There are now many seismic observatory stations, excluding the acceleration monitoring network for infrastructures, of more than 300 operated by several public and governmental organizations across South Korea. The features of the site and properties of the stations were not investigated, and they have been assumed or guessed to estimate the site-specific seismic responses during the 2016 Gyeongju and 2017 Pohang earthquake events. For these reasons, various and intensive geotechnical and geophysical investigations have been conducted to quantify the site characteristics at 15 seismic stations selected in southeastern Korea. The VS profiles were, at first, obtained by performing only a downhole seismic test (DHT) at 7 stations, and were compared with those from a surface wave method. Then, the shear wave velocity (VS) profiles were deduced by combining three types of in situ seismic methods composed of a cross-hole seismic test, DHTs, and full-waveform sonic loggings at the 8 other stations, especially to complement the application limits of DHT and reduce the depth-dependent uncertainty in VS profile. The representative site characteristic profiles for each station regarding VS and VP with borehole stratigraphy and density were determined based on robust investigations. Various site parameters related to seismic responses at the seismic stations of interest were obtained for the site-specific geotechnical information, which would be useful to earthquake engineering practices.
This study was conducted to investigate changes in the productivity of Italian ryegrass seeds according to the timing of harvest after heading in the southern region. The Italian ryegrass variety ‘Greencall’ was sown in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do, in the fall of 2022. Four harvest timings were tested (30, 40, 50, and 60 days after heading), with a randomized complete block design and three replicates. Sowing in the test plots took place on October 10, 2022, and harvesting was carried out from 30 days after heading on May 18 to 60 days. The plant height was the longest (99.1 cm) in the plot harvested 30 days after heading and decreased as the harvest was delayed. No significant differences were observed among treatments in terms of lodging resistance, disease resistance, and cold resistance. However, lodging severity increased over time after heading (7∼9). Disease incidence was also higher in plots harvested 50 and 60 days after heading. The length of the spike was shortest (38.76 cm) in the plot harvested 50 days after heading, and the number of seeds per spike was the lowest (42 seeds/spike) in the plot harvested 60 days after heading. The dry matter content of seeds increased with the delay in harvest, while dry matter yield decreased, with the lowest yield observed in the plot harvested 40 days after heading (3,031 kg/ha, p<0.05). The dry matter content of seed straw was highest at 75.73% in the plot harvested 50 days after heading and dropped to 34.99% 60 days after heading due to rainfall. The dry matter productivity of the seed straw was the lowest in the plot harvested 40 days after heading. The feed value of the seed straw also decreased with delayed harvest, with an average RFV (Relative Feed Value) of 91. In conclusion, the optimal harvest timing for fall-sown Italian ryegrass intended for seed production in the southern region appears to be 30 days after heading.
Bio-efficacies of two different types of fungicides, Diniconazole and Paclobutrazol with their effects as plant g rowth regulators f or Kimchi Cab bage were e valuated o n February 4 to A pril 13, 2024 in Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines. The experiment was done during the off-season planting of Kimchi Cabbage in the country. Yield and other horticultural characteristics were observed for seven different groups: group 1, untreated control; group 2, recommended rate of granular fertilizer (RR-G); group 3, recommended rate of granular fertilizer plus recommended rate of Diniconazole; group 4, recommended r ate of D iniconazole (alone); g roup 5 , recommended rate o f Paclob utrazol (RR-PBZ), group 6, RR-G plus RR-PBZ; and group 7, RR-G plus ½ RR-PBZ. Results showed that combination of recommended rate of granular fertilizer plus the full recommendation of Paclobutrazol (group 6) resulted in a significantly higher yield of 64.9 tons/ha than other groups with yields ranging from 23.3 to 55.3 tons/ha. Such significantly higher yield in group 6 was also attributed to the number of leaves produced by plants at the time of harvest. Regarding effects of two chemical treatments, the combination of Diniconazole a nd P aclob utrazol a s recommended granular f ertilizers h elped in t he heading of K imchi Cabbage during hot conditions with an average temperature of 32-35°C from March to April at the heading stage plus a f actor of b eing planted a t a lowland area i n the country. T he a dvantage o f Paclobutrazol aside from yield is its availability in the country as compared to Diniconazole (Binnari).
