Being in a stable continental region (SCR) with a limited history of instrumentation, South Korea has not collected sufficient instrumental data for data-driven ground motion models. To address this limitation, we investigated the suitability of the hybrid ground motion simulation method that Graves and Pitarka (2010, 2015) proposed for simulating earthquake ground motions in South Korea. The hybrid ground motion simulation method used in this study relies on region-specific parameters to accurately model phenomena associated with the seismic source and the wave propagation. We initially employed relevant models and parameters available in the literature as a practical approach. We incorporated a three-dimensional velocity model developed by Kim et al. (2017) and a one-dimensional velocity model presented by Kim et al. (2011) to account for the crustal velocity structure of the Korean peninsula. To represent the earthquake source, we utilized Graves and Pitarka’s rupture generator algorithm along with a magnitude-area scaling relationship developed for SCR by Leonard (2014). Additionally, we assumed the stress and attenuation parameters based on studies of regional seismicity. Using the implemented platform, we simulated the 2016 Mw5.57 Gyeongju earthquake and the 2017 Mw5.4 Pohang earthquake. Subsequently, we compared results with recorded accelerations and an empirical ground motion prediction equation at strong motion stations. Our simulations had an overall satisfactory agreement with the recorded ground motions and demonstrated the potential of broadband hybrid ground motion simulation for engineering applications in South Korea. However, limitations remain, such as the underestimation of long-period ground motions during the 2017 Pohang earthquake and the lack of a model to predict the ground motion amplification associated with the near-surface site response accurately. These limitations underscore the importance of careful validation and refinement of region-specific models and parameters for practically implementing the simulation method.
Climate change and human activities have significantly threatened plant diversity in Nigeria, leading to the imminent extinction of plant genetic resources (PGR). The collected and conserved PGR are insufficient to slow the rate of diversity loss. To address this challenge, plant breeders have initiated various improvement programs aimed at utilizing available PGR to enhance plant resilience against the severity of climate change. Despite these efforts, several limiting factors hinder the sustainable conservation of PGR in Nigeria. The lack of up-to-date information on PGR in Nigeria restricts our understanding of crop diversity. This review explores these constraints and outlines the diverse strategies employed by relevant research institutes over the years to conserve PGR. It also evaluates both in-situ and ex-situ conservation efforts in the country. Collaborations and interactions between research institutes in Nigeria focused on managing PGR are highlighted. Establishing more ex-situ fields across all ecological zones of Nigeria is emphasized as a crucial step to enhance effective conservation measures. Additional recommendations are provided to encourage the conservation and sustainable production of PGR in Nigeria.
This study examined the feeding behavior and growth performance of 31 Hanwoo steers (10 months old; 278 ± 36.13 kg) within a precision livestock farming system using Roughage Intake Control (RIC) units for real-time data collection. Feeding behavior traits were derived from RIC database data using R software, with subsequent analysis conducted using SAS software. The results indicated that the steers visited the feed stations every 31.12 ± 11.99 minutes, averaging 11 ± 3.37 visits/day. Each feeding session lasted an average of 5.90 ± 1.55 minutes, resulting in a feed intake rate of 77.98 ± 22.53 g/min. Mean daily feed intake was 4.76 ± 1.36 kg, and body weight increased consistently, reaching an average of 412 ± 43.44 kg, with an average daily gain (ADG) of 1.26 ± 0.38 kg. Pearson correlation analysis revealed a strong relationship between daily feed intake and visit duration (r² = 0.621; p < 0.01) and an inverse correlation between daily feed intake and feed intake duration (r² = −0.445; p < 0.05), indicating behavioral adaptation. These findings highlight the importance of monitoring feeding behavior traits concerning growth performance, enhancing our understanding of individual animal behavior and its implications for productivity while emphasizing the role of advanced technologies in optimizing feed utilization in confined livestock systems.
