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        검색결과 670

        2008.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The principal objective of this study was to determine the effects of diet knowledge and perception on diet practice behavior among university students. Data were collected between March and April of 2005 from 523 male and female university students in Seoul and Chungbuk, via a self-administered questionnaire. The subjects included 217 male students (41.5%) and 306 female students (58.5%), and 52.0% of the subjects were 21-23 years old. With regard to residence type, 42.6% of the subjects lived in the dormitory, home (29.1%) self-boarding (19.5%) and meal (8.8) were in the order. The average weights and heights of the subjects were as follows: 70.9±9.0 kg and 174.3±4.4 cm in the male students and 53.9±5.9 kg and 161.3±4.5 cm in the female students. The average BMI values of the male and female students were 23.4±2.5 and 20.8±2.1, respectively. The average nutritional knowledge scores were as follows: 1.96 out of 3.0, dietary habit (2.13), nutrition (2.0), exercise (1.98), preferred food (1.90), and chronic disease (1.79). We noted no significant differences between the male and female subjects in terms of scored points. Nutritional knowledge by gender and residence type were shown to be significantly different--the male subjects had higher scores for exercise than did the female subjects. The self-boarding subjects had significantly lower scores with regard to nutritional knowledge and chronic disease. The experience and duration of previous diet practice were also significantly different with regard to gender and residence type. The male subjects tended to conduct diet practice for longer periods than females. The self-boarding students reported more attempts at diet behavior, but for shorter durations. The results show that the nutritional knowledge and diet practice behavior of the subjects were influenced by gender and residence type.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The breast feeding habits of 507 college students were evaluated between March 27 to April 26 (2006). Data were collected from self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS for Windows V.12.0. The study population consisted of 245 (48.3%) male and 262 (51.7%) female college students that answered ‘yes’ when asked whether they had been breast feed. A total of 52.7% of the study population were fed with breast milk (most frequent answer), as opposed to 11.0% that were fed with infant formula (least frequent answer) during their infancy. When asked whether they ever got educated on breast feeding, 78.1% of the college student subjects answered ‘no’. A total of 95.1% of the female college students replied ‘yes’ when asked if they intended to breast feed their child. Moreover, 62.2% of the college student subjects indicated that their parents had an influence on their decision to breast feed. A comparison between male and female college students indicated that female college students had a superior knowledge level of the general characteristics of breast feeding over the male subjects (p<0.05) . Moreover, a comparison of the different levels of college attained suggest that freshman college students had the highest knowledge level, followed by senior, sophomore and junior college students in terms of advantage, BF Tabu (p<0.05). Also, students provided with education on breast feeding had a higher knowledge level than college students with no formal education. In summary, the results suggest that the knowledge on breast feeding in college students were different by general characteristics such as gender, major and school year, and education on breast feeding in advance was appeared to be an important factor, therefore nutritional education course on breast feeding is recommended for the college students.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the survey results of 302 college students from a coed university in Korea. The following three research components were examined: relationships among different eating styles, violation behaviors after unwanted eating, and consumption behaviors for three different food types. The analysis results showed that restrained eating was positively related to emotional eating, but negatively related to external eating. And emotional and external eating displayed a positive relationship. Body shape dissatisfaction was a significant variable in explaining restrained eating behavior. After unwanted eating, the restrained eaters expressed more regrets and stronger determination to diet than the less restrained eaters. The emotional eaters and external eaters responded that they could not stop eating and performed binge eating behaviors when they failed their diet. With regard to food attitudes and eating styles, snacks were favorably related to emotional eating. Fast food attitudes were negatively associated with restrained eating. Preference was the only significant variable in explaining snack consumption frequency; however sex, preference, and restrained eating were significant for fast foods. Finally, vegetarian foods were explained by preference and sex.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Quality function deployment(QFD) is becoming a widely used customer oriented approach. The aim of this paper is to present an analytic method of quality function deployment that is to maximize customer satisfaction, using a customer satisfaction survey conducted in the college in Korea. Combining weights and satisfaction indices, "performance/important" diagrams are to develop and this grid can be used in order to identify priorities for decision making. Also, this paper shows a 0-1 integer programming model for maximizing customer satisfaction subject to a budget constraint in QFD planning process with case study.