With the emergence of the new energy field, the demand for high-performance lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and green energy storage devices is growing with each passing day. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) exhibit tremendous potential in application due to superior electrical and mechanical properties, and the excellent lithium insertion properties make it possible to be LIBs anode materials. Based on the lithium insertion mechanism of CNTs, this paper systematically and categorically reviewed the design strategies of CNTs-based composites as LIBs anode materials, and summarized in detail the enhancement effect of CNTs fillers on various anode materials. More importantly, the superiorities and limitations of various anode materials for LIBs were evaluated. Finally, the research direction and current challenges of the industrial application of CNTs in LIBs were prospected.
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is an essential crop in the Paraguayan diet. It plays a crucial role in food security. It is a source of income for family agriculture. It has a significant potential to adapt to various climatic and soil conditions in Paraguay, making it a promising crop for improving productivity. However, Paraguay faces a deficit in the development of sweet potato cultivation technology, resulting in a low productivity of 5.3 ton/ha. Efforts have been made to collect and characterize sweet potato genotypes, covering a diversity of native varieties. These efforts have laid the groundwork for future sweet potato research and development. Still, ongoing research and development of strategies are needed to address existing challenges of improving genetic resource traits and developing cultivation technology and to fully exploit growth opportunities in this sector. This review summarizes sweet potato cultivation in Paraguay, focusing on several key technical aspects. It analyzes current market situation and production conditions as well as the availability of genetic materials adapted to different ecoregions. Additionally, it explores prospects for the development of advanced sweet potato crops, including the production of high-quality, virus-free sweet potato plants with improved productivity.
The study of Xuanying’s DaTangZhongJingYinYi originated in the Qing Dynasty and has yielded rich research results to this day, involving multiple academic fields. By reviewing over 200 relevant research papers, theses, and academic monographs both domestically and internationally, and categorizing them from the perspectives of philology, linguistics, and comprehensive research, the overall research situation of Xuanying’s DaTangZhongJingYinYi in the academic community over the past century can be systematically organized. It can be found that the research focus of Xuanying’s DaTangZhongJingYinYi has changed under the influence of disciplinary specialization. Promoting the construction of Chinese Phonology and Semantics that combines form, sound, and meaning is beneficial for the further development of the study of Xuanying’s DaTangZhongJingYinYi.
목적: 본 연구는 애플리케이션 기반의 인지중재에 대한 국내연구를 대상으로 치료의 대상, 유형과 효과에 대해 체계적으로 분석함으로써 인지재활 분야에서의 애플리케이션 활용에 대한 근거를 제시하고자 한다. 연구 방법: 자료수집은 국내 학술논문 데이터베이스인 DBpia, e-article, Research Information Sharing Service (RISS), Korean Studies Information Service System (KISS)을 사용하여 2010년 1월부터 2023년 6월까지 게재된 논문을 대상으로 문헌을 검색하였다. 검색어는 (“어플리케이션” OR “애플리케이션” OR “앱” OR “태블릿” OR “아이패드”) AND (“인지” OR “기억력” OR “주의집중력” OR “문제해결” OR “실행기능”)이었다. 검색된 총 4 3 9편의 문헌 중 최종적으로 12편을 선정하였다. 연구 결과: 선정된 12편의 문헌에서 질적 수준 Ⅰ단계에 해당하는 무작위대조군 연구는 5편으로 파악되었으며. 대상자는 주로 성인(75%)이었고, 질환으로는 뇌졸중(33.3%)이 가장 많았다. 중재된 인지영역은 기억력과 주의력이 각각 10편으로 가장 많았고 다음으로는 시각인지로 5편이었다. 12편의 문헌에서 총 18개의 애플리케 이션이 이용되었다. 애플리케이션을 이용한 인지중재는 인지 기능뿐만 아니라 일상생활수행, 삶의 질, 우울, 불안, 치료선호도 등과 관련된 기능 향상에도 유의미한 효과를 나타냈다. 결론: 본 연구를 통해 애플리케이션이 인지 중재를 지원하는 유망한 치료도구임을 확인하였으며, 애플리케이션을 활용한 디지털 인지재활의 근거 기반 중재를 위해, 관련 연구의 질적 수준, 대상, 중재 방법, 효과 유무 등에 대한 정보를 제공하였다는 데 의의가 있다. 인지중재의 임상적 효과의 일반화를 위해 관련 연구의 활성화가 필요하며, 이에 본 연구의 정보가 기초자료로 활용될 수 있길 기대한다.
