
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 585

        1993.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To understand the dietary culture in Poongki region which was established as Kamrokchon of a folk community, the transmission pattern of the traditional dietary life was investigated by questionnaire to 383 housewives, and the results are as follows : 1) Daily diet : Among 65 traditional main dishes of 6 areas including Kyungsangdo, D’cokguk of Kyungsangdo was consumed most frequently, 87%. General consumption rate based on origin of food was 33.3% of Kyungsangdo, 21.2% of Chungchongdo, 13.1% of Kangwondo, 11.9% of Hwanghaedo, 1.1% of Pyungando and Hamkyungdo, respectively. Among 243 traditional minor dishes, Doenjangjjigye and Kochuchang of Kyungsangdo were most consumed as rates of 91.6%, 89.3%, respectively. General consumption rate based on origin was in order of 38.4% of Kyungsangdo, 19.3% of Chungchongdo, 14.9% of Kwangwondo, 10.4% of Hamkyungdo, 8.7% of Hwanghaedo and 8.3% of Pyungando. 2) Special diet : Among 66 traditional D’ocks, Injeolmi of Hamkyungd was consumed most freguently, 58%. General consumption rate based on origin was in order of 26.3% of Hwanghaedo, 17.6% of Kyungsangdo, 16.1% of Kwangwondo, 16.0% of Hamkyungdo, 13.0% of Pyungando and 11.0% of Chungchongdo. Among 27 cookies, Kangjeong of Hamkyungdo was consumed most frequently 46.7%. General consumption rates based on origin was in order of 55.7% of Hamkyungdo, 22.7% of Kyungsangdo, 2.4% of Pyungando, 5.8% of Kwangwondo, 3.0% of Chungchongdo and 0.4% of Hwanghaedo. Among 19 refresh drinks, Kamju of Kyungsangdo was consumed most frequently, 76.0%. General consumption rate based on origin was in order of 74.3% of Kyungsangdo, 7.8% of Chungchongdo, 6.9% of Hamkyungdo, 5.9% of Hwanghaedo and 5.1% of Kwangwondo. 3) Ceremonial diet : Myyeogguk and Baeksulgi for the 100-Days ceremony and Hynbab and Baeksulgi for the First Birthday were used mainly. For birthday, noodle(59.5%) for lunch besides rice as main dish and Soojeoggwa(37.9%) were served and noodle(30.8%) was used for host. Thirty percent of the varieties used traditionally for Pyehak and 40-50% of the varieties for Jesa(Memorial day) are still prepared currently. 4) Seasonal diet : For Jeolsik(major seasonal diet), the usage rates are as follows : D’ockguk(87%) for Jeongwolchoharu, Ogokbab(77.6%) for Jeongwoldaeborum, Patjuk(72.6%) for Dongji, Samsaeknamul(54.1%) for Chusuk. Relatively high usage rates of Surichi-D’ock(40.5%) for Dano and Mandu(40.5%) for Suddalgumumnal are probably due to the immigrated people from this area and the geographical effect. The consumption rates of Sisik(minor seasonal diet) for Chunghwajeol, Samjinal, Youdooil, Chungyangjeol and Muoil are about 10% and the rates for Chopail and Chilsuk are followed. Gaejang and Nangmyon for Sambok used as a rate of 32%. 5) Others : Table pattern; Table for one person(4.7%), table for two(16.7%), table for several(64.2%), table with chair(14.4%) are used. Serving pattern; All-together style(69.7%), monopoly style(24.0%), personaldish style(6.3%) are used. Cooking ware; Among 95 varieties, Doma and Jangban are used most(62.7%) and Pulmae, Poonju and Budulgori are never used. Nine sorts besides Jeongoltle are used as a rate of less than 1%. About 25% of total subjects were the immigrants from other areas. Some of them were moved in due to Chunggamrok. In conclusion, the usage of the traditional food is thought to be maintained well despite of the rapid change to incustrialized society because the native Kyungsangdo foods are combined with foods from the neighboring Kwangwondo, Chungchongdo and northern area.