
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        로마제국 2~3세기에 발생한 대규모 전염병을 겪는 초대교회와 한국전쟁이라는 위기를 겪은 한국교회가 어떻게 복음을 전파하면서 전도의 방향과 목적을 정립해갔는지 살펴본다. 각각 사회적 질서의 아노미 현상이 발생하는 국가적 재난 속에서, 그들은 불신자들에게 어떤 영향을 주었으며, 이것이 기독교에 대한 인식과 전파 그리고 교회의 성장에 어떻게 영향을 주었는지 전도의 차원에서 조명한다. 오늘날 코로나 팬데믹으로 인한 한국사회의 위기 속에서 한국교회가 마주하는 어려움을 역사의 거울에 비추어 봄으로써, 전도의 기회를 모색한다. 코로나 팬데믹을 위기가 아닌, 복음전파의 기회로 인식해야 한다. 교회 내부의 결속과 회복만을 강조하기보다는 그리스도의 사랑과 희생을 실천하여 교회가 사회에서도 유익함을 나타내야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 예전 중심의 전도가 아닌 삶 중심의 전도를 모색해야 한다. 더 나아가 변화된 코로나 이후의 환경에서 전도의 새로운 영역과 방법에 대하여 도전해야 한다. 폐쇄적인 종교모임이 아닌, 개방적인 네트워크 중심의 신앙공동체로 성장하여 복음을 모르는 자들을 만나고 그들의 삶의 형편에서 복음을 전해야 한다.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        부흥과 교회성장은 분명 다른 개념이지만, 많은 한국 기독교인들은 부흥과 교회성장을 동의어로 사용하고 있다. 예를 들어, ‘교회가 부흥했는가?’라고 질문을 할 때, 사람들이 알고 싶어 하는 내용은 대부분 교회의 숫자적 성장 여부이다. 이러한 경향은 1903년부터 1907년까지 지속된 초기 한국 대부흥의 시기에 있었던 교회성장 경험으로부터 시작되었다고 볼 수 있다. 이 논문은 부흥과 교회성장 간의 차이와 관계를 부흥의 의미, 목적, 결과를 중심으로 연구하고 있다. 만일 진정한 부흥이 일어난다면, 그 부흥의 결과는 교회성장으로 이어진다. 하지만 부흥 없이도 교회성장이 있을 수 있다는 점에서 교회성장과 부흥은 다르다. 그러므로 부흥과 교회성장이 매우 밀접한 관계에 있음에도 불구하고 이 둘은 서로 다르다고 볼 수 있다.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The early Korean church had experienced rapid growth and revival. What caused this phenomenon? What are its driving forces? Though so far there have been many papers on the quantitative growth of the Korean church, there are almost none which deals with it from the perspective of church planting. Therefore, in this paper, I tried to evaluate the Nevius Plan as a church planting theory that enabled the early Korean church to grow rapidly. As a result of this study, I found that the Nevius Plan as a church planting method has some strengths and weaknesses.The Nevius Plan is positive in that it enhances greatly the spontaneity of believers on the basis of Three-self Principle─self-support, self-governance, and self-propaganda. However, it is not an absolute principle that can unconditionally be applied in every condition. In addition, it is wrong to place the responsibility of evangelism and church planting on only native people. Such interpretation is a distortion of the Nevius Plan. This would be demonstrated by the supportive argument that when considering Adams Evangelistic Fund, the Nevius Plan did not collide with strategic fund supports. When the Nevius Plan based on Three-self Principle was introduced to missionaries in Korea, it was indigenized into a church planting method focused on self-support and self-propaganda. As a church planting theory, it regarded the church as an organic community full of vitality and pursued establishing indigenous churches in their own culture. Three-self Principle functioned as a concrete method for church planting. However, it should not be recognized as an end in itself or an absolute theory, rather it should be applied appropriately in a certain circumstance in which local churches existed. In his writing, John Nevius also agrees that supporting fund should be invested to several ministries such as school, and to hire paid workers in case of need. Therefore, to believe that the Nevius Plan insists on leaving the responsibility of evangelism and church planting to native people without any outer fund, is a distorted interpretation. As the Nevius Plan was applied all over the country, Adams Evangelistic Fund, which had a marked effect on church planting ministry in Taegu area, demonstrates how the Nevius Plan as a indigenous church planting theory could be harmonized with fund support. Three-self Principle is the important foundation for indigenous church planting. The Nevius Plan makes church planting not a humanistic enterprise but a dynamic work led by the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, if funds in the strategic church planting support workers devoted to the Three-self spirit, it will heighten the intensity of effect more than the case of when everything is left to only native people will. It is of course that beneficiaries’ sense of independence is necessary in this case.