장미과의 과일 및 관상용 식물은 세계적으로 경제적, 원예적 가치가 뛰어나다. 장미과의 뱀딸기는 관상 및 약용 작물로써 이용가치가 매우 높은데, 증식방법이 마련되어 있지 않은 실정 이다. 뱀딸기의 종자 종자발아 특성을 조사하기 위해 내부형태 관찰, 수분흡수실험, 온도 별 배양, move-along test, GA3처리 실험을 수행하였다. 뱀딸기 종자는 탈리시점부터 성숙한 배를 지닌다. 수분흡수실험 결과, 침지 3시간만에 종자 무게가 초 기무게 대비 100% 이상 증가하였다. 온도 별 배양 실험 결 과, 25/15, 20/10, 15/6, 5, 25, 20, 15°C에서 각각 8주간 배양하였을 때 88, 71, 61, 12, 89, 39, 17%로 나타났다. Move-along test의 T125/15°C(12주)→20/10°C(4주)→ 15/6°C(4주)→5°C(12주)]에서 12주차까지 72%가 발아하였고 T2[4°C(12주)→15/6°C(4주)→20/10°C(4주)→25/15°C(12주)] 에선 20/10°C까지 발아하지 않았고 25/15°C에 도달하고 나서 발아하여 최종발아율은 16%로 나타났다. GA3처리구에선 배양 3주차에 발아를 시작한 반면에 대조구에선 배양 4주차부터 발 아하였다. 따라서 한반도 자생 뱀딸기 종자는 PD로 분류하였다. 뱀딸기속과 Potentilla속 식물은 서로 근연관계이고, 종간의 종 자휴면에 차이가 나타나 종자휴면 특성에 분화가 일어난 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구는 딸기의 삽목 육묘 시 묘소질을 향상시키고 품질을 증진시키기 위한 지베렐린 효과를 검증하기 위해 수행되었다. 품종은 ‘설향’을 대상으로 하였고, 삽목 시 삽수의 기부를 30, 60분간 GA3 50, 100, 150mg·L-1에 침지 처리하고 증류수 침 지를 대조구로 두었다. 정식 시 묘소질 조사 결과 엽수와 SPAD 값은 지베렐린 침지시간이 길수록 증가하였고, 초장, 엽병장, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽면적은 침지시간과 농도 간의 상호작용에 따라 유의하게 값이 변하였다. 관부직경은 같은 농도라 할지라도 침지시간에 따른 차이가 나타났으며 30분, 100mg·L-1 처리를 제외하고 모두 직경이 8.0mm 이상으로 우량한 묘가 생성되 었으며, T/R률은 30분, 50mg·L-1 처리에서 유의하게 작아 식 물체 활력이 가장 우수했다. 양자수율은 농도가 150mg·L-1일 때 저조하였고, 지베렐린 처리 농도가 높을수록 양자수율이 감소하는 경향을 나타냈다. NPQ는 대조구 대비 30분, 150mg·L-1 처리에서 유의하게 작아 묘 스트레스 감소에 효과 가 있었다. 항산화물 함량은 30분, 50mg·L-1 처리와 60분, 150mg·L-1 처리에서 높게 나타났고, 정식 후 생육조사 결과 화아분화 정도에 미치는 지베렐린의 부정적 영향은 없었다. 따라서, ‘설향’ 딸기의 삽목 육묘 시 지베렐린 처리는 정식묘 양성에 효과가 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었으며, 이때 대조구 대 비 생육 증진 및 품질 향상을 위해서는 삽수 기부를 50mg·L-1 의 지베렐린에 30분 침지처리하는 것이 보다 적정한 것으로 판단되었다.