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to investigate the effect of housemaker's interest in dietary life on the knowledge of cooking principles and cooking methods, and on the daily meal management. Housemakers whose age ranged from 20 to 50 were surveyed in their residence. The results of this study were as follows. First, the level of interest in dietary life was positively related with ages, education and income levels. Moreover, housemaker who did not work or did not take care of relatives had higher level of interest in dietary life than those who did. Second, most housemakers bought foods and prepared a meal by themselves. The average time spent in preparing meals was 2 to 3 hours, and the number of side dishes cooked per day expect for the main dish was 5.46 percent of the total respondents ate out more than once a month for a 'family tie'. Third, there was no relation between the knowledge of cooking principle and the variables such as ages, education and income levels. Fourth, the level of the knowledge of cooking method about Korean traditional dishes was positively related with ages, education and income levels. In addition, housemakers who did not work or did not take care of relatives had less knowledge of Korean traditional dishes than those who did. Finally, the interest in dietary life was significantly correlated with the knowledge of cooking principle and cooking method of Korean traditional dishes.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to find out the effect of dietary intake on cognitive function retardation in old age using dietary survey and cognitive function test. The subjects were 332 men of 50-94 years old and their activities of daily living were very similar. The cognitive function was tested by Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE)-K which was translated from MMSE, and the 24-hour recall method was used for dietary survey. Scoring of MMSE-K was a little different from MMSE, that is, in case of no education, one to four points were added to exclude the effect of education which has been considered as a confounder by many researchers. The number of subjects belonging to below 23 of MMSE-K score was increased by increasing age. Even though points were added in case of no education, the ratio of below 23 MMSE-K score group was diminished by increasing education. Therefore, education seems not to be a confounder but a independent variable on cognitive function. Income, past occupation, family type, self-evaluated health status did not play any effect on cognitive function significantly. On the other hand, the correlation between each nutrients and the score of cognitive function test showed that the more consumption of vitamin A and protein, the higher cognitive function score was obtained. In case of iron and Ca, even though it was not statistically significant, there was a tendency of increasing cognitive function score by increasing the intake of those nutrients. This study suggests that micronutrient intakes might be more related to cognitive function than macronutrients.