This study presents the primary outcomes of the neurological and emotional responses to inhalation and foot baths using the clary sage aroma. Clary sage inhalation produced varying effects on EEG (electroencephalography) depending on the concentration used, inactivating and waves while activating waves, γ waves, RSMR, SEF50 and SEF90. Inhalation is more effective at enhancing individual performance and focus than promoting relaxation. The clary sage foot bath activated waves and RSMR, while inactivating waves, γ waves, SEF50, and SEF90. The foot bath approach has a calming impact on the mind and body, as well as reducing arousal and stress. While the advantages of clary sage inhalation and foot bath therapy are distinct, both involve the activation of RSMR, which enhances focus at work and aids in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. Although the emotional features of clary sage oil vary according to the dose used for inhalation, it was typically assessed as a feminine and refreshing aroma, and the clary sage foot bath was evaluated as a pleasant, invigorating, refreshing, feminine, soft, and calming fragrance. When clary sage was used in the foot bath therapy, it evoked a stronger emotional response than when it was inhaled. These findings suggest that a clary sage foot bath can be used to enhance work-related focus while also relaxing the body by activating waves and inactivating SEF50 and SEF90.
The overall process, from the pre-treatment of aluminum substrates to the eco-friendly neutral electroless Ni-P plating process, was observed, compared, and analysed. To remove the surface oxide layer on the aluminum substrate and aid Ni-P plating, a zincation process was carried out. After the second zincation treatment, it was confirmed that a mostly uniform Zn layer was formed and the surface oxide of aluminum was also removed. The Ni-P electroless plating films were formed on the secondary zincated aluminum substrate using electroless plating solutions of pH 4.5 and neutral pH 7.0, respectively, while changing the plating bath temperature. When a neutral pH7.0 electroless solution was used, the Ni-P plating layer was uniformly formed even at the plating bath temperature of 50 oC, and the plating speed was remarkably increased as the bath temperature was increased. On the other hand, when a pH 4.5 Ni-P electroless solution was used, a Ni-P plating film was not formed at a plating bath temperature of 50 oC, and the plating speed was very slow compared to pH 7.0, although plating speed increased with increasing bath temperature. In the P contents, the P concentration of the neutral pH 7.0 Ni-P electroless plating layer was reduced by ~ 42.3 % compared to pH 4.5. Structurally, all of the Ni-P electroless plating layers formed in the pH 4.5 solution and the neutral (pH 7.0) solution had an amorphous crystal structure, as a Ni-P compound, regardless of the plating bath temperature.
“‘착한 여자’라는 이름의 억압, ‘나쁜 여자’라는 이름의 해방”이라는 구호 아래서, 현대 페미니스트들은 용감하게 자신들이 나쁜 여자라 불리기를 주저하지 않았다. 이들의 이와 같은 노력으로 나쁜 여자의 의미는 이전의 전통적인 의미를 벗어나 남성 지배적인 사회에서 여성의 권리와 지위를 찾기 위해 투쟁하는 여성이라는 긍정적인 의미를 지니게 되었다. 이런 경향은 성서에 등장하는 여성 연구를 포함하여 인문학에서 나쁜 여자라 평가받았던 여성들에 대한 재평가가 이루어졌다. 본 논문은 「요한복음」 4장 1절에서 42절 사이에 등장하는 사마리아 여자와 초서의 『캔터베리 이야기』에 등장하는 바스의 여장부를 나쁜 여자를 재평가하려는 현대 페미니스트적 시각으로 분석해보고자 한다. 두 여자는 모두 다섯 번 결혼한 여성으로 기독교가 지배하는 남성 중심 시대상으로 볼 때는 분 명히 나쁜 여자였다. 하지만 현대 페미니스트적 시각으로 볼 때 이들은 도리어 여성이라는 자신의 한계를 극복하고 당당하게 자신이 생각하고 배웠던 바를 이야기하고 투쟁했던 여성들로 재조명된다.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the adequacy of production capacity of the assembly process system of mobile bath vehicle’s top box panel and process design through a simulation analysis. Towards this end, the layout of the facility designed with pre-verification job using a simulation modeling and an experiment, and facility, logistics process, and personnel input method were made into a simulation model, and the design system’s adequacy was evaluated through an experiment. To produce 120 mobile bath vehicles annually, it was analyzed that 14 general workers and seven skilled workers were adequate through the experiment. It was also identified that three painting process lines carried out through outsourcing were adequate. Production lead time was 201.7 hours on average and it was 230 hours maximum. To meet customer delivery service level of 95% within the deadline when establishing a customer order and vehicle delivery plan, it was analyzed that more than 215 hours of lead time is needed minimum. If the process cycle time is reduced to 85% upon system stabilization and skillfulness improvement, it was analyzed that annual output of 147 vehicles can be achieved without additional production line expansion.