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to discern and describe the different church planting models in the development of the Korean Protestant church. The historical range of this study is from 1885, when the first Protestant missionaries entered Korea, to 1945, when the Japanese colonial rule ended. The Korean Protestant Christians were enthused in evangelizing and establishing churches during political turbulence. They showed seven different models of church planting, even if they did not recognize them back then as we do today through strategic dimensions. During this period, many churches were established by spontaneous evangelism. Since 1903, revivals became a strong catalyst for church planting, stimulating the evangelistic activities of believers. These models revealed the significance of the work of the Holy Spirit and the evangelistic passion of believers in church planting. Furthermore, the Korean Protestant Church used strategic methods to counteract the randomness of spontaneous evangelism. The Holiness Evangelical Church especially focused on dispatching professional evangelists to strategic locations. This method was much useful to some groups despite its difference from the Nevius Plan which emphasized not paying workers' salaries. Many Korean churches were planted by seminary students and largescale evangelism. Some models of church planting by the Korean Church, such as church planting by holistic ministries and hiving off through revivals, can be evaluated as exemplary models in the present. Through holistic methods, some medical missionaries established new churches in their infirmary where they looked after poor patients. This brings to our attention how important incarnational ministry is in local community missions. Many new churches were planted due to revivals resulting in the mother church exceeding maximum capacity. This model is missional in that it rejects egoistic growth of individual churches and values God’s mission.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate and analyze the plan and structural system of 4 kan(間) by 4 kan(間) square church built in early 20th century. At that time, three kinds of traditional wooden structure church had been built under the circumstances of transitional era : Basilica style such as Ganghwa Anglican Church, ‘ㄱ’ shaped style such as Keumsan Church and 4×4 Square style such as Bukok Church and Jacheon Church that are concerned in this study. Traditional plans and structural system were mixed with new religious function and transformed into korean peculiar style. 4×4 Square style is a residual product in that process. Despite of it, little concerns on it till now. The results of this study are described as follows. 1. The plan of these 4×4 square churches is divided into three areas : cathedra(1×1), attendance(4×2), and intermediation(4×2). The location of cathedra is commonly the opposition part of main gate and projected out of the building. Attendance area was also divided into two, man and woman, because of keeping a distance with each other. 2. The structural system of these 4×4 square churches are somewhat different because of their size and roof style. In the case of Bukok church, 4×4 square fall off 3×3 and 2×2 gradually and turn into paljak(八作) roof, which enable us to get in traditional entering methods. On the contrary, Jacheon church use hipped roof but almost alike pyramidal roof, which could make us not to recognize entering in the aspect of gable part.