
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 73

        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to determine occurrence and damage of golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata on water seeding area in Jeonnam province. The density of golden apple snail maintained high until October 2003, but quickly decreased from November. They overwintered only in a portion of the water canals but could not find in dried paddy field. They reproduced from May and June in the canal water and paddy field, respectively. Feeding time of golden apple snail on rice seedlings was 235.2 seconds, feeding length of that was 8.4 ㎝. When golden apple snail fed rice seedlings, the stem remain only 2.5 ㎝ from areal part which could not recover. The more density of golden apple snail, the faster feeding rate. Density and number of eggs laid of golden apple snail after overwintering was higher on bank around of paddy field than on middle of that. The percent of shell size after over wintering was higher in small (below 25 ㎜) than big (over 36 ㎜). But in case of Boseong area, the size was reverse because the soil has soft mud. The survival rate of overwintering golden apple snail was lower than that of breeding. They did not move when the temperature changed rapidly, but the temperature increased they start to move. They dead almost below -3℃. The damage of rice by golden apple snail in the direct water seeding was 20%. In machine transplanting, rice damaged only fore-end of leaf and recovered subsequently. When golden apple snail release in direct water seeding field, the percent of damage was 5.6% in immediately release plot. The later release, the lower damage.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seasonal occurrence of thrips and its damage on fruits were studied at in open field red pepper in Jeonbuk Province. The kind of thrips were Franklinella occidentalis and F. intonsa. The ratio of F. occidentalis was about 30% in periods of survey. Density of thrips increased in late May and showed peak occurrence in early to middle July. The peak occurrence of thrips was appeared at 4 pentad June. 2 pentad July, 3 pentad August, and 4 pentad September. The part of fruit damaged by thrips became discolored and roughed. When turned red, the colors of damaged parts changed from dark brown to yellowish brown. As a result, damage fruits by thrips decreased marketability. The percent of damaged fruits was highest in Imsil at 20.8 % in early August. Density of thrips on flowers was highest in middle July.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        호남지역 콩 포장에서 톱다리개미허리노린재의 발생소장, 콩 피해 및 약제방제 효과를 검토하였다. 톱다리개미허리노린재의 발생은 콩 파종시기 및 연차간에 차이가 있었다. 톱다리개미허리노린재의 발생최성기는 5월 하순경 파종은 8월 하순에, 6월 중순경 파종은 9월 중순 이었고, 파종기가 동일하더라도 연차간 기상조건에 따른 중 생육상의 차이로 톱다리개미허리노린재의 발생최성기 차이가 있었다. 톱다리개미허리노린재에 의한 콩 흡즙 피해 면적을이 증가하면 발아율이 현저하게 낮아졌으며, 특히, 콩 피해면적율이 이상 되면 발아율이 로 매우 낮았다. 톱다리개미허리노린재에 대한 약제방제효과는 콩 생육단계중 (착협성기)+ (립비대기)+ (립비대성기)에 3회 처리시 의 방제효과로 가장 높았다.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연구의 궁극적 목적을 두었다. 일반 사육환경에서 나타날 수 있는 발육온도(20, 25, 3)와 최종령 초기 유충 체중 변이(412.6-1,616.0 mg)는 누에의 용화 결정에 영향을 주지 많았다 한편 유약호르몬(juvenile hormone:計I)동력제인 피리프록시팬(pyriproxyfen)은 10-s M의 낮은 농도에서도 난포세포 개방화를 유도하여, 이 약제가 누에에서도 동력제라는 것을 확인하였다. 피리프록시펜은 약제 농도 및 처리 시기별로 특이하게 누에 미화용 유발 효과를 보였다. 피리프록시펜은 JH 에스테라제(JH esterase: JHE)를 직접적으로 억제하지 못하고, 오히려 활성을 증가시키는 것으로 나타났으며, JH 결합단백질(JH binding protein:JHBP)의 유전자 발현을 억제하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 피리프록시펜은 체내에 JH 동력제로 작용하면서 JHE 유전자 활성을 제고시켰지만, JHE활성 증가에 따른 체내 JH함량이 줄어듬에 따라 JHBP의 유전자 활성을 억제하는 것으로 해석된다. 양잠농가 주변으로 살포 가능성이 있는 농약을 대상으로 난포세포 개방화 분석을 실시 한 결과, 제초제 3종(simazine, molinate, alachlor)이 JH 동력제 효과를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 누에 미화용 원인체 규명을 위해서 이들에 대한 직접 노출 시험이 요구된다.