
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 641

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 노인장기요양기관의 ESG활동이 조직성과에 미치는 영향 에서 윤리경영의 매개효과를 검증하기 위한 목적으로 장기요양협의회 와 연계하여 2022년 12월부터 2023년 01월, 총 62일간 700명의 설문 지를 수집하여 연구분석하였다. 연구는 SPSS 및 Amos 25.0을 사용하 여 분석했다. 연구결과, ESG활동(환경, 사회공헌, 지배구조)가 윤리경 영에 정(+)적인 영향을 미쳤고, 윤리경영은 조직성과에 정(+)적인 영향 을 미쳤다. 또한, 본 연구의 목적을 중심으로 윤리경영의 매개효과를 분석한 결과 연구는 노인장기요양기관의 ESG활동(환경, 사회공헌, 지 배구조)이 조직성과에 미치는 영향에서 윤리경영의 완전매개효과를 확 인했다. 이를 통해 본 연구는 노인장기요양기관의 ESG활동, 윤리경영 의 중요성을 근거자료로 제공하였다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We introduce a method for preserving yellow mealwom (Tenebrio molitor) larvae for an extended period and show that a high percentage of larvae can survive in good health under low-temperature storage conditions combined with specific diapause termination conditions. When storing larvae for 140 days, the storage temperature can be varied based on our goals, giving us control over yellow mealworm production to meet specific demands. To produce adult beetles, storing larvae at 15 ℃ with wheat bran and ending diapause at 30 ℃ resulted in 90% pupation rate, with 60% becoming adults in 21 days. If our aim is larvae production, storing them at 10–12 ℃ with wheat bran and ending diapause at 25–30 ℃ allows the larvae to reach a suitable weight for processing. This approach ensures long-term storage of yellow mealworm larvae and provides a practical way to control their development, allowing efficient mass production tailored to market demands.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        PSC 공법으로 시공된 구조물에서 긴장력을 도입시키는 주요 재료인 PS 강연선은 뛰어난 성능을 보 유하고 있으나, 강재로 제작되어 부식에 취약한 단점 또한 가지고 있다. 이에 한국건설기술연구원에서 는 PS 강연선을 대체할 목적으로 비부식 탄소섬유 케이블을 개발하고 있다. 비부식 탄소섬유 케이블은 PSC 구조물에 사용될 목적으로 개발하고 있기 때문에 인장강도 등 단기 성능 외에도 크리프 및 릴랙 세이션 등 장기 성능 또한 보유하고 있어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 하중을 일정하게 유지시킨 상 태로 시편의 변형을 살펴보는 크리프 시험과 변위를 일정하게 고정시킨 후에 도입된 하중의 변화를 살펴보는 릴랙세이션 시험을 수행하여 탄소 섬유 케이블의 장기 성능을 검증해 보았다. 각 시험을 수 행하고 데이터를 분석한 결과, 본 연구에서 개발한 탄소섬유 케이블은 크리프와 릴랙세이션에 대해서 일반적으로 PSC 구조물에 사용되는 PS 강연선에 비해 동등 이상의 성능을 보유하고 있는 것으로 판 단된다.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, a detailed analysis of the decay heat contributions of both actinides and non-actinides (fission fragments) from spent nuclear fuel (SNF) was made after 50 GWd·tHM−1 burnup of fresh uranium fuel with 4.5% enrichment lasted for 1,350 days. The calculations were made for a long storage period of 300 years divided into four sections 1, 10, 100, and 300 years so that we could study the decay heat and physical disposal ratios of radioactive waste in medium- and long-term storage periods. Fresh fuel burnup calculations were made using the code MCNP, while isotopic content and then decay heat were calculated using the built-in stiff equation solver in the MATLAB code. It is noted that only around 12 isotopes contribute more than 90% of the decay heat at all times. It is also noted that the contribution of actinides persists and is the dominant ether despite decreasing decay heat, while the effect of fission products decreases at a very rapid rate after about 40 years of storage.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1개월과 3개월 장기 예보를 지원하기 위해 기상청에서 현업운용 중인 GloSea6 기후예측시스템에는 대기 중 대 기화학-에어로졸 물리과정(UKCA)이 연동되어 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 저해상도의 GloSea6와 여기에 대기화학-에어로 졸 과정을 연동시킨 GloSea6-UKCA를 CentOS 기반 리눅스 클러스터에 설치하여 2000년 봄철에 대한 예비적인 예측 결과를 살펴보았다. 현업 고해상도 GloSea6 모델이 방대한 전산자원을 필요로 한다는 점을 고려할 때, 저해상도 GloSea6와 GloSea6-UKCA 모델은 대기화학-에어로졸 과정의 연동에 따른 효과를 살펴보기에 적합하다. 저해상도 GloSea6와 GloSea6-UKCA는 2000년 3월 1일 00Z부터 75일 간 구동되었으며, 두 모델이 예측한 2000년 4월 지상 기온과 일평균 강수량의 공간 분포를 ERA5 재분석자료와 비교하였다. GloSea6-UKCA가 예측한 기온과 강수 분포는 기존 GloSea6에 비해 ERA5 재분석자료에 보다 더 유사해졌다. 특히 우리나라를 포함한 동아시아 지역에 대해 과대 모의 경 향이 있던 봄철 지상 기온과 일평균 강수량의 예측 결과의 개선이 주목할 만하다. 또한 적분 시간에 따른 예측된 기온 과 강수량의 시계열에서도 GloSea6-UKCA가 GloSea6보다 재분석자료에 더 가까워진 시간 변화 경향을 살펴볼 수 있었 다. 이는 대기화학-에어로졸 과정이 GloSea6에 연동되었을 때 동아시아지역 봄철 예측 성능이 개선될 수 있음을 보여준다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With South Korea increasingly focusing on nuclear energy, the management of spent nuclear fuel has attracted considerable attention in South Korea. This study established a novel procedure for selecting safety-relevant radionuclides for long-term safety assessments of a deep geological repository in South Korea. Statistical evaluations were performed to identify the design basis reference spent nuclear fuels and evaluate the source term for up to one million years. Safety-relevant radionuclides were determined based on the half-life criteria, the projected activities for the design basis reference spent nuclear fuel, and the annual limit of ingestion set by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Notification No. 2019-10 without considering their chemical and hydrogeological properties. The proposed process was used to select 56 radionuclides, comprising 27 fission and activation products and 29 actinide nuclides. This study explains first the determination of the design basis reference spent nuclear fuels, followed by a comprehensive discussion on the selection criteria and methodology for safety-relevant radionuclides.