
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 307

        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 상류로부터 유입되는 토석을 도시생활권의 목표공간까지 유도하기 위한 유도둑의 도류 각 변화에 따른 토석류 퇴적형태 및 최대 충격파고의 변화를 파악할 목적으로 실시한 실내 모형실험 결과를 정리한 것이다. 실험결과, 유도둑이 상류에서 발생한 토석류를 목표로 하는 방향으로 유도하는 데 매우 효과적인 것으로 파악되었다. 또한 유도둑의 도류각이 30° 이상일 경우 토석류의 유심이 유도둑과 충돌하여 에너지가 손실됨으로써 토석의 퇴적이 발생하였다. 특히, 유도둑의 도류각이 0° 에서 30°까지 증가할수록 퇴적토석의 폭이 점차 좁아지고 두꺼워지는 것으로 나타났으나, 유도둑의 도류각이 45°인 경우에는 지나친 통수단면의 감소를 초래하여 상류구간에서 토석퇴적의 집중도가 높아 토석류가 유도둑을 월류하여 범람할 가능성이 높은 것으로 판단되었다. 한편, 유도둑의 도류각이 30° 이하일 경우 토석류의 최대 충격파고는 유심선과 유도둑이 만나는 지점에서 형성되고, 이 지점을 기준으로 실험 중에 상류구간에서 최대의 토석퇴적이 형성되며, 실험 종료 후 하류구간에서 토석 퇴적의 피크가 낮게 형성되었다. 다만, 유도둑의 도류각이 45°인 경우에는 최대 충격파고가 실험 중 최대 토석퇴적이 발생한 지점에서 매우 높게 형성되는 것으로 나타나 토석이 집중적으로 퇴적되어 후속류 등에 의한 토석의 유도에 효과적이지 못할 것으로 판단된다. 비록 이번 연구를 통하여 유도 둑이 토석류 처리에 유효하다는 점은 확인되었지만, 토석류의 충격파고에 따른 유도둑의 적정 유효고 설정에 관한 수리학적 연구가 추후 필요하며, 나아가 이러한 설계기준을 근거로 현지적용에 대한 시공기준을 정립하여야 할 것이다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        긴급하거나 광역으로 발생한 해상유류오염사고에는 방제정만으로 대응하기에는 한계가 있어서, 해양경찰청 경비함정도 방제 작업에 동원된다. 본 연구에서는 소형 경비함정에 적합한 유흡착장비를 개발하였다. 장비는 고정지지대, 폴대, 슬라이드고정부 3개 부속품으로 구성되어 용접 또는 추가 구조물 설치 없이 소형 경비함정 현측 추락방지봉에 간단하게 토글핀으로 결속하는 방식으로 장착 및 분리가 가능하다. 각 부속품의 무게는 고정지지대 약 9.2 kg, 폴대(2개) 약 6.5 kg, 슬라이드 고정부(4개) 약 3.5 kg이며, 좌·우 180°로 원활하게 움직이는 길이 3 m의 폴대는 갑판 방향으로 접어서 유흡착재 교체작업을 할 수 있다. 본 장비의 개발로 소형 경비함정에서 유흡착재의 투입 및 수거가 용이한 방법으로 개선되어 보다 효율적인 방제작업이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ISU (In-arm hydropneumatic Suspension Unit) are popularly applied to recently developed tracked vehicles because of better performance of ISU than the one of the conventional HSU (Hydraulic Suspension Unit). However, function deterioration and malfunction phenomena of the several ISUs were observed due to leakage of hydraulic fluid during operation of the tracked vehicles. The objective of this study is the investigation of fundamental leakage mechanism of hydraulic fluid for the ISU. The leakage mechanism was investigated by comparing both results of the technical data analysis and overhaul inspection of the ISU which occurred leakage of hydraulic fluid. Finally, the leakage mechanism found in the current investigation was verified by using experimental methods.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Among the three elements of the story ― character, plot, and setting, the character matters the most. W. H. Hudson argues that technically the success of a work is due to the depiction of characters. In the recreation of Chunxiang, Jin Renshun deconstructed and reshaped the Korean classical work ― “the story of Chunxiang”, changing the figures of the work greatly by adding new characters, remaking the mother of Chunxiang. In doing so, the classical work is rich in new vitality and the air of new era. The writer has ever said: “There are no new things under the sun. Times and regions may be different, but the humanity is always the same.” Neglecting the historical background and feudal patriarchy, in a conceived Utopian Champs, the writer wrote the stories of one or more women from the perspective of humanity. She narrated the Chinese reflections on life in the tongue of the Korean classic, and brought about the exotic culture to Chinese contemporary literature. In “the story of Chunxiang”, as a custodian, Yuemei who was regarded as a minor character, decided the identity of Chunxiang, while she made an contrast to the noble “Chunxiang”. However, in the novel Chunxiang, the snobbish Yuemei was turned into another major character, an elegant and plump Mrs. Xiang, and saved Chunxiang at the critical moment. The best way of appreciating a work is analyzing the characters. The characters and the theme are closely related, and the characters are the core of the whole story, which have great influence on the work. There no telling of the story without