
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 44

        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        캄보디아의 카사바는 최근 벼 다음으로 매우 중요한 작물로 부상하고 있다. 국내 소비와 수출이 증대됨에 따라 지난 10년 동안 급성장을 하고 있다. 최근의 재배면적 변화를 보면 2000 년 16,279 ha에서 2012년 361,854 ha로 급격하게 증가되었다. 생산량도 2000년 147,763톤에서 2012년 7,613,698톤으로 약 52배 늘었다. 단위면적당 수확량을 보면 ha당 2000년 10톤 내 외에서 최근 우기재배의 경우 21톤, 건기의 경우 약 29톤에 이르고 있다. Battambang, Kampong Cham 및 Banteay Mean Chey 등이 주산지이며, 이들 지역의 생산량은 전체의 48%를 차지하고 있다. 수량 감소 주요인은 토양 양분결핍, 재배기간의 단축, 잡초 피해 등으로 분석되었다. 따라서 생산성이 저조한 지역에서도 수량 감소 요인을 개선하게 되면 금후 수량성을 높일 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다. 세계 시장에서 캄보디아의 카사바 경쟁력을 높이기 위해서 는 수량성 증대와 생산비 절감이 절실하다. 영양적 측면에서 전분함량 증대, 전분의 기능성 확대, 영양가치의 향상 등도 요 구된다. 가공면에서는 가공공장의 확대, 가공효율 개선, 새로 운 가공기술과 상품 개발 등도 개선되어야 한다. 특히 새로운 시장 개척과 생산, 가공 및 유통 등의 긴밀한 협력체계 구축 이 필요하다 하겠다. 이 밖에도 높은 인플레이션에 대한 인건 비, 농산물 및 서비스가격의 상승 등도 해결되어야 한다. 또한 다수확 품종의 지속적인 공급과 농가의 기술 평준화가 선행되 어야 한다. 지역 및 국제시장에서의 카사바 가격에 대한 정보 도 충분하지 않다. 그리고 농가의 관개시설 미비에 따른 천연 강수량 의존성과 설비 보완업체 부족 등도 문제다. 이러한 점 을 해결하기 위해서는 카사바에 대한 명확한 정책 및 관련기 관의 설립 기반이 마련되어야 하고 기관과 재정의 강화뿐만 아니라 효율적인 마케팅 체계를 다양화하고 카사바 부가가치 의 향상이 필요하다고 본다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated physicochemical properties of puffed snacks with intermediate and high amylose rice varieties. The intermediate amylose rice varieties ‘Sindongjin’ and high amylose rice varieties newly developed for food processing, ‘Dodamssal’ and ‘Goami4’ were tested for this study. The crude fat and crude protein contents of the rice cultivars ranged 1.47-3.08% and 6.30-7.63%, respectively. The resistant starch and amylose contents of Dodamssal and Goami4 were higher than those of Sindongjin. The hardness of rice was the highest in Sindongjin and Dodamssal. Also, Hardness of puffed snacks decreased by 72.07% for Sindongjin, 88.21% for Dodamssal and 66.67% for Goami4 compared to raw rice samples. The sensory evaluation showed that the highest scores in taste, texture and overall acceptability of puffed snacks were obtained in Dodamssal. The results of this study indicate that Dodamssal was suitable varieties for puffed snacks. Also, the physicochemical properties of Dodamssal were improved by the extrusion process. Therefore Dodamssal can be used for the industrial production of puffed snacks.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국내에서 생산되는 벼의 저장안전성 확보를 위한 기초기 반연구로 플라즈마 기술을 이용하여 벼의 저장기간 및 온도에 따른 미생물 생육 및 성분 변화를 관찰하였다. 플라즈마 시스템은 컨테이너형 유전격벽 플라즈마로 공기방전방식을 이용하여 삼광, 청품, 미소미, 팔방미 품종을 0, 10 및 20분간 처리하여 4℃, 25℃에서 2달간 저장하여 실험하였 다. 미생물 생육 변화를 관찰한 결과 저장 초기에는 일반호기성 미생물은 3.46-3.86 log CFU/g, 곰팡이는 2.27-2.86 log CFU/g이 검출되었다. 저장온도 및 기간에 따라 일반호기성 미생물 및 곰팡이의 생육은 증가하였으며, 품종간의 큰 차이는 없었다. 저장한 후의 미생물 분석 결과 플라즈마 처리 군의 미생물이 약 1.50 log CFU/g 적게 생육되었다. 플라즈마 처리한 벼의 수분함량을 측정한 결과 플라즈마 처리에 의한 큰 차이는 관찰되지 않았으나, 저장온도가 올라가면 수분함량이 감소하는 것을 확인하였다. 지방은 플라즈마에 의해 감소하는 경향을 보였으나, 단백질 함량은 플라즈마 및 저장조건에 따른 일관적인 변화는 관찰되지 않았다. 아밀로스 함량의 경우 삼광, 청품, 미소미 품종은 플라즈마에 의한 함량 변화는 관찰되지 않았으나 팔방미는 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 플라즈마에 의해 벼의 저장안전성을 개선할 수 있으며 품질 변화의 최소화를 위하여 저온저장이 효과적이라고 판단된다.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Yogurt is produced by fermentation of milk using bacteria known as “yogurt cultures”. Most of these bacteria are probiotics such as Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, Lb. rhamnosus, Streptococcus thermophilus, and Bifidobacterium. The domestic fermented milk market is increasing, and about 30 companies are producing yogurt. