최근 탄소 중립 정책에 따른 신재생에너지 활용을 위한 노력이 가속화되고 있다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 바이오매스 작물 중 하나인 케나프 (Hibiscus cannabinus L.)를 연료화하기 위하여, 미이용 목재 자원과 폐목재 자원을 혼합하여 고형연료인 펠릿을 제조하고 품질을 분석하였다. 품질을 평가하기 위해 목재 펠릿, 비목재 펠릿과 Bio-SRF의 품질기준을 통해 성형한 펠릿의 품질을 파악하였다. 케나프 펠릿의 경우 겉보기밀도, 발열량 등에서는 목재 펠릿 품질기준을 만족하였으나 회분의 함량이 기준을 초과하였다. 이를 보완하기 위해 목재 자원인 폐목재를 혼합하여 제조한 펠릿의 특성을 조사한 결과, 질소 및 겉보기밀도, 회분, 발열량 등에서 오히려 품질을 저하시키는 경향을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 미이용 목재를 혼합하여 성형된 펠릿의 품질을 조사한 결과, 겉보기밀도, 함수율, 질소, 황, 발열량의 조건에서 대부분 목재 펠릿의 품질기준을 만족하였다. 다만 회분함량의 경우 비목재 펠릿 및 Bio-SRF의 15% 이하 기준을 만족하고 있지만, 목재 펠릿의 최저 기준인 B등급 2.0% 이하 기준의 경우 만족하는 경우와 만족하지 못하는 경우가 발생하였다. 함수율 15%(w.b.)에서 케나프와 미이용 목재의 혼합비가 2:8인 경우와 함수율 20%(w.b.)에서 케나프와 미이용 목재의 혼합비가 6:4 및 2:8인 경우에 기준을 만족하였고, 그 이외에는 기준을 만족하지 못하였다. 특히, 케나프만을 사용하거나 폐목을 섞은 경우는 모두 기준을 만족하지 못하므로, 목재 펠릿의 기준을 만족하는 연료 이용을 위해서는 케나프와 미이용 목재 자원을 혼합 활용하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 판단된다.
The purpose of this study was to assess the forage productivity and nutritive value of kenaf at different fertilizer application amounts and various stages of maturity. The experiment was conducted from May to September 2020, the amount of 80 kg of kenaf seed/ha was supplied with different types and amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and the plants were harvested at 10-day intervals from different harvesting dates (24th August and 3rd, 13th, 23rd September). According to the different fertilizer types and application amounts, the highest kenaf height was recorded in the inorganic fertilizer amounts of 200 and 250 kg N/ha and the fresh and DM yield were significantly improved in the inorganic nitrogen amount of 250 kg N/ha. The highest CP and TDN content in the leaf was achieved in the inorganic fertilizer amounts of 150 and 200 kg N/ha, respectively; and the highest TDN content in the stem was also found in the inorganic fertilizer amount of 200 kg N/ha. According to the different harvesting dates, the highest DM ratio was found in the harvesting date of 13th September, the leaf ratio increased with advanced maturity, whereas the stem ratio decreased significantly and the highest DM yield of kenaf was recorded in the harvesting dates of 13th and 23rd September. Besides, the highest CP, CF, CA, ADF, NDF and TDN content in the leaf as influenced by different harvesting dates was 15.4, 31.8, 10.2, 22.1, 34.7 and 76.5%, respectively, and the CP, CA, ADF and TDN in stem decreased significantly with advanced maturity of kenaf. In conclusion, the optimal fertilizer amounts and the appropriate harvesting dates for a high forage yield and high-quality kenaf as livestock feed were the inorganic fertilizer application amounts of 200-250 kg N/ha and from 13th and 23rd September, respectively.
A severe outbreak of gray mold on kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) was observed on kenaf grown in the research field of Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Jinju, Korea in 2014. Gray mold appeared on young plants as gray-brown velvety mold covering stems and leaves. Infections that girdled the stem caused wilting above the infected area and developed a canker. The casual fungus formed grayish brown colonies on potato dextrose agar. The conidia were one celled, mostly ellipsoid or ovoid in shape, colorless or pale brown in color, and 6–18 × 4–10 μm in size. The conidiophores were 15–32 μm in length. These measurements and taxonomic characteristics were most similar to those of Botrytis. DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the complete internal transcribed spacer rRNA gene region confirmed that the fungal isolates were indeed Borytis cinerea. Koch's postulates were supported by pathogenicity tests conducted on healthy plants. On the basis of mycological characteristics and pathogenicity test on host plants, the fungus was identified as Botrytis cinerea. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a gray mold caused by B. cinerea on kenaf in Korea.
