
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since 1974, the urban subway has been used as a major form of public transportation in Seoul, Korea. The air quality in the subway environment depends on the introduction of air pollutants from roadway air and its generation is caused by subway operation in the tunnel. In the subway tunnel, PM10 concentration was monitored from March 8 to 15, 2018 and from March 26 to 28, 2018, and compared with concentrations that are routinely monitored at the subway concourse and the nearest roadside air quality monitoring station (RAQMS). Overall PM10 concentration at the concourse was similar to that of the RAQMS. However, PM10 concentration in the tunnel was significantly higher than those of the subway concourse and RAQMS, and showed distinct diurnal variation caused by train operation. The dominant peak concentrations were highly correlated with the number of train operations per hour. The minimum PM10 concentration was observed between 2 am to 5 am when the train was not operated. This was similar to that of the RAQMS. Although the diurnal variation of the PM10 concentration at the concourse is not significant, the overall trend is similar to that in the tunnel.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jinhae Bay located in the southern of Korean Peninsular is an important spawning area in Korea. By some preliminary studies it was measured several times that adult Pacific codes (Gadus microcephalus) were passed (swimming layer: 15 to 18 m) over a submerged sea tunnel (sea bottom: about 30 m) rather than another immigration route when the Pacific codes were tagged surgically with an acoustic transmitters and released inside of the Bay. There is a possibility that the Pacific codes and the other fishes use the route on the sea tunnel as an immigration route are affected by a human–generated underwater noise around the sea tunnel due to the sea tunnel traffic. On this study the 25–hour measurements of the underwater noise level by water layer were conducted with a hydrophone attached on a portable CTD and an underwater noise level meter during four seasons, and the acoustical characteristics of the underwater noise was analyzed. The mean traffic volume for one hour at the sea tunnel on the spring was shown the largest value of 1,408 [standard deviation (SD): 855] vehicles among four seasons measurement. The next one was ordered on the autumn [1,145 (SD: 764)], winter [947 (SD: 598)] and summer [931 (SD: 558)] vehicles. Small size vehicle was formed 84.3% of the traffic volume, and ultra–small size, medium size, large size and extra–large size of the vehicle were taken possession of 8.7%, 3.2%, 2.0% and 1.8%, respectively. On the daily change of the noise level in vertical during four seasons the noise level of 5 m–layer was shown the highest value of 121.2 (SD: 3.6) dB (re 1 μPa), the next one was 10 m– layer [120.7 (SD: 3.5)], 2 m– and 15 m–layer [120.3 (SD: 3.5 to 3.7)] and 1 m–layer [119.2 (SD: 3.6)] dB (re 1 μPa). In relation with the seasonal change of the noise level the average noise level measured during autumn was shown the highest value of 123.9 (SD: 2.6) dB (re 1 μPa), the next was during summer [121.4 (SD: 3.2)], spring [118.0 (SD: 3.4)] and winter [116.5 (SD: 5.1)] dB (re 1 μPa). In results of eigenray computation when the real bathymetry data (complicate shape of sea bed) was applied the average number of eigenray was 2.68 times (eigenrays: 11.03 rays) higher than those of model bathymetry (flat and slightly sloped sea bottom). When the real bathymetric data toward inside (water depth becomes shallow according to a distance between the source of noise and hydrophone) of the Bay was applied on the eigenrays calculation the number of the eigenray was 1.31 times (eigenrays: 12.49 rays) larger than the real bathymetric data toward outside (water depth becomes deep with respect to the distance). But whenthe model bathymetric data toward inside of the Bay was applied the number of the eigenray was 1.05 times (eigenrays: 4.21 rays) larger than the model bathymetric data toward outside.