호접란 조직배양시 발생하는 체세포변이의 발생을 줄 이기 위한 적절한 다신초 유기배양 조건과 계대배양 조 건에 관한 연구를 실시하였다. 다신초 유기 및 증식의 적 정 배지로서는 1/2 MS 배지가 VW 배지와 Hyponex 배 지보다 더 효율적이었다. 다신초 유기에 적절한 생장조 절제 농도는 BA 5mg · L-1와 TDZ 1mg · L-1가 적절하였 다. 계대 배양의 횟수가 증가할수록 기형 신초수의 발생 이 증가하였다. 그러나 2개월마다 3회 계대배양할 때까 지는 기형 신초가 거의 발생하지 않았다. 특히 핑크계 호 접란 품종에서 6회 이상 계대할 경우 기형 신초 발생율 이 30%에 육박하였고 배지내 페놀 물질의 집적이 더 많 이 관찰되었다. 식물체를 배지에 치상한 후 2개월이 지 나 처음으로 계대 배양하였을 때 모든 품종에서 기형 신 초 발생이 거의 없었지만, 이후 계대배양 기간이 증가함 에 따라 기형 신초 발생율과 고사율이 증가하였다. 그러 므로 적어도 2개월에 한 번씩 계대 배양하는 것이 바람 직한 것으로 판단되었다.
Cyclin B1 is known to reflect the M-phase promoting factor (MPF), a universal regulator of G2/M-phase transition, activity during the process of oocytes maturation. To investigate whether culture condition affects the maturation rate and the expression of cyclin B1 protein, bovine immature oocytes are stimulated and cultured according to the following protocols: Experiment 1: denuded oocytes (denude) only, COC only, denuded oocytes + granulosa cells (denude + GCs) and COC + GCs; Experiment 2: no-activation (control), 7% ethanol for 5 min and 10 l/ml ionomycin for 5 min at immediately before maturation. The maturation rates of denude and no-activation group were significantly lower in both experiments (P<0.05), respectively. Co-culture or stimulation method in bovine immature oocytes culture increases the cyclin B1 expression significantly in both experiments (P<0.05). Based on these results, culture condition affects the maturation rate and the expression of cyclin B1 protein during the first meiotic maturation in bovine immature oocytes.
The optimization of conditions for the cultivation of Agaricus blazei was conducted in order to do mass production of mycelia by submerged cultivation. The carbon source and nitrogen source of medium were selected with high fructose syrup and soybean flake, and their optimized concentrations were determined as 8% and 3% respectively. Operation conditions were also optimized as the culture temperature of 25oC and pH of 6.5. The production of mycelia in the fermenter with optimized culture conditions has reached to 8.04 g/L, which was about 3 times as much as that of conventional flask cultivation. In the fed-batch cultivation, the productivity of Agaricus blazei mycelia was 12.01 g/L during 10 days.
This study was conducted to establish the optimal culture conditions for in vitro production of bovine embryos derived from slaughter house ovaries. Cumulus-oocyte- complexes (COCs) collected by aspiration from follicles of 2~7 mm in diameter were matured in Ham's F-10 medium supplemented with 0.01 /m1 epidermal growth factor (EGF) at 39 in a humidified atmosphere of 5% in air. After 24 hrs of culture, the oocytes were co-cultured with epididymal sperm selected off by Percoll-density gradient in TALP medium for 24 hrs. The presumptive zygotes were cultured in HECM-6 medium for 3 d post-insemination, and followed by cultured in TCM199 medium until 7 to 10d post-insemination. The cultures were compared of their cleavage and development into later stage in culture medium by additions of different protein sources (PVA, BSA and BCS) and by different embryo density. The rates of cleavage and development rates into blastocyst were not significantly (P<0.05) different among the culture media containing with BSA (75.0% and 40.5%), BCS (76.7% and 38.0%) and PVA (72.5% and 42.2%), respectively. Significantly (P<0.05) higher blastocysts rates were obtained in culturing of 30 and 40 embryos in each 50l droplets of culture medium than in 5, 10 and 20 embryos. These results indicate that the optimal density of embryos is 30~40 embryos in a 50l droplet of culture medium. Furthermore there is no effect of different protein sources on early embryonic development.
