
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 743

        2003.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 서울시에 의해 운영되는 서울시내 31개 지역의 대기오염 자동측정망에서 1990년부터 2000년까지 11년 동안 측정한 자료 중, TSP와 PM10에 대한 대기환경기준을 초과한 자료만을 선택적으로 분리한 후 여러 가지 통계적인 분석을 수행하였다. 이러한 연구목적에 맞추어, 각 토지 이용 상태별로 환경기준을 초과한 분진농도의 경향성을 비교해 본 결과, TSP의 경우 초과농도의 전반적인 발생분포가 녹지, 주거, 상업, 준공업지역 순서로 증가하는 양상을 보여주었다. 준공업 지역에서 351.0±35.9μg m3로 가장 높은 초과농도를 보였다. PM10의 초과농도는 주거지역에서 182.9±42.4μg m3의 최고농도를 보이며, 초과농도분포는 준공업, 상업, 녹지, 주거지역 순서로 증가하는 양상을 보인다. 발생빈도수를 각 지점별 측정망수로 나누어 준 결과 주거지역에서 21회로 다른지역에 비해 높은 초과빈도수를 보였다. 이들 초과농도자료들만에 국한시켜 시간적 주기성을 분석한 결과에 따르면, 일반적으로 관측되는 부유분진 자료들과 차별화 된 경향성이 어느 정도 확인되었다. 특히 계절적인 주기로 구분하였을 때, 일반농도자료는 PM10과 TSP 모두 겨울철에 가장 큰 농도를 보인데 반해, 초과농도는 다른 양상을 보여주었다. 이러한 연구결과, PM10의 연도별 경향성에서 가장 주목할 점은 측정이 시작된 1995년 이후 초과농도의 크기가 지속적으로 감소함에도 불구하고, 그 발생빈도수는 최근에 들어 괄목할 만큼 증가하고 있다는 점을 들 수 있다.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This is a descriptive study to identify patterns of teacher questioning discourse. Transcripts from Korean secondary science classrooms were examined while extensive review of literature on classroom discourse was carried out. When it is assumed that teacher questioning discourse can be categorized into different patterns by considering together the apparent exchange structures and pedagogical functions, various patterns of teacher questioning discourse were revealed. Although most patterns found illustrate the centrality of the teacher, a few of them are considered alternatives to the typical IRE discourse. A framework for classifying teacher questioning discourse is suggested and its implications for science teacher education and future research discussed.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to increase the completeness of the investigations of stellar abundances, we can use spectrum synthesis method, new atomic data and observation of stellar spectra with resolution comparable to solar spectral atlases. We made a brief review of main problems of these three ways. We present new results of abundance determinations in the atmospheres of four stars. The first is the implementation of new atomic data to well known Przybylski's star. We show that the number of spectral lines, which can be identificated in the spectrum of this star, can be significantly higher. The second example is the investigation of ʃ Cyg. We found the abundances of 51 elements in the atmosphere of this mild barium star. The third example is halo star HD221170. Our preliminary abundance pattern consists of 42 elements. The heaviest elements in this pattern are U and Th. The last star is the spectroscopic binary HD153720. The number of elements investigated in the spectra of components of this star is not large, but the results show that the components are Am-stars.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 1990년부터 2000년까지 11년의 기간동안 서울지역 대기오염 자동측정망을 중심으로 관측된 오존자료 중 환경기준을 초과한 자료만을 선별적으로 분리한 후 분석에 활용하였다. 이와 같은 분석결과를 토대로 서울시의 4대 권역별 (NE, SE, SW, NW) 기준초과양상을 여러 가지 관점에서 비교해 보았다. 24시간을 주기로 초과농도의 발생 경향을 비교해 본 결과, SW지역이 다른 지역에 비해 오존의 총 발생시간이 더 많은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 발생빈도를 중심으로 4대 지역에 대한 월별 경향성을 비교했을 때 NW지역에서 여타 지역보다 최고빈도의 발생시기가 약간 뒤처지는 현상이 나타났다. 