The experiment was conducted to determine the changes in seed productivity of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) according to nitrogen fertilization levels in the southern region of Korea. Italian ryegrass (IRG) variety 'Green Call' was sown in the fall of 2021 in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do. The experiment consisted of three nitrogen fertilizer levels (100, 120, and 140 N kg/ha) with three replications using a randomized complete block design. Harvesting was done approximately 30 days after heading on May 18th. There was no difference in heading date among treatments, which occurred on April 18th. The longest IRG was observed in the 140 N kg/ha treatment, but there was no significant difference. No significant differences were observed in lodging, disease resistance, and cold tolerance among treatments, but lodging was severe in all treatments. The length of the spike averaged 44.95 cm, with no difference among treatments, and the number of seeds per spike was highest in the 120 N kg/ha treatment. Seed yield increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer levels, averaging 3,707 kg/ha (as-fed basis). DM content of seed and straw averaged 76.95% and 62.19%, respectively, with no significant differences among treatments. The remaining straw after harvesting averaged 6,525 kg/ha on a dry matter basis, with the highest value observed in the 140 N kg/ha treatment. Overall, considering the results, the optimal nitrogen fertilizer application rate for seed production of Italian ryegrass in the southern region when sown in autumn was found to be 120 N kg/ha.
A variation of fish assemblage in the coastal waters of Sagye-ri, southern Jeju Island was determined using samples collected by trammel net from 2012 to 2022. The total fish species caught by trammel net were identified 88 species, 46 families, 12 orders, and the number of appearance and biomass were 3,479 individuals and 883.6 kg. The annual variation of species was the highest in 2013 at 46 species and the lowest in 2021 at 30 species. The seasonal variation of species was higher in summer at 67 species and lower in winter, autumn at 47 species. The annual diversity index, evenness index, and richness index were appeared 2.42-3.00, 0.69-0.78 and 5.18-7.24 at each years. The dominance index appeared highest in 2013 and the lowest in 2018. Cluster analysis based on the number of individuals of fish was classified into two groups at the dissimilarity level of 57%, and results of SIMPROF analysis revealed significant differences in community structure among the two groups. The subtropical fishes were identified a total of 42 species (47.7%) and the number of species was higher in 2013 at 25 (54.3%) species and lower in 2018 and 2021 at each 17 (54.8~56.7%) species. The dominant species of subtropical fishes were appeared rabbit fish (Siganus fuscescens), scarbreast tuskfish (Choerodon azurio), bluestriped angelfish (Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis), balloon fish (Diodon holocanthus), and flag fish (Goniistius zonatus) at study sites.
2020년 6월부터 8월까지 일본 도쿄 남쪽 940 km 해상에 위치한 니시노시마 화산이 분화하였다. 2020년 7월 말
발생한 분화로 인한 화산재와 화산가스 일부가 우리나라에 영향을 주었을 가능성이 있는 것으로 보도되었다. 본 연구에
서는 화산재 확산 수치모의 프로그램인 Ash3D를 이용하여 현지시각 2 02 0년 7월 2 8일 0시에 화산폭발지수 3의 분화가
발생한 것으로 설정하고 수치모의를 실시하였다. 수치모의 결과, 화산재가 니시노시마 인근에서 동풍을 타고 7월 30일
새벽 오키나와에 도달한 이후 남풍을 타고 북상하여 8월 1일 제주도에 상륙하고 시계방향으로 회전하듯이 이동하면서
8월 2일에는 남부지방에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 실제 측정된 PM10 미세먼지농도는 제주도 고산기상관측소에서
8월 1일부터, 부산 구덕산기상관측소에서는 8월 2일부터 상승한 것으로 나타나 니시노시마 화산 분화가 제주도 및 남
부지방의 미세먼지 수치에 영향을 준 것으로 보인다.
This experiment was carried out to examine double cropping system using Italian ryegrass (IRG) 'Kowinearly', whole crop rice 'Yeongwoo' and barnyard millet 'Jeju native' during the Oct. 2020 to Oct. 2022. Three kinds of forage crops were cultivated at paddy field in Livestock Institute, Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Jeollanamdo, South Korea. Whole crop rice (WCR) was sown in late May and barnyard millet (BM) sown early June each year after harvesting IRG. We examined dry matter yield and feed value of forage crops depending on harvest time of forage crops during the experimental period. The plant height in heading stage of IRG ranged from 108 to 112cm and dry matter yield ranged from 6,783 to 11,530 kg ha-1. The crude protein (CP) of IRG ranged from 6.0 to 8.44%, acid detergent fiber (ADF) ranged from 55.6 to 60.2% and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) ranged from 32.58 to 36.7%, The dry matter yield of WCR increased as the harvest stage was delayed (14,310 kg ha-1 in milk, 16,167 kg ha-1 in yellow ripen, and 18,891 kg ha-1 in mature). Similar to results of dry matter yield of WCR, dry matter yield of BM increased as the harvest stage was delayed (11,194 kg ha-1 in late heading. and 14,308 kg ha-1 in mature), However nutrient content of WCR and BM showed a decreasing trend. As shown in above results, the productivity of WCR after harvesting IRG was shown to be high at paddy field in the southern region. However, BM also was appeared to have potential as summer forage crops.