유엔과 유엔 산하 기관은 ‘지속가능발전목표 현지화(SDGs Localization)’라는 용어를 매개로 초국가적 지 속가능발전목표(SDGs) 이행에 관한 논의를 선도해 왔다. 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 현지화는 지역 차원의 결과로 효과적으로 전환하기 위한 구체적인 메커니즘, 도구, 혁신, 플랫폼 및 프로세스가 포함된다. 새로운 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 연구의 흐름은 도시와 지방정부의 자발적 지역 검토(VLR)와 많은 부분 접점을 형성한다. 도시와 지방정부는 특히 지속가능발전을 촉진하는 해법을 구현하는 데 앞장서고 있다. 지속가능 발전 노력에서 점점 더 많은 지방 및 지역 정부가 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)의 현지화, 계획, 집행과 후속 검토 단계를 구축하기 위해 자발적 지역 검토(VLR)를 귀중한 정책 도구로 사용하고 있다. 자발적 지역 검토(VLR) 연구는 한국 도시 지속가능발전목표(SDGs) 성취도, 혁신 과제, 나아가 한국 지속가능발전목표 (SDGs)의 특수성과 보편성을 해명하는 데 필수적일 뿐만 아니라, 다른 부문의 사례를 통해 간접경험을 할 수 있다는 점에서 유용하고 중요한 연구 영역이다. 본 연구는 자발적 지역 검토(VLR)의 한국적 수용과 확산을 목적으로 최근 전 세계 자발적 지역 검토(VLR) 연구의 핵심 주제, 한국에서 중점적으로 다루어야 할 연구 주제, 그리고 자발적 지역 검토(VLR) 정착과 확산을 위한 과제를 제언한다.
본 연구는 유소년 축구 연구 동향을 알아보기 위해 2021년부터 2023년까지 3년간 유소년 축구 와 관련된 국내 KCI등재지에서 발행된 선행문헌 18편을 연구대상으로 선정하였다. 유소년 축구관련 선행 연구의 연도별, 학회지 별, 연구방법, 대상에 대해 분석하였고 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유소년 축구 관련 주제로 간행된 논문은 2021년도에 9편으로 가장 높았다. 둘째, 체육관련 다양한 학술지에서 유소년 축구 관련 연구가 수행되었음을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 연구방법에서는 질적 연구방법보다 양적연구방법론이 83% 로 높은 비율을 차지하였다. 넷째, 대상은 유소년 축구 선수를 대상으로 한 연구가 50%로 가장 높게 나타 났고 다음은 지도자와 유소년 선수 학부모 순으로 나타났다.
In order to prevent accidents via defective ammunition, this paper analyzes recent research on ammunition life prediction methodology. This workanalyzes current shelf-life prediction approaches by comparing the pros and cons of physical modeling, accelerated testing, and statistical analysis-based prediction techniques. Physical modeling-based prediction demonstrates its usefulness in understanding the physical properties and interactions of ammunition. Accelerated testing-based prediction is useful in quickly verifying the reliability and safety of ammunition. Additionally, statistical analysis-based prediction is emphasized for its ability to make decisions based on data. This paper aims to contribute to the early detection of defective ammunition by analyzing ammunition life prediction methodology hereby reducing defective ammunition accidents. In order to prepare not only Korean domestic war situation but also the international affairs from Eastern Europe and Mid East countries, it is very important to enhance the stability of organizations using ammunition and reduce costs of potential accidents.
This project adopts the grounded theory research method. It takes consumers as the research object. It focus on the motivating factors that influence Chinese tourist who concerns health and wellness. The study found that the factors that motivate Chinese consumers to make health and wellness tourism consumption decisions include three main categories: excellent ecological living environment, adequate living security conditions, and compliance with psychological expectations. Based on this, a scientific path for the development of China's health care enterprises is proposed. This topic innovates the research methods and perspectives of health and wellness tourism, which is helpful for health and wellness tourism enterprises to formulate scientific development plans and improve corporate innovation and performance levels.
