
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 47

        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 비모수적 자료포락분석 기법을 이용하여 감귤농가의 경영효율성을 추정하였다. 추가적으로 커널밀도함수를 이용하여 경영효율성의 분포가 지난 13년간 어떻게 바뀌었는지도 도식화하였다. 연구를 위해 농촌진흥청에서 조사 발표하는 자료를 사용하였다. 분석결과를 보면, 지난 13년간 경영효율성은 시설 감귤농가와 노지 감귤농가 모두에서 상승하는 것으로 나타났다. 이것은 수입농산물이 증가하는 상 황 하에서 감귤농가의 경영효율성이 개선되고 있음을 의미한다. 경영효율성을 순수기술적 효율성과 규 모 효율성으로 분해한 결과, 순수기술적 효율성은 점차 개선되는 반면에 규모 효율성은 악화되는 것으 로 분석되었다. 하지만 여전히 효율성 개선의 여지는 순수기술적 효율성 측면에 있는 것으로 분석되었 다. 순수기술적 효율성은 꾸준히 계속 향상시키되 적정규모를 찾아가는 노력도 병행해야 할 것으로 보 인다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the safety management efficiency through input-oriented BCC Model using DEA by making of Models, in which this study selected the number of staff affiliated with the construction site, number of staff members on the construction team, and number of safety personnel as Input Factor, along with the number of disaster victims and zero-accident accomplished hours as output elements, targeting 40-or-so apartment building construction sites which are being built by 3 domestic construction companies. As a result of efficiency, it was 0.643, the number of efficient DMU was 4. In the aspect of returns to scale, 21 construction sites(52.5%) found to be in a state of increasing returns while 14 construction sites(35%) was in a state of Decreasing returns. The reason for inefficiency was found to lie in technical factors in case of 30 construction sites(75%). Lastly, inefficient DMU is in need of 38.9 % and 66% reduction in site personnel and safety personnel. Based on study results, the 29 construction sites accounting for 72.5% of DMU for safety management efficiency evaluation object turned out to do inefficient safety management that doesn't fit the size of each company.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, management based on statistical data has become a big issue and the importance of the statistics has been emphasized for the management innovation in the defense area. However, the Military Management based on the statistics is hard to expect because of the shortage of the statistics in the military. There are many military information systems having great many data created in real time. Since the infrastructure for gathering data form the many systems and making statistics by using gathered data is not equipped, the usage of the statistics is poor in the military. The Analytical Defense Statistics System is designed to improve effectively the defense management in this study. The new system having the sub-systems of Data Management, Analysis and Service can gather the operational data from interlocked other Defense Operational Systems and produce Defense Statistics by using the gathered data beside providing statistics services. Additionally, the special function for the user oriented statistics production is added to make new statistics by handling many statistics and data. The Data Warehouse is considered to manage the data and Online Analytical Processing tool is used to enhance the efficiency of the data handling. The main functions of the R, which is a well-known analysis program, are considered for the statistical analysis. The Quality Management Technique is applied to find the fault from the data of the regular and irregular type. The new Statistics System will be the essence of the new technology like as Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence, Data Standardization and Statistics Analysis and will be helpful to improve the efficiency of the Military Management.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study show in the Social Work Field(focus on the welfare facilities) about Literature and Concept Definition on the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency'. And, show a case to study for 'Management' and 'Efficiency' on the 'welfare facilities'. Also, this study try to find on the development of the Social Work Field through the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency'. First, show the new concept on the 'Welfare Management'. Existing 'Welfare' and 'Management' have been using independently of each other in their field. but now, when use the 'Welfare Management' that a new word, define the word 'Welfare Management' and help to another researcher who study on the 'Welfare Management'. Second, show the exemplary case on the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency' in welfare facilities. It arrange for exemplary and typical case in the various study case and basic information offer to the persons who try to study for 'Management' and 'Efficiency' in social work field. third, In the Social Work Fied, I try to find a way to vitalize and development that the study and practice on the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency'. Exisiting 'Management' & 'Economy' treat the terms unprofessionally in the Social Work Field. Social Work Field must cope with quickly and correctly to the current of times like that unlimited competition & development, downfall of the traditional social safety net, economic crisis of a welfare state, etc., in immense framwork of a capitalistic society & a new liberalism. And changing paradigm of social welfare policy. In the end, this study try to find a way for more growth of the Social Work Field trough the 'Welfare Management' and 'Efficiency'. Keywords : Social Work Field(Social Welfare Facilities), Welfare Management, Efficiency