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 미국기업 CEO의 고용 안정 수준과 장기적 인센티브 보상이 사회적책임(CSR) 투자에 미치는 영향에 관해 실증분석하였다. 기존 연구들에서 기업의 사회적책임 투자와 재무성과 간의 관 계에 대한 분석은 지속적으로 진행되어 왔으며 최근 CSR에 대한 투자가 적어도 장기적으로는 기 업의 재무성과를 개선시킨다는 주장이 우세하다. 하지만 이러한 결과에도 불구하고 여전히 많은 경 영자들은 CSR에 대한 투자를 불필요한 비용으로 간주하며 CSR에 대한 투자를 하지 않고 있다. 이는 경영자의 임기와 경제적 보상이 일반적으로 단기 재무 성과에 따라 평가되기 때문이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 대리인문제에 대한 해결책으로 장기 스톡옵션과 경영권 보호 조항을 제 시하고 기업의 CSR 투자에 대한 효과를 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과, 더 많은 경영권 방어 조항이 존재하거나 더 많은 장기 인센티브(스톡옵션)를 지급하는 기업이 더 많은 CSR 투자를 하는 것으 로 나타났다. 또한, 그 효과는 경제 상황과 기업의 재무상태에 따라 상이한 것을 확인하였다. 이러 한 결과는 기업의 CSR 활동과 관련하여 경영진의 금전적 보상과 경영권 보장의 중요성을 나타내 며, 경제·재무 상황에 따라 기업의 CSR 투자가 상이함을 보여준다.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Long term variations of fish assemblage in the coastal waters of Bukchon-ri were determined using samples collected by trammel net from 2012 to 2022. Water temperature increased by 0.4℃ in 2022 that was less then 2012. During the survey period, a total of 95 species (53 families and 15 orders) of fishes were identified, Scorpaeniformes (five families and 22 species) and Perciformes (25 families and 39 species) accounted for 73% of the total number. The number of species was higher in summer than winter, showing a peak in summer at 66 species and lower in winter and autumn at 45 species. The number of individuals and the biomass peaked in summer at 1,238 individuals and 280.1 kg, and were the lowest in autumn at 597 individuals and 155.4 kg. The annual diversity index, evenness index and richness index were appeared 2.11-2.80, 0.64-0.80 and 4.70-7.34 at each years. The dominance index were appeared highest in 2014 while 2021 were appeared the lowest in 2017. The subtropical fishes were identified total of 38 species (40.0%) and the number of species was higher in 2022 at 22 (52.4%) species and lower in 2015-2017 at each 10 (31.3-37.0%) species. The dominant species of subtropical fishes were appeared rabbit fish (Siganus fuscescens), boxfish (Ostracion immaculatus), smallscale blackfish (Girella melanichthys), flag fish (Goniistius zonatus), stripey (Microcanthus strigatus), rock porgy (Oplegnathus punctatus), and bluestriped angelfish (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis) in study sites.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In all geodisposal scenarios it is key to understand the interaction of radionuclides with mineral particles during their formation/recrystallisation. Studying processes at the molecular scale provides insight into long-term radionuclide behaviour. Uranium is a significant radionuclide in higher activity wastes destined for geological disposal, and iron (oxyhydr) oxides (e.g. goethite, 􀟙-FeOOH). are ubiquitous in and around these systems, formed via processes including metal corrosion and microbially induced reactions. There are numerous reports of uranium-incorporation into iron (oxyhydr) oxides, therefore it has been suggested that they may be a barrier to uranium migration in geodisposal systems. However, long-term stability of these phases during environmental perturbations are unexplored. Specifically, U-incorporated iron (oxyhydr) oxide phases may interact with Fe(II) and sulphide from biological or geological origin. Firstly, electron transfer occurs between adsorbed Fe(II) and iron oxyhydroxides, with potential for changes in the speciation of incorporated uranium e.g. oxidation state changes and/or release. Secondly, on exposure to aqueous sulfide, iron (oxyhydr) oxides undergo reductive dissolution and recrystallisation to iron sulphides. Understanding the fate of incorporated uranium during these process in key to understanding its long term behaviour in subsurface systems. A series of experimental studies were undertaken where U(VI)-goethite was synthesized then reacted with either aqueous Fe(II) or S(-II), and the system monitored over time using geochemical analysis and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) techniques e.g. U LIII-edge and MIV-edge HERFD-XANES. Reaction with aqueous Fe(II) resulted in electron transfer between Fe(II) and U(VI)-goethite, with > 50% U(VI) reduced to U(V). XAS analysis revealed that U remained within the goethite structure, and electron transfer only occurred within the outermost atomic layers of goethite. which led to U reduction. Rapid reductive dissolution of U(VI)-goethite occurred on reaction with sulfide at pH7. A transient release of aqueous U was observed during the first day, likely due to uranyl(VI)-persulfide species. However, U was retained in the solid phase in the longer term. In contrast, the sulfidation of U adsorbed to ferrihydrite at pH 12.2 led to the immediate release of U (< 10% Utotal) associated with a colloidal erdite (NaFeS2·2H2O) phase. Moreover, in the bulk phase the surface of ferrihydrite was passivated by sulfide, and U was found to have been trapped within surface associated erdite-like fibres. Overall, these studies further understanding of the long-term behaviour of U-incorporated iron (oxyhydr)oxides supporting the overarching concept of iron (oxyhydr) oxides acting as a barrier to U migration.