This study was conducted to establish the optimal conditions for in vitro embryo production using oocytes derived from follicles of slaughter-house ovaries. The ovaries of Hanwoo were obtained from a local slaughter-house. The oocytes were aspirated from visible follicles of 2~7mm in diameter. The recovered oocytes which were completely surrounded by at least 2 layers of cumulus cells and a homogeneous cytoplasmic pigmentation were used. The selected oocytes were washed 3 or 4 times with D-PBS containing 10% bovine calf serum (BCS) and matured in vitor (IVM) in Ham's F-10 supplemented with 10% BCS or 0.01 /ml epidermal growth factor(EGF) at 39 under 5% CO2 in air for 24 hours. They were fertilizqed in vitro (IVF) with fresh sperm separated by Percoll density gradient or swim-up in TALP media. The zygotes were cultrued with or without bovine oviductal epitherial cells(BOEC) in media(HECM-6 supplemented with 11 amino acid and / or TCM-199 supplemented with 10% BCS) for 7 to 10 days. The results obtained were as follow: The cleavage rate and developmental rate to blastocyst after maturation and IVF were not significantly different between Ham's F-10 with EGF(76.0% vs. 44.0%) and BCS(75.9% vs. 43.6%)(P<0.05). The cleavage rate and development rate to blastocyst after fertilizing by swim-up or Percoll method were not signifciantly(P<0.05) different between swim-up (80.2% vs. 29.2%) and Percoll(81.9% vs. 26.5%) (P<0.05). The cleavage rate in TCM 199(80.5) was signficiantly higher than that in HECM-6 (72.0%) (P<0.05). However, developmental rate to blastocyst using TCM 199 following HECM-6 for 3 or 4 days (42.2%) was significantly higher than that in TCM-199 alone(26.7%)(P<0.05). The cleavage rate and development rate of embryos produced in vitro by exchange timing for HECM-6 media were not significantly different between in day 3(78.6% vs. 45.5%) and day 4(75.0% vs. 43.2%)(P<0.05). The cleavage rate and developmental rate to blastocysts according to co-culture system were not significantly different between with (74.2% vs. 41.4%) and without BOEC(73.95 vs. 43.5%) (P<0.05). The number of blastomere in blastocyst stage after co-culture with or without BOEC was not significantly different (106.75.1 and 96.64.0). In conclusion, the most transferable IVP embryos could be produced from Ham's F-10 medium for IVM, Percoll density gradient method for IVF sperm separation and in vitro culture in HECM-6 until day 3 or day 4, and then transferred into TCM-199 until day 9 within adequate embryo density in culture droplets after insemination.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of co-culture system(bovine oviduct epithelial cells; BOEC) and defined culture system(modified TALP ; mTALP) on the development of IVM-IVF embryos, and survival of in vitro produced blastocysts after freezing and thawing. Occytes from the slaugheterhous ovaries were matured and fertilized using general protocol. The results obtained were as the following: 1. Survival rates of frozen-thawed blastocysts using 10% glycerol as cryoprotectant was higher in day 7 blastocysts than in Day 8 and 9 blastocysts from co-cultrue system, but survival rate of frozen-thawed blastocysts was higher in Day 10 blastocysts than in day 8 and 9 blastocysts from defined culture system. Regardless of their age, survival rate of frozen-thawed blastocysts was significantly higher (p<0.05) in co-culture system than in defined culture system. 2. The cell number of blastocysts was significanlty higher (p<0.05) in Day 7 blasotcysts than in Day 8 and 9 blastocysts from co-cultures, but the cell number of blsstocysts was significantly higher (p<0.05) in Day 10 blastocysts than in Day 8 and 9 blastocysts from defined culture system. Regardless of the culture system, blastocysts with higher cell number showed higher survival rates after freezing and thawing.
Rats are one of the most widely used animals in biomedical sciences because their metabolism and physiology are comparable to humans. In recent years, gene-targeted models have been developed using various animal species utilizing engineered nucleases such as clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated gene (Cas). It has recently become possible to efficiently transfect CRISPR/Cas into embryos via electroporation. However, electroporation can damage fertilized eggs; therefore, it is important to determine the optimal embryo culture conditions. A standardized approach for routine and reproducible rat transgenesis will render rat models more accessible for research. We performed experiments to obtain rat embryos with efficient superovulation and synchronization, and to investigate the appropriate medium conditions for pronuclear stage embryos subjected to electroporation stimulation for the introduction of engineered nuclease.