To investigate the usefulness of Kenaf(Hibiscus cannabinus L.) as mushroom culture media source, we analyzephysical condition and contents of nutritional components. The water absorption rate of Kenaf bast was 578% and it was 95%higher than that of poplar sawdust’s. This was caused by Kenaf’s porous cellular structure. so it could give more moisture andoxygen to cultured mushroom. Total carbon contents of Kenaf was 91.4%, it was quite higher than that of poplar sawdust, wheatbran and rice bran. Total nitrogen content was 1.76% and C/N ratio was 51.9. The content of NFE(Nitrogen free extract) was46.6% and it was similar with rice bran. Cellulose content was higher than poplar but lignin content was lower. speciallyhemicellulose and pectin complex which more digestible carbon source to mushroom was 3.7% higher than poplar. Mineralcomponent and amino acid contents were also maintained high compared with poplar. Fe was 4.2 times, P 3.2 times, K 2.2times more and Ca was higher 16 mg/kg than poplar. The content of amino acid was quite more higher than poplar sawdust butlower than chaff. Consequently Kenaf had a good trait for basic support material in mushroom culture media and also had agood character as nutritional source.
본 연구는 아열대 일년생 작물인 kenaf를 철원지역에서 품종 Dowling, Everglade-41, Tainung-2를 재배하여 생육특성과 광합성율을 측정하였다. 생장분석 결과 파종 후 53일째에 Everglade-41 품종이 잎 생체중과 건물중이 가장 높게 나타내었다. 줄기 무게는 Tainung-2 품종이 가장 높았으며, 93일과 115일째에서는 Dowling 품종이 줄기와 잎에서 가장 높은 생체중과 건물중을 나타내어 생산적 측면에서는 Dowlin
본 연구는 양마 3품종을 재식거리, 품종 및 수확시기에 따른 건물수량과 사료성분의 변화를 검토하고자 강원도 철원지역에서 2005년 5월 20일부터 2005년 9월 12일까지 수행되었다. 시험배치는 3반복 분할구 배치로 주구는 재식거리와 수확시기를, 세구는 양마 3품종(Dowling, Everglade 및 Tainung)을 배치했으며, 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 생육일수에 따른 건물 생산량은 93일까지는 재식거리가 구에서 높게 나타났다. 품종별 건물생
This study was carried out to investigate the usefulness of kenaf as a forage crop by studying dry matter (DM) yield and nutritive value of four different kenaf cultivars (Tainung, Fuhong, Everglade and Dowling). They were planted in Chunchon area on May 24, 2004 and harvested on July 2, 8 and 13, 2004, respectively. The DM yields were similar in all four cultivars as about 2 ton/ha on July 2, but the DM yields were significantly higher in Tainung (5 ton/ha) and Dowling (4.9 ton/ha) on July 13. In all four cultivars, the crude protein (CP) contents decreased as the harvest was delayed. In all three harvests, the CP content was highest in Dowling (17.9, 16.0 and 14.2% on July 2, 8 and 13, respectively) and lowest in Fuhong (13.3, 12.3 and 11.2% on July 2, 8 and 13, respectively). The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents of all four cultivars increased with the delayed harvest, although in Dowling and Everglade, the increase was rather slow after July 8. The CP cotent of leaf decreased with late harvest. The CP content was significantly higher in Dowling (about 24. 5%) compared to others. The NDF and acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents of leaf tended to increase as the harvest was delayed, but there was no significant difference among cultivars. The CP content of stem tended to decrease and this tendency was most significant on July 13. When averaged three harvests, the CP content of stem was significantly higher in Dowling as 7.5% and lower in Fuhong as 4.9%. The NDF and ADF contents of stem increased as the harvest was delayed. The results showed that the DM yields of kenaf grown in Chunchon area were similar to those of kenaf grown in Jeju area. The nutritive values of kenaf were higher than those of other forage crops such as rye or oat. Especially, the leaf of kenaf has higher CP content than alfalfa hay. However, the DM yields of kenaf were lower than those of rye, oat and Sudan grass. Therefore, we consider the harvest to be delayed after July 13 for greater DM yield, which cause the relationships between the DM yield and nutritive value to be weighed.
