daily gain (p=0.094). Total microbial flora and Escherichia coli in the feces were lower (p<0.05) in the feeding group than the non-feeding group. Reversely, Lactobacillus was higher (p<0.01) in feces of the pigs fed fermented milk than the pigs of the control group. Hydrogen sulfide emitted in feces was decreased in feeding group compared with control group (p<0.05). Similarly, fecal total mercaptans was diminished in the feeding group than the control group (p<0.01). Therefore, the fermented milk fed to the sulking pigs may improved growth and can influence positively intestinal microorganisms and fecal noxious gas emission.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 키토산 및 생균제를 급여한 한우의 채끝등심의 품질 및 화학적 특성에 미치는 영향에 대해 조사하기 위해 실시 하였다. 거세한우(n=20)를 시험구별 완전 임의 배치한 뒤 대조구(n=10)는 일반 배합 사료를 급여하고, 처리구(n=10)는 키토산 및 생균제 배합사료(생균제 1%, 키토산 0.1%)를 4개월 동안 급 여하였다. 각 처리구는 1등급을 받은 채끝등심을 이용하였다. 일반성분 결과 수분(64.13~65.00%), 조회 분(1.47~1.69%), 조단백질(19.56~20.25%), 조지방(15.69~15.88%)은 처리구간 유의적인 차이가 없었다. pH, 가열감량, 전단력, 육색 모두 처리구간의 유의적인 차이는 없었으며, 보수력의 경우 대조구(69.60%) 보다 처리구(74.29%)가 유의적으로 높았다(p<0.05). 지방산패도는 처리구간의 유의적인 차이는 없었으 나 휘발성염기태질소 함량은 처리구에서 유의적으로 낮은 함량을 나타내었다(p<0.05). Collagen함량과 anserine 함량은 처리구간의 유의적인 차이는 없었으나, carnosine은 처리구(51.22mg/dry base)가 대 조구(47.08mg/dry base) 보다 유의적으로 높은 함량을 나타내었다(p<0.05). Palmitoleic acid와 다가 불포화지방산 함량은 대조구보다 처리구에서 유의적으로 높았으며, 키토산과 생균제 급여는 한우 채끝 등심의 아미노산과 무기질 함량에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 따라서 거세 한우에 1% 생균제 및 0.1% 키 토산 배합사료 급여는 한우 채끝등심의 보수력 향상 및 단백질 변패 억제, 기능성 성분인 carnosine 함 량과 다가 불포화 지방산의 함량을 높이는 효과를 보여 추후 이들 성분이 기능성 사료 첨가제로서 사용 가능성이 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        상업적으로 유통되는 젤라틴 캡슐 제품은 소비자의 건강(예: 광우병) 및 종교적 신념에 대한 우려를 야기시킬 수 있다. 젤라틴은 대부분 소, 돼지 등에서 유래한 원료 물질을 가공한 것으로서, 가공 후 그 원료 물질을 분석하는 것은 대단히 어렵다. 따라서 정부 규제기관의 표시사 항 준수여부 모니터링 연구가 주기적으로 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 인터넷에 유통되는 건강기능식품(n = 181)을 대상으로 젤라틴 캡슐의 원료 물질을 종 특이 PCR 방법으 로 분석했다. 55개 제품의 경우 표시사항에 젤라틴 캡슐 원료 물질에 대한 정보를 명시하였으나(예: bovine-, fishand plant-derived gelatin), 126개 제품의 경우 사용 원료에 대한 정보 없이 “gelatin”으로 표시하였다. 이 126개 제품의 젤라틴 캡슐 분석 결과 51개 제품은 소 유래의 젤라 틴을, 31개 제품은 돼지 유래의 젤라틴을, 그리고 44개 제 품은 소와 돼지의 원료를 혼합하여 제작한 블렌딩 젤라틴을 사용한 것으로 밝혀졌다. 따라서 소비자의 알 권리, 종교적 신념 및 건강을 보호하기 위해 젤라틴 캡슐에 사용된 원료 물질을 표시사항에 제공하는 것은 매우 중요하다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the effect on weight and average daily gain, carcass grade, and blood characteristics and immunity in case of dietary addition of pegmatite to Hanwoo steers. Relative to Hanwoo steers, initial body weight was 257.3±11.74 kg (8-months old after birth). Forty-eight Hanwoo steers were fed for 24 months using random arrangement (4 treatment plots×4 heads×3 repeat). The treatment plot (498.75~500.82 kg) had higher weight during the early fattening stage compared with that of the control plot (474.37 kg) (p<0.05). Regarding total cholesterol of the blood, the value was similar to one during initiation of testing, but the value increased gradually based on the progress of fattening. In addition, the triglyceride was considerably low in T2~T3 plots with high addition of pegmatite during the late fattening stage compared with other treatment plots (p<0.05). This study revealed a tendency in the IgG content that represented immunity as the addition of pegmatite became higher (p>0.05). This study found that the treatment plot (441.55~452.10 kg) had higher carcass weight compared with the control plot (436.30 kg). However, this study revealed that the treatment plot (2.30~2.55 points) had higher carcass quantity grade compared with the control plot (2.11 points). This study found that the control plot (3.55 points) had higher carcass quality grade compared with the treatment plot (2.67~3.09 points) (p>0.05). With studies combined, it was determined that dietary addition of pegmatite to the feed as clay minerals in fattening Hanwoo steers would improve feed intake, body weight gain and carcass quantity grade.