
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 456

        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of a set of 16 nutrition education lessons on the eating behaviors and nutrition knowledge of middle school students. The target was a group of 128 boys in the first year of middle school in Changwon, who took the classes from the 29th of August, 2011, to the 17th of February, 2012. The education was performed for 16 weeks using the e-learning textbook, 'Health and nutrition of youth', and a teacher's guidebook developed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The results were summarized as follows. Students demonstrated significant changes in their knowledge about nutrition and in their dietary behavior due to the nutrition education, and the effects were observed to be maintained for one year after education. The average nutrition knowledge score before, immediately after, and 1 year after the education was significantly increased from 13.0 before the education to 18.8 after education (p<0.001), maintaining the score of 18.5 1 year later. The eating-related questions of 'I will practice healthy eating habits in life' and 'Nutrition education is necessary to build healthy eating habits', were given a high score by the students at the last survey conducted one year later. Of course, it is not easy to change the dietary behavior of students through dietary education in schools. Nevertheless, the results of this study demonstrated that such educatcan is necessary since the habits can indeed be changed, as observed in the present study.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Eating breakfast provides crucial nutrition for brain function and helps promote overall health. It is especially critical in growing adolescents, as it is known to form good eating habits and better study habits. This study investigated the effects of skipping breakfast on nutritional state, fatigue level, and attention level. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2010 on total of 828 adolescents composed of 414 boys and 414 girls. Students who ate breakfast never to twice per week were placed in the breakfast-skipper group while students who ate breakfast more than five times per week were included in the breakfast-eater group. Students performed a self-reported questionnaire on food behaviors, amount of food consumption, fatigue level, attention deficient hyperactivity disease (ADHD) level by Conners-Wells’ Adolescent Self-Report Scales, depression scale, and self-esteem level. Statistical analysis was conducted using the SAS program (version 9.1). A total of 135 boys (32.6%) and 138 girls (33.3%) were included in the breakfast-skipper group, whereas 241 boys (58.2%) and 223 girls (53.9%) were included in the breakfast-eater group. The breakfast-skipper group showed irregular food behaviors and lacked nutrients. Specifically, energy (p< .001), protein (p< .001), dietary fiber (p< .001), calcium (p< .01), vitamin A (p< .01), thiamin (p< .05), niacin (p< .001) levels in boy breakfast-skippers were statistically lower compared to boy breakfast-eaters. Intakes of all nutrients except fat in girl breakfast-skippers were statistically lower than in girl breakfast-eaters. Girl breakfast-skippers (41.3%) showed significantly higher fatigue risks compared to girl breakfast-eaters (21.5%). Low attention level was also observed only in girls in the breakfast-skipping group. Moreover, students in the breakfast-skipper group showed higher scores for depression and low self-esteem (p< .001). In conclusion, skipping breakfast has effects on young adolescents’ nutrition, manifesting as high fatigue level and low attention level, especially in girls.