ZnO thin films are of considerable interest because they can be customized by various coating technologies to have high electrical conductivity and high visible light transmittance. Therefore, ZnO thin films can be applied to various optoelectronic device applications such as transparent conducting thin films, solar cells and displays. In this study, ZnO rod and thin films are fabricated using aqueous chemical bath deposition (CBD), which is a low-cost method at low temperatures, and environmentally friendly. To investigate the structural, electrical and optical properties of ZnO for the presence of citrate ion, which can significantly affect crystal form of ZnO, various amounts of the citrate ion are added to the aqueous CBD ZnO reaction bath. As a result, ZnO crystals show a nanorod form without citrate, but a continuous thin film when citrate is above a certain concentration. In addition, as the citrate concentration increases, the electrical conductivity of the ZnO thin films increases, and is almost unchanged above a certain citrate concentration. Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cell substrates are used to evaluate whether aqueous CBD ZnO thin films can be applicable to real devices. The performance of aqueous CBD ZnO thin films shows performance similar to that of a sputter-deposited ZnO:Al thin film as top transparent electrodes of CIGS solar cells.
목적 : 본 연구는 뇌졸중 환자의 편의성과 안전성을 고려하여 목욕 활동의 효율성을 증진 시킬 수 있는 목욕의자 개발과 이의 효과성 검증에 목적을 두었다.
연구방법 : 대상자는 광역시 소재 재활병원에 입원 중인 뇌졸중 환자 20명을 대상으로 하였다. 연구도구로서 전문가집단을 대상으로 델파이 조사와 뇌졸중환자의 개선사항에 대한 의견수렴을 거쳐 개발한 목욕의자 프로 토타입을 사용하였다. 평가도구는 Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), 설문(사용성 평가, 개방형설문), Korean version of Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction Assistive Technology (K-QUEST 2.0)를 활용하였다. 통계분석으로 목욕의자 프로토타입 사용 전·후에 대해 t-test 분석을 실시하였다.
결과 : 목욕의자 프로토타입 사용 전·후 평과결과, 목욕용품사용과 샤워기사용 자세에 대한 REBA의 조 치수준이 ‘높음’에서 각각 ‘보통’과 ‘낮음’으로 낮아졌으며, 사용성 평가항목인 편리성은 ‘적절’, 그 외 7개 항목에서는 ‘보통’, 사용 후 만족도는 효과성에서 ‘만족’, 그 외 7개 항목에서는 ‘보통’이라는 의견을 제시 하였다.
결론 : 본 연구에서 개발한 목욕의자가 뇌졸중 환자의 목욕활동에 대한 편의성과 안전성을 높이는데 효과 적일뿐만 아니라 신체적 부담도 줄일 수 있는 보조기로서 역할을 기대한다.
To analyze the synergistic effects of applying lavender aroma to a footbath, we analyzed the EEG and emotional responses of footbath, lavender inhalation, and lavender footbath in women in their 30s. Foot baths reduced wave activation, wave and wave inactivation, and SEF50 and SEF90. The foot bath activated waves by about 66% compared to the background EEG, and reduced SEF50 and SEF90 by 0.43 Hz-0.68 Hz and 3.7 Hz, respectively. Lavender inhalation activated α, β, and γ waves at a concentration of 1% or more, and inactivated θ waves. As the concentration of lavender inhalation increased, α waves increased and β and γ waves decreased. Lavender foot bath activates θ waves and α waves, and inactivates β waves and γ waves. Compared with the background EEG, the lavender foot baths reduced SEF50 and SEF90, which are the median frequencies of EEG power, 0.5 Hz and 3.4 Hz, respectively. Lavender showed a positive emotional response when applied to inhalation and foot bath. Lavender showed a positive emotional response when applied to inhalation and foot bath. When the lavender was inhaled at the concentration of 1~10% and the lavender foot bath was applied, the average preference index (API) showed 0.64~0.66 and 3.6 ± 0.6, respectively. Lavender oil has a greater synergistic effect on emotional reactions when applied to an aromatherapy bath than by inhalation. Lavender decreased SEF50 and SEF90 as the API increased. A lavender footbath was superior to lavender inhalation in both emotional and EEG responses, and was more relaxed and calming than a footbath. These results suggest that the aroma foot bath method, in which lavender is applied to a footbath, is more effective in terms of providing relaxation and calming than a footbath or lavender inhalation aromatherapy.