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to provide fundamental data on the dietary life according to the acculturation degree. The subject was 305 Chinese students in South Korea region. The questionnaire respondents are consisted of 148 male students (48.5%) and 157 female students (51.5%). There was a statistically significant difference in age, education level, residence time, and Korean language ability according to acculturation degree (p<0.05), but there was no statistically significant difference in gender, residence pattern, purpose of coming to Korea. There was a statistically significant difference between meals frequency, outside frequency, and the intake of Chinese food according to acculturation degree (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference in snake taking frequency (p>0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in drinks and computer time according to acculturation degree (p<0.05), but there was no statistically significant difference between smoking and exercise (p>0.05). The food intake style of Chinese students was 2.47 in noodles, 2.34 in lunches and 2.15 in breads. According to the acculturation degree, the food intake patterns showed statistically significant differences in dumping kind, congee, hamburger and pizza, while meat products, smoked meat, noodle, lunch, cereal, kimbap, sandwich. And there was no significant difference. The correlation between the factors influencing the acculturation degree of Chinese students showed a statistically significant effect on dietary habits, food intake, education level, residence period, and Korean language ability.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To aid in the development of a food nutrient database that provides the dietary fiber composition of eat-out Korean foods, we determined the total dietary fiber (TDF) content in the eat-out Korean foods Muchim, Bokkeum, and Guk (Tang) using a dietary fiber autoanalysis instrument. A total of 59 samples were collected from Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do, Gyeongsangdo, Seoul, Jeonla-do, and Chungcheong-do. First, among 14 samples of Muchim, the TDF content of Kkaennip namul, Goguma-julgi-namul, and Dallae-namul (4.33~6.24, 3.16~5.07 and 3.70~4.99 g/100 g, respectively) was higher than the other types of Muchim. There was no significant difference in TDF content of Muchim (p>0.05) among locations. Among 13 samples of Bokkeum, the TDF content of Pyogo-beoseot-Bokkeum (4.77~6.66 g/100 g) and Miyeok-julgi-Bokkeum (4.16~7.47 g/100 g) was higher than the other types of Bokkeum. The TDF content of Pyogo-beoseot-Bokkeum in Gyeongsang-do was the lowest and the TDF content of Miyeok-julgi-Bokkeum in Gangwon-do was the highest (p<0.05). The TDF content of spinach soybean paste soup (1.34~2.21 g/100 g), Dakgogi-yukgaejang (1.61~2.45 g/100 g), duck stew (1.25~2.80 g/100 g) and spicy yellow croacker stew (1.70~2.27 g/100 g) were higher than the other types of Guk (Tang). There was no significant difference in TDF content of Guk (Tang) among locations (p>0.05).
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 고온기 때 사료 내 다른 에너지 수준 및 비테 인 첨가 급여가 육성돈의 영양소 소화율 및 생리학적 변화 에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 실시하였다. 실험동물은 삼원교잡종(L×Y×D; initial body weight, 73.5±0.5kg) 거세 수퇘지 12두를 사용하였고 대사틀에 배치하였다. 실험기간 은 고온기인 7~8월에 실시하였다. 실험계획은 에너지 2수 준(3,300 및 3,400kcal/kg)과 비테인 2수준(0 및 0.5%)이며 4×4 Latin square로 하였다. 조단백질 소화율은 고에너지 사료(3,400kcal/kg)가 저에너지 사료보다 유의적으로 높았 다(p<0.01). 그러나, 비테인급여는 영양소소화율에 영향을 미치지 않았다. 혈액생화학적 분석 결과에서는 에너지 수 준 및 비테인 첨가가 육성돈 내 생리적 변화를 보이지 않 았다. 면역반응을 나타내는 혈중 IgG에서는 고에너지 사료 가 저에너지사료보다 높았으나(p<0.05) 스트레스 지표를 나타내는 cortisol농도에서는 차이가 나지 않았고, 비테인 첨가급여는 IgG 및 cortisol 농도 변화를 나타내지 않았다. 결론적으로 사료 내 비테인 첨가급여보다 에너지 수준을 높이는 것이 돼지 체내에 더 긍정적인 효과를 보이며, 여 름철 고온스트레스를 받는 돼지 사료 내 고에너지를 급여 했을 때 어떠한 결과가 나오는지 추후 더 연구해 볼 만한 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to explore portion size estimation by comparing the measurement errors of food and macronutrient intake by photography estimation and 24-hour recall from weighing method. A total of 28 female participants aged 20-24 years old were provided a meal that included rice, chard soup with soybean paste, stir-fried squid, japchae, stirfried boiled fish paste, lettuce geotjeori, and kimchi. Each portion was measured accurately, and food intake was measured using three dietary assessment methods. For the photography method, trained researchers estimated remaining food amount by analyzing photographs using a mean of four times. The measurement errors for the stir-fried squid and japchae were larger by the 24-hour recall method, while the error for kimchi was larger by the photography method. The correlation coefficients for each food, except chard soup with soybean paste, between the weighing method and photography method were 0.77~0.99 (p<0.001). The correlation coefficients of energy and intake of macronutrients between the weighing method and photography method were 0.85~0.86 (p<0.001). The results of this study demonstrate substantially less measurement error using the photography method than the 24-hour recall method. However, further research is needed to standardize various kinds of foods, photograph angles, serving plates, and serving style for establishment of reliable and valid portion size estimation using the photography method.