As the importance of the indoor environment increases. As part of a study to improve range hood performance, a flow analysis of chamber casing was conducted. flow analysis was performed by applying Realizable ( ) Model. For flow analysis, “STAR-CCM+” program of “SIEMENS” was used. It was analyzed how changes in inlet velocity, outlet velocity(flow rate) and static pressure increase occur according to changes in the shape of the chamber casing. Flow analysis was performed by changing the shape of the chamber casing limitedly, but the results were not helpful in improving the performance of range hood.
A sirocco fan consists of a housing and an impeller with blades. There are many design parameters for improving its performance and efficiency. Thus, the objective of present study is to investigate the effect of blade size(such as blade length and height) and the number of blades on the flow characteristics of a sirocco fan using a commercial CFD software, Star CCM+. From the results of our previous and present study, it is revealed that blade inclination angle and blade height had a great effect on the flow characteristics, such as the static pressure rise and flow rate. There are important factors in improving the flow characteristics, as following order, the blade inclination angle, blade height, blade length, blade radius of curvature, the number of blades. it was obtained that maximum in static pressure rise and flow rate were, respectively, 20.8Pa and 6.41CMM under the our simulation condition.
In this study, a numerical analysis study was conducted on the flow characteristics according to the internal flow path change and differential pressure of the hydrogen shut-off valve, and through this, the pressure loss characteristics and flow coefficient of the hydrogen shut-off valve were predicted. ANSYS CFX program was used to predict the flow characteristics of the hydrogen shut-off valve. When the flow path gap was 1.3 mm, the design conditions of the hydrogen shut-off valve were satisfied, and the value of the flow coefficient of the valve was about 1.53. As the inlet pressure of the hydrogen shut-off valve increases, the outlet flow rate increases, but regardless of the inlet pressure, the flow coefficient of the valve is almost constant, ranging from 1.53 to 1.56, indicating that it is the inherent flow coefficient of the designed hydrogen shut-off valve.
Passengers on public buses operating in the metropolitan area are exposed to the closed indoor air for minutes to hours. The indoor air quality of buses is mostly controlled through ceiling-mounted ventilation and filtration devices. A simulation study using a commercial code was conducted for fluid flow analysis to evaluate the potential effectiveness of an air purifier that can be inserted into bus windows to supply clean air from the outside to the inside. As a result of field measurements, the average CO2 concentration inside the bus during morning and evening rush hours ranged from 2,106±309 ppm to 3,308 ± 255 ppm depending on the number of passengers on board. This exceeded the Guideline for Public Transportation. The optimal installation position of an air purifier appeared to be the front side of the bus. In fact, even a low diffusing flow velocity of 0.5m/s was effective enough to maintain a low concentration of CO2 throughout the indoor space. Based on numerical analysis predictions with 45 passengers on board, the maximum CO2 concentration in the breathing zone was 2,203 ppm with the operation of an air purifier.
In electric vehicles, the core is a secondary cell battery. Raw material is pulverized by the grinding disc in the Classifier Separator Mill (CSM) and rises through the Classifier Wheel. Both require characteristics to withstand high-speed rotation, including abrasion, corrosion, and shock. Our study analyzes the impact of RPM and heat source on temperature, convergence, and durability. In conclusion, high heat increases flow, while high RPM reduces the maximum temperature but may harm durability. Proper RPM settings enhance durability.
Small hydropower systems have emerged as an attractive solution for areas with low head and flow rates, offering versatility for implementation in diverse locations such as rivers and wastewater treatment plants. This research specifically focuses on exploring the potential of small hydropower generation within wastewater treatment plants. Through the utilization of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, the study successfully predicted the torque and power generation capacity of the installed turbine. The analysis underscored the effective control of fluid flow achieved through careful turbine design, including considerations of blade shape and quantity. For instance, in the case of the Tancheon wastewater treatment plant, the study revealed the ability to generate a torque of approximately 7000 Nm, translating to an estimated power production of around 48.3 kW per hour. Ultimately, this research significantly contributes to evaluating the feasibility and viability of small hydropower generation within wastewater treatment plants.
