
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,048

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Calpuff 역모델링 기법을 이용해 산출된 자료는 오염물질 발생량을 예측할 수 있으며, 여러 가지 자료 비교를 통해 감축 가능성 및 목표 수립이 가능해졌다. 본 연구에서는 동해항 주변지역을 대 상으로 Calpuff 역모델링 기법을 이용하여 대기 중 미세먼지 저감량 설정하기 위한 기초자료 구축에 목 적을 두었으며, 모델링을 이용한 동해항을 포함한 5개 지역 배출농도 산출결과는 다음과 같다. 대기환경기준인 50 ㎍/㎥을 적용하여 대상 지역별 허용배출량 산출 결과 site-D에서 가장 많은 4.95 ㎍/㎡·S의 배출량 저감이 요구되었으며, 4.95 ㎍/㎡·S의 배출량을 감소시킬 경우 영향예측지점(동해하수 종말처리장)의 PM10 평균 예측농도는 42.6 ㎍/㎥로 감소될 것으로 나타났다. site-A(동해항)에서 배출되는 오염물질만을 적용하여 모델링 진행 결과 동해항 주변 민가의 기여농도 는 평균 40~50 ㎍/㎥으로 나타났으며, 배경농도를 고려하면 대기환경기준인 50 ㎍/㎥을 상회 할 것으 로 예상됨에 따라 더 이상의 오염물질 배출량은 허용되지 않을 것으로 판단된다. site-B는 상가와 나대지로 차량 통행과 나대지에서 비산되는 먼지로 인해 0.11 ㎍/㎡·S의 배출량 저감 이 요구되었으며, site-C와 E는 오염물질 저감량은 발생하지 않았으나 지속적인 관리가 요구된다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ASCE 4 requires that a hard stop be built around the seismic isolation system in nuclear power plants. In order to maintain the function of the isolation system, this hard stop is required to have clearance-to-stop, which should be no less than the 90th-percentile displacements for 150% Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) shaking. Huang et al. calculated clearance-to-stop by using a Latin Hypercube Sampling technique, without considering the rocking behavior of the isolated structure. This paper investigates the effects on estimation of clearance-to-stop due to 1) rocking behavior of the isolated structure and 2) sampling technique for considering the uncertainties of isolation system. This paper explains the simplified analysis model to consider the rocking behavior of the isolated structure, and the input earthquakes recorded at Diablo Canyon in the western United States. In order to more accurately approximate the distribution tail of the horizontal displacement in the isolated structure, a modified Latin Hypercube Sampling technique is proposed, and then this technique was applied to consider the uncertainty of the isolation system. Through the use of this technique, it was found that rocking behavior has no significant effect on horizontal displacement (and thus clearance-to-stop) of the isolated structure, and the modified Latin Hypercube Sampling technique more accurately approximates the distribution tail of the horizontal displacement than the existing Latin Hypercube Sampling technique.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해안단구와 육상에 남아있는 고해수준에 관한 기록들은 한반도 지반운동의 형태와 속성을 구분해 낼 가장 직접 적인 증거로 사용될 수 있음에도 불구하고 아직 고위 해안단구들의 형성시기에 관한 절대연대 측정이 현실적으로 어렵 다는 점과 과거 해수면 변동과 지반운동 간의 상대적 변화에 관한 부족한 정보로 인해 명확한 해석과 과학적 논의는 불완전한 상태이다. 본 연구는 한반도 고위 해안단구 연구에서 10Be을 대상으로 한 우주선 기원핵종 절대연대 측정법의 실험결과를 보고하고 있다. 실험 결과, 동해안의 강릉시 정동진 일대와 서해안 지역 서천군 비인면 일대에서 채취한 해 발고도 80 m 내외의 고위 해안단구 상의 기반암과 거력 퇴적물의 9 Be/ 10 Be 집적량비와 노출 연대는 상대적으로 매우 낮고 젊은 연대를 보이고 있다. 이러한 결과는 실험과정에서의 오류 가능성을 포함하여 고위 해안단구의 복잡한 노출 역사를 반영하는 것으로 판단된다. 특히 한반도의 기후환경과 해안단구가 육화된 뒤 겪을 것으로 추정되는 복잡한 노출 환경을 고려할 경우 앞으로 10Be 연대측정기술의 성공적인 적용을 위해서는 적합한 연구지역의 발굴과 시료채취가 가 장 중요한 요인이 될 것으로 판단된다.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동궁과 월지는 통일신라시대에 조성된 넓은 수면의 원지를 중심으로 한 궁원으로 추정된다. 원지는 입수부, 연못, 출수 부로 구성되어 있으며, 특히 입수부는 독자적인 특징을 보이는 수경시설로 구성되어 있다. 본 연구는 월지 입수부의 수경에 대한 디자인수법을 밝힘으로써 통일신라시대의 궁원을 이해하고 원지조영에 대한 작법의 단초를 제공하고자 한다. 연구방법으로 동궁과 월지에 대한 발굴조사 성과를 바탕으로 발굴조사의 내용과 복원된 수경시설에 대한 조사와 분석 을 통하여 입수부에 대한 수경 디자인수법을 도출한다. 원지의 입수부는 직선형수로, 석조, 소지, 계류형수로, 폭포로 구성되어 다채로운 수경을 연출하고 있는데 각각의 디 자인 수법은 다음과 같다. 기하학적인 인공형태의 직선형수로는 수로의 초입부에서 직각으로 수류방향을 바꾸는 굴절점 을 세 차례 반복하는 선형을 보이는데 이는 건축물의 축선을 따른 것으로 건축물의 세력권에 영향을 받은 형태의 디자인 수법으로 볼 수 있다. 상하로 연결된 2단 석조는 물을 담은 큰 그릇으로써의 이용을 고려한 것으로 상하의 단차에 의한 물의 약동은 시각 및 청각적인 효과를 위한 디자인수법이다. 또한 석조 주위의 판석과 외연벽석으로 형성된 한정된 공간 은 가장 가까이에서 물을 접할 수 있는 친수공간으로 디자인된 수경공간이다. 완만한 곡선의 타원형에 가까운 형태의 소지는 호안의 축조와 바닥처리 및 경석의 배치에 있어서 독자적인 디자인 수법을 보이며, 기능적으로는 폭포수의 일정 한 수량공급을 위한 저수지의 역할을 한다. 자연스러운 분위기를 연출하는 계류형 수로는 직선형 수로와 대비되는 디자 인으로 호안을 축조하는 방식에서 최대한 자연스럽게 보이기 위한 수법을 보여준다. 입수부의 마지막 단계로서 극단적 인 시각적 변화를 보여주는 폭포는 수로와 원지의 단차를 해결하는 디자인수법으로 사용되었으며, 위치설정에 있어서 완전노출을 피하여 흥미를 유발시키는 고차원의 수법이 적용되었다. 다섯 단계로 구성된 다채로운 입수부의 수경시설은 근접한 건축물의 영향을 받는 직선형의 인공적 디자인의 수경수법 에서 시작하여 점차적으로 그 영향에서 벗어나 자연스러움을 보여주는 디자인의 발전단계를 보여주는 수경시설의 디자 인수법을 보여주고 있다.