
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 27

        2023.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        읍성이라는 용어는 읍치(관아)가 위치한 성을 지칭하는 것으로 고려시대까지는 사용되지 않다가 조선시대 초기부터 사용되기 시작했다. 고려시대에는 행정이나 군사 중심의 치소성 (治所城)이었으나, 고려시대 말에 왜구의 침입이 잦아 동남해안 중심으로 새롭게 방어용 성 을 쌓으면서 기존의 치소성과 구별하기 위해 읍성(邑城)이라 부르기 시작했다. 경주읍성에 대한 연구는 기존에 문헌과 고지도 등을 중심으로 이루어진 바 있다. 발굴조 사는 비교적 근래인 2012년부터 동성벽을 중심으로 진행되어 자료가 일부 축적되었으나 이를 토대로 한 연구는 미진한 편이다. 본 고에서는 경주읍성의 범위 중에서 원형이 가장 잘 남아있는 5구간 발굴조사 결과를 중심으로 경주읍성의 동성벽과 북성벽 일부에 대한 축조과정과 시기에 대하여 간략하게 검 토를 해보았다. 그 결과, 경주읍성의 동성벽은 토성에서 석성으로의 개축 양상이 명확히 확인되었으며, 북성벽은 처음부터 석성으로 쌓았음이 확인되어 토성과 개축된 석성의 범위가 서로 달랐음 을 알 수 있다. 또한 성벽 형태, 토층 등을 통한 개축과 수축부의 구분, 소량이지만 해당시기 를 판단해볼 수 있는 유물 등을 통해 경주읍성은 고려시대 전기에 토성 축성 이후, 고려시대 말 석성으로 개축되었으며, 석성의 1차 수축은 조선시대 전기, 2차 수축은 조선시대 중기 또 는 임진왜란 이후에 대대적으로 수축이 이루어진 것으로 판단된다. 이는 문헌과도 대체로 유사한 것으로 판단되는데, 경주가 고려 개국과 함께 지방도시로 전락하면서 현종(顯宗) 대 에 토성으로 축성되고 우왕(禑王) 대에 석성으로 개축되었으며, 조선 세종(世宗) 대와 문종 (文宗) 대에 규식에 맞도록 수·개축된 것으로 보인다.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the spatial structure of Jeju-eupseong (Town-castle) in the Joseon Dynasty. The spatial structure of Jeju-eupseong has distinctive features and regional characteristics that are substantially different from typical eupseong in inland regions. This is mainly attributed to the geographical characteristics of the island and the administrative system with strengthened military functions. Jeju-eupseong displays a distinctive layout of major buildings and road system with a plaza located in its center in comparison with the ones found in inland regions. Gwandeokjeong Plaza in Jeju-eupseong served as the center of Jeju’s politics, administration, and culture during the Joseon Dynasty, and it, in the modernization period, has become an open public space in the heart of Old Downtown used for community gatherings. Therefore, this study aims to explore the historical background and distinctive spatial structure of Jeju-eupseong in comparison with eupseong in other parts of Korea. Moreover, the study examines the characteristics of Gwandeokjeong as a plaza that has not been dealt with in other studies of eupseong.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Considering the situation in the early 20th century when the existing urban system centered on urban areas began to change, the biggest factors causing urban structural changes in urban areas are construction of railroad and urban dismantling. The change process of Eupseong, in the microscopic viewpoint, can be understood as a process of change in the course of dismantlement of town's demarcation, improvement of accessibility and urban expansion due to the construction of railroads, process of urban expansion following the crumbling boundaries and structural changes. This study aimed to look at the transformation process of the Eupseong in the early 20th century, focusing on the demolition of the castle and the railway construction from a microscopic point of view of city.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Module coordination(分數), which is crucially relevant to plan shape of a fortress and the location of its gates and chis(雉, protruding posts), have not been thoroughly studied, despite its importance in fortress system. While plan shape of Goryeo fortress features orderly placement of gates and chis, under medium-sized Joseon fortress doesn’t follow it strictly. As a result, fortresses with various plan shapes greatly outnumber those of Goryeo. Especially, Gimhaeeupseong Fortress, which is a large-scale town wall, shows such a complicated plan shape, making it difficult to figure out its modular coordination. Presumably, the reason for Joseon fortress’ complicated plan shapes, which doesn’t follow the orderly modular coordination, is thought to be in its various geographical conditions. Also, it seems that the building of fortress with such various and complicated plan shapes was to deter enemies from intruding by confusing them. And various plan shapes of fortress are also figured out to be pertinent to street system of towns and positions of public offices.