아프리카계 미국작가들이 창작한 문학 작품들인 “아프리카계 미국인 문 학”은 미 전역에서 고통 받은 흑인들을 탐구한다. 이들 저자는 다문화적 배경에도 주 로 백인에 의한 비백인의 지배와 그로 인한 영향, 특히 인종 차별 문제에 대해 묘사 하려 한다. 그들 작가가 다루는 다양한 주제들은 시대의 흐름에 따라 많은 변화를 겪 었다. 미국 남북 전쟁 이전에, 아프리카계 미국인 작가들은 주로 인종차별, 종교, 그리 고 노예제 문제를 다루었지만, 이제 아프리카계 미국작가들은 자신들의 감정, 행동, 그 리고 죽음에 대한 인식을 기록한다. 이들 작품에서 등장하는 아프리카계 미국인 주인 공들은 종종 자신들이 통제할 수 없는 일들을 강제로 수행해야 하는 무력한 인물로 묘사된다. 일반적으로 아프리카계 미국인 작가들은 인종차별, 흑인 미학, 그리고 정체 성 탐구에 대해 글을 쓴다. 주목할 만한 현대 아프리카계 미국인 소설가로는 스콧 리 드와 오마르 타이리가 있다. 그들의 저작은 일반적으로 인종 간의 상호작용과 흑인 미 국인들의 가장 열악한 경제적 상황을 묘사한다. 이 글의 주요 목적은 인종 정치와 차 별이 아프라카계 미국인들의 성공을 어떻게 방해하는지를 분석하는 것이다. 분석을 위 해 탈식민지 이론과 비판적 인종 이론을 사용한다.
Aluminum-based composites are in high demand in industrial fields due to their light weight, high electrical conductivity, and corrosion resistance. Due to its unique advantages for composite fabrication, powder metallurgy is a crucial player in meeting this demand. However, the size and weight fraction of the reinforcement significantly influence the components' quality and performance. Understanding the correlation of these variables is crucial for building high-quality components. This study, therefore, investigated the correlations among various parameters—namely, milling time, reinforcement ratio, and size—that affect the composite’s physical and mechanical properties. An artificial neural network model was developed and showed the ability to correlate the processing parameters with the density, hardness, and tensile strength of Al2024-B4C composites. The predicted index of relative importance suggests that the milling time has the most substantial effect on fabricated components. This practical insight can be directly applied in the fabrication of high-quality Al2024-B4C composites.
Bio-efficacies of two different types of fungicides, Diniconazole and Paclobutrazol with their effects as plant g rowth regulators f or Kimchi Cab bage were e valuated o n February 4 to A pril 13, 2024 in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. The experiment was done during the off-season planting of Kimchi Cabbage in the country. Yield and other horticultural characteristics were observed for seven different groups: group 1, untreated control; group 2, recommended rate of granular fertilizer (RR-G); group 3, recommended rate of granular fertilizer plus recommended rate of Diniconazole; group 4, recommended r ate of D iniconazole (alone); g roup 5 , recommended rate o f Paclob utrazol (RR-PBZ), group 6, RR-G plus RR-PBZ; and group 7, RR-G plus ½ RR-PBZ. Results showed that combination of recommended rate of granular fertilizer plus the full recommendation of Paclobutrazol (group 6) resulted in a significantly higher yield of 64.9 tons/ha than other groups with yields ranging from 23.3 to 55.3 tons/ha. Such significantly higher yield in group 6 was also attributed to the number of leaves produced by plants at the time of harvest. Regarding effects of two chemical treatments, the combination of Diniconazole a nd P aclob utrazol a s recommended granular f ertilizers h elped in t he heading of K imchi Cabbage during hot conditions with an average temperature of 32-35°C from March to April at the heading stage plus a f actor of b eing planted a t a lowland area i n the country. T he a dvantage o f Paclobutrazol aside from yield is its availability in the country as compared to Diniconazole (Binnari).
This study pioneers a transformative approach of discarded orange peels (Citrus sinensis) into highly porous carbon, demonstrating its potential application in energy storage devices. The porous carbon structure offers a substantial surface area, making it conducive for effective ion adsorption and storage, thereby enhancing capacitance. The comprehensive characterization, including X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared, Raman spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and XPS verifies the material’s suitability for energy storage applications by confirming its nature, functional groups, graphitic structure, porous morphology and surface elemental compositions. Moreover, the introduced plasma treatment not only improves the material’s intensity, bending vibrations, and morphology but also increases capacitance, as evidenced by galvanostatic charge–discharge tests. The air plasma-treated carbon exhibits a noteworthy capacitance of 1916F/g at 0.05A/g in 2 M KOH electrolyte. long term cyclic stability has been conducted up to 10,000 cycles, the calculated capacitance retention and columbic efficiency is 92.7% and 97.6%. These advancements underscore the potential of utilizing activated carbon from agricultural waste in capacitors and supercapatteries, offering a sustainable solution for energy storage with enhanced performance characteristics.