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        한국교회사학회 50주년을 기념하기 위한 「한국교회사학회지」 특집호(55집)에 고대교회사 연구동향 분석과 미래전망에 대해 나눌 수 있는 기회가 주어짐에 대해, 깊은 감사를 표한다. 본고는 전체 420여 편의 전체 논문 중 77편의 고대교회사 논문을 다루었다. 포스트모던적 사조와 신학적 배경으로 크게 4개의 범주(역사관, 주제, 방법론, 저자)로 나누어 논문들의 성향과 내용을 분석하였다. 포스트모더니즘 시대는 근대적 사고에서 탈피하고 지배담론이나 거대 담론의 해체를 주장하면서 소위 “아래로부터”의 신학을 추구한다고 하겠다. 이에 따라 지금까지 역사적으로 소외되고 주목 받지 못했던 약자들에게 초점을 맞추고, 그들이 역사 연구의 중심주제로 떠오르고 있다. 탈가부장적, 탈유럽적, 탈교리적, 탈교파적, 탈제도적 사고가 주가 된다고 하겠다. 이러한 사고로 역사 연구에 다양한 방법론이 시도되고 다양한 접근이 이루고 지고 있다. 물론 전통적인 주제들을 다루는 연구도 활발하게 역사 연구에 기여하고 있다. 마지막으로 필자는 본 학회의 발전과 학문적 공헌을 위해 학제간 학회나 연구 등 프로그램을 발전시켜 나갈 필요가 있다고 제안하였다. 역사가 신학, 영성, 상담, 윤리, 예배 등과 어우러 질 때 교회 현장은 물론 우리가 더불어 살아가는 사회와 함께 소통하고 하나님 나라를 확장할 수 있기 위해 노력해야하기 때문이다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 소고는 초대교회의 성직제, 과부에 관한 연구논문이다. 본고는 여성성직제, 과부에 대한 초대교회의 자료들을 많이 소개하고 과부였던 여성들의 활동과 당시 교회에 미쳤던 의미들을 살펴보았다. ‘과부’는 단순히 남편을 잃은 여성을 지칭하는 단어로서가 아니라 교회여성들이 그리스도에 대한 사랑과 열정으로 교회사역에 참여하고 헌신할 수 있었던 통로가 된 직제이었다. 이는 제도적 교회가 인정한 성직이었으며 여성들은 공동체를 위해 기도했고 환자나 가난한 자들을 심방하고 구제했으며 교회의 형편에 따라 예전에 참여하여 사제처럼 감독을 돕기도 했다. 그들은 그 인품과 영성, 그리고 섬김의 모델로 존경받았다. 성경과 (특히 목회서신), 속사도시대 문서들과 초대교회 교부들의 글, 그리고 여러 교회규정집들에서 과부직제에 대한 기록들이 발견된다. 초창기 초대교회 공동체에서 과부들의 위상과 사역은 나름대로 존중되었고 공동체 회원들의 역할 모델이 되었다. 그러나 차츰 교회가 제도적으로 모양을 갖추면서 과부들의 사역이 축소되었고 그 의미도 희미해졌다. 제도적 교회는 의도적으로 여성들을 리더십에서 소외시키고 그들의 사역을 축소시켰다. 교회규정집들이 제시하는 과부 직제의 의미와 사역의 범위가 이를 잘 말해준다. 더욱이 과부를 비유하는 ‘하나님의 제단’의 의미도 후대에 갈수록 그 뜻과 상징이 왜곡 되게 나타난다. 처음 기도로 공동체를 중보하는 의미로 헌신과 희생, 성결로 공동체의 모델이 되었지만 여성을 가사울타리 안에 가두는 도구로 제단의 이미지를 사용함으로써 그들의 사역을 공공연히 폄하시키는 것이 눈에 띄게 나타난다. 제단은 움직이지 않고 한자리에 있는 것이므로 여성들은 집안에 있어야 한다는 의미로 해석하며 과부직제의 무게를 격하시켰다. 그러나 교회 규정집에 끝이지 않고 여성의 활동을 제한해야 한다는 항목이 나타나는 것은 역으로 그만큼 여성들의 활동이 활발했으며 이에 대한 요구가 계속 있었었음을 암묵적으로 말해준다고 봐야 한다. 본 소고는 제도적 교회에서 성직을 맡아 봉사하고 현신했던 여성들의 역할과 가치를 새롭게 조명하여 기독교 역사를 균형 있게 펼쳐가는 데 기여하리라 믿는다.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This is a study on the curriculum of church history of the Korean Presbyterian Seminary from 1901 to 1935. The Korean Presbyterian Seminary was established in 1901. The seminary was built for the spread of the gospel not for the research of theology. W. L. Swallen was one of the founders of the seminary and he wrote the first textbook of church history in the Korean language in 1913. The book was entitled Kyohoisaki (敎會史記) : the Book of Church History. The editorial system of the Kyohoisaki was a dictionary of history. The theological foundation of the book was evangelical. A new text of church history of Presbyterian Seminary was published in the 1930’s. The new text’s theological foundation was evangelical, the same as Swallen’s text. But the level of study of church history was developed further. The new text included the advanced objectivity of historical description, methodology of history and the system of editing. The Presbyterian seminary could offer the academical curriculum of the church history in the 1930’s.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        “And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you he shall in no wise lose his reward.”(Mt. 10:42) With this saying the local followers were ordered to submit to the authority of itinerant missionaries and to support them. However, when the local congregation formed itself and grew up, they needed the resident leaders. There arose competitions and conflicts between the resident leaders and the itinerant missionaries. Thus the missionaries transferred gradually from the itinerant life to the resident one. Then the house community became the center of mission and meeting, which was supported materially by the patron. However, the house community with patrons disappeared gradually, because it could not overcome the problem of difference among member’s social status. Therefore the Christian congregation should solve