본 연구는 남부 산림지역 고등균류의 임상별 분포 특성 및 다양성을 구명하기 위해 수행되었다. 경상도와 전라도 일대에 임상별 8개씩 총 24개의 고정조사구에서 고등균류를 채집한 결과, 868점의 표본을 채집하였으며, 2문, 6강, 17목, 61과, 134속, 367종으로 동정되었다. 부생성 균류가 62.44%로 가장 높은 비율을 보였으며, 다음으로는 공생성 균류 35.03% 기생성 균류 2.53% 순으로 조사되었고, 우점종은 구름송편버섯 (Trametes versicolor)과 맑은애주름버섯(Mycena pura)으로 확인되었다. 해발고도에 따른 고등균류의 분포는 299m 이하의 조사구에서 74종, 300∼499m에서 299종, 500m 이상에서 153종이 조사되었으며, 채집 시기별 고등균류의 분포는 7, 8월에 각각 190, 152종으로 가장 많이 조사되었 다. 임상별로는 활엽수림에서 192종으로 가장 많이 조사되었고, 혼효림 177종, 침엽수림이 149종으로 조사되었고, 지역별, 고도별, 시기별, 임상별 모두 부생성 균류가 가장 높은 비율로 분포하였다. 종다양도는 300∼499m의 활엽수림에서 7월에 2.2로 가장 높았고, 종 균등도는 고도별, 시기별, 임상별로 비슷한 수준을 나타냈다(0.93-0.97). 본 연구를 통해 얻어진 남부 산림지역 내 고등균류 분포 특성 및 다양성 결과들은 향후 수행될 고등균류 분야 연구의 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 기대된다.
이 논문은 미국 남부의 농본주의운동에 의한 예이츠의 수용을 배경으로 예이츠의 문학적 유산이 다양한 문화적 맥락 속에서 전유되는 방식을 검토하고 있다. 남부의 전통과 현대성 사이의 대립적 구성을 바탕으로 농본주의 비평가들은 예이츠의 문학적 비전 속에서 그 둘의 결합의 가능성을 찾았고, 그를 그러한 통합과 완성의 표식으로 주조해냈다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 예이츠에 대한 미국 남부의 수용에서 두드러지는 것은 남부 모더니티의 중심에 도사린 불안감, 다시 말해 현대시와 전통 사이의 연속성을 주장하고 싶은 열망과 그 연속성에 끊임없이 의문을 제기하는 지역적 특수성 사이의 충돌이라고 할 수 있다. 미국 남부의 예이츠 수용은 예이츠의 문학적 유산이 문화적 역사적 충돌을 통해 지속적으로 재문맥화될 것임을, 그리고 예이츠의 지역적 수용의 혼란스러운 방향성은 그 위대한 시인의 문학적 유산의 창조적 계승 가능성을 암시한다고 할 수 있다.
This experiment was conducted to investigate the change in the productivity of Italian ryegrass seeds according to the inter-row spacing in the southern region of the Korean Peninsula. Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) ‘Green Call’ variety was sown in Jinju, Gyeongnam in the fall of 2020 with three inter-row spacings (20, 30 and 40 cm). The experiment was arranged a randomized block design with three replications. The ryegrass was sown on October 17, 2020, and the harvest was on May 31, about 60 days from the first heading stage. There was no difference among treatments with an average of April 27th in heading stage. Plant height was significantly longer at 30 cm seeding interval and the shortest in 20 cm treatment. The length of the spike was the longest in the 40 cm seeding interval, and the number of seeds per spike was the highest in the 20cm seeding interval, but there was no significant difference among treatments. The seed yield was the highest at the 20 cm sowing interval (2,180 kg/ha), and decreased as the spacing increased. The dry matter content of seeds and straw was found to be 44.90% and 45.51% on average, and there was no significant difference among treatments. The amount of remaining straw after harvesting was found to be 7,506 kg/ha on average on DM basis, and was high at the 20 cm seeding interval. In view of the above results, it was found that it is most advantageous to sow at intervals of 20 cm when producing Italian ryegrass seeds through autumn sowing in the southern region.