The Balloon-borne Investigation of Temperature and Speed of Electrons in the corona (BITSE) mission, performed by KASI and NASA, used a high-altitude scientific balloon. The purpose of BITSE was to investigate the scientific feasibility of electron temperature and velocity measurements in the solar corona using wavelength-dependent polarization brightness differences. KASI was responsible for developing the command and data handling (C&DH) system, including the main electronics unit and flight software (FSW). Here, we introduce the development of C&DH system of BITSE and describe the ground integration and test and flight operations. The main electronics unit was built using an industrial-grade modular system in customized enclosures that withstood the operating environment. The FSW was developed using the core Flight System (cFS), an open-source software framework developed by NASA and used in several successful space missions. BITSE was launched at Fort Sumner, New Mexico, USA, on September 18, 2019. It observed the solar corona for approximately 4 hours at an altitude of approximately 40 km and collected 16,000 solar corona images. This study could provide guidelines for developing the C&DH system for future balloon missions.
Forecasting port container throughput is crucial due to its impact on economic development. Socio-economic factors, which introduce uncertainty, are increasingly integrated into throughput forecasting. The complexity of common multivariate forecasting models significantly affects accuracy, yet few studies compare their performance on the same time series for throughput modeling. This study implements, evaluates, and compares the performance of eight multivariate forecasting models for port throughput within a proposed multiple-input single-output (MISO) system, chosen for their frequent use in container throughput research. It investigates two data preprocessing approaches: Random Forest Variable Importance Method (RF-VIM) and a Multi Lagged Value approach. The comparison uses six error metrics: normalized root mean squared error, mean absolute error, mean absolute percentage error, mean error, and root mean percentage error. Performances are discussed, and recommendations for adopting a suitable model are provided.
Metal-free N–S- and N–P-doped nanocarbon (SCNP and PCNP) electrocatalysts prepared through sustainable microwaveassisted synthesis using hemigraphis alternata plant leaves. The prepared heteroatom-doped nanocarbon materials are active catalysts for the two-electron oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) to produce 65–70% of hydrogen peroxide. As evidenced from the XPS, most proportion of the doped heteroatoms contain the oxygen functional groups in the nanocarbons. These attributes are the critical factors to see the selective two-electron transfer ORR for the PCNP and SCNP. This approach shed light on the critical role of dual heteroatoms doping and the oxygen functionalities in nanocarbon towards the selectivity of ORR. We believe that this method would allow the preparation of heteroatom that contains oxygen functionalities. Our work paves a sustainable way of preparation of nanocarbon based ORR catalysts that are only selective for two-electron transfer process.
In this study, the aromatic carbon content of epoxy resin (EP) increased via carbon tar pitch (CTP) modification, and the CTP occurred self-polymerization reaction. The carboxyl and hydroxyl groups of CTP and the hydroxyl and carboxyl groups of EP occurred chemical cross-linking reaction. CTP and graphitization treatment promoted EP CF carbon crystal growth. The graphitization degree of pure EP CF and 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF are 8.42% and 44.21%, respectively. With the increase CTP content, the cell size, ligament junction and density of graphitization modified EP CF gradually increased, while the number of pores and cells gradually decreased. The cell size, ligament junction size and density of 40 wt% CTP modified graphitization EP CF increased to 1200 μm, 280 μm and 0.5033 g/cm3, respectively. EP CF exhibits entangling carbon ribbon and isotropic amorphous carbon. The 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF is composed of evenly distributed amorphous resin carbon and graphite domain CTP carbon. The graphitization modified EP CF improved electrical conductivity, and the electrical conductivity of 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF is 126.6 S/m. The compressive strength can be decided by EP carbon strength and its char yield, and graphitization 40 wt% CTP modified EP CF reached 4.9 MPa. This study provides some basis for preparation and application of CTP modified EP CF.