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study reports on an experimental study that investigates Korean EFL college students" acquisition of English verbs (such as break and change) that participate in the transitivity alternation. The experiment was devised specifically to examine how the distinction of the three types of transitivity alternation verbs - unaccusatives, middles, and passives (all with non-agent subject on the surface) - is revealed in the development of learners" interlanguage. A total of 80 college students were divided into two proficiency groups and asked to perform a production task and a grammatical judgment task on the target structures. The overall results show that the learners acquire passives earlier than unaccusatives and middles. The results also reveal that with increased proficiency, the learners perform better on all the target structures regardless of the task type. The results show, however, that even higher proficiency learners are not sensitive to lexico-syntactic properties associated with unaccusatives and middles. Another finding from the results is that the major type of the learners" interlanguage error is overpassivization of unaccusatives and middles, which confirms that Korean EFL learners, like learners with other L1 backgrounds, rely on a universal mechanism of subject―agent and object―patient/theme mapping.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This interview study aims at exploring how two Korean college graduates strive autonomously to manage their English world before, during and after college-graduation. The participants were two very autonomous students out of 34 students the researcher met at a 15-week autonomy-based English Speaking/Writing class at a college in 2003. Two major findings emerged from the interview data collected in April 2005: (1) B"s initial interest in English came from teachers" urgings to get good test scores, but his visit to America and Australia made him more interested in learning communicative English; (2) S"s interest in non-Korean people and countries, inspired by her first English teacher, made her go abroad and practice English very actively in and beyond Korea. The findings shed light on a critical issue concerning the application of the learner autonomy theory with Korean students who learn English in Korean educational contexts: the limit and effectiveness of classroom-English-learning. Pedagogical implications of the findings are added at the end.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For second or foreign language learners, lexical acquisition can be a learning burden which takes a learner"s enormous effort and time. In recent years there has been a growing interest in L2 vocabulary learning strategies (VLS), but few have explored Korean EFL college students" use of VLS. Through a qualitative analysis of both written self-reports and interviews conducted with four advanced students, this study found that their lexical approaches were similar in terms of ""macro-strategies,"" whereas being dissimilar in light of ""micro-strategies."" Namely, there were both similarities and differences in the ways and means that they mobilize in learning English vocabulary. At the same time, the four students revealed some patterns of strategy use that were different from those reported on other learning contexts. Another noteworthy finding was that all four tried to produce the learned words in appropriate contexts. Some pedagogical implications are suggested for teaching practice.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 여대생을 대상으로 라이프스타일에 따른 화장품충동구매와 성격특성 및 자아이미지에 대하여 살펴보았다. 라이프스타일에 따른 화장품충동구매와 성격특성 및 자아이미지를 비교분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 여대생의 라이프스타일은 지적자아충실형, 활동적사회참여형, 서구적가치추구형, 생활장식선호형, 견실적가치추구형, 소극적타인지향형, 전통적 생활 추구형으로 도출되었고, 이 중 지적자아충실형, 활동적사회참여형, 서구적 가치추구형은 중요한 차원으로 나타났다. 이러한 라이프스타일의 요인을 유형화한 결과 견실적 서구 지향형,보수적 지식 추구형, 활동적 장식 선호형, 전통적 생활 추구형으로 분류되었다. 견실적 서구 지향형과 활동적 장식 선호형은 보수적 지식 추구형과 전통적 생활 추구형 보다 충동구매성향이 강한 것으로 드러났다. 성격특성과 자아이미지는 집단 간에 의미있는 차이를 나타내었다. 따라서 이들 집단들의 심리적 특성은 충동구매에 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        만 19세에서 35세 사이의 전북 지역 남녀 대학생 78명(156안)을 대상으로 자각적 굴절검사를 실시하여 원거리 완전 교정된 상태에서 프리즘 분리법, 마독스로드 검사법 등 두 가지 방법을 이용하여 각각 원거리에서 수평 및 수직사위를 측정한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 프리즘 분리법에 의한 수평사위검사에서는 전위 22명(28%), 외사위 48명(62%), 내가위 8명(10%)이었다. 2. 마독스로드 검사법에 의한 사위검사에서는 정위 30명(39%), 외사위 39명(50%), 내사위 9명(11%)이었다. 3. 프리즘 분리법에 의한 수직사위검사에서는 정위 68명(87%), 수직사위 10명(13%)이었다. 4. 마독스로드 검사법에 의한 수직사위검사에서는 정위 73명(94%), 수직사위 5명(6%)이었다. 5. 두 검사의 각각의 평균값은 프리즘 분리법 1.22△BI, 마독스로드 검사법 1.49△BI으로 측정되었다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 호남지역 Sea Grant 사업단의 장기적인 발전방향 및 발전계획 수립에 관해 언급을 하고자 한다. 호남지역 Sea Grant 사업단에서는 지역의 해양 및 수산분야의 발전에 기여하기 위해 크게 연구개발, 교육홍보, 대민봉사활동에 주력하고 있다. 먼저, 연구개발분야에서 고려해야 할 사항들에 살펴보고 호남지역에 적합한 사업 분야를 도출한다. 다음으로 교육홍보분야에 있어서는 해양수산부 및 지역 내 관계기관에서 행하고 있는 해양교육프로그램의 현황을 살펴보고 추진해야 할 사업방향에 대해 제안할 것이다. 대민봉사활동 영역에 있어서는 대민활동의 필요요소들에 대해 언급하고 우리지역에 있어서 필요한 사업영역에 대해 언급할 것이다. 아울러 국내외 유관기관과의 연계를 통한 네트웍 구성방안에 대해서도 살펴볼 것이고, 이를 통해서는 사업단의 효율적인 운영방법에 대한 유익한 정보교류가 가능해 질 것이다. 마지막으로 지역 내의 현안문제를 도출하기 위해 실시한 설문조사결과에 대해 언급하고자 한다.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료