해를 거듭할수록 오존의 환경기준 초과발생횟수가 증가하는 경향을 감지할 수 있다. 특히 이와 같은 현상은 NE, SE를 포함하는 서울의 동쪽지역에서 두드러지는 것으로 타나났다. 전체 11년동안 초과치의 최고 발생빈도를 지역별로 비교해 보면, NE지역에서 1998년에 그리고 나머지 세지역은 모두 2000년에 나타났다. 이처럼 오존의 환경기준 초과횟수는 최근에 들어 급격히 증가하는 것으로 확인되었다. 이에 반해, 초과농도의 크기에 대한 결과를 보면, 오히려 90년대 초반에 고농도가 집중된 데 반해, 90년대 후반에는 상대적으로 초과농도의 크기가 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 전체 관측기간동안 서울지역에서 관측된 평균 기온자료를 이용하여 오존초과자료와의 상관성을 분석하였다. 그 결과 대체로 크기나 빈도에 상관없이 모두 기온과 일정 수준 이상 양의 상관성을 유지하는 것이 확인되었다. 전반적으로 기온의 변화는 오존의 초과농도발생과 상당 수준 연계되었다는 점을 확인 할 수 있었다.완화시켜주는 효과도 있어 표준시를 안정적으로 운용하는 데에도 크게 기여하고 있는 것이다. 또한 이 I-시간은 UTC와 정수 시간차를 유지하면서 안정적으로 운영하려는 세계 각국의 표준시 운영 경향과도 잘 일치한다. 따라서 우리 나라가 태양시에 맞게 H*-시간을 사용해야 한다는 것은 태양시와 비슷한 표준시를 사용한다는 장점은 인정되지만, 그에 못지 않게 UTC와는 비 정수 시간차 시간을 운용하게 되며, 또한 하절기에는 서머타임을 도입해서라도 태양시보다 1시간 빠른 시간을 이용해야 한다는 필요성을 유발하게 된다는 점에서 결코 바람직하지 않다고 생각된다.혼합 처리 시에는 낮게 나타났다 이러한 실험 결과를 통하여 칼슘이 1.2 mM, 1.8 mM 농도로 존재하는 경우 카페인에 의한 골모세포의 염기성 인산분해효소 활성과 IL-1 β의 활성 억제 효과가 어느 정도 회복되나, 2.5 mM 고농도의 칼슘은 억제된 활성을 회복시키지 못함을 확인하였다.지 않고 다양한 분야 즉 디자인, 생활 속에서의 벽지문양과 포장지, 예술작품 등에 활용되고 있음을 체험함으로써 수학이 실생활에 광범위하게 활용되고 있음을 알게 하였다. 역으로 생활 속에서의 테셀레이션을 통해 수학적 개념을 찾는 과정을 통해 수학이 아름다우면서도 실용적이라는 생각을 심어줄 수 있었다. 셋째, 테셀매니아, GSP, 캐브리, 거북기하 등 평소 수업에서는 활용도가 적은 컴퓨터 소프트웨어를 활용함으로써 컴퓨터 소프트웨어 자체에서 오는 호기심뿐만이 아니라 직접 조작하여 테셀레이션 작품과 개념을 익히고 새로운 작품과 학습을 해 내는 과정을 통해 자신감과 성취감 등에 있어
        2002.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We propose an efficient algorithm to find and update sequential patterns when new transactions are added to an existing database. This method reduces time for scanning the existing and new databases since it uses only transactions that influence the length of sequence. This algorithm outperforms existing algorithm when updated sequential pattern found in the whole database are longer than the patterns in the existing database. Experimental results show the reduction in total execution time.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions and patterns of the perception of Korean traditional food and to find the determinants of the patterns between Korean and Yanbian housewives, taking food culture into account. Data were factor and cluster analyzed, and the results revealed two and three different dimensions and patterns for Yanbian and Korean housewives respectively. Descriptive statistics showed that perceptional patterns are likely to vary depending on cultural background of Korean traditional food. Similarities and differences in perceptional patterns between Yanbian and Korean housewives are discussed, and future implications for food as well as nutrition specialists and food marketers are provided.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are Two new models developed for objective evaluation of fabric color patterns by applying a multiple regression analysis and an adaptive foray-rule-based system. The physical features of fabric color patterns are extracted through digital image processing and the emotional features are collected based on the psychological experiments of Soen[3, 4]. The principle physical features are hue, saturation, intensity and the texture of color patterns. The emotional features arc represented thirteen pairs of adverse adjectives. The multiple regression analyses and the adaptive fuzzy system are used as a tool to analyze the relations between physical and emotional features. As a result, both of the proposed models show competent performance for the approximation and the similar linguistic interpretation to the Soen's psychological experiments.