
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 578

        1977.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        논보리의 제초작업체계를 확립하는 기초자료로서 적정제초시기를 구명코자 제초시기를 달리하여 포장시험한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 1회 제초의 경우, 월동후 조기(2월 상순)에 행할수록 수량구성요소와 수량이 증가하였고, 후기의 잡초량도 감소하였다. 2. 초기잡초의 방임기간은 2월 10일이나 늦어도 2월 25일까지였다. 3. 제초를 끝내도 좋은 시기는 3월 11일까지였고, 4월 이후의 제초는 수량증수에 큰 효과가 없다고 생각되었다. 4. 잡초와 맥류와의 경쟁시기는 2월 25일부터 3월 30일까지가 가장 심하였고, 그 후에도 경쟁이 계속되면서 약화해지는 경향이었다. 따라서 이 기간에는 잡초를 제거해 주어야 수량감소를 면할 수 있을 것으로 보인다. 5. 주요 잡초는 둑새풀, 벼룩나물, 갈퀴덩굴의 순위였다.
        1976.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        담수상태하에서 Butachlor, Nitrofen, Benthiocarb+Simetryne, Propanil, Perfluidone 등의 제초제가 시비한 질소의 변화과정에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 요소와 약제를 처리한 후 에서 배양하면서 무기능 실소, pH 및 Eh의 변화를 검토하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. Nitrofen, Benthiocarb + Simetryne, Propanil 등은 전 처리농도에서 요소의 분해에 의한 암모니아의 생성에 아무런 영향이 없었다. Butachlo 와 Perfluidone은 표준시용량의 8배의 고농도 처리에서 처음 암모니아의 생성을 다소 감소시켰으나 이 분해억제효과는 시일이 경과하면서 바로 정상수준으로 회복되었다. 2. Propanil을 제외한 공시약제 모두 전 처리농도에서 실화억제 효과를 찾아 볼 수 없었다 Propanil은 표준량의 8배의 고농도 처리에서 암모니아의 산화를 억제하여 앙모니아태 질소를 축적하고 아질산태 질소와 질산태 질소의 생성을 다소 감소시켰는데 이러한 경향은 시비질소의 농도가 높아지면서 다소 명확하여졌다. 3. PH와 Eh의 변화에 대한 공시약제의 영향은 거의 찾아 볼 수 없었다.
        1976.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        논에 서식하는 거미의 밀도를 조사하기 위해 1975년 11월 4일부터 11일 사이에 전북지방의 답작지대에서 의 면적내에 서식하는 거미를 채집하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 늦가을 논에 서식하는 거미의 우점종은 황갈애접시거미 (Gnathonarium dentatum), 황산적거미(Piratasubpiraticus), 혹황갈애접시거미(Gnathonarium gibberum), 등줄애접시거미(Oedothorax insecticeps)이다. 2. 단위면적당의, 평균서식밀도는 이리에서 125 마리, 진안 102마리, 부안 133마리, 대장 58마리였다. 3. 논거미로서 혹황갈애접시거미 (Gnathonarium gibberum), 착살가랑잎꼬마거미 (Enoplognatha japonica), 톱니애접시거미(Erigone prominens), 혹갈애접시거미(Erigonidium graminicola) 여덟점꼬마거미(Theridion octomaculaculatum) 들늑대거미 (Lycosa pseudoannulata), 가는줄맛거미(Dolomedes angustivirgatus) 등의 7종이 추가되어 우리나라의 논거미는 55종이 된다.