When used as a starter in the manufacture of Meju, it is expected that the quality of the soup products can be improved. In this study, we isolated Lactobacillus strain having possible safety and food-industrial benefits as a starter. Four hundred and seven isolates were screened from Meju, and chemically characterized for their antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus, non-productivity of biogenic amine, and hemolysis. Eight of the isolates were selected upon chemical characterization, and their antioxidant and β-glucosidase activity was measured. Finally, we selected, and measured its enzyme activity and antibiotic resistance. Next, we investigated its cell growth, showed maximum biomass of 3.5 g/L after 28 h of culture. The ingredients of the medium to improve biomass were selected using the Plackett-Burman design (PBD) and central composite design (CCD). The results obtained using PBD revealed molasses, yeast extract, and maltose to be significant factors determining the biomass of the L. brevis SCML 432 strain. The CCD was then applied with three variables found from PBD and the optimum values were predicted to be 5.5% molasses, 1.5% yeast extract, and 2.0% maltose, and the maximum biomass was predicted to be 11.2 g/L. Through model verification, we confirmed that the predicted and actual results were similar, with about 3.2-fold improvement in the biomass from 3.5 g/L to 11.3 g/L when compared to that obtained in basal medium. These results suggest that SCML 432 has high potential in the food industry as a starter.
Background : Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) is a multipurpose small tree with unique berries of high nutritional and pharmaceutical values has wide spread distribution from Eurasia to South east Asia. In recent times the medicinal benefits of vitamin tree are inclining, hence, efforts were taken to propagate them in vitro to exploit their medicinal property.
Methods and Results : The tissue culture potential of them was investigated for the ability to induce shoot organogenesis in leaf explant, and induction of direct somatic embryogenesis from leaf tissue. Moreover, we also determined the effective induction medium for callus and somatic embryo production from H. rhamnoides. To induce the callus form leaf tissue, several phytohormone combinations such as α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzyladenine (BA), 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 6-benzyladenine (BA), and Kinetin (K) were tried with the Murashige and Skoog (MS) as well as woody plant medium (WPM). In MS basal medium, the combination of 2,4-D and K showed the best callus induction rate of 71%, whereas in WPM basal medium the combination of NAA and BA showed the best callus induction rate of 91%. The adventitious root induction form callus was also attempted by using MS and B5 medium with the phytohormone combinations of IBA 1 – 5 g/ℓ. In MS medium, root was induced only at 4 g/ℓ of IBA and 64%, 51% and 55% root induction results were obtained at 3 g/ℓ, 4 g/ℓ and 5 g/ℓ in B5 basal medium, respectively. The somatic embryos were induced only in half strength MS with the triple phytohormone ratio of 2:1:2 of NAA, BA, and K.
Conclusion : The in vitro propagation of sea buckthorn was successfully employed by generating callus, adventitious roots as well as the induction of somatic embryos form the leaf tissues derived callus. Our results provided a valuable addition to the utilization of H. rhamnoides thus enabling their propagation.