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A total of nine Korean indigenous goats were used in a cross-over arrangement to give nine replicates per treatment, and they were housed individually assigned to 1 of 9 dietary treatments. Nine treatments were 0, 500, and 1000 ppm of quercetin supplementation in diets by mixing roughage and concentrate with different ratios (RC ratio) of 3:7 (RC 30), 5:5 (RC 50) and 7:3 (RC 70). Nutrient utilizations of dry matter, crude fat and NDF were not affected by neither RC ratio nor dietary quercetin (p>0.05), but the rate of crude protein and ADF increased in animals in RC 70 group regardless of quercetin supplementation (p<0.05). In addition, higher RC ratio increased (p<0.05) N retention and N retention rate. Total VFA, acetic acid, propionic acid, iso-butyric acid, butyric acid, iso-valeric acid and valeric acid contents were not affected (p>0.05) by dietary quercetin. Meanwhile, lower total cholesterol level exhibited in animals in RC 70 group compared to RC 30 or 50 groups, unrelated to dietary quercetin (p<0.05), however other plasma parameters were not influenced (p>0.05) by RC ratio and dietary quercetin. Our results indicated that both RC ratio and dietary quercetin may not directly affect the production indices and immune responses in Korean indigenous goat
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare dietary self-efficacy for sodium intake reduction and dietary behaviors by eating areas. Subjects (797 males and 767 females) were classified according to perceived dietary habit levels related to sodium intake (lowest: ≤10 (n=434), low: 11~≤13 (n=471), high: 14~≤15 (n=360), highest: 16≤ (n=299)) using an online survey with a sample that was geographically representative of the population. The highest group was significantly younger and had a higher student proportion than the lowest group. Dining contexts regarding home led to a significantly higher sodium intake in the highest group, but it was eating out for the lowest group. The highest group had a significantly lower intention to reduce sodium intake compared to the lowest group. In the home cooked meals, the highest group displayed a significantly lower cooking frequency, less effort with respect to a low sodium diet and cooking habits related to sodium intake as compared to the lowest group. Also, regarding eating out and food service, the highest group exhibited significantly lower efforts and dietary behaviors to reduce sodium intake than the lowest group. The dietary score for sodium reduction behavior in the highest group was significantly lower compared to the lowest group, for home cooked meals, eating out, as well as food service. Thus, dietary guidelines and nutrition education for the reduction of sodium intake by eating areas need to be developed and provided.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As an indicator of skin health, acidified skin surface pH ranging from 5 to 7 is crucial for maintaining skin barrier. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between skin pH and dietary pattern (DP) as well as nutrient or food intake in 48 healthy middle aged adults. Skin pH was measured in the skin surface of the inner arm, and blood lipid profile was analyzed. Dietary intake data were obtained using 1 day 24 hour recall method, and DP was extracted using factor analysis. Results revealed that skin pH ranged from 5.15 to 6.88 in all subjects. There was no significant difference in skin pH between males and females. When subjects were grouped by tertile of skin pH, the food intake of fruit, and the nutrient intake of omega 6 fatty acid, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, β-carotene, and riboflavin in the first tertile group with skin pH ranging from 5.15 to 5.68 were significantly higher than in the third tertile group with skin pH ranging from 6.26 to 6.88. There was no difference in blood lipid profile between the first and the third tertile group. Among 5 DP extracted by factor analysis, DP5 characterized by a high intake of nuts and fruits as well as a low intake of beverages and alcohol was inversely correlated with skin pH after adjusting for gender and age. DP5 was positively correlated with nutrient intake of carbohydrate, fiber, potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, β-carotene, thiamine, and riboflavin but negatively correlated with sodium after adjusting for gender, age, smoking, and energy intake. Therefore, acidified skin pH could be maintained by these DP and nutrients.