        1974.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        전적적으로 널리 재배되고 있는 통일(IR667-98)이 우리나라의 현존 도열병균 Race이 대하여 고도로 저항성을 유지하고 있다. 그러나 통일과 그 자매계통은 1972년 서울대학교 도열병검정밭못자리에서 통일에서 분리한 RaceIA-65에 대해 중도감수성이었다. 1973년에는 IA-65를 접종한 격리밭못자러에서 통일을 비롯한 IR계통은 이 Race를 접종하지 않은 농장못자리보다 현저히 병원성이 높았다. 또한 IA-65에 대한 196 IR 계통의 유묘점정반응은 통일을 포함한 약 가 중도감수성이었다. 1973년에 다시 통일을 비롯한인도형 계통에서 주로 분리한 30균주중 12개는 통일이 고도감수성이었던 필리핀 국제미작연구소의 우점 Race 군으로 알려진 IA군으로 판별되었다. Race IA군도 유묘검정에서 통일에 병원성이 있었다. 이와같이 통일 및 IR 계통에 병원성인 Race IA 65 및 IA군은 한국을 비롯한 일본형 벼재배지대에서 보고된 바 없는 새로운 것으로 생각된다. 우리나라에 현존하는 몇 가지 Race가 통일에 병원성을 보이고 있고 더 나아가서 이들 Race가 일반 농도포장에서 만연될지도 모르므로 통일에 대한 도열병의 반응이 계속 추구되어야 한다.
        1973.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To study the faunal compositiion of spiders as natural enemies of the insect pests and their seasonal fluctuation in paddy fields of Taegu, the survey was carried out 12 times between June and September. 1971. 1. The spiders collected in paddy field of Taegu during the survey period were 45 species of 30 genera of 10 families. 2. In percentage composition the spiders of the genus Pirata were most abundant. Among the other genera, the species of the genus Neoscona, Lycosa, and Marpisa were more abundant in the above-written order. 3. Pirata subpiraticus, Neoscona doenitzi, Lycosa sp., Pardosa T-insignita and Marpisa magister were the 5 major species of abundant spiders. 4. Comparing the spider-fauna of the paddy field of Korea with that of Japan, Taiwan and Thailand, 2 species of 2 genera of the family Gnaphosidae were found in Korea only The abundant and common species It·ere deeply different each other. 5. Pirata subpiraticus, Lycosa sp. and Pardosa T-insignita appeared abundantly between June and July while Neoscona doenitzi and Marpisa magister were few in these periods. But no Pirata subpiraticus, Lycosa sp. and Pardosa T-insignita appeared in August while Neoscona doenitzi and Marpisa magister were abundant in this period. Then, in September as between June and July, Pirata subpiraticus, Lycosa sp. and Pardosa Tinsignita were abundant while Neoscona doenitzi and Marpisa magister decreased.
        1973.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수도에 대하여 본질적으로 근부흡수선택성 또는 안전성이 있다고 생각되는 몇 가지 약제들에 대하여 MO 모내기 후 처리를 대조로 SiCL 토양조건에서 시용약량, 혼화심도, 처리시기를 달리하여 모내기 전 토양혼화처리 (Ronstar, Saturn, TOK, Saturn-S)와 모내기 전 토양표면처리(Machete, PCP, MON-0385)를 실시하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 제초효과 1차 조사결과(모내기 27일후 조사) 처리구 모두 의 우수한 제초효과를 나타냈다. 2차 조사시(모내기 73일후)까지 이상의 제초효과를 유지한 plot는 Ronstar 전 처리구 및 Saturn-S 3-4kg prod./10a 구였다. 다소 제초효과가 저조한 구는 MON-0385 175g ai/10a구와 TOK 280g ai/10a 혼화구였다. 2. 초기약해 및 생육관계 PCP 1,000g ai/10a의 모내기 전 토양표면처리구가 눈에 뛸 정도로 약해를 내었으나 처리 50여일 후 까지는 회복이 되었다. Saturn-S 4kg prod./10a구에서 초기 국부적으로 미해가 있었으나 곧 회복이 되었고 그 이외의 처리구에 있어서는 거의 약해를 인정할 수 없었다. 3.수량 방임구가 수량감소를 나타낸 이외에는 관행구에 비하여 통계적으로 유의차를 나타낸 Plot는 없었다. 특히 관행구보다 증수된 plot는 Machete 210g ai/10a 1DBT 및 2DBT, Ronstar 60g ai/10a 2.5cm 혼화구 및 12cm 혼화구, Saturn-S 3kg prod./10a 혼화구 그리고 MON-0385 175g ai/10a 1DBT구 등이었다.