For rapid production of freesia ‘Shiny Gold’ shoots by using a bioreactor, several culture conditions were investigated. Young shoots (< 1 ㎝) obtained from freesia corm section in vitro were used as plant materials for this experiment. As a basic experimental environment, 20 young shoots were inoculated into a 5 L balloon type bubble reactor which contained 1 L 1/2 strength MS medium supplemented with 30 g sucrose (3%), and the aeration was 0.1 vvm (vessel volumes per minute). The bioreactors were placed in a growth room with 23℃ temperature, 60% relative humidity and 60 μmol·m-2·s-1 light condition (16 h/8 h, day/night). The concentrations of MS media were set with 1/4, 1/2, 1 strength, medium volume 10, 20, 40%, sucrose concentration 3, 6, 9%, and aeration 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 vvm. After 4 weeks of cultivation, the growth indexes including the fresh and dry weight, and plant height were evaluated. At the same time, the consumption, pH, and EC of medium were estimated 4 weeks after incubating. The best results were achieved when 40 young shoots were incubated in a bioreactor in which 1 L of 1/2 strength MS medium supplemented with 6% sucrose was used for the rapid production of freesia shoots. The shoots were 17 cm in plant height and 1.0 g in fresh weight only 4 weeks after incubation which could be a good plant material suitable for corm enlargement i
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have been routinely cultured on mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder layers with a medium containing animal materials. For clinical application of hESCs, animal-derived products from the animal feeder cells, animal substrates such as gelatin or Matrigel and animal serum are strictly to be eliminated in the culture system. In this study, we performed that SNUhES32 and H1 were cultured on human amniotic fluid cells (hAFCs) with KOSR XenoFree and a humanized substrate. All of hESCs were relatively well propagated on hAFCs feeders with xeno-free conditions and they expressed pluripotent stem cell markers, alkaline phosphatase, SSEA-4, TRA1-60, TRA1-81, Oct-4, and Nanog like hESCs cultured on STO or human foreskin fibroblast feeders. In addition, we observed the expression of nonhuman N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5GC) molecules by flow cytometry, which was xenotransplantation components of contamination in hESCs cultured on animal feeder conditions, was not detected in this xeno-free condition. In conclusion, SNUhES32 and H1 could be maintained on hAFCs for humanized culture conditions, therefore, we suggested that new xenofree conditions for clinical grade hESCs culture will be useful data in future clinical studies.
This study was conducted to determine the effects of high temperature and deficit irrigation on growth and yield of hot pepper. Hot pepper was subjected to four irrigation treatments: fully irrigation (FI), 10, 20, and 30 days deficit irrigation (DI) combination with high temperature treatment. Control plants were grown natural environment and conventional culture methods. The plant height treated with high temperature was significantly higher than that of control plant. At FI combination with high temperature treatment, growth parameters such as stem diameter, leaf area, fresh and dry weight were the greatest. The yield was the greatest (2,036 kg/10a) under control, DI combination with high temperature treatment decreased by approximately 42% compare with FI combination with high temperature treatment. The number of abnormal fruits was approximately 38/plant under control, which was the smallest and that of 30 days DI combination with high temperature was higher 3.3 times compare with control. Flower abscission and calcium deficiency induced by DI treatments, especially those physiological disorder promoted by increasing DI treatments period. Results indicated that yield of hot pepper reduced by DI treatments, these results suggest that the growers should irrigate to proper soil moisture for preventing reduction of total fruit yield.
This study aims to increase the organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies than the conventional method and meet higher effluent water quality standards by co-culture with bacteria in activated sludge in the aeration tank. By the co-culture in mixotrophic conditions through metabolic characterization of Scenedesmus dimorphus and bacteria in the aeration activated sludge, assessed how the impact on the organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus removal rate. In addition, the study was to determine if it is possible to supply the oxygen necessary for the bacteria through the photosynthesis of algae without aeration. To test the synergistic effects of the co-culture, we compared co culture with S. dimorphus - only, Bacteria - only as a controls. In the co-culture condition inoculation ratio is based on the TSS concentration S. dimorphus and bacteria 1 : 5 (w / w), 5 : 5 (w / w) at a ratio. The growth rate of S. dimorphus - only condition was higher, which was 10 times and 2 times lower compared to B : A (5 : 1), B : A (5 : 5) respectively. Organic carbon removal rate of S. dimorphus - only condition was lower than other conditions, the remaining conditions were consumed at a similar rate. In the co-culture of Mixed bacteria and S. dimorphus, ammonium and phosphate removal rate has been high. But, nitrate removal rate showed a tendency to decrease compared to the Bacteria-only condition. When considering the Ammonium, nitrate and phosphate removal rate, N, P removal efficiency which is most excellent in terms of bacteria, such as S. dimorphus ratio (5 : 5) were co-cultured in the conditions. DO was maintained at 3 mg/L or more under all conditions. So, implying co-culture has the potential to decrease aeration costs.