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among snacking behaviors and depression in middle school students. A survey was conducted on 777 middle school students (491 boys and 286 girls). Using a self-reporting method, the participants took 20 minutes to complete the questionnaires. Our data revealed that the height and weight of boys were 172.66 cm and 63.48 kg, respectively, whereas those of girls were 159.86 cm and 51.62 kg, respectively. Sleep durations of boys and girls were 6.44 and 6.41 hours, respectively. Boys ate more rice cake than girls, whereas girls ate more biscuits than boys. The average B.D.I (Beck Depression inventory) scores for boys and girls were 9.73 and 11.49, respectively. Degree of depression was significantly higher in girls compared to boys. We also observed significant correlations between depression and snacking (rice cake, biscuits, chocolate, and fried potato). This study may provide basic information on snacking behaviors and depression in middle school students, and the findings suggest that proper control of emotions is required to maintain desirable eating behaviors in middle school students.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to provide the fundamental information on satisfaction for school food service and dietary habits of middle school students in Sejong Special Self-Governing City. Generally, the subjects had a high satisfaction level for school food service. The boys had comparatively more satisfactory days for school food service than the girls. The most dissatisfactory factors of school food service were the taste and variety of menu for the girls, and the time and place for lunch and the service of employee for the boys. The intersexual differences existed with a significant difference in the irregular intake of meals, the reasons to skip meals, and the eating speed. For the boys, the main reason to skip meals was due to lack of appetite, and for the girls, it was the weight-control. The boys finished each meal within 5~10 min and ate more than the amount the girls eat in general. The main components of breakfast for the subjects were a cooked rice, soup, and side dish in 65.9%, and the frequency of skipping breakfast was high with 32.8%, which was once per week. The favorite snacks for the middle school students were cookies and beverages in 29.4%, instant foods in 24.3%, and hamburger and pizza in 21.4%. The intake frequency of snacks was once or twice per week in 46.5% of the subjects. In addition, the subjects had a very high intake frequency of fastfoods with once or twice per week in 72.7%, and the most favorite fastfood was ramen in 57.7%. The subjects in 45.3% took dairy food every day. In conclusion, the middle school students need nutrition education to improve their eating habit and to increase the frequency of breakfast.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It's long been noted that a serious discrepancy exists between elementary school English classes and middle school English classes. This study explores the differences in the teacher talks of elementary and middle school classrooms. To this end, three elementary school English classes and three middle school English classes are tape-recorded, and their teacher utterances are analyzed according to forms of utterances, functions of utterances and language types. The result shows that elementary school English teachers use significantly more command forms and feedback than middle school English teachers while they use significantly more non-class related utterances more than elementary school teachers. They utter class-related managerial and disciplinary categories significantly more than middle school English teachers while they do miscellaneous categories significantly more than elementary school teachers. In terms of languages teachers use in the classroom, elementary school teachers speaks English significantly more than middle school English teachers. Elementary school teachers tend to use plain Korean to individual students while using formal Korean to the whole class. Middle school teachers tend to use formal Korean irrespective of whole group, small group and individual students.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 중학생을 대상으로 하여 실제 수업 사례를 통해 바람직한 한문 문법 지도 방안을 고찰한 것이다. 구안 과정과 학생들의 반응 및 그에 따른 피드백 등을 상세하고 체계적으로 기술함으로써 본고에서 마련한 방안들이 실제 학교 현장에서 일정하게 활용될 수 있도록 하였다. 문법 지도 방안은 문법 의식 제고, 한자 및 단어 의미 제시, 문장 제시․설명 등 3가지 측면을 중심으로 마련되었다. 문법 의식 제고 방안으로는 교과융합 방식을 통한 문법 용어 이해, 한문과 국어의 차이를 통한 어순의 이해 등을 거론하였고, 한자 및 단어 의미 제시 방안으로는 의미항목과 용법의의 동시 제시, 영어․국어와의 대조분석적 방법을 통한 접속사의 이해 등을 제안하였다. 문장 제시․설명 방안으로는 대구 문장의 적절한 활용, 오류를 줄이기 위한 방법 등을 기술하였다. 아울러 본고에서는 배움중심학습, 모듬학습 등에서 문법을 통한 독해 수업이 학생들의 흥미를 유발하고 적극적인 수업 참여를 일으키며 사고력을 증진시킬 수 있다는 것에 대한 시론적인 의견을 개진하였다.
