
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 154

        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 양생(養生)에서 주요한 방법인 호흡법의 고찰을 통해 과거 선인들의 건강 인식과 실천을 살펴보고 현대적 의의 를 점검하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 양생에 대한 개념과 선인들의 양생 인식을 시대 상황 속에서 살펴보았다. 양생 중 에서 호흡은 단순히 생명 유지만을 위한 수단이 아닌 건강관리 의 주요한 개념으로 받아들여졌음을 알 수 있다. 이를 위해 호 흡의 정의와 작용부터 시작하여 역사적으로 호흡법을 실천한 인사들을 다루었다. 조선시대는 성리학이 지배하여 정신적 가 치를 우위에 두었기에 호흡법을 통해 맑은 정신을 유지하는 방 편으로 애용되었다. 특히 주자(朱子)를 신봉하였기에 그가 주장 한 ‘조식잠(調息箴)’은 사대부들 사이에 적극적으로 수용되었다. 호흡법은 도가적 색채가 강한 양생인데, 이를 유가들이 적극 수용했다는 사실은 실용적인 이중성을 보여주는 사례로 그들의 탄력적 사고를 보여준다. 호흡법 중 ‘태식(胎息)’은 이들이 가장 중시한 것으로, 일찍이 복식호흡이 지닌 가치를 인식한 증거라 하겠다. 한편으로 ‘태식’은 인간이 자기 존재의 출발점으로 회 귀하려는 본성에 대한 갈망으로 성리학이 추구한 근본사상과 상통되었다. ‘태식’이 지닌 건강학적 가치는 오늘 날에도 여전 히 유효하며, 바쁜 현대인들에게 명상으로 숨 쉬고 있다. 문헌 에 나타난 선인들의 호흡은 그것이 일상이었음을 보여주며, 성 리학의 수양과 맞물려 장려되었음을 알 수 있다. 특히 중국이 호흡방법에 치중하였던 반면에 우리나라에서는 호흡의 자세에 중점을 두고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 호흡 양생법은 모두가 공통적으로 사상과 종교를 초월한 유⦁불⦁선 이 융합된 동양학의 총체라 하겠다.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Odontogenic cyst and odontogenic tumor shares developmental source. However, they have different histopathologic features, and they are classified respectively. Odontogenic cyst and tumor can share same physical region. It is called a hybrid lesion, a lesion showing the combined histopathological characteristics of two or more previously recognized odontogenic tumor and/or cysts of different categories. In this study, a hybrid lesion was researched. 61-year old man was referred to our department with a multilocular radiolucency in right mandibular angle. Incisional biopsy was carried out, and the patient was diagnosed with ameloblastoma. Odontogenic keratocyst was found with the tumor, and it was thought to be evolved via neoplastic transformation from lining epithelium of the keratocyst. After reviewing studies reporting hybrid lesions from odontogenic cyst and tumor, formation of a hybrid lesion was most frequent from a dentigerous cyst and an adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. A hybrid lesion commonly lead to misdiagnosis, and the prognosis is not always transparent. The close relationship between the odontogenic cyst and tumor has to be kept in mind in the diagnosis and treatment of the lesions in maxillofacial area.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        GichukJinchanEuigwe is a celebration of King Soonjo’s 40th birthday and 30th accession to the throne. The Royal banquet was carried out on February 9th MunggunggunJinchan and JagyeongjeonJeongilJinchan 3 days later. JagyeongjeonJeongilJinbyulhangua is located beside JagyeongjeonJinchanan. The banquet table setting, table, dish level, and table type are different according to royal hierarchy class. Jinbulhangua is served to only the king, queen, crown prince, crown princess, and Myongon princess. The number of JagyeongjeonJinchanan served was as follows: king 30 plates, crown prince 20 plates, and Myongon princess 15 plates. Tableware used were brassware and pottery.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present a case of cellular angiofibroma arising from right neck in a 46-year-old woman. Surgical excision was performed and the patient was disease free till now. Cellular angiofibroma usually arised in the inguinoscrotal of vulvovaginal regions. Only 3 cases of cellular angiofibroma involving maxillofacial region have been reported in the english written literature. Cellular angiofibromas are rare benign tumor characterized by bland spindle shaped cells arranged in a stroma with wispy collagen and numerous vessels. Immunohistochemical stains of the tumor cells showed the positivity for CD34, PR, EMA, but negativity for neurofilament, desmin and actin. The tumor should be differentiated from aggressive angiomyxoma and angiomyofibroblastoma, angiofibroma because of its clinical and histological similarity. We report a rare case of benign cellular angiofibroma involving right neck and study other published articles.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Sujeonggwa” is a traditional korean beverage made from dried persimmon, cinnamon, and ginger and is oftengarnished with pine nuts. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the ingredients, recipes, and processingof “sujeonggwa” in Korean cookbooks published since 1400. The name sujeonggwa is derived from jeonggwa. In the early1600s, sujeonggwa was used in ancestral rites and as a reception beverage, although we don't know its cooking method.According to the literature of the early 1800s, sujeonggwa was made from various fruit ingredients such as pear and yuzu.But since the late 1800s, it has been mostly made from dried persimmon based on ginger and cinnamon boiled with water.Garyeon-sujeonggwa is made with lotus leaf while japkwa-sujeonggwa is made with pear and yuzu. Japkwa-sujeonggwa issimilar to hwachae in terms of ingredients and cooking method.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Animal companionship is thought to make a positive contribution to health, health behaviors and the general well-being of older people. More specifically companion animal ownership is often proposed as a solution to the problem of loneliness and decreased sociality etc in later life and specific 'companion animal based' interventions have been developed to combat the problems of elderly people. The aim of this paper is to review the association between animal companionship and the problems of elderly people like as the decreased self-esteem and depression by exploring if companion animal ownership is a response to, or protection against, the problems of elderly people. We summarizes and analysis the current literatures about the effects of animal companionships on the self-esteem and depression of elderly people.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 공공연구개발사업의 기술파급측정을 위한 이론적/방법론적 기반을 제공하기 위하여 기술파급현상을 고찰하고 이를 측정하는 방법론에 관하여 논의하고자 한다. 본 논문은 다음과 같이 구성된다. 첫째, 일반적인 기술파급메커니즘에 관하여 논의하며 파급현상 및 파급경로를 정리한다. 둘째, 기존에 문헌들에서 사용된 주요 방법론을 소개하고 방법론의 장단점을 논의한다. 셋째, 방법론과 기술파급현상에 대한 이해를 기반으로 기술파급현상과 측정의 문제를 고찰한다. 마지막으로 공공연구개발 사업의 기술파급효과 측정을 위한 선행조건을 제시한다. 본 논문의 목적은 연구자 및 정책입안자들에게 기술파급현상과 측정에 관한 이해를 넓히고 여러 방법론으로 측정된 기술파급측정의 결과를 올바르게 평가를 할 수 있도록 하기 위해서이다. 본 연구는 향후 공공연구개발 사업의 파급효과를 측정하고자 할 때 방법론적 한계를 인식하여 파급현상과 측정 결과의 간극(gap)을 인지하여 이를 기반으로 더 향상된 측정 방법을 고안하는데 도움을 줄 것이다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        박근혜정부의 창조경제는 국민을 창조활동의 주인공으로 자리매김함으로써 기존의 전문가 중심, 과학기술공급중심의 경제사회발전전략과는 다른 특성을 보여주고 있으나 그 해석과 정책 실행에 있어 그 특징을 찾아보기 어렵다. 본 연구는 창조경제가 주목한 국민의 창의성이 과학기술자의 창의성과 무엇이 다르며, 그것이 정책 패러다임으로서 어떤 의미를 갖는지 광범위한 문헌 연구를 통해 밝힘으로써 창조경제가 담아내야 할 도전과 과제를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 국민은 사용자로서의 창의성에 더불어 인문학적, 철학적, 윤리적, 경험적 능력을 바탕으로 한 생활인/삶의 주체로서의 창의성을 갖고 있으며 이것은 과학기술자의 창의성과는 구분되는 고유의 창의성이라 할 수 있다. 사용자로서의 창의성, 생활인/삶의 주체로서의 창의성의 발현은 삶의 가치에 대한 선택을 내포하며 이는 소비행태의 변화, 삶의 방식의 변화를 통해 기술 고착, 사용자 고착을 타파함으로써 시스템 혁신을 이루거나 새로운 사회ㆍ기술시스템의 구성 혹은 전환을 촉진할 수 있다. 이런 맥락에서 국민의 창의성은 기존의 전문가/과학기술공급중심 혁신 패러다임이 아닌 사용자/현장중심 혁신 패러다임’의 토대로서 역할 할 수 있다. 따라서 국민의 창의성에 주목하고 있는 창조경제는 사용자/현장 중심 혁신 패러다임의 실현이라는 새로운 경제사회발전정책과제를 안고 있다고 할 수 있다.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article examines the different types of Mandoo as recorded in 15 royal palace studies from the Joseon dynasty (1392-1909). The types of Mandoo during the Joseon dynasty were Byeongsi (餠匙), Mandoo (饅頭), EMandoo (魚饅頭), Rukmandoo (肉饅頭), Yangmandoo (月羊饅頭), Saengchimandoo (生雉饅頭), Golmandoo (骨饅頭), Dongkwamandoo (冬果饅頭), Chaemandoo (菜饅頭), Chimchaemandoo (沈菜饅頭), and Saenghapmandoo (生蛤饅頭). The frequencies of the different Mandoo types during the Joseon dynasty were in the following order: Mandoo (29.8%), Emandoo (19.1%), Rukmandoo (14.9%), Byeongsi (12.8%), Yangmandoo (6.4%), Saengchimandoo (4.3%), Golmandoo (4.3%), Dongkwamandoo (2.1%), Chaemandoo (2.1%), Chimchaemandoo (2.1%), and Saenghapmandoo (2.1%). “Muja-Jinjakeuigwe (戊子進爵儀軌)” (1828년) gijumi (起酒米) is not used, suggesting that Koreans could see perched Mandoo. “Musin-Jinchaneuigwe (戊申進饌儀軌)” (1848) configurations of materials Mandoo, SoongChimchae ( 沈菜), Dupo (豆泡), Nokdujangum (綠豆長音). Now, we enjoy mandoo’s ingredients based documents materials. Further studies will be conducted on recipes and ingredients recorded in Euigwe in order to develop a standardized recipe for Mandoo.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to investigate the current state of the practice, examining the steps in the process recommended by various agencies and the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association (ARRA)-namely mix design, structural design, structural capacity evaluation, and material characterization-in order to better understand the implications of hot in-place recycling (HIR). METHODS: In addition, the current practice of state departments of transportation (DOTs) is here reviewed with the purpose of learning from successful past experiences so as to forestall any difficulties that may emerge under similar circumstances. Also, HIR benefits, including reduced costs, improved construction processes, and environmental friendliness