characters. “Chunxiang”, the first Korean work accepted by Chinese, did a lot of contribution to the intercommunication between Chinese and South Korean literature. Facing such valuable work, we should spend time on the study of the characters in order to grasp the main ideas that the writer wants to convey. Regretfully, there is only on article focusing on the study of this work. This paper tries to make a contrastive study of the mother of Chunxiang in “Chunxiang” by Jin Renshun and the classic “the story of Chunxiang”, aiming at digging into the modern ideological connotation through character analysis.
        2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전통 유가에서 제창했던 “군신부자”(君臣父子)의 “예의관”은 고대 권귀예제주의(权贵礼制主义)라는 심각한 낙인이 찍혀 있다. 지금도 현재 여전히 중국 사회생활 중에 침전되어 있다. 특히 관직을 근본으로 유지하려는 측면에서 엄중한 부작용을 일으키고 있다. 그로 인해 현재 우리는 이론적으로 중국사회의 정의 문제라는 중요한 관건으로 바꾸어 해답을 찾고자 한다. 즉 이글에서는 어떻게 “사람을 해하지 않고 인권을 존중한다”(不坑害人)라는 정의의 저선에 기초하여 유가의 “인의 관”이라는 적극적 요소를 취하고 유가의 “예의관”의 부작용을 극복할 것인지를 다룬다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Altar architecture is a kind of sacrificial building, mainly formed in altar. Central architecture of Altar architecture is relatively simple. However, various attached building are necessary for worship. Among them, Sinsil which is a place to seal a God’s tablet, is very important. The central government of the Joseon Dynasty attempted to define the local sacrificial system and make it customary as a way to strengthen the centralization based on Confucianism. Nonetheless, the altar architecture of the province without detailed regulations, were managed and underwent repairs according to the political situation of the state and local circumstances. Sinsil, which is an important component of the altar architecture, best reflects this situation. Therefore, it was possible to grasp the situation of the altar architecture of the province in the Joseon Dynasty by analyzing the Sinsil through various documents. As a result of analysis, it was divided into six types. In addition, It is also found that there are temporal relation between these six types.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The natural resources of Jeju are recognized as the new regional image of that clean island. Reflecting these trends, this study is initiated to develop a textile design with the motive of persimmon, a natural resource of Jeju, and to apply it to infant’s and children’s clothes. Its purpose is to highlight the image of persimmon, a traditional dye, as a regional signature for Jeju. Product development procedure included, understanding the use of persimmon for fashion products, analyzing Infants’ and Children’s designer collections over the last three seasons (focused on 2014S/S, 2015S/S, and 2016S/S), and surveying the Children’s Clothes market for persimmon dyeing in Jeju. The conclusion was that, the natural resources of Jeju are highly valuable, and should be applied to textile design and apparel products for children. Utilizing Jeju persimmon was actively studied, but, the market for the Jeju persimmon natural - dyeing products is extremely limited. Moreover, the apparel products for infants and children represent old-fashioned styles, despite their higher prices. Therefore, using the formative characteristics of persimmon for each theme was suggested for development of patterns for textile design. Pattern designs were expressed using textured textile screen-printing, embroidery and appliqué for infants’ and children’s clothes. In this study, a total of 10 items were prepared as apparel products for infants and children. All items were designed considering mix-and-match, potential, with each other or with regular mass-market products. These results are expected to contribute to highlighting the unique image of Jeju and to help promote fashion culture products.