        2014.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        漢字敎育에 漢字構造分析理論은 매우 重要한 要素이다. 許愼의 六書論은 최 초의 漢字構造理論으로, 文字學系에 많은 영향을 끼쳐왔다. 하지만 六書論은 小篆에 맞게 형성된 理論으로, 隸變 이후 급격한 변화를 겪은 隸書나 楷書體와 簡化된 現代漢字 簡體字에 적용하기에는 많은 문제점이 나타 나고 있다. 그러므로 現代로 오면서 漢字를 分析하는 새로운 漢字構造分析理論으로 裘錫圭의 三書說과 蘇培成의 新六書, 王寧의 構形學理論 등이 많은 사람들의 관심을 끌고 있다. 특히 이 중에서 北京師範大學 王寧敎授가 創案해낸 構形學理論은 한자의 部件分解를 基礎로 字形을 분석하는 방법이다. 部件은 특히 다른 漢字를 구성할 때 義符나 音符로 表意나 表音기능을 담당할 수 있으므로, 部件의 음이나 뜻을 알면 그 部件으로 다른 漢字의 의미나 讀音을 유추 할 수 있으므로 漢字의 形音義를 學習하는데 도움이 된다. 2009년 中國 敎育部에서는 現代 常用漢字의 部件 및 部件名稱 規範을 制定 하였다. 이 部件表는 中國의 現代 常用漢字 3500字의 部件을 514개(441조)部件 을 제시하고 있다. 그러므로 本稿에서는 이에 착안하여 王寧의 構形學 理論을 利用하여 韓國의 常用漢字 1800字중 먼저 中學校 基礎敎育用 漢字 900字의 部件을 정리하였다. 構形學 理論에 의거하여 漢字部件을 整理한 結果, 아래와 같은 結果를 얻었다. 直接部件489개, 基礎部件335개 및 5개의 구형모델을 귀납 정리했다. 이러한 결과를 이용하여 이후에도 고등학교용 상용한자도 분석하여, 韓國의 常用漢字 部件을 中國의 常用漢字 部件과 比較 分析할 것이다. 이는 韓國의 常用漢字 選定의 必要性과 選定基準 및 여러 가지 常用漢字 選定過程의 문제점을 살펴봄과 동시에 새로운 漢字敎育理論인 구형학 이론을 이용 하여 한자교육방면에도 많은 도움을 줄 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 중·고등학생 및 대학생들의 미용칼라 콘택트렌즈 착용실태를 조사하여 올바른 착용 및 관리를 위한 가이드라인을 제시하는 데 기초 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 방법: 2012년 6월부터 2013년 5월까지 콘택트렌즈를 구매하고자 안경원에 내원한 고객 중 설문에 응한 여자 중·고등학생 및 대학생 500명(중학생: 186명, 고등학생: 158명, 대학생: 156명)을 대상으로 실시하였다. 결과: 총 대상자 500명 중 316명(63.2%)이 미용칼라렌즈를 착용하였으며, 그 중 191명(60.45%)이 2조 이상의 렌즈를 보유하였다. 처음 착용 시기는 중학교 1학년 때가 149명(47.15%)으로 가장 많았고, 친구의 영향이 236명(74.68%)으로 가장 많았다. 미용칼라 콘택트렌즈 선택의 기준은 색상이 140명(43.06%)으로 가장 많았고, 하루 착용시간은 4~6시간이 86명(27.22%)으로 가장 많았으며, 렌즈 교체주기는 1~3개월이 81명(25.63%)으로 나타났다. 친구와 함께 미용칼라 콘택트렌즈를 착용한 경험은 102명(32.28%)이 ‘있다’로 응답하였으며, 보관용기에 대한 소독은 ‘한다’가 220명(69.62%)이었으며, 용기의 교체주기는 1~3개월이 76명(47.27%)으로 가장 높게 나타났다. 미용칼라 콘택트렌즈에 대한 가장 큰 부작용은 건조감(빈도: 2.72±1.05, 정도: 2.79±1.24), 불편감(빈도: 2.43±0.89, 정도: 2.39±1.15) 순으로 나타났다. 결론: 미용칼라 콘택트렌즈의 착용이 점점 증가하고 있으며 처음 착용시기도 어려지고 있으나, 관리방법 및 취급에 대한 지도가 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서 보관용기를 포함한 콘택트렌즈 관리와 교체주기에 대한 충분한 지도 및 지속적인 사후관리가 필요한 것으로 생각된다.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to comparatively analyze lower extremity joint moment during the take-off phase in high jump and thus to provide the basic data for enhancement of highschool students' high jump skills. 2 highschool students - one males and one females - were chosen for the experiment in which the 3D image analyzer and ground reaction force measuring unit were adopted. The results are as follows: Similar to the changing patterns from lower extremity joint moment but, moment values it turned out that male were better than female. The flexion and extension moment of lower extremity were most significant, abduction and adduction, medial rotation and lateral rotation were relatively small. The moment value in sagittal plane, frontal plane, transverse plane were appeared larger in the order of hip joint-knee joint-ankle joint. The muscle activity of knee joint and hip joint were acts in conjunction with sequential knee joint-hip joint.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to verify the meaning and attraction of school sports club games in review of the specific inside of school sports club games where students can fully show off their developed skills and high satisfaction effect in school life. We have conducted a survey to find sports fun factors among 88 middle school students advanced to the quarterfinals of 'The 7th Education Support Commissioner's Cup Baseball Tournament' in G city of Gyeonggi-do and analyzed the results by one-way ANOVA and t-test. The research results are as follows. First, all 5 sports fun sub-factors among students participated in the sports club games showed relatively high scores in the order of victory and competition, team atmosphere, practice and recognition of its effectiveness and parental support. Second, there were no significant differences in sports fun factors by grades of participating students. Third, there were no significant differences in sports fun factors by types of participation.