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is intended to research workers’ health, diet and the demand of nutrition education service in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do province. We implemented the survey from September 2012 through August 2013, and analyzed the data from 589 workers’ questionnaires out of 890. For the analysis of the compiled data, we utilized the SPSS version 18.0 statistical package program. The study showed that majority of the workers participated in the survey consisted of 447 male (75.9%) and 142 female (24.1%). BMI showed that these men were overweight (24.5±2.72) and women were normal weight (22.2± 2.70). Participants often diagnosed with hypertension or hyperlipidemia. In terms of health status, 34.5% answered satisfactory, the most concerned illness was high blood pressure, and the bad eating habits were often associated with general overeating and excessive intake of salt. 65.5% of participants had a meal three times per day. 49.4% of male participants had a meal less than 15 minutes and 66.2% of female participants had a meal between 15 and 30 minutes. The average of workers who needed to nutrition education is 3.74+0.85. The most desired way of learning was through counseling (36.7%), with overweight and weight management identified as the most interested topics. A relatively high portion (80%) passed the nutrition knowledge assessment test. According to the survey the highest rate of full-time employment is 85.2% which showed in small work places (the number of people on meal plan was 100~300), however the lowest rate of full-time employment showed 70.0% in large workplaces (the number of people on meal plan was within 1,000).
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to compare energy nutrient intake, health related factors, physical characteristics, blood biochemical indices, prevalence of metabolic syndrome and odds ratio (OR) of metabolic syndrome based on dietary fat energy ratio. Subjects were 1,205 men aged 40~64 years. The average fat intake was 52.8 g. Subjects were divided into three groups (deficient, normal, excess) based on dietary fat energy ratio. The dietary fat energy rations of the three groups were 36.9%, 42.9% and 20.2%, respectively. Energy and protein intake were increased significantly with dietary fat energy ratio (p<0.001), whereas carbohydrate intake decreased (p<0.001). In health related factors, amount of smoking alone showed increase based on dietary fat energy ratio (p<0.001). In comparing physical characteristics, blood pressure and blood biochemical indices, excepting diastolic blood pressure, increased significantly based on dietary fat energy ratio (p<0.01~p<0.001). The rate that exceeded criteria in risk factors for metabolic syndrome was higher in the serum triglyceride (41.2%) and was lower in the waist circumference (22.2%). Prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 37.9%, and showed significant correlation to dietary fat energy ratio (p<0.05). The OR of metabolic syndrome was higher in deficient and excess group than in normal group, but it had no relationship between fat energy ratio and metabolic syndrome. The results of this study provide basic data to establish fat intake guidelines for prevention of metabolic syndrome in middle-aged men.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes, and dietary behaviors among high school students by gender. The subjects were 275 students (127 male, 148 female) in Incheon metropolitan area. Selfadministered questionnaires consisted of general characteristics and anthropometric data, nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes, and dietary behaviors. The average score of nutrition knowledge was significantly higher in female subjects (9.4) compared to male subjects (8.2) (p<0.01). Male subjects had a higher score for dietary attitudes than female subjects (p<0.001). Frequency of meals was significantly higher in male subjects compared to female subjects (p<0.05). Duration of meal time in male subjects was significantly higher (‘5-10 minutes’) compared to female subjects (p<0.001). Unbalanced diet was significantly higher in female subjects (66.3%) compared to male subjects (48.9%) (p<0.01). Male subjects showed significantly higher consumption frequency of ‘dairy’ (p<0.001) and ‘beans’ (p<0.001) compared to female subjects. For snack consumption, male subjects showed higher consumption frequency of ‘nuts’ (p<0.001), ‘soda’ (p<0.05), ‘fast foods’ (p<0.001), and ‘ramyeon’ (p<0.01), but lower consumption frequency of ‘biscuits and bakery’ (p<0.01) compared to female subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a systemic nutrition education program for high school students by gender.