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        An advanced organic-inorganic polymer composite membranes are synthesized to enhance chemical stability for the application of unitized regenerative fuel cells (URFCs). In order to improve chemical stability of polymer membrane, organic polymer is composed with inorganic materials for long-term operation of URFC. By addition of inorganic polymer, chemical stability of polymer membrane has highly increased. However, higher concentration of inorganic particles may lead to brittleness in polymer membrane. Therefore, the optimization of inorganic materials in polymer membrane is a crucial for the preparation of polymer membrane with high chemical stability in URFC.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        An advanced organic-inorganic composite membrane is investigated to enhance mechanical and chemical stability of membrane for vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB). In order to improve chemical and mechanical stability of membrane, organic polymer is composed with inorganic material for VRFB. The inorganic material can be used as anti-oxidant for improving membrane chemical stability during long-term operation of VRFB. However, higher concentration of inorganic particles increased the hydrophobicity which may make membranes brittle. Therefore, the optimization of inorganic materials in polymer membrane is carried out for the application VRFB.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        베트남은 3,444 가 넘는 해안선, 수천 개의 섬 그리고 길이 4260 이상인 2,360개의 강과 수로가 있는 해양국이다. 선박 에 의한 유류수송의 빈도와 수송량이 증가하면서 기름유출사고의 가능성이 과거 어느 때보다 높아지고 있다. 해상에서의 연료유 및 화 물유의 유출은 해양생태계, 연안자원 및 인간건강은 물론 사회 경제에 대하여 광범위하고 장기적인 영향을 미친다. 본 연구는 20년 동안의 기름유출사고 건수와 유출량과 같은 베트남의 해양기름유출 현황 그리고 기름유출대응(OSR)에 대한 국가체제 등과 같은 국가 대응체계에 관한 전반을 보여줄 뿐만 아니라, 특히 베트남과 한국 사이의 국가기름유출대응체제를 비교함으로써 기름유출사고에 대응 하여 베트남의 국가역량을 강화하기 위한 권고안을 제시하고자 한다. 그 결과, 베트남의 해양기름유출사고 건수와 유출량은 한국의 하 락 추세와는 대조적으로 상승 추세를 보였다. 이는 베트남의 연안 해역에서 실제적 기름유출 가능성이 높다는 것을 의미한다. 따라서 베트남의 국가기름유출대응역량을 강화하기 위한 3가지 주요 권고안을 다음과 같이 제안한다. 즉 OPRC협약의 수락 · 이행 그리고 유류오염으로 인한 피해 및 손실을 보상하는 국가기금의 조성과 같은 기름유출사고에 대비하고 대응하기 위한 법률제도를 포함한 국 가기름유출대응 시스템을 강화하기 위한 방안의 개발; 일관된 보고, 경보 및 모니터링 시스템의 강화; 표준 교육과정 내용으로 구성된 교육 및 훈련 프로그램의 개발을 제안하고자 한다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        미국선녀벌레[Metcalfa pruinosa (Say, 1830)]는 북미 원산 해충으로 2009년 3개 시군에서 공식적으로 확인된 후,2016년 60개 시군으로 급격히 분포지역이 확대된 침입 해충이다. 기주식물의 범위가 매우 넓고, 산림지역 방제의어려움 등으로 발생밀도가 급격하게 증가하여 농작물 재배지에서 큰 피해를 주고 있다. 비닐하우스에 오디뽕나무를2m 간격으로 식재한 후 미국선녀벌레 5령 약충과 성충을 7월 17일에 방사하여 뽕나무에 정착시킨 후 투명, 황색,청색 끈끈이트랩을 설치하여 색깔별, 높이별 미국선녀벌레 성충의 포획수를 1주일 간격으로 비교 조사하였다.뽕나무 한 주당 미국선녀벌레 성충수는 30~50마리 정도였으며, 색깔별 끈끈이트랩에 포획된 수는 투명, 황색 및청색에 각각 0.2, 0.3 및 0.2마리가 포획되어 색깔에 따른 포획 효과가 거의 없는 것으로 확인되었고, 트랩 설치높이에 따른 차이 또한 거의 없는 것으로 확인되었다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        백색을 띄고 물리적·화학적으로 안정한 지르코니아는 열전도도가 낮고 강도와 인성, 내식성이 우수하여 단열재, 내화물과 같은 고온 재료와 각종 산업용 구조세라믹스에 사용되고 있다. 이러한 지르 코니아를 낮은 경도 및 굴절률 등과 같은 단점을 가진 고분자 코팅제에 도입하게 되면 화학적, 전기적, 광학적인 특성이 향상된다. 이와 같이 유기 소재에 무기 소재를 혼합하여 사용하는 유-무기 하이브리드 코팅을 목적으로 본 연구에서는 지르코니아 표면에 trimethylchlorosilane(TMCS)과 hexamethyldisilazane(HMDZ)을 사용하여 실릴화반응을 통한 -CH3기를 도입하여 소수성을 나노지르코 니아 표면에 도입하였다. 소수화된 지르코니아 표면에서의 TMCS와 HMDZ에 의해 도입된 Si-CH3의 존재는 FT-IR ATR spectroscopy를 통해 확인하였고, silicon 원소의 존재를 FE-SEM/EDS와 ICP-AES 를 통해 확인하였다. 또한, 개질 전후의 지르코니아를 아크릴레이트 단량체에 분산하여 침강속도를 확인 하여 분산성이 향상되는 것을 확인하였다. 지르코니아 입자의 크기 및 분포는 입도 분석기를 통해 확인 하였으며, BET 분석을 통해 개질 반응 전후의 비표면적은 18 m2/g 정도로 큰 변화가 없었다.
