This review paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the measurement and distribution of microplastics in the atmosphere and their role in the adsorption and transport of organic and inorganic pollutants. Due to their small size, large surface area, and hydrophobic nature, microplastics can adsorb a wide range of pollutants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and heavy metals. These pollutants, strongly bound to the surface of microplastics, can remain suspended in the atmosphere for extended periods, facilitating the widespread distribution of contaminants. Building on existing research, this paper systematically reviews the sampling, pretreatment, and analytical methodologies applied to study microplastics in the air. Furthermore, it examines the influence of environmental factors on the adsorption and desorption dynamics of pollutants associated with microplastics. Various studies indicate that microplastics can interact with pollutants such as heavy metals, organic compounds, and microorganisms to form complex contaminants. These complexes can be transported and redistributed across long distances in the atmosphere, amplifying their environmental and health impacts. This review highlights that microplastics are not merely a pollutant themselves but serve as a vehicle for the migration and dispersion of other contaminants. This dual role emphasizes the significant risks microplastics pose to public health and the environment, necessitating further research and effective mitigation strategies.
Along with the increase in the number of vehicles in circulation, the indoor air quality in automobiles is attracting attention as another possible health concern. However compared to data regarding indoor air quality in other spaces, there are insufficient data on indoor air quality in automobiles. In addition, there is no standard for the evaluation method. In this study, the change in the concentration of particulate matter in the vehicle while driving under real road conditions was analyzed in order to use it as basic data for a method to evaluate vehicle indoor air quality. Through the selection of measurement target materials and test vehicles and the preparation of test methodologies, evaluation was performed on vehicle, route, and HVAC modes. The concentration of particulate matter in the vehicle was the lowest in the RC (In-vehicle recirculation) condition, and it was confirmed that it decreased with time. The highest average concentration was confirmed in the OA (Outside air ventilation) condition, and the concentration change according to the changing HVAC mode was observed in the Auto condition. The concentration of pollutants inside the vehicle showed a significant correlation with factors such as season, external concentration, and HVAC conditions, along with a weak correlation to powertrain type. The results of this study can be used as basic data for developing methods for evaluating vehicle interior air quality in future work.
In Korea, “group feeding facilities” are public establishments that offer food to large numbers of people, typically consisting of more than 50 individuals at a time. As of March 2024, there were 46,642 such meal facilities in Korea. Among these, 14,177 (30.4%) were kindergartens, 12,155 (26.1%) were schools, and 9,949 (21.3%) were industrial facilities. In February 2021, lung cancer among culinary workers in schools was first recognized as an occupational disease. Since then, the necessity of implementing health management of culinary workers and improving the cooking environment has become a pressing issue. Previous studies have identified various cooking pollutants such as particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, and aldehydes generated during the cooking process. These pollutants have been shown to significantly impact on both indoor and outdoor environments. They are initially produced in cooking spaces, can spread to indoor dining areas by diffusion, and are eventually emitted to the outside air through exhaust outlets. Therefore, this study investigated previous research on the characteristics of pollutants and the environmental impacts of cooking facilities, including facilities providing meals. Additionally, this study analyzed the current status and limitations of policies and pollutant management systems related to these facilities. Finally, to improve the cooking environment and safeguard the health of workers, this study proposed several recommendations. These include guidelines and management system proposals for controlling cooking pollutants.
In order to determine the future direction of Busan City’s tree planting policy in accordance with changes in automobile fuel and air pollutants, this study selected representative tree species planted in Busan and identified the biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emission rate and characteristics of each species. First, representative tree species were selected for each street tree species, forest tree species, and park tree species, and the emission rate and major components of BVOCs were investigated for each tree species. Furthermore, by comparing the ozone generation potential (POCP) for each tree species, tree species with a low emission rate were selected. According to the POCP comparison, P. yedoensis, G. biloba, Z. serrata and C. retusus were selected as roadside tree species, P. densiflora and C. obtusa as forest species, and A. palmatum, C. japonica, and Q. myrsinaefolia were deemed suitable for park species. However, in the case of P. occidentalis, Quercus, and M. glyptostroboides, the emission rates of BVOCs were found to be high. Despite this, these tree species were found to display excellent CO2 absorption and carbon storage. The concentration of NOx in the city center is likely to decrease due to the current trend of transitioning to eco-friendly cars worldwide, resulting in less cars that rely on fossil fuels. Therefore, in the current climate where NOx emissions are still high, planting tree species with a low BVOCs emission rate would be an optimal approach. On the other hand, if the NOx concentration in the city is found to be very low due to changes in automobile fuel use, planting tree species with excellent BVOCs emission capacity and CO2 absorption would be ideal.