본 연구는 식물공장에서 아쿠아포닉스와 수경재배에서 재배된 딸기의 무기양분 흡수율, 생육, 수량을 비 교하고자 수행되었다. 양어는 비단잉어(Cyprinus carpio) 12마리를 수조(W 0.7m × L 1.5m × H 0.45m, 472.5L)에 367.5L 물을 채운 후 입식하였고 5.44kg·m-3 밀도로 사육하였다. 딸기 모종 30개체는 펄라이트를 채운 포트에 정식 하여 아쿠아포닉스 시스템 베드(W 0.7m × L 1.5m × H 0.22m)에 장착하였고, 모종 30개체는 네트포트에 정식한 후 담액수경(DFT)시스템 베드(W 0.7m × L 1.5m × H 0.22m)의 아크릴판(140 cm × 60 cm, Ø80 mm)에 장착하였다. 재 배기간 동안 아쿠아포닉스 수조액의 pH와 EC는 각각 4.3-6.9, 0.32-1.14dS·m-1 수준이었고, 수경재배는 각각 5.1 -7.5, 1.0-1.8dS·m-1이었다. 아쿠아포닉스 수조액의 NO3-N와 NH4-N 농도는 수경재배보다 각각 약 3.6, 2.2 me·L-1 높았다. P, Ca, Mg, S 농도는 수경재배보다 각각 약 0.76, 3.1, 0.8, 0.9me·L-1 높았으며, K와 Fe는 각각 약 0.8me·L-1, 0.5mg·L-1 낮았다. 딸기 잎의 무기이온 함량은 두 재배 처리 간 유의차가 없었으며 엽내 K 함량은 적정 범위를 보였 다. 정식 후 58과 98일 사이에 아쿠아포닉스에서 재배된 딸기의 T-N와 P 흡수율은 수경재배보다 각각 1.5, 1.9배 높 았고 K 흡수율은 유의차가 없었다. 개체당 과실수는 아쿠아포닉스에서 수경재배보다 유의하게 많았으며, 상품과 생체중, 건물중, 과실의 과장과 과폭은 수경재배에서 아쿠아포닉스보다 높았다. 결과를 종합하면, 아쿠아포닉스에 서는 수조액의 물고기 배설물과 먹이 잔여물에 의한 고체 입자의 비료성분을 지속적으로 가용하여 활용한다는 것 을 알 수 있다.
This study was conducted to investigate the growth characteristics of domestic 'Sulhyang' strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) seedlings and to analyze their relationships in order to develop a growth prediction model. Fresh weight, dry weight, and leaf area were measured to validate the newly developed growth model. The relative growth rate (RGR) of ‘Sulhyang’ seedlings’ dry weight was an average of 0.026 g·g-1·d-1, and it increased to 0.066 g·g-1·d-1 on the 49th day after transplanting (DAT). The relationship between DAT and RGR was represented as RGR (dry weight)(g·g- 1·d-1) = 0.0392/(1 + exp(–(DAT – 34.9940)/5.8662)). The crop growth rate (CGR) was an average of 0.060 g·m-2·d-1, and it increased to 0.211 g·m-2·d-1 on the 70th DAT. The relationship between DAT and CGR was calculated as CGR (dry weight)(g·m-2·d-1) = 0.1293/(1 + exp(–(DAT – 49.3917)/6.0928)). The relationship between shoot fresh weight (y) and shoot dry weight (x) per plant showed a linear relationship of y = 4.3189x + 0.7812 (R2 = 0.9976). Fresh weight, dry weight, and leaf area with respect to DAT and cumulative temperature increased exponentially, and sigmoid curve models were developed based on these data. The model with the highest coefficient of determination was found for the relationship between shoot dry weight (y) and cumulative temperature (x), represented as y = 14.2285/(1 + exp(–(x – 1590.1295)/377.8112)) (R2 = 0.9715). The results of this study can be utilized as valuable information for establishing a systematic management system for seedling production using strawberry cutting propagation methods. For the development of a more precise growth prediction model in the future, it is necessary to analyze and apply a wider range of growth indicators and meteorological factors related to strawberry seedlings.