        2017.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the population ages, the number of households raising companion animals is increasing. Companion animal industry has recently been diversified through a combination of various industries such as beauty, rest, and insurance, and the share of this industry in the economy is gradually increasing. Dandruid keratoses, ticks, and various pathogenic bacteria are parasitized on the skin and hair of a dog to damage the hair and cause skin diseases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of natural ingredients on the oil and moisture content of dog skin when using natural shampoos and using these shampoos. In this study, we measured the water content of four poodles of 1 year and 4 years old. The natural shampoo used in 4 rats was prepared and used directly. The results of this study showed that the water content in the forelimb of the experimental dog was almost unchanged when using the ordinary shampoo, but it increased with the use of the natural shampoo. Especially, when using natural shampoo for 3 weeks, it was confirmed that the water content of ordinary shampoo increased about 55.71% over 3 weeks. On the other hand, when using a general shampoo, the water content of the neck of the experimental dog was almost unchanged, and even when using the natural shampoo, the moisture content was almost unchanged. These results suggest that natural shampoos will have a better effect on maintaining the moisture content of companion animals compared to ordinary shampoos.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The identity of toxin producers remains only hypothesis unless there were identified by strain isolation and analytical confirmation of both the cyanotoxin production and the genetic identity of the monoculture. The purposes of this study were to identify a morphologic and phylogenetic classification in Aphanizomenon flos-aquae strains isolated from the Nakdong River and to investigate the potential ability of the strains to produce toxins such as saxitoxin and cylindrospermopsin using target genes. The 16S rRNA and sxtA, sxtI, cyrA, cyrJ genes were analyzed on two strains (DGUC001, DGUC003) isolated from the Nakdong River. Morphological features of the strains were observed a shape of aggregated trichomes in parallel fascicles which can reach up to macroscopic size and a hyaline terminal cell without aerotope. In addition, the 16S rRNA phylogenetic analyses showed that the strains were identified as the same species with high genetic similarity of 98.4% and grouped within a monospecific andsupported cluster I of Aphanizomenon flosaquae selected from GenBank of the NCBI. The cyrA and cyrJ genes encoding for the cylindrospermopsinbiosynthesis were not detected in the present study. The sxtA gene was in detected both the two strains, whereas the sxtI gene which had been suggested as a suitable molecular marker to detect saxitoxin-producing cyanobacteria was not found both the strains. Thus, the two strains isolated from Nakdong River were identified as the same species of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs ex Bornet et Flahault 1888, the two strains were confirmed as potential non-producing strains of the saxitoxin and cylindrospermopsin.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We describe characteristics of diversity and distribution of oak forests on the Daegok-cheon gorge of the Southeastern Korean Peninsula, the oldest prehistoric site, in view of a sort of food resources of acorns. The Zürich-Montpellier School’s method was adopted for field investigation on the oak dominant stands. A total of 20 phytosociological relevés composed of 193 taxa were analyzed by syntaxonomy and ecological flora. The Daegok-cheon’s oak forests occupied 36.9% (513,374 m2) of the surveyed area, and its 99% (507,677 m2) was Quercus variabilis and Q. serrata stands. Oak forests of the Daegok-cheon gorge are a kind of regional vegetation type characterizing by the high relative net contribution degree (r-NCD) of Platycarya strobilacea and Sapium japonicum, which are an edaphic type of the xerophilous and thermophilic oak forests. The region of the Daegok-cheon petroglyphs is defined as an ecoregion with rich acorn supply and abundant water resources, and the warmer environment, which attracts prehistoric man.