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: Regional offices of the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs use a computerized system called KAMIS so as to manage road equipment systematically. Road agencies can record number of operating days by equipment, actual working hours, accumulated operating hours (or distance) by equipment, and operating cost. However, KAMIS does not provide critical information, although it is strongly related to efficient road management equipment operation. In other words, road agencies do not know whether they have sufficient equipment to handle their actual work. METHODS: Therefore, this study suggests a methodology to evaluate for operational efficiency of road management equipment using analytical hierarchy process(AHP). First of all, estimated weights related criteria can be produced by AHP, and then use operational history by pieces of equipment. RESULTS: Results show that importance of management work can differ from weather conditions through five areas. CONCLUSIONS: Commonly, this results can imply to help save money for the purchase and maintenance of road management equipment, and they would improve the functional performance of KAMIS.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the various information according to the company management is originated in the change of the rapid company environment. And the necessity of the administration,that is systematic and efficient toward the various document of a form, is gradually increased. At the same time, the efficient management ability of the various standard document obtained the specialized quality authentication system including the ISO/TS16949, ISO14001, quality 5 star, and etc., it maintains occupies the very important part as to the company management. This research suggests the standard business process of the auto part supplier for the efficient management of the standard document. In addition, by building and managing the standard management system will be able to expect the more efficient document management and the product reliability insurance.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        소규모의 기업이 모회사가 성장함에 따라 급속한 성장을 하면서 눈에 보이지 않는 문제점이 발생하고 경영의 비효율화로 인해 생산 업무에 원활한 지원을 할 수 없는 상태의 중견기업의 기업환경을 분석하고 작업 환경을 분석하여 기업이 내부에서 확인 할 수 없는 문제점을 찾아 성장하는 기업이 앞으로 나아갈 방향에 대한 단계별 추진과제를 선정하여 새로운 기업환경에서의 경영효율화와 경영최적화를 이루는 프로세스를 구현하였다. 기업 환경 분석은 내외부 수준분석과 각 부서별 인터뷰, 설문조사를 중심으로 업무 현황 및 당면과제에 대하여 SWOT분석을 통해 나타내었고, 각 부서별 Issue 및 개선 사항은 As-Is Flow를 통하여 프로세스, 시스템, 사람, 기업환경의 네 가지 관점에서 주안점을 찾아내었다. SWOT분석과 As-Is Flow를 기반으로 경영업무 정상화를 위한 우선 실행과제를 선정하였고 선정된 우선순위에 따라 중장기적인 종합추진일정계획을 수립하였다.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 국내 해운회사의 안전관리를 위한 여러 가지 투입요소와 산출요소들에 대한 자료를 설문조사하고, 각 해운회사간의 안전관리체제 이행에 따른 효율성을 DEA 분석법을 사용하여 분석하였다. 1998년~2004년까지 각 해운회사의 안전관리체체의 운영효율성을 DEA 모형으로 분석한 결과, 효율성 평균지수가 매년 감소하는 추세를 나타내었다. 효율성 평균지수가 매년 낮아지는 경향을 보이는 이유는 해양사고 건수, PSC지적 건수, 선박보험료, P&I 보험료는 매 년 감소하는 것에 비해 선박수리비, 선용품비와 선박 불가동일수는 매년 감소하지 않고 오히려 증가하는 경향을 보이고 있는 것이 주요한 원인으로 분석되었다.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Considering in view of China's low price and Japan's high technology, the most important point is the quality of product. To increase the comparative power internationally all workingmen have to fulfill the responsibility to maximize the quality, and this is possible practiced under 'Zero Defect' spirit. To reduce the defect ratio to 'Zero' the workingmen have to recognize own fault, all the manufacturing process should be conducted under 'Fool Proof System', If done under this circumstances, then labor force can work comfortably and safely without nervousness and tiresome. The productivity and quality can increase ultimately and even foreign labor, imbecile child, old-aged labor can participate in work, which can reduce shortage of labor source. Therefore, in this study all defects in manufacturing process, it would be recognized the errors and mistakes caused by human.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is needed to develop on-line real time management and RFID-PPS(Radio Frequency Identification-Pallet Pool System) by putting information technology. Additionally, it is possible to figure out the flow of all the materials loaded on the RFID pallet; product, material, raw material immediately, so that epoch-making management is possible and it contributes to the reduction of logistics cost because there are little loss or outflow of pallet. The materials flow is getting speedy and inventory is decreasing in the logistics process, and also bad inventory and loss problems are prevented. As a result, not only logistics cost of company but also national logistics cost is decreased. Thus it contributes to the strength of national competitiveness.