Yeosu National Industrial Complex is one of Korea’s representative petrochemical industrial complexes where crude oil refining and petrochemical companies are concentrated. According to the results of the 2021 chemical emissions survey, during the process of manufacturing, storage, and transportation at the Yeosu National Industrial Complex, various hazardous chemicals, including hazardous air pollutants, volatile organic compounds and odorous substances are being emitted into the air, affecting the surrounding environment and the health of residents. The Ministry of Environment is applying strengthened standards by designating the Yeosu National Industrial Complex as an air conservation special measure area and establishing odor management areas to manage the air environment. Nevertheless, odor complaints continue to be registered and related complaints increase when turnaround work is carried out. Since air emissions are not counted during periods of turnaround as normal operations are temporarily suspended, it was difficult to establish policies to reduce odor complaints because the source of emissions and emission quantities cannot be ascertained with certainty. In this study, the extensive Yeosu National Industrial Complex was subdivided into 4 areas using a mobile vehicle equipped with PTR-ToF-MS capable of real-time analysis without sample pretreatment being carried out. Measurements were repeated during the day, night, and dawn while moving around the internal boundary of the plant and the boundary of each region where turnaround activities were being carried out. As a result, the recorded measurement for acrylonitrile was the highest at 6340.0 ppb and propyne and propene were measured the most frequently at 128 times each. Based on these results, it will be possible to help reduce emissions through process improvement by efficiently operating air measurement networks and odor surveys that conduct regular measurements throughout the year and providing actual measurement data to the plant. Also, it will help reduce odor complaints and establish systematic air management policies.
This study presents a novel method for addressing the issue of high-concentration contaminants (ammonium, phosphate, antibiotics) in leachate arising from decomposing livestock carcasses. Antibiotics, developed to eliminate microorganisms, often have low biodegradability and can persist in the ecosystem. This research proposes design elements to prevent contamination spread from carcass burial sites. The adsorbents used were low-grade charcoal (an industrial by-product), Alum-based Adsorbent (ABA), and Zeolite, a natural substance. These effectively removed the main leachate contaminants: low-grade charcoal for antibiotics (initial concentration 1.05 mg/L, removal rate 73.4%), ABA for phosphate (initial concentration 2.53 mg/L, removal rate 99.9%), and zeolite for ammonium (initial concentration 38.92 mg/L, removal rate 100.0%). The optimal mix ratio for purifying leachate is 1:1:10 of low-grade charcoal, ABA, and zeolite. The average adsorbent usage per burial site was 1,800 kg, costing KRW 2,000,000 per ton. The cost for the minimum leachate volume (about 12.4 m3) per site is KRW 2,880,000, and for the maximum volume (about 19.7 m3) is KRW 4,620,000. These findings contribute to resolving issues related to livestock carcass burial sites and suggest post-management strategies by advocating for the effective use of adsorbents in leachate purification.
In this study, the performances of H2S, NH3, and HCl sensors for real-time monitoring in small emission facilities (4, 5 grades in Korea) were evaluated at high concentration conditions of those gases. And the proper approach for the collection of reliable measurement data by sensors was suggested through finding out the effect on sensor performances according to changes in temperature and humidity (relative humidity, RH) settings. In addition, an assessment on sensor data correction considering the effects produced by environmental settings was conducted. The effects were tested in four different conditions of temperature and humidity. The sensor performances (reproducibility, precision, lower detection limit (LDL), and linearity) were good for all three sensors. The intercept (ADC0) values for all three sensors were good for the changes of temperature and humidity conditions. The variation in the slope value of the NH3 sensor showed the highest value, and this was followed by the HCl, H2S sensors. The results of this study can be helpful for data collection by enabling the more reliable and precise measurements of concentrations measured by sensors.
This study was performed to evaluate the pollutants removal characteristics of two types of RBFs(Riverbank filtration, Riverbed filtration) intake facilities installed in Nakdong River and in Hwang River respectively. The capacity of each RBF is 45,000 ㎥/d for riverbank filtration intake facility and 3,500 ㎥/d for riverbed filtration intake facility. According to data collected in the riverbank filtration site, removal rate of each pollutant was about BOD(Biochemical oxygen demand) 52%, TOC(Total organic carbon) 57%, SS(Suspended solids) 44%, Total coliforms 99% correspondingly. Furthermore, Microcystins(-LR,-YR,-RR) were not found in riverbank filtered water compared to surface water in Nakdong River. DOC(Dissolved organic carbon) and Humics which are precursors of disinfection byproduct were also reported to be removed about 59% for DOC, 65% for Humics. Based on data analysis in riverbed filtration site in Hwang River, removal rate of each contaminant reaches to BOD 33.3%, TOC 38.5%, SS 38.9%, DOC 22.2%, UV254 21.2%, Total coliforms 73.8% respectively. Additionally, microplastics were also inspected that there was no obvious removal rate in riverbed filtered water compared to surface water in Hwang River.