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality characteristics of domestic commercial liquid yogurt. Total 30types of commercial yogurts were sampled and their physicochemicial properties, including pH, sugar content, acidity, viscosity, and microbial characteristics of lactic acid bacteria counts, were measured. Commercial liquid type yogurt showed a pH of 4.5, sugar content of 7.4-21.2%, total acid content of 0.4-0.9%, and viscosity of 0.1-250 cP. In terms of microbial populations, lactic acid bacteria counts were 7.2-11.3 log CFU/mL and anaerobic lactic acid bacteria counts were 8.0-11.5 log CFU/mL. The quality characteristics differed depending on the constituents of the sample and the microorganisms used. These results are related to the quality characteristics of yogurts and are useful for identifying new trends in the domestic fermented milk industry.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study the effect of rice addition on the quality of beer was investigated. Pilot-scale brews were performed with addition ratios of 10, 20, 30, and 40% of brown rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Hangaru) which were compared with 100% malt beer and commercial beers in terms of quality. Alcohol content of beer was between 3.93 to 4.40%. The total sugar content increased when the rice percent was increased. The pH range of beer were 4.32 and 4.60, which were no significant differences found among by the rate of rice added. Total acidity and amino-acidity decreased corresponding to increasing percent of rice, on the other hand, lightness of beer was increased the increase in percent of rice, while redness and yellowness of beer were decreased. The study demonstrated that the increases of rice addition in beer provided some positive effects on beer quality by decreasing bitterness where as improving beer color.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of rice cultivars (Hangaru, Seolgaeng, Dasan-1 and Anda) on the quality characteristics of rice beer. Hangaru and Seolgaeng which are soft rice varieties, had moisture contents that were 14.48% and 14.62% higher than those of Dasan-1 and Anda, respectively. Dasan-1 and Anda showed higher protein contents than those of the other two varieties. The amylose content of Hangaru was found to be 17.71% lower than that of the other varieties, whereas the reducing sugar content of Hangaru and Seolgaeng was higher than that of Dasan-1 and Anda. Hardness measurements for Hangaru and Seolgaeng were lower than those for Dasan-1 and Anda. Measurements of the alcohol content, pH and color of beers brewed using these rice cultivars revealed no significant difference among the cultivars. However, measurement results for bitterness showed that beers brewed with Hangaru and Seolgaeng had lower bitterness than did the beers brewed with Dasan-1 and Anda. The results of this study indicate that Hangaru and Seolgaeng can be considered as cultivars with brewing qualities suitable for rice beer.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to compare the cooking and antioxidant characteristics of rice containing varying amounts of glutinous rice and cooked by two methods. Rice containing glutinous rice was cooked by general and high-pressure cooking methods with and without fermented alcohol. Pasting characteristics of cooked rice were decreased with increasing amounts of glutinous rice. The water binding capacity and swelling power were significantly decreased with increasing amounts of glutinous rice; however, water solubility indices were significantly increased. Palatability characteristics of cooked rice containing glutinous rice were similar to those of cooked rice without glutinous rice. Total polyphenol contents of cooked rice containing glutinous rice and fermented alcohol were quite different, but this difference was not significant. Total flavonoid contents were increased with increasing amounts of glutinous rice. Total flavonoid content by general cooking method for rice containing 20% glutinous rice and fermented alcohol was 23.20 ± 0.61 μg CE/g. DPPH radical-scavenging activities for samples with and without glutinous rice were 2.97–5.19 and 3.19–5.45 mg TE/100 g, respectively. ABTS radical-scavenging activity by high-pressure cooking method for rice containing 20% glutinous rice and fermented alcohol was 19.48 ± 0.63 mg TE/100 g. In this study, cooking and antioxidant characteristics of cooked rice containing glutinous rice generated data useful for manufacturing processed products.