
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 23

        2024.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2017년 건립된 합천원폭자료관이 ‘한국인 원폭 피해 사실의 기억화’라는 건립 목표를 달성하는 방안으로 디지털 라키비움의 구축을 제안하였다. 본 자료관은 아카이브와 전시관을 운영하지만, 소장 기록이 부족하여 건립 목표를 달성하는 데 어려움이 있었다. 아카이브는 합천인 중심의 피해 기록물이 많고, 전시관은 한국인 원폭 피해에 대한 전시가 부족하였다. 이에 디지털 라키비움을 구축하여 소장 기록물이 없어도 전 시할 수 있고, 한국인 원폭 피해 사실에 관한 모든 자료를 서비스하는 것을 목표로 하였다. 본 자료관의 디지털 라키비움은 한국인 원폭 피해 를 기억하는 기관으로 일본의 원폭자료관과는 차별화된 정체성을 갖도록 하였다. 디지털 라키비움의 핵심인 디지털 아카이브 컬렉션은 피해 사실, 범죄 행위, 해결을 위한 노력, 재발 방지를 위한 노력으로 구분하였고, 전시콘텐츠는 각 컬렉션의 기록물을 활용하여 제작할 수 있도록 하였다. 본 디지털 라키비움은 비대면 상황에서도 이용자가 접근하여 기록물 활 용과 기증 등 운영에 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 동시대 미술에서 나타나는 아카이브의 형식을 통해 개인의 차원에서 역사를 반추할 수 있는지 살펴본다. 아카이브는 단순히 기록 보관소의 역할을 넘어서 사적인 기억을 재편하고 가상의 서사를 전개하는 데 두루 활용되고 있다. 또한 선형적인 시간성을 의도적 으로 흐트러뜨려 본래와 다른 맥락을 만들어내며 현재를 과거와 매개하는 구조를 갖고 있다. 그렇게 선별된 것들은 탈맥락화의 과정을 거쳐 임의적이고 가변적인 의미를 갖게 된다. 이러한 작업은 개인이 집단과 맺게 되는 관계에 질문을 던지고 흩어진 과거의 흔적을 재구성하여 비공식적인 역사로 다시 쓰려는 시도이다. 이를 위해 본인과 마르셀 뒤샹, 아크람 자타리의 작품을 사례로 분석하여 대안 서사의 개념을 고찰해보고자 한다. 결국 이 논문은 수집과 배 열의 방법론을 통해 과거의 잔해를 발굴하고 새로운 형태로 복원할 수 있는 가능성에 대해 모색한다.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 도리스 레싱의 「낙원에 뜬 신의 눈」에 재현된 전후 공산주의와 연관한 레싱의 글쓰기 정치학을 살펴보고자 한다. 레싱의 아카이브에 따르면, 사회를 개혁할 수 있는 수단으로 보았던 공산주의에 대한 믿음이 두 번의 세계대전을 거치며 흔들리기 시작했음이 드러난다. 1950년대 초 독일 방문과 1952년 소련 방문에 대한 그녀의 소감을 밝힌 자료는 그러한 공산주의에 대한 열성이 스러지기 시작했음이 감지된다. 또한 지인이나 주변의 작가들과 주고받은 편지에서도 공산주의 활동과 자신의 글쓰기를 구분하고 있음이 나타난다. 따라서 레싱의 아카이브를 중심으로 「낙원에 뜬 신의 눈」에 구현된 독일 의사들이 보여주는 체제에 대한 종교적 무아지경 상태를 고찰하는 작업은 레싱의 글쓰기 정치학을 이해하는 데 유용할 것이다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fungal contaminant in the indoor air is one of risk factors that could damage valuable paper-based records preserved in libraries. In the process of monitoring airborne fungi at the Nara Repository, the National Archives, Seoul, Korea, three fungal strains, DUCC 16098, DUCC 17764, and DUCC17767 were isolated from the archive’s air samples. Fungal identification was performed based on the morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), the 28S LSU rDNA, and β-tubulin gene (BenA), and TEF1-α gene. These DUCC 16098, DUCC 17764 and DUCC17767 strains were identified as Clonostachys farinosa, Penicillium cosmopolitanum, and Cephalotrichum purpureofuscum. These species have not been recorded before in Korea. Information on these fungi will help the monitoring and management of airborne fungi in the archival facilities.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fungi are organisms that must be monitored and controlled in order to preserve valuable paper records. They reduce the quality of paper records by degradation and/or discoloration. As an effort to understand fungal contamination in the National Archives of Korea, the concentration of fungi in the indoor air of the unsterilized record rooms has been reported. However, what species are present in the facilities is not much known. In the present study, we examined the fungi isolated from the National Archives of Korea and found among them that there are fungal species which are newly documented in Korea. They were identified based on morphological properties and nucleotide sequences analysis of the polymerase chain reaction-amplified the internal transcribed spacer region of rDNA, calmodulin gene, and beta-tubulin gene. We report Cladosporium parahalotolerans, Cladosporium subuliforme, Ochroconis mirabilis, Penicillium angulare, and Penicillium fundyense as new instances of fungal species in Korea. Among these five species, P. angulare is known to able to produce cellulase and O. mirabilis as an opportunistic pathogen of human and animals.