소음공해는 인간과 해양환경에 악영향을 끼치며, 선박과 해양구조물에서 발생하는 유동소음을 예측을 통해 소음에 대한 안전 성을 평가하고 해양환경을 보존할 수 있다. 기존 수중구조 유동소음 해석기법은 전산유체역학과 FW-H음향상사식을 이용한 하이브리드법 기반이다. FW-H는 무한공간에서의 음향전파를 가정하여 소음해석을 수행하기 때문에 음파의 반사와 산란, 회절의 영향이 나타나는 근접 장 해석이 제한적이다. 반면 격자볼츠만기법 기반의 직접법 유동소음해석을 수행하면 근접장 음향효과를 소음해석에 반영할 수 있다. 직 접법 해석은 유동과 소음이 연성된 해석이 수행되고 구조경계에서의 반사와 회절, 유동에 의한 매질 불균일성에 따른 산란효과가 반영된 다. 그간 격자볼츠만기법이 수중조건에서 수치적으로 불안정하여 수중환경에 적용이 불가능했다. 하지만 수중환경에서 사용할 수 있는 DM-TS 격자볼츠만기법 충돌연산자가 개발되어 수중으로 확장이 가능해졌다. 본 연구에서는 파이프내 원형구멍에 대하여 격자볼츠만기 법 해석을 수행해 수중 유동소음해석이 가능함을 보였다. 격자볼츠만기법 해석을 통해 도출한 유동과 소음을 각각 실험과 비교하여 해석 의 신뢰도를 확보하였다. 파이프내 유동소음에 의한 주요 압력 피크가 해석에 반영되었으며 이를 통해 격자볼츠만기법을 이용한 근접장 유동소음해석이 가능함을 확인했다.
The purpose of flow analysis is to develop a simple CFD analysis model to develop a heat transfer analysis model including transient heat transfer characteristics, especially phase change, of thin film evaporators. The simple analytical model focuses on the evaporation phase change. To reduce the computational cost, the shape was simplified to two dimensions, and the simulation time was set short with a focus on simulating the phase change phenomenon. In the future, based on this analysis model, we will develop an analysis model for simulating not only vaporization but also liquefaction, that is, transient distillation phenomenon, according to the shape of the thin film distillation device.
In this study, numerical modeling on the gas flow and off-gases in the low temperature carbonization furnace for carbon fiber was analyzed. The furnace was designed for testing carbonization process of carbon fibers made from various precursors. Nitrogen gas was used as a working gas and it was treated as an incompressible ideal gas. Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics for steady state turbulent flow was used to analyze flow pattern and temperature field in the furnace. The off-gas mass fraction and cumulative emission gas of species were incorporated into the CFD analyses by using the user defined function(UDF). As a results, during the carbonization process, the emission of CO2 was the dominant among the off-gases, and tow moving made the flow in the furnace be uniform.
The shell & tube-type heat exchanger has been frequently used because it shows simple structure, easy manufacturing and wide operation conditions among many heat exchangers. This study aims to investigate the characteristics for thermal flow of coolant and the possibility of damage for tube equipped with shell due to thermal stress. For these purposes, The thermal flow of coolant in tube was simulated using ANSYS-CFX program and thus the behaviors of coolant were evaluated with standard k-ε turbulence model. As the results, as the flow rate of coolant in tube was increased, the mean relative pressure was also increased with quadratic curve, however, as the surface temperature of tube was increased, mean temperature difference was linearly increased. Finally it showed that the damage of tube could be predicted, that is, which tube was the most weak due to thermal stress.
CFD was used to study the change in the operation of the governor to check the effect of response delay due to residual air in the governor cylinder, which adjusts the pump RPM of the Turbine Driven Aux. Feed Water Pump(TD AFWP) in the Nuclear power plant. As a result of analysis, as the amount of internal air increased, the time delay also increased proportionally, and a time delay of up to 0.2 sec. occurred. As in the theory, it was confirmed that the cylinder operation delay occurred depending on the presence or absence of a compressive fluid such as air, but the time delay wat not enough to significantly affect the pump operation.
