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        검색결과 522

        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        RFID system the key technology of ubiquitous era, has been emphasized in logistics. Logistic enterprises are required to apply RFID systems considering their investment costs, actual effectiveness, operational satisfaction and so on. For such a purpose, many applicable methods of RFID system have been developed A method that RFID tags are directly attached to products or pallets is utilized in most cases. However, this method requires expensive investment cost, frequent replacement of damaged tags for the small and medium (SM) third party logistics. In this paper, we analyze statistically the current status and requirements of SM third party logistics. Based on their requirements, we propose the realtime warehousing-delivery management by the method to attach a RFID tag to each warehouse rack, together with the economy analysis index in order to evaluate economical efficiency. Consequently, this method is expected to reduce Investment cost and to improve operational effectiveness and satisfaction.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The author examined the origins, the course and the period of introduction of 94 types of vegetables and fruits mainly used in Korea. Then, based on it, the author looks into the relationship between food culture in Korea and those in the Silk Road. Among the vegetables and fruits, 57 types are not originated from Korea 17 types of stem and leaf vegetables, 9 types of root and fruit vegetables. 7 types of fruits, 6 types of seed, 6 types of pomes, 2 types of berries and grapes, and 1 type of nut. Their origins are spread in Europe, Southwest and South Asia but interestingly, they are located near or along the Silk Road. Therefore, it can be presumed that the vegetables and fruits were introduced into Korea from its neighboring countries by way of the Silk Road even before the Three Koreas Period and they were eaten widely in the Joseon Dynasty. Thus, the Silk Road helped some of the vegetables and fruits used in Korea to be introduced into Korea and eventually, contributed to diversifying Korean food culture. The cultural exchange is not one-way but two-way communication and the cultural exchange through the Silk Road is no exception. It is certain that by way of the Silk Road, foods and recipes were introduced into Korea from other countries but at the same time, Korean foods and recipes were propagated to other countries. In the future, more researches and studies should be conducted to find out how the foods and recipes are exchanged among the countries by the way of the Silk Road.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aging rate of rural area in our country is relatively high compared to that of the urban area. Thus, the introduction of meal service for the elderly residing in the rural area is necessary for their better living quality. Food habit, health and the nutritive intake conditions during the busy farming season were surveyed and comparative analysis of dietary intake for the introduction of meal service in pavilion of the elderly living in Chungnam, Kangwon, Jeonnam and Kyungbuk was performed for basic reference data of meal service introduction to the pavilion of the elderly in rural area. In general subject, the male elderly had a significant difference in marital state and showed that 79.4% was married and 20% was separated by death(P<0.05). In allowance, there were no significant difference but most of them lived with less then three hundred thousand won and especially, female lived with less then one hundred thousand won. In health state, the female elderly showed significant difference on difficulty with every day activity but with small trouble although they had to prepare their own meal(P<0.05). The condition dental health conditions of the female elderly had a significant difference showing bad conditions in following order; Kangwon(48%)>Chungnam(38.1%)>Kyungbuk(22.9%)>Jeonnam(22.5%)(p<0.05). The female elderly showed a significant difference in usage of denture and number of the female elderly without using the denture were very high(p<0.05). In nutrition intake condition, amount of sodium was very high but intakes of fiber and calcium were relatively 1ow(P<0.05). Meal service introduction in the pavilion of the elderly is suggested for the improvement of the life quality of the elderly in rural area. When developing the menu for them, conditions such as shortage of the fiber and calcium in diets, the dental conditions should be considered.