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Coastal eupseongs, which are mainly built in the period of late Goryeo and early Joseon period, are essential materials in studying the history of Joseon period eupseongs. The purpose of this study is to connect the annexation of local districts with the relocation of local government office, so as to categorize the types of coastal-eupseongs and examine the background of their constructions and relocations. Coastal eupseongs are mainly divided into 'maintenance type' and 'Mergence type' according to the annexation of local districts, and maintenance type is broken down into fortress type and non-fortress type in accordance with the existence of old eupseongs(fortresses). Coastal eupseongs can also be categorized into 'application type' and 'relocation type' depending on whether ex-local government offices were reutilized or relocated. Maintenance type is 'fortress-application type'(Gimhae·Gosung·Old Ulsan-eupseong), 'non-fortress-application type'(New Ulsan-eupseong), 'fortress-relocation type'(Dongrae․Kijang․Geojegohyunseong․ Ulsan(Jwabyeongyoung)-eupseong), 'non-fortress-relocation type'(Sacheon․ Hadong·Jinhae-eupseong·Geojesadeongseong) are differentiated by type. Mergence type is divided into 'Merger of Villages after Castle Relocation Type(Changwon·Namhae·Gonyang-eupseong)', 'Merger of Villages before Castle Relacation Type(Ungcheon-eupseong)'. Coastal-eupseongs are moved to other places in need of more affluent water supply(Gimhae·Gijang-eupseong) and wider usable area(Namhae·Gohyunseong-eupseong). Eupseongs were enlarged owing to the population growth, caused by annexations of local districts.(Ungcheon-eupseong) 'Seonso'(navy yard) is a unique feature which cannot be seen in inland eupseongs.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Compared to Early Chosun Dynasty, the spatial structure of most local Eupseongs of Korea had a standardized change with the expansion and spread of the Rye-hak(禮學:a study of confucius Rite). Meanwhile in the process of rebuilding Eupseongs there was a tendency of relocation of the local government offices(官衙) and its attached facilities in terms of functions and use. Although it was PyeongSanseong Miryang Eupseong had an unreasonable spatial structure locating Gaeksa(客舍; accommodation house for visitors) in the middle of the local government office complex, and Dongheon(東軒;main office building) in the east of it before the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. However with the reorganization of spatial Structure of local Eupseongs after the Japanese invasion Gaeksa was moved to the foot of Adongsan where commanded a fine view of river. Dongheon was moved to the center of Eupseong for the effective management of its auxiliary organizations. It was because road system and administrative efficiency had a serious effect on deciding the location of the local government office and its attached facilities. After the Japanese invasion Hyangchoeng(鄕廳), having been out of Eupseong, also was moved to the independent location within Eupseong separate from Dongheon and Gaeksa. It seemed to take into account the autonomy of Hyangchoeng. Dongheon, Gaeksa, and Hyangchoeng which are the crucial facilities of Milyang Eupseong were arranged at each angular point of big triangle. In order to enhance the administative efficiency, the attached administrative facilities were arranged surrounding Dongheon and Hyangchoeng. The spatial structure of Milyang Eupseong in the late Choseon dynasty was of great difference from that of uniformly organized system of early Choseon Period. It was because the development of administrative function, the pursuit of efficiency, and commercial progress had a great impact on the change of urban space.