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The safety of deep geological disposal systems has to be ensured to guarantee the isolation of radionuclides from human and related environments for over a million years. Over such a long timeframe, disposal systems can be influenced by climate change, leading to significant long-term impacts on the hydrogeological condition, including changes in temperature, precipitation and sea levels. These changes can affect groundwater flow, alter geochemical conditions, and directly/ indirectly impact the stability of the repository. Hence, it is essential to conduct a safety assessment that considers the long-term evolution induced by climate change. In this context, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is developing the Adaptive Process-based total system performance assessment framework for a geological disposal system (APro). Currently, numerical modules for APro are under development to account for the longterm evolution that can influence groundwater flow and radionuclide transport in the far-field of the disposal system. This study focuses on the development of two numerical modules designed to model permafrost formation and buoyance force due to relative density changes. Permafrost is defined as a ground in which temperature remains below zero-isotherm (0°C) continuously for more than two consecutive years. In regions where permafrost forms, the relative permeability of porous media is significantly reduced. The changes in permeability due to permafrost formation are modelled by calculating the unfrozen fluid content within a porous medium. Meanwhile, buoyancy force can occur when there is a difference in density at the boundary of two distinct water groups, such as seawater (salt water) and freshwater. Sea level change associated with climate change can alter the boundary between seawater and freshwater, resulting in changes in groundwater flow. The buoyancy force due to relative density is modelled by adjusting concentration boundary conditions. Using the developed numerical modules, we evaluated the long-term evolution’s effects by analyzing radionuclide transport in the far-field of the disposal system. Incorporating permafrost and buoyancy force modelling into the APro framework will contribute valuable insights into the complex interactions between geological and climatic factors, enhancing our ability to ensure the secure isolation of radionuclides for extended periods.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Effective containment and disposal of high-level radioactive waste is critical to ensure long-term environmental and human safety. Especially bentonite, which is widely used as a buffer material due to its favorable characteristics such as swelling ability and low permeability, plays an important role in preventing the migration of radioactive waste into the surrounding environment. However, the long-term performance of bentonite buffer remains an area of ongoing investigation, with particular attention focused on erosion mechanisms induced by swelling and groundwater flow. The erosion of the bentonite buffer can significantly impact the integrity of buffer and lead to the formation of colloids, which could potentially facilitate the transport of radionuclides through groundwater. Therefore, quantification of bentonite buffer erosion based on an understanding of the underlying mechanisms and factors that influence bentonite buffer erosion, is essential for the safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste repositories. In this study, we aimed to develop a bentonite buffer erosion model using the Adaptive Processbased total system performance assessment framework for a geological disposal system (APro) proposed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The impact of bentonite erosion on performance assessment can be broadly divided into bentonite property degradation by the penetration of the bentonite buffer into rock fractures and the formation of pseudocolloids. To simulate this phenomenon, Two-region model based on a dynamic bentonite diffusion model is adopted, which can quantify the extent of bentonite intrusion and loss by erosion. Using this Tworegion model, a numerical model was developed to simulate the degradation of bentonite properties based on the amount of bentonite intrusion, as well as to simulate the migration of pseudocolloids in the near-field by deriving the amount of pseudocolloid production based on the loss of bentonite and the sorption rate of radionuclides. To check the applicability of the developed numerical model, preliminary analysis was performed for the effect of bentonite erosion in terms of process-based performance assessment. It is anticipated that this comprehensive model developed in this study will contribute to the accurate and reliable assessment of the long-term performance and safety of high-level radioactive waste repositories.