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        검색결과 33

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The demand for transportation is increasing due to the continuous generation of radioactive wastes. Especially, considering the geographical characteristics of Korea and the location characteristics of nuclear facilities, the demand for maritime transportation is expected to increase. If a sinking accident happens during maritime transportation, radioactive materials can be released into the ocean from radioactive waste transportation containers. Radioactive materials can spread through the ocean currents and have radiological effects on humans. The effect on humans is proportional to the concentration of radioactive materials in the ocean compartment. In order to calculate the concentration of radioactive materials that constantly flow along the ocean current, it is necessary to divide the wide ocean into appropriate compartments and express the transfer processes of radioactive materials between the compartments. Accordingly, this study analyzed various ocean transfer evaluation methodologies of overseas maritime transportation risk codes. MARINRAD, POSEIDON, and LAMER codes were selected to analyze the maritime transfer evaluation methodology. MARINRAD divided the ocean into two types of compartments that water and sediment compartments. And it was assumed that radionuclides are transfered from water to water or from water to sediment. Advection, diffusion, and sedimentation were established as transfer process for radionuclides between compartments. MARINRAD use transfer parameters to evaluate transer processes by advection, diffusion, and sedimentation. Transfer parameters were affected by flow rate, sedimentation rate, sediment porosity, and etc. POSEIDON also divided the ocean into two types that water and sediment compartment, each compartments was detaily divided into three vertical sub-compartment. Advection, diffusion, resuspension, sedimentation, and bioturbation were established as transport processes for radionuclides between compartments. POSEIDON also used transfer parameters for evaluating advection, diffusion, resuspension, sedimentation, and bioturbation. Transfer parameters were affected by suspended sediment rates, sedimentation rates, vertical diffusion coefficients, bioturbation factors, porosity, and etc. LAMER only considered the water compartment. It divided the water compartment into vertical detailed compartments. Diffusion, advection and sedimentation were established as the nuclide transfer processes between the compartments. To evaluated the transfer processes of nuclides for diffusion and advection, LAMER calculated the probability with generating random position vectors for radionuclides’ locations rather than deterministic methods such as MARINRAD’s transfer parameters or POSEIDON’s transfer rates to evaluate transfer processes. The results of this study can be used as a basis for developing radioactive materials’ ocean transfer evaluation model.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        At the end of 2022 there were 439 nuclear power reactors in operating around the world, including 25 nuclear power reactors of Korea. Domestic nuclear power plants (NPPs) continuously produce low and intermediate-level radioactive waste (LILW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF). As amount of radioactive waste is increasing and interim storage facilities meet limitation of their capacity, radioactive waste need to be transported. Consequently, the demand for radioactive waste transportation is increasing and the importance of Radiation Risk Assessment Codes (RRACs) for radioactive waste transportation is also on the rise. Considering the domestic situation where all NPPs are located on seaside, the radioactive waste transportation by ship is inevitable and the its risk assessment is very important for safety. Although various researches on radioactive waste transportation risk assessment is being actively conducted, research on domestic radioactive waste maritime transportation is insufficient. In this study, MARINRAD and KM-RAD were used to review on the radioactive waste transportation risk assessment. The result of reviewing shows that MARINRAD used SNF as transporting radioactive materials and ‘SAND87-7067 (1987)’ as nuclide database, whereas KMRAD used LILW and ‘IAEA Technical Report Series-422 (2004)’. To complement these limitations, we present an modernized integrated database by updating data and covering the radioactive materials from LILW to SNF. These results are expected to contribute to the development of RRACs for domestic radioactive waste maritime transportation.