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The small brown planthopper (SBPH), Laodelphax striatellus Fallén (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) is one of the major insect pest against rice, Oryza sativa L. in Korea. High density of SBPH could cause severe damage on rice plant by directly sucking and indirectly transmitting viral pathogens, Rice stripe virus and Rice streaked dwarf virus. As a preliminary study for de novo whole-genome sequencing of SBPH, we investigated 6 transcriptomes isolated from different developmental stages, sex, and tissue (egg, 1st ~ 3rd nymphs, 4th ~ 5th nymphs, female and male adults, salivary gland). Clean-sequence data of 19.3 Gb were obtained from total 47.8 Gb raw data after adaptor and quality trimming (Q30) and overlapped reads joining. As a suitable assembler, Bridger was selected based on the results of reference mapping (93.45%) and CEGMA completeness (95.97%). Finally, we obtained 158,207 reads (size range: 201 ~ 22,162 bp; Mean size: 1,048.04 bp; N50: 2,417 bp) after clustering the assembly results by CD-HIT-EST (similarity threshold: 99%). Based on these results, we are conducting further studies such as transcript expression pattern among different developmental stages and gene annotation.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Galaxy clusters, the largest gravitationally bound systems, are an important subject of study to place constraints on cosmological models. Moreover, they are excellent places to test galaxy evolution models in connection to their environments. To date, massive clusters have been found unexpectedly (Kang & Im 2009; Gonzales et al. 2012) and the evolution of galaxies in clusters is still controversial (Elbaz et al. 2007; Faloon et al. 2013). Finding galaxy cluster candidates at z > 1 in a wide, deep imaging survey data will enable us to solve such issues of modern extragalactic astronomy. We report new candidate galaxy clusters in one of the wide and deep survey fields, the European Large Area ISO Survey North1 (ELAIS-N1) and North2 (ELAIS-N2) fields, covering a sky area of 8.75 deg2 and 4.85 deg2 each. We also suggest a new useful color selection technique to separate z > 1 galaxies from low - z galaxies by combining multi-wavelength data.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to develop transgenic cell line expressing targeted human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (hGCSF) and green fluorescence protein (GFP) genes as well as production of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) embryos derived from co-expressed transgenic donor cells. Constructed pPiggy-mWAP-hGCSF-EF1-GFP vector was chemically transfected into bovine fetus cells and then, only GFP expressed cells were selected as donor cells for SCNT. Cleavage and blastocyst rates of parthenogenetic, SCNT embryos using non-TG cell and hGCSF-GFP dual expressed SCNT embryos were examined (cleavage rate: 78.0±2.8 vs. 73.1±3.2 vs. 70.4±4.3%, developmental rate: 27.2 ±3.2 vs. 21.9±3.1 vs. 17.0±2.9%). Result indicated that cleavage and blastocyst rates of TG embryos were significantly lower (P<0.05) than those of parthenogenetic and non-TG embryos, respectively. In this study, we successfully produced hGCSF-GFP dual expressed SCNT embryos and cryopreserved to produce transgenic cattle for bioreactor system purpose. Further process of our research will transfer of transgenic embryos to recipients and production of hGCSF secreting cattle.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper introduces a digital image processing(DIP) method as a method for measuring the displacement of pylon. The comparison of DIP results and ANSYS analysis results verified the validity of the image processing technique. Normalized cross-correlation(NCC) coefficient was used and experiments were performed three times. It shows that the displacement difference was 22% and 5% compared to ANSYS results. Therefore, the image processing method is expected to be able to measure the displacement of pylon sufficiently.