        2022.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To identify rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars suitable for Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.)–rice double cropping systems, we investigated the yield and grain quality of four different midseason maturing rice cultivars (‘Daebo’, ‘Haepum’, ‘Haiami’, and ‘Samdeog’) and four midseason-to-late maturing rice cultivars (‘Hyunpoom’, ‘Saeilmi’, ‘Saenuri’, and ‘Samkwang’) in single rice cropping and Italian ryegrass–rice double cropping systems in paddy fields of Miryang, South Korea. We found that organic matter and available P2O5 content slightly decreased, whereas Na content increased, in the soil where Italian ryegrass was cultivated during winter compared to that in the soil that remained fallow during winter. The pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, and contents of K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ decreased, whereas the available P2O5 content slightly increased, in the soil where rice was harvested in both single and double cropping systems. However, compared to the optimum soil conditions for rice cultivation, available P2O5 and K+ content were high and Mg2+ content was low in both single and double cropping systems. At the heading stage, the culm length and leaf color slightly increased in most of the rice cultivars, whereas the panicle length and number slightly decreased, in the double cropped system. After harvesting, spikelet number and milled rice yield did not show a significant difference between single and double cropping systems. However, the ripened grain rate and weight per thousand grains increased slightly in the ‘Saeilmi’ and ‘Samkwang’ cultivars but remained either stable or slightly low in other cultivars in the double cropping system. The milled rice yield was high (> 500 kg/10a) in ‘Daebo’ and ‘Haepum’ among midseason maturing rice cultivars, and in ‘Saeilmi’ and ‘Saenuri’ among midseason-to-late maturing rice cultivars, in both single and double cropping systems. The head rice rate was high in midseason maturing rice cultivars in the double cropping systems, reaching > 70% in ‘Haepum’ and ‘Haiami’ cultivars, whereas it decreased in most midseason-to-late maturing rice cultivars (excluding ‘Samkwang’ cultivar), in double cropping systems. Particularly, it exceeded > 70% in the ‘Saenuri’ cultivar in both single and double cropping systems. The protein content in milled rice increased, whereas the amylose content either remained stable or slightly increased, in double cropping systems. The Toyo taste value decreased in all midseason-to-late maturing rice cultivars and slightly increased in the ‘Daebo’ and ‘Haiami’ cultivars among midseason maturing rice cultivars in double cropping systems. However, Toyo taste values in the ‘Haepum’, ‘Haiami’, and ‘Saenuri’ cultivars exceeding > 80% in both single and double cropping systems. Therefore, we recommend ‘Haepum’, ‘Haiami’, and ‘Saenuri’ cultivars as candidates for Italian ryegrass–rice double cropping systems due to high yield, head rice rate, and Toyo taste value.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It is known that the effect of traditional agricultural techniques of burning farmland such as paddy fields and fields gradually declines and affects both the fauna and flora of the rice paddy as well as pests. Therefore, in this study, a study was conducted to investigate the effects of burning rice paddy fields and rice paddy fields levee on the control effect of winter pests inhabiting agricultural land and the amount of pests generated and damaged during the growing season. As a result of this study, the pest control effect of incineration reduces not only the density of pests, but also beneficial insects (natural enemies) and non-reptiles. It is judged that burning has a very low insect control effect. It is expected to be used as basic data to create a sustainable agricultural environment, such as minimizing various negative effects such as pest control effects, wildfires, and air pollution caused by incineration, and suppressing unnecessary incineration and fine dust generation.