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is concerned with preventing victims of crime in the community. Today, society becomes more informationized, urbanized and globalized. As the byproducts of rapidly changing nature of society, local dwellers are always threatened to be a victim of unexpected crimes. This study employs the concepts from community social capital and community social network system for controlling the community living quality and the effectiveness of the preventive measures for victims of crime in the community. In this perspective, this paper suggests the tri-combined crime prevention security system which consists in police, security company and the community residents through the localized capital and networking.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to conduct a forest healing program for victims affected by the large forest fires of 2017 in Gangneung and to investigate its effects on the stress and physical health promotion of the victims. From January to March 2019, three forest therapy programs were conducted on 49 residents of four villages that suffered forest fires in the National Center for Forest Therapy, Daegwallyeong. The results showed that the degree of stress of forest fire victims decreased significantly by means of these programs. Furthermore, autonomic nerve activity, stress resistance, stress index, and fatigue decreased significantly and average heart rate and heart stability also improved.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        인구와 자산이 밀집된 도시에서 침수가 발생할 경우 농촌과 달리 관거월류에 의한 건축물 피해가 지배적이기 때문에 이를 고려한 피해액산정기 법의 적용이 필요하다. 본 연구는 도림천 유역의 도림1 배수분구를 대상으로 침수예측을 다차원 홍수피해산정방법을 통한 침수피해액 분석을 실 시하였다. 과거 침수가 발생한 강우사상을 활용하여 XP-SWMM 모형을 통한 도시유출해석 및 침수해석을 실시하였고, 침수구역의 행정구역별 기 초자료와 유출해석 결과를 활용하여 건물 피해액을 산정하였다. 침수범위를 예측하기 위한 XP-SWMM모형 구동 결과, 관거 월류에 의한 침수 발 생 4시간 후인 16시 30분에 침수면적이 가장 넓게 나타났고, 계산된 침수심 별 침수면적을 다차원법과 연계하여 건물 피해액을 산정하였다. 연구 결과, 최대 침수면적은 305,955 m2으로 나타났으며, 0~0.5 m의 경우 305,190 m2, 0.5 m 이상은 765 m2으로 나타났으며, 침수해석 결과를 활 용한 도림1 배수분구의 건물피해액은 약 155억 원, 건물 내용물 피해액은 약 70억 원으로 산정되었고, 0~0.5 m 이하의 건물 및 건물 내용물 피해 액은 약 224억 원, 0.5 m 이상 약 1억 원으로 산정되었다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 할 때, 도시지역의 침수피해액 산정을 위해 침수심 및 침수시간과 같은 다양한 피해양상에 따라 세분화된 피해액 산정기법이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 부산광역시 거주민을 대상으로 원전주변 갑상선암 피해 소송 이후 원자력발전소 인근지역과 시내권에 거주하는 주민간의 인식 차이를 분석하여 국민들의 원자력에 대한 수용성 수준을 판별하고자 하였다. 설문조사는 총 551명(원전인근지역 269명, 시내권 282명)을 대상으로 대인면접을 통해 이루어졌으며, 분석 결과, 원전 주변 갑상선암 발병 피해 소송 사건을 계기로 국민들의 원자력에 대한 인식에 변화가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 원전인근지역 주민의 경우 사건 이후 원자력에 대한 불신과 불안감이 높아져, 원자력에 대한 부정적 인식이 강해졌음을 확인할 수 있었다. 반면 시내권 주민들은 원전 주변 갑상선암 발병 피해 소송 사건에도 불구하고 사건 이전보다 더욱 원자력 수용성에 긍정적인 인식을 갖는 것으로 분석되었다. 그러나 원자력 안전성과 신뢰성에 대한 인식은 부정적인 것으로 분석되어 원자력 수용성과 상반되는 이중적인 인식을 보였다. 이는 부산광역시 시내권 주민들의 경우 원자력의 편익, 필요성 등을 원칙적으로 인정하나 안전성에 대해서는 의심하는 것으로 판단되며 향후 원자력의 이용 확대를 지속적으로 추진하기 위해서는 국민의 올바른 이해와 신뢰 그리고 무엇보다 국민 또는 원전인근지역 주민들과 충분한 의사소통이 필요하다고 사료된다.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the winter season, a many problems such as water leaks, icicles, etc. has occurred by freezing phenomenon at the road tunnels. Therefore, in order to reduce property damage caused by cold environment, it is necessary to establish a mechanism of freezing and thawing of tunnel structures. In this study aims to introduce the method for freeze damage reduction and suggest the plan for practical use of it.