Pluripotent cells are categorized as either "naive" or "primed" based upon their pluripotent status. According to previous studies, embryonic stem cells and embryonic germ cells are identified as naive pluripotent stem cells and epiblast stem cells are identified as primed pluripotent stem cells. In a permissive species such as the mouse, naive and primed pluripotent stem cells can be derived from embryos without genetic manipulations. In non-permissive species such as humans and pigs, primed pluripotent cells are only established from embryos. However, previous studies have shown that the embryonic germ cells of non-permissive species share similar morphology and features with naive pluripotent cells. For these reasons porcine embryonic germ cells (pEGCs) may provide a useful cell source for comparative studies on naive pluripotent cells in non-permissive species. In this study, we attempted to establish and characterize porcine embryonic germ cells. Consequently, an embryonic germ cell line was derived from the genital ridges of a porcine dpc 30 fetus in media containing LIF and bFGF. After establishment, this cells were cultured and stabilized in LIF or bFGF contained media. This cell lines displayed a dome-shaped colony morphology in both culture condition. The cell lines were maintained in both condition over an extended time period and were able to differentiate into the three germ layers in vitro. Interestingly, cell lines cultured in LIF or bFGF expressed different pluripotency markers. LIF-dependent pEGCs expressed naive-pluripotency markers such as OCT4, SOX2, NANOG and SSEA1, while bFGF-dependent pEGCs expressed primed-pluripotency markers such as OCT4, SOX2, NANOG and SSEA4. However, as a result of analysis of XCI, two cell lines showed hemi-methylated pattern similarly in XIST promoter regions. In conclusion, we were able to successfully derive embryonic germ cells from genital ridges of a porcine fetus. Pluripotent state of pEGCs were regulated by modulation of culture condition. In LIF supplement, pEGCs showed naive-pluripotency expressing SSEA1, while pEGCs show primed-pluripotency expressing SSEA4 in bFGF condition. This cell line could potentially be used as naive pluripotent cell source for comparative study with porcine embryonic stem cells and other pluripotent cell lines. As porcine pluripotent cells, pEGCs could be useful candidates for preliminary studies of human disease as well as a source for generating transgenic animals.
분자육종의 발전에 따라 좀 더 유용한 형질전환 식물체를 더 많이 얻어내기 위한 많은 형질전환 기술들이 개발되어오고 있으나 새로운 수요를 충족시키기 위한 다양한 종류의 새로운 품종들이 실시간으로 새롭게 개발되고 있으며 개발된 품종에 적합한 새로운 형질전환 기술에 대한 개발 필요성 또한 지속적으로 요구되고 있다. 카네이션(Dianthus caryophyllus L.)은 전 세계적인 주요 화훼작물 중 하나로 경제적 파급효과가 매우 큰 작물이다. 따라서 기술개발의 파급효과가 큰 카네이션을 대상으로 조직배양 및 형질전환의 효율성을 향상시키기 위하여 시장에서 주요하게 거래되고 있는 주요 품종 18종을 수집하고 이 중 조직배양을 통한 신초 분화 능력이 우수한 4개 품종 Yellow dotcom, Jakarta, Belmonte, Polar tessino 등을 선발하였다. 선발된 4개 품종에 공통으로 적용시킬 수 있는 가장 효율적인 생장조절제는 MS+Sucrose 3%+NAA 1.0 mg/L+TDZ 1.0 mg/L.이었으며 MS+Sucrose 3%+NAA 3.0 mg/L+BA 1.0 mg/L 처리는 Belmonte.에 적용 가능한 생장조절제 조합이었다. 캘러스 형성과 신초 분화에 가장 효율적인 기본 배지는 MS이었으며 탄소원으로는 Sucrose를 3%로, Phytagel 0.3%를 배지 경화제로 처리하는 것이 조직배양을 통한 재분화 식물체 획득에 가장 효과적이었다. 가장 효율적 조직배양 체계를 구축하기 위한 조직배양 부위는 줄기 부위 이었으며 이 부위를 배양재료로 사용할 경우 신초 생성율을 80.2%까지 올릴 수 있었고 배양소요 기간도 6일 정도 단축할 수 있었다.
1. 본 연구에서는 공동배양 배지에 Agrobacterium 성장 억제물질인 silver nitrate를 첨가하고 변온과 여과지처리를 추가하여 공동배양 기간을 7일로 늘였으며, 또한 항산화 물질 3종을 공동배양 배지에 첨가하여 세포의 oxidative burst를 최소화함으로써 벼 형질전환효율을 높일 수 있었다. 또한 이 방법을 적용하여 형질전환이 어려운 품종을 대상으로도 형질전환 식물체를 작성할 수 있었다. 2. 벼 형질전환체의 70%에서 도입유전자