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Deposits discharged through the cleaning mainly were cement mortar, bitumen paintings and rust pieces, and fragments of perforation, stones and gravels. Deposits were more removed through swabbing pig cleaning rather than air scouring cleaning on the whole. However, air scouring cleaning were not influenced by the constraint conditions such as a change in the diameter or the presence of the valve in water mains compare to swabbing pig cleaning. So, it was thought that air scouring cleaning might be more favorable to water distribution network cleaning in the future. After the cleaning, water quality including residual chlorine and turbidity also was improved because of the removal of a significant amount of the deposits. Therefore, if the cleaning is continuously and regularly implemented in water mains, it is expected that it will help to recover the reliability and to preserve the health of water quality.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Commission for Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) is utilized to manage krill resources using acoustic data collection and a scientific observer program operating on the fishing boats. However, the acoustic data were contained seriously noise, example of background, spike, and intermittent noise, due to purpose of fish boats. In this study, the noise removal techniques were confirmed the potential of the acoustic data analysis. Acoustic system and frequency used in the survey were commercial echosounder (ES70, SIMRAD) and 200 kHz split beam transducer. Acoustic data were analyzed using Echoview software (Myriax), and general data analysis and new noise removal method was used. Although a variety of noise, most of the noises have been removed using the noise removal processing. We confirmed the possibility of analyzing the acoustic data obtained from fish boats. The results will be useful for analysis of the acoustic data acquired from krill fishing boats.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The process of Apparel Product Development requires several major steps such as Pattern Digitizing, Grading, Marker Making, and Cutting Out. The current operation for Pattern Digitizing is conducted operators who amend apparel patterns on a computer after digitizing them based on a point-input method. The current process is laborious, time-consuming, and expensive due to error-prone work that leaves much to be desired in solution expansion. These studies develop an automated system for apparel pattern input based on vectorising technique. Supporting industrial standardization (the detailed targets for the system development) minimizes the involvement of operators and include: automatic recognition of pattern domain, automatic recognition of sample shape, and inner part recognition performing apparel characteristic function. The following picture shows an example using our system developed with a women bra pattern. Figure 2 represents women a bra pattern Figure 3 represents data implemented on the automated system we developed The results of our study : 1. Analytical speed: under 4 seconds in resolution 150 dpi, image size A3. 2. Length error: under 0. 2mm. 3. Outline: 100% extract of outlines cutting and marker pattern. 4. Pattern elements: classification automatically and editing available by user. 5. Pattern division: try one acting scanning various pattern. 6. Data entry/output: converting of DXF, AAMA, TIP, DIGIT. We developed an automated system based on vectorising software for implementation of apparel patterns. The cost of effective system repeatedly processes digitizing tasks with high quality in a few minutes. The system will contribute to the apparel industry field by implementing automatic steps for recognition and classification pattern.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the age of hybrid, the fashion industry has created multiple patterns of hybrid fashion due to mixed styles and genres. Fashion mixed with tradition and future and various cultures is emerging as a trend so that Asian cultures are reinterpreted in a modern way(Samsung Design Net. 2014). Korean images also change every year into a new type of cultural hybrid. This study aims to present esthetic and trendy hybrid outer wear designs applicable to the fusion of tradition and present and the west and the east as well as diverse life styles for the major target of consumption, the senior generation with young sense. This study conducted both theoretical and empirical study. The theoretical study looked into the characteristics of digital fashion illustrations using Sumuk technique