말라리아는 Anopheles 모기들에 의해 전파되며, 대한민국에서는 코로나 팬데믹 기간 동안(2020~2022) 약 200~300명대의 말라리아 환자가 발생하였으나, 지난 2023년에는 그 수가 폭증해 약 800명의 환자가 발생하였다. 현재까지 모기를 방제하기 위한 가장 효율적인 수단은 살충제를 사용한 방제이나, 지속적으로 이러한 화합물에 노출된 모기 개체군은 살충제에 저항성을 갖게 되는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 대한민국의 주요 말라리아 발생 지역인 비무장지대 부근 및 이외 지역인 용산, 평택, 오산에서 채집을 진행하였으며, 채집된 An. sinensis에 대해서 살충제 저항성과 관련되어 있다고 알려진 유전자인 acetylcholinesterase-1(ace-1)와 voltage-gated sodium channel(vgsc) 영역에 대한 저항성 돌연변이 보유 여부를 각각 확인하였다. 실험 결과 채집된 모든 지역에서 G119S(ace-1), L1014F,C(vgsc) 돌연변이가 발견되었으며, 그 빈도는 계절과 장소에 따라 차이를 나타내었다. 본 실험 결과는 향후 말라리아 감염 억제를 위한 매개체 연구에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
Six new species are described that are members of the New Zealand endemic genus Adalmus Reitter (Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae: Euplectitae: Trichonychini: Panaphantina): A. bullerensis sp. nov., A. kanierensis sp. nov., A. karekarensis sp. nov., A. mangamukaensis sp. nov., A. puberilumbus sp. nov., and A. serrilumbus sp. nov. In addition, Dalmisus Sharp is placed as a junior synonym of Adalmus (gen. syn.) and the species Dalmisus batrisodes Sharp, 1886, Plectomorphus longiceps Broun, 1913 and P. longipes Broun, 1912 are placed as junior synonyms of A. velutinus Reitter, 1885 spp. syn. Also, P. rugiceps Broun, 1921 is transferred to the genus Adalmus, comb. nov. Adalmus now holds eight species.
Calonecrinae represent a unique but small subfamily of Nitidulidae that is endemic to South Asia. Their habitats, the South Asian lowland forests, are under the imminent threat of degradation, posing a risk of rapid extinction for these species in their specific locales. Despite the looming threat to their existence, our understanding of this enigmatic group remains limited. We conducted an examination of museum and newly collected specimens, alongside a review of the literature, leading to the discovery of a new species, Calonecrus mindanaoensis, from Mindanao, Philippines. For the first time, the morphology of all immature stages of the Calonecrinae was described, with detailed photographs including SEM images. Additionally, their natural history was uncovered for the first time, revealing that all life stages are uniquely adapted to spending their entire life cycle within sticky resin. We re-evaluated the phylogenetic placement of the Calonecrinae by constructing a phylogenetic tree based on the mitochondrial genome. Calonecrinae are positioned within the Epuraeinae clade and show significant affinity with the genus Trimenus. Consequently, this study proposes reclassifying Calonecrinae as Calonecrini stat nov, an extremely modified tribe within the Epuraeinae.
In this investigation, we synthesized a novel quaternary nanocomposite, denoted as RGO-Ba(OH)2/CeO2/TiO2, through a straightforward and cost-effective solid-state synthesis approach. The as-prepared composites underwent a series of comprehensive characterizations, including XRD, FTIR, TGA-DTA, XPS, SEM, EDAX, and TEM analyses, affirming the successful synthesis of a quaternary nanocomposite with well-interconnected nanoparticles, nanorods, and sheet-like structures. Further, our electrochemical performance evaluations demonstrated that the electrochemical capacitance of the RGO-Ba(OH)2/CeO2/ TiO2 nanocomposite achieved an impressive value of 445 F g− 1 at a current density of 1.0 A g− 1, particularly when the mass ratio of CeO2 and TiO2 was maintained at 90:10. Furthermore, the specific capacitance retained a remarkable 65% even after 2000 cycles at a current density of 6 A g− 1 in a 3 mol KOH electrolyte. Comparatively, this outstanding electrochemical performance of the RGO-Ba(OH)2/CeO2/TiO2 (90:10) nanocomposite can be attributed to several factors. These include the favorable electrical conductivity and large specific surface area provided by graphene, TiO2, and Ba(OH)2, the enhanced energy density and extended cycle life resulting from the presence of CeO2, and the synergistic contributions among all four components. Therefore, the RGO-Ba(OH)2/CeO2/TiO2 nanocomposite emerges as a highly promising electrode material for supercapacitors.