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Disasters that occur most frequently in rural areas are drought, flood, damages from wind and cold weather. Among these, damages from storm and flood and drought are the main disasters and recently, these are occurring on a large scale due to unusual weather conditions. Under such circumstances, projects and researches on disasters in rural areas are under way but they are mostly targeting one area or making approaches focusing on repair facilities, maintenance project of facilities in small streams, and disaster management, so there have not been enough studies on the current status of overall damaged facilities in the rural areas. Against this backdrop, through the analysis of the current status of damaged facilities due to storm and flood in rural areas, this study aims to provide base data for policies needed for disaster recovery planning and maintenance work of rural areas. For the analysis of damaged facilities due to storm and flood in rural areas, using the annual report on disasters issued by Ministry of Public Safety and Security and based on the occurrence rate of estimated damage in each city and district for the past 10 years(2004~2013), 8 areas with the highest number of occurrence and cost of damage were found from each province and target areas were selected. Then, regarding the selected target areas, the General Plan for Reducing Damages from Storm and Flood, which is the report on top-level plan for preventing disasters, was secured and the current status of damaged facilities were analyzed. After organizing the analysis of current status, the tendency of damaged facilities due to storm and flood in rural areas, the items of damaged facilities depending on the types of storm and flood damages, and risk factors were suggested. Based on this result, in order to generalize the results of follow-up researches, it is thought that disaster recovery planning and establishing the system of remodeling items necessary for maintenance work would be possible by analyzing damage investigation items recorded in additional researches on rural areas, researches on natural disasters, and recovery plan instructions and by conducting on-site investigation on the damaged villages from storm and flood in rural areas.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of the research is to analyze damages of TYLCV (Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus) in the context of climate changes and to find the spatial distribution of the damages and characteristics of regions. A TYLCV is generally known for a plant disease related to temperature. Its occurrence rate increases when temperature rises. This disease first occurred in 2008 and rapidly spread nationwide. Due to the spread of a TYLCV, a number of Tomato farms in Korea were damaged severely. To analyze damages of the pest in the context of climate changes, this research estimated production loss under the current situation and RCP scenarios. Additionally, Hot Spot Analysis, LISA, and Cluster analysis were conducted to find spatial distribution and properties of largely damaged regions under RCP scenarios. The results explained that additional production loss was estimated differently by regions with the same temperature rising scenario. Also, largely damaged regions are spatially clustered and factors causing large damages were different across regional cluster groups. It means that certain regions can be damaged more than others by diseases and pests. Furthermore, pest management policy should reflect the properties of each region such as climate conditions, cultivate environment and production technologies. The findings from this research can be utilized for developing rural management plans and pest protection policies.