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Early maturity of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is an important character for double cultivating system with winter crops such as onion or garlic in southern area of Korea. Soybean cultivars released in the past, especially ‘Keunolkong’ was widely cultivated but it was weak at abiotic stress and low yield potential because of too short growing period and short stem height. ‘Hanol’, a new early maturing cultivar showing better abiotic stress tolerant and higher yield potential, was developed from the cross between SS91408 and ‘Hwaeomputkong’, and released in 2009. ‘Hanol’ is, compared to ‘Keunolkong’, Hanol’s growing period is five days longer and its height is 5cm higher. In addition, it showed better excess-water tolerant and 26.5g 100-seed weight. At regional adaptation yield trials (RYT) in six regions from 2007 to 2009, ‘Hanol’ showed 2.04 tons of seed per hectare, 14% higher than ‘Keunolkong’ (1.80ton/ha). ‘Hanol’ is promising for double cropping system with higher yield.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A soybean cultivar for soy-paste, ‘Hwangkeumol’, was developed from the cross between SS92414 (crossing line of ‘Pokwangkong’ and ‘Suwon163’) and ‘Hwaeomputkong’ by soybean breeding team in the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in 2010. A promising line, SS99409-2B-11-5-4, was selected and designated as the name of ‘Milyang202’. It was prominent and had good result from regional adaptation yield trials for three years from 2008 to 2010 and released as the name of ‘Hwangkeumol’. It has a determinate growth habit, white flower, gray pubescence, yellow seed coat, yellow hilum, spherical seed shape and large seed (28.6 grams per 100 seeds). Maturity date of ‘Hwangkeumol’ was as early as September 15th. Therefore it is suitable for double cropping system. ‘Hwangkeumol’ was resistant to bacterial pustule and resistant to soybean mosaic virus, the major soybean diseases in Korea and tolerant to lodging in fields. The average yield of ‘Hwangkeumol’ was 2.51 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials carried out for three years from 2008 to 2010.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of barley cultivars (Saessalbori, Saechalssalbori and Huinchalssalbori) and different milling recovery (95%, 85% and 75%) on quality characteristics of barley Makgeolli. The content of moisture, ash, crude protein, and crude fat in barley seeds were reduced with decreasing milling recovery. The qualities of barley Makgeolli were also significantly affected by the milling recovery. Decreasing milling recovery of all cultivars resulted to increase in total sugar content and reducing sugar content but decrease in pH while alcohol content and total acidity were not significantly affected. Moreover, the lightness and yellowness of barley Makgeolli increased by milling while its redness decreased. The sensory evaluation showed that the consumer preference for barley Makgeolli increased at the lowest milling recovery (75%). The results of this study suggest that the milling recovery and cultivar of barley were important factors to improve the taste and color of barley Makgeolli.