
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 963

        2016.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        요즘 매일 같이 우리 주변에서는 크고 작은 재난사고가 발생하고 있다. 본 연구자는 매일 재난현장을 다니면서 늘 걱정해 왔던 부분이기에 이제는 효율적인 재난현장대응으로 국민의 생명과 재산의 피해를 최소화할 수 있도록 재난 환경변화를 감안한 재난현장출동 을 최적화하여 현장대응을 해야 한다고 생각 한다. 재난(화재)은 발생 후 골든타임(4분~6분) 경과 시 연소가 급속히 진행돼 건물진입이 어렵게 되 고 인명구조 기회를 상실하게 된다. 긴급신호시스템은 국민의 생명과 재산피해를 최소화시키기 위 한 긴급차량 도착 소요시간을 최소화시키고자 하는 시스템이다. 우리나라 긴급 대응체계 현황 으로 우리나라는 골든타임 도달률 32.8%(2009년)에 불과(우리나라 현장도착 평균 시간 은 8분18초(2009년 소방방재청) 소요되어 선진국에 비해 매우 미흡하며 몇 분 이내의 긴급차량 출동 시간 지연 여부가 생명과 안전에 직접적인 영향을 끼친다. 긴급차량이 교차로가 아닌 지역에서는 갓길 등을 이용해 빠른 진행이 가능하고 신호등이 있는 교차 로에 의해 차량이 멈추어 있는 지역에서는 긴급차량도 통과할 방법이 없어 대응시간 이 지연되어 생명과 안전이 위협당하고 있다. 도심지 교차로에 접근하는 긴급차량을 자동으로 감지하여 미리 신호등을 터뜨려주어 자연스러운 일반차량의 정지를 유도, 사고 를 방지하고 긴급차량을 무정차로 통과할 수 있으며 차량단말기와 무선통신을 통해 차량 GPS 좌표를 추적하여 접근 감지되면 신호기에서 접근방향으로 신호를 자동 전환 한 후 통과 때 까지 유지해 주는 시스템이다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 소방차등 긴급차량의 접근성을 제약하는 교통상황 등의 환경적 요소로 인한 소방출동 장애요인 사례 및 설문조사분석을 통해 현행의 문제점을 파악하고, 도로상 장애요소를 극복하기 위한 법제도적인 개선안을 도출하고자 한다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The national highways and expressways in Korea constitute a total length of 17,951 km. Of this total length of pavement, the asphalt pavement has significantly deteriorated, having been in service for over 10 years. Currently, hot in-place recycling (HIR) is used as the rehabilitation method for the distressed asphalt pavement. The deteriorated pavement becomes over-heated, however, owing to uncontrolled heating capacity during the pre-heating process of HIR in the field. METHODS: In order to determine the appropriate heating method and capacity of the pre-heater at the HIR process, the heating temperature of asphalt pavement is numerically simulated with the finite element software ABAQUS. Furthermore, the heating transfer effects are simulated in order to determine the inner temperature as a function of the heating system (IR and wire). This temperature is ascertained at 300 ℃, 400℃, 500℃, 600℃, 700°℃, and 800℃ from a slab asphalt specimen prepared in the laboratory. The inner temperature of this specimen is measured at the surface and five different depths (1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm, 4 cm, and 5 cm) by using a data logger. RESULTS: The numerical simulation results of the asphalt pavement heating temperature indicate that this temperature is extremely sensitive to increases in the heating temperature. Moreover, after 10 min of heating, the pavement temperature is 36%~38% and 8%~10% of the target temperature at depths of 25 mm and 50 mm, respectively, from the surface. Therefore, in order to achieve the target temperature at a depth of 50 mm in the slab asphalt specimen, greater heating is required of the IR system compared to that of the gas. CONCLUSIONS : Numerical simulation, via the finite element method, can be readily used to analyze the appropriate heating method and theoretical basis of the HIR method. The IR system would provide the best heating method and capacity of HIR heating processes in the field.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The field application and performance of continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP), constructed by using the mechanical tube-feeding method, are evaluated in this study. METHODS: The location of the rebar was evaluated by using the MIRA system. The early-age CRCP performance was evaluated via visual survey, in which the crack spacing and crack width were examined. RESULTS: The location of longitudinal reinforcing bars was evaluated via MIRA testing and the results showed that the longitudinal rebars all lie within a given tolerance limit (±2.5 cm) of the target elevation. In addition, owing to the low temperature when the concrete was pured, the crack spacing in the Dae-Gu direction is slightly wider than that of the Gwang-Ju direction. Almost all of the crack spacings lay within the range of 1.0 m~3.0 m. A crack width of <0.3 mm was measured at the pavement surface. However, as revealed by the field survey, the crack spacing was not correlated with the crack width. CONCLUSIONS : In CRCP constructed by using the mechanical tube-feeding method, almost all of the longitudinal reinforcing bars lay within the tolerance limit (2.5 cm) of the target elevation. The concrete-placing temperature affects the crack spacing, owing to variations in the zero-stress temperature. Crack survey results show that there is no correlation between the crack spacing and crack width in CRCP.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to determine the milling temperature that minimizes the binder-induced damage to the aggregate; this is achieved by evaluating the temperature dependence of the viscosity of the asphalt binder, with the aim of developing an effective heating process for warm in-place recycling. METHODS : The validity of the indoor test was confirmed by conducting an internal heating test based on the on-site heating test. In addition, the adhesive power of the binder was measured at various temperatures (30℃, 40℃, 50℃, 60℃, 70℃) via three types of measuring methods. RESULTS: The surface temperature spectrum of field test was slight different with that of laboratory test. But, the spectra of inner temperature between the field and the laboratory was almost similar. Also, the adhesion of the asphalt binder was measured from 30℃ to 70℃. The adhesion of the binder was significantly decreased from 60℃. Contrary to other temperature, the adhesion was slightly changed from 60℃ to 70℃. Also the inner temperature between two different heating methods was shown similar temperature spectra. CONCLUSIONS: The pavement heating temperature spectrum of hot in place recycling method was simulated by a laboratory test. Based on this study, the optimum temperature was 60℃~70℃ for reducing aggregate damage during milling process. The susceptibility heating method developed in this study can be maintained the optimum inner temperature range.