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The post-closure safety assessment of a repository is typically conducted over an extensive timescale from ten thousand to a million years. Considering that biosphere ecosystems may undergo significant changes over such lengthy periods, it is essential to incorporate the long-term evolution of the biosphere into the safety assessment. Climate change and landscape development are identified as critical drivers with the potential to impact the hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characteristics of the biosphere. These changes can subsequently alter the migration patterns of radionuclides through the biosphere and influence human exposure doses. Therefore, this study formulates scenarios within the context of long-term biosphere evolution. We examine biosphere assessment processes employed in other countries and conduct a comparative study on scenario conditions. For example, biosphere assessment in Finland has identified sea-level changes and land-use alterations as significant factors in the long-term evolution of the biosphere. These factors are linked to Features, Events, and Processes (FEPs) associated with climate change and human activities. Sea-level changes are related to FEPs regarding climate change, land uplift, and shoreline displacement, while land-use changes are based on human activity-related FEPs (e.g., crop type, livestock and forest management, well construction, and demographics). Based on the literature review, this study has configured long-term evolution scenarios for the safety assessment of a deep geological repository for spent fuels.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Advanced countries in the field of nuclear research and technology are currently examining the feasibility of deep geological disposal as the most appropriate method for the permanent management of high-level radioactive waste, with no intention of future retrieval. Deep geological disposal involves the placement of such waste deep underground within a stable geological formation, ensuring its permanent isolation from the human environment. To guarantee the enduring isolation and retardation of radionuclides with half-lives spanning tens of thousands to millions of years from the broader ecosystem, it is imperative to comprehend the long-term evolution of deep disposal systems, especially the role of natural barriers. These natural barriers, typically consisting of bedrock, encase the repository and undergo long-term evolutions due to tectonic movements and climate variations. For the effective disposal of high-level radioactive waste, a thorough assessment of the site’s long-term geological stability is essential. This necessitates a comprehensive understanding of its tectonic evolution and development characteristics, including susceptibility to seismic and magmatic events like earthquakes and intrusions. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of alterations in the hydrogeological and geochemical environment resulting from tectonic movements over extended time frames is required to assess the potential for the migration of radionuclides. In this paper, we have examined international evaluation methodologies employed to elucidate the predictive long-term evolution of natural barriers within disposal systems. We have extracted relevant methods from international case studies and applied a preliminary scenario illustrating the long-term evolution of the geological environment at the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site. Nevertheless, unlike international instances, the scarcity of quantitative data limits the depth of our interpretation. To present a dependable scenario in the future, it is imperative to develop predictive technologies aimed at comprehensively studying the geological evolution processes in the Korean peninsula, particularly within the context of radioactive waste disposal.