This research was conducted to analyze the relationship between the induction time of runners and the growing degree days for domestic strawberry cultivars, 'Sulhyang' and 'Arihyang'. Runners were induced at 15-day intervals over five periods, starting from late April to early June, and the study compared the number of runner formations and temperature changes for each period while it also investigated the plantlet quality on the transplanting date. Based on back calculations from the transplanting date of September 18th, 'Sulhyang' required induction from late April to early May to achieve 70-day-old plantlets and from late April to mid-May for 60-day-old plantlets. On the other hand, 'Arihyang' needed induction from late April for 70-day-old plantlets and from late April to early May for 60-day-old plantlets. To secure about 20 daughter plants, the growing degree days needed to be around 1,000°C, and a delay in runner induction led to a delay in formation of daughter plants. The relationship between growing degree days and runner formation was expressed as the following quadratic equations: for 'Sulhyang,' y = 9E-06x2 + 0.0124x – 2.4806 (R2 = 0.9696), and for 'Arihyang,' y = 1E-06x2 + 0.0192x – 2.9274 (R2 = 0.9431), and these equations showed high correlations. The crown diameter on the transplanting date was thickest in mid-May for 'Sulhyang', and it tended to increase with delayed runner induction for 'Arihyang'. In conclusion, this study confirmed that the number of daughter plants and growth characteristics varied depending on strawberry cultivars and the timing of runner inducement time. The relationship equations derived through measurements of growing degree days can be used as the fundamental data for reasonable production of daughter plants in the future.
스마트팜형 시설 딸기에 예찰 없이 작물 정식 초기에 천적을 먼저 적용하는 생태공학적 Natural Enemy in First (NEF) 기법이 총채벌레류 와 진딧물류의 밀도에 미치는 영향을 확인하였다. 대조구는 약제를 처리하여 비교하였다. NEF 처리구에서 총채벌레류와 진딧물류의 천적과 서식 처로 참멋애꽃노린재와 Portulaca sp.를 적용하여 작기 종료시점까지 해충의 밀도를 대조구와 유사하게 효과적으로 관리할 수 있었다.
In this study, the effect of crown heating on the cultivation environment, budding, flowering and yields of strawberry was analyzed. In December, January, and February, when the outside temperature was low, the average strawberry crown temperature at daytime in the test zone was 1.3°C higher than that in the control zone, and the average strawberry crown temperature at nighttime in the test zone was 2.7°C higher than that in the control zone. The average bed temperature at daytime in test zone was 1.7°C higher than that in the control zone, and the average bed temperature at nighttime in test zone was 2.4°C higher than that in the control zone. As a result of performing correlation analysis and regression analysis on strawberry crown temperature and budding period, the correlation coefficient was -0.86, which tended to be shorter as the crown temperature was higher, and the determination coefficient was 0.74. The total yields of strawberry during test period were 392.6 g/plant for test greenhouse and 346.0 g/plant for control greenhouse respectively. As for the quality of strawberries, the ratio of 2L (very large) grades and L (large) grades was 62.4% in the test greenhouse and 58.5% in the control greenhouse, indicating that the proportion of high quality strawberries was higher in the test greenhouse.
This study aimed to develop an optimal greenhouse model for strawberry seedling during the summer high-temperature period based on the results of field surveys. We conducted a survey on the structure types of 46 strawberry seedling farms nationwide, including width, ridge height, eaves height, ventilation method, seedling bed width, and spacing. Based on the survey results, we derived the optimal greenhouse model by considering various factors. The greenhouse width was set at 14 meters to maximize the efficiency of seedling beds and overall space. The height was determined at 2 meters, taking into account ventilation during the summer season. To reduce stress on the supporting structure due to snow loads, we established a reinforcement installation angle of 50 degrees. We analyzed two different models that use support beams with dimensions of φ48.1×2.1t and φ59.9×3.2t, respectively, to ensure structural safety against meteorological disasters, considering regional design wind speeds and snow accumulation. We utilized these developed greenhouse model to conduct strawberry seedling experiments, resulting in a high survival rate of average 93.2%. These findings confirm the usefulness of the strawberry seedling greenhouse in improving the seedling environment and enhancing overall efficiency.