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuels are continuously generated in Korea. For the disposal of the radioactive wastes, the transport demand is expected to increase. Prior to transportation, it is necessary to evaluate the radiation risk of transportation to confirm that is not high. In Korea, there is no transportation risk assessment code that reflects domestic characteristics. Therefore, foreign assessment codes are used. In this study, before developing the overland transportation risk assessment code that reflects domestic characteristics, we analyzed the radiation risk assessment methodology in transportation accident codes developed in other countries. RADTRAN and RISKIND codes were selected as representative overland transportation risk assessment codes. For the two codes we analyzed accident scenarios, exposure pathways, and atmospheric diffusion. In RADTRAN, the user classifies accident severity for possible accident scenarios, and the user inputs the probability for each accident severity. On the other hand, in the case of RISKIND, the accident scenarios are classified and the probabilities are determined according to the NRC modal study (LLNL, 1987) in consideration of the cask impact velocity, cask impact angle, and fire temperature. In the case of RISKIND, the accident scenarios are applied only to transportation of spent nuclear fuel, and cannot be defined for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste. However, in the case of RADTRAN, since the severity and probability of accidents are defined by user, it can be applied to low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes. As the exposure pathways considered in transportation accident, both RADTRAN and RISKIND consider external exposure (cloudshine and groundshine), and internal exposure (inhalation, resuspension inhalation and ingestion). In the case of RADTRAN, additionally, external exposure due to loss of shielding (LOS) is considered. Atmospheric diffusion calculation is essential to determine the extent to which radioactive materials are diffused. In both RADTRAN and RISKIND, atmospheric diffusion calculations are based on Gaussian diffusion model. Users must input Pasquill stability class, release height, heat release, wind speed, temperature and mixing height, etc. Additionally, RADTRAN can input weather information relatively simply by inputting only the Pasquill stability class fraction and selecting the US average weather option. This study results will be used as a basis for developing radioactive waste overland transportation risk assessment code that reflects domestic characteristics.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dry storage is a predominantly used method as a spent nuclear fuel storage system after spent nuclear fuel is cooled in the spent fuel pool. Spent nuclear fuel is highly radioactive and it generates heat called decay heat originated by fission products and radiation. Therefore, temperature of spent nuclear fuel should be predicted whether its cladding temperature is maintained under 400°C, which is the allowable temperature limit of cladding in a dry storage. ANSYS Fluent and COBRA-SFS are predominantly used computational method to investigate the temperature of spent nuclear fuels in a dry storage. Herein, thermal analysis results with the methods were compared based on a Single Assembly Heat Transfer Test, which is a heat test with an electrically heated model of a single PWR fuel assembly in a dry cask performed at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory. Decay heat was 1kW and backfill gas was air. Fix temperature boundary condition is applied to inner shell according to measured temperature. In case of peak cladding temperature (PCT), Fluent predicted 240–284°C, while COBRA-SFS gave 243–292°C. The discrepancy between the codes is under 2.5%. The location where PCT took place was 3.65 m from the bottom of the assembly in both results. However, temperature difference between the upper and lower region of the assembly based on the Fluent was smaller than the temperature difference based on the COBRA-SFS. It means the heat was well transferred in an axial direction with Fluent compared to COBRA-SFS. In lower plenum region where air was naturally circulated, COBRASFS had disadvantages compared to Fluent because it modeled the lower plenum by single node, so it was hard to simulate convection heat transfer by natural circulation. natural circulation speed of air in a center region of the assembly was 0.07–0.1 m·s−1 in both cases.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The affiliated islands of the Jeju area include, Udo, Biyangdo, Gapado, Marado, Chujado, and 55 uninhabited islands. In the case of the inhabited islands, affiliated with Jeju Province, a look at the distribution chart of industries among the villages, one will see types of villages which combine agriculture and fishing. Residents are engaged in agriculture and fishing, and live their lives based on the semi-formal village codes 향약1 Conflicts in the village are being resolved based on these village codes. The recent rapid influx of population has led to the collapse of the traditional village community and conflicts among villagers. The qualifications and rules of the village’s residents are strengthened through the use of each village’s code. This means that the entry barrier for qualifications and rules has increased. It can also lead to conflicts between migrants and villagers. The village has a culture to project. However, regulations and rules with high entry barriers can never be the answer. For the resolution of villages conflicts, village intermediate organizations such as the Women’s Association, Youth Association, Senior Citizens’Association, and heads of the neighborhoods are playing an important role in resolving conflict.