are presented, as well as advantages and disadvantages of HIR application. RESULTS: Most of the United States highway system is now deteriorating so that rehabilitation or reconstruction techniques are required for the most distressed roads, taking into account ways to increase the effectiveness of existing budgets. Several options are available in rehabilitating distressed roads, and the choice among these depends on many factors, including pavement distress condition, funding, and design life. Among these techniques, Hot In-Place Recycling (HIR) has emerged as a cost-effective treatment for deteriorated pavements, and has been proven an effective long-term strategy for pavement rehabilitation.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is a literature review on berries and their cooking methods that appear in ancient and modern Korean literature. Due to recent reports on berries’ excellent functionality and the public’s growing interest in healthy living, berries have been attracted attention as promising forms of sustenance. By structuring and classifying the types of berries and their popularity as well as recipes using berries found in ancient and modern Korean literature, this review hopes to serve as an important source that reflects both the food culture and social aspects associated with the value of berries in the lives of Korean people as well as foster understanding of the superiority of Korean food culture. This study will also have implications on the possibility of integrating antioxidant-rich berries into the modern food landscape. The study results are summarized as follows. Types of berries were classified into six types (Korean cherry, Omija, Gugija, Bokbunja, Black cherry, Mulberry) while cooking methods were classified into five types (Korean traditional snack, Korean traditional beverage, Liquors, Porridge, Pilule) in the ancient and modern literature of Korea. The aim of this literature review is to highlight the valuecreating aspect of berries as food materials that can yield high added-value products. Beyond their value as healthy fruits, this study will explore the features of berries that enhance their added value and brand marketing as well as their aspects suitable for application to the modern industry of berry product development.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present a case of lipogranuloma of the chin in a 17-year-old man. The lesion was revealed as lipogranuloma in radiological and histopathological findings and did not recur after being surgically removed. Lipogranuloma is a granulomatous inflammation with marked sclerosing response to the fatty tissue caused by foreign material injection. Despite lipogranuloma was reported as a complication arising from injection of oil-based substances into soft tissues for the purpose of cosmetic therapy, patient in this case had no history of foreign material injection. We expect that patient had a history of traumatic injury on his right chin that he doesn’t remember. Definitive treatment of lipogranuloma is surgical excision and usually involves secondary reconstruction. Regarding the physical and psychological complications of this practice, prevention is required the most but once occurred accurate history taking and biopsy is important to diagnosis
        2013.09 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, airborne fungi as indoor air pollutant have attention due to its health related problems such as asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, atopy, pneumonia, building syndrome and etc.. However, it is considered that current laws and policies in Korea are not efficient to deal with these problems. Our research investigated influential factors and species distribution on the basis of previous research related to airborne fungi issue conduced in Korea by applying meta analysis technique. We selected 15 articles containing variables affecting fungi population such as outdoor air characteristics, temperature, location, and ventilation to evaluate significant factors. It was confirmed that airborne fungi level has partial correlation to those factors despite of limited sample size. It is required that the consistent and systematic research effort should be extended to characterize health effect caused by these fungi as well as to control them efficiently.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A Warthin’s tumor of major salivary glands, in particular of parotid glands, is a common benign tumor that may occur synchronously or metachronously in the same or contralateral gland. Moreover, epithelial malignance associated with a Warthin’s tumor is extremely rare, and exists in three forms; epidermoid carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and undifferentiated carcinoma. The reports, related with a case of squamous cell carcinoma arising in a Warthin’s tumor at the parotid gland were reported only additional 3 cases from 1999 to 2010; 30 cases reported up to 1999.[2,4,7] This case report was a extremely rare case where both a primary squamous cell carcinoma and a Warthin's tumor were coexisting in the same