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The physicochemical properties of soil and the yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sailmi) were assessed using Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. Kowinearly)-rice double cropping systems in the paddy fields at Goseong and Miryang in southern Korea. The average temperatures during the ripening period were approximately 1 °C higher than the optimal temperature for rice ripening and the sunshine duration was reduced by frequent rainfall. Consequently, it was slightly below the optimal conditions required for rice ripening. In the soil at Goseong, winter Italian ryegrass cropping increased the pH, electrical conductivity, and the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen (T-N), available P2O5, K, Ca, and Mg than winter fallowing. Particularly, the contents of T-N and available P2O5increased significantly. In the soil at Miryang, Italian ryegrass slightly increased the electrical conductivity and the T-N, Mg, and Na contents. Therefore, winter Italian ryegrass cropping improved the physicochemical properties of paddy soils; however, Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping slightly reduced the culm length at both Goseong and Miryang, without markedly changing the panicle length or number compared to fallow-rice cropping. Furthermore, at Goseong, Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping slightly decreased the spikelet number and milled rice yield, and increased the ripened grain rate; however, at Miryang, contrasting results were observed. In addition, fallow-rice cropping revealed no differences in the head rice or opaque rice rates. The protein content was slightly increased in Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping, without significant changes in the amylose content or Toyo value, compared to that in fallow-rice cropping. The peak and breakdown viscosities were slightly decreased. These results indicate that winter Italian ryegrass cropping might alter rice taste but may not exhibit remarkable negative effects on rice cultivation. Therefore, Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping system is recommended for paddy fields in southern Korea. Nevertheless, to increase the rice yield and quality, fertilization standards for rice cropping that consider the changes in the T-N and organic matter contents in paddy fields caused by winter Italian ryegrass cropping need to be established.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Statistical analysis was carried out to identify the influence on environmental factors between paddy water chemical properties and Chl-a concentration (algae biomass index) using water samples collected in June for 3 years at rice paddy field. As a result of correlation analysis, there was a significantly negative relationships in DO(-0.366) and pH(-0.141). In contrast, significantly positive relationships were founded in COD(+0.431) and TOC(+0.422). According to the result of factor analysis, 3 factors were obtained and indicated that PC1 were Ca, K, Mg cation, PC2 were TOC, T-P, PO4 3--P and DO, and PC3 were T-N and NH4 +-N. As a result of linear regression analysis to develop a prediction model for chl-a concentration, the total amount of explanation was 20.6%, PC2 had the greatest influence on the increase of chl-a concentration and PC1 also showed a positive correlation but the PC3 has a negative correlation. In conclusion, carbon and phosporous content are the main factors for the increase algae blooms of rice paddy.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Unit load factor, which is used for the quantification of non-point pollution in watersheds, has the limitation that it does not reflect spatial characteristics of soil, topography and temporal change due to the interannual or seasonal variability of precipitation. Therefore, we developed the method to estimate a watershed-scale non-point pollutant load using seasonal forecast data that forecast changes of precipitation up to 6 months from present time for watershed-scale water quality management. To establish a preemptive countermeasure against non-point pollution sources, it is possible to consider the unstructured management plan which is possible over several months timescale. Notably, it is possible to apply various management methods such as control of sowing and irrigation timing, control of irrigation through water management, and control of fertilizer through fertilization management. In this study, APEX-Paddy model, which can consider the farming method in field scale, was applied to evaluate the applicability of seasonal forecast data. It was confirmed that the rainfall amount during the growing season is an essential factor in the non-point pollution pollutant load. The APEX-Paddy model for quantifying non-point pollution according to various farming methods in paddy fields simulated similarly the annual variation tendency of TN and TP pollutant loads in rice paddies but showed a tendency to underestimate load quantitatively.