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order for records to be preserved for a long time without physical and chemical transformation, the preservation environment of the library is very important, and environmental problems must be improved through periodic investigation on the preservation environment. Against this background, this study derived fine dust (PM10) and ultrafine dust (PM2.5) concentration data for the libraries, hallways, and workrooms of the National Archives of Korea over two years. There was a difference in the concentration of fine dust and ultrafine dust among facilities, and there was a change in the concentration depending on the month. Both fine dust and ultrafine dust concentrations were present at less than 10 μg/m³ in the libraries. In the hallways, both fine and ultrafine dust concentrations were highest in July. In the workplaces, the monthly fluctuations in the concentration of fine dust and ultrafine dust were large. And the concentration of fine dust and ultrafine dust in the workplaces were higher than those in the library and hallways. Overall, the concentration of fine dust and ultra-fine dust was measured below the maintenance standards stipulated by the Indoor Air Quality Management Act of the Ministry of Environment of Korea in all the investigated facilities. The results of this study are expected to be used as fundamental information to manage the indoor air quality of the facilities of the National Archives.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Temperature, humidity, and fungal concentration were investigated during the period from May 2019 to August 2021 to obtain information on the indoor air quality in the facilities of the National Archive of Koea, located at Seongnam, Daejeon, and Busan, respectively. The temperature and humidity of the undisinfected libraries was properly maintained for the preservation of papepr records. The airborne fungal concentration differed among the libraries, changed according to the season, and increased especially between June and August. Similarily, the concentration of airborne fungi in the hallways adjacent to the libraries also fluctuated depending on the season and showed a tendency to rise in the months when the ourside temperature rose. In general, the concentration of airborne fungi in the hallways was somewhat higher than that of the libraries. Importantly, it was identified that the concentration of airborne fungi exceeded the recommended standard (500 CFU/m3) by the Ministry of Environment of Korea only in the workroom where the classification and condition inspection of undisinfected records imported from outside were performed. Investigation of airborne fungal concentration from May 2021 to August 2021 showed that the 24 undisinfected libraries in Seongnam, Daejeon, and Busan were all good at 100 CFU/m3 or less. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data to manage the indoor environment of facilities in the National Archives.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To obtain information on the indoor air quality of un-disinfected libraries used for paper records preservation, temperature, humidity, and bacterial concentration and species were investigated at five un-disinfected libraries from May to September in 2019 in the National Archives, Seoul (Nara Repository), Korea. Temperature and humidity of all the five un-disinfected libraries were well maintained at 18-22oC and 40-55% in compliance with the National Archives Paper Records Preservation Environment Standard. Bacterial concentration ranged from 2 CFU/m3 up to 280 CFU/m3 which were lower than the Korean indoor air quality standard value. A total of 68 bacterial species belonging to 33 genera were identified from indoor air of the five un-disinfected libraries. Among the 33 genera, Bacillus, Micrococcus, and Staphylococcus were the major genera. Only Micrococcus yunnanensis, Roseomonas mucosa, and Moraxella osloensis were commonly found among the five un-disinfected libraries. Bacterial species producing colonies with color on TSA media were present. Among the 68 species, Bacillus circulans and B. megaterium known to produce cellulases were found. There were also 17 species which have harmful effect on human health. The results of this study indicate that continuous monitoring of air borne bacteria is necessary in the un-disinfected libraries used for paper records preservation.