In the nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) facilities, the failure of Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system starts with minor component failures and can escalate to affecting the entire system, ultimately resulting in radiological consequences to workers. In the field of air-conditioning and refrigerating engineering, the fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) of HVAC systems have been studied since faults occurring in improper routine operations and poor preventive maintenance of HVAC systems result in excessive energy consumption. This paper aims to provide a systematic review of existing FDD methods for HVAC systems therefore explore its potential application in nuclear field. For this goal, typical faults and FDD methods are investigated. The commonly occurring faults of HVAC are identified through various literature including publications from International Energy Agency (IEA) and American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). However, most literature does not explicitly addresses anomalies related to pressure, even though in nuclear facilities, abnormal pressure condition need to be carefully managed, particularly for maintaining radiological contamination differently within each zone. To build simulation model for FDD, the whole-building energy system modeling is needed because HVAC systems are major contributors to the whole building’s energy and thermal comfort, keeping the desired environment for occupants and other purposes. The whole-building energy modeling can be grouped into three categories: physics-based modeling (i.e., white-box models), hybrid modeling (i.e., grey-box models), and data-driven modeling (i.e., black-box models). To create a white-box FDD model, specialized tools such as EnergyPlus for modeling can be used. The EnergyPlus is open source program developed by US-DOE, and features heat balance calculation, enabling the dynamic simulation in transient state by heat balance calculation. The physics based modeling has the advantage of explaining clear cause-and-effect relationships between inputs and outputs based on heat and mass transfer equations, while creating accurate models requires time and effort. Creating a black-box FDD model requires a sufficient quantity and diverse types of operational data for machine learning. Since operation data for HVAC systems in existing nuclear cycle facilities are not fully available, so efforts to establish a monitoring system enabling the collection, storage, and management of sensor data indicating the status of HVAC systems and buildings should be prioritized. Once operational data are available, well-known machine learning methods such as linear regression, support vector machines, random forests, artificial neural networks, and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) can be used to classify and diagnose failures. The challenge with black-box models is the lack of access to failure data from operating facilities. To address this, one can consider developing black-box models using reference failure data provided by IEA or ASHRAE. Given the unavailability of operation data from the operating NFC facilities, there is a need for a short to medium-term plan for the development of a physics-based FDD model. Additionally, the development of a monitoring system to gather useful operation data is essential, which could serve both as a means to validate the physics-based model and as a potential foundation for building data-driven model in the long term.
Emotion AI, a subset of AI that measures, understands, responds to, and elicits human emotions, is an emerging area that has great potential for advertising research and practice. Studies on the applicability of emotion AI in advertising and marketing have been growing in academic journals. This rapidly burgeoning scholarship creates a need for advertising scholars to comprehend the current status of the research on emotion AI in advertising as well as opportunities and challenges that this new technological development will bring to. Thus, this study aims to offer an overview of research on emotion AI in advertising to identify the scope of existing research, gaps in knowledge, and opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
The attitude-behavior gap and intention-behavior gap has not been research extensively. The purpose of this study is to provide a review of moderating or mediating factors on the relationship between intention or attitude and behavior of sustainable tourism. Intention was defined as the degree of a human being’s resolve to perform a certain action. The construct ‘Intention” has been used widely in some theories like the Theory of Planned Behavior. Researchers usually include the intention construct into their research framework to explain the theoretical mechanism. Sustainable or ecological tourism education has been implemented for years and empirical evidence provides us that almost all tourists are alerted to the importance of sustainability. There is a great challenge that tourists’ behavior might not concur with their intention. Policymakers and marketers really want to know the real factors affecting the association between the intention and behavior of sustainable tourism. Tourists’ purchase intention is a rational process and is affected by safety. Tourist behavior is associated with price and service environment which is a mixture of rational and emotional considerations.
Over the past decade, in-feed native advertising has become one of the most popular forms of online advertising, attracting attention from both academia and industry. Compared to traditional online ads, in-feed native ads are less intrusive and have more engaging content, effectively reducing users' tendency to avoid ads and improving advertising effectiveness. Despite existing review studies, most of them focus on specific aspects of in-feed native advertising, such as ad identification, disclosure, or regulation, and lack an overview of the relevant literature. Moreover, with the diversified development of digital media forms, the widespread application of AI technologies, and the improvement of consumers' ad literacy, in-feed native ad research faces new issues and practical challenges. Thus, a systematic review of existing research is necessary to identify valuable future research directions.
Purpose: This study analyzed domestic studies on blended learning among nursing students to identify research trends and future directions.
Methods: This scoping review was conducted following the process suggested by Arksey and O’Malley: 1) identifying the research questions; 2) searching for relevant studies; 3) study selection; 4) charting the data; 5) collating, summarizing, and reporting the results; and 6) optional consultation. Relevant studies were searched using the keywords “blended learning” and “nursing” in the domestic databases RISS, KISS, and DBpia. The selection and exclusion criteria were applied to 203 articles, and 34 were finally selected.
Results: The final 34 studies included 30 quantitative and four qualitative studies. Most of the studies were experimental studies. In undergraduate nursing education, blended learning was utilized more in the classroom than in the lab or clinical setting. Furthermore, it was mainly applied by combining online and offline approaches. It improved learning satisfaction, critical thinking, clinical performance, and self-directed learning ability.
Conclusion: Research on blended learning in nursing education has increased over time. Blended learning positively affects learning satisfaction and learning ability in nursing students; thus, it is expected that this could be effectively utilized in both the classroom and lab or in clinical teaching for nursing students. Therefore, future studies using various research methods should be expanded, and systematic reviews and meta-analyses are recommended.