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We examined the impact of paddy wetland's avian-diversity on the development of the protected horticulture complex. The results of this study were made to propose ecological protected horticulture complex and development direction suitable for avian habitat. The total number of species surveyed was analyzed as 1168 individuals in 11 orders 26 families and 36 generic 48 species. Type average was analyzed as paddy 17.25±4.83 species and 74.50±38.08 individuals, glass 10.00±0.82 species and 46.75±2.06 individuals, single 13.75±7.27 species and 59.50±35.34 individuals, multi 8.75±0.96 species and 36.75±9.29 individuals. Paddy showed higher species diversity than protected horticulture complex. The average number of species surveyed for one year was glass 14±2.83, multi 12±1.41, single 18±11.31, and paddy 26±11.31. The diversity difference was identified as paddy> single> glass and multi. Statistical analysis showed statistical difference of Ciconiiformes. Development of protected horticulture complex causes loss of avian habitat. The diversity index was glass 1.73±0.07, multi 1.68±0.14, single 1.91±0.47, and paddy 2.29±0.17. Paddy has a higher species diversity than the protected horticulture complex. For the purpose of ecological protected horticulture complex, detention ponds, artificial wetlands and habitats should be reflected in the design. This should be applied to reclamation areas or large-scale protected horticulture complexes.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Recently, the shortage of first planted ginseng field has increased direct seeding cultivation in paddy. Therefore, the demand for the development of ginseng varieties suitable for direct seeding cultivation in paddy has increased. So the aim of this study was selection ginseng varieties and germplasms suitable for direct seeding cultivation in paddy. Methods and Results : We used 13 varieties and 191 lines of Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) in this study. Ginseng Seeds were harvested at the end of July 2013, sown in mid-November, and were grown for four years in paddy. In 2017, the survey was conducted on 27 items of growth characteristics in accordance with the standards for survey of ginseng variety, and the degree of diseases and physiological disorders. Among ginseng varieties, the growth of Gopoong, Sunwon and Gwumjin were excellent. However, the incidence of physiological disorder was low in Gumpoong and Geumsun. Among the genetic sources, the growth of 7 ginseng lines, such as G04092, G04098, M05015, G07053, G10069 and G10093, were excellent. However, the incidence of physiological disorder was low in 10 lines of ginseng, such as G04020, G04061, G04081, G04092, G05054, G07052, G07053, G10069 and G10093. Conclusion : This result suggests that 5 varieties and 10 lines of ginseng showed outstanding growths in paddy. In the future, we will review the characteristics of root and the content of ginsenosides of ginseng variety and elite lines.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Atractylodes macrocephala is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the family Asteraceae and should be cultivated in field soils with good water dripping due to plant characteristics. However, cultivating farmers mainly have recently been cultivated in paddy soil due to their regional characteristics, which causes the decrease in yield due to poor drainage. Therefore, this study was carried out to investigate the cultivation in high ridge and subsoil breaking effect for stable paddy soils cultivation technology of A. macrocephala. Methods and Results : Soil was paddy soils in the fall of 2017, and the pH (1 : 5) was 6.61 ± 0.15 as a result of chemical and physical properties. EC was 0.49 ± 0.05 dS/m, and organic matter content was 28.69 ± 69 g/㎏ and effective phosphoric acid was 306 ± 17.8 ㎎/㎏. As a result of the soil layering survey, the surface layer was 0 - 26 ㎝ deep as paddy soil mounded with sandy loam in the past. In the surface layer, there was a light layer after 17 ㎝ depth, and volume density was 1.71 ± 1.3 g/㎤. The porosity of the plow pan was 33.41 ± 2.34%. The cultivation methods were cultivation in high ridge (30 ㎝ or more) and level row (10 ㎝ or less) at 2 levels and 3 repetitions. In subsoil breaking, the depth of the plow pan was increased from 17.1 ± 0.5 ㎝ before treatment to 31.1 ± 3.6 ㎝ after treatment and the hardness was 24.8 ± 1.5 ㎜. In the case of rotary plowing, the depth of the plow pan was 17.1 ± 1.9 ㎝ before treatment and 26 ± 2.4 ㎝ after treatment and the hardness was 25.8 ± 2.9 ㎜. The medium growth