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Day-care center is one of living micro-environments for children. In urban area, day-care centers may be influencedby air pollutants emitted from the vehicle exhaust. In this work, diurnal variation of major pollutants and effectof outdoor air on indoor air quality were investigated using real-time instruments for a day-care center locatednear the heavy road. 48-h continuous monitoring at both indoor and outdoor were made in summer. The day-care center equipped with ceiling system air-conditioners was operated from 7:30 a.m. to 19:30 p.m. Indoor CO₂concentration responded greatly to the human activity. Indoor NO₂ concentration shows a big difference betweendaytime and nighttime, implying that outdoor NO₂ may penetrate into the indoor through opening of doors orwindows during the daytime. Indoor to outdoor concentration ratio of submicron particle surface area is <1 dueto the penetration of outdoor ultrafine particles.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 3년(2005. 12. 1-2008. 11. 30) 동안 부산의 PM2.5 대기오염자동관측소(장림동: 공업지역, 좌동: 주거지역) 측정자료 중 고농도 PM2.5(24시간 환경기준 50μg/m3)에 대한 PM2.5 및 PM2.5/PM10 농도비의 일변화 특성과 함께 시 공간적 풍계(풍향 및 풍속)에 따른 특성을 분석하고자 하였다. 고농도 PM2.5는 장림동과 좌동 각각 182일 및 27일이었다. 장림동에서 고농도 PM2.5의 시간평균농도 및 PM2.5/PM10 농도비의 일변화는 모든 계절에서 오후에 비해 새벽과 오전 및 야간에 높은 비슷한 패턴을 나타내었다. 좌동의 여름 주간에 PM2.5/PM10 농도비가 증가하는 것은 해양조건에서 광화학반응에 의해 생성되는 이차 입자상물질 중 PM10의 거대입자 농도가 미세입자인 PM2.5 농도보다 더 감소하기 때문이다. 시간대별로 시 공간적 풍계(풍향 및 풍속등급) 특성을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 고농도 PM2.5는 장림동에서 공업단지의 산업활동에 의한 오염물질 정체와 주변지역의 오염물질 이동에 의해 발생되었다. 좌동에서는 주로 주거와 상업활동으로 인한 지역적 오염물질 정체로 발생하는 것으로 나타났다.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        구상나무 침엽의 엽록소형광과 생육지의 환경요인의 일변화를 계절별로 조사하여 환경요인의 변화에 따른 구상나무의 환경 적응성을 규명하였다. 광계 II의 광화학적 효율, 즉 Fv/Fm은 겨울에는 0.19-0.36으로 매우 낮은데 반하여 여름에는 0.8-0.86으로 높았다. 낮시간의 Fv/Fm이 겨울에는 아침, 저녁보다 상대적으로 높아서 겨울철 한낮의 환경조건이 구상나무 잎의 광합성기구에 우호적으로 작용을 하는 것으로 판단된다. 여름에는 낮시간에 광억제가 다소
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        낙동강 하류의 담수에서 환경요인과 담수조류의 일 변화를 조사하였다. 수온, DO, pH는 15시를 전∙후로 하여 최고치를 보였다. Alkalinity는 주간에 높고 야간에 낮았고 수심이 깊을수록 매우 증가하였으며 pH와는 역 상관이었다. 하루 중 DO 농도는 주기성이 매우 뚜렷하였으며 담수조류의 분포와 밀접한 관계가 있었다. 담수 조류의 수직분포에 있어서는 수심에 대한 감소형, 균등 분포형 및 역전형의 3가지로 분류되었다. 녹조 Chlamydomonas spp., Eudorina elegans, 유글레나조 Euglena spp.는 감소형, Chroomonas spp. 등 은편모조류는 역전형이었고 규조 Cyclotella meneghiniana는 수심에 따라 차이가 없거나 저층의 밀도가 다소 높았다. 영양염 중 SRP 및 NH4는 수심이 깊을수록 농도가 증가하거나 주∙야간에 따른 변동이 관찰된 반면에, NO3는 수심에 따른 변동이 관찰되지 않았다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We analyzed diurnal variations in the surface air temperature using the high density urban climate observation network of Daegu in summer, 2013. We compared the time elements, which are characterized by the diurnal variation of surface air temperature. The warming and cooling rates in rural areas are faster than in urban areas. It is mainly due to the difference of surface heat capacity. In addition, local wind circulation also affects the discrepancy of thermal spatiotemporal distribution in Daegu. Namely, the valley and mountain breezes affect diurnal variation of horizontal distribution of air temperature. During daytimes, the air(valley breeze) flows up from urban located at lowlands to higher altitudes of rural areas. The temperature of valley breeze rises gradually as it flows from lowland to upland. Hence the difference of air temperature decreases between urban and rural areas. At nighttime, the mountains cool more rapidly than do low-lying areas, so the air(mountain breeze) becomes denser and sinks toward the valleys(lowlands). As the result, the air temperature becomes lower in rural areas than in urban areas.