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the cooking method in "Eumsikdimibang", "Gyuhapchongseo" and "Jusiksiui" over time. The Korean cook book, "Jusiksiui", published in the late 1800s, was mainly investigated. The results showed that"Jusiksiui" contained more than 99 foods. In particular, there were 49 side dishes, including five types of porridge three types of noodles, and four types of dumplings. Most food recipes in "Jusiksieu" are the same as those in "Gyuhapchongseo". Results of comparison between "Gyuhapchongseo" (1809) and "Jusiksiui" (late 1800's), Korea's significant archives of Korean recipes, showed that approximately 50 recipes out of 99 recipes were the same as those indicated by "Yeolgujatang" and "Seunggiactang" as hospitality foods and "Gochujang", "Jeupjang", and "Jeupjihi" as traditional paste foods. This indicates that recipes in "Gyuhapchongseo" were transcribed into those in "Jusiksiui". Thus, "Jusiksiui" is the archive that includes recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation in a traditional family and transcribed archive of "Gyuhapchongseo", which was widely read by midwives in the late 1800's.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on a literature review regarding shift work, it is recognized that it has an adverse effect on workers' health. Especially, the night shift rather than the day shift imposes severe disorders on workers, which are indicated to dyssomnia, maladaptation to social life, and health problems such as gastroenteric trouble, cardiovascular diseases and depression. As the shift work can be explainable by using workers' labor ability necessarily to maintain company business consistently, it does not consider biorhythm, active mass and health condition of workers Actually duration of shit work would deprive workers of fundamental life rights by causing physical and mental effects. As a result of reviewing previous case studies related to effect of work pattern (day shift and night shift) on workers' health, an incidence of physical diseases like dyssomnia, gastroenteric trouble, cardiovascular diseases and premature delivery was higher in shift workers than normal workers. Additionally the incidence of mental disorders such as busy brain, social isolation, depression and work stress was also higher in shift workers than normal workers. These adverse physical and mental problems were intensified to night shift workers compared to day shift workers. Considering current various reports and study results, it is recommended that the shift work, especially the night work pattern, should not apply to contemporary work situation for sustaining workers' health condition constantly.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the prevalence of the traditional fruit preserve, gwapyeon, recorded in 10 royal palace studies and 10 old literature reports on the Joseon dynasty (1392-1909). A total of 62 papers presented the Gwapyeon kind in the documents of the Joseon dynasty. The protocols of the court of the Joseon Dynasty and old literature discussed the Gwapyeon as follows: Nokmalbyeong (ohmijapyeon) 22.5%; aengdupyeon (櫻桃片) 14.5%; salgupyeon (杏) and bokbunjapyeon (覆盆子) at 11.3% each; beojjipyeon and mogwapyeon (木瓜) at 8.1% each; sansapyeon (山査) and chijapyeon at 6.5% each; duchungpyeon (杜沖) 4.8%; and deuljjukpyeon, saenggangpyeon (薑), daechupyeon (棗) and yujapyeon (柚子) at 1.6% each. From "Junghae-Jungraeeuigwe (丁亥整禮儀軌)" (1827) to "Junghae-Jinchaneuigwe (丁亥進饌儀軌)" (1887) called nokmalbyeong (菉末餠). "Sinchuk-Jinchaneuigwe (辛丑進饌儀軌)" (May 1901) renamed the ohmijabyeong (五味子餠). "Sinchuk-Jinyeoneuigwe (辛丑進宴儀軌)" (July 1901), the assorted-sulsilgwa (各色熟實果 ) were included in the ohmijabyeong. "Imin-Jinchaneuigwe (壬寅進饌儀軌)" (April 1902), The ohmijabyeong (五味子餠) and assorted-sulsilgwa (各色熟實果) was used and a mixture of "Imin-Jinyeoneuigwe (壬寅進宴儀軌)" (November 1902) included the assorted-sulsilgwa (各色熟實果).
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