characteristics of A. macrocephala per treatment showed the tendency of increase in plant length, culm length, number of nodes, number of leaves, and fresh weight in level row cultivation after subsoil breaking. Root growth of cultivation in high ridge after subsoil breaking tended to be good with rhizome weight of 11.6 g per hill. The survival percentages were 98.8 - 100% and the bolting rate was 93.4 - 96.2% Conclusion : In cultivation in high ridge after subsoil breaking in the paddy field of Gangwon area, the decrease of yield of A. macrocephala due to drainage was expected to be alleviated, but final conclusion should be drawn after analyzing soil temperature and soil moisture data.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The insufficient soil moisture due to spring drought causes the germination rate of ginseng seeds to be remarkably lowered and the low seeding depth causes the roots not to be settled but remain in the surface soil containing moisture, resulting in the ill-shaped ginseng. Especially, in the case of paddy soil, the soil environment is often over-humidified or over-dried, resulting in high rate of occurrence of physiological disorders such as rough skin, yellow-colored root and red-colored root, etc. compared to the upland soil, requiring more care in managing the soil. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim to investigate the effects of stamping treatment on the direct seeding cultivation in the paddy soil and to investigate the survival and growth characteristics according to the seeding method. Methods and Results : We investigated the effects of stamping on the emergency rate and growth by using rollers (15, 20, 25, 30 ㎏), and also investigated the growth characteristics according to the direct sowing methods (broadcast planting, motorized seeder, semi-automatic seeder, manual seeder, hoop-type seeder). In the emergency rate of 1-year-old ginseng group directly sowing and treated with trampling, the group treated with 25 ㎏ & 30 ㎏ showed the highest emergency rate & growth, and above-ground & underground parts growth of 1-year-old ginseng by sowing method, there was no significant difference between sowing methods, the emergency rate of motorized seeder and semi-automatic seeder was high. Conclusion : In the paddy soils, the 25 – 30 ㎏ stamping after direct seeding showed superior above-ground growth and emergency rate, and there was no significant difference in growth, but motorized seeder and semi-automatic seeder had a higher rate of emergency in 1-year-old ginseng.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Paddy-upland rotation system is one of the important cropping system for improving soil quality and crop productivity. we conducted to investigate the effect of paddy-upland rotation system on soil properties and crop productivity in reclaimed tidal land. The paddy-upland rotation could be effective to conserve soil water contents and prevent from salt damage when cultivating upland crops. The first two years of maize cultivation after rice cultivation could be effective to secure stable production. However, in case of soybean crop, the rotation effect might be lower than that of maize. In the first year, the yield of soybean was 214 kg/10a. In the second and third year, the yields of soybean decreased consecutively to 152, 123 kg/10a respectively. In this paper, it would be suggested that maize be cultivated for up to two years and soybean be cultivated for one year after rice crop grown in reclaimed tidal land. This study could be provide basic data of the physico-chemical properties applicable to paddy-upland rotation system at reclaimed tidal lands.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        유기농 답전윤환밭 및 연속밭의 옥수수 8품종(얼룩찰1호, 흑점2호, 일미찰, 흑진주찰, 찰옥4호, 미백2호, 대학찰)과 수수 7품종(황금찰, 앉은뱅이수수, 목탁수수, 소담찰, DS202, 남풍찰, 동안메)에서 나방류 발생 및 수량 특성을 조사하였다. 조명나방 성충은 년 3회 최성기를 보였고 담배나방류 성충들은 3-4회 최성기를 보였다. 또한 조명나방 유충에 의한 옥수수 및 수수의 잎과 줄기 피해율은 시간이 지날수록 증가하는 경향을 보였는데, 수수의 조명나방 유충에 의한 피해율은 8월 중순에 급격히 증가하였다. 미흑찰, 얼룩찰1호, 일미찰, 흑점2호, 미백2호 등 옥수수 품종들에 대한 조명나방 유충에 의한 피해율은 윤환밭과 연속 밭 간 통계적으로 유의한 차이(P=0.05)를 보였고, DS202 품종(83%와 89%)을 제외한 나머지 6종 수수 품종들의 조명나방 유충에 의한 피해율은 연속밭에서 높거나 비슷하였다(50-92%). 옥수수의 나방 유충에 의한 이삭 피해율은 5%(찰옥4호)에서 38%(흑진주찰)였는데, 대학찰 품종은 답전윤환밭(33%)에서 연속밭(14%)에 비해 상대적으로 더 높은 피해를 입었다. 답전윤환 수수 포장에서 소담찰(94%)과 DS202(82%)가 높은 피해율을 보였고, 연속밭에서는 7개 수수 품종 모두 78% 이상의 피해율을 보였다. 흥미롭게도 답전윤환밭 및 연속밭의 옥수수와 수수 품종들에 대한 조명나방 유충에 의한 평균 피해율과 평균 침입공수 간에는 각 정의 상관관계(옥수수 r=0.69윤환밭, 0.95연속밭; 수수 r=0.93윤환밭, 0.97연속밭)를 보였다. 또한 수확 후, 유기농 윤환밭 및 연속밭 포장에서 나방 유충에 의한 옥수수 8품종들과 수수 7품종들의 평균 피해율과 이삭무게 또는 천립중(g) 간에 부의 상관관계(옥수수 r=-0.38윤환밭, -0.49연속밭; 수수 r=-0.70윤환밭, -0.57연속밭)를 나타냈다. 