본고는 한국식동검문화기 한반도 남부지방에서 출토된 검파형 검초의 특징을 서남부와 동남부 지 역별로 一瞥하고 분류와 제작기법에 관한 기왕의 연구성과에서 쟁점을 살폈다. 한국식동검문화기 短 劍의 검초 형태는 일부 사례를 제외하면 검파형이 대부분을 차지한다. 그러나 양 지역의 검초는 검파 형이라는 큰 모델을 모티브로 공유하면서도 제작 공정상의 지역색이 추출됨을 알 수 있다. 이는 검파 형 검초문화가 한반도 남부로 전이되는 과정에서 그러한 기술을 받아들이고 전개해 나가는 지역사회 의 여러 조건과 환경이 상이했음을 반영한다. 평면 竹節 모양을 띠는 검파형 검초는 그 특유의 형태로 인해 木鞘와 부가된 금속장식구의 제작 기 술을 복원하는데 어려움이 있었다. 몇몇 先驗的 제작공정 복원안이 제시되었으나 그를 객관적으로 뒷 받침할 수 있는 유물의 파괴적 분석이나 실험 고고학적 시도는 전무한 실정이었다. 이 글에서는 검초 에 부가된 금속부속구에 대한 관찰을 바탕으로 이른바‘木芯內范失蠟法’을 뒷받침할 수 있는 실물 자료를 새로이 지적하여 객관적 근거를 확보하였다. 아울러, 금속부속구를 결합하고 마무리하는 공정 에서‘평탈기법’과 유사한 제작기술이 적용되었을 가능성이 높음을 지적하였다
To investigate the domestic seed production potential of Italian ryegrass, it was sown in autumn in the southern region and harvested in the spring of the following year to investigate the productivity and quality of seeds and straw. Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) ‘GreenCall’ variety was sown in Jinju, Gyeongnam in the fall of 2020 with three seeding rates (20, 30 and 40 kg/ha). The experiment was arranged consisted of a randomized block design with three replications. The ryegrass was sown on October 17, 2020, and the harvest was on May 31, about 60 days from the heading stage. The heading stage of Italian ryegrass was April 28, and there was no difference among treatments. Plant height was significantly shorter in the 40 kg/ha seeding treatment group, and there was no significant difference in the remaining treatments. The resistance of lodging, disease, and cold did not show significant differences among treatments. Spike length and number of seeds per spike were highest at 20 kg/ha seeding amount, and there was no difference in the remaining treatments. The seed yield was the highest at 1,956 kg/ha in the 20 kg/ha seeding rate, and there was no difference in the 30 and 40 kg/ha seeding rates. The dry matter content of seeds and straws was 45.60 and 41.83% on average, and there was no significant difference among treatments. The amount of remaining straw after seed harvesting was found to be 7,689 kg/ha on average on a dry basis, and it was high in the 40 kg/ha sowing area, but there was no significant difference among treatments. According to the above results, it was found that it is most advantageous to sow at 20 kg/ha when producing Italian ryegrass seeds through autumn sowing in the southern region.
This study was carried out to compare the DMY (dry matter yield) of IRG (Italian ryegrass) in the southern coastal regions of Korea due to seasonal climate scenarios such as the Kaul-Changma (late monsoon) in autumn, extreme winter cold, and drought in the next spring. The IRG data (n = 203) were collected from various Reports for Collaborative Research Program to Develop New Cultivars of Summer Crops in Jeju, 203 Namwon, and Yeungam from the Rural Development Administration (1993 – 2013). In order to define the seasonal climate scenarios, climate variables including temperature, humidity, wind, sunshine were used by collected from the Korean Meteorological Administration. The discriminant analysis based on 5% significance level was performed to distinguish normal and abnormal climate scenarios. Furthermore, the DMY comparison was simulated based on the information of sample distribution of IRG. As a result, in the southern coastal regions, only the impact of next spring drought on DMY of IRG was critical. Although the severe winter cold was clearly classified from the normal, there was no difference in DMY. Thus, the DMY comparison was simulated only for the next spring drought. Under the yield comparison simulation, DMY (kg/ha) in the normal and drought was 14,743.83 and 12,707.97 respectively. It implies that the expected damage caused by the spring drought was about 2,000 kg/ha. Furthermore, the predicted DMY of spring drought was wider and slower than that of normal, indicating on high variability. This study is meaningful in confirming the predictive DMY damage and its possibility by spring drought for IRG via statistical simulation considering seasonal climate scenarios.