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the Sachanbalgi, which record the royal feasts given by the royal family of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. These records are contained within the Gungjung Balgi, which recorded the types and quantity of items used in royal court ceremonies. The Eumsikbalgi is the general name for the records of food found within this document. Using these Eumsikbalgi, and in particular the Sachanbalgi, this study investigated the food eaten and bestowed by the Joseon royal family. The Sachanbalgi describes four categories or occasions of feasts: royal birthdays, childbirth, royal weddings, and funerals. These records allow us to reconstruct who the attendees were and what the table settings and food were for instances not directly indicated in oral records, books, or other documents. The food at these Sachan (feasts) was diverse, being related to the specific event, and its contents varied based on the position of the person who was receiving the food. Usually, Bab (rice) was not found at a Sachanbalgi, and only on two occasions were meals with Bab observed. Specifically, it was served with Gwaktang (seaweed soup) at a childbirth feast. There were seven kinds of soups and stews that appeared in the Sachanbalgi: Gwaktang, Yeonpo (octopus soup), Japtang (mixed food stew), Chogyetang (chilled chicken soup), Sinseonro (royal hot pot), and Yukjang (beef and soybean paste). Nureumjeok (grilled brochette) and Saengchijeok (pheasant), and Ganjeonyueo (pan-fried cow liver fillet) and Saengseonjeonyueo (pan-fried fish fillet) were eaten. Yangjeonyueo, Haejeon, Tigakjeon (pan-fried kelp) and other dishes, known and unknown, were also recorded. Boiled meat slices appeared at high frequency (40 times) in the records; likewise, 22 kinds of rice cake and traditional sweets were frequently served at feasts. Five kinds of non-alcoholic beverages were provided. Seasonal fruits and nuts, such as fresh pear or fresh chestnut, are thought to have been served following the event. In addition, a variety of dishes including salted dry fish, boiled dish, kimchi, fruit preserved in honey, seasoned vegetables, mustard seeds, fish, porridge, fillet, steamed dishes, stir-fried dishes, vegetable wraps, fruit preserved in sugar, and jellied foods were given to guests, and noodles appear 16 times in the records. Courtiers were given Banhap, Tanghap, Myeonhap, wooden bowls, or lunchboxes. The types of food provided at royal events tracked the season. In addition, considering that for feasts food of the royal household was set out for receptions of guests, cooking instructions for the food in the lunchbox-type feasts followed the cooking instructions used in the royal kitchen at the given time. Previous studies on royal cuisine have dealt mostly with the Jineosang presented to the king, but in the Sachanbalgi, the food given by the royal family to its relatives, retainers, and attendants is recorded. The study of this document is important because it extends the knowledge regarding the food of the royal families of the Joseon Dynasty. The analysis of Sachanbalgi and the results of empirical research conducted to reconstruct the precise nature of that food will improve modern knowledge of royal cuisine.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        박물관, 기록원 등의 주요 소독약제인 메틸브로마이드(MB)와 Ethylene Oxide(EO)는 오존층 파괴 물질 및 1급 발암물질로 규제가 되고 있어 대체 훈증제 개발이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서, 친환경 약제인 검역훈증제 에틸포메이트 (베이퍼메이트®)의 적용가능성을 확인하고자 주요 해충인 독일바퀴(Blatella germanica) 및 흰개미(Reticulitermes speratus)를 대상으로 Dose response 실험을 실시하였다. 공시충은 팜한농 작물보호연구센터 곤충사육실에서 누대사육중인 개체를 사용하였으며, 데시게이터(6.9L)에 농도별로 24시간동안 밀폐 훈증처리하여 약효를 조사하였다. 통계분석은 Probit analysis 통해 L(Ct) (Lethal Concentration x Time, gꞏhꞏm3)값을 산출하였다. 시험결과 L(Ct)50 및 L(Ct)99 값은 독일바퀴(혼합태)의 경우 48.38 및 346.34 gꞏhꞏm3 흰개미(성충)은 14.91및 660.94 gꞏhꞏm3로 나타났다. 