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed observe the effect of edible oil on the serum lipid of 0.5% cholesterol-fed rats. In this experiment, male rats of Sprague-Dawley strain were used. The rats were divided into 5groups which were fed differently eigher for 8 weeks : basal diet, 20% sunflower oil diet, 20% soybean oil diet, 20% rapeseed oil diet, 20% coconut oil diet. The followings are the results of this experiment. 1. The total chol., free chol., TG, PL level in the serum were showed tendency of decrease with in creasing of P/S ratios. 2. HDL-chol. level was increased with increasing of P/S ratios but LDL-chol. level was decreased. 3. GOT, GPT, TBA level in the serum were increased with increasing of P/S ratios.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일본(日本) 내량시대(奈良時代)를 대표(代表)하는 춘일대사(春日大社) 약궁제(若宮祭)는 한반도(韓半島)와 종교적, 문화적 문류(文流)가 빈번하던 시대에 형성된 등원가(藤原家)의 씨사(氏社)로서의 제사이며 역사적(歷史的)으로도 백제인(百濟人)과의 관계가 밀접하여 삼국시대(三國時代)의 식생활(食生活)을 연구하는데 좋은 자료가 되리라 보아 조사한 것이다. 1. 좌속신(坐俗神), 불교(佛敎), 유교식(儒敎式) 제사(祭祀) 및 경사스런 축하연에 쓰이는 종이, 실크, 떡으로 만든 조화(造花)장식은 최초에는 계절에 맞는 생화(生花)를 쓰다가 차츰 다양하게 변화했음이 보인다. 본(本) 약궁제(若宮祭)에서의 도라지꽃은 한반도에서 쓰여진 흔적이 없으나 일본(日本)에서는 제사(祭祀)로 쓰였다. 2. 소(小), 대어반(大御飯)은 시루떡의 시작이였고 백미(白米) 이전에는 현미(玄米)로 만들었다. 다시 쌀 외에 찹쌀, 팥 등 여러가지 곡물을 가미하게 됐다. 3. 채소의 종류는 근채류(根菜類)가 귀중한 채소로 꼽혔고 극히 단순한 조리법이였으리라 본다. 4. 당과자(唐菓子)는 쌀가루를 여러가지 형을 만들어 쪄서 튀겨서 먹는 것으로 보아 그 이후의 과자와 전병의 원조임을 알 수 있다. 5. 8의 어과자(御菓子)에서 둥근 메떡은 현재의 절편이나 가래떡의 시작이였으며 일본(日本)은 기호상 찰떡으로 변했다고 본다. 6. 제사에 최근에도 쓰여지는 곶감, 밤은 고대(古代)부터 이어온 식품으로 밤은 그 껍질채로 쓰여졌고 그 외의 그 지역에서 생산되는 갖가지 과일이 쓰여진 것으로 본다. 7. 염분(染分)과 사색(四色)은 적(赤), 황(黃), 청(靑), 백색(白色)을 말하며 그 색채가 원시적인 선명한 색깔로 본제(本祭)의 상징이며 대표적인 제물이다. 한반도에서는 과자, 사탕, 떡, 과일 등을 주로 이 4가지 색깔로 물들여 제사뿐만 아니라 경사스런 잔치에도 높이 고여서 축하의 뜻으로 차렸다. 8. 성물(盛物)에서는 검은콩, 흰콩, 팥, 비자로서 그 당시 중요한 곡물로서 나타났다. 9. 술은 청주(淸酒)를 쓴 것으로 보아 이미 그 시대의 고도(高度)의 제조법이 백제로부터 전해져서 현대까지 이어지고 있음을 보여준다. 끝으로 신찬(神饌)과는 직접적인 관계는 없으나 사진 1, 2, 3에서 보여주듯이 직접 본(本) 행사(行事)에 참여하면서 제단형태, 의상, 절차, 그 외의 음악과 무용, 장식 등이 현존하는 한국의 전통적 풍물과 그 분위기에 이르기까지 밀접한 관계가 있었음을 느낄 수 있었다는 점이 본 제사를 통하여 고대식(古代食)을 추정하는데 간접적인 뒷받침이 될 수 있다고 보았다.
        1990.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper was performed to investigate the effect of dietary fiber and Chlorella added diets on serum composition of blood and histopathological change of liver and kidney in male rats. As the result, pectin added diets have an effect of decrease a serum, cholesterol and lipid of the tissue.
        1989.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Before Jin (秦) period, Oriental (Eastern) culture was established in Korea different from China. Bulgogi (babecued beef, 貊炙) and legume fermented soy were transmitted into China. Afterward, alcohol drink, rice cake and cookie, shic-hae (lactic acid fermented fish products), Kimchi (fermented vegetable) were introduced and modified for Korea. Buddhism was transmitted to Korea through China, but selective animal was used as food. Later period of Koryo Dynasty, meat-eating become common due to mongorian influence and distilled spirits was introduced by mongorian. During Chosun Dynasty, table setting of spoon and chopstick was established, due to Confucian influence, dog eating, raw fish and raw meat eating became popular and nutrition for elderly was developed, whereas tea culture declined. In recent period (under the Japanese rule) Chinese introduced chinese noodle, chinese cuisine, chinese pancake and sun-dried salt. many chinese cultivated chinese vegetables.