뛰어난 물성을 가진 poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)는 정밀여과 (MF)와 한 외여과 (UF) 분리막의 소재로써 많이 연구되고 있다. 기공의 크기를 조절하는 것은 분리막을 제조하는데 있어 중요한 요소이다. 본 연구에서는 매우 간단한 방법으로 분리막의 기공 크기를 조절하는 새로운 방법을 제시하고자 한다. PVDF 한외여과 분리막의 기공 크기는 유리판 위에 150 ㎛의 두께로 주조된 PVDF 도프 용액이 응고조 (증류수)속으로 들어가는 속도를 통해 조절되었다. 이 때 PVDF 한외여과 분리막의 기공 크기는 응고조에 들어가는 PVDF 도프 용액의 속도가 감소될수록 증가하는 경향을 보였다.
This study was performed as the preliminary research to calculate the concentration of radon exposure and the annual effective dose in public hot spring bath-house. The research found that public bathhouses are the primary cause of the indoor air radon concentration inside a hot spring bathhouse. The indoor radon concentration inside a bathhouse differs significantly by region and among bathhouses in the same region, indicating that the indoor air radon concentration is affected by many factors. The annual effective indoor radon dose by exposure is estimated to range from 1.2×10−2mSv/y to 2.5×10−2mSv/y. Since this research is considered as preliminary research, further and additional relevant research to more reliably calculate the result are necessary, including accumulative research for indoor radon concentrations, and research for exposure coefficients such as the behavior patterns of public bathhouse users, etc.
Salt bath heat treatment is usually used but recently vacuum heat treatment is increased for the heat treatment of hot work die steels. The differences in two heat treatment processes were compared by testing the mechanical properties of heat treated products. With two different features of processes, mechanical properties such as hardness, tensile strength and impact strength of products show very different results. “In this study, salt bath heat treated products” showed higher tensile strength and impact strength than vacuum heat treated products but hardness was not much different. These lower mechanical properties of vacuum heat treated products are due to differences in heating and quenching process
ZnO nanorods were successfully fabricated on Zn foil by chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. The ZnO precursor concentration and immersion time affected the surface morphologies, structure, and electrical properties of the ZnO nanorods. As the precursor concentration increased, the diameter of the ZnO nanorods increased from ca. 50 nm to ca. 150 nm. The thicknesses of the ZnO nanorods were from ca. 1.98μm to ca. 2.08μm. ZnO crystalline phases of (100), (002), and (101) planes of hexagonal wurtzite structure were confirmed by XRD measurement. The fabricated ZnO nanorods showed a photoluminescene property at 380 nm. Especially, the ZnO nanorods deposited for 6 h in solution with a concentration of 0.005M showed a stronger (101) peak than they did (100) or (002) peaks. In addition, these ZnO nanorods showed a good electrical property, with the lowest resistance among the four samples, because the nanorods were densely in contact and relatively without pores. Therefore, a ZnO nanorod substrate is useful as a highly sensitive biochip substrate to detect biomolecules using an electrochemical method.
Synthesis of RGO (reduced graphene oxide)-CdS composite material was performed through CBD (chemical bath deposition) method in which graphene oxide served as the support and Cadmium Sulfate Hydrate as the starting material. Graphene-based semiconductor photocatalysts have attracted extensive attention due to their usefulness for environmental and energy applications. The band gap (2.4 eV) of CdS corresponds well with the spectrum of sunlight because the crystalline phase, size, morphology, specic surface area and defects, etc., of CdS can affect its photocatalytic activity. The specific surface structure (morphology) of the photocatalyst can be effective for the suppression of recombination between photogenerated electrons and holes. Graphene (GN) has unique properties such as a high value of Young's modulus, large theoretical specific surface area, excellent thermal conductivity, high mobility of charge carriers, and good optical transmittance. These excellent properties make GN an ideal building block in nanocomposites. It can act as an excellent electron-acceptor/transport material. Therefore, the morphology, structural characterization and crystal structure were observed using various analytical tools, such as X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. From this analysis, it is shown that CdS particles were well dispersed uniformly in the RGO sheet. Furthermore, the photocatalytic property of the resulting RGO-CdS composite is also discussed in relation to environmental applications such as the photocatalytic degradation of pollutants. It was found that the prepared RGO-CdS nanocomposites exhibited enhanced photocatalytic activity as compared with that of CdS nanoparticles. Therefore, better efficiency of photodegradation was found for water purification applications using RGO-CdS composite.