모두 방제가 가능한 L(Ct)99 값은 660.94 gꞏhꞏm3으로 이는 에틸포메이 트 28.2 g/m3(베이퍼메이트® 170 g/m3)를 24시간 처리시 완전 방제가 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to identify ways of remodeling from the traditional hanok to the modern local governmental facility in 1910s. Analysing architectural drawings in the National Archives of Korea, 58 hanok remodeling cases of 52 facilities were verified like the provincial office, county office, county court from 1907 to 1910s. Using hanok as the local governmental building, exterior walls were all changed to the scaled-wooden wall like one of western-wooden building in 1910s and the western-style entrance was set. Change of the plan caused by remodeling interior walls had an intention of the centralized closed plan. Remodeled semi-outer corridor using the space of the eave became changed to the inner corridor with expansion of space. Expansion of hanok for spatial demand was in three ways. First was the expansion towards the eave space, second was direct extension from hanok, and last was the use of external corridor to the new building. Using the eave space was simple but had limitation of space, it was planed with other expansion ways. The way of direct extension was usually used than the one with the corridor, because it was more economical way.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 공연예술아카이브의 근본적인 특성을 살펴보기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해서 먼저 공연예술은 현장 성을 기반으로 하는 순간의 예술이라는 점을 포스트모더니즘의 영향을 받은 서구의 공연학 이론을 통해서 고찰하였다. 그리고 나서 이러한 공연의 특성이 아카이브와 관련을 맺으면서 발생하는 여러 복잡한 문제들을 공연예술아카이브의 존재론적인 특성에 초점을 맞추어서 분석하였다. 아울러 공연과 기록의 관계를 진본성과 신뢰성의 측면에서 분석하고, 이러한 고유의 특성이 공연예술아카이브에 남겨 놓는 특수한 문제들로 인해서 공 연예술아카이브는 새로운 정의와 접근이 필요함을 밝혔다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 미술품 수집가이자 예술 후원가인 스웨덴 귀족 롤프 드 마레(Rolfe de Maré)가 건 립한 세계 최초의 무용박물관인 국제무용아카이브(Archives Internationale de la Danse)의 전시회 를 분석함으로써 롤프 드 마레의 현대무용에 대한 관점이 어떻게 연관되어 드러났는지를 살펴 보는 데 연구의 목표를 둔다. 연구방법은 문헌연구로 진행하되, 특별히 2006년 프랑스 국립무용 센터가 출간한 본격 연구서와 아카이브 자료, 2009년 출간된 롤프 드 마레 평전을 중심으로 하 였다. 연구결과 오랜 미술품 수집을 통해 예술가들과 교류하면서 스웨덴 발레단(Ballets Suédois) 을 창설하고, 발레단 활동 속에서 총체예술의 이념과 국제주의 시각, 프리미티즘과 관련한 민족 지학적 관심을 구현함으로써 현대무용에 대한 관점을 적용해간 과정을 살펴보았다. 그리고 이러 한 관점이 국제무용아카이브의 전시회에 연관되어 있음을 밝혀냈으며, 이를 위해 전시회의 유형 을 예술로서의 무용, 학제간 연구, 민속 및 민족지학적 연구, 인물 연구로 나누어 살펴보았다. 결론적으로 롤프 드 마레의 현대무용의 관점이 전시회와 연관되어 있음을 조명함으로써, 우리에 게 가능한 무용아카이브 전시회의 구도와 시사점을 도출하였다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigate the changes in the equatorial lodge degrees and polar distance degrees of determinative stars in the ancient Chinese archives. Confirmed is the fact that the coordinate values of those determinative stars defined in B.C. 104 had been used until the 8th century but were modified by the observations of Li Chunfeng (李淳風) in the early 7th century and Yixing (一行) in 723 A.D. The results of this study are compared with those in History of Chinese Astronomical Observations of Pan Nai. By applying the results of comtemporary astrodynamical calculations, their reliability is checked, and the corrected catalogues of Shi Shi (石氏) and Yixing are provided. The positional accuracy of those observations is estimated to be one degree.
        2010.09 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to estimate and compare indoor air quality(IAQ) at stock rooms in general library and in National Archives and to provide fundamental data in order to enact the law on management of IAQ at stock rooms in general library. The survey of IAQ in stock rooms was performed in Seoul National Archives in August 2009, and the basic data on level of indoor air pollutants in stock rooms at general library was collected from domestic journal. The concentration of NO2 was 114.1 ppb at audiovisual documentary stock rooms in National Archives. That value exceeded 50 ppb guideline that was legislated by the Korean Ministry of Public Administration and Security. The concentration of PM10 and VOCs were 59±9㎍/m3 and 367±83㎍/m3, respectively at stock rooms in general library. These values were exceeded from the guideline of Korean Ministry of Public Administration and Security that is 50㎍/m3 for PM10 and 400㎍/m3 for VOCs. Also, the exceeded probability from the guideline was 83.7% in PM10 and 35.6% in VOCs. Therefore, we suggest that a national plan for the management of IAQ at stock rooms in general library should be established.
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