        1989.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Of 1,244 junior high school students of boys and girls and their families in Tokyo and Seoul, we investigated the present situations of the participation in cooking and table manners. In both countries, the average age of parents was 40's, and the ratio of the kinds of fathers' job was similar including 75% of full-time salaried workers, while that of mothers' in Japan was 63%, in Korea 23%. The male participation in cooking in both countries was found in younger generations and that of fathers and boys in Korea was significantly fewer than in Japan, which is regarded as the influence of Confucianism and employment of housekeepers. The figure of frequency of supper taken together daily was 27% in Japan and 54% in Korea where they didn't begin eating until all families gathered or the elders began. In Japan the civilities before and after meals were so often customarily expressed and they had the regular order of seats. The figure of frequency of taking meals with TV watching was about 45% in Japan of breakfast and supper and more than 30% in Korea of supper. As for the participation in cooking and table manners, national characteristics were clearly found out. In both countries, the newly modernized and democratized style of dietary behaviors was being made, rather sooner in Japan, out of the specific East-Asian traditional dining culture.
        1989.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As for the Japanese dietary style and dietary equipments, many are regarded, with the rice plant imported, as the influence of China and Korea, while traditional culture has recently changed in Japanese and Korean urban lives because of the increase of nuclear families and modernization of lives. Of 1,244 junior high school students of boys and girls in Tokyo and Seoul, we investigated the present situations of the employment of dining equipments October to November, 1987. The results obtained are as follows. More cases that each member of a family had his or her own dining equipment were found in Japan. The frequency of using chopsticks was high in both countries. Korean children, having no struggles, handled chopsticks better than Japanese children. As for the dishing-up of sidedishes, more than half of Japanese used their individual plates, while in Korean families they used whole dishes. As for the employment of dining equipments, Japanese people have established their own style because of the national character of delicacy and finicality. This kind of traditional habits were found much more in extended families than in nuclear families. In Korea, the traditional spirit and the broad-minded characteristics cherished in the continental circumstances were manifested in the employment of dining equipments and their strong national character will not easily accept the wave of modernization.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지난 1세기 동안의 한국인 식사 습관의 변화를 조사 분석한 결과는 아래와 같이 요약된다. (1) 이조 말기까지 한국인은 다양한 곡류, 채소류, 과실류를 식품으로 이용하였으나 농업의 전문화와 생활 방식의 도시화에 의하여 이들 식품 재료의 종류가 크게 감소하였다. (2) 우리의 전통식단은 영양적으로 균형잡힌 구성을 가지고 있었으나 일제의 수탈과 전쟁 중의 식량난으로 한국인의 영양 섭취는 크게 악화되었다. (3) 전쟁 중 악화된 영양상태를 전통 식사법의 회복으로 극복하려 하지 않고 서양식 식사법의 도입으로 해결하려 하였다. (4) 전쟁중의 기아 상태에서 외국 원조로 공급된 분유와 밀가루의 섭취가 일반화 되었으며, 전후 경제 개발 과정에서 분식 장려 정책과 축산 진흥 정책이 계속되었다. (5) 1970년대 이후의 경제 성장 과정에서 식용 및 사료용 곡물 도입이 급증하게 되었으며 식량 자급율은 50% 이하로 하락하였다. (6) 1970년대에 와서야 우리의 식량공급은 이조 말기의 수준으로 회복되었다. 그러나 그 구성면에서 지방질의 섭취가 크게 증가되는 양상을 나타내었다. (7) 1980년대에는 동물성 식품의 소비 과다, 지방의 과잉섭취 현상이 계속 심화되고 있으며 이러한 현상은 성인병의 발병율 증가 등 국민 보건의 퇴화 조짐과 식량 수입에 따른 경제적 부담을 가중시키고 있다. (8) 우리의 전통 식사법에 근거를 둔 식사목표의 설정과 올바른 식습관 정립을 위한 국민 교육과 정책적 배려가 시급히 요구되고 있다.