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the physical education avoidance factors and the types of them for seeking the efficient teaching methods of physical education and making an appropriate learning environment which result in vitalized physical education. For this purpose, this study is planned to gain specific evidences. From May to July in 2013, the research has been conducted in Gangseo, Yangcheon, and Mapo area of Seoul. Among 420 of female middle school students who are the subjects originally, 349 of students are used as a data of spss 12.0 statistics. The conclusion is deducted by one-way ANOVA, corelation analysis, and multiple regression analysis based on the analysis contents and purpose. the conclusions were as follows; Firstly, as examining the avoidance factors of female middle school students from the background variables, the second grade students of middle school recognize the avoidance factors highest among sub factors based on the grades. In respect of the avoidance factors based on the school form, female students of coeducation school perceive the avoidance factors more than ones of girls' middle school. While female middle school students taught by male teachers are more aware of students factors, course contents factors, and weather factors, the students who are taught by female teachers recognize facility-instrument factors, teacher-teaching factors highly. In the avoidance factor based on whether a school has gym or not, middle school female students without gym perceive course content factors, teaching factors, and weather factors highly. On the other hand, middle school female students who do not have gym recognize student factors more than others. Secondly, in the case of avoidance types of middle school female students, second graders mark the highest states on not only the active avoidance but the passive one. While first graders are higher than third graders on the active avoidance, third graders appear highly on the passive avoidance compared to first graders. According to the types of school, middle female students in coeducation school avoid more on both active and passive avoidance. Based on the gender difference of the teachers, middle school female students who are taught by male instructors show the higher passive avoidance than ones taught by female instructors. Inversely the latter show higher avoidance on the active avoidance. Middle school female students who don’t utilize a physical training facility turn out having high tendency on both the active and passive avoidance. Thirdly the meaningful positive relationship between the physical education avoidance and the avoidance types exists. In the case of the active avoidance of physical education, students are influenced by teaching and weather factors meaningfully. Students factors, course content factors, and weather factors have meaningful influence on the passive avoidance. From all the features above, middle school female students have different avoidance factors based on the background variables. Also their avoidance types of physical education vary depending on the background variables. The avoidance factors of physical education have effects on the types of the avoidance.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 중학교 과학수업을 위한 스마트러닝 기반의 수업 모듈을 개발 적용하고 학생들의 인식과 만족도를 밝히고자 하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 중학교 2학년 천문단원의 태양계 행성과 달의 위상을 주제로 3가지 유형의 모듈을 개발하였고, 중학생 207명을 대상으로 수업을 실시하였다. 수업에 참여한 모든 학생들에게 태블릿PC를 제공하였고, 천문교육용 앱 Solar Walk, 미러링 기능, QR코드, 구글 프리젠테이션 등을 활용하여 학교와 가정에서 학습이 이루어졌다. 본 연구에서 개발한 인식조사 도구는 스마트러닝 수업에 있어서 자기주도적 학습(Self-directed), 학습동기유발(Motivation), 학습자 맞춤형(Adaptiveness), 정보기술활용(Technology Embedded)의 4가지 요인으로 이루어져 있으며, 리커트 5척도의 총 20문항으로 구성되어 있다. 학습만족도 검사도구는 Keller (1987)의 만족도 영역의 검사 항목을 번안 및 수정하여 사용하였다. 스마트러닝 기반의 과학수업에 대한 인식과 학습 만족도를 밝히기 위하여 연구대상 학생들의 성별과 과학성취도 수준별로 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과, 스마트러닝 기반의 수업에 대하여 남학생이 여학생보다 긍정적으로 인식하는 것으로 나타났으며, 과학성취도가 높은 집단이 자기주도학습 요인과 학습동기유발 요인에서 성취도가 낮은 집단보다 긍정적으로 인식하였다. 