이상의 결과는 유기농 옥수수 및 수수 재배포장에서 나방류의 관리가 수량 확보에 매우 중요하다는 사실을 의미한다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Protected horticultural complexes would increase crop productivity but would adversely affect the groundwater recharge function in the area because the impervious area would increase. Further, they would limit the movement of living beings, affecting biodiversity. Therefore, this study evaluated the groundwater ecosystem services provided by protected horticultural complexes in terms of consistent utilization of water. The estimated amounts of groundwater loss obtained through quantitative assessment of groundwater infiltration showed that a higher impervious area results in higher losses. We, therefore, predict a much higher loss if similar changes in land use are realized on a nationwide scale. A plan to promote groundwater recharge in impervious areas is actively being discussed for urban areas; however, this plan is not yet applicable to farming areas. We consider it is essential to develop groundwater infiltration facilities for horticultural complexes, infiltration trenches, permeable pavements, surface water storage facilities, water purification facilities, etc. Further research and development of groundwater infiltration facilities is important for consistent utilization of water and the improvement of ecosystem services.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Our society has been dominated by the Dilemma Theory that rational individuals cannot get out of the 'Tragedy of the Commons' without helps from state or market. However, many empirical researches have discovered cases that common pool resources could be managed by cooperative methods of community. Based on the possibility of managing common pool resources by residents' cooperation/solidarity revealed by the recent case researches, this study aims to seek for the theoretical basis to prove it. Generally, public policies are carried forward based on the theoretical basis of the relevant social issues. The objective of this study is to suggest the new direction of policies related to domestic common resources through the researches on community's role in managing local common pool resources represented as "scenic spot". For this, it aims to reveal the influence of community activity on behavioral intention of local common pool resources, by drawing/quantitatively measuring measurement items of local residents' community activity on top of attitude, norms, and behavioral control suggested by the existing Theory of Planned Behavior. The results of this study are as follows; 4 factors such as attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and community activity were all factors that influenced intention to manage.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we investigated the disease, insect damage, growth, and yield characteristics of sorghum and foxtail millet in an organic paddy-upland rotation system at Anseong-si Gyeonggi province, Korea, in 2016. Seven varieties of sorghum and foxtail millet are used in this study. A rotational upland field and continuously cropped upland field were compared in order to establish an optimum cultural method and to select the best sorghum and foxtail varieties for a paddy-upland rotation system. The incidence rate of major diseases was higher for sorghum than for foxtail millet. Moktaksusu (22.8%) had the highest incidence rate among sorghum varieties. Hwanggeumchal (7.0%) had the highest incidence rate among foxtail millet varieties. DS202 (89.3%) was the most severely damaged by Ostrinia furnacalis larva, which is the main pest of sorghum and maize. The weed numbers, and the weed fresh and dry weights were lower in the rotational upland field than in the continuously cropped upland field. Futhermore, the number of weed plants decreased by 42% and the dry weight of weeds decreased by 33% in the rotational upland field compared to the continuously cropped upland field. The culm length of sorghum and foxtail millet were 7.9 cm, and 3.4 cm longer, respectively, in the rotational upland field than in the continuously cropped upland field. The average yield of sorghum per 10 a increased by 90% in the rotational upland field compared to continuously cropped upland field. However, there was no significant difference between the rotational upland field and the continuously cropped upland field for foxtail millet. The most suitable varieties for a paddy-upland rotation system were judged to be Hwanggeumchal, Donganmae, and DS202 for sorghum, and Samdachal, Samdamae, Dahwangmae for foxtail millet.