This study was conducted to investigate optimal conditions for cutting propagation of the strawberry cultivar “Sulhyang” through the collection methods of cuttings (runners tips), leaf number of cuttings, and cutting time. Cuttings were collected from the mother plant in the nursery bed (MP) and plants after fruit harvest (HP); the leaf number of cuttings was 0, 1, and 2, and the cutting time was at one-week intervals from June 4 to July 9. The survival rates for MP and HP cuttings were notably high, reaching 99.5% and 98.7%, respectively, but no significant difference was found. The number of roots were higher in MP cuttings, and there was no significant difference in crown and leaf growth. The fruit yields were 419.2 and 428.4 g, for MP and HP cuttings, respectively. The survival rates according to leaf number of cuttings were 98.1% and 98.3% for 1 and 2 remaining leaves, respectively, and remarkably lower at 25.3% for no remaining leaves. The root numbers were 26.0 and 26.3 for 1 and 2 remaining leaves, respectively, compared with 23.5 for no remaining leaves, with no significant differences in crown and leaf growth. The fruit yields were 424.4 and 421.5 g for 1 and 2 remaining leaves, respectively, and 396.7 g for no remaining leaves. The survival rates according to cutting time was over 97.2% in all cutting time without any difference in each treatment. The root, shoot, and crown of the nursery plant before planting showed the best growth in the cuttings on June 4 and 11, resulting in the highest fruit yields of 433.3 and 426.4 g, respectively, with the lowest yields at 384.5 g for cutting time on July 9. Both MP and HP materials proved suitable for strawberry cuttings. The optimal leaf number for cuttings was at least 1, and the optimal cutting time in Gyeongnam area was evaluated as around June 4-11.
This study was conducted to determine the optimal dipping time and concentration of gibberellin for improving the growth and quality of domestic cultivar 'Seolhyang' strawberry when using runner plants. Strawberry runner plants were collected on November 10th and soaked in GA3 concentrations of 50, 100, and 150 mg·L-1 for 30 and 60 minutes, respectively. After 75 days of planting, the growth results showed that in the 30-minute, 50 mg·L-1 treatment, the crown diameter was thicker and the T/R ratio was lower, indicating better plant vitality. Runner length increased with lower gibberellin concentrations, particularly promoting vegetative growth. Photosynthetic efficiency was more influenced by gibberellin concentration than dipping time, and using concentrations above a certain threshold acted as a stress factor for runner plants, leading to decreased photosynthetic efficiency. For enhancing seedling growth, soaking with 50 mg·L-1 of gibberellin for 30 minutes was found to be optimal. This study verified the effects of gibberellin treatment on strawberry runner plants to improve plant growth and quality, providing useful basic data for using gibberellin.
2022년 10월부터 2023년 5월까지 친환경 딸기재배 농가에서 점박이응애는 칠레이리애응애와 사막이리응애, 진딧물은 콜레마니진디벌을 대상으로 하는 천적처리구와 유기농자재를 사용하는 관행방제구에서 천적의 해 충 밀도억제 효과를 조사하였다. 천적처리구에서 점박이응애 성충 밀도는 잎당 1.5마리 이하, 알은 4개 이하로 관리되었고, 사막이리응애는 잎당 최대 0.4마리까지 증가하여 점박이응애 밀도억제에 많은 영향을 미친것으로 보인다. 반면, 관행방제구에서 점박이응애 밀도는 천적 방사구에 비하여 오히려 많은 발생량을 보였지만, 3월 9일부터는 사막이리응애의 증가와 유기농자재의 효과로 점박이응애 밀도는 급격하게 감소하였다. 진딧물 천적 처리구에서 진딧물 밀도는 1월부터 발생하였으며 3월 상순에 잎당 0.3마리까지 증가하였으나 이후 감소하였고, 콜레마니진디벌은 진딧물 발생이 많지 않아 3.9마리/㎡(2회) 방사하는 데 그쳤다. 한편, 관행방제구 포장의 진딧 물은 유기농자재의 영향으로 거의 발생하지 않았다.