A new model and resultant equation for the coagulation of acrylonitrile monomers in precipitation polymerization are suggested in consideration of the surface tension (γ) and cohesive energy density (ECED). The equation was proven to be quite favorable by considering figure fittings from known surface tensions and cohesive energy densities of certain organic solvents. The relationship between scale value of surface tension (γ/M) and cohesive energy density of monomers can be obtained by changing the coagulation bath component for effective precipitation polymerization of acrylonitrile in wet spinning.
본 연구에서는 응고조와 도프조성에 따른 투과특성을 알아보기 위해 첨가제로 PEG, PVP를 사용하였고, 상전이법을 이용하여 PSf 평막을 제조하였다. 고분자의 농도, 첨가제의 농도 그리고 응고조의 조성을 달리하여 제막하였다. 평막의 모폴로지와 수투과도를 각각 FE-SEM과 수투과 테스트 장치를 이용하여 측정하였다. 가장 높은 수투과도(986 L/mh)는 PSf 15 wt%, PEG 25 wt% 그리고 응고조로 물이 사용되었을 경우 나타났다. PSf/PEG조성일때 응고조에 DMAc의 함량이 증가할수록 순수투과도는 급격히 감소하였다. 그러한 결과 첨가제의 함량과 응고조의 조성의 변화가 모폴로지와 수투과 특성에 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다.
황산구리 전해욕에 분산제인 콜리이달 실리카(SiO2현탁액)를 첨가시키는 분산도금의 방법을 이용하여 음극에 석출하는 전해 석출물의 결정구조, 표면형상, 결정방향 등의 변화를 검토하였고 내식성, 물리적 특성 또한 조사하였다. 콜로이달 실리카를 분산시킨 구리 전해욕의 석출피막의 특성에 대해서 조사한 결과, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 전해 석출피막의 결정입자가 미세화 되고, 균일하게 성장됨은 물론, 결정 수가 증가하였으며, 콜로이달 실리카의 분산 효과에 의해서 전해 석출피막의 경도가 대략 16%까지 상승하였다. 또한 콜로이달 실리카를 분산시킨 극리 전착층의 X-선 회절패턴이 (111)면, (200)면과 (311)면이 거의 소멸되어 우선 방위가 (111)에서 (110)면으로 변화되었다. 부식전위의 측면에서도 콜로이달 실리카의 흡착 효과에 의해서 구리 전착층의 전위가 귀하게 이동하는 효과를 얻을 수 있었다.
알루미늄 전착공정중 도료정제장치에서 발생하는 도료계 폐수(CODMn 1,500~2,000 ppm)를 역삼투압을 이용하여 농축수는 전착조로 보내 재사용하고 반면 투과수는 세정수로 사용할 목적으로 시스템을 설계하여 현장 설치하였다. 역삼투압시스템은 폴리아미드 재질의 나권형 모듈(직경 102 mmtimes 길이 1,016 mm)3개를 직렬로 연결하고 시스템회복율 30%, 운전압력 11.5 kg/cm2, 그리고 실온에서 3일 주기로 발생하는 폐수량 20 m3을 회분식조업으로 처리하였다. 원폐수를 42시간 연속가동하여 5배까지 농축하는 실험기간중 거의 일정한 투과 flux 390 l/m2-hr을 유지하였고 그 투과수질이 CODMn 300 ppm으로 나타났다. 이는 도료정제장치의 잔존 도료성분을 회수하기 위해 사용되는 순수대신 세정수로 사용하기에 적합하였다. 그리고, CODMn 제거율은 83pm5%이었으며, 각 용제성 분별 제거율은 feed 농도의 증가에 따라 감소하였는데 5배 농축시 ethyl cellusolve, butyl cellusolve 그리고 n-butanol은 각각 79, 87 그리고 70%로 나타났다.
The purposes of this study were to measure skin temperature and blood flow on the contralateral upper extremity when heat is applied to one upper extremity, were to compare the effect of contrast bath. The subjects were 38 healthy adults with no history of peripheral vascular disease. The subjects of contrast bath were 18 persons and the subjects of warm bath were 20 persons. The subjects of one group were seated with their right arm in water() up to the mid-forearm. The subjects of the other group were seated with their right arm up to the mid-forearm in water which was changed from warm to cold using the contrast bath technique. The continually changing temperatures and blood flow were measured by an independent observer at intervals of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes respectively after the start of the procedure. The results were as follows. The temperature of the warm bath group rose 4.28% over the pre-experimental temperatures and the temperature of the contrast bath group rose 3.41%. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. The blood flow of the warm bath group rose 8.31% over the pre-experimental blood flow and the blood flow of the contrast bath group rose 17.24%. There was a statistically significant between the two groups 20 minutes after the start of the procedure. Thus the contrast bath is a more effective method than the warm bath to increase blood flow.