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Asymmetrical stance posture, balance, and gait disturbance are common problems in hemiplegic patients. Posterior leaf springs (PLS) are frequently prescribed to correct these problems. Recently, anterior leaf springs (ALS) have also been prescribed, but only limited studies have been performed to investigate the effects of ALS. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of three conditions, i.e., wearing an ALS, wearing a PLS, and not wearing an AFO (ankle foot orthosis),: on 1) the distribution of weight bearing on the affected side, 2) standing balance, and 3) the gait patterns of hemiplegic patients. Eleven hemiplegic patients (10 men and 1 woman) participated in this study. The data were analyzed by the Friedman test. The results were as follows: 1) More weight bearing on the affected leg was observed in the ALS and PLS conditions than in the condition without an AFO. No significant difference between the ALS and PLS conditions was found. 2) There were statistically significant differences in the composite equilibrium scores (CES) among the three conditions. The CES in the PLS condition was significantly higher than in the ALS condition or the condition without an AFO. 3) Gait patterns improved significantly in the ALS and PLS conditions. No statistically significant difference between the ALS and PLS conditions was found. These results suggest that both ALS and PLS effectively improve the distribution of weight bearing on the affected side, standing balance, and gait patterns of hemiplegic patients. Further study using three-dimensional kinematic analysis and dynamic electromyography is needed to support these findings.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        가막만에 출현하는 동물플랑크톤을 계절별(2001년 4 월, 7월, 9월, 12월)로 Norpac 네트를 이용하여 수직 채집하였다. 우점적으로 출현한 분류군은 4월과 12월에 요각류, 7월에 요각류와 지각류, 9월에 야광충이었다. 출현 개체수는 22-17,197 indiv. m-3으로 시.공간적으로 변동폭이 매우 컸다. 요각류의 우점종은 4월에 Eurytemora pacifica, Acartia omorii, Centropages abdomina
        2002.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Polysulfone (PSf/NMP/alcohol 용액과 chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (CPVC)/THF/Alcohol 용액에 대한 광산란 패턴을 SALS (Small angle light scattering)와 FE-SEM (field emission scanning electron microscope)을 이용하여 조사하였다. PSf 용액에서는 시간에 따라 q값의 최대 산란 강도를 보이는 광산란 거동을 나타내어 스피노달 (SD) 상분리 거동을 나타내는 반면, CPVC 용액에서는 q값이 증가함에 따라 광산란 강도가 줄어드는 핵성장 (NG) 거동을 나타냈다. 각 고분자 용액에서 상분리 중반과 후반부에서 비용매 첨가제로 사용된 알코올의 탄소수가 증가할수록 농도분극의 증가율은 줄어들었다. 또한, SD에서의 초반부의 시간에 따른 산란 강도는 비용매 첨가제의 종류에 무관하게 Cahn의 건형 이론에 잘 부합되었다. 또한, SALS 장치로 얻어진 기공크기와 전자현미경으로 얻어진 영역 크기는 상호간에 비교되었다. 20PSf/70NMP/10n-butano1 (w/w%) 용액에 대한 산란 패턴은 초기 상분리 거동에서부터 후기 거동까지 매우 선명하게 관측되었고, 초반, 중반, 그리고 후반부에 대한 SD에 대한 이론적 결과와 잘 일치하였다. 최고의 산란강도를 나타낸 각도의 크기는 n-butanol>n-propanol>methanol>no alcohol 순으로 관찰되었으며, 이 순서로 최종 형성된 막 단면의 기공 크기가 감소되는 것으로 조사되었다.