This study was aimed to determine the effects of grow media on the mineral contents of the leaves and growth characteristics of strawberry grown under aquaponics system in a plant factory. For aquaculture, 12 fish (Cyprinus carpio) (total weight, 2.0 kg) were raised in an aquaponics tank (W 0.7 m × L 1.5 m × H 0.45 m, 472.5 L) filled with 367.5 L of water at a density of 5.44 kg·m-3 and total 34 of strawberry seedlings were transplanted in the pots filed with 200 g of orchid stone, hydroball or polyurethane sponge in the growing bed (W 0.7 m × L 1.5 m × H 0.22 m) laid out with holly acrylic sheet (140×60 mm, Ø80) on the top of the system. The pH and EC of the aquaponic solution was ranged from 7.6 to 4.9 and 0.24-0.91 dS·m-1, respectively. The concentration of NO3-N was about 28% lower than that of the hydroponic standard solution, and K, Fe and B were 10, 27 and 3.8 times lower, respectively; however, the mineral contents of strawberry leaves were in the appropriate ranges with lower contents in the leaves grown with sponge media. The organic content (OM), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) of the sludge were 61.5, 5.72, 8.92, and 0.24%, respectively. The leaf area, leaf number, and dry and fresh weights of shoot at 81 DAT were significantly higher in the hydroball, and the average number of fruits per plant was significantly higher in both the orchid stone and hydroball. There was no significant difference in the fresh and dry weights of fruits. Integrated all the results suggest that the orchid stone and hydroball media are more effective to utilize nutrients in solid particles of aquaponic solution, compared to the polyurethane sponge.
Perilla plant is a special crop that is used as oilseed and food in Korea. Root lesion nematodes have caused great damage to perilla plants, so for effective management of root lesion nematodes, it is necessary to understand their ecology in perilla. In this study, we investigated the effect of temperature in the development of Pratylenchus penetrans (Pp) and Pratylenchus vulnus (Pv) when the nematodes infected the perilla plant. To estimate the effect of temperature, we assessed the reproduction factor (RF); final population/initial population (Pf/Pi) of these two nematode species. We used perilla plants as inoculated hosts and investigated the density of nematodes at 10 weeks after inoculation. As a result, the RF of Pp was highest at 20°C (0.41 (1st test), 2.2 (2nd test)) followed by 25, 30, and 15°C. The RF of Pv was highest at 30°C (9.84 (1st test), 31.39 (2nd test)), followed by 25, 20, and 15°C. Comparing the RF by temperature between Pp and Pv, Pv was higher than Pp at all temperatures used in the test. This study showed the optimal development temperature of Pp was 20-25°C and Pv was 30°C, respectively.
A new strawberry cultivar ‘Misohyang’ was originated from the cross between ‘Darselect’ and ‘Wongyo 3111’ in 2009. Among hybrids, ‘Misohyang’, a superior individual possessing vigorous growth, capacity to early differentiate flower buds, and excellent physiological characteristics, was selected. Several tests conducted from 2012 to 2014 revealed that this cultivar was suitable for forcing culture due to its faster flowering and harvest time than ‘Seolhyang’. Fruits of ‘Misohyang’ were conical in shape with a red color, which turned dark red color when fruits were fully ripened. Although sugar contents in ‘Misohyang’ fruits were lower than those in ‘Seolhyang’, their aromatic properties were excellent in terms of synergy effect on perception of sweet flavor. In addition, ‘Misohyang’ fruits could maintain high hardness despite a warm temperature during spring. These physiological characteristics of fruits contribute to its high yields in spring, with an average fruit weight of 20 g. Regarding disease resistance, ‘Misohyang’ showed sensitivity to powdery mildew during nursery period and fruit ripening stage. Since the cultivar ‘Misohyang’ has an excellent flavor with attractive red color, sustainable hardness, and high yields in spring, it is expected to be popularly consumed not only for its fresh fruits, but also for its processed fruits.