본 시험은 제주지역에서 양마의 적응성과 생산량 및 사료가치를 구명하기 위해서 양마 Evergrlades 41, China Chong-pi 3 및 수수수단 교잡종 Pioneer 947를 이용하여 2000년 5월부터 11월까지 제주의 4개 지역( 제주시, 서귀포시, 성산 수산 및 한림 금악)에서 수행되었다. 건물수량은 수수수단 교잡종 (pioneer 947), 양마 (Everglades 41) 및 (China Chong-pi 3)을 비교시 각각 7,313,
Background : The Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is an annual plant of African and Indian origin. and there are a lot of flavonoids in the leaves. To determine the most suitable method for extracting of Kenaf cosmetic ingredients, the data of changes in polyphenol, flavonoid contents and DPPH radical scavenging activities were analyzed, based on concentration of surfactants and Extraction Methods.
Methods and Results : The effect of autoclave extraction (AE) and ultrasonification extraction USE) with hydrophilic surfactant that is Brij35 diluted 15, 25 and 35 mM with water on antioxidant activity of Kenaf was investigated. The leaves of Kenaf; R from Israel were collected in 2016 and the collected leaves were dried and pulverized. The highest polyphenol content of Kenaf extracted was 47.54 ㎎/㎖ as Brij35 20 mM extract from AE after USE. The highest flavonoid content of Kenaf was 20.01 ㎎/㎖ as Brij35 25 mM extract from AE. The Brij35 20 mM extract from AE after USE showed higher DPPH radical scavenging activity than that of the other treatments.
Conclusion : Based on the test results, the extracts obtained by AE or AE after USE showed excellent antioxidant activity and effective component than extracts by USE. The results of the DPPH radical scavenging activity and total polyphenol content of the extracts obtained by AE after USE than AE were slightly improved, but there was no significant difference. Therefore, it is considered that the extract obtained by autoclave extraction most effective for use as a cosmetic ingredient.
Background: The present study assessed the response of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L., Jangdae) seed to NaCl and the effects of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on kenaf seed germination and vigor. Methods and Results: Seed germination ranged from 11.3% to 58.8% after 24 hours of immersion in NaCl concentrations from 0% to 0.5%. The priming treatments had lower electrical conductivity (EC) values for the seeds than for the control and a deteriorated palisade layer. Priming in 10% PEG for 48 hours increased the germination upto 96.3% in H2O solution and 98.8% in 0.3% NaCl solution compared to that of the control (78.8%). Germination synchronization, and shoot and root growth of the primed seeds were greater than those of the control. The T50 of the control in H2O and 0.3% NaCl solution was 22 and 28 times, respectively. After priming, nine times was sufficient to reach T50 in both solution. The mean number of days to germination (MDG) decreased from 1.43 days for the control to 0.55 days for 0% PEG in H2O solution and from 1.57 days for the control to 0.56 days for 0% PEG in 0.3% NaCl solution. The dry weight after the 10% PEG treatment was higher than that of the control. Conclusions: Taken together, 10% PEG treatment for 24 hours is recommended for kenaf seed invigoration before planting.
Background : This study analyzes changes in DPPH radical scavenging activity, total polyphenol contents, and total flavonoid contents of six different kinds of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) leaves which are identified as herbaceous plants, and are living in the subtropics. The data of changes in polyphenol, flavonoid contents and DPPH radical scavenging activities were analyzed, based on two different lengths of growth period.. Methods and Results : The six different kinds of cultivars ; Jangdae in Korea, and El-1, R, G-1, Ef-1, Ef-2 in the State of Israel were collected on the 43th and 62nd day from when they have planted. The collected cultivars were dried at 70℃, and 80% of methanol concentration was applied to each ground specimen. Extraction was made by immersion and filtering process at room temperature. Samples were classified into two groups, one for cultivars that were collected on the 43th day, and the other for the collection of the 62nd day. We measured the rate of DPPH radical scavenging activity, total polyphenol contents, and total flavonoid contents for every Samples. For the group of the 43th day collection, Jangdae showed the highest rate of radical scavenging activity as well as the highest polyphenol contents, and El-1had the highest flavonoid contents. For the group ofthe 62nd day collection, R demonstrated not only the highest contents of polyphenol and flavonoid, but alsothe highest rate of antioxidant activity. When we compared each cultivar from another regardless its date of collection, R resulted biggest increase in all of functional components. Conclusion : Based on the test results, useful components and antioxidant activity of kenaf leaves increase in proportion to longer growing period. Particularly, the study indicates that R can be utilized as a cosmetic ingredient crop, as the rate of increase in polyphenol and flavonoid contents were highest among the six cultivars.
Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) is an annual herbaceous crop of the Malvaceae family. Recently, kenaf is being used in many diversified applications such as pulp, animal feed, bioplastics and cellulosic biofuel etc. A new cultivar 'Jangdae' was developed by mutation breeding using irradiated with 300 Gy gamma-rays. Jangdae has a few distinguishable characteristics such as early flowering, high seed yield and palmate leaf, compared to wild type (Jinju). The fresh matter (FM) and dry matter (DM) yield of Jangdae are similar to those of Jinju, their seed yield (833.3 kg/ha) is approximately 4 times higher than that of Jinju. In addition, the FM and DM yield of Jangdae are 40% higher than those of early-maturing cultivar (C11). We performed the nutritive value of four kenaf cultivars (Jangdae, Jinju, C11 and Hongma300) at 100 day after seeding. The crude protein content of Jangdae, Jinju, C11 and Honma300 were 10.5, 11.0, 9.4 and 10.6%, respectively. The crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber contents were no significant difference among the cultivars. Jangdae, which afforded both a high biomass and seed yield in South Korea, may be useful as potential source of feed and industrial materials.
Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) native to Africa can be used as fiber, food, feedstock and bio plastic. This study was carried out to evaluate the mineral, amino acid and vitamin contents of six selected kenaf cultivars which are enable to produce seed under Korean circumstance. The leaves of three mutant cultivars (Jangdae, Jeokbong and Baekma), two original cultivars (Jinju, C14) and one Chinese cultivar (Auxu) were harvested at flowering time. Mineral components of kenaf leaves, such as calcium, potassium, and mineral, did not showed significant differences among the cultivars. As major amino acids including proline and phenylalanine, significant differences were found in these kenaf cultivars. The Auxu cultivar contained the highest amount of essential amino acid (Phenylalanine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine, Methionine and Lysine). The amount of vitamin displayed significant differences such as vitamin E and vitamin K among these cultivars. Especially, Jangdae cultivar contained the highest amount of vitamin E and vitamin K. Thus, these data suggested that Jangdae and Auxu is the most desirable cultivar containing high amount of vitamin and amino acid.
우수한 사료자원으로 평가되는 케나프의 생산단가를 낮 추기 위하여 새만금 간척지 시험포에서 염농도 단계별 생육 및 수량을 관찰한 결과 케나프는 중·상정도의 내염성을 보 유한 작물로 평가할 수 있으며 충분한 제염이 이루어진다고 하면 간척지에서의 재배 가능성도 충분할 것으로 평가할 수 있었다. 염농도별 케나프의 발아력을 조사한 결과 토양 염 농도가 4.0 dS/m (=0.26%) 일 때 84%이던 케나프 발아율 이 5.0 dS/m (=0.32%) 에서는 18%로 급격히 떨어졌으며 6.0 dS/m (=0.39%) 에서는 발아율이 10%를 넘지 못하였다. 또한 생육 상황도 토양 염농도에 비례하여 급격히 떨어졌는 데 케나프는 줄기직경을 2.6 cm 이상으로 유지할 수 있을 경우 엽수가 유의할 수준으로 늘어나고 줄기부분에 대한 상 대적 무게비율이 증가하는 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 이는 잎 의 분열을 촉진시킬 수 있는 충분한 생장량 확보가 줄기직 경 2.6 cm 이상에서부터 가능하다는 것을 의미하는데 새만 금에서는 토양 염농도 4.0 dS/m (=0.26%) 이하에서는 케나 프의 줄기직경을 2.6 cm 이상으로 유지하는 것이 가능하였 으나 염농도가 5.0 dS/m (=0.32%)를 넘어서게 되면 줄기직 경이 2.0 cm 이하로 엽수도 20~46% 감소하였다. 생육장해는 파종 후 1개월 경과부터 본격적으로 나타나기 시작하였 는데 엽 정단이 고사하고 주변 잎 들이 급격하게 황화 낙엽 되는 현상이 발생하였다. 케나프의 토양 염농도에 대한 수 량성을 분석한 결과 토양 염농도 4.0 dS/m (=0.26%) 까지 는 비간척지에 비해 수량이 최대 19% 하락하였으나 염농도간 차이는 크지 않았다. 그러나 토양 염농도가 4.0 dS/m (=0.26%) 를 넘어서는 5.0 dS/m (=0.32%) 에서는 비간척지의 51% 수준을 유지하는데 그쳤으며 토양 염농도 4.0 dS/m (=0.26%) 일 때의 수량에 비해서도 38% 감소하였다. 통계분석을 통 하여 간척지에서 수량성 감소를 80% 이내로 유지 할 수 있 는 토양 염농도를 산출해본 결과 토양 염농도가 4.2 dS/m 이내로 유지될 경우 케나프의 생산성은 80% 이상을 유지할 수 있었다.
Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) was recognized as a potential source of forage. But the domestic cultivation techniques are not set standards yet. So we tested the basic culture techniques during 2012~2013 for getting a high yield and good grade forage production system. The best seeding method for mechanized planting (corn planter used) was hill seeding with 20×20 cm seeding distance. When we treated hill seeding with 20×20 cm, the yield what we could get was 13,641 kg/10a and it was 32% more than that of conventional practice hill seeding with 20×30 cm seeding distance. The proper seeding date for getting high yield was May 1. In May 1, the yield per 10a was reached 13,423 kg, and it was 30% more than that of seeding at May 30. More over the crude protein content which was important factor for determinating forage nutritive value was 12.7% and it was higher 1.8% (relatively 16.5% high) than that of May 30 seeding. The most effective herbicide for kenaf was Fluazipof-p-butyl. It’s herbicidal rate was 97% and phyto-toxicity was less than 5%. Regional adaptability for Jeollabuk-Do including Imsil Gun, Kochang Gun and Sunchang Gun were identified that the stable cultivation were possible in these area with average yield 12,400 kg/10a and it was about 1.7 times as compared to corn harvest.
In this study, kaempferol and its rhamnosides (α-rhamnoisorobin, afzelin, kaempferitrin) were isolated electively by bioconversion technology from Hibiscus cannabinus L. leaves to evaluate the anti-wrinkles effects and anti-microbial effects. In order to evaluate anti-wrinkles activity, reduction of expression matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) protein and proliferation/ pro-collagen production were investigated. Kaempferol and α-rhamnoisorobin showed inhibition activity of MMP-1 generated to compared to positive control. In HaCaT cell proliferation assay, kaempferol and α-rhamnoisorobin significantly promoted cell proliferation in a concentration-dependent manner. In addition, procollagen synthesis assays (by HDF-N cell) showd that TGF-β induced procollagen production and also, all four kinds of experimental significantly promoted procollagen synthesis in a concentration-dependent manner. Kaempferol and α-rhamnoisorobin exhibited strong antimicrobial activities on five of microbes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger.
Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) is an annual herbaceous plant of the family Malvaceae that has been planted in Africa for more than 4000 years and used as source of fiber, energy and feed stock. Also, kenaf seeds are good source for edible oil used for first class cooking oil and margarine production. The seeds can be used for lubrication, soap, paint and varnishes. This study was carried out to evaluate fatty acids variation among sixteen kenaf germplasm and gamma-ray induced mutants derived from Jinju and Auxu. Linoleic, oleic, and palmitic acid were the predominant fatty acids in all kenaf seed oils. The sixteen accessions showed a wide range of fatty acid compositions, spanning from 28.94 to 43.36% saturated, 56.64 to 71.05% total unsaturated, 15.52 to 46.85% monounsaturated, and 13.56 to 48.97% polyunsaturated fatty acids. The mutant lines derived from Jinju, significantly surpassed parental mean for all the palmitic and oleic acid. Also, the mutant lines derived from Auxu showed broad ranges of variation in oleic and linoleic acid and narrow ranges of variation in stearic and palmitic acid. The relative amount of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were increased at all the gamma-ray induced mutants. These results will provide a valuable information to assist parental selection of kenaf breeding.