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The survey was conducted from Sep. to Oct. 2001 by questionnaires in order to investigate the patterns and preference of eating out of 321 workers men in JinJu. The frequency of eating out was different with the age of subjects and the purpose for which meals were eaten. However the price of a meal was not different with the purpose of eating out except for purchasing foods at lunch or dinner. Even though small group in 30s and 40s over aged, there are some peoples willing to pay for expensive foods for family or friends. So it needs to develop luxury food items which appeal to these target customer groups. Bibimbab(rice with assorted vegetables) and Naengmyun(cold noodle) had higher ranking for a lunch on the 26-list of famous dishes of commercial restaurents in JinJu. Subjects also preferred Hanjungshik(basic type of Korean menu pattern) and Haemultang(sea food casserole) for a dinner. They had preferences Hanjungshik, Sashimi, Beef Bulgogi for business, social, family meetings. They recommended Hanjungshik, Bibimbab, Beef Bulgogi, Jangeogui(grilled eel), Sashimi to foreign tourists for the best JinJu food with pride. Subjects liked Pizza, Hamburger, Soondae(Korean sausage) for a snack in a day and Pizza, Soondae, Yangnyeumtongdak(spicy fried chicken) were preferred for a snack at night.
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of lift to the shoe of the affected limb on gait patterns in subjects with hemiplegia. The subjects of this study were 18 post-stroke hemiplegics. For the study, insole of the paretic side was lifted 10mm higher, and duration of static weight bearing, dynamic weight bearing and stance phase were measured from one cycle of the gait, before and after the lift application. For the measurement of carry-over effect of lift, we got data of those three items prior to and 3 weeks after lift application and 3 days after removal of the lift. Static weight bearing was significantly increased both just after and continuous application of lift for 3 weeks than before. Dynamic weight bearing was significantly decreased in heel contact and footflat phases only when just after application of the lift, without any change after 3 weeks application. In heel-off phase, dynamic weight bearing did not show any significant difference between before and just after application of lift whereas significantly decreased after 3 weeks application. Duration of stance phase was not changed among anytime of application. According to this study, lift applied to the shoe of the peretic limb was effective in inducing static weight bearing in the paretic limb, but did not significantly effect dynamic weight bearing on gait patterns. This study suggests that symmetry, induced by shoe lift applied to the paretic limb, could help correct abnormal posture that would be caused in standing and prevent development of abnormal muscle tone in subjects with hemiplegia caused by unilateral stroke.
        2002.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to examine the directional suitability of the axis direction of the fishing gear against the current, the experiments were carried out at the bamboo weir in Samchunpo water area from January, 2000 to September, 2001 The results of the study are as follows: In the experimental fishing gear constructed in the "V" shape, the range between two reference piles located at the entrance was 2.5m. The direction of bamboo weir′s axis was 355.5˚ The length of the left wing and those from the reference pile to the starting point of a curve were 106.0m, 7.5m, respectively. The length of the right wing and those from the reference pile to the starting point of a curve were 79.0m, 10.0m, respectively. Depths around the left and right stone wall that drove the steel pile were 5.0~6.5m and 6.5~9.5m, respectively. Also, depths on the bamboo weir′s axis and around the sack were 7.0~8.0m and about 8.0m, respectively. The maximum height of stone walls at the point of the left wing, the right wing and around the sack on the bamboo weir` axis were 3.0m, 4.7m and 4.0m, respectively, Widths of stone walls at the point of both of the wings and around the sack on the bamboo weir`s axis were 10.0~l4.0m, 22.0~25.0m, respectively. The averaging current direction on ebb tide was measured two times and it was 169.2˚ but the direction had about a 6.3˚ difference from the bamboo weirs axis. The maximum current speed appeared two to three hours later from the time of high tide and the current speed over 80.0cm/s lasted during about two Hours on the ebb tide In the case of a straight type wing In the bamboo weir, the eddy out of the left wing was comparatively big and the current on the right side from the bamboo weir′s axis had a tendency in turning to the right wing side. But in the case of a curve type wing, the eddy and tendency reduced significantly. It was thought that the experimental fishing gear was set suitably from the result of this simulation.