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is one that estimates the architectural composition as well as the location of guest house of Haemi Eupseong on the basis of the analysis of modern and contemporary data related to Haemi Eupseong. It is significant that this study has presented an opinion that can become a practical basis for the historical research of the prototype of Haemi Eupseong of the late Chosun Dynasty through the analysis of modern and contemporary data that had been unsatisfactory among the fruition of studies conducted in relation to Haemi Eupseong. The outcomes achieved by this study are as follows. Firstly, it was verified that the guest house of Haemi Eupseong that has been restored is one that has different architectural composition than the prototype of the late Chosun Dynasty and is restored in a different location. Secondly, in respect of architectural composition of guest house found by the analysis of the picture, it was confirmed that the government office has one step higher than the double-wing house in the form of the roof. Thirdly, the location of the guest house of Haemi Eupseong of the late Chosun Dynasty is judged to be the periphery area where the current restored guest house is located, which is where the teachers' building of Haemi elementary school was located. Fourthly, the prospect of the guest house of Haemi Eupseong is decided to be similar direction to the current restored guest house with the greatest possibility of having the same direction with the arrangement of teachers' building of Haemi Eupseong elementary school.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        읍성은 조선시대 500여 년간 각 지역의 정치․경제․사회․문화의 중심지 역할을 수행하였으나, 일제강점기와 근대화 과정을 거치면서 대다수가 해체․철거되었다. 이미 많은 읍성이 사라졌지만, 고려 공양왕 2년(1390)에 토성으로 처음 축조되어 조선시대 연산군 6년(1500)에 석성으로 개축되었던 언양읍성은 일제강점기에 남천(현재의 태화강)의 제방 축조를 위하여 동남쪽 일부 성벽이 훼철된 것을 제외하고는 현재까지 비교적 양호한 보존상태를 유지해 오고 있다. 특히 언양읍성의 남문지는 2002년 도로정비사업의 일환으로 발굴조사가 수행되었고, 근현대기의 건물 아래에 비교적 온전한 상태로 잔존하고 있던 남문지의 전체적인 구조가 확인되었기 때문에 원형 복원의 가능성이 그 어느 부분보다도 높다고 할 수 있다. 또한 복원이 이루어진다면, 상징성이나 파급효과, 역사․교육적 활용도 및 도시경관 개선, 관광자원으로서의 가치재고 측면에서 큰 기여를 할 것으로 판단되고 있다. 하지만, 지금까지 남문에 대한 건축적인 측면에서의 고증작업이나 복원적 연구는 미흡한 실정이었다. 본 연구는 언양읍성의 정문이었던 남문(영화루)에 대한 복원적 연구를 진행하여 지금까지 연구가 미진하였던 언양읍성의 문루건축의 건축적 특성을 규명함으로써 복원에 대한 기초 자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 결과 조선시대 조영되었던 언양읍성 남문 일곽은 전면에 반원형의 옹성을 두른 개거식의 성문이었으며, 그 문루인 영화루는 중층(2층) 5량가구에 초익공을 둔 건물이었을 것으로 추정된다.
        2011.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        언양읍성 북문주변 성곽정비사업 일환으로 발굴조사한 지역에서 체성, 북문지와 옹성 1개소, 치성 2개소, 성 외측에 전체적으로 조성된 해자, 수혈유구 등 다양한 유구가 조사되었다. 이번 발굴조사에서 북문지와 옹성의 구조, 체성부와 치성의 축조방법, 규모 등이 명확하게 확인되었다. 특히 체성의 축조방법에 있어서 내벽의 경우 계단식 축조수법이 아닌 내탁부와 성 안쪽과 내벽 내탁부를 구분하는 경계석열이 확인된 것이 가장 큰 성과이다. 해자의 평면형태, 규모, 내부시설을 정확하게 확인할 수 있었으며, 또한 체성, 치성, 옹성과의 축조에 있어서 선후관계를 파악할 수 있었다. 즉 체성과 치성은 동시기에 축조되었으며, 북문지의 옹성은 체성보다 늦은 시기에 축조된 것으로 확인되었다. 조사지역에서 해발고도가 가장 높은 북서쪽 모서리에서 암거시설 형태의 입수구가 확인되었다. 그리고 해자와 만나는 구상유구가 확인되었는데, 입지조건, 내부시설 등으로 볼 때 해자쪽으로 물을 공급하는 용도의 구로 생각된다. 언양읍성은 문헌에서 확인된 읍성(석성)의 축조시기(1500년)와 이번 발굴조사에서 출토된 유물(자기류, 기와류)의 편년을 비교해 볼 때 연대가 비교적 일치하는 것으로 생각되며, 이번 발굴조사 성과를 바탕으로 북문주변 성곽 정비복원 시에 문헌자료와 함께 고고학 자료를 검토, 보완하여 정확한 정비복원이 이루어지길 바란다.