        2003.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재 ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)업계의 동향은 외산 전사적자원관리업체들이 국내 중소ㆍ중견기업 시장 공략에 적극 나서고 있다. SAP코리아와 한국오라클이 이미 국내 중소ㆍ중견기업시장을 타갓으로 한 제품을 선보인 데 이어 최근 마이크로소프트(MS)까지 이 시장에 본격적으로 뛰어들었다. 국내 ERP업계는 외산업체들의 공격적인 SMB시장 전략으로 국내 업체들 사이에서 살아남기 위해서는 제품의 완성도를 높이고 보다 주도면밀한 마케팅 전략을 구사하는 등 대응책을 마련해야 할 것이다. 또한 기업의 주요 업무에 대한 전산화는 개발요원들이 전산화를 요구하는 부서의 업무를 분석하고 각종 개발 툴을 이용하여 각 부문의 업무 프로세스에 맞게 구축하는 주문식 개발방법이 보편적이었으나, 기업들도 전문 소프트업체의 경영 어플리케이션 패키지(business application package) 제품을 구입해 구축하는 방식으로 변하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 현재 ERP를 운영하고 있는 국내 중소ㆍ중견기업 중에 하나인 K업체의 생산관리 모듈을 대상으로 하여 운영상의 문제점을 파악하고, 이에 따른 효율적인 운영을 위한 프로세스를 정의하고자 한다. 또한 K업체의 제조관련부분에 대한 업무분석을 통하여 ERP 프로젝트의 완성을 위한 목표설정과 범위, 실적 평가 기준정립을 마련하는 것을 목적으로 한다.
        2002.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The current research whose focus is limited on the Service and non-profit industries. For example schools(university), hospitals, banks, etc. Manufacturing industry is foundation of Korea industry. This study analyze and measure efficiency of manufacturing industries by using the DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis). This result is expected to provide the positive evidence useful to enhancing the competitiveness of manufacturing firms in korea.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Our study emphasizes the importance of the review of the manufacturing industry in order help them make right decision and despite many previous methods for analyzing productivity, we were coming to analyze the efficiency of the industry with Date Envelop
        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The productivity and utilization of four different grasdlegume pastures for grazing management were examined. The pasture mixtures used in this study were orchardgrass + ladino clover (Tl), orchardgrass + alfalfa (T2), perennial ryegrass + alfalfa (T3), a
        2020.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research is defined as a study regarding on structured and systematized of existing literature review of the intersection between intellectual property management, management and technology transfer offices (TTOs). It takes a deeper look at requirements within universities, scientific institutions and the business environment should be interconnected with each other. The literature review shows that TTOs have control over the process of knowledge transfer and they have contributed to improving the efficiency of the use of production and human resources. In this paper, authors proposed the methodological tools based on methodology model, which identified success factors for using project management in TTO between two countries - Kazakhstan and Spain. Further, we used methodology is focused on solving the problems of quantitative analysis based on the use of primary data, which allowed us to reach a huge number of respondents without any restrictions, and secondary data from statistical database. Findings and results are summarized at the end of article show that Kazakhstan is following the path of the Spanish experience. However, Kazakhstan can become more successful in commercializing scientific technologies and transferring knowledge and technologies. In turn, Spain can use the data from our analysis to work on barriers and improve the activities of TTOs.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the current state of management efficiency of ocean carriers in Korea and the factors affecting them were analyzed. The purpose of this research is to enhance global competitiveness of ocean carriers by presenting suggestions that can improve management efficiency based on the analysis results. The measurement of management efficiency was made using the DEA model. The results of testing the adequacy of the input and output variables used are as follows. Appropriate inputs are total assets, cost of goods sold, charter expenses, sales and general management expenses, and interest expenses. Appropriate variables are sales, operating income ,and operating cash flow. According to the analysis results of the DEA model by these variables, inefficient carriers (78%) are nearly four times more than efficient carriers(22%). However, container carriers have the most improved management efficiency compared to 2016 and 2017. According to the panel regression analysis, the charter rate has the greatest negative impact on efficiency (CRS), and the debt rate has a significant negative impact. Thus, it appears that reducing the charter size and the debt-to-sale rate facilitate improvement of the management efficiency of ocean carriers. Additionally, the pre-sales tax return rate, value added rate, total asset turnover rate, and the scale variable and interest coverage rate have a positive (+) effect. Thus ocean carriers should restore their global competitiveness by improving management efficiency by securing stable cargoes increasing sales profitability from the cost management perspective, increasing productivity, and enhancing the efficiency of their total assets through efficient fleet management.
        2019.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 노후화된 기반시설물의 지속적 증가와 시설물 안전에 대한 요구가 증대함에 따라 정부에서는 ‘18.12.31 지속가능한 기반시설관리 기본법을 제정, 공표하고 ’20.1.1 시행을 예고하였다. 본 연구는 기반시설관리법 적용대상인 시설의 성능개선 대상 사업에 일관적으로 적용할 수 있는 성능개선 의사결정에 필요한 성능개선 공통기준 프레임워크를 제안하는 것이다. 국내·외 유지관리 및 성능개선 현황조사 및 유사 제도·관리체계 검토를 통해 기반시설 성능개선의 적정성 판단을 유도하는 평가요소를 도출하였으며, 이를 통해 「기반시설관리법」의 효과적 실행에 필요한 세부 시행기준 마련 및 관리역량을 확보하고 기존 시설물의 성능개선을 위해 투입되는 예산의 효율성 확보하는데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
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