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 절대하천 식생으로 중요한 위치를 갖는 버드나무과 식물의 분포특성을 파악하고, 또한 이들 분포에 영향을 미치는 환경요인과의 관계성을 규명하기 위하여 안성천 수계의 상류에서 하류에 이르기까지 버드나무과 식물이 우점한 83개의 방형구에 대해 식생요인과 지형특성 및 토양환경의 조사분석을 토대로 수행되었다. 안성천 수계의 버드나무과 식물은 2속 11종이 출현하였고 평균 출현종수는 2.8종으로 조사되었다. 모든 수계에서 버드나무(5. koreensis)의 출현빈도가 가장 높았으며 전조사지역에 고르게 분포하는 경향을 보였다. 갯버들(S. gracilistyla)은 사토의 토양조건과 하상의 경사가 심하고 유속이 빠른 하천의 상류부와 저수지 하부에 분포하는 것으로 관찰되었다. 키버들(S. purpurea var. japonica)은 비교적 사토에서 출현빈도가 높았으며 단독으로 우점하는 경우는 드물고 갯버들(S. gracilistyla) 및 버드나무(S. koreensis)와 혼재하는 경우가 많았다. 왕버들(Salixgjandulosa)은 사양토와 양질사토에서 출현빈도가 높았고 연중수량이 풍부한 저수지 부근과 하천의 상류에서 운반되어 쌓인 모래 퇴적층인 하중도나 사주에 우점하는 경향을 보였다 정준상응분석 결과 버드나무과 식물의 분포는 미지형과 경사 등 환경구배에 의한 토양입자와 유기물 함량 등의 환경요인 수준과 밀접한 관련성을 보이는 것으로 밝혀졌다.
        2001.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate dietary patterns and assimilation of dietary culture of Korean descendants in Yanbian, China compared to Korean. A dietary survey was conducted using one 24-hour recall method from 730 adults over 30 years of age in Yanbian, China and 695 adults over 25 years of age in Kuri, Korea. The average number of food items consumed per day was 14 in Yanbian and 20 in Kuri and there was a significant difference between the two regions(p<0.001). The foods consumed most frequently were rice, salt, the M.S.G. in Yanbian and rice, green onion and garlic in Kuri. The foods consumed most by amount were rice, cucumber, Soju in Yanbian and rice, Kimchi and grape in Kuri. The average number of dishes consumed per day was 6.4 in Yanbian, 9.4 in Kuri and the difference between the two regions was significant(p<0.001). Total number of dishes appeared in the survey was 253 in Yanbian and 494 in Kuri. The dishes consumed most frequently were cooked-rice, beverages, Kimchi, stir-fried eggplant in Yanbian and cooked-rice, Kimchi, coffee, soybean paste stew, in Kuri. The dish groups appeared most frequently were rice, stir-fried foods, vegetables and Kimchi in Yanbian and rice, Kimchi, beverages and fruits in Kuri. Male subjects in Yanbian Consumed alcohol frequently while adults in Kuri consumed coffee more frequently than Yanbian. The major meal patterns were rice+side dish, rice+soup, rice+side dish+Kimchi in Yanbian and rice+soup+side dish+Kimchi, rice+side dish+Kimchi, rice+soup+Kimchi in Kuri. Stir-fried foods, which were consumed 46.6% of all the meals, were dominant side dish in Yanbian, but stir-fried food, seasoned vegetables and grilled food appeared aver 10% in Kuri. There results show that variety of diet of Korean-Chinese in Yanbian was lower than Kuri. Korean-Chinese tend to keep traditional Korean dietary patterns of consuming rice as staple but were adapted to Chinese dietary patterns of consuming stir-fried side dishes. Efforts should be directed toward preserving Korean traditional patterns of dietary culture among Korean-Chinese population.
        2001.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the pattern of health food usage of the adults by food lifestyles pattern in contemporary Seoul. This study views health food consumption as a cultural practice in which people produce (and reproduce) diverse social relationships and cultural meanings. It also identifies food lifestyles and health food usage pattern of Korean adult in Seoul. This topics were discussed based on field research data collected by nutritional survey with questionnaire. To identify the relationships between pattern of health food and food lifestyles, 503 men and 437 women aged 18 to 65 years were divided into 5 groups of food lifestyles : Health Eaters, In-a-Dither, Traditional Eaters, Conscientious and People on the Go. As a substantial percentage of the subjects were used some kinds of nutrients supplement. The higher the age and family income were, the higher the percentage of health food usage was. There was the significant difference between sexes in usuage of health food. Health food usage was higher in the food lifestyle pattern of Health Eater than other food lifestyles.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료