This study focused on using indirect filtration through riverbeds to produce high-quality drinking water. Data on water quality from a water intake facility(capacity 10,000 m3/day) and nearby rivers were collected over a three-year period. The average intake facility specifications were found to be a specific surface area of 58 balls/m2, a mean particle size of 24 mm, an inflow velocity of 2.2 cm/sec, and a burial depth of 5 m. The water quality improvement rate was assessed as grade Ia, surpassing the adjacent river’s water quality. Correlation analysis showed a weak correlation between opening ratio, Suspended Solid (SS), and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) compared to total coliforms and fecal coliforms. The correlation coefficient R value of SS was -0.614, BOD was –0.588, total coliforms -0.870, and fecal coliforms -0.958. The R value shows a negative value, which showed that the larger the opening rate, the lower the removal rate of water pollutants. The correlation coefficient R values according to the depth of burial were found to be BOD 0.914, SS-0.124, total coliforms 1.000, and fecal coliforms 0.866. The deeper the burial depth, the higher the removal rate of BOD and microbial groups.
Daechung Reservoir has been suffering from severe cyanobacterial blooming periodically due to the water pollutants from the watershed, especially nutrients from nonpoint sources. As a countermeasure, an artificial wetland was constructed to mitigate the pollutant load from the watershed by utilizing the vegetation. We investigated the water quality of the influent and outflow of the wetland during years 2014~2020 to evaluate the performance of pollutant removal through the wetland. Major pollutants (e.g. BOD, COD, SS, T-N, and T-P) were largely reduced during the retention in the wetland while nutrients removal was more efficient than that of organic matters. Pollutant removal efficiency for different inflow concentrations was also investigated to estimate the wetland’s capability as a way of managing nonpoint sources. The efficiency of water treatment was significantly higher when inflow concentrations were above 75th percentile for all pollutant, implying the wetland can be applied to the pre-treatment of high pollution load including initial rainfall runoff. Furthermore, the yearly variation of removal efficiency for seven years was analyzed to better understand long-term trends in water treatment of the wetland. The annual treatment efficiency of T-P was very high in the early stages of vegetation growth with high concentration of inflow water. However, it was confirmed that the concentration of inflow water decreased, vegetation stabilized, and the treatment efficiency gradually decreased as the soil was saturated. The findings of the study suggest that artificial wetlands can be an effective method for controlling harmful algal blooms by alleviating pollutant load from the tributaries of Daechung Reservoir.
The emergence of micropollutants in natural water sources due to the overuse of anthropogenic chemicals in industry and households has threatened the production of clean and safe tap water in drinking water treatment plants. Conventional physicochemical processes such as coagulation/flocculation followed by sand filtration are not effective for the control of micropollutants, whereas chemical oxidation processes (applying chlorine, permanganate, ozone, etc.) are known to be promising alternatives. Determining the optimum oxidant dose is important issue related to the production of disinfection by-products as well as unnecessary operating cost, and is made possible by simulations of target-micropollutant abatement based on kinetic model equation consisting of second-order rate constant (between the oxidant and the target) and oxidant exposure. However, the difficulty in determining oxidant exposure as a function of complex water quality parameters limits the field application of kinetic model equation. With respect to representative oxidants used in drinking water treatment plants, this article reviews two main approaches for determining oxidant exposure: i) direct measurement in situ and ii) prediction by empirical models based on key water quality parameters. In addition, we discussed research requirements to improve the predictive accuracy of the empirical models for oxidant exposure and to develop a rational algorithm to determine optimal oxidant dose by considering the priority of the target pollutants to be treated.
The characteristics of pollutant emission for non-premixed flames with LCG 8000 and LCG 6000 represented as low calorific gases were investigated by numerical simulation. Commercial software (ANSYS 16.2 - FLUENT) is used to predict 2-D pollutant emission with GRI 3.0 detailed reaction mechanism. In addition, the addition of hydrogen to LCG 6000 was also considered. As result, the flame length and temperature of LHVGs were decreased with decreasing calorific value at the same condition. In addition, NO concentration was decreased as temperature decreased. However, CO concentration for LCG 8000 predicted to be slightly higher than that for methane due to the high propane concentration. In the case of LCG 6000 with added hydrogen, the flame length was the shortest and NO concentration was the highest due to the highest flame temperature, but CO concentration decreased rapidly due to the addition of the carbon-free fuel.