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the development environment is changing with the development of information communication technology, the systems that were used by each service became used with integration. In the process of integrating from existing legacy systems to new system, it should be smoothly integrated or shared, however, it cannot help holding existing technology or component due to significant cost burden for conversion. In this paper, it was not only classified by types with analyzing the various elements that make up legacy system but an approach and monitoring system were developed to each type. After System application results, data's information generated in each process is provided to other system in real time, so that it has not only secured the work efficiency and reliability but also it is made possible by integrating data in various formats for efficient data management, rapid search and tracking to history. With real-time monitoring system developed in this study, It can be very useful in a variety of industries which require real-time monitoring of distributed legacy system data.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bond stress between cast-in-place ductile fiber reinforced cementitious composites and CFRP plank were experimentally analyzed. As failure shape, the mixture of failure between CFRP plank and epoxy, and failure between concrete and epoxy was shown. In case of RFCON from the suggested simple bond slip relationship, the maximum average bond stress was 5.39MPa, the initial slope was 104.09MPa/mm, and the total slip length was 0.19mm. PPCON showed the maximum average bond stress of 4.31MPa, the initial slope of 126.67MPa/mm, and the total slip length of 0.26mm, while RFCON+ appeared to have 8.71MPa, 137.69MPa/mm, 0.16mm. PPCON+ had 6.19MPa maximum average bond stress, 121.56MPa/mm initial slope, and 0.34mm total slip length. To comprehend the behavior of composite structure of FRP and concrete, local bond slip relation is necessary, and thus a simple relation is suggested to be easily applied on hybrid composite system
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The principal hygienic problem caused by livestock industry is the odor exposed to farm workers. This study was performed to assess air cleaner efficiency for reducing odor through on-site evaluation. The concentration of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which are major odorous compounds generated from livestock building, were monitored by realtime direct recorder. The odor mixture was measured by air dilution method applying human noses of five panels. Their reduction efficiencies were represented by difference between initial concentration exhausted by non-treatment and concentration measured after treatment of respective control mechanism (water, germicide and plasma ion) of air cleaner. Mean levels of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were 1.84 (SD:0.22) ppm and 76.83 (SD:1.37) ppb for non-treatment, 1.23 (SD:0.09) ppm and 59.07 (SD:2.68) ppb for wet scrubber (water), 1.08 (SD:0.03) ppm and 58.55 (SD:1.62) ppb for wet scrubber (germicide), and 0.96 (SD:0.03) ppm and 53.66 (SD:1.37) ppb for plasma ion, respectively. Mean dilution factors of odor mixture were 100 for non-treatment, 66.9 for wet scrubber (water), 144.2 for wet scrubber (germicide), and 66.94 for plasma ion, respectively. Based on the results obtained from on-site evaluation, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide showed the mean reduction efficiency of 40% and 25.7% compared with non-treatment process of air cleaner, respectively. In the case of odor mixture, the highest dilution factor was observed at wet scrubber (germicide) compared with other control mechanism of air cleaner.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recent News patrons of incidents can be called sinkhole that occurred one after another (Sink Hole). Due to this anytime, anywhere I do not know how the land is turned off worry and anxiety is the reason why you can never be dismissed as exaggerated. As we have seen today through the video, the vehicle was traveling on a road or pedestrian who was walking down the street they look out of the basement of a sudden they still come to mind vividly. Here, examples and corresponding measures to prevent the sinkhole off the ground, including the causes and impact on society because of this that occurred, and policy measures and abroad are evaluated with respect to what it is.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the safety management efficiency through input-oriented BCC Model using DEA by making of Models, in which this study selected the number of staff affiliated with the construction site, number of staff members on the construction team, and number of safety personnel as Input Factor, along with the number of disaster victims and zero-accident accomplished hours as output elements, targeting 40-or-so apartment building construction sites which are being built by 3 domestic construction companies. As a result of efficiency, it was 0.643, the number of efficient DMU was 4. In the aspect of returns to scale, 21 construction sites(52.5%) found to be in a state of increasing returns while 14 construction sites(35%) was in a state of Decreasing returns. The reason for inefficiency was found to lie in technical factors in case of 30 construction sites(75%). Lastly, inefficient DMU is in need of 38.9 % and 66% reduction in site personnel and safety personnel. Based on study results, the 29 construction sites accounting for 72.5% of DMU for safety management efficiency evaluation object turned out to do inefficient safety management that doesn't fit the size of each company.