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses the influence of QR codes on consumers’ purchase decision in green advertising. We found that QR codes can improve advertisement value, perceived green value, and green trust. This relation eventually leads to a positive influence on consumers’ purchase intention.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Marketers increasingly develop strategies to benefit from the potentials of the mobile internet and related technologies. Digitally enhanced product packaging is one prominent example for this evolution and QR (quick response) codes currently give this trend an appearance. QR codes enable manufacturers to provide consumers - despite the limited space on the product package - with comprehensive product information. And consumers increasingly request additional product information, for instance, to monitor environmental factors before purchasing products. Hence, while marketers nowadays regularly use QR codes on product packages to provide consumers with additional product information, they complain about the low usage rates and finally about the effectiveness of QR codes. Extant literature provides little guidance on consumer responses towards these marketing stimuli and, in particular, on how the mere presence of QR codes on product packages affects consumer behavioral and behavior-related responses. Existing research unexceptionally explores how marketers can motivate consumers to scan QR codes (Okazaki et al., 2012; Okazaki et al., 2017) and thus draws a one-sided picture of how marketers can benefit from QR codes. To enrich extant knowledge, this research uses information processing and environmental theory to offer insights into whether and how QR codes on product packages affect consumer product purchasing. The findings of an experimental study illustrate that QR codes affect consumer product purchases by inducing product- and vendor-related cognitive beliefs. In particular, the presence of QR codes on product packaging strengthens consumers’ perceptions about product quality and vendor innovativeness which then positively translate into purchase intentions. Hence, QR codes displayed on product packaging indirectly shape product purchasing. In sum, this research broadens the previous focus on usage-related outcomes by considering how and why QR codes affect consumer purchasing.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        테러무기는 일반적으로 전통적인 무기와 대량살상무기, 그리고 비전통적인 무기 등으로 구분될 수 있다. 전통적인 무기에 해당하는 무기들은 총기류, 폭발물 등이 있다. 이러한 무기들은 일반적으로 가장 빈번히 발생하는 테러공격방법인 폭탄테러, 무장공격, 그리고 인질납치 등에서 가장 많이 사용된다. 대량살상무기는 CBRN(Chemical, Biological, Radio logical, and Nucelar)을 의미한다. 즉, 화학, 생물학, 방사능, 그리고 핵등을 테러무기로 사용하는 것을 의미한다. 이와 같은 무기는 잘 사용되는 경우는 없으나 한번 사용되었을 경우 상당한 인명피해가 예상되며 그와 별도로 일반 대중들에게 심각한 심리적 공포를 안겨다 준다. 비전통적인 무기는 차량 등과 같이 일상생활에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 아이템이 살상무기로 이용되는 경우이다. 최근 들어 차량이 인명을 효과적으로 살상하는 무기로 빈번히 이용되고 있다. 테러예방활동에 있어 주요한 한 부분은 테러에 이용될 수 있는 테러무기를 효과적으로 관리하는 것이다. 이 논문은 테러공격에 이용될 수 있는 무기들에 대한 국내의 현행 법률규정의 현황을 점검하고 그 한계점과 개선방안을 제안한다. 잠재적 테러무기의 안전관리와 관련된 현행 법률들은 크게 직접적으로 테러방지에 관한 내용을 다루고 있는 테러방지법과 간접적으로 테러공격에 이용될 수 있는 잠재적 무기들을 다루고 있는 여러 관련 법률들로 분류할 수 있다. 이 논문은 이러한 여러 직, 간접 법률들의 현황을 정리, 소개하고 그러한 법률들의 한계점과 개선방안 등에 대해 논의하고 제안할 것이다.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite its innovative and avant-garde reputation, the luxury industry initially began showing a very low commitment to new online marketing tools and it held a conservative approach to selling when compared to other sectors. Nowadays, the context has dramatically changed and luxury brands are approaching with an increasing interest social networks as well as the online selling. This research aims to clarify the current strategic approaches of the players in the different luxury markets towards the social commerce phenomenon, from both a theoretical and an empirical point of view. The purpose is to test a framework that can be used to classify luxury companies’ strategies regarding social media adoptions based on actual theories on social media. Four strategies related to the social media adoption by luxury brands have been identified: the Social brand ambassadors strategy class (low promotional content percentage and low social commerce score) includes those brands that use social media for entertainment and user engagement; the Social showcases strategy (high promotional content percentage and low social commerce score) includes those brands that use their social accounts as online catalogues; the Social infotainers strategy (low promotional content percentage and high social commerce score) includes those brands that scored high in social commerce, mainly because of the provision of informative content and brand–consumer interactions, but they were linked to more entertainment-oriented actions rather than product-related ones. Finally, the Social sellers strategy (high promotional content percentage and high social commerce score) includes those brands that have integrated social commerce into their online strategies and have subsequently exploited the potential of social media to drive online and offline sales. The database is built using original data from a content analysis of 100 luxury brands’ postings on five different social media platforms – namely Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest. The