본 연구는 원예용 상토:마사토:재사용 암면을 100:0:0(대조 구), 80:0:20(M1), 60:30:10(M2), 40:30:30(M3), 30:40:30 (M4) 및 0:50:50(M5)의 비율(v:v:v)로 혼합한 후 상토의 물 리∙화학성과 ‘설향’ 딸기 자묘의 생육에 미치는 영향을 알아보 기 위하여 수행하였다. 상토의 물리적 측면에서는 통계적 차 이가 인정되었으며 용적밀도 및 입자밀도는 원예용 상토가 대 부분인 대조구와 M1에서 낮았으나, 재활용 암면과 마사토의 혼합비율이 높았던 M3, M4, M5에서 용적밀도와 입자밀도가 높았다. 유효수분과 완충수분에서도 비슷한 경향을 보였다. 반면 공극률과 기상률은 대조구와 M1에서 높았고 M3, M4, M5에서 낮았다. 치환성 양이온(K, Ca, Na, Mg)과 염기치환 용량(CEC)은 대조구와 M1에서 높았으며 M1, M3, M4, M5 에서 낮았다. ‘설향’ 자묘를 재배한 결과, 초장은 M2에서32.1cm로 길었고 M4에서 28.4cm로 작았으나 자묘의 생육지 표인 크라운 직경으로 판단한다면 모든 배지에서 11.23- 12.03mm로 형성되어 자묘의 생육에 적합하다고 생각된다. 지상부, 지하부의 생체중과 건물중은 유의한 차이가 없었다. 생육 결과를 종합하였을 때, 일정 비율의 재사용 암면과 마사 토를 혼합하여도 원예용 상토만을 사용한 것과 동일한 수준의 생육을 나타내었으나, 재활용 암면과 마사토를 적정 비율로 혼합하였을 때, 공극률, 기상률 등 물리성이 개선되어 관수관 리에 유리할 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구에서는 ‘설향’ 딸기를 두 작기(2020-2021년, 2021 -2022년)에 걸쳐 재배하면서 외부 광환경과 생육도일온도 가 작물 생산량에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 2년 동안 온실 내 환경 관리, 양액 관리 등은 동일하게 하였다. 재배기간 중 주 간의 온실 온습도는 두 작기에서 유사하게 관리되었고, 야간 의 온습도는 통계적으로 차이가 있었으나 작물 생육 범위를 벗어나지 않았다. 일사량은 9월과 10월에 첫 번째 작기의 일 평균 일사량이 많아 누적일사량도 많았으며, 11월부터는 2월 까지는 두 번째 작기의 일사량, 3월에는 다시 첫 번째 작기의 일사량이 많은 것으로 나타나 1월부터의 누적일사량은 두 번 째 작기에서 많은 것으로 나타났다. 딸기의 최적 일장 조건인 8시간 이상의 일장이 나타난 일은 두 작기 간 큰 차이가 없었고, 변화 양상은 누적일사량의 변화와 유사하게 나타났다. 누 적일사량과 생육도일온도는 상관관계가 커 생육도일온도가 딸기의 생산량과 당도에 미치는 영향을 조사해 본 결과의 초 기의 누적일사량과 생육도일온도가 적었던 두 번째 작기에서 초기 수확량은 적었으나 누적일사량 및 생육도일온도가 증가 함에 따라 후기에 수확량이 첫 번째 작기보다 많았으며 잠재 적 최대 생산량도 큰 것으로 나타났다. 당도는 생육도일온도 가 증가함에 따라 감소하였으며, 이는 촉성딸기의 특성으로 판단된다. 추후 연구를 통해 단순 수확량뿐만 아니라 작물 생 육, 꽃눈분화 및 출뢰시기를 조사, 분석하여 생육도일온도가 작 물 생육에 미치는 영향을 다각도로 분석하는 연구도 필요하다 고 판단된다.
딸기 수경재배 시 일사비례제어를 이용하여 생육단계별 적 정 누적일사량 기준을 설정하고자 수행하였다. 급액 방법은 외부 일사량을 기준으로 일정 누적 일사량에 도달하면 급액 하였고 누적 일사량 기준은 150, 200J·cm-2과 생육단계에 따 라 200J·cm-2에서 150J·cm-2로 변경하는 처리를 두었다. 타이 머 제어는 대조구로 설정하였다. 월별 평균 급액 횟수는 누적 일사량이 많은 3월에 150 J·cm-2과 생육단계별(150J·cm-2) 처 리구가 5.6회, 누적일사량이 적은 12월에 200J·cm-2과 생육 단계별(200J·cm-2) 처리구가 2.7회, 타이머는 3.6-3.8회였 다. 수분이용효율은 주당 총 급액량이 적었던 타이머 처리구 가 19.8g·L-1로 일사제어 처리구에 비해 낮았다. 일사제어에 따른 생육 및 과실 특성은 차이가 없었다. 생육단계별 처리구 가 총 상품과 수량은 주당 328g, 상품과율 85.3%로 가장 높았 다. 딸기 수경재배 시 일사비례 급액제어 방식은 재배기간 동 안 동일한 누적일사량 기준보다 생육단계별로 누적일사량을 조절하는 것이 과실의 수량 향상에 도움이 되었다.