the economic problem, without patrons, with the egalitarian spirit and the brethren love. The early Christians who knew the Judaic custom of offerings offered the donations for the church. The donations and the immovables which the members offered formed the church property. Notwithstanding Jesus’ critics of the wealth, the early church gathered the property for the solution of the economic problem. The early church could not furnish her preachers with the nourishment regularly. But as the Christian believers increased and the church grew up, professional ministers were needed. “For the workman is worthy of his meat”: Jesus intended this saying originally for his itinerant disciples, but the history proved that this was said for church ministers. It is a invariable truth that the change of the life conditions brings about that of the economic life. In the situation of itinerant life Jesus criticized the wealth (to say more exactly, the dependence on the wealth). But thereafter his disciples gave up the itinerant life for the resident life. By the above research I intended to show that a new possibility of the economic life had beginned. The choice of the resident life led to a new economic life, so that the church developed in the other direction than Jesus intended originally. This is the teaching which the history gave to us.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        한국교회에서 여성의 절대적인 수적우세에도 불구하고 교회음악에서 여성의 역할은 젠더 화된 구조아래 리더십의 부재라는 현상으로 특징 지워진다. 한국교회음악에서 일어나는 젠 더역학은 음악을 여성의 영역으로, 말씀을 남성의 영역으로 이분화 된 음악의 사회적 의미와 도 연관되어 있다. 이글에서는 이러한 사회적, 문화적 맥락 속에서 초기한국교회시기에 여성 들이 어떻게 자신의 목소리를 내어 정체성을 이루어 갔는지를, 노래하는 여성, 찬송가사 작 사자, 그리고 반주자로서의 영역으로 나누어 알아본다. 초기한국교회에서 여성들은 찬송을 노래하면서 강요된 침묵의 안방으로부터 공적인 공간으로 나올 수 있었으며, 찬송가사 작사 를 통해 창작능력을 표출하였으며 풍금과 피아노 반주자로서 전문음악가로서의 가능성을 찾 고자 하였다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This essay explores the theological view of the Early Church Fathers on the Septuagint. The Septuagint, commonly abbreviated LXX, was the first translation made of the Hebrew Bible into the Greek. Its origin of the translation is written in the Letter of Aristeas, a document that appeared in around 2C–3C B.C. The Torah was translated first, and other books of the Scripture including the Prophetic Books and Wisdom literature were included progressively. The Septuagint was the Bible used by Apostles and the early Christians. The use of the Greek Bible provided spiritual soil for the universal Christianity which successfully incorporated Jewish ideas into the teaching of Jesus in the Hellenistic settings. On the contrary, the Jewish religious leaders that would later form the Masorates rejected the value of the LXX as Canon by upholding only the Hebrew texts. In return, church fathers pointed out the intentional blurs of the Hebrew Old Testament, by claiming that, in the text, some of the passages representing the Messianic type of Jesus were altered or taken out. The essay analyses the writings of Justin the Martyr who defended the historical value of the letter of Aristeas and the supreme place of the Septuagint as Canon of the church. Irenaeus of Lyon also claimed the LXX as the Scripture of the “catholic” church. Most of the church Fathers including Clement of Alexandria supported the inspirational translation of the Septuagint, with firm faith on the legendary tradition gradually added to the Letter. While Origen was the first Christian scholar who compared the LXX with other translations including the Hebrew text then, it was Jerome who insisted canonical value of Hebrew text over the LXX. The outcome was his Latin Vulgate. Augustine, however, persistently opposed Jerome’s translation and use of the Hebrew text. The essay focuses mainly on the debates between the bishop of Hippo and the hermit of Bethlehem.