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this research have been focussed on 1) developing prediction techniques for the flash flood and landslide based on rainfall prediction data in agricultural area and 2) developing an integrated forecasting system for the abrupt disasters using USN based real-time disaster sensing techniques. This study contains following steps to achieve the objective; 1) selecting rainfall prediction data, 2) constructing prediction techniques for flash flood and landslide, 3) developing USN and communication network protocol for detecting the abrupt disaster suitable for rural area, & 4) developing mobile application and SMS based early warning service system for local resident and tourist. Local prediction model (LDAPS , UM1.5km) supported by Korean meteorological administration was used for the rainfall prediction by considering spatial and temporal resolution. NRCS TR-20 and infinite slope stability analysis model were used to predict flash flood and landslide. There are limitations in terms of communication distance and cost using Zigbee and CDMA which have been used for existing disaster sensors. Rural suitable sensor-network module for water level and tilting gauge and gateway based on proprietary RF network were developed by consideration of low-cost, low-power, and long-distance for communication suitable for rural condition. SMS & mobile application forecasting & alarming system for local resident and tourist was set up for minimizing damage on the critical regions for abrupt disaster. The developed H/W & S/W for integrated abrupt disaster forecasting & alarming system was verified by field application.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to show that the change of damages and damage areas caused by typhoon has an impact on South Korea using the typhoon track data and the data of damages caused by typhoon. This study analyzed the frequency of typhoon, damages and the distribution of damage by cities. The damages caused by typhoon sharply increased and typhoon scale is intensified after 1990s. The frequency of typhoon which has an impact on South Korea is concentrated in August and September. The frequency of typhoon is stable in August but increases in September. The typhoon which passed by the South sea and the Yellow sea damaged South Korea, and the frequency of typhoon which hits the south coastal increased. During the latter half of the period than the first half of the period in August and September, the damage area expands and damage scale grows ‘W’. The damage area of typhoon which hits the South coastal expands during the latter half of the period than the first half of the period. The damage area of typhoon which passed by the Yellow sea moved to the West coastal. The damage area of typhoon which passed by the East sea decreased.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 전 지구적으로 자연환경의 급격한 기후변화로 인한 지구온난화, 태풍, 홍수 및 폭설 등의 자연재난 발생률이 급격한 증가세를 보이고 있다. 우리나라는 지리적 특성으로 인해 태풍, 호우 등 자연재해 발생요인을 안고 있으며, 기상이변과 산업화·도시화 등에 따른 자연재해의 양상이 점점 다양화, 대형화되고 있다. 자연재해의 양상이 다양화, 대형화됨에 따라 재해발생지역에서의 피해뿐만 아니라 하류지역 피해가 수반되는 대규모 복합피해지역에 효율적인 복구공법 및 피해지역 주민의 피해 전 감성의 회복까지 범위를 확장한 감성적 복구공법 적용이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 국내·외 복구사례 및 문헌자료 조사·분석을 통한 문제점 및 주안점을 도출하였으며, 최근 지구단위복구사업이 진행된 거창, 군산지역에 대한 피해원인 및 복구사례 분석을 통하여 지구단위 복구계획시 적용된 복구공법에 대한 문제점 및 개선사항 검토를 통한 대규모 복합피해지역에 대한 효율적인 복구공법 적용을 위한 기초연구를 수행하였다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We analyzed the impact of the heavy snowfall occurred from Feb. 10 to Feb. 14, 2011 on the inbound daily traffic volume of the Gangneung Highway Tollgate using time series regression models. We found that the maximum reduction rate of inbound highway tra˜c volume during the heavy snowfall period is 70%. °e inbound tra˜c volume increased steadily to normal inbound tra˜c volume after 2 to 4 days from the date when the snowfall stopped. The reason why 2 to 4 days are needed to reach normal inbound tra˜c volume is that it took substantial time to clear snow from the roads.
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