        1988.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Age, sex and the amount of activity determine recommended dietary allowances. So the method of developing RDA and their levels have been revised according as the physical condition of a nation improves and the amount of activity changes along with the variety of social situations. It can be seen from records that in Korea the absolute nutrient requirements for the people in Chosun Dynasty were first published in 1922. After that, in 1941 Gui Dong Han expressed his view that the standard health diets for the Japanese would be suitable for the people in Chosun Dynasty. In 1960, the temporary nutrition standards for the Koreans were established by the Ministry of the Health and Social Affairs. For these standards, males and females were respectively divided into three groups by age and nine nutrients were recommended for each group. In 1962, The Korean Association to FAO published the RDA for the Koreans. Since then, regular researches have been done. For these allowances, there were 16 age groups of men and women and ten nutrients recommended for each group. On the first revision in 1967, the fat allowance was presented at the ratio (12%) of fat calorie to total calories with no change in the number of age catagories and in the kinds of nutrients. And the basis of the riboflavin allowance was changed from the level of protein intake to that of energy intake. On the socond revision in 1975, there was brought 19 are catagories and ten nutrients recommended. On the third revision in 1980, age catagories increased to 22, and ten nutrients were recommended. On the fourth revision in 1985, there remained 21 groups by uniting the early and later periods of pregency. On the first revision in 1967, the recommended energy allowance was 3000 kcal, the highest level. Since then it has gradually been reduced. And it can be noticed that the protein allowance was high when food was difficult to obtain.
        1986.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A dietary treatment of Chinese medicine for diabetes mellitus was extensively studied and compared with that of western medicine. The main results are as follows: Chinese medicine is based on the following empirical dietetics. First, likeness helps likeness. When an internal organ of mankind is not functioning properly, the food or drug from the same organ of an animal will be helpful to cure it. Second, take good foods for health properly and never take any foods against body. Third, building up one's body by taking tonics is not quite the same as building up one's body through proper eating. On the other hand, western medicine is based on the experimental and scientific methods which are modernized in accordance with the development of science and technology. It emphasizes upon finding the cause of a disease. Then this disease can be cured by doing a necessary medical treatment which sometime uses a surgical operation or chemical and radiological method or both. Although there are many ways in treating a diabetic in Western Medicine, here the diabetics is supposed to be the best. The same is true for Chinese Medicine. Therefore one can easily conclude that the dietetics is the most important and effective of all irrespective of Western and Chinese Medicine as far as diabetesis concerned. In Western Medicine, a diabetic is recommened to have the minimum calories necessary for life and not to have goods containing glucide beyond a certain quantity, while in Chinese medicine a diabetic is not allowed to have foods containing more than 10% of glucide. These two facts suggest that a diabetic should pay careful attention to foods containing lots of glucide. Finally a systematic cooperation between western and Chinese medicine will cure not only diabetes but also other disease more effectively than a traditionally unilateral method.
        1986.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to find the effect of dietary polyunsaturated fat on of vitamin levels E, total cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol in serum of Spraque-Dawley male rats. Experimental rats were fed for 4 weeks with corn oil, perilla oil, lard at a level of 10% and 20% respectively. The results obtained are as follows; 1. Body weight gains were similar to all groups and food intake was significantly lower in all experimental diet groups than control diet group, especially 20% corn oil diet group was the lowest among the experimental diet groups. 2. Vitamin E levels in serum were significantly lower in 20% corn oil and 10%, 20% perilla oil diets groups than control diet group. 3. Serum total cholesterol levels were significantly higher in 20% perilla oil diet group which was significantly lower in vitamin E level than control diet group, and serum total cholesterol levels of 10%, 20% lard diets groups were significantly higher than control diet group. 4. Serum HDL-cholesterol levels were significantly lower in 20% perilla oil diet group which was significantly lower in vitamin E level than control diet group, and serum HDL-cholesterol levels of 10%, 20% lard diets groups also were significantly lower than control diet group.