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims at studying on the medium of cultural interchange regarding who did and how to introduced the new trend of architecture during the period of Koryo Dynasty. Before the era of Koryo Dynasty, Kyungjang(Sutra Pitaka, 經藏) was mainly centered in Kyeongnu with a substantial function of storage. In the early Koryo Dynasty, however, Daejangjeon(大藏殿), which was spatialized for worship, began to appear. Normally, fixed walls were installed and the Sutras were enshrined inside Daejangjeon, while Jeonryunjang (revolving wheel sutras), a type of rational bookshelf, was introduced, and a new trend became developed in Kyungjang construction. Jeonryunjang(revolving wheel sutras, 轉輪藏) is a dharma instrument with a rotational function so that one revolution gives an effect of reading the enshrined Sutra one time, and began to be created actively in the period of the Northern Song. It is considered that the introduction of Jeonryunjang(revolving wheel sutras) to Daejangjeon was resulted from Haejokuksa(慧照國師) Damjin(曇眞) who visited the Kangnam areas in the Northern Song at that time. The Kangjeol areas in the Northern Song, where Damjin concentratively itinerated three times, were the place in which Jeonryunjang was created in many temples. Since Damjin, historical materials and excavated data regarding constructing Jeonryunjang have been discovered in the Buddhist temples, which are related to his pupils and dharma lineage. The only existing Jeonryunjang of Yongmusa Temple in Korea is the one that Joeung Daesunsa, who succeeded to the dharma lineage of Haesokuksa, promoted, and supports strongly such introduction of Jeonryunjang by Haesokuksa
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 태풍의 온대성 저기압화에 대해 간단히 소개하고 Evans and Hart(2003)와 Hart(2003의 객관적 온대성 저기압화 판별식을 이용하여 최근 온대성 저기압화를 거친 세 태풍(Shanshan, Yaki, Soulik)에 대한 사례분석이 이루어졌다. 500-hPa 고도장분석에서 온대성 저기압화 시작시 세 태풍 모두 중위도 경압지역으로 북상하는 공통된 특성을 보였다. 그러나 연직단면 분석에서는 온대성 저기압화의 시작전 시 태풍 중심부근의 모든 층에서 온난 다습한 특성을 보였다. 온대성 저기압화 이후에는 이 개념모델의 전형적 특성인 태풍의 서쪽영역에 한랭 건조한 특성을 나타내었다. 따라서 Evans and Hart(2003)와 Hart(2003)의 객관적 온대성저기압화의 판별식은 태풍의 온대성저기압화 시작 및 구조변화를 잘 반영하므로 기상청 예보현업에서도 유용하게 사용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research to streets at Daegu, and view adjective how people react when draw a bird into interior in city utilize and examine becoming direction of street trees system. Findings on survey, citizens appear by average 2.87 in management degree of street trees and average 2.76 in various of species of trees, discontent thing more or less by average 2.91 in satisfaction of the beauty, and demonstrate high shame from satisfaction for season stuff to comparative high 3.24, generally, citizens appear by there are parts to improve by do dissatisfaction about street trees system at Daegu. Also, street trees 2 lines plantings for a bird is average 3.05, shows affirmative feedback about that shrub utilization for a bird see high numerical value by average 3.4 and people draw a bird to space of city. Therefore, construct street trees friendly to the nature and be considered to need to re-establish set street trees environment in citizens preference to recover city ecosystem. As result that examine reaction which treat in street trees planting programs to draw birds into city through view adjective, Likert scales about 2 lines plantings of street trees and additional planting of shrub show affirmative feedback by average 3.4 both ordinary people and specialist group, if people want to draw birds into city by various of method, various research should be accomplished.
        2007.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현행 우리나라의 검사제도는 사업장의 자율관리 능력을 고려하지 않고, 설비의 노후화 및 위험도와 무관하게 획일화된 방식으로 적용하여 설비의 안전성을 확보하지 못할 뿐만 아니라 정기 및 자체 검사를 병행하여 많은 불편이 있다. 따라서 사업장의 불편을 해소하고, 설비의 안전성과 신뢰도를 높일 수 있는 위험기반검사(risk based inspection, RBI)를 국내 실정에 적합하게 도입하기 위하여 사업장, 정부 및 관련 기관에서 향후 추진해야할 방향에 대하여 분석하였다. 국내에서 위험기반검사 제도가 정착될 수 있기 위해서는 먼저 법적 근거가 마련되어야 하며, 법적 제도가 마련되면 사업장에서 RBI를 적용 시 이를 검증하고, 관리할 수 있는 인증기구의 설치가 필요하다. 또한 위험기반검사를 수행하는 사업장에 대해서는 공정안전이행수준과 같은 위험기반검사 이행수준평가를 도입하고, 차등 적용하여 사업장을 관리하는 것이 바람직하다.
        2006.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to clarify the wear resistance as cutting tools, the effect of oxygen addition on oxidation behavior of the β-Si3N4 ceramics with 5 mass% Y2O3 and 2 or 4 mass% Al2O3 was investigated by performing oxidation tests in air at 1300° to 1400°C and cutting performance tests. From test results, we could conclude that the mechanical properties of β-Si3N4 ceramics depending on oxygen introduction are much effective on cutting performance improvements of β-Si3N4 ceramics.