This study was conducted at the National Institute of Animal Science (NIAS) from 2010 to 2017 to develop a late-maturing variety with high productivity for cultivation in the southern region of South Korea. The new variety of Italian ryegrass, ‘IR901’, was a late-maturing variety, and its heading date was 22 May, 17 days later than that of the control variety ‘Kowinearly’. ‘IR901’ had a flag leaf width of 11.2 mm, flag leaf length of 31.8 cm, and plant length of 103 cm on its heading date. The combined average dry matter yield of ‘IR901’ in all three adaptability evaluation regions (Cheonan, Pyeongchang and Haenam) was 7,747 kg/ha, which was similar to that of the ‘Kowinearly’ variety (7,734 kg/ ha). However, the average dry matter yield over three years in Cheonan and Pyeongchang was 82% and 96%, respectively, compared to that of the control, which was most likely because of the poor cold tolerance of ‘IR901’. By contrast, in Haenam, in the southern region, the average dry matter yield of ‘IR901’ was 19% higher than that of the ‘Kowinearly’ variety. The proportions of crude protein (CP), total digestible nutrients (TDN), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in ‘IR901’ were 8.6%, 59.7%, 36.9%, and 54.8%, respectively; the proportions were 0.2% lower, the same, the same, and 2.5% lower than those in the ‘Kowinearly’ variety. The determined in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of ‘IR901’ was 72.2% higher than that of ‘Kowinearly’ (67.2). In general, of the two varieties, the forage quality of ‘IR901’ was marginally superior to that of ‘Kowinearly’.
본 연구는 남부지역에서 사료용 옥수수(Zea mays L.)의 수량과 기후요인 간의 상관관계를 비교하기 위하여 수행하였다. 실험에 사용한 사료용 옥수수 품종은 광평옥이었으며, 2017년에서 2019년까지 3년간 경상남도(진주)와 전라남도(나주, 장흥)의 시험포장에서 각각 수행하였다. 사료용 옥수수의 평균 간장은 경상남도에서 250.1±52.9 cm로 전라남도의 215.2±25.2 cm 보다 유의적으로 더 높게 나타났다. 암이삭 평균 착수고의 경우에도 경상남도가 119.8±31.4 cm로 전라남도의 89.5±18.3 cm 보다 더 높게 나타났다. 옥수수의 평균 총 건물수량은 유의적 차이는 없었으나, 경상남도에서 16045±5012 kg·ha-1로 더 많았다. 이러한 차이는 옥수수 유식물 정착기인 5월 중의 유효적산온도와 강수량, 그리고 전 생육기간 중의 일조시간 등이 경상남도 지역이 더 많았기 때문으로 판단된다. 암이삭의 평균 건물수량은 경상남도가 6363±2728 kg·ha-1로 전라남도의 3998±2750 kg·ha-1 보다 더 많았는데, 이는 개화결실기 때의 평균 최고기온에 노출정도의 차이에 의한 것으로 추측된다. 사료용 옥수수의 기후요인과 건물수량과의 상관관계를 분석한 결과, 5월 강수량(0.54)과 6월 강수량(0.52), 그리고 8월 평균기온(0.60)과 8월 평균 최고기온(0.60)이 가장 높은 양의 상관관계를 나타내었으며, 경엽부 건물수량도 유사한 경향을 나타내었는데, 이는 초기 유식물 생육기의 강수량이 건물수량에 미치는 영향이 중요하며, 여름철 고온기인 8월의 기온이 C4작물인 옥수수의 생장에 중요한 요인으로 영향을 미친 것으로 판단된다. 또한 암이삭 건물수량은 웅수와 암이삭이 직접 대기에 노출되는 시기인 7월의 평균기온(-0.85)과 평균 최고기온(-0.79)과 음의 상관관계를 나타내어, 개화 수정기 때의 고온이 결실률에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인임을 추측할 수 있었다. 향후 기후요소가 옥수수의 생육 및 생산성에 미치는 영향을 더욱 정확하게 분석하기 위한 데이터 축적을 위해서는 추가적인 후속 연구가 수행되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.