또한, 학습 만족도 측면에서는 남학생이 여학생보다 만족도가 높게 나타났고, 학업능력이 높은 학생들일수록 스마트러닝 기반의 과학수업에 대하여 만족하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 과학 분야 스마트러닝 활성화를 위한 방향 설정과 실질적인 프로그램 개발에 시사점을 제공할 것이다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The primary purpose of this study was to examine prominent features of frequency in the new vocabulary of the middle school English textbooks based on the 2007 revised national curriculum and thereby to provide meaningful data to be compared with those on the 2009 revised national curriculum. This study used an online software (Vocabprofile) to divide words into four categories by frequency: K1 (1-1,000), K2 (1,001-2,000), AWL (Academic Words List), and Off-List Words (the remainder). Salient features discovered from the frequency-based categorization of words in textbooks by grades or publishers were further examined for pedagogical implications regarding textbook writing and curriculum revisions in the future. The analysis has revealed the following results. K1 words accounted for the most among the words presented in English textbooks, reflecting the significance of the high-frequency words in L2 learning. The number of other words showed a steady increase as the grade gets higher. Finally, most textbooks presented multi-words as new vocabulary, which indicates the importance of idioms or collocations. The vocabulary analysis by frequency could be of use to textbook evaluation, considering the growing importance of frequency-based vocabulary teaching.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to analyze writing activities of 1st grade middle school English textbooks based on the achievement standards of the 2009 revised National Curriculum and provide suggestions for improvements of textbooks. In this study, seven textbooks out of twelve were selected and their writing activities were analyzed as to whether they stick to the guidelines of the 2009 revised National Curriculum. For this purpose, specific focuses of the current study were 1) to look into writing activities based on achievement standards stipulated in the 2009 revised National Curriculum, and 2) to investigate the ratio of integrated writing activities to separate writing activities ones. The results of the analysis revealed that most of the writing activities seemed suitable based on learners’ real-life situations for achievements standards; however, the types of writing activities were rather simple, mainly focusing on given words. Next, there were not only separate writing activities but also a variety of integrated activities such as listening-writing, speaking-writing, and reading-writing activities. At the end of the paper, a few suggestions were provided to improve the qualities of writing activities in the textbooks.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify middle-school boys' purchase behavior according to their shoes shopping orientation. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect from 314 subjects. Factor analysis, Chi-square test, and one-way ANOVA were done using SPSS PC (Ver. 18.0). Most middle-school boys selected shoes that were 255~270mm, possessed on to two pairs of school shoes, searched for information for about five days before purchase, had spent 50,000~150,000 won on one to two pairs of shoes during the previous six months, saw design, comfort, and brand as their selection criteria, chose their shoes by themselves, shoes specialty stores, had favorite brands, preferred athletic shoes made of achromatic canvas, and bought new shoes when their old ones wore out. Factors of shoe shopping orientation were fashion and brand, economy, conformity, and comfort, and students were grouped into an active shopping group, an underdeveloped shopping orientation group, and a value pursuit group. The active shopping group bought more shoes, spent more on shoes, selected their shoes themselves, patronized discount shoe stores or specialty stores, and preferred national brand shoes. The underdeveloped shopping orientation group accepted their friends' opinions when selecting shoes and bought cheaper shoes. The value pursuit group accepted their parents' opinions when selecting shoes, patronized internet shopping malls or traditional markets, and selected cheaper shoes. The shoe shopping orientation of middle-school boys was immature, but they showed strong consumption needs.