        1986.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Several authors reported that vegetable proteins cause to decrease serum cholesterol and reported the effect of limiting amino acid balance in dietary protein on the blood component. This study was designed to observe growth rate and blood component in 1% cholesterol-fed male rats intake pure isolated soy proteins and methionine for 4 weeks. The diets were supplemented with either 20% casein or isolated soy protein as dietary protein sources and methionine as limiting amino acid of isolated soy protein and casein protein. The results were as follows; 1) The body weight gain was the greatest in casein groups. 2) Serum total cholesterol concentration was significantly increased by casein groups and slightly decreased by isolated soy protein groups. 3) Serum HDL-cholesterol concentration was significantly increased by isolated soy protein groups than control group. 4) Serum total lipid and triglyceride concentrations were significantly decreased by isolated soy protein groups than control group. 5) Serum glucose concentration was significantly increased by isolated soy protein plus 0.8% methionine than control group. 6) Serum total protein and albumin concentrations were significantly increased by all experimental diets groups than control group. Especially, casein groups were the most increased in all experimental diets groups.
        1985.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Our country has been produced much amounts of panax ginseng roots which has a stimulating effects on the metabolism of protein, lipid and nucleic acids in the body. And the leaf trunk of panax ginseng were also produced a considerable amounts as the by - products. Therefore, this study was devised to observe the nutritional effect to rats feeding of rice diet supplemented with by - products of panax ginseng, male Albino rats of pure strain weighing 73.8 ± 0.7 g were used as experimental animal to investigate the changes of cholesterol in heart and testis. The animals were divided into sixteen diet group, they were the protein contents of 9%, 12%, 15% and 18% supplemented with 2% panax ginseng roots and its by - products respectively. The group without the supplements were used as the control. The diet group were again divided into 2 groups according to the feeding terms, 4 weeks and 8 weeks. It is concluded that the free from cholesterol and total cholesterol contents in the heart and testis with the supplements of panax ginseng roots and its by - products showed significant difference compared to the control group.
        1985.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was designed to investigate the effects of dietary fiber sources and levels on serum lipids in rats fed a hypercholesterol diet containing 0.5% cholesterol. Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 52.7 ± 7.27g were devided into sevel groups by completely randomized block design and fed various dietary fibers which were prepared from Rice bran, Siraegi (The dried green parts of a radish) and Bracken Fern at a level of 5% and 10% respectively. The results obtained in this study are summarized as follows: 1. Body weight gains were not significantly different among the groups and food intake was significantly higher in rats fed a diet of Siraegi 10% than those fed the control diet. 2. Fecal wet weights were significantly increased in all experimental groups. 3. Levels of serum total cholesterol in all experimental groups were significantly lower than that of the control group except the level in the R 10(Rice bran 10%) group. 4. Free Cholesterol levels in the serum were increased in all experimental groups, especially the levels in the R 10 (Rice bran 10%) and S 10 (Siraegi 10%) groups were significantly higher than that of the control group. 5. Ester Cholesterol levels in the serum were significantly lower in rats fed the experimental diets than those fed the control diet. 6. There was a tendency of higher serum HDL-Cholesterol levels in R5 (Rice bran 5%), R10 (Rice bran 10%) and B5(Bracken 5%) groups compared to the control group however no significant differences were found between the control group and all the experimental groups except in the case of the S5 (Siraegi 5%) group. 7. LDL, VLDL-Cholesterol levels in the serum sere significantly reduced in the S5 (Siraegi 5%), B5 (Bracken 5%) and B10 (Bracken 10%) groups. 8. The HDL-C./Total-C. Ratio was increased in all experimental group especially the Ratios in the S5 and B5 groups were significantly higher than that of the control group.