A semi-natural composite of κ-carrageenan and bentonite, two natural biopolymers, was synthesized through free radical polymerization. This synthesis aimed to obtain a biodegradable, biocompatible, and swellable composite that is environmentally friendly. The components used in this synthesis are readily available, making it economically feasible and promising for potential biomedical applications. The composite is pH-responsive and intended for oral delivery of metformin hydrochloride and aminophylline, which have low bioavailability and undesirable side effects, respectively. The organic composite exhibits the advantage of reducing drug release in the acidic gastric medium. This composite is a stimuli-responsive polymeric material that has garnered significant attention in recent years for its application in oral drug delivery systems. These materials enable site-specific and controlled drug release while minimizing toxicity. The carrageenan-g-poly(acrylamide-co-acrylic acid)/bentonite composite was characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), which confirmed the successful synthesis of the composite. The swelling behaviour and point of zero charge of the composite were studied at different pH values, which showed a strong influence on the swelling properties of the composite. The drug loading capacity of the composite was measured at pH 5.3, and it was 70.60 mg/g for metformin and 95.66 mg/g for aminophylline at pH(3). The in vitro release profile of both drugs from the composite was also affected by the ionic strength, and it exhibited a lower release rate with higher salt concentration. The maximum release percentage of the drugs from carrageenan-g-poly(acrylic acid-acrylamide)/bentonite in simulated gastric, intestinal, and colon fluids was achieved within 40 h. The maximum release was 80% for metformin in simulated intestinal fluid (SIF) and 75% for aminophylline after 40 h.
Synthesis of extremely competent materials is of great interest in addressing the energy storage concerns. Manganese oxide nanowires ( MnO2 NWs) are prepared in situ with multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and graphene oxide (GO) using a simple and effective hydrothermal method. Powder XRD, Raman and XPS analysis are utilized to examine the structural characteristics and chemical state of composites. The initial specific discharge capacity of pure MnO2 NWs, MnO2 NWs/ MWCNT and MnO2 NWs/rGO composites are 1225, 1589 and 1685 mAh/g, respectively. The MnO2 NWs/MWCNT and MnO2 NWs/rGO composites showed stable behavior with a specific capacity of 957 and 1108 mAh/g, respectively, after 60 cycles. Moreover, MnO2 NWs/rGO composite sustained a specific capacity of 784 mAh/g, even after 250 cycles at a current density of 1 A/g showing outstanding cycling stability.
Environmental pollution has become an alarming issue for the modern world due to the extensive release of untreated chemical waste into freshwater bodies. Untreated chemical waste poses significant negative impacts on aquatic life and human health. The phenolic compounds are widely used in different industries for dyeing, as food preservatives, and for the production of pesticides. 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (TCP) is among the most hazardous phenolic compounds that cause several serious health effects. Thus, it is important to monitor TCP in the environmental samples frequently. In the current work, it was aimed to develop a highly sensitive zinc oxide-doped (ZnO) reduce graphene oxide (rGO) composite-based electrochemical sensor for TCP monitoring in the real samples. In this regard, graphene oxide (GO) was simultaneously reduced and doped with ZnO using a facile microwave-assisted synthesis strategy. The resulting ZnO/rGO composite was successfully utilized to fabricate ZnO/rGO-modified glassy carbon electrode (ZnO/rGO/GCE) for the selective and trace level determination of TCP. The conductivity and electrocatalytic behaviors of ZnO/rGO/GCE were examined through different modes of electrochemical setup. Under the optimal operating conditions such as a scan rate of 80 mV.s−1, PBS electrolyte (pH 7.0), and the concentration range of 0.01–80 μM, the fabricated electrochemical sensor manifested outstanding responses for monitoring TCP. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) of the ZnO/rGO/GCE for TCP were found as 0.0067 μM and 0.019 μM, respectively. Moreover, the anti-interference profile and stable nature of ZnO/rGO/GCE made the suggested electrochemical sensor a superb tool for quantifying TCP in a real matrix.
Photoanode optimization is a fascinating technique for enlightening the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). In this present study, V2O5/ ZnO and reduced graphene oxide (rGO)-V2O5/ZnO nanocomposites (NCs) were prepared by the solid-state technique and used as photoanodes for DSSCs. A wet chemical technique was implemented to generate individual V2O5 and ZnO nanoparticles (NPs). The structural characteristics of the as-synthesized NCs were investigated and confirmed using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), and Scanning electron microscope (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The average crystallite size (D) of the as-synthesized V2O5/ ZnO and rGO-V2O5/ZnO NCs was determined by Debye-Scherer’s formula. The bandgap (eV) energy was calculated from Tauc’s plots, and the bonding nature and detection of the excitation of electrons were investigated using the Ultra violet (UV) visible spectra, Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) and photoluminescence (PL) spectral analysis. Electrical studies like Hall effect analysis and the Nyquist plots are also described. The V2O5/ ZnO and rGO-V2O5/ZnO NCs based DSSCs exhibited 0.64% and 1.27% of PCE and the short circuit current densities and open circuit voltages improved from 7.10 to 11.28 mA/cm2 and from 0.57 to 0.68 V, respectively.