국내 대기오염물질 배출량 통계에 따르면 상당한 대기오염물질이 선박에 의해 발생하고 있다. 따라서 선박으로부터의 대기오 염물질 배출 제한과 항만지역 대기질 개선을 위해 다양한 정책들이 시행되고 있고, 국제적으로도 선박에 의한 해양오염 방지를 위해 국 제 협약 등이 이루어지고 있다. 하지만 실제 운항하는 선박에서 배출되는 대기오염물질 측정에 관한 연구와 실험은 거의 이루어지고 있 지 않아, 본 연구는 이동식배출가스측정장비(PEMS)를 사용하여 실제 운항하는 9,169톤급 선박에서 발생하는 대기오염물질 배출량 평가에 대한 방법과 가능성을 제시하였다. RPM과 부하에 따라 배출량의 차이가 있었으며, NOX 배출량은 497-2,060ppm, CO2는 1.55-6.9%, CO는 0.002-0.14% 수준이다. 엔진 제조사에서 제공하는 Shop Test에 명시된 배출량과 실제 측정된 배출량에 차이가 있음을 확인하였다. 대상선박 의 전 항해구간에서 발생하는 각 대기오염물질 최대 배출량이 PEMS 측정 구간에 포함되는 것을 확인하여, 총톤수 10,000톤급 이내 선박 에 PEMS 활용 가능성을 검증하였다.
The frequent detection and occurrence of micropollutants (MPs) in aquatic ecosystems has raised public health concerns worldwide. In this study, the behavior of 50 MPs was investigated in three different domestic wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Furthermore, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to assess the geographical and seasonal variation of MPs in the WWTPs. The results showed that the concentrations of 43 MPs ranged from less than 0.1 to 237.6 μg L-1, while other seven MPs including 17-ethynylestradiol, 17-estradiol, sulfathiazole, sulfamethazine, clofibric acid, simvastatin, and lovastatin were not detected in all WWTPs. Among the detected MPs, the pharmaceuticals such as metformin, acetaminophen, naproxen, and caffeine were prominent with maximum concentrations of 133.4, 237.6, 71.5, and 107.7 μg L-1, respectively. Most perfluorinated compounds and nitrosamines were found at trace levels of 1.2 to 55.3 ng L-1, while the concentration of corrosion inhibitors, preservatives (parabens), and endocrine disruptors ranged from less than 0.1 to 4310.8 ng L-1. Regardless of the type of biological treatment process such as MLE, A2O, and MBR, the majority of pharmaceuticals (except lincomycin, diclofenac, iopromide, and carbamazepine), parabens (except Methyl paraben), and endocrine disruptors were removed by more than 80%. However, the removal efficiencies of certain MPs such as atrazine, DEET, perfluorinated compounds (except PFHxA), nitrosamines, and corrosion inhibitors were relatively low or their concentration even increased after treatment. The results of statistical analysis reveal that there is no significant geographical difference in the removal efficacy of MPs, but there are temporal seasonal variations in all WWTPs.
Conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) do not fully remove micropollutants. Enhanced treatment of sewage effluents is being considered or implemented in some countries to minimize the discharge of problematic micropollutants from WWTPs. Representative enhanced sewage treatment technologies for micropollutant removal were reviewed, including their current status of research and development. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) such as ozonation and UV/H2O2 and adsorption processes using powdered (PAC) and granular activated carbon (GAC) were mainly discussed with focusing on process principles for the micropollutant removal, effect of process operation and water matrix factors, and technical and economic feasibility. Pilot- and full-scale studies have shown that ozonation, PAC, and GAC can achieve significant elimination of various micropollutants at economically feasible costs(0.16-0.29 €/m3). Considering the current status of domestic WWTPs, ozonation and PAC were found to be the most feasible options for the enhanced sewage effluent treatment. Although ozonation and PAC are all mature technologies, a range of technical aspects should be considered for their successful application, such as energy consumption, CO2 emission, byproduct or waste generation, and ease of system construction/operation/maintenance. More feasibility studies considering domestic wastewater characteristics and WWTP conditions are required to apply ozonation or PAC/GAC adsorption process to enhance sewage effluent treatment in Korea.