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Although much effort has been made to find agronomically important loci in the soybean plant, extensive linkage disequilibrium and genome duplication have limited efficient genome-wide linkage analyses that can identify important regulatory genes. In this respect, recombination block-based analysis of cultivated plant genomes is a potential critical step for molecular breeding and target locus screening. We propose a new three-step method of detecting recombination blocks and comparative genomics of bred cultivars. It utilizes typical reshuffling features of their genomes, which have been generated by the recombination processes of breeding ancestral genomes. To begin with, mutations were detected by comparing genomes to a reference genome. Next, sequence blocks were examined for likenesses and difference with respect to the reference genome. The boundaries between the blocks were taken as recombination sites. All recombination sites found in the cultivar set were used to split the genomes, and the resulting sequence fragments were named as core recombination blocks (CRBs). Finally, the genomes were compared at the CRB level, instead of at the sequence level. In the genomes of the five Korean soybean cultivars used, the CRB-based comparative genomics method produced long and distinct CRBs that are as large as 22.9 Mb. We also demonstrated efficiency in detecting functionally useful target loci by using indel markers, each of which represents a CRB. We further showed that the CRB method is generally applicable to both monocot and dicot crops, by analyzing publicly available genomes of 31 soybeans and 23 rice accessions.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Resequencing data is actively used for searching QTL or analyzing genetic diversity in the crops. However, the complexity of genome, caused by genome duplication, limits the utility of genome-wide association studies and linkage analyses to identify genes that regulate agronomically valuable traits. Here, we propose a comparative genomics approach based on core or common variation-based recombination blocks (CRB) using single nucleotide variation (SNV) density information. We found that the soybean genomes are assembled with long and distinct CRBs as large as 10Mb. CRB-based comparative genomics enabled us to accurately identify recombination blocks at the whole-chromosome level. We identified the Ih locus that determines the yellow hilum color in soybeans using CRB-based mapping with representative indel markers. These results suggest that the CRB-based comparison method is a promising platform for molecular breeding and map-based cloning.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        나물용 녹두 신품종 '주현'은 금성녹두와 VC1834-4-B-2-B-3B-B를 인공교배하여 2009년에 육성되었다. '주현'의 생육습성은 직립, 잎 모양은 심장형, 백축색은 녹색, 성숙기에 꼬투리는 검고 곧으며, 종피는 광택이 없는 녹색이다. 개체당 협수는 26개로 표준품종인 '어울녹두'보다 8개 많고, 녹두나물 수율은 표준품종보다 18% 많다. '주현'은 바이러스, 갈색무늬병, 흰가루병 및 도복에 대한 포장저항성은 강하고, 평균수량은 1.84 MT/h
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        신강은 콩나물 적성이 뛰어나고 농업형질이 우수하나 콩모자이크병에 약한 소원콩을 반복친으로, 콩모자이크병 저항성 유전자 Rsv3을 보유한 L29를 일회친으로 사용하여 육성된 품종이다. 육성기간의 단축을 위하여 분자표지선발법을 사용하여 목표유전자의 도입과 반복친의 회복정도를 신속히 확인함으로써 품종 개발에 소요되는 기간을 7년으로 단축하였다. 신강의 주요 특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 유한신육형이며, 꽃색은 자색이고 엽형은 피침형이다. 입형은 구형이고
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 최근 우리나라에서 급격하게 발생되고 있는 콩 불마름병에 대한 저항성 중간모본을 육성하고자 할 때 marker-assisted selection에 적용할 수 있는 저항성 근접 분자표지를 개발하고자 수행하였다. 1. 불마름병에 이병성인 큰올콩과 저항성인 신팔달콩의 RIL 116 계통에 대하여 콩 불마름병 균주 8ra에 대한 저항성과 연관된 QTL을 탐색한 결과 포장에서는 연관군 B2, D2, I와 K에서, 온실에서는 연관군 D2, C1과 F에서
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