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We surveyed Preah Pithu monument group site in Angkor. We made the map of present condition throughout the actual measurement and 3D scan. And we restored the floor plan, and completed the map of site placement. During this processing, we confirmed the middle axis of temples and studied the relation of temples and made clear the order of sites. Throughout this studying, we verified the middle axis of sites is not matched in Preah Pithu monument group. It is different aspect comparing with general Khmer religion architectures which were built with the planification belonging to strong royal authority and shared main axis through whole sites. In other words, we can estimate that Preah Pithu monument group was not built with planification rather than expanded as occasional demand during the process of actual use
        2017.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Transparent organic-inorganic hybrid hard coating films were prepared by the addition of SiO2 or ZrO2, as an inorganic filler to improve the hardness property, filler was highly dispersed in the acrylic resin. To improve the compatibility in the acrylic resin, SiO2 or ZrO2 is surface-modified using various silanes with variation of the modification time and silane content. Depending on the content and kind of the modified inorganic oxide, transparent modified inorganic sols were formulated in acryl resin. Then, the sols were bar coated and cured on PET films to investigate the optical and mechanical properties. The optimized film, which has a modified ZrO2 content of 4 wt% markedly improved in terms of the hardness, haze, and transparency as compared to neat acrylate resin and acrylate resin containing modified SiO2 content of 8 wt%. Meanwhile, the low transparency and high haze of these films slowly appeared at SiO2 content above 10 wt% and ZrO2 content of 5 wt%, but the hardness values were maintained at 2H and 3H, respectively, in comparison with the HB of neat acrylate resin.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although rivers cover only 0.5% of the total land area on the Earth, they are windows that show the integrated effects of watershed biogeochemistry. Studies on the loads and properties of riverine carbon have been conducted because they are directly linked with drinking water quality, and because regional or global net ecosystem production (NEP) can be overestimated, unless riverine carbon loads are subtracted. Globally, ~0.8-1.5 Pg yr-1 and ~0.62-2.1 Pg yr-1 of carbon are transported from terrestrial ecosystems to the ocean via rivers and from inland waters to the atmosphere, respectively. Concentrations, δ13C, and fluorescence spectra of riverine carbon have been investigated in South Korea to understand the spatiotemporal changes in the sources. Precipitation as well as land use/land cover can strongly influence the composition of riverine carbon, thus shifting the ratios among DIC, DOC, and POC, which could affect the concentrations, loads, and the degradability of adsorbed organic and inorganic toxic materials. A variety of analyses including 14C and high resolution mass spectroscopy need to be employed to precisely define the sources and to quantify the degradability of riverine carbon. Long-term data on concentrations of major ions including alkalinity and daily discharge have been used to show direct evidence of ecosystem changes in the US. The current database managed by the Korean government could be improved further by integrating the data collected by individual researchers, and by adding the major components ions including DIC, DOC, and POC into the database.
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