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this article, contained numerical aspects of Classics written in Classical Chinese which selected in text book of middle school curriculum of Korea, China, Japan. This is the study for review the actual aspect of the cultural elements that shared in the cultural area of Chinese character, and analyze the culturally influences the lives of subsequent generations  First, the Classic works presented in the textbook case of Korea, contained the Korean writer’s works to the 80% level, the other 20% works are Chinese writers’. In Japan, It contains 30% of the works of native writers, and the remaining 70% are scriptures of Confucianism like the Analects of Confucius or the poetry and prose of Tang and Song dynasty. In the case of China, entirely contains the works of its own. In the case of Korea, compare to China and Japan, the proportion of the scriptures of Confucianism or the poetry and prose of Tang and Song dynasty are significantly less. In this paper, I placed out the view of its causes.  The subject of Classical Chinese has been the auxiliary role of Korean language. The number of extant remains of pre‐modern Korean literary works is markedly less. Thus, unlike Korean and Classical Chinese has been the role of Korean Studies in different ways.  To emerge as the cultural area of Classical Chinese, the three nations of East Asia have to make standard of the Classical Chinese textbook and this work should come before as ground work for reunion. With these ideas, I suggest “How to configure standard of the Classical Chinese textbooks” are as follows: As is common in the textbooks of the Three nations Classical Chinese textbook, for example, such as ‘the Analects of Confucius’ and ‘the poetry and prose of Tang and Song dynasty’, should be chosen up to 40% of its whole. And then three countries, Korea, China and Japan select the works which represent of its own country by 20% each. Based on this, if performed Classic Chinese lessons, cultural foundation of the three nations of East Asia can be redefined, and even to establish a common understanding based on the Cultural commonalities, to make the standard of Classical Chinese text book may be the key. 
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To study the importance of family meals in adolescents, 251 middle school students were surveyed through a questionnaire on their family meal patterns, dietary behaviors, food intake, and life satisfaction. The family meals were defined as "meals with all family members living together" by 62.2% of the students. For the frequency of family meals, 42.2% of the students replied having family meals "More than once a day". A common reason for the difficulty in having a family meal was a "lack of time" (73.3% of the students). Students tended to respond that they would be most fond in having meals with entire family members with traditional Korean food. Having more frequent family meals was found to benefit both individual and familial dietary behavior. In terms of food intake according to the frequency of family meals, the group having frequent family meals consumed significantly more rice, tofu, legumes, meats, fishes, eggs, green vegetables, seaweeds, fruits, milk, and milk products. This indicates that students can achieve a balanced diet through family meals. In terms of emotional status, the group having more frequent family meals showed a higher satisfaction with their daily life, health, nutritional status, and care from their relatives. In terms of personal mental status, the group having more frequent family meals was also found to be more effective at controlling undesirable emotions such as loneliness, indignation, and lethargy. As a result of this study, students in the group having more frequent family meals were found to have a positive dietary behavior, a balanced nutrition, a higher life satisfaction, and a more stable mental status. This result is useful as nutritional and educational information in schools to impress upon the public the importance of family meals for adolescents.