        1984.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Interaction of dietary Magnesium, Calcium and Polyunsaturated fatty acid(vegetable oils)on 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl Co-A reductase activity was studied for a period of 30 days using isocalories and isonitrogenous as a basal diet . The subject rabbits were divided into 18 feeding groups. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The ratio of α1-lipoprotein par lipalbumin is 0.34 for control group, 0.38 the highest group fed 0.1 Mg(II) 10ml plus perilla oil and basal diet, the lowest 0.25 group fed 0.1M Mg(II) 5ml plus sesame oil and basal diet. 2. The ratio ratio of α2-lipoprotein per lipalbumin is 0.64 for control group. 0.95 as the highest for the group fed 0.1M Ca(II) 15ml plus sesame oil and basal diet, 0.1M Ca(II) 5ml plus perilla oil and basal diet. 3. The ratio of β-lipoprotein per lipalbumin is 0.71 for control group, the highest 0.81 for the groups fed 0.1M Mg(II) 10ml plus sesame oil and basal diet, the lowest 0.37 for the group fed 0.1M Mg(II) 15ml plus soybean oil and basal diet. 4. In serum triglyceride, control group was 129.5mg%, the highest 155.4mg% for the group fed 0.1M Ca(II) 5ml plus sesame oil and basal diet, the lowest 85.7mg% for the group fed 0.1M Mg(II) 10ml plus soybean oil and basal diet. 5. In serum cholesterol, control group was 96.7mg%, the highest 152.5mg% for the group fed 0.1M Ca(II) 10ml plus sesame oil and basal diet, the lowest 80.5mg% for the group fed 0.1M Mg(II) 15ml plus soybean oil and basal diet. 6. In case of HMG-CoA reductase activity, control group was 0.95, the highest 0.98 for the group fed 0.1M Ca(II) plus soybean oil and basal diet. 7. Interaction between metal(II) ions and polyunsaturated fatty acid(vegetable oil) are soybean oil〉sesame oil〉perilla oil, for Mg(II). soybean oil〉perilla oil〉sesame oil, for Ca(II). Therefore, it is invetigated that the interaction between metal ion and polyunsaturated fatty acid is the higher, the cholesterol level is the lower, and HMG-CoA reductase activity is increased.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to investigate the effect of amino acid additives to weaned piglet diets on the pH and volatile fatty acids of pig slurries. A total of 135 weaned 22 -day-old piglets (Yorkshire x Landrace x Duroc) were used in this 56-d study. The three dietary treatments were as follows: (1) Control as a basal diet, (2) 1% amino acid additive and (3) 2% amino acid additive. Both pH and acetic acid values at 71 and 78 days were significantly different in all treatment groups (p<0.05). In addition, significant differences in propionic acid values were observed among treatment groups at 64 and 78 days (p<0.05). However, pH, acetic acid, and propionic acid values did not differ between 1% and 2% amino acid treatment groups. In conclusion, adding 1% and 2% amino acid to weaned piglet diets reduced the pH, acetic acid and propionic acid contents of pig slurries by acting as a probiotic. This may help formulate increase management strategies for improving the pig housing environment.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study aimed to examine the effect of dietary Ptecticu tenebrifer powder mixtures as pet dogfeed ingredients on crude fat and ash digestibility. Three groups of feeds Feed A, Feed B, and Feed C supplied from three farms were fed to a total of 45 dogs. The dietary Ptecticu tenebrifer powder mixture were prepared by mixing 25 g of Ptecticu tenebrifer powder with 100 g of canned food. Feed A, Feed B, and Feed C containing dietary Ptecticu tenebrifer powder mixtures were fed to 15 dogs of each breed of bichon, poodle, and chihuahua that were divided into three groups following a completely randomized design. For measuring the crude fat and crude ash digestibility, manure of each dog breed from each group were collected. Crude fat digestibility was not statistically significant among the dog breeds fed with feed C (p>0.05), but overall there was a statistical difference between the feed and the group by dog breed (p<0.05). In terms of crude ash digestibility, the three types of feed showed differences with respect to dog breeds (p<0.05). However, the group with no significant difference was observed in Feed B by dog breed (p>0.05). In conclusion, feeding Ptecticu tenebrifer powder mixture to dog breeds had no positive effect on the crude fat and ash digestibility and can be used as pet dogfeed ingredients.