total final sample included 12,132 Facebook posts, 21,216 tweets on Twitter, 1,105 YouTube videos, 10,138 Instagram pictures/videos, and 117,359 Pinterest pictures. The main findings are the following: luxury brands adopt at this stage the Social brand ambassadors and Social showcases approaches; brands belonging to the perfumery, cosmetics, jewelry and watches markets show a more developed attitude towards the social commerce; in other luxury markets, such as wine and spirits, brands still adopt a Social Brand Ambassador strategy, while managers should increase the promotional content in order develop the social commerce. The Fashion & Accessories brands show a positive relationship between the percentage of promotional content and social commerce score. This means that social commerce adoptions depend on the single brand’s strategic choices, ranging from low adoption to best practices. In general, social commerce is still not widespread; many luxury fashion brands, while presenting new collections during fashion weeks, focused on fashion shows, backstage events, and celebrities, rather than really promoting the new product lines with materials, availability, and purchasing indications. This social media approach is mainly focused on increasing brand awareness rather than increasing social commerce. If managers aim at increasing social commerce they should add direct call to action and link the contents to e-commerce market place. Automotive brands are concentrated in the Social showcases area; This sector encounters natural limitations in the introduction of social commerce due to the difficulty of selling products through the digital channel; many brands have, however, devised strategies to approach their users during the purchasing process prior to the actual transaction to take advantage of the increasing ROPO phenomenon. Conversely, the Perfumes & Cosmetics sector shows a highly fragmented approach to social commerce. The content analysis based on single post contents has shown that actually the contents are based on pictures of the products, or the brand, information on events, and a large and increasing presence of video posts based storytelling about the history of the product and the brand heritage; the most social commerce oriented posts are picture or video focused on the product. The commercial contents that aim at developing the see now, buy now approach are mainly based on video shows.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most researchers agree that core to the value proposition of luxury brands is their sym-bolic content and the image they convey (e.g., Dubois and Paternault 1995, Albrecht et al. 2013). One of the key mechanisms through which the brand is charged with symbolic content is advertising (McCracken 1986). Advertising is a key medium in the meaning creation process which is strongly controlled by brand management and intentionally used to convey a certain image to consumers (Kim, Lloyd, and Cervellon 2015). Given the importance of advertising to the luxury industry, it is surprising that only little re-search exists that explores how luxury brands build and communicate their brand in ad-vertising (Freire 2014, Mortelmans 1998, Mortelmans 2014). This study closes this gap by identifying the key themes and codes which luxury brands use in their advertising, analyses their usage and evolution over time, category and brand to show similarities and differences between the advertising of luxury brands. This pro-vides the basis to answer the following research questions: • What are the main thematic and stylistic codes that luxury brands use in print adver-tising? • How do the thematic and stylistic codes vary between brands? • How do the thematic and stylistic codes vary between categories? • How do the thematic and stylistic codes vary over time? This research thus contributes to the advancement of luxury advertising theory as it pro-vides a comprehensive framework for academics and practitioners alike, to analyse and design luxury print advertisements. Drawing on research in the areas of luxury advertis-ing and semiotics, we develop a conceptual framework allowing to analyse and catego-rise print campaigns of luxury brands along the three dimensions’ brand, category and time for over 500 advertisements of luxury fashion brands. The study has important im-plications for academic research as well as the luxury industry. This study identifies the identity-relevant and symbolic codes used in creating a luxury brand and thus adds to an enhanced understanding of how luxury is communicated and constructed.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Because National Fire Safety Codes is mixed performance criteria and specification, and it defines the fire extinguish equipment type and standards that need to be installed in a building as one method. Therefore, to fully reflect the fire risk characteristics of the building, such as the wooden building there is a limit. In this study, suggested to the performance criteria drawn methodologies through fire load of wooden buildings studies, theory on performance and performance analysis to fire extinguish equipment of the wooden buildings is installed according to current fire safety codes.
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