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the domestic air construction site is shortened rapidly, Ltd. is inevitable for reasons such as reduced air according to client's demands have been made. Accidents that occur during rapid construction is a situation that occurs accordingly indispensable. In the rapid construction and a study about the impact on safety and prevention measures and to contribute to accident prevention.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Management is a trend to strengthen all men death rate than the accident rate. Points reduction in the accident rate change orders related to credit rating score to +2 points in his plans as part of +1 point. In addition, according to the fancy linger RISK treatment in the event of a disaster site and fiction treatment to achieve accident-free during processing the scene interspersed with equity issues have been raised. In general disaster for the problem in the first two cases occurs when abnormal process according to the disaster site manager positions dismissal policy, each division headquarters itself, interspersed disasters performance compared to processing in accordance with the refrain, processing expenses in accordance with the composition of untreated industrial accident, costs and burdens partners FTC , there is a possibility that the issues raised, such as the Ministry of Employment and Labor. In response to domestic social practices focused on the construction site practices and prevention measures should be evaluated with respect to what.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Total accident rate in the construction industry is a very meaningful reduction to establish a comprehensive disaster reduction measures, including through the Survey, the disaster prevention projects whilst driving status and problem analysis in order to reduce the mature workers in the construction industry is growing rapidly in all disaster disasters (share) The days. It is urgent to establish a framework and measures that can identify the specific cause for this than for the middle-aged workers and disaster reduction in disaster reduction efforts, which continue to increase. Used as measures of information and data presented in the basic requirements of mature workers also been.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recent construction site large disaster occurs in, even normal disaster not be reduced, the efforts of pre-disaster prevention for this is also a need to study the evaluation index. By comprehensive examination zero reform the current lowest bid system has included the social responsibility index is scheduled, objective and quantitative evaluation indicators making construction safety areas that are included in the item of social responsibility is required ing. In this study, the construction, in order to prevent disasters, efforts pre disaster prevention be presented metrics in the construction safety in the field of comprehensive examination system and the evaluation index, it is intended to examine the evaluation items for the evaluation indices .
        2015.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Job-appropriate personal protective equipment(PPE) is important for decreasing the high rates of occupational injury experienced by construction site. Objective: This analysis describes Personal protective equipment payment methods improvement by revision of occupation safety&health acts. Methodes: Data are show up during the past 9 year statistics for occupation injury cases from actual construction site in Korea construction company. Results: Most construction workers are not wearing PPE because of non-payment of PPE by employer mainly small enterprises. Conclusions: Construction site workers should be buy with job appropriate PPE themselves. Buying of PPE is essential in the near future and government should be provide appropriate compensation for self-buying action such as raise retirement deduction installment or raise of industrial accident insurance.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although disinfection in drinking water treatment plants provides a safer water supply by inactivating pathogenic microorganisms, harmful disinfection by-products may be formed. In this study, the disinfectant, chlorine, was produced on-site from the electrolysis of salt (NaCl), and the by-products of the disinfection process, bromate and chlorate, were analyzed. The provisional guideline levels for bromate and chlorate in drinking water are 10 μg/L and 700 μg/L, in Korea, respectively. Bromide salt was detected at concentrations ranging from 6.0 ~ 622 mg/kg. Bromate and chlorate were detected at concentrations ranging from non-detect (ND) ~ 45.3mg/L and 40.5 ~ 1,202 mg/L, respectively. When comparing the bromide concentration in the salt to the bromate concentration in the chlorine produced by salt electrolysis, the correlation of bromide to bromate concentration was 0.870 (active chlorine concentration from on-site production: 0.6–0.8%, n=40). The correlation of bromate concentration in the chlorine produced to that in the treated water was 0.866.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구에서는 2013년 경남 농촌현장포럼 마을들을 대상으로 색깔마을 유형과 농촌어메니티자원에 따 라 마을유형을 분류하고 농촌현장포럼 효과를 분석하여 활성화 방안을 제시하였다. 마을유형별 현장포 럼 효과 분석 결과를 토대로 색깔마을 1유형과 하위 30% 마을은 기초인프라와 주민역량강화형, 색깔마 을 2유형과 중위 40% 마을은 체험관광과 2차 산업화형, 색깔마을 3유형과 상위 30% 마을은 체험관광 과 6차 산업화형으로 재유형화 하였다. 또한, 설정된 유형에 따라 앞으로 농촌현장포럼과 마을발전방향 등을 제시하였다.