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Surface heat balance of the Gangjeong-Goryung Reservoir is analyzed for 12-17 August 2013. Each flux elements at the water surface is derived from the special field observations with application of an aerodynamical bulk method for the turbulent heat fluxes and empirical formulae for the radiation heat fluxes. The rate of heat storage in the reservoir is estimated by using estimated by surface heating rate and the vertical water temperature data. The flux divergence of heat transport is estimated as a residual. The features of the surface heat balance are almost decided by the latent heat flux and the solar radiation flux. On average for 12-17 August 2014 in the Gangjeong- Goryung Reservoir, if one defines the insolation at the water surface as 100 %, 94 % is absorbed in the reservoir; thereafter the reservoir loses about 30~50% by sensible heat, latent heat and net long-wave radiation. The residue of 50~80 % raises the water temperature in the reservoir or transported away by the river flow during the daytime.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzes the surface ozone, NO and NO2 concentration data from 1997 to 1999 in Daegu. It investigates effect on precursor during high-ozone episode days. The high-ozone episode is defined when a daily maximum ozone concentration is higher than 100 ppb(ambient air quality standard of Korea) in at least one station among six air quality monitoring stations. The frequency of episodes is 13 days(33 hours). The frequency is the highest in May and September, and the area with the highest frequency is Nowondong and Manchondong. The average value of daily maximum ozone concentration with high ozone episode is 81.6 ppb, and that of 8-hour average ozone concentration is 58.6 ppb. It means that ozone pollution is continuous and wide-ranging in Daegu. The daily variation of NO, NO2 and O3 in high-ozone episodes are inversely proportional one another. Nowondong an industrial area, is affected by pollutants that are emitted from the primary sources, while Manchondong a residential area, is affected by the advection of O3 or by the primary pollutants like VOCs.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Diurnal variations of air quality due to the characteristic features of local weather phenomena over Kunsan, Taegu, and Pohang are analyzed using various synoptic wind fields and the characteristics of local weather during the period of 1990 to 1992. The air pollutants analyzed are sulfur dioxide(SO_2), nitrogen dioxide(NO_2), and oxidants (O_3). The synoptic wind fields estimated at over the 850 hPa geopotential height are divided in terms of four wind directions and two wind speed categories for each season. The synoptic weather conditions are also classified into two categories depending on the total cloud amounts. The present study shows that the SO_2 concentration over Kunsan, and Taegu was maximum at the two or three hours after sunrise and second primary was three or four hours after sunset. On the other hand, its concentration over Kunsan was maximum at 1900 LST or 2000 LST. The O_3 concentration over the three cities shows its maximum in the afternoon when the solar radiation is strong. The NO_2 concentration over Kunsan shows in reverse proportion to the 0_3 concentration over the Kunsan.