and of senior outer wear through the precedent study and literature. In the empirical study, fashion illustrations were made according to the characteristics of digital fashion illustrations with Sumuk technique, and then fabric was made through digital printing. By doing so, hybrid outer wear designs for the senior generation were developed based on the characteristics of senior outer wear, and the real artwork was made. The findings are as follows. First, the characteristics of digital fashion illustrations using Sumuk technique are the hybrid expression where the spirit of inner feeling of oriental thinking, implications of symbolism and metaphor through blanks and lines, and fortuity of ink blurs and lines are recreated in a modern way through digital fashion illustration characteristics such as hybridity of multi-cultures and heterogeneous factors, expandability of blurring boundary, human-oriented playfulness, and sensibility of inner expression. Second, outer wear for the senior generation puts the most emphasis on aesthetic factors including designs, styles, youth, and complement of figure, followed by symbolism such as convenience of dressing or undressing, comfort, functionality of flexible size, trend, express of individuality, and dignity. In addition, this generation prefers outdoor wear for social, cultural, and casual activities and demand hybrid city wear designs adding the characteristics of outdoor wear that is highly worn for various city life styles. Third, the design motifs of fabric made by digital printing of Sumuk technique-based digital fashion illustrations include traditional ornaments of Joseon Dynasty such as norigae(Korean traditional ornaments worn by women), binyeo(Korean traditional ornamental hairpin), and ddeoljam(ornamental hairpin), mix traditional and Korean spirit with modern sensibility, and connote esthetic beauty of ornamental effects for women’s beauty and symbolism of lucky signs and wishes. Fourth, senior outer wear was designed using the made fabric. Work 1 arranged prints with the motif of traditional norigae in a spaced pattern. Hybrid outer was designed with comfortable, light, and reversible functions by using A line silhouette considering the senior generation’s figure, single buttons for easy clothing change, and outdoor wear materials and highlighted the utilization of city wear. Work 2 used border pattern of fashion illustration prints that use binyeo as its motif, and it was designed for social and cultural life styles with the fusion of tradition, which uses tent silhouette durumagi(traditional Korean outer coat) and composition lines that are plane and straight lines, and modernism. It highlighted functionality by using zippers and single buttons for each clothing changing and outdoor materials. Work 3 arranged fashion illustrations made by the motif of ddeoljam in a spaced pattern. This is a balloon silhouette considering the senior generation’s figure and a urban, modern design with unbalanced hem line with asymmetry of light and left. A zipper was attached, and a light and flexible outdoor material was used to emphasize its functionality. Work 1, 2, and 3 made the fabric of cultural hybrid sense using Sumuk technique-based digital fashion illustrations and used the design considering the senior generation’s figure and an outdoor material, and expressed easy clothing change and design of city wear. This is a hybrid senior fashion design expressing the fusion and coexistence of traditional and modern beauty, Korea’s oriental beauty and modern western beauty, and outdoor wear’s functionality and city life styles. This study will contribute to the invigoration of the senior fashion market that is newly emerging and the development of high-value added products as it presents hybrid outer wear adding functionality applicable to various life styles for the senior generation with the young sense.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Network analysis of keywords relevant to three fashion trading areas, Garosu-gil, Dongdaemun, and Itaewon in Seoul, Korea, revealed that ‘associated industry’ is an important factor along with ‘design’ and ‘brand’. Additionally, distinct attributes of each commercial district can serve as differentials to attract consumers; thus, they are necessary factors in order to develop as fashion trading areas.