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the performance and safety assessments of deep geological disposal, developing scenarios, which represent possible long-term changes in the surface environment, is required. These scenarios are formulated using a list of FEPs (Features, Events, and Processes) that describes characteristics of disposal system components. In this study, using international FEP (IFEP) list from OECD/NEA, the individual FEPs related to uplift-subsidence and erosion-deposition were analyzed, and the correlation between each FEP was evaluated. From the IFEP list, the elements related to uplift-subsidence and erosion-deposition processes that cause long-term changes in the surface environment were identified. Uplift-subsidence, erosion - deposition, and the long-term change factors caused by them were analyzed and a correlation diagram was produced according to their interactions. Basis for the integrated analysis of long-term changes in the surface environment and the construction of long-term change scenarios were established considering the evaluation of the factors that cause uplift-subsidence and erosiondeposition, and their correlation with the hydrology-hydrogeology, topography and local climate of the affected surface. The results of this study will be used for systematically formulating scenarios of long-term changes in the surface environment due to uplift-subsidence and erosion-deposition based on natural phenomena. And, it may be necessary to modify and supplement the correlation of domestic FEPs based on the correlation diagram of IFEPs in order to analyze long-term changes in the surface environment in an integrated manner.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to ensure the long-term safety of a deep geological repository, the performance assessment of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) considering a thermal process should be performed. The maximum temperature at the side wall of a disposal canister for the technical design requirement should not exceed 100°C. In this study, the thermal modelling was conducted to analyze the effects of the thermal process from a disposal canister to the surrounding near-field host rock using the PFLOTRAN code. The mesh was generated using the LaGriT code and the material properties were assigned by applying the FracMan code. Initial conditions were set as the average geothermal gradient (25.7°C/km) and an average surface temperature (14.7°C) in Korea. The highest temperature was observed at the middle of the canister side wall. The temperature of the buffer was lower than that of the canister, and the temperature increase of the deposition tunnel and the host rock was insignificant due to the lower effect of the heat source. The result of the thermal evolution of the EBS represented the highest thermal effects in the vicinity of the canister. In addition, the thermal effects were largely decreased after 10 years of the entire simulation period. It demonstrated that the model took 3 years to heat up the buffer around the canister. The temperature at the canister side wall increased until 3 years and then decreased after that time. This is because that the radioactive decay heat from the heat source was emitted enough to raise the overall temperature of the EBS by 3 years. However, the decay heat rate of the canister decreased exponentially with the disposal time and then its decay heat was not emitted enough after 3 years. In conclusion, the peak temperature results of the EBS were lower than 70°C to meet the technical design requirement.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Natural Analogue Study, Concrete is one of the important engineering barrier components in the Multi-thin wall concept of radioactive waste disposal and plays the most important role in disposal sites. The concrete barrier at the disposal site loses its role as a barrier due to various deterioration phenomena such as settlement, earthquake, and ground movement, causing the disposed waste to leak into the natural ecosystem. Some of the key factor is deterioration triggered by sulfate attack. Concrete deterioration induced by sulfate is commonly manifested in an extensive scale when a concrete structure makes contact with soil or water, aggravating its performance. In this study, an accelerated concrete deterioration evaluation experiment was performed using a total of three experimental methods to evaluate the reaction between concrete and water. The first experiment was a deterioration evaluation using Demi. Water, the second was a deterioration evaluation using KURT groundwater after extraction, and the last experiment was a concrete deterioration evaluation using KURT groundwater and sodium sulfate. For all of these experiments, accelerated concrete deterioration experiments were conducted after immersion for a total of 365 days, and specimens were taken out at 30-day intervals and characterization analysis such as SEM and EDS was performed. Experimental analyzes have shown that various chemical species are generated or destroyed over time. In the future, we plan to continue to conduct a total of three concrete deterioration evaluation experiments above, and additionally evaluate the chemical reaction between bentonite and concrete.
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