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effect of dietary lysine and gamma-linolenic acid(GLA) levels on growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality in finishing pigs. Pigs were provided with feed containing two different levels of lysine(0.45% and 0.75%) with three different levels of gamma-linolenic acid(0.0, 0.3, and 0.6%). Average daily gain(ADG) was significantly lower (p<0.01) in pigs provided with the lower level of lysine. In contrast, feed/gain(p<0.01), diet cost/gain(p<0.05), and intramuscular fat(p<0.01) were all significantly higher in pigs fed the lower level of lysine. Similarly, meat color scores(CIE L*, a*, and b*) and cooking loss were significantly higher(p<0.01) in pigs fed the lower level of lysine, whereas shear force(kg/2.5 inch2)was not affected by dietary lysine. The addition of GLA had no significant effect on any of the parameters measured. The results indicate that providing pigs with 0.45% lysine in their diet may help to increase intramuscular fat content, allowing the industry to produce pork products that meet consumer needs in Korea.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we analyzed the dietary style of Chinese singles; in addition, the effect of convenience food consumption on the quality of life of singles was evaluated through construct model development on the relationship between the frequency of consumption and satisfaction with convenience food and quality of life. A statistical analysis of 153 surveys from Tianj was conducted using SPSS 12.0 for Windows and SEM using AMOS 5.0 statistics package. The reliability of the data was confirmed by an exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The measurement model was confirmed as appropriate by a confirmatory factor analysis of the measurement model in conjunction with AMOS. The results of a factor analysis were as follows. Dietary style was categorized into four factors. The level of satisfaction with convenience food was categorized into seven factors and quality of life was categorized into four factors. The reliability of these findings was supported by a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.6 and higher for all the factors. For the level of satisfaction with convenience food based on dietary style and the quality of life of singles, a structural equation model was constructed and analyzed. The results of all tests indicated that the model satisfied the recommended level of goodness of fit index and thus, the overall research model was appropriate. The current study highlights the increased interest in eating habits of singles and is necessary for further improvement in nutrition education.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study conducted a survey with 203 single households among men and women in their 20s to 40s who were living in metropolitan areas from October 6 to November 4, 2012 in order to investigate the dietary attitude of the single households. The ratio of single households who had three meals a day regularly was 2.85 points, which was lower than the normal level, and it turned out that those in their 20s and 30s had meals more regularly than those in their 40s did (p<0.001). As for the irregular meal time, most were breakfast (85.9%), and it turned out that they often skipped meals mostly because they did not have time to eat and (41.7%) or because that bothered them (26.0%). 62.6% of the single households did overeating and most of them (39.4%) did overeating because of their irregular meals. Of the single households, women or persons who had lived alone for less than 3 years or more than 7 years cooked at home, more often (p<0.05), and most of them (42%) cooked noodles, easy to cook, but women cooked Korean food-based homemade food such as rice (31.7%) or soup and stew (21.2%), often (p<0.05). It turned out that 36.9% of the single households often ate out about two to three times a day, and as for their favorite eating-out menus, 39.4% were Korean food, followed by Western food (23.8%), flour-based food (13.5%), fast food (9.8%), Chinese food (7.3%) and Japanese food (6.2%). Lastly, as for inconveniences when they ate out, most were the ‘price’ (22.8%), followed by ‘too much amount of food for one person’ (20.2%) and ‘limitations in menu selection’ (19.2%). As a result of this study, it appeared that the single households had an irregular dietary life, often did overeating and often ate out, so it is judged that it would be necessary to develop a variety of nutritionally-balanced HMR food and eating-out menus in a reasonable price range for their healthy dietary life.