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explains an agricultural mobile commerce case using Oauth Based Real-Time Information Sharing Technique according to the growth of the agricultural e-commerce market. Considering the characteristics of the agricultural market, it can confirm differential values with the existing agricultural mobile commerce market according to the functions and characteristics of its technique. We compare variables for introducing agricultural mobile commerce with the existing mobile commerce. Trust through information sharing with real-timefarming diaries, suitability and perceived ease of use variables are positively influenced, but influence on completeness and authority of information variables are relatively insufficient. Through this, we explained differential values of agricultural mobile commerce and suggested an applicable business model.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목 적: 각막굴절교정 수술안에서 이중경로방식(double-pass technique)으로 측정한 객관적인 시력을 정 시안과 비교하였다. 방 법: 근시각막굴절교정 수술을 받은 68명(135안, 평균: 23.49±2.5세)과 정시안 20명(40안, 평균: 22.50±1.7세)을 대상으로 ETDRS 시력표를 이용하여 대비도가 100%인 고대비시력(high contrast visual acuity: HCVA)과 10%인 저대비시력(low contrast visual acuity: LCVA)을 밝은 조명과 어두운 조명 상태에서 측정하였고, OQAS(Optical Quality Analysis System) 장비를 이용하여 광학적 질과 관련 있는 객관적 시력변수인 OVs(OQAS values)와 VA(visual acuity)을 100%, 20% 및 9%의 대비도에 따라 각각 측정하였다. 결 과: 수술안군과 정시안군 사이에서 ETDRS로 측정한 주관적 시력은 밝은 조명 상태에서는 유의한 차 이가 없었지만, 어두운 조명 상태에서는 고대비시력과 저대비시력 모두 유의한 차이가 있었다(p=0.027, p=0.002). OQAS로 측정한 OVs는 두 그룹 사이에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었고(p=0.012, p=0.003, p=0.001). 수술안군의 객관적 시력은 대비도가 낮을수록 더 감소하였고, 주관적 시력과 상관성이 있었으며 (p<0.05), 어두운 조명 상태의 저대비시력과 VA9%의 상관성이 가장 높았다(R=-0.403). 결 론: 수술안군에서 OQAS로 측정한 객관적 시력은 정시안군과 비교하여 낮았고, 특히, 낮은 대비도에 서 시력은 정시안군보다 더 낮은 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국과 일본은 지리적인 위치로 인하여 예로부터 문화의 교 류가 빈번하였다. 그 중 옻칠예술은 현재 전해지는 역사자료를 통하여 일본이 중국의 영향을 지속적이고 광범위하게 받았음을 알 수 있다. 특히 양국은 당대부터 본격적인 교류를 하였으며, 미술품의 종류와 재료의 쓰임면에서 양국은 밀접한 관계가 있 음을 알 수 있다. 그리고 그 영향은 일본 옻칠예술의 발전을 가져오게 되었다. 대표적으로 일본 옻칠예술의 고유 양식인 ‘시 회’는 중국 한대이후 발달된 금을 이용한 기법을 토대로 발달 된 일본의 대표적인 장르인데 일본 무로마찌시대 이후, 그 정 교함이 최고조에 달할 때 중국의 옻칠장인들은 일본에 건너가 이를 학습하였고, 본국으로 돌아와 명청시대 발달된 금을 이용 한 많은 칠기들에 응용 하였다. 이는 중ㆍ일 양국간의 상호 영 향으로 옻칠예술의 발달관계를 알 수 있는 좋은 예이다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 발달관계를 문헌과 유물을 통하여 밝 히었다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the establishment of corporation’s Business Continuity Plan(BCP) is to maintain corporations’ own business and establish the response plan in order to resume operation in a short time period when crisis situations occur due to natural disaster and human error. This study has presented all types of procedures and criteria which are needed to establish the airport crisis response system in order to maintain the business continuity by utilizing BCP technique. Basically the risk response procedures must be established in the process of (1) preparation stage, (2) plan development stage, (3) documentation stage, (4) test & maintenance stage. The guideline has been suggested that each stage must be carried out in the sequence of Policy & Planning Responsibility, Business Impact Analysis, Recovery Strategy & Plans, Emergency Plan & SOP, Training Awareness and Maintenance & Review
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aimed at modeling a fine triangular grid for network dome by using Harmony Search (HS) algorithm. For this purpose, an optimization process to find a fine regular triangular mesh on the curved surface was proposed and the analysis program was developed. An objective function was consist of areas and edge's length of each triangular and its standard deviations, and design variables were subject to the upper and lower boundary which was calculated on the nodal connectivity. Triangular network dome model, which was initially consist of randomly irregular triangular mesh, was selected for the target example and the numerical result was analyzed in accordance with the HS parameters. From the analysis results of adopted model, the fitness function has been converged and the optimized triangular grid could be obtained from the initially distorted network dome example.