본 연구는 사람과 조직 그리고 이들을 둘러싼 환경 내에 존재하는 가치 있고 우수한 요인을 협력 기반의 질문을 통해 찾아 개발하고 발전시키는 변화의 방법인 Appreciative Inquiry(긍정적 가치탐색)를 활용하여 사교육기관의 지속가능경영 연구의 방향과 과제에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 긍정적 가치탐색 방법이 소개된 1986년 이후 의 국내외 문헌을 웹 기반 전자데이터베이스를 활용하여 총 321건(국외 298편, 국내 23편)을 검토하고 분석하였다. 지속 가능한 사교육기관의 교육 경영을 위해서는 문제 중심의 접근법이 아닌 가치와 강점 중심의 접근법을 활용할 필요가 있 다. 사교육기관의 지속 가능한 변화와 발전을 위한 가치 중심적 접근과 연구의 중심에는 긍정적 가치탐색이 있다. 사교 육기관은 긍정적 핵심 가치탐색과 활용을 통해 이상적인 교육 경영 모델을 수립하고, 이해관계자들의 의미요소를 파악하 여 소통방안을 마련하며, 기관과 기관 종사자들의 강점과 장점 및 우수요인과 성공 경험을 통해 발전 전략을 세우고, 기 관의 잠재력 활용과 적극적인 구성원들의 참여를 통한 효용성 있는 협력체계를 구성해 나가야 한다.
This study aims to promote the necessity for future research from the perspective of the indoor environment by analyzing the trend of domestic COVID-19 confirmed cases and examining previous quantitative research cases. The limitations of the qualitative management plan were identified by analyzing the trend of confirmed cases and deaths in Korea and the trend before and after the implementation of 'social distancing' and 'step-by-step daily recovery', which are actually being applied. The trend of initial and follow-up measures for the outbreak of infectious diseases in Korea is judged to be a case where the importance of qualitative and quantitative management should be confirmed to prepare absolute quarantine measures. The results suggest that examining previous research cases and preparing through advanced research for effective application.
This study investigated the potential role of dietary factors associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Koreans. The scoping review method was used to evaluate the studies that utilized the secondary data sets comprising the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) and the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES). Articles published between 2012 and 2022 were identified using RISS, KISS, DBpia, PubMed, and ScienceDirect databases. In all, there were 32 published articles on obesity and 119 on MetS. Obesity research included eight articles on nutrients, 12 on food items/food groups, two on dietary patterns, nine on dietary behavior/eating habits, and one on the dietary index. MetS studies comprised 34 articles on nutrients, 43 on food items/food groups, seven on dietary patterns, 25 on dietary behavior/eating habits, and 10 on the dietary index. Carbohydrates, alcohol, and coffee consumption were the most frequently studied dietary factors for obesity and MetS. The primary areas of study were largely focused on nutrients and food items/food groups. Thus, to overcome the paucity of information on the relationship of dietary patterns and dietary indexes with obesity and MetS, there is a need for further research using the KNHANES and KoGES data sets.
성명학은 ‘성씨와 이름관련 종합학문’으로 아주 넓게도 보나, ‘운명과 연관 된 작명학’으로 아주 좁게도 보면서 점술로 취급되기도 한다. 그러나 1990년 대부터 선행연구가 증가하면서 학술적 요건을 갖추어 가고 있으므로 이를 중 심으로 성명학의 학문적 정체성을 검토했다. 성명학 관련 연구는 10,321건으로 상당히 많지만, 최협의성명학의 학술과 학 위논문은 82건으로 많지 않다. 명칭은 성명학이지만 ‘운명연관 해명이 포함된 작명학’으로 범위를 좁히고 있기 때문에 학문적 영역이 상당히 좁고, 학술연구 분야분류에도 없는 무적 학문이다. 가르치는 교수나 대학(원)도 거의 없이 석사 와 박사만 배출되고 있어서 성명학의 향후 발전을 기대하기 힘들다. 이 같은 상황에서 논하기도 쉽지 않지만, 성명학 발전을 위한 학문적 정체 성 정립은 필수적이다. 이에 분석한 내용을 중심으로 제언하면, 첫째 성명학 은 운명론을 벗어나야 한다. 둘째 성명학의 범위 확대로 학문적 영역이 확보 되어야 한다. 셋째, 성명학의 학술연구분야분류가 필요하다. 넷째, 성명학 전 문가를 양성하는 대학(원) 교육이 시급하다.
As the era of Covid-19 provoked the demand for online learning environments, research on the use of IT technologies in the teaching of Chinese is also drawing attention. This paper presents an overview of studies on mobile applications for learning Chinese in Korea, China, and the U.S.. This study aims to identify the current status of research on mobile applications for learning Chinese in Korea, and suggests directions for further research. In the review, a total of 135 studies were closely examined based on the year of publication, the subject, the method, and the research topic. After this, the features and overall flow of research in each country was identified. The necessity of revitalizing related research in Korea was highlighted. To this end, this study recommends actively conducting research, specifying the characteristics of the research subject, and extending the general process in studies of mobile applications for learning Chinese. This study expects Chinese education research on using various technologies to be further discussed.