In this paper, numerical simulations were conducted to secure both flow distribution and uniform flow discharge through a wall mount type air sterilizer. In order to increase the reliability of the simulation results where there is no well-known validation case for air sterilizer, mesh sensitivity study was performed under the constraint that y+ set to one for k-w SST turbulent modeling for both the air sterilizer and the fan. The installation of various guides and structures was reviewed in the point of flow distribution and pressure drop inside the sterilizer, and the exhaust pressure conditions were predicted to secure uniform flow discharge at outlets. This study has been done based on the computational analysis during the development stage of the air sterilizer, and the results will be verified through physical testing after production of prototype.
국제해사기구(IMO)의 온실가스(GHG) 감축 전략과 같은 환경규제를 강화함에 따라 친환경 선박 및 대체 연료 등 기술 개발이 확대되고 있다. 그의 일환으로 해운사와 조선사를 중심으로 에너지 저감과 풍력 추진 기술을 활용한 선박 추진 기술이 대두되고 있다. 풍 력 추진 기술의 확보와 실증 연구를 조선 및 해운 분야에 도입함으로써 친환경 기술을 활용한 고부가가치 시장을 창출할 수 있으며, 운항 선박의 연료 소비율을 줄임으로써 연비를 약 6~8 % 정도 향상시켜 GHG의 감축을 기대할 수 있다. 로터 세일(Rotor Sail, RS) 기술은 원형 실린더가 일정한 속도로 회전하여 유체를 통과할 때 실린더의 수직 방향으로 유체역학적 힘을 발생시키는 기술이다. 이를 마그누스 효과 (Magnus Effect)라고 하며, 본 연구에서는 선박에 설치된 풍력보조추진 시스템인 RS 주위의 난류 유동특성에 관한 수치해석적 연구를 통하 여 추진효율을 높일 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 그래서 RS의 공기 역학적 힘에 영향을 미치는 매개변수로써 속도비(Spin Ratio, SR)와 종횡비(Aspect Ratio, AR) 변화에 따른 양력계수( )와 항력계수( )를 도출하였고, RS 끝단 플레이트(End Plate, EP) 적용에 따른 RS 주변 유동특성을 비교하였다.
Among the various causes of the vibration problem of the radial sluice gate used in Saemangeum, the effect of flow-induced vibration was studied by the method of computational fluid analysis. In this study, the effect on the flow-induced vibration of the Saemangeum radial sluice gate was evaluated by 2D unsteady flow numerical analysis using ANSYS Fluent. Gate opening cases of 0.2m, 0.3m, 0.4m, 0.5m, and 1.0m were analyzed. As a result, the flow-induced vibration characteristics due to the instability of turbulent flow were observed through FFT analysis. As the gate opening increases, the frequency of the maximum amplitude moves gradually to a lower frequency region with the reduction of the magnitude. Therefore the flow-induced vibration effects can be considered as small with the gate opening increase.
In general, small and medium-sized computer rooms do not have access floors for reasons of increased floor height and increased construction cost. Therefore, the air conditioning method used here applies the method of directly blowing the cold air of the air conditioner into the computer room. In this case, the hot/cold air is not separated, and as the hot air is recirculated, it is re-introduced to the front of the server rack, resulting in a problem that the server cooling efficiency is decreased. In addition, in such a computer room structure, it is difficult to configure and install a containment system. In this study, we tried to understand the problem of the formation airflow in the case of using the existing air conditioning method, and to find a method of configuring the air conditioning environment to improve the cooling efficiency. The purpose of this study was to understand the airflow/temperature distribution in the computer room using the CFD simulation method. In addition, the thermal characteristics of various air-conditioning environments such as the location of the CRAC cold air discharge location, the layout between server rack and CRAC and the containment were reviewed.