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the background and change of building Yeongam eupseong and characteristics and construction method of its spatial structure. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, Yeongam eupseong was built for the same purpose of national border defense against the invasion of Japanese army as other Eupseongs were built and it was found first in the literature in the era of King Munjong of Joseon Dynasty with the scale of three gates and 4,369 cheok of castle wall. Such a scale was continued and in particular, according to flat structure, road network and gate position shown in the map, the form and road system of Yeongam eupseong before the 19th century were mostly identical with the current ones. Second, castle wall was built over foundation by using talcum after leveling the foundation soil and castle wall can be divided into outer wall, filling part and inner wall from the section. Outer wall was constructed by inserting and layering pebbles with big irregular stone, filling part was made with talcum and riprap and inner wall with soil in several layers by keeping gradient. This building method showed common features in inserting and layering pebbles for outer wall, use of protruded base and section form compared to Jeollado Eupseong.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        부산광역시 기념물 제 40호로 지정되어 있는 기장읍성은 조선시대의 읍성축조수법이 정형화된 형식으로 정리되기 이전에 축조되어 고려시대 성곽 축조수법과 조선의 읍성축조수법이 혼합되어 성곽축성사에 있어 읍성축조수법의 변화를 파악할 수 있다는 점에서 그 가치가 있다고 할 수 있겠다. 기장읍성에서 확인되는 사직선기단의 축조는 과거 고려시대말까지 계속 축조된 판축토성(版築土城)의 기단부 축조방식을 읍성축조에 적용한 결과로 고려 판축토성에서 조선시대 석축성인 연해읍성의 축조로 이어지는 흐름의 연결고리라고 할 수 있다. 기장읍성 동벽 체성부에서 확인되는 세장방형 외벽면석 축조수법은 일반적으로 알려진 조선시대 읍성의 장대석 입수적 축조수법과는 차별성을 지닌다. 기장읍성 남벽과 동벽 체성부 기저부 축조수법은 김해읍성, 웅천읍성, 동래읍성, 고성읍성 등에서 확인되는 지대석 설치 이전에 바닥에 판석을 이용하여 바닥면의 수평을 맞추어 정리된 구조물은 확인되지 않는다. 따라서 이러한 축조수법이 사용되기 이전 시기에 축조된 형태임을 알 수 있다. 이를 통해 기장읍성은 사직선기단축조수법, 체성부 세장방형 외벽면석의 사용과 더불어 고려시대의 성곽축조수법과 조선시대 연해읍성 축조수법이 혼용된 과도기적 읍성임을 알 수 있는 것이다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study includes a review of the relevant literature and data on the Gyeolseong Eupseong, a coastal castle town of the Joseon Period. During the process of building the Gyeolseong Eupseong, Eupchi(administrative office) was transferred to several different locations for the following reasons:. first, to strengthen defensive capabilities by utilizing the locational advantages of the Seokdang Mountain Fortress, second, to secure sufficient space for holding the castle and have access to water in times of emergencies, third, to strengthen coastal defence by utilizing geographical advantages. Most of the Gyeolseong Eupseong was damaged during the Japanese colonial period. At present, there remain only part of the castle's facilities and some facilities that were restored later in modern times; 4 building sites have been identified. Remaining and destructed buildings can be identified through old maps(the local maps of 1872) and Zirizi and Eupzi(geography books). Also identified were 2 castle gate sites where a 1,500m-long stone castle wall and an ongseong(a crescent-shaped defensive structure), 5 chiseongs, and a most were constructed. The Gyeolseong area is assumed to have been a strategic foothold to defend the west coast from the days before the Three Kingdom Period. However it is very difficult to find any records created before the Joseon Period. Therefore, the time of the restoration of the Eupchi should be determined based on records created in the late Joseon Period. Finally, excavation work needs to be done to identify the locations of the castle's facilities.
        2008.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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