        1996.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Diurnal variations of air quality for each season over Taegu city were analyzed using the characteristic features of the various synoptic wind fields. The air quality data which were monitored by four stations are the hourly averaged sulfur dioxid(SO_2), total suspended particulate (TSP) and oxidants (O_3) during the period of 1989 to 1992. The various synoptic wind fields obtained from the 850 hPa geopotential height were divided into four geostrophic wind directions and two geostrophic wind speeds for each seasons. The synoptic weather conditions were again subdivided into two categories using the total cloud amounts. The results shows that diurnal and seasonal variations of the air quality over Taegu city, such as sulfur dioxide, total suspended particulate and oxidants reveal the various characteristics under the same synoptic weather conditions.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper presents the disributions and variations of CO,CO_2, number of people and temperature in underground shopping center and subway of Seomyeon and Jagalchi in Pusan, Korea for two times during October and November in 1993, respectively. NDIR analyzer is used for the analysis of CO and CO_2. The temperature is obtained from a mercury therometer. The results of observation and analysis show that the variation of CO_2 is strongly related to number of people and temperature. The correlation coefficients between temperature, CO_2 and number of people are higher than 0.85 at both of places. The pollution of CO_2 of Seomyeon is higher than that of Jagachi in underground shopping center. However, CO is not correlated with the temperature and the number of people. From the results, we found that the indoor air quality monitoring system is needed for the prevention of the underground air pollution.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        터널식 보온절충못자리 육묘에서 고온장해를 막기 위한 바람트기는 묘의 광합성과 관련하여 상내 CO2 공급 또한 중요하므로 바람트기 방법에 따른 상내 온도와 CO2 농도의 낮 동안의 변화를 알아보고자 본 실험을 수행하였다. 1. 맑은 날(5월 20일)에 조사한 바람트기 방법별 상내 CO2 농도는 바람트기 방법에 따라 뚜렷한 차이를 보였는데, 무통풍이 가장 낮았고, 관행이 가장 높았으며, 가로일자찢기는 중간 정도였다. 상내 CO2 농도가 가장 낮아진 시각은 무통풍에서는 10:30시에 58ppm, 가로일자찢기에서는 15:30시에 155ppm, 관행은 17: 30시에 272ppm 이었다. 광합성이 이루어지는 낮 동안의 상내 CO2 의 평균 농도는 외기 15.74m ㏖/㎥에 비하여 무통풍은 3.27m ㏖/㎥, 가로일자찢기는 12.81m ㏖/㎥이었다. 2. 외기온도에 대한 상내 기온울 보면 무통풍에서 외기가 22℃ 일 때 46℃ 까지 높아졌으며, 이때 가로일자찢기는 37℃ 였고, 관행은 32℃ 였다. 상내 기온이 15℃ 이하에서는 가로일자찢기가 관행보다 더 큰 보온효과를 보였다. 3. 해돋이 전 상내 기온이 10℃ -15℃ 로 비교적 낮은 때 CO2 농도는 높은 편이었지만, 해독이후 상내 기온이 20℃ 까지 높아지고 동시에 광합성이 이루어지게 되면 급격히 감소하다가 20℃ 이상으로 높아짐에 따라 CO2 농도는 서서히 감소하는 경향이었다. 4. 40일묘의 묘소질은 건물중, 충실도 모두 가로일자찢기에 의한 바람트기가 가장 높았고, 관행이 그 다음이었으며, 무통풍이 가장 낮았다. 5. 보온 못자리의 바람트기는 튼튼한 모기르기를 위한 보온, 고온장해 방지 , CO2 공급 등의 중요성을 동등하게 인정하고 관리하여야 할 것으로 판단된다.
        1982.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        소맥엽신에 있어서 기공개도의 측정법 및 기공개도의 일변화를 검토하여 광합성연구 및 수분생리 연구의 기초자료를 얻고자 조사하였든 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 기공개도의 실측치와 침윤법에 의한 시약순위와는 직선적인 비례관계가 있었다. 2. 침윤법으로 측정한 시약순위 1의 경우 기공개도의 실측 평균치는 0.7± 0.5u 이었으며 순위 6의 경우는 6.3± 0.6이었다. 3. 동일엽신내에서도 엽신의 기부는 선단부보다 기공개도가 현저히 컸다. 4. 지엽과 제1엽 엽신의 기공은 10시경에 제2엽은 12시경에 기공개도가 가장 컸으며, 오후가 되면서 기공개도는 감소하기 시작하여 18시경에는 거의 완전히 폐공하였다. 5. 기공개도의 최대치는 지엽보다 제1엽이 또 세력이 왕성한 분벽의 엽신일수록 큰 경향이었다. 6. 엽신기부의 기공은 선단부에 비하여 모든 엽위와 어는 시각에서도 기공개도가 큰 일변화를 보였다. 7. 이상의 결과로부터 소맥엽신의 기공개도 측정은 침윤법으로 가능하나 품종이나 육종재료들에 대하여 기공개도를 비교할 때는 엽위, 엽신부위 및 분벽간에 차가 있으므로 측정재료 선정에 주의가 필요하리라 본다.